BolshevismCapitalismCominternCommunismDemocracyImperialismImperialist WarLeninRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinTrotskyURSSViolenceWorking ClassWorld War

SOCIALIST APPEAL NOVEMBER 10, 1939 New Anti War Pamphlet Labor and the Second WORKERS FORUM World War. By Johnson only 107.
ÅRREAL ARMY RO Chicago St. Louis 2 racy.
IN ANSWER TO WANTS TO SEE COMRADE DAILY APPEAL Editor: Dear Editor In the Workers Forum last The Socialist Appeal can be week, GL, writes from Detroit criticized for a lot of things. And that it hard for him to sell the have a number of criticisms to Socia. ist Appeal when it carries make. But want to speak out news like the Shachtman election in praise first. First, want to campaign, the struggle for Irish say that Widick column, and Indian freedom, the ALP. In the Trade Unions. is an exetc. modern kitchens and draw secure and comfortable wages.
cellent feature. Workers looking government, in its labor legislation, its social code, its po itThe Achievements of Soviet Russia writes that when he can for the inside stuff on trade unical honesty, its en. ightened encouragement of the arts and Under such conditions, any tyrannical or offensive bureau. vasses with the Appeal, it hard ions are sure to get it in that sciences, gave a glimpse to humanity of the great future crat can be immediately thrown out of office: there would for him to sell it with such news co. umn. Secondly, George Stern But, says the doubter. capitalism is bankrupt. We that awaits it when imperialist barbarism is overthrown. be hundreds to take his pace. But in Russia the cook works items.
column, Behind the Lines. is cvagree. Chamberlain is not fighting for democracy. Neither at a wage lower than the relief rate in this country. Vastly great thing that has to be im. er point of view a thousand think is wrong. Theory bit as good and from a workis Roosevelt preparing to fight for democracy. Any fou! Why Then the Terror?
improved as Soviet education is, it cannot yet educate the pressed on the workers when one times better than anything that can see that. But what can we do? Socialism, you say. But But if these things are true, as they are, why then does who e population. It can barely teach the great masses to canvasses with the Socialist Ap appears in the capitalist press look at Russia!
Russia today present the dreadful spectacle of political and read, and it has to reserve a thorough training for the priv ers paper but that it has enough a lot higher than the stuff pedMany ask this question with genuine concern. They must follow their own advice and look carefully at Russia.
so. ial tyranny and growing economic chaos, which create ileged few with the more difficult work to do.
variety in it to round out the pic dled by Dorothy Thompson, Wat ture of the class struggle.
Russian in 1913 was the most backward of the gre. it doubts in the minds of many who see capita ism for the rottenness that it is? reason is to be sought, as Socialism in One Country Impossible The big part of canvassing is all the other fancy writers.
not so much to sell the paper at For Just four pages put out European states. By 1920, owing to the imperia ist war in the productive system, but here not in its basic nature but and the war of intervention that followed. production had In a backward country like Russia, isolated from the rest one clip, but to give a good im twice a week, the Saca. ist appeal in its special circumstances.
dec ined by 82. Such was the country that the Bolsheviks of Europe, a bureaucracy living above the level of the publishes it. That takes a lot of heavily pression of it and the party that has the edge on plenty of one backed metropolitan took over, with every imperialist government plotting their Russia started too far behind; despite its pro Tress it is masses was inevitable. First the bureaucrats assumed only explaining. The more explaining Callies. Let go forward to a real still a poverty stricken country. Where Soviet Russia prodownfall.
those privileges and special considerations necessary for that is done gives one a chance workers Daily Socialist Appeal.
Cuces annually 16 meters of cotton fabrics per person of to really get cose to a worker ED ROBERTS This is the record to date.
their work. But gradually, as production increased, they and gain his confidence for furthe population, the United States produces 58 and Great In 1913 Tsarist Russia produced million tons of took advantage of their authoritative position in society to ther visits and talks. think these FIGHT AGAINST THE Britain 60. Where Soviet Russia produces one pair of increase their share. They suppressed those who opposed are steel; in 1937 Soviet Russia produced 17. million tons. 1:1 big things to remember.
