BourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCominternCommunismDemocracyEnglandFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismLeninMarxNazismRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSVoroshílovWorkers PartyWorking Class

CEYLONESE MASSES WAN. NO Stalin Fake Left Turn Masks NEGRO QUESTION PART OF THE BOSSES WAR Reactionary Foreign Policy Bureaucrats Stand in Way Of Winning Seamen Real Demands By JOHNSON comrade from the island of one imperialist Eloc as against Ceylon representing the Ceylon the other. Our policy is the polcse Socialist Party which is con icy of internationalism that is.
Industry and the Negro (Continued from Page 1)
hand, the imperialists of Britain and France have passed over to Then came the Civil War. Every Negro should know by now pendence of their country from must act independently of their England and France is now taken by Germany. Then Germany was. It is the British and French imperialists who have now coma a the They the aggressor. now England and France are the aggressors. forward as the most zealous supporters of the continuation and the North were fighting for control of American economy and collowing to say when interview must fight for their own free Then the peace loving powers were England and France, now further incitement of war.
the Federal Government. The Southern slave owners wanted to a by the Socialist Appeal: dom and for socialism.
Hitler is the peace lover!
The manifesto of the Communist International, in accordance ma ntain that control. Every new State added to the union meant Ceylon 6, 000, 000 workers and It is our belief that the colomore representatives and more power to one side or to the other. Te peasants are absolutely oppose nial peoples will be the first to tion between the two imperialist camps is used today as before democratic imperialists and has not a word of criticism of Hitler!
The same false methodology of making a fundamental distinc with this theory of two stages. directs all its fire against the a new state was a slave state then the slave owners gained more So giving any sort of support to raise the banner of revolt against Aug. 23. only the distinction is now made in favor of Hitler.
power at Washington. If the new state was a state based on tree England in the present imper: loose incorperise se knew that cinst Molotoff and Dimitrov Whitewash Hitler Having served its purpose for six weeks, the view that all the belis.
So that years there was always a quarrel whenever a new is simple.
England are held to be culprits.
conscious American workers will Molotoff Oct. 31 speech officially indicated the new line.
state was to be added to the Union. This war is not being fought be of real aid to us in assuring Today, as far as the European great powers are concerned, But the slave owners were in a jam, not only politicaly but for democracy. This war is our victory. From what have Comintern Struggles on Hitler Behalf Germany is in the position of a State that is striving for the economica. ly as well. To make profits at all they to have new fought for who shall have the observed in America, the Social ear. jest termination of the war and for peace, while Britain The manifesto calls for struggle against England and Franceland. The huge plantations and their wasteful methods of cultiva priv. lege of standing on our st Workers Party is the only and France, which but yesterday were decla:ming against ag but not against Hitler. Its formulations are carefully tailored for tion exhausted the soil and periodically they had to extend the terrocks and exploiting our people anti war, revolutionary pa gression, are in favor of continu. ng the war and are opposed his purpose: Take a stand against those who favor continuation Lory they controlled. So that when the North said, No more new eylon, one of the colonies of that is preparing to lead the othe conclus. on of peace. The roles, as you see, are changor the war. and the Comintern says that Hitler is for peace. No a. stach the slave owners rep. eu It wa do nt get new terhe British and French Empires, workers to social. sm We social ing. Daily Worker, Nov. support for the policy of the ruling asses directed towards conritory our economy will collapse. And the next thing was the Civil a bone over which the imper ists and revolution sts of Ceylon This estimate received its fuil dress formulation by Dimitrov, tinuation and spread of the imperialist slaughter. But, by obvious War.
alist dogs are Lincoln would never have fought to free the slaves. He didn ple of the 18hting. The peo wish to extend our fratorna two days later. He develcped a theory of two siages in the war implication, support for the p»licy of the ruling classes directed colon es will have greetings.
