AnarchismBolshevismCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismFootballFranceGPUGerman RevolutionGermanyHitlerImperialismLeninMarxMarxismRussian RevolutionSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

SOCIALIST APPEAL NOVEMBER 14, 1935 Long Live the Heroic Achievements of 1917!
WORKERS FORUM The Russian Revolution Paved In the The Way for the World October Labor Unions Labor and The Second World War peal.
COMPLAINS ABOUT front page carries news that conAPPEAL ARTICLES cerns New York mainly or alDear Comrade Editor. Continued from Page 1)
together. Now we realize that Revolution to End Bureaucracy am writing you to protest NY has the biggest section of the imperialist masters of the world.
The Kremlin bureaucracy, like the social certain errors made in the Ap party and sells the majority of But the working class has seen treachery democratic and all other bureaucracies, more the Appeals. But that hampers First, the issue of Tuesday, the rest of the party. So within its ranks before. Labor has seen the than anything else in the world fears a workOct. 24. The headline reads: thought of this idea to handle huge machine of the German social democ ers revolution in the advanced countries. For Lewis Opens Drive In CIO the situation. Make the front to Clean House of Stalinists. page full of national news, all By WIDICK racy drag the workers into the last war and such a revolution will awaken the Soviet By Johnson Strikes First Blow by Remov headlines denouncing the war smash the German revolution. The treachery masses, give them outside support, provide Fresh examples of how the laing CP Clique From Strategic and the warmakers. But on the bor bureaucracy becomes part of the German social democracy and of the the Soviet Union with the economic collabVI Posts. Lewis Crusade Spells fourth page also have headlines and parcel of the war machine French and British, now being repeated oration it needs, and thereby put an end to The Treachery of the Stalinist Bureaucracy End of Stalinist Union Wreck that concern New York and iners in appear almost daily.
CIO. This sounds as clude specific NY news. For inflowed from the same source as that of the Canadian section of the the Kremlin bureaucracy.
The though the SWP approves of stance, the Appeal of Oct. 27 CIO announces its autonomy be Stalinist bureaucracy: having arrogated to The international revolution will put an In the early years the Soviet government maintained a Lewis actions in clamping down carries the headline Shachtman cause it wants a completely free themselves special privileges, not shared by end to all bureaucracies by putting an end truly Marxist policy, building up the internal economy and on the CP. All of our comments On New York Ballot, Boss Pollhand to aid the governement for the workers, they sought to preserve those to all special privilege. For the existence of working with the Communist International for the worlding them cliques, unton wreck significance has that outside of Britain The Canadian CIO leadership privileges by conniving with the capitalists all bureaucracies flows from the scarcity of revolution.
publicly declares it will do its against the workers.
goods, which makes control and consumption But the bureaucracy quickly became so satisfied with its but nevertheless, we don ap that NY have that headiine. If part to help British Imperialism Shall we despair because there are traitors of them a privilege. Science and technology position, so anxious to avoid the international complications prove of Lewis bureaucratic ac it were on the fourth page the keep over five hundred milliori cotions against the CP. Our posi comrades could hold the paper have provided the foundations for an econ of a revolution, and, as is the way of bureaucracies, so lonial peoples in virtual slavery. in our ranks? The Russian Revolution antions always was and should be with the fourth page facing the Chauvinism permeates the la swers that question too! While faint hearted omy of plenty. The forces are at hand which short sighted and cowardly, that it missed opportunity after that when the CP is to be kicked public bor bureaucracy so deeply that it pessimists despaired as the Second Interna make possible abundant satisfaction of the opportunity to assist the workers in the overthrow of their out, the militant, progressive un To sum up, let our paper have ion men will do that job. two front pages.
blance of internationalism ex tional joined the war makers, the Bolsheviks, needs of humanity. What stands in the way own capitalists. The Communist International assumed the Now for a little constructive Comradely.
are the old, obsolete forms of property re leadership of the revolutionary movement in nearly every pressed by the unity of the Amer under Lenin and Trotsky, wasted no time in criticism. Much too often the ican and Canadian sections of bewailing what had happened. Three years lations, and the ruling classes who are their country, and the Communist leaders took their guidance the CIO.
after the black day on which the German beneficiaries. What is needed is a world rev from Moscow. But in Germany in 1923, in China in 1925Serve Masters social democrats voted for war credits, the olution that will throw on the garbage heap 1927, Stalin and his bureaucrats. at the critical periods. An Unusual Opportunity British and French labor lead Bolsheviks were able to achieve the October of ers are doing their best in the revolution, and thereby proved that the human progress.
