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The Difference Between Fritz, Kuhn and Earl Browder How Gandhi Fought the Last War lines.
and black the in 1930 By JOHNSON AN EDITORIAL By SHERMAN STANLEY (Continued from Page 1)
It is Instructive to contrast the The Negro in Steel iticians are beginning to holler When American Legionnaires and other hoodlums attacked The Communist party is in no sense of the word. records and activities of Mohanpublic forum of the Communist Party in Detroit, last Fri a bona fide part of the labor movement of whatever tenWe must get some general conception of the role the Negro for night sticks and riot squads.
das Gandhi, leader of the 5, 000, 000 strong Indian Nationalworker has played and plays in industry in this country. We have over the air goes the voice of day night, they did so with the assurance that it was in line dency. It is a force outside of and hostile to the labor ist Congress, in the last war and their part. But we must see below the surface of things and recog. mouthpiece of the auto barons in with the Roosevelt government policy. For that was the movement, its organizations, aims and aspirations. It is the present war.
nize that the color question is not decisive. It is not the factor which Washington: Enforce the law by meaning of the Federal government indictment of the head on the same plane with the German American Bund of Gandhi, just returned from Fritz Kuhn, which is notoriously an agency of the Ger South Africa where he had first nize for struggle and plan our campaigns. We have not only to work go through the Chryster of the Communist Party on a patently Aimsy technicality.
The government was putting the Communist Party outside man Nazi regime and the Gestapo. Workers Age. Nov.
developed his theories and methods of non violent, passive resist4. basis of all our thinking.
Quite recently an able study has appeared. In the meantime, the corpora the pale, and reactionaries everywhere are taking the hint.
ance, rapidly asserted himself as on the Negro worker. It is called Black Workers and the New tion is going ahead full blast or: The assault on the meeting was, of course, facilitated by Quite illogically, in another article on the same page, the the leading figure of India nawe recommend a thorough study of the book to all workers, white strikebreaking at the first favor. justification of the Hitler Stalin alliance has branded it among ment of Browder, correctly pointing out that it is directly had been a small pro British or uge alt heavily in these articles on the Negro role in industry, and mobs to be used for purposes of the growing isolation of the Communist Party. Its brazen Workers Age goes on to register a protest against the indict tionalist cause.
The Congress, which previously able opportunity. big meeting workers as a tool of the Hitler Stalin war camp. Tens of linked with Roosevelt foreign policy, and that in the pro ganization of wealthy Indian brea Fürst the Netherland comes when the liste white capitalist wants to the olympia stadium. The papera thousands of workers, formerly friendly to it, feel nothing but cess of persecuting the Stalinists. vital democratic rights and becauses and civil service bu break the neck of white workers, he sends for Negroes, most often hallywoo Cine meeting upon the hatred for this agency of Cain Stalin. How else explain the liberties are bound to be sacrificed. Quite illogically we say, reaucrats. began to grow rapidly breeke houten kan de winkel them against the workers of his own color: smitwitants big ainst the numita attack of the hoodlums these creatures are scarcely daring because the Workers Age does not dream of protesting the mose organization of the Indian 10. 00 horas, Sharm theile capitalists, the race question was certainly Automobile Workers and against unprecedented, certainly, since Detroit became a stronghold prosecution of Fritz Kuhn although it puts him on the same middle class communism. On the same pro of the labor movement.
not the main question SUMMARY OF HIS plane with Browder.
gram are Pat McCartney and William Nowell, posing as labor Part of Roosevelt War Drive We don give a damn what the government does to Kuhn, 1914 1918 RECORD Negroes Enter Industry leaders but spilling the familiar This sending for Negroes to help break the struggles We have previously condemned the increasingly generalized except to point out its significance as an index to Roosevelt When the war began, Gandhi, general union busting line that always times the migration of over a million negroes to the North. Thus para descanunder andere partenere attack by the government on the Communist Party, and the commitment to the Chamberlain Daladier war camp. For the Ligh cauthorition with deading Brite in the Allegheny district of Pennayivania in 1910, there were 100 Americanism and patriotism. latest incident serves to underline the importance of this prob quarrel between Roosevelt and Kuhn is one between two im unqualified and unhesitating up Negro steel workers, in 1915 there were 2, 500, in 1916 there were Martin Goons with Smith 8, 325, In 1928, there were 16, 000.