In the firsi stage. Hitler was the aggressor. Now, on the other against continuation of the slaughter, e. support for Hitler. Such inteni to free staves at all. But he found that he could not win nothing to do with ether gang.
are the key slogans of the manifesto of the Comintern.
unless he pulled the slaves powerfully over to his side. This he could Whatever democratic liber Browder, applying the line to America, repeats it like a phonodec. sively do only by ceclaring the alcolit. on of slavery.
Cles we had won during the graph record. At this moment, he says, the responsibility for course of the last three and a continuing this war lies, before all, upon the British and French International Labor Aided Emancipation alf years were being smashed imperialists.
We have cited the sections of the latest documents which make There was also another powerful current sweeping Lincoln on to the British democrats who clear what the new line means: support of Hitler, masked as supward the abolition of avery in America. When the Civil War be leared the tremendous growth of port of his peace policy. However, even dressed up with the two gan, the British ruling class wanted to intervene on the side of the pur liberation movement. The stages theory Dimitrov, that line would be too unpa atable a. Southern save owners. But the British working class, took the side English have organized an alle dose for even the members of the Communist parties, not to speak ag tation in Britain, mass meetings, protests to Parliament, and are beginning to employ aga nst By SIDNEY MOORE and thu vulk of the rank and file, pposition organized along such of the impossibility of selling this line to the masses outside the (Continued from Last Issue)
open letters of support to Abraham Lincoln, etc. The British ruling the workers and peasants un seamen has only demonstrated ines and with such a program Stalinist organizations.
cians used to point to the fact that the North was not fighting any lons throughout Ceylon. The There is at present a sharp these its inability to deal any natie perspectives et des prom Sweetening Stalin Peppery Dish war to abolish slavery, for Lincoln himself had said so. But one of British appointed Governor Gen the strongest weapons in the working class anti war agitation in eral has suspended the constituing conditions, the economic ent boss offensive. This has only heir seats in no time, as proven The line therefore encased in radical language such as the Eritain was this very argument, that the war of the North was a tion and now governs by military standards of the maritime work served to whet the open shop ap y the defeat of the Stalinist Stalintern has not employed since 1933. It is offered in a casing of was or avont. on. Lincon, therelo. e, for the sake of his valuable decreo, in the fashion of Hitler. ing class and their organized petites of the sh. owners. The Weinstock administration in the talk about the socialist revolution. the bankruptsy of capitalworking ass allies in Great Erilain, was fur her driven to dec. are I! the Snhclase people were power, their will to struggle for Stalinists have succeeded in pro New York Painters Union, ism. etc. This radical verbiage has no other function than to serve the abolition of slavery in America. Negro, therefore, who is able to express themselves by such concrete demands and their cing nothing but a series of ict Council No. 9, desp. te the as sugar coating, as ornamentation, to the decidedly bitter, utilitar etreats, compromises and gen really trying to get at the root of the Negro position today, cannotzeans of a democratic vote 80 answerving litancy. tually presence in the union of a more an core: support of tler in the present war. The radical coating frightened and conservative sal stall. ng with disappointhelp drawing the following conclusions: The actual ques. ion of 20 percent would vote to break lowerful fraction than in is what the judges call obiter dicta: words and opinions which are sent the only end result.
color had very little to do wth the abolition of slavery in America. way from the British Empire Officialdom is resting like a dea he rrelevant and separable from the practical conclusion which is enrourse, this stalling is always Fowerful econom. and political forces were at work in America, which they fee is strangling weight upon the power andre Agree on True Jodie: in a judge decision.
ccompanied by truculent and Meanwhile, another temporary The mi. itary assistance that the Negroes could give played a great hem. But since this right is not our. es of the seamen.