came in Germany in 1933, when the bureaucracy, after three service of their capitalist mas forces of the working class are strong Assets of Russian Revolution years of vacillation, once more gave the signal for retreat. Offered Workers in teresit percent comme prominent enough to overcome even the blackest treachAlways obedient, the German Communist Party, without British faker, and Leon Jouhaux, ery within its own ranks. The betrayal perIn our struggle for world revolution, we even a show of resistance, allowed Hitler to take power. Marxist School Courses French sell out artist, are going petrated by the social democracy was anhave at our disposal invaluable assets bequeathed to us by the Russian Revolution. The Stalinists Embrace Democracy close solidarity of the workers in swered in the only way it could be answered Every defeat of the workers weakened the Russian workthese two countries behind the. by the launching of the Third Interna And, not least among the assets they have ers in their struggle against the bureaucracy. And every de Monday, Nov. 20, offers the prospective student a splendid oppor The Fall Term of the MARXIST SCHOOL, which begins on war machines.
Mr. William Green, president of left us, are the conquests of the October feat of the workers weakened Soviet Russia in the struggle tunity to get the Marxist viewpoint on a number of the important the American Federation of La: Why the Bureaucracy Triumphed Revolution that still remain in the Soviet against its unsleeping enemy, world imperialism. After problems of the day. the German defeat, Stalin began to look for salvation by an Do you want to find out about America role in the war? James Union.
quite that openly yet for his mas Today the Third International is as ters. However, he is doing a fair treacherous as the Second International. It Ştate property, the indispensable condition alliance with either fascist Germany or the democracies. tion in a course on THE WAR DEAL IN ACTION. In the intily good job of warming up.
for building socialism, still remains in the soliciting now one and now the other. His policy in face of Naturally. Green would go af is a mere appendage of the Stalin bureauter the militant workers who are cracy, a corrupt tool of its foreign policy.
Soviet Union in spite of all Stalin under the workers revolutions in China and Germany had forced with you the Administration drive to get the into the war, Neutrality legislation, Day plans, the latest financial and indusfighting for their elementary That foreign policy consists of an unintermining of the conquests of the October Rev him into this position, and there was no escape. But to furtrial trends in relation to the war, etc.
rights, namely the autoworkers rupted series of betrayals of the independent olution. Even if Stalin were finally to sucther his ends he committed yet another terrible crime Have you ever been puzzled over why Marxists condemn some workers, according to Green, is interests of the international working class. ceed in destroying the nationalized property, against the working class. Seeking an alliance with France wars and justify others, what defeatism and defensism are, how the social conquests of the SR. can be defended in the present conthat they resorted to slow down Whichever imperialist power it suits Stalin the record of the accomplishments of nation and Britain, he converted the Communist International into fict, what Marx, Lenin, Luxemberg, Kautsky, etc. thought on the or sit down strikes in protest to curry favor with at any given moment, alized means of production would remain as an agency for the support of the democracies against war problem? Max Shachtman will tell you. In a course on SOagainst the terrific speed up in the auto plants.
that power has delivered to it, bound hand irrefutable proof of the superiority of that fascism. For five years the whole force of the Stalinist CIALISM AND WAR he will consider the war problem in its historic and theoretic aspects.
Of course, the effectiveness of and foot, as many workers as the Commu form of production over capitalist anarchy. International, supported by the resources of the Soviet the auto workers tactics and nist International can delude. Yesterday DalFortunately Stalin has not yet succeeded. state, was directed to making the workers support one For the trade unionist the course to be given by Frank their solidarity are what Green is on ORGANIZING LABOR is all important. The lectures will deal adier and Chamberlain were the benefiThat asset of world revolution remains. group of imperialists against the other, condemnation of with the tremendous events in recent labor history. Frank as really objecting to.
