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SOCIALIST APPEAL NOVEMBER 14, 1939 The Stalinist Turn and the Lewis Purge The Workers of England Oppose the Boss War II The Munich Bomb Now after two and one half years of stalling ARRESTED WHEN THEY DEMANDED FOOD FOR HUNGRY MAN SOCIALIST APPEAL from one government body to another, the case Vol. III, No. 87 Tuesday, November 14, 1989 finally bolted its way into the courts. To all intents and purposes, the decision of the Third PubNahed Tile Weekly by the Circuit Court, upholding the verdict of the NaSOCIALIST APPEAL PUBLISHING ASSN.
at 116 University Place. New York tional Labor Relations Board is a victory for the Telephone. Alconquin 8647 union. victory, except for one little butSubscriptions: 00 per year 00 for six months. For The 5, 000 men will not return to work tomor2 cents per copy in the United States: cents per copy in all forelin countries. single coples: cents.
row. Nor will they receive their back wages.
Bronx and Manhattan subscriptions are 50 for aix The company still has the right and has served Recritered as second clayo matter September 20. 1980, at notice of excercising that right, of appealing the AN EDITORIAL the post office at New York, under the Act of March decision to a higher court.
The new Stalinist line will find early applicaThus while moralizing editors and columnists tion in the trade unions, particularly the CIO, and Editori affords new alibis for the purge of Stalinists now MAX SHACHTMAN will beat the drums for the fair. just. and in preparation by the Lewis machine.
Associate Editor MANUEL GARRETT equitable processes of the American courts As far as the workers are concerned, the StalinFELIX MORROW General Manager Assistant Manager ists will become neither more progressive nor less where poor and rich alike can get a square deal, MARTIN ABERN SHERMAN STANLEY the steel workers of Pennsylvania and Ohio rereactionary. The leopard cannot change its spots.
But the new pseudo revolutionary line of this main just as they were when the strike was reactionary force will serve as a very convenient crushed. Without jobs, and on the border of pretext for the purging operations of the Lewis FIGHT WITH THE SOCIALIST starvation bureaucracy WORKERS PARTY FOR: The steel workers slugged, fired and victimFor the first time since the inception of the CIO, the Stalinists are travelling in a different political job and a decent living for every worker. ized by little steel have learned this bitter les direction from that of the Lewis, Murray, Hillman Open the idle factories operate them under son, a lesson pounded into their homes and lives leadership. Support of the Roosevelt administration workers control.
for two and a half years: was the cement that bound the two bureaucracies Twenty Billion dollar Federal public works together. In essence this was a support of Wall St.
There is no victory for workers except the and housing program.
imperialism made palatable to workers by New Thirty thirty 80 weekly minimum wage 80 victory they win through there own independent Deal reforms.
hour weekly maximum for all workers on all Jobs. action on the picket lines. Thirty dollar weekly old age and disability There is no democracy except the democracy Use Workers as Pawns pension.
wrested from the rulers of industry and the govThe line of the Kremlin agents within the trade Expropriate the Sixty Familles.
ernment by unions and militancy.
Socialist Appeal Staf Photo unions yesterday up to the change in line was All war funds to the unemployed.
Seven of the above, members of the Unemployed and Project Workers Union, Local 22, were found determined by the desire of Stalinism to demon8. people referendum on any and all wars.
guilty in a boss court, and given suspended sentences. Their crime! They wouldn take No for an strate to Roosevelt their eligibility for the job of his No secret diplomacy.
answer when they asked the Relief Bureau to provide David Sporn with food and shelter. Full story watchdog over American labor. Roosevelt was thereappears elsewhere by expected to understand the advantages of an all10. An Independent Labor Party.
FBI In Action ance with the Kremlin rulers. And Staliniam served 11. Workers Defense Guards against vigilante and Roosevelt as a brake upon the natural militancy of Fascist attacks.
the workers, binding them hand and foot to the Attorney General Frank Murphy was passed 12. Full social, political and economic equality for War Deal the Negro people.
off as a Great Liberal when he took office, just Now that Stalin has switched his system of inas Roosevelt has been since he became President.
ternational alliances and is openly playing the game of Hitler, the forces under stalinist influence in the Social Democrats, Stalinists, all the varieties of trade unions and elsewhere will be called upon liberals, hailed Murphy as a great Friend of to bring pressure upon the Allies and American imLabor.
perialism to come to terms with Hitler. The workers are to be used as pawns in this game. In the German anti fascists planted that bomb that In more recent times, Murphy F. the By BRITANNICUS United States, Stalinism will attempt to stampede Men has been painted up as pretty as you nearly got Hitler. We can dismiss the Nazi claim On October 12 occurred the ti war struggle in England to. for socialism and peace.