The radical gar coating is, indeed, in flagrant contradiction to tness thens struggla militant editor als in the Pilot truce has been agreed upon by the practical conclusion reached. For example, Dimitrov quotes this part. And, Anadly, the international working class movemnt, in this riven to them they must employ This in the main is a picture ohe leadership and the from Lenin: The character of the war depe ds not on wh) attacked case the British working class in particular, played a great part in ther means to obtain their free battle put up against the open lom ing of the Maritime Commission Negro emancipation.
he during the last year hipowners, with the shipowners and on whose side the enemy is, but on which class is waging the Fink Halls on the East coast. From this, such Negro worker would be justified in thinking And this is where the work ew weeks of lonely picket nd a half of its existence. emanding the open shop. no war, what policy is be ng continued by the ven war. If th. very Bosses Understand ess! It must become clear to correct quotation from Lenin were more than sugar coating for the that if color played so little part in that great event it is no: at all of our Party, the Ceylon Soc aln. then the officialdom decided The tosses have long since every honest seaman that this document, would be impossible for Dimitrov to go on to talk of unlikely that in the great events of today. color and race, which in st Party, comes in. We are de ensed this beauracratic immo despicable drive against his liv two stages, in one of which Germany was the aggressor and the everyday affairs seem to cecupy so large a place, will in reality at nitely opposed to the Second that even such activities were vility and have brazenly launching standards and organized present one in which England and France are the aggressors. For the decisive moment, prove as unimportant as they did in the Civil Social Democratic) T13. 00 much of an embarrassment. which endorses the war aims. or the War Deal Administra a drive against the very core power can only be met with a what is Lenin saying? He is denying, repudiating, the concept of War.
of the Allied imperialists. Like tion. the mar. time workers pow militant count nsive. aggressor. he doesn care who attacked, Witness the peculiar and sup. the closed shop. This ex An end to all this. cowardly For this very reason, Lenin refused to make any distinction beNegroes Enter the factories he Third (Stalinist Internation posedly practical method of put. Mains why during the recent stalling! Translate the mili tween the two warring imperialist camps. That Germany made Llow does that apply in recent history?
The biggest event that which is for the defense of ting the main emphasis on se reeks, the Negotiating Commit tant tone of the Pilot editor peace with the Soviet Union In March, 1918, and that a few months has taken piace in the history of the American Negroes nse the ondary picketing at such im ee of the union has found the ials and headlines into some real later both Austro Hungary and Germany were seeking peace while Civil War is the great migration of millions of Negroes from the portant centers as gasoline sta essions at a stalemate with the Job militancy in the field! De the Alles pressed for a victorious conclusion this made no differSouth to the North that began in 1915. Between 1915 and 1923, PHILADELPHIA Sons during the recent Tanker osses driving for the very dis mand a clear and precise trade lence whatsoever to Lenin in characterising both camps as imper1, 200, 000 Negroes came from the South to the North. The Negro tr. ke. Also the practical olution of the un. on. union program against the boss lalist warring camps, and calling for class war against both camps.
gained a place for himself in industry. Now, ten thousand workers strike tactic of allow. ng union The conflict has sharpened to es and their stooges in the Mari Dimitrov has the effrontery to quote Len for window dressing, all a factory have infinitely more capacity to struggle for better AMATEUR NIGHT crews to sail vessels that were such an extent only because of time Commission!
the better to advocate a policy which is the opposite of that which wages, better liv. ng conditions, and an extension of their democratic using the hot oil loaded from he general preparation Lenin advocated!
rights than fifty thousand farmers scattered over the countryside MUSICALE 3cab run tanker ships American industry for the new The radical sugar coating is also in flagrant contradiction to the Thus the entry of millions of Negro workers into Industry, particularly in the North, marked a dec. sive stage in the development o Talented or Not, Be Sure truth. The Communists. says the manifesto, have always fought of the present officialdom by how ministration nor the shipowners GIFT FOR against such a war. They warned the working people again and the American Negro. But how did it happen? Was it because the To Come Good Time Is quickly they bowed when the wishes to face an organized mari. VOROSHILOV again that the ruling classes were preparing destructive and white employers had listened to some preachers and had been con Prom sed, and Loads of Fun Maritime Commission barked time personnel during war. bloody slaughter for hundreds of millions of people. But as late ng verte to the view that Negroes should have a better chance in life?
and threw them a bone for a major offensive seems about to Sept. 17, a few short weeks ago, the Stalinista, as we have seen, Nothing of the sort.
