Andrey VyshinskyBolshevismCommunismCommunist PartyEnglandFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalMoscow TrialsRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartyStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTerrorismTrotskyWorkers PartyWorking Class

Socialist Appeal LET THE PEOPLE VOTE ON WAR The Cards Were Stacked All the Time. for War Official Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International Issued Twice Weekly VOL. III, NO. 88 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1939 THREE (3) CENTS AN EDITORIAL AUTO BARONS MOBILIZE FASCIST GANGS AGAINST CHRYSLER UNION Polls Anti War Vote Smith Coughlin Enlisted in Drive to SEVEN TEAMSTERS UNION LEADERS FRAMED BY IN SIOUX CITY Hate War obupont Smash Auto Union It now comes out that, in the midst of the debate over the Shachtman as their second, third 55, 000 bonds for each of the de in no labor cases until suddenly. It a nice thing for the fat DEFENSE MEET HOODLUMS RAID In order to force through Congress his neutrality legislation lifting the embargo on arms, President Roosevelt perpetrated a fraud on the American people. grave accusation? But here are the facts: How did Roosevelt get a majority in Congress? By promising and appending to the embargo lifting proposal a provision that neither arms nor anything else would go to belligerents in American ships.
Here are the exact words used by the Democratic leader, Senator Barkley Whether it be wheat, or corn, or tobacco, or shoes, or typewriters, or tanks. or anything that can be recalled by mind of man, it cannot be shipped to a belligerent nation or ship. Because want no war am supporting and propose to vote for a measure which involves the greatest sacrifice ever Shachtman Receives made by any nation in the history of mankind in order to 2, 259 Votes in One Man Doesn avoid war.
New York Election Promise And Performance Business is booming for the chemical corporations, backbone That solemn promise, embodied in the legislation, netted NEW YORK 2, 259 first choice votes were cast by Bronx borof modern war preparations.
Roosevelt a majority.
Strikebreaking Mohawk Valley Formula Is Progressive Unionists Had Borne Brunt Eighty six and a half millions of profits in the first nine months Coupled with State Aims to Starve Men Nobody hinted or dreamed of hinting that Roosevelt would ough workers for Max Shachtman, city council candidate of the of the year!
not abide by his promise for at least a few weeks. But he Socialist Workers Party.
In Organizing Over the Road Drivers It was the first time that the That 53 higher pronts than Into Submission; Workers Plan Resistance didn had participated in a New last year. That because war of Justice preparations this year were SIOUX CITY, Iowa The war Department During the very hours that this promise was being uttered, York election. Shachtman camstepped up that much above last Administration spokesmen were scheming with the shipping gram of revolutionary struggle oor led to the conviction of seven what was the FBI doing in the Nearly half the total profits (Special to the Socialist Appeal)
DETROIT, Nov. 13 The Chrysler corporation is openinterests to violate it.
against war, calling upon the Teamsters Union leaders here case anyway? After the notor in the industry went to the giant ing all the sewers of reaction to smash the union of the 55, 000 Their scheme was because the promise was so concrete the city elections to register their Norvencey a hand picked up and cus Palmer daya of the post war which dominates the field Du automobile workers they have locked out of the plants.
The rats are out in the open, from Gerald Smith, the threadbare in its brazen dishonesty. It merely consisted of opposition to both the democrat tertencenter two years each in persecutions of labor, the FBI Pont something over forty mi transferring the registry of American ships to the foreign campana the Htiler Stalin war Judge selten.
General Stone. He promised that chemical companies had to be ranting fascist spieler down to Pat McCartney, goon and gunTrade unions throughout the the FBI would not be used content with smaller pickings, man of the Martin rump union and probably stool pigeon of How many workers voted for North Central Area provided against labor. The FBI appeared but pretty good pickings at that the corporation. They are well heeled with company cash and company blackjacks.
neutrality legislation, the Maritime Commission. Roosevelt men are to be elected from the Tendantsas the labor me vergent during the last few months, cats, this war.
