BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismDemocracyFranceHitlerIV InternationalRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

No Collusion with the War Department!
Socialist Appeal On the ove of the of and LO. conventions, Assistant Secretary of War Johnson liaison of cers confidentially showed the of and leaders the Day plans.
Behind closed doors, the labor leaders protested in vain for the Day plans mean virtunl extinction of the unions when the war starts.
But at the of and conventions they endorsed Roosevelt tako neutrality program, the first step on the road to war!
Let the of and IO. members know what the government officers sald behind those closed doors!
No secret diplomacy between the government and labor officials!
Official Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International Issued Twice Weekly VOL. III, No. 87, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1939 THREE (3) CENTS On Its 22nd Anniversary The War Deal ROOSEVELT Long Live The Russian Revolution!
Labor Offered Nothing, Stays Away from Polls In National Elections IMOBILIZATION ARREST GROUP ASKING RELIEF FOR NEEDY MAN ARMS EMBARGO REPEAL LIMITED NATIONAL EMERGENCY WAR RESOURCES BOARD DAY PLANS Carlo GOVERNMENT WITNESS ADMITS to the revolutionaries have only succeeded in prolonging the COACHING BY MEN IN TRIAL The Fight Against Turncoats OF MINNEAPOLIS WPA STRIKERS Vote With Feet as Boss Politicians Avoid Twenty two years ago this month it was October by the Issues of War and Jobs Results indicate eld Russian calendar the workers and peasants in the Czar former empire rose, arms in hand, and put an end to the Advance of Reactionary Forces bloody war. The guns put into their hands to fight the external enemy, the masses turned on the enemy at home.
Tuesday election results showed three chief features: The Russian Bolsheviks showed by example that it is en(1) The apathy and lack of interest shown by vast sectirely possible for the millions of suffering men and women who daily are herded for bestial exploitation into factories Union Rejects No tions of the electorate. 2) The petering out and even collapse of nearly all the and mines and mills and fields and battlefields to take their Answer of Home Re local good government and reform movements, together fate into their own hands.
with the resurgence of the local machines; This great lesson of the Russian Revolution is more alive lief Bureau (3) The continuing advance of conservative and reacin the minds and hearts of mankind today than ever before.
tionary forces, though as yet still in a comparatively cautious It is the specter that haunts the oppressors. It is the hope that NEW YORK CITY, Nov. 10 manner.
animates the oppressed.
Charged with disorderly conduct Low as were the registration figures this year compared to October Is Still Our Guiding Star for demanding that David Sporn, the preceding six or seven years, millions even of the regisThe living example of the October revolution cannot be placed on the home rellet rolls, tered voters did not bother to go to the polls.
seven members of the Unemploy All indicationis suggest that it was particularly the unemerased from the memory of the toiling masses not by the ed and Project Workers Union, ployed and the workers who heavy In California, the largest defeats sustained by the revolutionaries nor by the victories of on record.
capitalist reaction in the intervening years.
sentences by Magistrate Andrews stayed away.
in Magistrates Court today. drop in the total number Nearly all the good governFor the passage of years has demonstrated still further that After the home rellof bureau of voters is to be expected in only a few years ago were capthe victories of capitalist reaction are altogether hollow. Cap 709 repeatedly turned down Sporn those years when posts in the turing the popular imagination, italism itself is no longer viable. It is torn up and devoured by request for food and mentye. com Federal government are not at made a feeble showing. They fell its own contradictions. It can no longer assure security and ion went to the bureau officials. stake. Nevertheless this is not machines.
peace to anyone. Crises and wars, the slow starvation of unThey explained that the man was sufficient to explain the size of Tammany Sweep employment or the sudden death of the battlefield these are FIRST RETURNS In New York City, Tammany.
the only alternativse capitalism offers mankind. The tempothat he had nothing to eat, no the decline this year.
pronounced dead two years ago where to sleep, and needed atten Avoid Main Issues INDICATE LARGE rary defc by all the civic leaders, made a the armies of cap have administered tion immediately. The bureau of VOTE FOR ficials refused to listen to the be found in the fact that many date favored by the gilded lily of The reason is undoubtedly to clean sweep. Every single candideath agonies of capitalism.
Election results in the New millions of persons realized that civic virtue, Mayor La Guardia, York City contest for the The union refused the flat No the chief problems concerning was defeated.
