Bolshevik PartyBolshevismCominternCommunismDemocracyEnglandFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarItalyLeninMarxMussoliniRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

NOT EMANCIPATE ITSELF WHERE LABOR WITH BLACK SKIN IS BRANDED KARL MARX, The Needle in the Haystack. Or The War Aims of the British Capitalist Labor Offered Nothing, Stays Away from Polls In Tuesday Elections GOLDMAN ENDS MAN COACHED SUCCESSFUL GOV WITNESS SPEAKING TOUR IN WPA TRIAL Nothing By JOHNSON Lord Halifax was selected to the British public stirring tales that people in many quarters are, he knows that his precious Brimake the long awaited statement of the boats sunk by the Bri asking that the allies should de tish empire will be there. For the The Greatest Event in History on British war aims, and the tish navy.
fine with greater precision what rest, we shall see. revolution is the greatest event in the history of any society, choice is not without political Halifax is preeminently the are sometimes called war aims.
and the Russian Revolution is the greatest of all revolutions. By significance. Like all the recent churchman. Unlike some other Sometimes. Halifax obvious. They are fighting about someBut after all, there is a war on.
this uprising, the workers and peasants of Russia shattered the rulers of England, a country with British magnates, Hallfax bely does not like the term war thing. Colonies? The Baltic capitalist system on one sixth of the world surface and took the long established political sys lieves in God like hell, and is a alma. God forbid. It sounds as it states? Road to India? The marroad to socialism. On November 8, 1917, the night after the seizure tem and a mature ruling class, pillar of the Church of England, the British were actually fighting kets of Easetrn Europe. Italy of power, Lenin rose to address the Soviet congress. Gripping the national characteristic. Ramsay Empire, and he defends them fighting, according to Halifax, for Middle East? Far East? Not a rails before him he spoke the memorable words, We shall now begin the contaruction of the socialist order. On that same night and Macdonald was par excellence the both. For ordinary men this nothing. They are fighting for word. He does say carlier that from that same platform, was sounded the call for the world revolulabor leader kissing the hem of might present some difficulty, what the Church of England the British hope as far as we the aristocracy garment. Bald. Not for Halifax. For him God, Aghts for: in defense of freedom can, to repair the damage wrought tion, uttered many times before, but now, because it came from the leaders of the first workers state in history, reverberating across win was the folly country squire. the Church of England, and the. We are fighting for peace. by Germany upon her weaker Neville Chamberlain is the bust British Empire are all one, one security. against the substitu neighbors.
the oceans and mountains from continent to continent. It was heard ness man (he was prepared to in three and three in one.
in Central Europe and in Central Asia, by millions of Indians and tion of brute force for law.
bargain away everything, except This war aims business is sanctity of treaties. disregard Chinese, heard too by the most oppressed people in the world, the That is the straw by which the Negroes in Africa, in the West Indies, and in the United States of of course, the British Empire. damned awkward, don you for the pledged word. Almost Poles and the Czechs are to save War monger Churchill (the Eng know. So the Cabinet put up the ten commandments complete fax is concerned about the BriAmerica.
lish Roosevelt) was brought into Halifax to deal with it. few days ago the revolution achieved its twenty second anthe Cabinet only when war be. What is the real purpose of SERMONS ON tish Empire. For the rest, as far. niversary. Broken and besmirched, attacked from without and betrayed from within, yet it lives. From the great peaks scaled in its gan, and over the radio he tells our struggle? Halifax admits DEMOCRACY as we can.
early years, it has fallen far. But it basis and a banner, a Britain, says Halifax, does not banner torn and bedraggled, stained with crimes and blood, carried wish to interfere in Germany SHORT ON CONCRETE, by treacherous hands, but still a symbol of the greatest effort yet affairs. But when the challenge SHORT ON ABSTRACT in the sphere of international re But if he is short on the conmade by downtrodden humanity to rid the world of economie exlations is sharpened, as today in crete, he is long on the abstract.