November 12, 1939 war bonus in the form of a 25 begin on the waterfronts. They were still touting this war as a war for democracy!
What happened was that Northern Industry was faced with a AT PM percent increase in wages. An are undoubtedly heartened by a The German Nazi press has reported the following: tremendous opportunity for expansion due to the war. At the same agreement that settled nothing Vaclilating and compromising 1917 ERIE AVENUE Why the Press Passes this Counterfeit but only increased the resent leadership in control of the or Field Marshall Goering time the stream of Immigrants from Europe was cut short, because ment of the rank and Ale and ganized seamen ranks.
RusThe radical sugar coating resembles the revolutionary policy of Instead of working or coming to America to work these Germans, the belligerence of the adminis. Opposition Program sian Minister of War Voroshil. Lenin just about as much as the commodity sold in a house of prosAustrians, Italians, and others had to spend their time and strength titution resembles love. The Stalinists are, nevertheless, not alone maasacring each other for the profits of thelr imperialist masters Lration shipowners union busting ov. headline)
The entire membership of the HARLEM allance.
in peddling this counterfelt as the real coin. They are being ably would instantly mobilize MOSCOW, Oct. 10 (TO) Our American capitalists, therefore, not only took Negroes into the Shifting the Blame factories but send hundreds of agents into the South offering Ne.
11 it were given a concrete proA German plane of the Fiesel supported in this obscene business by the capitalist press Reds As always, whenever a battlegram that reflects their sentier Storch type, piloted by urge world revolt. says the New York Times headline, and the groes free passage into the North and promising them a happy life.
HOUSEWARMING is lost, the oMcladom blames it ments, as outlined above. The members of the German Air other papers differ only in being more sensational. Why are they The North Polet in 327 000 in 1930, so insistent upon helping the Stalinists pass off this counterfelt?
upon the non understanding present agreement is entirely inover the same period the Negro population of Corps, landed at the local airTO CELEBRATE field. It was sent to the Soviet and backward membership. adequate in meeting the ecoFor one reason only: the Stalinists are hopelessly vulnerable to reDetroit rose from 5, 700 to 120, 000. This meant millions of dollars OPENING There is soon coming the day nomic needs of the seamen. In Minister of War Voroshilov as pression, being Identified by the masses as a tool of Hitler: the Stalmore in the pockets of Negro wage earners. Negroes were able to OF HARLEM BRANCH when these despicable insults to this situation the compromisers get much better education and opportunities for development. Nea gift by Fleld Marshal Goer.
inists are labelled revolutionaries by the capitalists, precisely in HEADQUARTERS the militancy of the membership must be cleaned out by a ing.
order to assault al real revolutionaries. As the Stalin:sts made an groes living in elties were better able to organize and fight for social Goering will now, in all prowill not go unanswered. Time de progressive opposition.
amalgam between revolutionaries and fascists in order to destroy and political equality. To serve the needs of these Negroes a greater Saturday, Nov. 11th and time again, these maritime bability, be rewarded with the number of Negro doctors, teachers, and other professional men was amalgam between Stalinista and revolutionaries in order to attempt AT P.
Order of Stalin.
workers have demonstrated as opposition must however to destroy the revolutionaries.
Of course we know that the Nogroes stll continue to suffer Dancing Refreshments willingness to go down the line proceed strictly on the basis of for their demands and always to utter failure and sterility 11 a program. It would doom itself under heavy discrimination. But the fact remains that this migration the Stalinists went down first it proceeded mainly on an antiA Balance Sheet of the Peoples Front and opportunity to enter into industry was a great step forward.
without even a fight.