WAR; shoes per person, the United States produces and BriBILL 1913 Tsarist Russia produced milion tons of pig iron; their usurpation. After Lenin death, Trotsky and his suptain The amount of paper produced in a country is an in 1937 Soviet Russia produced 14. million tons. In 1913 porters, who opposed the bureaucracy, were isolated hy index of its culture. Where Soviet Russia produces kioTsarist Russia produced 29 milion tons of coal; in 1937 slander and violence and ultimately driven into exiłe, imSoviet Russia produced 127 milion. In 1910 Tsarist Rusgrams of paper per person, the United States produces 48 prisoned, or ki. led. The bureaucrats, in defiance of common and Britain 42. The output of steel per head in Great Brisia produced 63 milions of barres of crude petroleum; in sense, announced that they would build socia ism in a single tain was 226 ki ograms in 1938; in Soviet Russia it was 1937 Soviet Russia produced 199 milions. Grain produccountry, by which they meant that they were quite satisfied tion, 801 milion centers in 1913, was 1202 millions in with their own position. But the Russian masses were not And so on. Russia is stil a backward country. In twenty 1937. No such economic progress has ever been seen unThis sociaism began to look too much like the o capitalshort years even Soviet progress could not lift the actual der the capitalist system.
ism. They had not made tre revo. ution for is. Stain and WIG CITIES Loca! Akron, likewise, is patproduction per person of Soviet Russia to anywhere near the bureaucrats replied to their cissatisfaction with a re FALL BEHIND ting on a campaign for new :bthat of the great capitalist countries, bankrupt though they doubled terror.
The major cities have not done seriptions, and Comrade Carlyle Capitalist Bankruptcy are. Soviet Russia is still a country of great scarcity of the Were Lenin and Trotsky bind to the possiti ity of such any tco well in the past days in is confident of obtaining several And while the new system has been piling up these necess. ties of life and as long as this is so, so ialism must he matter of subscriptions, a to new an: renewal subscriptions in a degeneration? Certainly not. Long before the revolution tal of 25 now subscriptions and the next month.
achievements, what have the imperialists to show. Crisis remain only an aspiration.
actually took place, they warned that socialism could never renewals being the count as fol The St. Louis organization, EvSocialism demands above all things abundance of proafter crisis, stagnation and rottenness. With 1929 as 100.
be built in a backward Russis surrounded by osti e caplows: crect Agent, functions very industrial output in Great Britain was 98. in 1934 and duction. It is the fierce competition for the means of living systematically in the circulation ita ist states. Russia could build socia ism only in collaboraNew newal of its Press, and among other 112 in 1938. We have seen its catastrophic rise and fall in that now disfigures our society, divides it into classes, tion with the advanced economy and victorious proletariat New York City. things has evolved a method the United States. In Soviet Russia it was 238. in 193 breeds economic exploitation and po itical tyranny. That Lynn.
of some at least of the more hi hly developed countries. whereby all working members and 477 in 1938. We need not take Stalin tigures as abundance of production is possible in America to day. The are automa. ically enrolled as subTiey saw that either capitalist economy would be trans Minneapolis scribers both to the Socialist Ap.
Gospel; in lies and exaggerations he overtakes and surpassofficial statisticians of New York City have shown that formed by the workers revolution into international social Evansvile.
peel an: The New International Quakertown even under capitalism every American famiy by workias es liis imperialist rivais. But the fact remains, admitted by ism, or Russia would be dragge: back to capita. ism. Only and payments are made through ihe Branh Financial Secretary, the titterest enemies of the Soviet Union, that in contrast four hours a day could enjoy an annual income of 00. the workers, in aliance with the farmers and the millions Clevelan1 to the worldwide crisis of capita ism since 1929, the public It is capitalism and its system of private ownership which of colonas, cou destroy the rotting but still powerfu: St. Paul DISTRIBUTION OF ownership of the means of production and the planned prevent this prosperity. But backward Russia, even with PAPER IMPROVED Boston imperialist system. Lenin and Troisky organized the ComAkron St. Lou. is model, a. so, economy of the Soviet Union have startled the world. its economy socialized, cannot yet give a tenth of this sum munist International to assist the workers of the world in OLs Angeles alongside of Lynn, Mass. in their rapid and long sustained progress. Some detractors to each family. And on the basis of this poverty and backthe struggle against imperialist war and capitalist reaction. Connecticut prompt payment of its accounts, say that it is because the country was backward to begin wardness, on this necessity of the great masses to labor and this is reflected in their sysThey knew that sooner or later the workers would face the Pennsylvania. with. Malice and stupidity here contend for mastery. Spain under miserable conditions, there has arisen the bureauctematic distribution of the p3alternative, victory over capita ism or the destruction of The Philadelphia organization per.