Council are still unknown. It answer of the relief administra them received no expression In Philadelphia, the old line ReThe counter revolutionary policy of the Kremlin clique has, will be several days before the tion. They demanded the Spor whatever In the contests. The un publican machine ousted the New count is finished. First recase be heard The answer of the employed and the bulk of the Dealish mayor. In Tennessee Boss to be sure, dealt heavy blows against the international workConfirms Charge of Defense That Federal home relief bureau was arrest for workers are occupied above all crump guided his ship safely to turns, however, indicate a ing class. In seeking to preserve its own parasitic privileges, large anti war vote. In parthe union committee. The first with two questions: the war, and port, as did the Kelly Nash boys the Stalinist bureaucracy has been of the greatest help to the arrests in the case brought fall jobs. On the whole, the political in Chicago. So it was in every Agents Are Behind Frame Up Sentencing til returns from the Bronx sentences for the union commit parties bent every effort toward important city. Continued on Page tee.
Of Convicted in First Trials Deferred didate, has already polled well keeping these two paramodnt is In Reading, Pennsylvania, the over one thousand votes. As But the man received no food. sues out of their campaigns. Con Social Democrats, who are simply soon as the complete figures The next day one of the local un sequently, millions of voters felt Quaker State LaGuardias, were (peolal to the Socialist Appeal)
are available, the Socialist lon members saw Sporn search that they had nothing much at relieved by the Republicans of MINNEAPOLIS, Nov. The high light of the first ten days of Appenl will publish the full ing through the neighborhood stake, and showed their attitude the comfortable offices which testimony in the third trial of WPA workers came suddenly Tuesday vote received by Max Shacht garbage cans. Approached by the by keeping away from the polls. they have been so happy to hold morning, when Police Sergeant John Finn blurted out the fact man, as well as the write in union member, Sporn admitted. In California and Ohio, in con these many years.
By GEORGE STERN that he had been coached in his testimony by men.
This humiliating end of good vote received by George ashamedly that he was trying toltrast to the rest of the countil government is in its own way Flustered on the stand under the probing of defense attorneys, Paine in Manhattan.
find a bite to eat. Constantin Smetanin, the new, viet abandonment of aid to the the problem of jobs and a decent living entered the elections recognition by the people of what Soviet ambassador to Japan, has Chiang Kai shek government and Finn had shot at him the question: Did you discuss your testimony wem to.
arrived in Tokyo. He is expected Japanese non interference with with anyone? Finn answered: the home relief bureau. sion plan referendums on the bal are. Advertised as the solution In the nearest future to open ne the Soviet sphere of influence just merely rehearsed A conference with the adminie lot. In these two states, as a re for the ills of society, they show gotiations with the Japanese gov in west and northwest China. mean, just went ove my testi(Continued on Page 8)
gult, the voting was extremely (Continued on Page 8)
ernments parallel to talks already That region would be made the mony with Noonan and rolng on in Moscow between Mol starting point, the paper added. Rice. two operatives of the toff and the Japanese envoy for a Russian drive toward India. Federal Bureau of Investigation.
The Anniversary of the Russian Revolution Finn admission caused a buzz This program, or something In Tokyo all the newspapers very much like it, now has the In the courtroom. But it merely reflect the views of the Jap approval of the Japanese provided official confirmation of (special to the soolalist Appeas) Jis won. The scabe in the union nanding more and more insist turn to amaze the historians of labor movement, that the perseALLENTOWN, Pa. Nov. 10. were routed.
ontly that Japan take the road this twisted era!
cution of the WPA workers for the strike of more than 650 Josephs also tried to get the By LEON TROTSKY of an accord with Russia rather Not that the Japanese militar their participation in the nation workers of the General Cigar local high school superintendent It has gone so far that Yomi mental hostility to Russia! Not Wato bene cengengereuronectores ce week despite the frantic efforts work in the factory. The school tremely instructive conversation is reported between the French ambassador Coulondre and In the weekly of the well known newspaper Paris Soir of August 31, 1939, an exuri Shimbum one of the most in. by a long shot. They have either Antonington rather or phone and one of the factorykowners to entart a superintendent is called u nared and Hitler on August 25, at the time of their last interview. The source of the information is boasts that Russia will be the with Stalin would be more profit. his department.