the labor movement into wild, adventuristic actions please. Murphy, and after him all his supporters, first by election of the war, in day. Founded a few months be In Augulat, just before the that the British did it. That merely a lame way. dooming it to certain defeat in order to embarthe Clarckmannan and East fore the war to combat the con present war started, the SAWF have sworn the most solemn oaths that he had Sterling constituency of Glasscription bill introduced at that issued a militant manifesto de rass Roosevelt.
to avoid admitting that, after six years of Nazi not the remotest intention of engaging in heresy gow The new line of Stalinism will bring them into time by the Government, the claring: International Socialism sharp conflict with the Lewis bureaucracy of the terror, there are still plenty of people especially hunting, much less in anti labor activities. As For many years Clarckman has recently been reor is the only way by which war can CIO. The Lewis bureaucracy cannot and will not among the thirteen million workers who voted for the men, all they would do in the recent non has been represented in Par ganized and has changed its be ended and the threat of Fasc tolerate any frontal assault on the Roosevelt adminfor the workers parties in the last election Hitliament by a Labour member. Dame to the Labour Rights ist domination dispelled. There istration within its unions, even if this assault is world war situation would be to hunt down forler permitted who are ready to dare anything eign spies.
When the seat fell vacant a few League. It is a broad united front fore the Socialist Anti War Front of the spurious stalinist variety. The Lewis publicity in the struggle against fascism.
The two latest exploits of the give the accordance with the We can likewise dismiss the Stalinist alibi, election tions and individuals. As such as a part of the worker fight for reds and revolutionists, not because the chartruce concluded when the war its program is necessarily some political and economic power. The lie to all the oaths and promises. As American began, nominated Arthur Wood what vague and timid, and in no struggle for peace cannot be sepacterization is accurate, but because it will help them which is simply a word for word repetition of smear all progressives and militants with the odious participation in the war draws closer, all the burn, who would automatically sense revolutionary.
arated from the struggle for sothe Nazi bunk. Harry Gannes, foreign editor of stigma of Stalinism, which has rightly come to mean agencies of the government are being mobilized receive the support of the Con Nevertheless, in spite of this, cialism.
the unscrupulous foreign agency of the Stalinist Daily Worker, writes, Nov. 10: the Kremlin.
to clamp down on labor, to coordinate the labor servative and Liberal vote in the its characterization of the pres The Socialist Anti War Front The bombings indicate that the ChamberlainChurchill oppressors of the British people have movement under the domination of the military prise, however, awalted the Lagoes correct: The wrote activities in these critical days. Who Must Conduct the Purge?
machine, to keep it docile, and make it swallow bour Party and the Government its organizer, Morris, The centers for opposition to war Progressives cannot give any possible support instructed their Nazi agents within Germany to when the war and the war mongers without a murmur.
conduct war for the Anglo French side by means the No Conscription few days before war was de measures being the unions, thel to the disorganizing actions of the Stalinists within The has become one of the main instruLeague and the Scottish Anti clared, Insists upon the funda trades councils and the shop com the unions, actions which will create havoc within of terrorism. Leave out the clumsily added War Council nominated Andrew mental fact that the war for mittees, it is particularly to such the unions and weaken them before the class enemy.
word Nazi. and you have a carbon copy of For the health of the trade unions, for their progress ments in this dirty work. Examples: Minne Stewart to contest the election, which military and industrial bodies that we appeal for support apolis and Omaha.
Stewart ran on a straightforconscription is desired by the to rally the maximum resistance along progressive lines, the purge of the stalinist Goebbels press release. That how far the Stalward pacifist platform. His elec British ruling class will not be a to threatened encroachments updisease is a vital and imperative necessity.
inist scribblers are going to buttress Stalin alIn Minneapolis, aided by agents provocateur, tion manifesto read, in part: war of democracy against fas on conditions, rights and liberPurging the Stalinists, however, is a job that canliance with Hitler!
the proceeded to frame up 150 WPA beg the electors to vote for me cism, but another imperialist ties to strengthen the fighting not be farmed out to the Lewis bureaucracy. The workers, whose terrible crime was their refusal as the symbol of the vast and struggle similar to the Great front of the organised workers; Anti fascists planted that bomb. For the imworkers alone can eliminate the evil of Staliniam unheard mass of people who de War which broke out in 1914. to strengthen the weapons of to accept without protest and struggle the WPA from the trade unions. And the rank and file will perialist rulers, in their wars against each other, sire Peace, and who, if they in the weeks preceding the class struggle as the surest way not be helped to understand this evil by the witchdon kill each other. They only kill the millions cuts. The Murphy Roosevelt combination raise their voices, can sweep the outbreak of war, the grew to Socialism and peace.