After five weeks of hedging and stalling in conference appointees had quietly approved such changes of registry for cause the rules for counting the prepared to appeal to the higher series of cases has revealed that New Deal Attorney General seventeen tankers and two freighters and, four days before Bronx. will not be known, berooms, the fact now sticks out like a big sore thumb that the That it was a frameup is obvi Murphy has gone back to the the enactment of the Neutrality Act, had received the applica ing beyond the first choice votes ous from the known facts. In days of the Palmer raids for his EAST INDIAN merry go round ride the corporation has been giving the UAW CIO is part of the deliberate strike breaking Mohawk tion for transfer of registry from the United States Lines, one for those lower down on the list. July, 1938, a truck was damaged model. In the Minneapolis WPA Shachtman ballots were distrib. strike. The union charged the in teamsters in Washington, in Valley formula of the biggest North Atlantic operators.
uted after the first choice votes cident had been engineered by the a series of cases being cooked up TO SPEAK AT Full page company ads have on his ballots going practically employers to influence public against building trades unions al been appearing in local papers Behind the Back of Congress all to Salvatore Ninfo, American opinion against the strikers. It over the countyr, the FBI has apwas a minor incident and, with peared as the persecuting agenover the weekend blasting the candidate, who union with all the open shop Nobody heard about this at the time. Because if the news Labor Party forgotten. Hundreds Wherever they can turn a case MEETING arguments Chrysler publicity had gotten around, Congress would never have dared to lift polled 40. 000 first choice votes. the successful termination of the ey the FBI is moving in the alleg welfare League: Theodore BekAll Khan, leader of the India the embargo. The transfers of registry were published no The Communist Party candi of such incidents have been pass into one for Federal jurisdiction, agents could dig out of the newspaperman heard about it in the monthly bulletin of the date in the Bronx polled 9, 365 Why the Frameup edly damaged truck had crossed os, refugee from Greece; Milfiles.
But the teamsters movement the state line, and that was ton Winston, labor lwayer; and IN DETROIT Pamphlet Attacks Union Bureau of Navigation. The application of the United States Airst choice votes, all of which Line remained a secret between the Maritime Commission and went upon distribution to Michael has been making extraordinary enough excuse for the FBI to Johnson, Negro author, Quill, stalinist stooge running as headway in the North Central take over the case.
the yellow scab large pamphlet reruments all the shipping company.
an independent.
will be the four guest speakers Walter Stultz, president of at an open meeting of the AmerArea, organizing the unorganized.
The final count has not yet The locals in Sloux City. Des General Drivers Local 554 against the Chrysler workers Cops Arrive Justin from the editorials appearing Suppose Senator Barkley, in making that solemn promise, been completed. fepast any time Moines and Omaha, Nebr. com Omaha; Louis Miler, 554 organa day, November 17, at 8:15 the boss press nationally, has had added. But of course the American ships can change the clections will appear in the nected with the bakery strike, izer; Jack Maloney, Howard at the Cultural Center, 125 Time to Be Late; been mailed to all business and professional men, Lottied with their registry and thus continue to deal with belligerents. next issue.
Over five thousand workers the new unionism in this twelve officers and organizers of Drivers 33rd Street, Room 201, in Man Workers Slugged Would the government have gotten a majority for lifting the signed the petitions which secure state area, successfully bearing Local 383 of Sioux City, Francis ballyhoo about alleged slow.
Mr. Khan, who was recently DETROIT Following closely plans of the auto union to take downs about sovietization moted it, is any indication let alone the reaction it would have lot. The Bronx Branch of the tack. An area contract was re or Des Moines, and Earl Carpenties on behalf of Hindu aliens, ments by the Department of qus purpose of the pamphlet is SWP had done its work so well cently signed, the single docu ter, former officer of Local 554, will review his case and its im Justice that patriotic citizens to whip up a lynch spirit of soinspired in the American people.
that a Tammany challenge at the ment covering 350, 000 over the were the victims in this case. plications. Mr. Bekos will give keep a steady vigilance on sub called public sentiment against Yet, last Monday, the Maritime Commission approved the Board of Elections failed to dis road drivers and helpers with big Labor Defense Organized an account of refugee work in versive groups, bands of Amer the auto workers.