Since the 100 per cent walkout students until he ran into one undoubtedly Coulondre himself. Hitler sputters, boasts of the pact which he concluded with first nation after Japan to extend able right now than a deal with Agents Provocateurs recognition to the projected pup Britain and the or else they Last July, during the strike, it ago by the Cigar Makers Inter. She told him that she wouldket Stalin. a realistic pact. and regrets that German and French blood will be spilled.
pet central government in China are trying to raise the Anglo was discovered that the FBI had national Union, Local 91, picket work as a scab and warned him But, Coulondre objects, Stalin displayed great double dealing. The real victor in to be headed by the renegade American ante.
planted men, disguised as lines have managed to curtail that many parents will be up case of war) will be Trotsky. Have you thought this over?
Wang Ching wei.
The issue in the Pacific may be strikers, among the pickets, and production. Frantic efforts of the in arms against him when their Capt. Alexander Kovalev, the forced sooner than many expect that these men had been pres. borses to be scabs were met kids bump into the picket line. plete freedom of action? etc. know, Der Fuehrer responds, but why did France and Britain give Poland comBoviet military attache in Tokyo, Involvement of the Netherlands ent when police, on July 14, fired with defeat.
was quoted by the Domei News in the war would raise at once on pickets, killing one and wound Mr. Josephs, superintendent of ed it wasn safe for him as a Agency as declaring in an inter for Japan the question of the rich ing a score of others.
These gentlemen like to give a personal name to the spectre of revolution. But this of the factory to see what they strikebreaker and view that in so far as China is Netherlands East Indies at a time The 25 workers now on trial could do to supply workers for whole thing off.
called the course is not the essence of this dramatic conversation, at the very moment when diplomatic concerned, there is no reason for when British naval forces in were on that picket line at the production. Josephs told them to relations were ruptured. War will inevitably provoke revolution. the representative of imdispute between Russia and Jap those waters are totally incapable WPA sewing project, and are be use whatever means they want have met with success in orga perialist democracy, himself chilled to the marrow, frightens his adversary.
an. He was also stated to have of dealing with Japan. It has longing tried, presumably, for hav ed and the stooges have been nizing General Cigar Co. factowarned Japan against falling for been assumed that the Navy ing dodged the bullets. know, Hitler responds, as working in the union to start a ries out of town Wakes Barre, ishing dialogue. it were a question decided long ago. know. Astonsigned to drive a wedgewalticing the Pacific in precisely such has itself testified to the wide first shady maneuver was to send coks, South. kingston, NantiAnglo American de has been assigned the task of po Unwittingly the government back to work movement. Their Perth Amboy, River, and EvansBoth of them, Coulondre and Hitler, represent the barbarism which advances over EurJapan and the Soviet Union. He an eventuality.
added, finally, that Smetanin But it is obvious that it would the 1100 workers on the sewing ship pinning a false statement on where are urged to aid the strik revolution. Such is now the awareness of the ruling classes of all the capitalist counmight soon meet at some undis be more expedient to avoid con project. Only a handful of them the union president, Louls Seers by sending funds to the union tries of the world. Their complete demoralization is one of the most important elements in spread strike sentiment among out a postcard to the member ville, Indiana. Workers every ope. At the same time neither of them doubt that their barbarism will be conquered by socialist closed place with Panuchkine, niet with Japan at this juncture reported to work during the week geti, saying that the president secretary, Johanna Semon, 408 the recently arrived Soviet am. if only the Japanese Price does of the strike. despite all the was for an end to the strike. Allen st. Allentown, Pa. and to the relation of class forces. The proletariat has a young and still weak revolutionary leaderbassador to China.
not come too high. That is what strikebreaking threats made by The strikers called a show. boycott cigars made by the Genship. But the leadership of the bourgeoisie rots on its feet. At the very outset of the war which The Yomiuri Shimbun saia has yet to be determined. And Roosevelt, Murphy, bluntly that the Russian Japan until it is, the Russo Japanese Stassen, Mayor Leach, etc. by a three to one vote they de William Penn Little Bob they could not avert, these gentlemen are convinced in advance of the collapse of their regime.
ese deal would be based upon So rapprochment will hang fire. Continued on Page 8) cided to remain out until victory bles and Robert Burns. This fact alone must be for us the source of invincible revolutionary optimism!
Whither Soviet Russia? Hear the Sarah Rice and Cannon Answer by The Meaning of Stalin Role in the European War Wednesday Evening, November 15th, at soclock IRVING PLAZA, IRVING PLACE Formerly National Organiser, National Secretary, Socialist Workers Party 4th Int Admission: 25C at 15th Street