And it had nothing to do with color. great economic and social HARLEM BRANCH Stalinist or anti control The present officialdom, trying program. The issues in the mariRussian Opposition The capitalists are everywhere on the offensive against the revolutionaries. This is a period of stark reaction, no question about it.
change was taking place in the country as a whole: great numbers 186 LENOX AVENUE valnly to act as a conciliatory ime industry must not be limBulletin hat it is such a period, the Stalin. sts have made possible as far as of Negroes were swept along by it, and thus had an opportunity to (Between 119 120th St. medium between the steamship ted to the mere ousting of a The current issue of the ay within their power. In closing their books for the peoples front improve their position.
owners. administration alliance number of centrally located Stal Russian Opposition Bulletin is period, the Stalinists are constrained to mention all their former The Next Step Forward nist stooges. You won convince now available at the following partners in crime. Browder says: The president and his administraWhat was the next great step forward of the Negroes? It came the crisis by the last war. The post war crises have been more devape, some minor American anybody that way, except per le sol Shop York and bey secure their acceptance of the program of Wall Street. But who in 1937 with the organization of the CIO. Here again we see that sity Pl. Foreign News Depot. provided Roosevelt with his former prestige? Who contributed the decisive factor was not the question of race but the question of astating than the pre war ones. We are today on the ever of eco Legion elements.
Tiines Bldg. Meisel Book more zealously than the Stalinists? Who concealed his every crime The real problem facing the economic and social and political change, affecting American Society nomic, social, and political upheavals infinitely greater than any.
thing that took place America during the Civil War. And in those Store, 278 Grand St. Bleder until today? Who called his WPA slashes the work of others, who as a whole. Up to 1937 the American Federation of Labor, repre upheavals color is not going to play any very great part. American maritime workers is to produce man Book Store, 2nd Ave. Il supported his neutrality and armament program, marshalled the senting on the whole the more privileged sections the American leadership that would militant12th St. newsstand, 3rd Ave. trade unions under his banners, etc. Dimitrov says: The Social 14th St. NW. Democratie, Democratic and Radical flunkeys of the bourgeoisie are crisis of 1929, American labor entered into new phase of existence. natives. Either the workers and the poor farmers will get together emands. We do not oppose the in unions and political organizations and take over capitalist prop present leadership only because This s2 page Bulletin conbrazenly distorting the anti fascist slogans of the peoples front and One of the most important results of this shake up was the organ: erty, establishing the socialist system. Or, on the other hand, the they are stooges. We oppose tains 12 articles by Leon Trot are using them to deceive the masses. But the slogans are not dissky, Including: The USSR In torted, they are the slogans of the peop. es front. written by the skilled and the unskilled. The CIO was essentially the organization izations, and by this means insure their proats and the continuance or not, only when its polic es fall War, Stalin Agent of Hitler. Stalinists during the last five years, and the Stalinista, by uniting of the poorer types of workers. But the CIO organizers found that of the capitalist system. That is the great conflict in the world today. So carry through the demands of The Enigma of the USSR, and if they were to organize the workers in an industry as a whole they It is a conflict in which the Negro must and will play his part. In he rank and fille majority. An with these flunkeys of the bourgeoisle in the peoples front and the others of extreme importance. French government, gave these flunkeys a new lease on life, helped could not leave out the Negroes. In the packing houses in Chicago America the white workers, as has been shown in the organization Readers of Russian cannot them smash the French working class.
and elsewhere the employers had deliberately brought Negroes into of the CIO, will in time seek the assistance of the Negroes against afford to miss this issue. The peoples front tactics pursued in recent years. says Dimindustry in order to use them against the white workers. Obviously the capitalists as certainly as Lincoln had to seek it against the Itrov, helped the Spanish, people to wage an armed struggle for these new CIO unions, to win their battles, had to have the Negroes Southern slave owners. But whereas Lincoln and the Northern capHARLEM two and a half years and, as history testifies, doomed that strugin. And today, 1930, we can see hundreds of thousands of Negroes italists were rich and powerful and their Negro allies were poor, gle to defeat. It made it possible. Dimitrov goes on, for the proEDUCATIONAL in the new unions, firmly knit with the white workers and gaining today the Negroes and the whites are members of the same class ANNOUNCEMENT letariat of France to obtain considerable social gains. where are many of the great advantages that come to all workers who carry For this reason, in the course of the struggle and after it, the barFORUM the gains? The peoples front movement, Dimitrov has the effrontery on militant struggles in workers organizations. This does not mean rlers of race prejudice will be much more easily overcome than they 186 LENOX AVENUE to say, made it possible to postpone for a time the outbreak of the CELEBRATE THE 22nd ANNI. European war. Was that the effect of the peoples front votes that prejudice and discrimination have been wiped away, even in were seventy five years ago.