was backward in 1913. So was China, and India. And what their organizations and the descent into war. For Bolshev. under the direction of its new Joe Roberts, Toledo, and the Literature Agent, Lols Lowel, as comrades there are hopeful of inhave they to show for their twenty five years worship of iks then and for Trotsky to day the world revo ution was sisted by Sol Thomas, is making creased circulation.
the cap. ta ist system. Every Cook Must Learn to Govern and is the only ultimate safeguard of Russia against intern determined efforts to put the cir By and large all the cities are As in the material, so necessarily in the cultural sphere. Where all cannot have a free and full existence and all culation of the Press on a more now distributing and sel. ing the al degeneration on the basis of a backward economy) or More of education and faci. ities for culture have been substantial foundation and has Socialist Appeal more system possibility of development, some must be better educated, external destruction, by the implacable enm. ty of world imalso taken measures to liquidate atically, but a sharp lag continues provided proportionately for the Russian people in twenty better fed, better clothed, better housed than the rest, in perialism. And this enmity remains, however much this or more swiftly its debts. in subscriptions.
years than in India during the last two hundred and twen order to be able to carry on the administration of govern the other imperialism might for a moment see an alliance new order for 10 Socialist Several locals lately have en.
ły. These achievements are history, indelibly inscribed, and Appeals has been placed by a tered legitimate grievances bement and industry. Lenin said that every cook must learn to with the Soviet Union and even for a time fight side by newly organized branch in Cleve cause of the failure of the Socialthere are others that are today in danger of being forgot govern. But that can be only in a socialist society, where side with it.
ist Appeal to arrive on schedule.
ten. In the ear. y years under Lenin and Trotsky, the Soviet cooks work only a few hours a day in highly organized (Continued in Next Issue)
Local Chicago has placed or Apologies and an explanation are ders for additional copies of the herewith given. There have been Socialist Appeal and The New In technical difficulties at the printrun into the other room of the abroad. The ideal country for ternational, in order to have suter which have caused unavoldsmall shack, and soon she cam imperialist exploitation is one ficient to cover their needs for the able delay in publication. It is out displaying some of the in with a large population and low Russian Revolution Anniversary hoped these can be overcome stuff she had salvaged from the industrial dveelopment.
nieetinga, etc.
dumping grounds.
One of the best indexes of industrial development is railroad a reactionary communal organiup a dress there, yesterday. An!
mileage per capita; a glance at zation similar to the Urban Sary proceeded to wave the filthy very few statistics shows why rag Sary is handy with a needle Hence, the Disapproval with which the China presents such a far more League of America and attempts to split the unity of the Hindus. she ll fix where its needing it Looks Upon Japan Creation of a New enticing dish thạn South AmerMoslem people for the benefit of By THOMAS FORSEN She brought me some chew to ica cor American Imperialists.
bacco and a set of slippers, and Order in the Far East The mileage the Britsh imperialists.
He wap big guy and you out all that was left of his family she brought the old man parts railroad for each There is no question that under milion inhabitants is as follows.
pretty was his brother Joe, his wife Sar for his pipes.
think a guy ke that its present Gandhi leadership the By WALTER ROURKE look and will not fail to reflect (U. and India are included for regular. But you be thinking ah, and the old man, his grandNationalist Congress is pro HinFamily License purpose of comparison. The announcement by Ambas in its policies and actions.
du. This too serves the interests wrong mister. The squarest meal father. The president called such Sarah ran to the kitchen and ador Grew on October 19 that ever saw him take was four people in fed, ful clothed, 11This threat was answered the China. Continued from Page 1) of the British divide and rule India hamburgers and a cup of coffee housed. Til nothing. It was sickly brought out pot containing he United States looks with dis following day by the Japanese. 122 of India 11 provinces, may now policy. The net effect of the MosS.
