BourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismImperialist WarInvasionItalyLeninMarxismNazismRussian RevolutionSocial DemocracySocialismSovietStalinStalinismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorking ClassWorld War

SOCIALIST APPEAL NOVEMBER 17, 1939 Labor and In the The Last Time the Stalinists WORKERS FORUM Peddled That Radical Line, The Nazis Took Power.
Labor The Second Unions World War ÁRREAL ARMY to An Unusual Opportunity LONG LIVE TROTSKY, Poland is a poor country. Over SAID GERMAN WORKERS 90 of its population eked out a Dear comrade: living from primitive agriculThere is a typographical error ture. To make the story short, on the front page of the Novem the whole burden of building a ber 3rd issue of the Socialist Ap great military machine wa peal (Vol. III No. 84) which thrown on the shoulders of the could have political significance. agricultural and industrial proBy GEORGE CLARKE struggle against capitalism and, and defeat from the Social Dem In the story, The Flame of letariat, over whom there ruled a When a medicine man makes for socialism.
ocratic Party.
By Johnson Revolution still Burns in Gersemi. dictatorship of clergy, a pitch, as they say in the cir THE NEW LINE But still millions of workers many, which quotes Sept. 24 landed aristocracy and police.
By WIDICK cus vernacular, his one hope is IS OLD STUFF followed the Social Democratic report of the Berlin correspondent And at the end of this road.
The importance of labor unity VII that the crowd has changed from Party. Their party numbered a of the Paris Temps as to the un the domination of Poland by HitWhat most of the new follow million members. The trade underground revolutionary activity ler.
is emphasized every time any The failures of Russia, the degradation of Russia, are in the day before. After all, the kind of a meeting between CIO the last analysis due to the failure of the workers of the poor sucker who purchased a ers of the Communist Party do sons under their control almost current in the blacked out cities and AFL officials is reported in bottle of colored water to cure not know is that the current 5, 000, 000 The Polish army officers are They polled up to of Germany, the red bordered world to establish socialism. Had countries like France, diabetes or an Indian herb to wares of Stalinism were peddled 000. 000 votes in the elections. placard found by the Nazi police now imprisoned in Rumania.
en to those reports.
And when President Roose to collective ownership and planned economy, what they way to give the fakir a friendly Consolemnes America with fatal fish their own rule in Germany, Communist sections of Berlin is salists don want them freed, velt conference with John it was indispensable that the in quoted by the Socialist Appeal as for the Polish army officers, if The year 1929 marked a com Auence of these corrupt leaders reading: Down with Hitler and treacherous failure of the Anglowould have done in twenty years would not only have lifted reception, certainly he won bite consequences.
Lewis and William Green was anthe second time.
nounced it naturally was given the workers and the entire population of these countries But when the greatest mediplete gyration in the line of the over the labor movement be Stalin!
widest publicity. For this was a to undreamt of heights of social well being and equality. It cine man in the history of our ism, they announced, had enterStalinist International Capital broken very important meeting.
The slogan as reported by the French to fulfill their promises The 1ssue was at hand. Ger Paris Temps actually read: to Poland. The Anglo French Roosewould have prevented the emergence of such a hydra head times, the Stalinist leadership, ed its third period, and was man labor was menaced with Down with Hitier and stalin: are spreading false rumors about velt determination to particled monster as the Stalinist bureaucracy and its corrupt old stand for a second time, a workers were engaged in a vast nordes of Hitlerism. The workers Long Live Trotsky!
the imprisoned Polish officials, pate in the second world war to have organized a puppet spawn, the. lot of people either through 18 revolutionary upsurge.