As an oficial of the Carnegie Steel Company al des an inter having been a member of the America entry into the war. The Stalinists are being at any Nazis found in the labor movement should be thrown out Nowelbepiled him geute about part of the government drive to crush all real opposition to cause Kuhn is an avowed enemy of the labor movement and justice. was a war for right and And what of India. Why should she support the war. As far as am concerned believe that the Negro has been a ho had taken Ananced by the tacked, first and most prominently, precisely because the comforthwith.
Gandhi accepted completely cerlifesaver to the steel company. When we have had labor disputes or stalinist party. He forgot to teu munist Party today meets with so little sympathy in the labor Against Patriotic Logic tain vague promises (which were when we needed more men for expansion we have gone to the South that he had joined the Lovestone movement. But this attack is paving the way for attacks But to lump Kuhn and Browder into the same category is Viceroy. Nothing concrete was never kept) made by the British would have done without Negroes. Black Workers and New might be added that the only ser against all anti war militants and against all labor militants vice McCartney after saw in the who will resist the regimentation of labor by the war machine. a dangerous error. It can only be done by one kind of logic: given. Gandhi hecame rate open On the whole, between 1890 and 1980, the number of Negroes in service of labor was squeeling on Browder and his mates are of course reaping what they the democratic war camp are all on the same plane. That is money, troops, etc. He urged Hinthe logic of democratic patriotism, whereby the enemies of recruiting agent for the British the iron, steel, machinery and vehicle industries, increased from les militant workers before them on have sown. The Stalinists, up to the Stalin Hitler pact, were precisely the logic by which the war mongering New Leader, du and Moslem alike to join the than 25, 000 to 250, 000.
The Dirty Work for the Negro el are organizers for Homer Mar preparations. They covered up every attack that the govern organ of the Social Democratic Federation, supports the per British armies.
secution of Browder.
What was the result? India What sort of jobs did Negroes get in the industry? Naturally tin AFL union.
nothing but the unskilled, the lowest pald, the most unpleasant jobs. Homer Martin has just an ment made against labor. They tried to create a lynch spirit The Socialist party and the Lovestoneites, in their identifisent more men into action than Between 1910 and 1930 the Negro made little progress in getting nounced an organizing drive in against all anti war elements. Their present attempt pose as and steel rolling mills. In 1910 there were between 45 Negroes out of men her wih organize will be scabs with this difference: they are now whooping it up for the war in so many important issues today: they are yielding to the lipukht en France, Cabina, the Galthe better kind of job. Take for instance the work in blast furnaces mten Chryster plants. The only anti wár martyrs is poppycock. They remain war mongers, cation of Kuhn and Browder, have done what they are doing bined close to 2, 000, 000. They pressure of the democratic imperialist war camp. Militant lipoll peninsula, Arabia, etc. Hunwere 85. Thus the number Negroes almost doubled. But it was Who is financing Gerald Smith camp to which Roosevelt is opposed.
labor can follow the Socialist party and the Lovestoneites in larly in the Dardanelles. chiefly laborer jobs that the Negroes got. In 1910 out of every 1000 who has suddenly appeared on laborers, 69 were Negroes. In 1930, there were 165 Negroes out of the scene with unlimited re Only Labor Can Cleanse Labor this false course only at the peril of surrendering entirely to stream of wealth poured from Inthe last few dia Into the British war chest.
every 1000. But whereas in 1910 there were 29 Negroes out of every sources? For very skilled workers, in 1930 there were only 40. Thus 96 more la months Smiths has been the desing the labor movement and the real anti war fighters that we call It is not for the sake of the Stalinists, but for the sake of the war mongers and the war dictatorship.
Earl Browder is part of the labor movement in exactly the try to satisfy the needs of the The British plundered the counhopeine we have been rep our eye on. As for office Jobs there were try. The hotel keepers are trying upon the working class to condemn and oppose the legal and same sense as Louis Waldman, leader of the war mongering war.
India mobilized huge Negroes out of every 1000 in 1910, and only one out of every 1000 to collect big unpaid bills.
Why the sudden interest of fas illegal pogroms launched against the Stalinists.
social democrats. The Communist party and the Social Demo British. and obtained a baoWe are for cleansing the labor movement of the poison of cratic Federation are on an equal plane. One is the agent of lutely nothing.