United States Lines application. We challenge anyone to lodge Shachtman from the ballot. Increases in wag de andre hiphobie George Lyman Palne, SWP ments in working conditions. statewide Labor Defense Greece similar to that done in ican Legionnaires, aided by the corporation puts moveas with the previous changes of registry without an ed off the ballot on a technicality, truck was picked up by the Fed, of labor has been called for Des Labor Aid. Mr. Winston, who goons from the Homer Martin who are frightened to death by as were all the Communist Party eral Bureau Investigation the Moines, Dec. 3, according to the has acted as attorney for the auto workers union, descended hard boiled threats and a state understanding with Roosevelt.
candidates. men connected with the Izing the protest against the use tell of the many arrests made in Party in this city last Friday ping with company slime against the press dripAmerican ships, carrying war materials to England and France, are certain to be torpedoed by German boats. That Justice as a union busting instru activities, and how the cases ing seven workers and sending dealers, at the mercy of the core ment and repeal of the Iowa were fought at least two persons to the hos poration, are made to apy sering means a series of incidents, such as happened in 1915 and Criminal Syndicalism law will be Mr. Johnson, author of the re pital in a critical condition 1916 under identical conditions, and which enabled Wilson to the indignant public the aims of the Conference. cently published Why Negroes The Stalinist meeting had been from union terrorism.
drag war.
at Finnish Hall to hear erybody understands this. That why the By GEORGE Should Oppose the War, as well calle Mrs. Shindler is dragged out one popular item in the Neutrality Act was that which barred as many other books and pamph William Foster speak on the of her rat hole to appear on the Adolf Hitler was recently cred tion of Austria and CzechosloAmerican shipping from the war zones. And that why ited with saying: If you wish to vakia. Actually, what the Krem TROTSKY SEC action by which the Negro can the Russian Revolution. Soon af Chrysler workers to return to Roosevelt is conniving to violate that provision. For Roose conquer by force, you must be in now waits for is a new turn fight for social and political ter the meeting began, Afty Am work. This Mrs. Shindler is probequality.
erican Legion pickets appeared ably on the payroll of the corpovelt is heading for war as fast as he can drag the American strong. If you seek to conquer by in events which will enable it to negotiation, you must be strong resume its crude aping of Hitlerpeople along The American Labor Ald is outside the hall carrying signs ration for the specific job of orite diplomatic blackmail without ESCAPES GANG the successor to the American declaring. Save America Liqganizing a back to work moveBecause he could not fulfill the risk of war.
Fund for Political Prisoners and uldate the Reds, Send These ment by inciting the wives of conditions of this shrewd maxim For Stalin, unlike his ally in Refugees. Its purpose is to give Bolsheviks Back to Russia, and Chrysler workers against the Waiting for the Storm to Subside of power politics, Stalin has Berlin, is compelled to shy like a MEXICO CITY, Nov. One both in this country and abroad.
aid to working class prisoners, similar anti labor slogans.
union. Continued on Pago 3)
In the face of the widespread protests against the Maritime failed in his attempted squeeze frightened mare from such a Social Security Denied Commission action, Roosevelt had to order the Commission Pays in the case of his diplomatic tiny a too Finland. His strate refugee from Hitler persecu.
risk, even when it comes from so of Leon Trotsky secretaries, a While the corporation concen to hold up final approval until further investigation. Or, more failure with Turkey trates on propaganda, the state administration uses more force accurately, until Roosevelt thinks the storm has subsided. For, threats have dwindled, for the er powers to his own level of in at the hands of stalinist hoodful methods to starve the workaccording to the New York Times (Nov. 12) Roosevelt has time being at least, to newspaper security in hopes then of becom lume at a mass meeting called in honor of the October Revolution ers into submission. With the exception of one vote that of the already expressed the belief that the transfer would not im bluster in the most approved Hit ing relatively strong.
lerian style.
So while the Finnish pot con when he was recognized by a President of the Michigan Fedperil American neutrality.
With the immediate backing of tinues to simmer, Stalin may turn Mrs. Alice Harris, ostensibly an American tourist but also an eration of Labor, John Reid the State Social Security Board reWhy didn Roosevelt tell the country about this before the the three Scandinavian countries his attention once more to the vowed partisan of Stalin and fuses to grant a dime worth of Neutrality Act was voted on? Because he couldn get the support not fronsevere, der mand British, Italian, and Germany in the Moscow Trials Mrs. Harris had succeeded in votes if he had told the truth. So he lied. He perpetrated a was able to put up more resist fluences offer a fruitful field for gaining an interview with Trotation of merchant marine sea NMU have become the open aggrounds that the Chrysler workA long step in the regimenta The Curran leadership of the compensation to the 85, 000 Chry sler workers. On the spurious ance to Stalin than the Baltic inexpensive intervention fraud.
syntese months ago through a men and the crushing of their ency of the sink commission in ere are involved in a laborals states could muster.