As the readers of the Socialist stronger conviction, also emThe clamored for unity and for a Appeal will readily grasp, there Polish government in Paris.
kindred throughout the world.
phasizes that the continued rivalry and struggle between the laThose who have studied the true causes of the rise and off his wares as the real article. task of the Communist Parties struggle to the death against is more than a slight difference some eighty millions of Polish gold were transported before the And the commodity being ped was set forth as the conquest of this menace. The Social Demo in the two slogans power.
decline of Soviet Russia know that its history is an argu dled here is not some harmless cratic lenders had nothing to ofComradely, collapse and are in the hands of bor organizations disrupts the plans of the war machine. This the British and French governJOSEPH HANSEN ment not against, but for socialism, an indictment not of patent medicine, but a poisonous Germany, it was declared, was ter but the plous hope that Germents. Those imprisoned cannot has often been explained in prevdefend themselves, so the imperious columns the Socialist Ap collective ownership and planned economy but of the chaos policy that has delivered the at the very center of this revo many was not Italy and an workers into capitalist slavery lutionary struggle. An official armful of resolutions deptorpeal.
ialists and their reactionary.
of capitalism. It is capitalism that, using the cowardice and on every continent of this planet. resolution declared that of ex. ing. Communist leaders had CONTINUE PREVIOUS LINE and viewing with alarm. POLISH EX STALINISTS Since unofficial intervention selfishness of the Stalinist bureaucrats, has managed to ceptional importance to the fate clerical agents have an easy job of it.
by Roosevelt through Madame We are not addressing our of the revolution in Europe and the magnificent opportunity to Editor: Perkins brought no results, stave off victorious revolution and slowly drags the Soviet selves here to the officials and the whole world is the revolu force the bureaucrats of the la It is terribly sad to see the It is not my intention to debor unions and the Social Dem Polish. American workers, who tend the Polish army officers, but Roosevelt took the bull by the Union down into the blood and muck of world imperialism. Leaders of the communist party. tionary upsurge in Germany.
horns and sumomned Lewis and And that was a true enough ocrats to the wall with a con. followed Stalin American ag even they are not reactionary Green to a conference.
ly know what the polley was be statement. The netrueconomia crete program for united action ents untn the invasion of Poland, enough for the Anglo French.
Will Lewis Agree?
advanced countries, Soviet Russia is doomed. That is the tore this recent turn and before crisis that broke hoose in 1929 against the fascist gangs. The dee from Stalinism directly to certainly, when workers give key to the understanding of Soviet Russia, yesterday, to that change of line, but they hit Germany most of all. German course of this struggle on the capitalist reaction. Instead of help to the Polish government Proposals from the War De day, and tomorrow. No wonder that Lenin in the five years Communist International was un. economrom the depression Trend soon brought the whole labor bring about the international the cause of the labor movement partment to the Cho wastong the of his working life as ruler of the country publicly repeated der Lenin and Trotsky, when the sunk into the westene wat movement squarely before the revolution, which would bring yet that is just what the exwar time had been studied by the this profound truth little less than fifty times.
International was revolutionary. lions were unemployed. The mid issue of who was to rule in Ger: federated socialist republics in Stalinists are doing. The degenlabor chieftains. general pic Against War Means For Socialism These Stalinist officials are cyn dle class was discontented and many. It would have smashed Europe, among them the Social erate top agents of the Kremlin ical and corrupt. They are restive. Cabinets were made and as Goebbels later admitted could crying Revenge on Staln, sup Gebert, Kowalski, etc. so poisture of these proposals is given From all the above it follows that the struggle against bought off at so much weeks remade in quick order. The labor have been done without difficul port the Allies, no class struggle oned the minds of these workers by Robert Bendiner in the current war is the struggle against capitalism for the socialist soissue of The Nation.
and they know how to serve the organizations, the Social Demciety. The workers must fight against their own capitaliste boss. They try to alibi a defeat ocratic and the Communist par. But the Communist lenders Polish State, and after that we right from wrong, a bourgeois ty. In the Day preview now now, we want to build a strong that they cannot distinguish into a glorious victory: they seek ties, piled up huge votes running showing before an exclusive audience of trade union executives, at every turn in the factories, in the legislatures, against to make the foulest of treachery into six and seven millions each did nothing of the kind. Every. shall talk about class struggle. interest from the interests of the the WPA cuts, against the anti alien bills, against the armais look like heroic revolutionary ac for the workers parties. Each divide the workers, to pit com after the last World War. Marsh Working class. When listing the thing they did was designed to We heard these identical crimes of the Stalinists, this one held to look something like this ment budgets whether large or small, against Roosevelt with the pitchman, but we like the tion. It was rater here was munist workers against social al Pulsudskt talked like that, should not be forgotten.