All the nasty jobs are for the Negroes. But here again we must cist Father Coughlin in the Chryhave some historical perspective. All the white groups, American sier lockout? Yesterday the fas Stalinism but that labor own job, which cannot be farmed! the Hitler Stalin war camp, the other is the agent of the GANDHI RECORD TODAY The American born usually take all the best jobs for themselves and union with Poration and the matter, to John Lewis and William Green. Only the con from the influence of both these agents of the war makers. born whites. nounce the vehemence. When the Second imperialist the bosses encourage them. For the boss loves, how he loves to see dirty discredited name what of scious, democratic action of the rank and file of labor can put Nevertheless, so long as they are part of the labor movement, World War opened up, Gandhi it? Its another voice in the back an end to Stalinism.
the workers divided. so long as their members play a role in the trade unions and expressed his immediate willingto work campaign.
Discrimination Among Foreign Born It is necessary to emphasize sharply this fact, because there secure the adherence of workers, both in the unions and to over again. He alone of the ConGangs Invade Meeting But that is not all. Even the foreigners discriminate. Sixty or is a dangerous tendency in certain sections of the labor move their own organizations, our quarrel with them is a quarrel greas Executive Committee wantThe gangs of reaction are be ment to refuse to condemn the persecution of the Communist within the labor movement. In settling that quarrel we want to the British. He didn even seventy years ago Irish did all the dirty work. After a generation they moved up in the scale and the Poles, Czechs and other central ing given free play in this city to Europeans did most of the dirty work in their turn. The Negroes beat and terrorize all militant Party. For example, the Socialist Party organ declares editor no help from anybody outside the labor movement. Govern for any promises as he had in ment repressions against the Communist party and the Social 1914! He was prepared to betray came last into the industry and so quite naturally Poles, Czechs, and workers and create a more favor ially. It (the Socialist Party) does not believe that the these latest immigrants did to Negroes what the Irish had done to able atmosphere for strikebreakDemocratic Federation are repressions by the capitalist class the nationalist cause even more present legal difficulties of Browder and his men are civil them. The bosses naturally encouraged this. The class conscious ing. This gang made its appear.
against a section of the labor movement, and we defend all workers tried to break it down. Only whereas the American born, when an mot of 5, 000 hooligans liberties or labor issues. Not any more than the legal dif sections of the labor movement against the capitalist class.
But not the millions of workIrish, and Central European workers were all white, they could get led by Pat McCartney set upon ers and peasants. If Gandhi had together more quickly as workers than they could get together with workers attending the Commuficulties of Fritz Kuhn, Father Coughlin, and other for Our position is the only class position on this question. The proceeded in his first intentions Negroes.
nist Party meeting here.
eign or native fascists. The Call, Nov. 11. factional position of the Social Democratic Federation, the when the war began, he would All of the preliminary steps of And the organ of the Independent Labor League (Love Socialist party and the Lovestoneites, plays into the hands of rooted like a sapling in a thun Was the Negro an Inferior Worker?
the class enemy.
derstorm. He would have lost his Was the Negro an inferior worker? The bosses at one time used the Mohawk Valley Formula in stone) says: entire following and influence.
For India refused to support dymore, they changed their tune. Take this interview with a Buffalo organizing vigilante gangs have But that the police intended to ing British imperialism under any superintendent of a steel plant: breaking moves come next Tiket Hoodlums Raid keep its hands of the hoodlums CURRAN BACKS We found most them good workmen. There are some conditions. That is the will of here the corporation will find it while they went about their ANNOUNCEMENT who are poor, but in general they are good men. don see any is overplaying its hand.
Stalinist Meeting the people.
beatings of workers is evidenced difference between the races.
Despite the weak publicity of by the fact that when the meetThis is the explanation for the Or this statement by the assistant superintendent of a steel the union and the failure to issue (Continued from Page 1)
FINK SCHOOLS ing started only twelve patrolDOUBLE ROOM WANTED for militant stand taken today by plant in Cleveland any daily strike bulletin to coun Meanwhile, two blocks from men were outside the hall. Altwo people. Must be furnished. Gandhi. He reflects the ferment, Some of the very best workers we had were Negroes teract the propaganda of the cap where the CP meeting was tak though the number later in(Continued from Page 1) Address all letters to Stan the action, the determination of will say that the colored are on a par with the white.