ploitation and political tyranny. To rid the world, not only Russia Today Negroes, weighed down by still heavier burdens than those Germany, by the denial to men Acquiescence is dishonor. my and women of elementary human own conscience. supreme disthey carried on November 7, 1917 must celebrate that never to be rights. then, then what? Is honour. Two lines lower, forgotten anniversary, must reflect on what the Russian Revolution has meant and still means, to them and to all mankind.
he for a democratic Germany? supreme dishonour, and two This sanctimonious scoundrel has lines lower, The supreme disIt Shook the Foundations Imperialism t even the nerve to go that far. honour of the German GovernTwenty two years ago the great majority of Negroes Africa Walter Chrysler sipping champagne. Workers in his auto Democratic Germany means ment is now open to the world.
and their brothers and sisters in America were little more than plants are striking to maintain decent living standards against workers political parties and So now Hitler knows, the disslaves, nourishing that hope of freedom which is unquenchable in inhuman spoed up, and for union conditions.
agitation for socialism, and God honorable rascal.
the hearts of men, but feeding it on the illusions and misconceptions (Continued from Page 1) to have occurred in Detroit, knows what else. Halifax takes. and impotence bred of white domination and the steel walls of imnothing but a few pious speeches Bridgeport and in connection refuge in the liturgy of his be becomes inspired: human equalperialist slavery. But the Russian Revolution in 1917 rized to the ground one great fortress of world imperialism, and so shook the wtraction wears off, and no one in New York City. These seeming law and the quality of mercy in war the British will be better when they get into office. Their with the American Labor Party for din church and are therefore ity, sell respect and mutual toler whole structure that today, twenty two years after, it still rocks pays them any more attention.
on its foundations. In the years that followed 1917, the Communist New Deal Gone force the observations already dealings between man and man equipped in spirit. For many reasons the word life in this matter, as indeed in the new International carried the great message of the world revolution and Insofar as general trends could made.
the example of Russia to the millions of Negroes throughout the be observed, conservatism and re in Detroit, Rebebicamerasyor Mussolini, whom the British are side that counts. He actually re democracy is anathema. For all life, it is finally the spiritual world, Negroes for the first time understood that for them, as for all the exploited and oppressed, there was a road out and upward, Here, too, this result can be at Reading was defeated by the courting. Carol of Rumania, fers to the doctrine of the stone understood that they were not alone, that in France and in Britain, tributed to the wearing thin or Democratic candidate. Readine Branco, Metaxas of Greece, would ment. To many it seems strange in Belgium and in America, all over the world, there were millions the liberal, progressive and pseu however, was also in his own way not at all mind being included of workers and peasants whose enemy was their enemy, whose aim do radical ants of usguises of the serv one of the good government Baters for the rule of law and that we should look to force with was their aim, whose destiny was their destiny, not only to destroy all its suffering to bring redemp.
the quality of mercy. But ton. And again, annihilation At the conclusion of a speaking is left reformers, and he trod the same tyrants and oppressors, but to destroy the system which gave them The government is seeking to of the New Deal in reality, and plank as LaGuardia candidates Halifax talked about war for spiritual values and those 900 de democracy in Germany. he in which we birth, not only to overthrow imperialism but to create the socialist tour for the Socialist Workers society.
The Russian Revolution, the Communist International that grew the eastern and Middle Western workers came to work because minds of those who once were Auto unionists resentment pros after him like pack of hounds. These, according to Halifax, Party that took him throughout prove that only a fraction of the less and less of it remains in the and Mayor Stump of Reading would have these hoped for allies to take wo strengthen ourselves up high resolutions.
out of it, by precept of brilliant propaganda and fearless agitation states, Albert Goldman, well the rest were intimidated by the fooled by it. Under such circum ably figured in increasing the vicby example of heroic struggle and self sacrifice, taught the lessons known Jabor attorney, declared picket line. Interfering with stances, with no outlet to the tory of Jeffries Mayor Read. So that the sermons on democ are the war carmine the erilist of imperialist barbarism, of the necessity for proletarian revolutions that his lectures on WPA workers is a crime under left, more openly conservative ing opponent. but Jeffries was only about strictly for home Government. This is the billige in the imperialist nations, and national independence in the colonial stages urophich wahrersthellyhost the Roosevelt. Woodrum Reliet candidates could get into oflice by ste grotte painst to repudiate any gamation also bodia is hav that Halifax has the nerve to The defeat of the pension plans candidate.