First an emergency period will be foreign policy, against his ceaseless propaganda that Amer Ito talk to his audience. a revolutionary situation in Ger democratic workers. In no case Hungry for the independence of Dziengielewski Thousands laration of war, during which the ica must prepare for a war in defense of peace and deto unite communist and social their nation, the Polish masses revolutionary many. How did the Stalinist par democratic workers against the believed him.
of Dickinson City, Pa.
President will suspend the pro mocracy. Any concession to the capitalists on any front workers in theh Communist Party meet this situation?
visions of the Walsh Healy Act. means just so much more freedom for them in their relent sincerely believe the water WHAT STALIN DID TO They began with the insane which requires the maintenance of specific labor standards in the theory that social. democracy less drive to war. If war does come, the word will go forth Browder speech in Boston, the THE GERMAN WORKERS manufacture of products bought that we must have national unity against aggressor. Then Communist International has the fate of the German work. From that it followed that the was the twin brother of fascism.
by the federal government. Dur more than ever it will be necessary to continue resistance, made a genuine turn toward a ers was clearly in the hands of main enemy of the workers was ing this period, and subsequently, revolutionary policy. They be the Communist Party. No class not the fascists but the social the Employment Service, now re: legal and illegal.
lieve that now the Communists conscious worker expected any. democrats. They moved from the jurisdiction of pronounced The masses may be swept into the war. But those who will wage an uncompromising thing but compromise, betrayal Trotsky program of united the Labor placed under the supervision of Department and recognize the true nature of imperialist war, though they front counter. revolutionary Paul MeNutt, will become a may have to submit for a period, must never for a moment and expelled from the party any.
Bundle payments for the So Dawes writes that they will still one who advocated it.
cialist Appeal have been slow in be able to dispose of their order and furnish adequate supplies of of influencing the masses against the war. For history THE UNITED FRONT recent weeks with several of the of 100.
skilled labor to all war industries shows us that though the people, under the stimulus of ONLY FROM BELOW large cities. It is imperative that The Chicago organization is and to prevent its diversion into In the trade unions, the work the various agents and Party following up contacts for conarmed forces.
iright. propaganda. and mass hysteria, may enter a war. Offered Workers in ers were abandoned to the ten units proceed very quickly to tributions to the press.
the strain that it imposes upon them is such that revulsion der mercies of the bureaucrats. make substantial payments on The recently organized Ann War Dictatorship All of the militants were with their bundle accounts, or the So Arbor unit has placed an order Outrigift capitulation to these drawn into a pure revolution cialist Appeal will find itself in a for 20 copies regularly of the patotalitarian. and shocking al, ary trade union organization most difficult and acute situation. per.
for the slaughter, the suffering, the privation. In their recdominated by the Communist The Management has exercised The Columbus unit of the of the war Department would ognition of the real enemy at home, they forget the sup The Fall Term of the MARXIST SCHOOL, which begins on Party. The inevitable result was unusual teniency with several of is now making renewed efdependence, and expose Lewis posed enemy abroad. That is what we must work for. Monday, Nov. 20, offers the prospective student a splendid oppor the division of the labor move the delinquent accounts on these forts for the magazine and the and Green beyond all repair, The revolutionary fighter against imperialist war must tunity to get the Marxist viewpoint on a number of the important dominating the trade unions and is hereby given that, unless pay. sist in improving the precarious therefore the employed workers ments are forthcoming from position of the press.
the AFL and the crew headers remember that it was not the statesmen who brought the problems of the day.