Take this from Superintendent of Safety and Welfare in of the workers will boil over at hoodlums had gathered at the just in time to be too late ley. care of Soclalist Appeal, India masses. His latest demand italist press, the fighting spirit ing place, more than a thousand creased to eighty, they arrived mained absolutely silent, thus 116 University Place, NYC. for immediate independence Homestead, Pa: the first overt strikebreaking Church of the Rev. Frank Nor Even the Detroit News, report tion in print.
leadership fears to put its post LOCAL PHILADELPHIA (without going through stages. The Negroes that we brought up are superior to the whites move. More than 500 pickets ap ris. Norris aided the Legioning is expresses the desire of every Inthe affair, commented pear at the gates of the Dodge hoodlums in preparing their at There were cries of Lynch the rank and file of the NMU, that we brought in. We got one group of whites from Kentucky pleased to announce the open dian worker and pensant. The No referendum, no consent of Hills district. They were just the poor white trash and were no plant daily. The picket line has tack. Two years ago, at the time them, and for a time more than was ever received for this fink ing of a new headquarters, at Congress slogan of a freely electgood at all. We also got a shipment of whites from around Bufbeen restricted to this number of the Black Legion investiga 80 policemen under District In plan. referendum vote of the 1836 Weat Poplar Street. Thereed Constituent Assembly for Infalo but they were just riff raff. The Negroes are superior to because of the admonition of un tion here, Norris assisted in the spector Lochbller were unable to Pank and lite against the trainwill be a Housewarming Party dia is the burning revolutionary them as workmen and morally. Also believe they are better ion leaders instructing workers freeing of one of its vice com restrain the rioters.
there Saturday night, Novem slogan of the hour, rallying tens ber 18th, to which all comrades of millions to its banner. Gandhi, ing bases and for WPA Jobs for to stay away from the line so as manders, Harvey Robinson, and physhere did the white bosses learn this? They wouldn have said not to interfere with their receive made the latter an usher in his civil liberties of workers can be sweep the coast like a prairie and sympathizers are cordially desiring to stay at the head of It twenty years ago. Some of them deny the Negro capacity up to ing social insurance. The first church.
the masses so as to prevent the today. But on the whole they have been driven by economie neces: struggle will see the lines swell sity to accept the Negro in the industry and then to recognize that with invincible power Mounting a sound truck, the Government which has beachten ama thehe wake og evene BRONX ELECTLON VICTORY Paprangente a remom developing to Rev. Norris led the goons in approved the formation of vig Maritime Commission. Curran he can do the job as well as any other.
Workers Will Fight singing patriotic songs as they wante bands against labor orga combination behind the elghtwe dunnit. Guaranteed: One ary, is forced to swing into line.
But the workers were having a much longer time to recognize marched toward Finnish Hall.
hour of entertainment IncludEvery revolutionary worker the Negro. First it seemed to them that being white meant a better The workers will fight. The As the indoor meeting endea nizations. The increasing moves bem ing Singing. Dancing, Imita will give his full support to the towards clamping down on la Vigilant action and organiza tions and an expert Marxist freedom demand and endorse the magician. Absolutely no bubl. proposed Constituent Assembly.
were forced to recognize the ability of the Negro, they did not go Thursday night at special meet linately attacked by the Legion the government dos velt Maritime Commission can lax or general fund. Saturday. But he will have not the slightout of their way to help the workers, white and black, to overcome ing. At this meeting it was der mobaters as the handful of police for totalitarian war.
Nov. 25, at the newly renova est trust or confidence in Mahatthe prejudices. For them to do that would have been suhtide or cided to issue obtadhibenda espering under the direction of Inspector troit, with its hundreds of thou anti union blow.
De save the NMU from a smashing ted headquarters of the Lieb ma Gandhi or the conservative would have meant the unity of black and white workers, which, for city wide distribution explaining Lochbiler stood by silently.
knecht Unit of the ledners who surround him. Their sands of well organized auto1334 Wilkins Avenue, Freeman desire is not for a genuine revoworkers, has been the scene of and whites continued to be segregated in the lunch room. In another out. This Wednesday a huge mass Attack Jews and Negroes So ferocious was the assault such an attack, is ample proof of ST. LOUIS MEETING St. Station on the East Bronx lutionary struggle, but to remain line. Refreshment Specialty: at the head of the masses so as both white and black and they prohibited the blacks from using the support of the Chrysler workers that men and women accidental. the Roosevelt Administration ly passing the hall were beaten drive against the whole AmeriCan American Labor Old fashioned Apple Cider. to hold them within the bounds pool. In Gary, Indiana, the United States Steel Company took it will be held by the UAW CIO.