racy. Halifax does not want to as the reply of the British Govirrespective of religion or race, indefatigably pointed to the two perienced in France early this indicated something quite differ The old war horse, Jasper Mac have to explain why he is fight ernment to the question people roads that lay before all mankind imperialist war and capitalist fall, had been received with the ent that the overwhelming ma in both Ohio and California was reaction, or victorious socialism in Europe and America and the in rostert. Interest by hundreds of jority of the WPA workers, act: table on tongost decanya ticuand no wowy, pulled through in Bridge lion Germand white on the same. Goldman, whose tour began on refused to work for the scabery Thursday lost in California ished majority for his private 375 million Indians. No. This war this, can do 80. There may be to Blow at Colonial Exploitation There are Negroes who habe seen and still see little for their the Twin cities, stated that his in the new relief bill just passed for herceptedierea, any commentat. he seems to be the fact that he for international broadcast. It taken in by this sermon. We either serish or ignorant selfish because they are anxious only to Minneapolis and at the Universi District Attorney Ander urbis defeat seems to have re shine of his own, but also the fact or easy on 19 today! ponents of a war for democracy, like the New Leader and preserve and extend the mean profits and paltry prestige they have ty of Minnesota managed to scrape together for themslves; or they are ignorant, not Speaks to Negroes than 150 witnesses, and it there in the first place, the pension faults, he still has guts enough AGAIN, THE WAR others, when they say they bewith the of His most interesting lecture, fore appears that a month will plans, especially the California to run on a ticket that calls itself TO END WAR. dirty but learnedly ignorant through too complete an acceptance of im the Negro district of Chicago. eludes its case. The feeling wholes that, in spite of the legitim workers, given the chance, willing for peace, he says. But how choke them. Halifax is fighting eyes of the masses, to perpetuate and not to the imperialist sympathizers of the Socialist Anderson is seeking to pad the their aims their opponents had a en when that idea has so weak to fight for it again?
We fougke Britain, for the 100 billion dollars evidence that the cost of an paganda against them. MacLevy sewers.
it. Halifax takes care of that: explain why the British government, when Anthony Eden visited him.
right to exploit 500 million starvA. Vote Moscow in 1935, demanded as the first condition of British friend Speaking on the attitude of the appeal would be almost prohibi Secondly, the official leadership With this purpose in view ing colonials, to crush the Gership with Russia the discontinuance of revolutionary propaganda in French workers to the war, Gold. tive to organized labor. In case of of both the Ohio and California man challenge to Britain imperIndia, in the West Indies, and in Africa These British imperialists, man pointed out at his lectures appeal, the defense must pay for movements was in the hands, to a In New York City, the Ameri. We shathe use all our influence, ial supremacy. We can judge of with the experience of three centuries, know the condition of the that although the workers hated the printing of a transcript of all considerable extent, of shady pro can Labor Party polled what when the time comes, in the moters who taught their follow looks at first like the very low building of a new world in the corruption, and rotteness of people they so mercilessly exploit. They felt and still feel the shock the idea of going off to the testimony.
the British system by the supwhich the nations will not perers to put all faith in the prom total of about 240, 000. However, Sentence Deferred. every corner trenches in the service of their reme inanity of the defense its of the Russian Revolution, at home in Britain, and of their empire. They know that, in Africa for instance, there has imperialism, they saw no way out On Saturday, Federal Judge ises of politicians of the two ma when analyzed, this turns out to mit insane armed rivalry to rulers make for it. But, as the exdeny, their hopes of fuller life. ample of India shows today, and and future confidence not be has lasted, so strong as that represented by a few thousand coples the Socialist and Communist paring indefinitely the sentencing or after being themselves elected the entire city vote than a year forever overborne by grim tomorrow, people aren swallowas the British workers will show of a Bolshevik paper circulating among the Negroes, and a few men ties had no program fighting the cight workers convicted in the last year by pension votes, light ago. This voto was secured in the foreboding of disaster.