down at Joe Shack. And ham. The old man was shaving a wood some smelly evil looking fat. approval at Japan establish Foreign Minister with an equally. 670 exercise full dictatorial rule over lem leadership and the Gandhi burgers didn it for a guy ifkelen block. There were broken picked some of this there, shement of a new order in the blunt statement that Japanese 1900 the Indian people. The Constitu leadership is the same division that. He was tremendous and one stems and cracked bowls strewn said.
Far East once again brought determination to bring about a Here is shown in vivid contrast tion of India, with its highly lim of the masses into warring com.
gargantuan bite fin. shed half of a about the place.
George said the Well think it a damn fine home the fact that American im new order in East Asia is the reason for the superior worth ited democratic rights, is declared munal camps, all to the advanhamburger, Eight bites and he old man was making pipes. looked at the big baboon.
perialists are turning hungry too strong to be changed or off China over South America to suspended. To summarize the sit tage of the British.
eyes toward China.
fected by the interference of a desperate imperialist was through with the biggest nations, uation briefly the Viceroy of In Trouble 1s, said Joe, they Talking straight from the third power.
South America has 35 times da and his appointees may now Ripe for Revolt meal ever saw him take. He about the acts how found out George was talking to the old only allow one license to a fam horse mouth Grew said the South America Insufficient China per capita railroad mile do anything whatsoever calcu But the Nationalist Congress ting coffee, toss his high head man. He was holler. ng. In fact, ily. We could use another hand American people believe that back and walt for the cigarette because the old guy was a little in picking up some of that stuff. an effort is being made to There is a tendency even age; the steel mills of Steel lated to maintain British Imper has launched the demand for a la ist authority in India. Within freely elected All India ConstituSarah said, Yesterday Emmy establish control, in Japans own among those who recognize the whose chairman Edward Stettinius their hands reside powers no less ent Assembly which will frame a a yarn that boy. tried to get Say Grandad, you ve more across the way could have picked interests, in large areas of the imperialist character of Amer: chairman of the War Resources him to write. iy was futile. His parts than you ever had when up a fine mattress only she had continent of Asia and impose on can economy and government Board by Roosevelt) could be great than those of the German constitution for an independent Fuehrer himself.
India. If this slogan is taken seriknowledge of the language was used to be around. Where are no one to help her with it. Wa them a system of closed econThis declaration of dictatorial ously and is pushed forward by on the menu for American im kept busy for quite a time developing the vast Asiatic con rule over Inda is a direct reflec the Congress left wing then there unorthodox. So ve turned his Joe answered for the old man. dumping our pickings onto the tinued, a government cl. e. the perialists is South America.
tion of (1) the complete break will be an end to such miserable cales into a few magazine pieces. He gets them down at the dump. mattress, but them there fellows can not possibly over ready feel that South Americason why the American cap talists promise between the British au lations with the Viceroy. The Con Upper circles, however, alHerein lies the compelling red down of negotiations for a com undertakings as Gandhi negotiWe ve made a few bucks between George.
standing around are so gosh darn is not enough.
us like that Hell, said George. bet he fussy.
thorities and the conservative na gress right wing desired not real Stink Plenty scavenger can pick up some He always wanted to go back been caught a lot.
must challenge and eventually The United States News, Oct. sight Japan over the right to extionalist leaders (Gandhi. 2) independence for India, but Parand see his old home town, Gary, No, said Joe, they been You ve got to fight like hell mighty fine delectable items such 16, says: the rapidly growing clamor or liamentary concessions in the Indiana. After all, he had his new doings here since you ve to get a license, said Joe. as scraps of top steak, slightly Effort to blow up Latin plot China. Herein lies the rea India workers and peasants that Central Government. But the Brlwhole family back there and a They ve legalized picking at the That evening George and chewed tea biscuits, cork tipped America into an area of vast (son for the entire fleet bering in the Pacific, and for the immediate action against British, knowing that the Congress new opportunities for recent Grew speech and its contan attempts to exploit India would sweep any democratic elecBuy begins to yearn for old faces dump grounds. They re out 18u. walked over to the dumping cigarette butts.