Capitalism during the course of this war which distinguishes the revolutionary movement from all a parte peste handle scrunts on the great strike struggles and close But there is something much ciaries; today it is Hitler.
more insidious in Green blast But they lie. the social democrats, the or after will undoubtedly seek to overthrow others.
against the auto workers. After the Kremlin oligarchy in order to reintro The Stalinists could not stop at words. To secure his up of the leading personalities involved.
all, he always opposed militant liberals. the reformists of every stripeWe believe Johnson to be the foremost authority on the action.
who say that the treachery of the Soviet duce capitalism and divide the Soviet terri alliance with the democracies, Stalin and his Communist Negro question in the labor movement. Author of a number of books Green criticism of the auto tories into capitalist colonies. The world parties perpetrated some of the most cynical betrayals in and pamphlets on the subject, he now gives a course on THE workers in reality is a bid to the bureaucracy is an outgrowth of the doctrines working class will defend that asset of world history. In France in 1936 the workers seized the factories. DESTINY OF THE NEGRO for the Marxist School in which the American war machine for be of Lenin and Trotsky. The responsibility chief solutions advanced for the Negro problem will be examined.
coming the outstanding labor for the degeneration of the first workers revolution as part of its struggle against Stalin used the Communist Party to stifle the movement for Haye you ever taken a course in economics and been disapleader in war time. That is, state rests first of all upon the reformists capitalist reaction. It is our task to destroy the sake of his alliance with French democracy.
pointed because what you learnt had no apparent relation to the the Kremlin clique, for that is what defense The most powerful revolution of modern times broke everyday world about you? We are sure Frank Demby course on you played ball with us we guar who, as lackeys of the capitalists, destroyed antee there won be any strikes. the German, Austrian and Hungarian revof the remaining conquests of the October out in Spain a few months later. Stalin Communist Party. HOW CAPITALISM OPERATES TODAY Will not disappoint you We ll keep labor pacified. The olutions and left the Soviet state isolated Revolution means. The only real way to de and the agents of the GPU hounded down, murdered and day realities. How does a Fascist economy function, what is the CHO leaders won fend the Soviet Revolution is to make the imprisoned thousands who were leading the struggle for relation between and inflation, what is wrong with the farmer?
The whole purpose of the Green amid capitalist encirclement. The reformists world revolution.
socialism. The Spanish revolution, he insisted, was a revo The lectures will apply key concepts of Marxian economics to these statement is to express his will seek to justify their treachery by pointing to lution for democracy and no more. Had either of these and other questions.
ingness to be the agent of the the treachery of the Stalinists; but to every The Trail Has Been Blazed!
bosses and the military machine thinking worker especially today! when We urge all students to register at once. Registration can be revolutions followed their normal development, the result There were few voices raised at first would have been such a resurgence of working class mili between and p. or by writing to the same address in care of made at the Labor Bookshop, 116 University Place, New York City, These examples serve to indi the Second International is repeating its against the First World War: Lenin and tancy all over Europe and elsewhere that we would have the Marxist School. All courses consist of sessions and cost one cate what revolutionists mean treacherous role of 1914 1918 there is no Liebknecht Trotsky and Luxemburg and so been saved the second world war. In France in particular for.
The following is the schedule of courses: reaucracy as agents of the cap. choice between the reformists and the Stalfew others! But their voices became the the workers turned to the Communist Party, thinking it HOW CAPITALISM OPERATES TODAY talist class.
voices of the great masses who, by the Rus was the party of revolution. The French capitalists were Mondays, 7:15 8:40 But Not the Workers Hemmed in by the capitalist world, de sian Revolution and its reverberations, put helpless. But it was Stalin Communist Party that saved II. SOCIALISM AND WAR The attitude of the rank and prived of systematic access to the technology an end to the war. So today there are few French capitalism.
Mondays, 8:00 10:15 Ale, however, is different.
of the advanced countries, the first Soviet enough voices raised against the Second Stalin Seeks New Ally III. THE DESTINY OF THE NEGRO The attitude of the rank and state, built upon the meager resources of World War. But those voices begin where Tuesdays, 7:15 8:40 sle on the question of war is not backward Russia, fell victim to degeneraELEMENTS OF SOCIALISM Capitalists do not deal in gratitude. At Munich the dethe revolutionists of 1917 left off. We shall Tuesdays, 8:50 10:15 cause of the censorship and per. tion. bureaucracy rose and triumphed, complete what they began. We shall do it in mocracies made obvious their international policy for ORGANIZING LABOR thanks to the passivity into which the Soviet the spirit of the Russian Bolsheviks who years past: to encourage an attack on Soviet Russia by HitWednesdays, 7:18 8:40 hint of how the British work masses had fallen after their heroic efforts carried out the first successful workers rev ler. Stalin turned hastily and negotiated again with Hitler, THE WAR DEAL IN ACTION Wednesdays, 8:50 10:15 brief dispatch telling the story of of 1914 1923. Lenin and Trotsky foresaw olution. Long live the Russian Revolution this time secretly, and got his alliance. The revolutionary ALL CLASSES WILL workers had been deflected from their real enemy, the enemy HELD AT THE WORKERS CUL a young worker who was called this danger, fought against it, and explained It has blazed the trail to the world revolubefore a special court after re its causes.