working devotedly to build a Bolshevik party. They can foresee the against the war. The working first two trials. The judge stated heartedly broke their promises, face of the de facto split in the ing that sort of dope any more.
party between the Hillman Wald As the poet says, But who is The war aims of the British boursuch a party. They know what this revolution will mean to their at his meetings, far from fight. least until he receives reportal This was most plainly illustrat man clique and the Stalinists, and this and what is here? We seem geoiste now face the class aims overwhelming power of the Negro masses when mobilized behind class parties. Goldman explained he would postpone sentence at as they always power and their profits and their privilege to They therefore curse. teret alma the Russian Revolution the day it was born among themselves as to which sibly until all WPA strike defenbla who, after allowing himself to the party to measure up to the core. Indeed we have. He is our their millions or Buddet be regarded as the Messiah of the demands of the national and in old friend, the war to end war, No Southern capitalist or plantation owner celebrates the an. Imperialist camp to support.
Goldman dealt at length with The judge action was taken pension movement, made a vic ternational crisis.
but dressed up in clerical coat, niversary of the Rusalan Revolution. Should a Negro in the South walk down a public street carrying a banner marked Long Live the program of the French Com to indicate some hesitation in fous attack against it on the eve The split and the character of the meaningless mouthings of a Socialist Workers Party rocollar turned back, and uttering THE BRONX BRANCH of the the Russian Revolution, he might be lynched before he had gone munist party, tracing its syra government circles concerning of the election.
Third, the labor movement in in a position where it may well be Oxford cleric. As is Atting. For it stands for the destruction of the Lions from Popular Frontism to next moves. The fight that Minfifty yards. And why? Beca though more or less wiped altogether of the political ford University joint stronghold Bronx to purchase the Appeal quests all sympathizers and friends who live in the West rotting capitalist system, with its unnecessary poverty and degrada support of the Stalin Hitler alli nesota labor is putting up and both the support it is receiving ment, was ambiguous and halt not lose ground in the face of the of British capital and British pition, its imperialist war and its fascist dictatorships, its class dom ance.
supporting the pension move map tomorrow. But that it dla Great Interest throughout the country, has the ination and racial persecution. Every Negro with an ounce of poat the following newsstands: ety.
hearted in its attitude, and made local obstacles and the national Great interest was manifested government worried.
litical understanding or a spark of revolt against oppression will no effort to take the leadership trend indicates that the workers What is this new international 204 St. and Valentine Ave. Kingsbridge Station Armory recognize the significance and celebrate the anniversary of the at each of his meetings, Goldman stated, when he called upon the FIGHT AGAINST THE by putting the plans on a sound would be more than ready to ral does not know and says so. We away from the charlatans and, in New York 18 elsewhere order going to look like? Halifax Corner: Moshulu Station October revolution in Russia.
workers to learn the tragic lesEast: 3889 Sedgwick Ave. The Fourth International Carries On sons of their European brothers.
WAR; basis and conducting a vigorously to a party genuinely their own have no idea what the shape of Fordham Road and Jerome: struggle to transform the move and controlled by themselves, the post war world will be. All 188th and Concourse True, we have seen the revolution outraged and degraded. We called upon the advance ment into a serious popular offen whch would put forward a bold have seen, rising out of the ruins of Bolshevism in Russia, the mon guard of the American workers strosity of Stalinism.
We have seen the Communist International to do in this country what the organize themselves against the sive.
and uncompromising workers program change from the valiant defender of the International working class German, French and English war and to join the Socialist Some Exceptions into the mere tool of Stalin foreign policy. The development and workers failed to do, Goldman Workers Party, the party of pro The only important partial exdecline of the Russian Revolution are described elsewhere in this went on. called upon them to letarian revolution.
ceptions shown to the general issue, and in many of our books and pamphlets.