the best of the new unions. But VERSARY of the RUSSIAN including the votes of the Stalinists. for military loans to Poland, means that a great step forward has been made. And here again the decisive factor was not color. France, for instance, may feel today little solidarity with Negroes On the international scale the workers of Great Britain and Lectures Every Thursday REVOLUTION at the Lower for French armaments, for Datadter as premier! The Staliniste at PM East Side Anniversary Social. change their line, but not ita predominant characteristic: a fabric in Africa. But when they find themselves in deadly struggle with Refreshments music by Stan of foul, brazen les On the Eve of Great Upheavals British and French landlords and capitalists they will welcome the NOV. 16. Why Negroes ton games prizes and sur.
Thanks to the Stalinists and their Social Democratic and bour, Should Oppose the War.
It may seem to an individual Negro that it is the color of his news that the Negroes in Africa are striking at the brothers and prises. 163 Norfolk St. 14th geois allies in the people front, the masses of Europe were deliv skin that is making all the difference. But this is true only to a lim sons and cousins of the European ruling classes, who oppress the NOV. 23 The Negro and St. crosstown bus to Stanton red bound hand and foot to the war makers.
Ited extent. From an examination of history It can be stated with Negroes in the colonies. It is to such great crises in human history the Trade Unions.
St. Nov. 11, 1939 Contribuconfidence that the Negroes as a whole, millions of them, have made that the whole world is moving tdoay.
Now the stalinista change. war camps. That is the only NOV. 80 The Heritage of tion 15c.
change they make: from one imperialist camp to the other.
strides forward owing to great economic, soc! al, and political Negro, therefore, who is turned back from a job because he Slavery changes which were powerful enough to sweep aside the barriers is black will not lose courage. Instead he see in what direstion of color. And this should teach us great lesson for the future.
history is moving and, by means of political activity and industrial Prominent Speakers HEADQUARTERS Opening So The Third Camp All human society today stands the crossroads. Europe is organization, he will try to assist those forces which make for Questions Discussion cial, Job Hill Unit 10 Against both these camps the irreconcileable war of the workplunged into a great war. In the Far East, Japan and China have greater solidarity among workers and farmers. That is the road vites all comrades and friends ing class must be waged. Not in alliance with either of these camps, been lighting for two years. America is vishblr one ponturion The also Enat it does not answer the immediate problems of the day. But ADMISSION FREE to a gala affair. Community but in deadly conflict against both of them, will the masses of the Sing. Folk Dancing. Profes. world secure their emancipation from war and all the other evils cause is one thing and one thing only: the bankruptcy of the cap. there is no other road. And today the historical process is not at all sional Maglelan. Sat. Nov. 11, of capitalism. Neither the camp of Hitler Stalin nor that of Dat.
Italist system. There are in America today over thirty million people slow. History is moving very fast. That is why it is necessary to Auspices: Harlem Branch, 8:30, 4370 Broadway (186 st. adier Chamberlain Roosevelt! The third camp. the camp of revolu. P, starving in the midst of plenty. The capicalist system can no longer know where we came from, where we are, and, infinitely more imWashington Heights Youth tionary struggle against war that is the place for the workers of Center, Admission 20c. he world.
functionalther here nor elsewhere. The capitalists did not solve portant, in what direction we are moving.
sents an Airplane to the preDOOR