at home, for five years. The incipient French revolution, the fusing to be drafted.
triumphant Spanish revolution, had been destroyed by Stal am a slave of the capitalist system. It is their war, not the in agents, all for the sake of his alliance with democra Socialist Appeal ANNOUNCEMENT workers. refuse to shoot down cy in the cause of peace. Then suddenly the workers were 116 University Place my fellow workers, even though HARLEM 1939 Bound Volumes New York City.
told that peace and democracy were best served by the NEW YORK The Greeks had you line me up against a wall and would like to get better acquainted with your paper, a word for it Olympics. The YPshoot me, the worker declared.
EDUCATIONAL pact between Stalin and the most powerful fascist state the Socialist Appeal. Please send me sample copies for How many other unknown her SL have a word for it, too AnFORUM SOCIALIST APPEAL in Europe. Hitler, given the green light by Stalin, marched.
oes of the Penne are there ti War Olympiad the first in the 186 LENOX AVENUE At that moment of desperate crisis the revolutionary workir England, and Canada: series now ready!
Name ers in Europe, stunned by the pact, were thrown into helpWhat are we talking about. They are the real volce of the Lectures Every Thursday Address less confusion and the imperialists slid them smoothly into proletariat. The labor bureaucrats It the November 12th fracas at PM merely repeat their master which will include 52 Issues of this year neatly war.
City voice heated football fracas bebound together. Have a firsttween the Erber Ebullient Ends NOV. 16 Why Negroes In the United States the Stalinists, hoping to include Should Oppose the War. hand survey of the historio starring Bone crusher Ernie, the Roosevelt with Chamberlain and Daladier in the alliance terror of the Trembling Terpisevents of this year right at your NOV. 28 The Negro and elbow.
with Stalin, lay on their bellies for five years licking the Chicago Holds choreans and Gould Burlesque the Trade Unions.
Bolsheviks, featuring the set( 00 Including postage)
lutionary workers in every combat against imperialism in dust of Roosevelt boots. They clamored in favor of the NOV. 80 The Heritage of Anniversary Meet backs and wrong ends of Bolall its forms. Never before has such shamelessness, such Slavery.
SPECIAL! New Deal. They rooted for every move Roosevelt made On the Revolution shevik footballydom.
1938 Bound. Volume toward war. They opposed the Ludlow amendment. They degradation, such corruption been a part of the workers Penta and Decathlon, inProminent Speakers NOW ONLY 00 cluding the Reactionary foot were ready to shed the blood of millions of American movement. In less than twenty years Stalin has transCHICAGO Nearly 250 people race and a special relay, the naQuestions Discussion workers to defeat fascism in Germany. Came the Stalinformed the world revolutionary vanguard into a procurer attended the nd anniversary of ture of which cannot be divulged ADMISSION FREE Hitler Pact. The American Stalinists turned about face, for the prostitution of the international working class, in the October Rev meeting the preser ORDER NOW FROM: and today they are as active for Hitler victory as yesterthe interests of Russian bureaucrats. No institution in held here last week by the Social Time: Nov, 12, 11:00a.
ist Workers Party and the Young Place: Entrance to Alley Pond, Socialist Appeal human history has fallen so fast and so far.
Auspices: Harlem Branch, day they were for his defeat, are busy whipping up workers People Socialist League (Fourth State Park, Queens, 116 UNIVERSITY PLACE everywhere in the democracies to oppose the war to This cynical deception of the workers, this pushing them International. Bus Q43 goes to entrance.
New York City, Albert Goldman, labor attormake things as easy as possible for Hitler, Stalin ally. about, like pawns on a chessboard, here and there and even ney, and Widick, organizer DOUBLE ROOM WANTED for But if Stalin is forced to an alliance with Britain tomorrow. into war for the sake of the bureaucracy, well explains not of the Chicago SWP, were speak two people. Must be furnished.
Let the People Join the Socialist venal robots as they are, the Stalinists will once more only the opportunist zig zag of the Stalinist parties. It iners. The movie, Ten Days That Address all letters to Standicates also the bureaucracy role inside the Soviet Union.
Shook the World, completed the clamor for a holy war of democracy against fascism.
ley, care of Socialist Appeal, 116 University Place, NYC.
Vote on War!
Workers Party Long over are the days when they were leading the revo(Continued in Next Issue)
IV secution.
of the next few weeks.