and old sights when he been ing licenses now figuring maybe grounds. We knew we were com Well we walked and it was a business is more interesting sequences.
for her war needs be taken. The tions and hlod an overwhelming knocking about the nation. And it ll help us poorer folk in the ing to it when we were ten blocks little chilly and George put his than important. By capturing failure of the negotiations is a majority in the Central Legis. ait a hell of a nation to be knock town.
away. It smelled worse than a hand in his pocket and took out all of the Latin American marresult of a refusal on the part of tive Assembly, could not make ing about in. So many people with Fine Stuff tannery. The gates were locked a plece of paper. He handed it to ket for foreign goods th American Labor Ald the masses to accept any kind of even this concession. They know different thoughts, customs, and and we stopped to read the sign me and saw it was a license is country would add less than a treacherous bargain. They will that things in India are ripe for whistled. George turned to on the fence.
sued by the Sanitation Depart billion dollars to its business.
125 West 38 Street diversions. Instead of knowing not support the British Imperial revolt!
ment of Gary.
New York City more about the damped country Big role of the United States ists under any conditions. They The main task India now CITY DUMP asked him how he got it but in world wide maneuvers now Dear Friend: you only get puzzled, tired, lone They used to catch us picking want their freedom, nothing more falls upon the left wing moveI PLEDGE MYSELF ly. You begin to ache. Not physic at the dumps and clamp us in KEEP YOUR SEARCH ON the big felow was allent. So we under way is likely to be play and nothing less!
mnet, in particular, upon the ally but mentaly, and that tears jail for picking up as much NEAT AND ORDERLY BASIS walked. The two of us not utter.
ed in the Pacific. Europe contribute. to the deCongress Socialist Party. The at your brain and makes your an ash, George said. What do you think of the ing a word. What the hell, that pre occupation will increase Divide and Rule fense of Frank Watson, Imstage of parliamentary negotia.
meant was losing George Weal, temptation for Japan to spread Sure, said Joe, You can pick whole thing. George asked.
In an attempt to cover up their tons had a brief span and is now blood sick and then the horrible prisoned by Canada governthing happens. You begin to take up some fine stuff there some Goddamn benevolent, said, you can expect a guy to keep her Influence; may lead to real motives for remaining in In ended. Repressions by the author (Their pity on yourself! That hell and days. Grandad used to pick up It would seem to me that the pushing around in circles. After American restraint.
ment for the crime of speak dia and establishing military ities are now on the order of the after that you re licked.
stray parts for his pipes. He used City Fathers have taken a long all his only folk were right there emphasis R. ing out as a worker against rule, the British have dragged in day. Before this year is up we to sell them and make a few step forward in solving the prob. that town. The blood coursing China More Valuable the war of Imperialism. the pro. Imperialist Moslem shall see whether the first stages From the Garbage Dump pennies but they clamped him in tem of the ill fed, 111 housed, 11 through him had known only one League. This organization does it India struggle for national sold a plece at Chicago for jail 80 many times, it didn pay clothed.
home and that was Gary. It was The small South American not represent the 75, 000, 000 Mos emancipation have indeed begun.
fifty dollars and we hopped a bus for the trouble. But now, they ve Nothing registered on the big strong in him and he had to stay, market for fore go goods is far lems who make up India largest It is the workers and pensants for Gary. George was a It will be tough trying to find an outweighed by the opportunities Let the People minority group ng. It is headed who will act now, despite the up about it. You thinHepped legalized it so Grandad can have guy face.
he had his parts now.
You know George. said, other George. That guy could for Imperialist investment in by Mostem landlords, civil ser: twists and turns of Initialan Antarnriale cartalni spin a var. china. Le. for shipping capital Vote on Warl vanta and La pro imperialist. It Gandh Leaderuhip of the conservar AMERICAN IMPERIALISTS TURN Who Says That We Have to Starve progress to sary picks HUNGRY EYES TOWARDS CHINA BRITISH IMPOSE ONE MAN RULE ON INDIANS 19 all