Subscriptions were slow in reWe urge all students to register at once. Registration can be in the factories. Only the unem those delinquent accounts, their have accepted in principle the last war to a conclusion. It was the revolutionary workers made at the Labor Bookshop, 116 University Place, New York City, ployed followed the Communist bundles will be cut off. The units cent days, 16 new subscriptions need not be named here, since having reached the New York of ideas of the militarists. The blast of Russia who, by the Russian revolution of 1917, made between and p. or by writing to the same address in care of Party.
of the Navy Department against the first great break in the war. And the German workers, dollar per course. Some scholarships are avaliable for unemployed. tions against the Brown Shirts, of the situation.
On the streets and in the ac they have been advised by mail fice and renewals as follows: the CIO reflects its aggravation Reby their revolution against the Kaiser and his government, at the resistance it has thus far The following is the schedule of courses: the movement was divided as The Philadelphia organization New newal met from part of the top CIO brought the 1914 1918 war to an end. HOW CAPITALISM OPERATES TODAY with a knife. The social demo is now making special efforts for New York City. circle.
The Sham Fighters Against War Mondays, 7:15 8:40 New Haven cratic workers were called upon Socialist Appeal circulation and Is it a wonder that Lewis enII. SOCLALISM AND WAR to quit their organizations and to liquidate Its bills.
Minneapolis If the workers do not succeed in stopping Roosevelt from Monday, 8:50 10:15 tered the White House with trepThe Flint Branch, join a red united front from Dart, Los Angeles idation. And that he was very dragging us into the war, who will do it? Many so called Chicago THE DESTINY OF THE NEGRO below. Dimitrov now revives Agent, has moved nicely recently silent after the conference, in Cleveland Tuesdays, 7:15 8:40 this slogan. Naturally they did in circulating the paper, and now anti war groups and persons tell the masses it is they who. marked contrast to his bombastic Glen Ellyn, will. Test them all by their stand on the capitalist system. IV. ELEMENTS OF SOCIALISM utterances after the conference they would have eagerly enter employed again, expects to be Wellesley, Mass.
last Spring with Roosevelt and if they are not fighting to overthrow it, they belong to Tuesdays, 8:50 10:15 Rochester ORGANIZING LABOR ed a common front that respectable to increase the circulation.
ed their organizations, Evansville The Los Angeles organization capitalist society and are in the camp of the enemy. IsolaRoosevelt talked cold turkey to Wednesdays, 7:15 8:40 Houston Then, as if deliberately intend recently cut its bundle order, but the labor leaders at the confertionists like Senator Borah fill the public press. But it is VI. THE WAR DEAL IN ACTION ed to enhance the distrust and nevertheless improvement can be Ann Arbor ence last week. Last Spring he the finance capitalists like Morgan who decide, and when Wednesdays, 8:50 10:15 suspicion of social democratic registered, because both the cirtried to use a big stick but it they give the word and Roosevelt drags the people in, Pittsburg ALL CLASSES WILL BE HELD AT THE WORKERS CUL workers in Communist leader culation of the Socialist Appeal didn have much weight behind Borah will not call upon the workers to stop Roosevelt. TURAL CENTER, ROOM 201, 125 WEST 33rd St.
St. Paul ship, the Stalinist gang joined and The New International are with the fascists in 1931 in Prus now on a much sounder and surer basis.
period. Now Lewis and Green unHe and his kind will say, My country, right or wrong, sia in what came to be known as Total. 16 derstand, if they had any doubts, and support the war with the rest.
the infamous red referendum Minneapolis and St. Paul are In New York City, particularly the deadly seriousness of the Roosevelt demand for labor unity The labor leaders like Lewis and Green follow Roosevelt to oust the social democratic making another drive to obtain in the Bronx, the comrades are Prussian government.
behind his war program.