Win the War?
Don miss it! good time is of legality and pacifism.
upon itself to see that Negroes were kept out of all the municipal In a front page editorial in the by the goons. Those workers for can labor movement.
always assured at a Bronx soSpeaker: United Automobile Worker, the tunate enough to receive even cial!
parks except one.
What is the meaning of the WIDICK By this means the company aimed at keeping the Negroes and auto workers union gives corpora the pitiful protection offered by complete change in Gandhi atthe tion and their stooge press the the police were again fallen upon RELAX AND BE MERRY at the titude since the war began?
TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 21 whites in the plants divided. The superintendent and officials Lat the People game tournament and dance without the slightest healtation plant actually told the Negro workers that if they used a certain only answer they can understand: blocks from the hall once their OLIVE HALL this Saturday, Nov. 18th, at we can state that India today is park they would lose their jobs. Why? Every white worker and Ne: We Accept the Challenge. the police escorts had left.
The hoodlums, scores whom Vote on War!
3830A Olive Street the Downtown Labor Center, a seething cauldron, bursting gro worker should ask himself this question and think over it until headline reads. Solidarity win 51 East 7th Street, at with the revolutionary energy of he got the answer. Why were the bosses so anxious to prevent Defeat the Corporation Union were drunk, made Negroes and Jews the chief victims of their 8:30 the masses. It is the workers and Negro workers and their wives and children from using a park along Smashing Drive with white workers and their families? Was it because the bosses We know the corporation is attack. At least one Negro, HarTHEATER PARTY tendered by peasants of India who have alSoolakat Appeal loved the whites so much that they wanted to save them from Negro aeting tough. But we have an ry Williams, of the National Nethe Friends of the Russian Op ready given the first call to revolt that has humbled gro Congress and the 116 University Place contamination. But since when have bosses been so concerned about answer position Bulletin Chaver against the imperialist war. They New York City.
Nachman, by Singer, a are acting and forcing the anwhat happens to workers after they leave work? The reason is obvi mightier would be. dictators is in the hospital suffering sethan the Chrysler coupon clip vere skull fractures. would Uke to get better acquainted with your paper, ous. The boss wanted to keep them apart.
Jewish play based on the Rus dhists to act with them. The revAttack Premeditated the Socialist Appeal. Please send me sample copies for sian Revolution, with Joseph Olutionary upsurge of India has Naturally the white workers should have opposed this imme. pers.
That the attack was premeddiately, should have demanded that the Negroes be allowed to use. We have solidarity, and we Ben Ami, Celia Adler, and Lud just begun!
whatever park they wanted, should have insisted upon it. But the have a just cause. With that itated is confirmed by evidence wig Satz. At the National The It is carrying Gandhi along in Name in the hands of the State Office workers are not as quick as the bosses at secing these things. They combination, we can more than ater, 2nd Ave. at Houston St. spite of himself. Once it begins of the Communist Party. Besee them in time, however. In succeeding articles we shall see how match the Chrysler Corp. and on Tuesday evening. to feel its full strength and to Dec. 12. Tickets are available reach out for freedom and revoluthe white steel workers as a whole, recognizd the necessity of co all its mouthpieces. We will fore the meeting was held, inforat the National Office, 116 tionary power, it will lightly toss operating with their Negro brothers in industry. We shall have to bold our ranks. No matter what mation of an impending attack upon the hall was relayed by the University Pl. Get yours early aside Gandhl or anyone else who note particularly why they recognised it, and how this recognition the corporation may force on us, we will win.
local CP to the Detroit police.
for choice seats.
expressed itself.
stands in its way.
chance to get a job and a better paid job. Which was true, though biggest turnout thus far of local and workers fled from the ball, bor righ to meet and speak the war conspiracy of the RooseIt wasn the whole truth. And secondly, although the white bosses union officers was seen last men and women were indiscrim freely is the logical outcome of tion of militant struggle against P.
ACP the next few weeks.
Address ity