But the principles trend of the elections might seem MINN SOTA LABOR of the world revolution, which first assumed flesh and blood in GETTING TOO HOT 1917, still remain. Today a new international, the Fourth, main tarian revolution in Europe. But he has always seen and taught that the opening of the tains the tradition and works for the goal. Though we condemn and the struggle in the last analysis is one, that the blows he gave and ceaselessly expose Stalin and all his works, we celebrate the Russian directed at world imperialism in any country, weakened the whole anniversary and we call upon the Negroes and all workers to cele system and thereby facilitated the victory of Indians in India and Negroes in Africa and America. If today the Socialist Workers brate with us.
Labor, organ of the 21 rallBy a curious trick of fortune, Leon Trotsky, whose name is in Party has placed work among the American Negroes as one of the road uniong, predicted in its 27 UNIVERSITY PLACE revolution to success, was born on November 7th, the anniversary on problems of the Negro, it owes much to his insistence on the Nov. issue that the present trial of WPA workers in MinNEW YORK, of the revolution. This year he celebrates his sixtieth birthday. Importance of the Nogro to the American revolution, his sympathy neapolis would be the last, alHistory is the struggle of economic and social forcen expressing which their apprengue, his chirum est faith in their power to struggle Telephone GRamerey 0917 though over 100 other defendants are awaiting trial. The life of a single individual epitomizes the history of a movement socialist society. Negroes will join with us in celebrating his annigreat fight that Minnesota laSecond only to Lenin, Trotsky was at the head of the Russian Rev versary and to wish him and his wife Natalia, his devoted helper. Continued from Page 1)
olution during the great days of October, the war of intervention, many years of life and health to continue their work, of such im tration brought no results. The getting too hot for the governbor is putting up is apparently the founding of the Soviet state, and the organization of the Comportance to us today and to the generations yet to come.
committee of union members re ment This joint anniversary bears for all Negroes a special signift mained and insisted that the case munat International. But with the decline of the revolution, he found It was reported on moment when the imperialist barbe heard. Again the police were himself leading the opposition to the bureaucracy of Stalin. He was cance at this time. It comes at ariven out of Russia and exiled to Turkey. His children and family barians are engaged once more in their periodical orgies of destruc called and again the committee bor, that these would be the Politics, Economics no other man in history has been slandered. He has been driven from Belves with the imperialist criminals, when hopes of liberation seem arrest that brought the seven Organized labor in Minnesota, country to country years has been guarded night and day faint and distant. But in the early days of 1917 just such a pall suspended sentences.
The Center of Political Pamphlets of which is backing the strikers to save him from Stalin assassins. All for one reason only. Because seemed to rest on the poor and oppressed in all countries everywhere.
he remains today as he has always been the enemy of capitalist Yet that gloom was the prelude to such an uprising of the masses Gets Food with all its resources, will apall shades of peal the convictions of the society, the organizer and theoretician of the world revolution, and as had never been seen before. Negroes were unprepared then. Toopinion The action of the union has almen already tried. That will the unsparing opponent of the bureaucracy which has betrayed the day, thanks to the Russian Revolution, they and all others who suf ready brought partial success.
great revolution; concerned not with personal revenge nor the lust fer with them can see more clearly. Knowledge is power. Let us David Sporn was granted a food place the matter in the hands for power but with the liberation of the workers and farmers in all celebrate these anniversaries, not only in memory of the great deeds allotment by the home reliet buof Solicitor General Jackson, Drop in and browse around and if he doesn move for discountries from capitalist chains and slavery.
LATEST FICTION He has written little specifically on the Negro question, as he the days that are ahead. Negroes more than all others have nothing not been granted, and the union missal of the cases careful obLending Library has written little, for instance, on the Indian question. The circum to lose but their chains. They more than all others will play their committee intends to continue the servers in Washington will be Greeting Cards stances of his life and the necessities of the struggle have compelled part in the destruction of capitalist society for they have most to vigorous fight it has put up until greatly surprised.
him to devote most of his attention to the great centers of prolo win.
the rent is paid.
OxAnnouncing Modern Bookshop ARREST GROUP FOR GOVERNMENT separus cariocated themes to the Terms present the polity mpo place be the more recente program and to the ASKING RELIEF FOR NEEDY MAN around November 18 Full Line of Books on Labor, the