like the trained lap clogs that they are. In Germany, In While the Fascists grew in Istion of the press is a most im membership of the Bronx Branch realizing that building the circulation of the Socialist Appeal. The Clubbing was not necessary for Britain, in France, when the last war came these pampered, numbers and in boldness, the portant task at the present time. all entered very actively into the Green. He has indicated often well fed, capitalist aping lackeys called the workers to the Stalinists continued to play into enough that he is ready to serve their hands by their divisive tac peal sales recently have not been councilman and distributed and for as an agent of the war machine colors. And in 1939 as in 1914 they have shown once more the opening of the tics of Social fascism. The So so good, largely because, the com sold the at any time. But Lewis has been that as long as they can sit in the offices, draw their fat a bad actor, as his Labor Day salaries, visit the best hotels in the company of good in macht man for Council hamstring the struggle of the recent issues dealt with problems man is indicative of their efforts, speech indicated the wis pire more society, they have no quarrel with capitalism and will workers record of the CommunHis coolness and reluctance to support their imperialist masters in whatever way they are dent of being able to follow ists. And the record was rotten the Roosevelt program has been told to. Look for a moment at their record.
27 UNIVERSITY PLACE In the Reichstag, Remmele, the inists had prated so loudly about through on the election results obvious.
In 1918 1920 the capitalist system was rocking in EuNEW YORK, fraction Now comes the big test. Win made his notorious speech: We the skulls and bones of the press.
leader, Soon the fascists would ride over and obtain many readers for our Lewis try to outdo Green? Soek rope. The capitalists, utterly discredited, were hated by milTelephone Crimerey 0917 are not afraid of the fascist gen German workers. But the Stalinto utilize the plans of the War lions of workers and farmers in every country. All that tlemen. They will shoot their ists lifted not a finger of resistDepartment to establish himself bolt quicker than any other gov ance! The leaders had their passwas needed was resolute leadership. But these labor leaders, 1939 Bound Volumes as the chief lieutenant of the Arernment. Let the fascist take ports. The workers were abanwho had talked about socialism for twenty years or more, my within the labor movement?
Or can the ranks of the CIO put went to the rescue of capitalism and, having the confidence on more pressure and force Lew of the workers, preserved instead of overturning the sysFull Line of Books on Labor, was how the loud revolution tion camps. The Communist Par SOCIALIST APPEAL ary line of Stalin worked out in ty collapsed like a house of Is to resist the reactionary propractice.
now ready!
posals of Roosevelt. Can the CIO tem. The capitalists left them in control for a time and, Politics, Economics Disoriented by the tactics of The cold fact was that Stalin call for labor unity against the when the revolutionary energy of the workers had been disStalinism, the workers remained had helped Hitler to power. As war program, instead of being sipated, rewarded the social democrats with the fascist passive and quiescent in face of Trotsky put it: Stalin held the. 00 Including postage)
forced into a unity behind the The Center of Political Pamphlets of the fascist threat. Hitler Brown stirrup for Hitler to mount the terror. Against fascism as against war the labor leaders SPECIAL!
program? This is the vital issue Shirts grew in strength, unmo white horse.
before the American labor move were helpless, and for the same reason. Well paid and comall shades lested, like a snowball rolling Now the medicine man is back 1938 Bound Volume ment today.
fortable under the capitalist system, they work to preserve downhill. They became more ar again with the same kind of NOW ONLY 00 The future of the labor moveit, with the resulting ruin of both them and the workers rogant, more ruthless. Until on poison in his bottle. Yesterday ment rests on its accepting the Drop in and browse around a fateful day in January 1933, poison with a revolutionary label road of struggle against the who follow them. In America as elsewhere the social demoHindenburg the hero of the so on the bottle gave the German LATEST FICTION ORDER NOW FROM: Roosevelt war plans, uniting be crat leaders support capitalism. They must be bracketed cial democrats called Hitler to workers the worst reaction his hind a program of militant action with the imperialist war mongers and fought on the war Lending Library the chancellery tory has ever known. Today Socialist Appeal The Fascists had arrived. This poison, label the same, will give 116 UNIVERSITY PLACE its organization, and obtain its issue without quarter.
was the last chance for the the workers, if they swallow it, New York City, rights in collective bargaining. revolutionary action the Stal reaction on a world scale.
soon begins. This can culminate, as it has culminated be: Marxist School Courses 1 ILI St. Louis Announcing Modern Bookshop around November 18 of opinion Greeting Cards (Continued in Next Isome)