hunting, red baiting drive certain to be carried proved to be more vindictive and more antagonwar mongers from power. Stop by leaps and bounda. Morris, WORKERS NOT AS of worker soldiers. They yelled, Hang the through by Lewis and his cronies.
istic to labor and the labor movement than even War! End conscription writing on the eve of war, thus DOCILE AS IN 1914 Kaiser, but they didn t, and it was the German Plan for a real Peace. We sums up its stength: Within The chief strength of the SATo permit Lewis to purge the CIO unions of the local Minneapolis Republican administration. are raising the standard of the last few weeks our individ WF is in the local Labour Par sentatives of local and international unions, would workers who made him flee, and not the Allies.
elected officials, the democratically elected repreThree trials have already been held and the new crusade for Peace and ual membership has risen from tles and trade union branches In fact, as we now know, the Allies and the CenFreedom. With war there can 4, 500 to over 5, 000, and we have where it seeks to give expression be equivalent to sanctioning a dictatorship over the has driven relentlessly to railroad the detral powers had a gentleman agreement durtrade unions. We are no more inclined to sanction fendants to the penitentiary.
only come a colossal loss of life now 111 branches formed and and leadership to the ever inand the perfection of the Fascist in course of formation, together creasing opposition of the rank dictatorship of the agents of Wall St. over the ing the last war not to bomb each others general trade uniong than we are to sanction one by the The government may be your employer in the regime in this country. with area committees for co and file to thte betrayal of the headquarters. that would interfere with the most direct sense of the word, as in the case of SIGNIFICANT agents of the Kremlin. Both of them, whether sepordinating branch activities in reformist leadership. Linking up war ANTI WAR VOTE arately, or united as they were over the past four WPA, but you can strike against the governLondon, Yorkshire, Lancashire, the sporadic opposition to the ecyear period, can have only Stewart received the support Glasgow, etc. Our affiliations in onomic effects of the war, which Too bad that bomb missed Hitler how many pernicious influence on ment. That the decree of Hitler; that the de not only of the organizations clude 327 Women Cooperative we described briefly in our last the development of the labor movement.
millions of workers, in Germany and out, felt cree of Roosevelt. And the is there to see that!
that it is carried out or else.
of a considerable section of the Education Committees and Men tionary struggle against war and For Democracy in the Unions!
It certainly too bad that Hitler hasn been. What is involved in the present and coming The second exploit of the occurs in tigh Socialist Party, in addition Trade Union Branches, 50 Labour combats the sabotage of the done away with. But could a bomb do that?
Omaha, Nebr. This open shop state has a grow. Parliament who oppose the war. 41 Branches, 13 Youth Or clear perspectives to the isolated struggle within the cio is not the replacing, disto several Labour members of Parties and Women Sections, criminal leadership and gives charging or transference of this or that appointed Could that bomb, if it had killed every last Nazi ing thorn in its side: the militant teamsters Stalinist official. These incompetents and disorganizofficial who had been in the room that night, put union of Omaha. This union has, by its aggres gave him critical ers were usually saddled on the workers in flagrant their desires or an end to Hitlerism?
disregard needs. Lewis such subjects now wishes to dismantle his machine of appointees sive actions, endeared itself to workers through ing out that tidak past panat leseni on Branches 23 other paci. ers. It holds regular, well adverNo. If Mussolini, Franco, Salazar of Portuout that area by its successful campaign to in theirs in many respects but that, miscellaneous socialist organiza Foreign Policy. Conscription date his policy conflicted with clalist Party Branches, and as Totalitarian War, Stalin or to rebuild it with more loyal flunkies that is his gal, Metaxas of Greece, Carol of Rumania, were crease the wages and improve the working con as a working class candidate options, making a total of 595 af and the Worker, etc. These concern. Progressives and class conscious workers all bombed to smithereens tomorrow morning, ditions of the drivers. Every reactionary, every have long fought for the democratic method of posed to the Government and the filiated bodies. During the first meetings are well attended and the reactionary regimes in those countries would electing union ofcials. The struggle for this prinChamber of Commerce man, hates the very menwar, the workers should vote for week of the war, it was announc the response of the workers is enciple will continue regardless of the change of apstill remain in power. The dead fascist fuehrers tion of its name. The bosses have not been able tion, the ILP declares that it the membership him. In its statement on the elec led at the Glasgow conference, thusiastic.
pointees in the CIO.