The only bar here is now the letter Here is an instructive lesson for the American workers. The result was judicious Anglo Franco Turkish pact which under misapprehension as to her was taken by Roosevelt Mari seamen, beached by the so called put their rightful compensation When Roosevelt swears he is against American entry into the climb. de woon by the termalinta lite me in toate redmales to be reg: true political beliefs by a person time Commission this week. Neutrality ashtu, intoh the coast is denied. Just how this squares demand for a mutual assistance ish in case Rumania is attacked. completely worthy of the cond. Training bases are to be es Guard camps. The camps hold with granting 10. 000 Briggs that American ships would be kept out of war zones. When oral of its territorial proposals. prevent because the Turks al.
unemployment insurance mission and operated by the square meals a day and 36 per workers is not made clear. But Roosevelt says he is not planning a war dictatorship, his But the continued demand for a shrewdly withdrew their bets During the interview Mrs. Coast Guard with the aim of month and Currein counts on the this Board needn explain such naval base on the north coast of from Russian board and Harris declared that Trotsky supplanting the union halls and empty bellies of the seamen op tongue is in his cheek as it was when he signed the Neutrality the Gulf of Finland, presumably placed them on the British Heet was guilty of everything Prose providing doctie scat labor for ercoming their firm support of small points after all ChryAct.
at Hangoe, was refused by the instead.
cutor Vyshinsky had accused the shipowners. Roosevelt has independent unionism.
sler millions are involved, and Finns.
But what the Kremlin may try him in the Moscow Trials includ long been known to favor ths that should be reason enough.
Don trust a capitalist politician. That the simple but funThe negotiations were conse in collusion with the Reich oring that of being in league with plan and his formal appr Open announcements and ap Hand in hand the Security peals for registration in the Board, the welfare authorities are damental lessor to be drawn from Roosevelt latest maneuver. quently broken off and the oft without it, is a bloodless advance Hitler. This was before the merelyra matter of times threatened bolts of Stalinist into the Balkans which will fall Stalin Hitler pact. These training bases have training bases are daily made foining in to make the securing of At the mass meeting, which been in operation for two years hall. Seamen are urged to spend workers. They are undoubtedly over the mike at the NMU relief tough for the Chrysler The Only Road to Peace ne homine me pages of Pravda invention. Similarly, the negotia was packed with Stalinists, she but they have suffered from one the winter in comfortable sur recommending some of Governor The only way to keep America out of war is to take the stead of descending upon the lions with Japan are likely to attempted to incite physical ac defect an unofficial boycott on roundings. Curran has Finns proceed at a faster tempo. tion against the secretary whom the part of bona fide seamen. pletely forgotten the demand he Good Lord as a substitute for pocontrol of this country away from the capitalists and their In Moscow the correspondents! But right now, sitting silent she had recognized. But her That did not prevent bases from made at the November 8th Joint tatoes and beans.
politicians. There no short cut to peace and security. There predict lengthy campaign of behind the Kremlin walls, Stalin Spanish was so mixed with Eng supplying scab labor, along with Membership Meeting for WPA Howls for Strong Arm journalistie, similar in style and mache Sphinx. He doesn want to understand her, giving the secre sion Fink hulls, to break the reried to a successful conclusion, is a step on that road if we tempo to the press wars waged let anybody get near him with a tary time to make his way cent tanker strike for Standard cal organ of the NMU, has re Dickenson. The strong crem pola know where we re going.
by Germany prior to the absorp match.
through an exit.
Oil on the East Coast. Continued on Page Continued on Page the Behind the Lines as Curran Approves Fink Schools for Seamen war, there is as much truth in his words as in his promise pact was dropped as were sey This the Russians were unable to dence of the Fourth Internation tablished by the Maritime Com out the temptation of three locked out just as the Chrysler is