Everything indicates that in would be replaced by others, and the bombings Where the Lewis machine, the agency of Amerto make a dent in it, much less to break it, and refuses to support any capital fast that it was a problem to find this war the workers will not subwould be used as Hitler is in fact now doingist government in any war what meeting places large enough.
it wasn for lack of trying mit as long and as docilely as ican imperialism in the labor movement, invades to justify redoubled persecutions anti fascists.
democratic rights where they do exist, to oust electthey did in the last to the ruthSo the good old men, the unterrified heroes csts of British imperialism and UNITE ACTIVITIES less repression of the Government ed officials on the charge of Stalinism, progressives We honor the bravery of terrorists, and we ll have no other choice but that of open resistance. In of the are brought into the picture. For aggressive German Nazism have join in their defense against capitalist persecuMore important because of its and to the servile and shameful provoked a second world war. clear this struggle they fifteen months, the has been at work on revolutionary program, betrayal of their own leaders. Alfind a way to make it clear tion. But they pursue a futile course, which breaking that union. Finally, they have brought ist states is not a workers quar numbers, is the Socialist Anti cialist Diary in the New Leader beyond question that what they are defending is The quarrel between two capital though as yet not so strong in ready in the Labour Party the opthe democratic rights of the rank and file, and not serves no progressive goal.
eight of the union leaders to trial on as hack rel.
the allen political interests fo the Stalinist bureauThat daring and heroism should be geared to crats.
neyed a frame up as you would expect from for October 13, Fenner Brockway In the circumstances it was year ago at the time of the the real job: the education and the organization inevitable that Stewart should be nich crises, the SAWF is reports meeting recently hela We repeat: only the conscious revolt of the rank small town dicks.
of the working class for the revolutionary strugand file for clean, democratic and militant unionism What does labor have to say about our Demo voting are instructive: Wood olutionary organizations with a and a number of Labour MP defeated. But the figures of the united front of socialist and rev between Arthur Greenwood, depgle against fascism and capitalism. Only the can eradicate the curse of Stalinism from the trade unions without bringing forth another evil no less cratic administration, with its Democratic Atmasses can overthrow reaction the masses, led torney General, and his Democratic Men?
thanks to the support of the of the Labour Party and the and candidates at which the pol dangerous and no less obnoxious.
Conservatives and Liberals, trade unions icy of the Labour Executive was by a revolutionary party. There are no shortcuts No support to the dictatorial methods of Lewis!
while Stewart polled just over on the road to freedom.
The original manifesto of the discussed. Greenwood statement No support to his bureaucratic purge!
1, 000. thousand workers of SAWF at the time of Munich that the nation was never so unFor the purge of Stalinism from the trade unions JUST OUT. Glasgow dared to vote against was supported by delegates reputed was greeted with derision.
by the conscious democratic movement of the rank the war, barely a month after resenting the Divisional Labour Among 15 speakers, only one and file!
Why Negroes Should Oppose the War it started, and in the face of an Parties, the Coop Party, Trade supported him. Brockway inunparalleled barrage of propa Unions, the ILP, the ILP Guild formant considered that a split By Johnson ganda not alone by the Govern of Youth, the Labour League of in the Labour Party was inevitament but by their traditional la Youth, and the two Trotskyist ble. message that affects the life of every Negro! bor leaders. Equally significant: organisations, the Revolutionary Revolutionary Greetings Two and one half years ago Girdler gunmen and vigilante mobs, assisted by the National In the previous election the total Socialist League and the Militant American Labor Aid to Comrade Trotsky ORDER NOW!
number of voters had been 35. Labour League. This long and ex125 West 88 Street Guard of Pennsylvania and Ohio, smashed the 9000; in the present one only 16. plicit manifesto stated, in part: New York City Revolutionary greetings to our comrade in arms little steel strike.
000 voted. The ominous silence History has thrust responsibiliDear Friend: 5, 000 union men were victimized because of Price 5c per copy. Bundle rates 10 to 50 3c per on his both birthday!
of 19, 000 workers thunders in ties on the workers of the world. PLEDGE MYSELF to copy. 50 or more 29c per copy We are proud to celebrate this anniversary in a with their participation in the strike.
mute condemnation of the im Collaboration capitalism, contribute. to the de life so rich in service to the workers of the world.
support for imperialist war, Their case was sent to the labor board and fense of Frank Watson, im life dedicated to the great cause of human emanWe have mentioned the No means the abandonment of the cipation from capitalist barbarism.
a victory recorded. The labor board ordered the Conscription League as support. Socialist struggle and the victo prisoned by Canada governOn your 60th birthday and on the 22nd annivermen reinstated and back wages of 7, 500, 000, ment for the crime of speaking Stewart in the by election. ry of the forces of reaction and PIONEER PUBLISHERS sary of the Red October, we are confident of the This is one of three sizable or barbarism. The only road for the 000 paid them. But Girdler refused to acquiese 116 University Place, ing out as a worker against ganizations, each of considerable workers is the road of revolutioncoming victory of the World October!
the war of imperialism.
and the case went to the courts.
size, which are conducting an an ary struggle against capitalism, the Is It Victory?