BourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarLeninLeninismMarxismPopular FrontsRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeWorkers PartyWorking Class

The Future Is Not Gloomy One For the Bosses!
Official Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International Issued Twice Weekly 16T VOL. III, NO. 86 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1939 THREE (3) CENTS AN EDITORIAL You have no job?
Do you live in a dump?
Are your clothes falling apart?
Are you heading for death in the trenches?
Don worry. Conditions aren as bad as you think.
General Motors has been doing fine. The Times oi Oct. 28 reports of General Motors profits are headlined. Third Quarter Net Profit Equal to 15 Cents a Share.
Against cents in Period in 1938. That an increase of more than 100 in one year.
Not bad, eh? And it going to get better. Sloan Sees War a Factor, says another headline. The more war, the profits. For the nine months ended on Sept. 30, the corporation earned 109, 619. 799 or 93 a share for the common stock.
STALIN FAKE LEFT TURN MASKS REACTIONARY FOREIGN POLICY COOO SHOWING AT Radical Coating of New CANDIDATES TWENTY FIVE MINNEAPOLIS against 18, 3857709 or 93 centos de la revent the pertocht STRIKERS GO ON TRIAL BEFORE HAND PICKED JURY Comintern Line Serves Alliance with Hitler OD Behind the Lines and that in view of the fact that third quarter results are NEW YORK, Nov. Worknorntally small because of the change over in car models.
ers throughout the city voted The same issue of the Times shows that General Motors is today in elections to the City not alone. Profit Increase of 55 In Year Is Shown in Council Quarterly Reports of 220 Companies.
Trial Is Third of Series in which the War Since this issue of the soclalist Appeal will appear too The heavy industries, continues the Times, made the Deal Government Seeks to Railroad 150 late to carry the the vote for Max Shachtman By FELIX MORROW most notable improvements. The rise in steel earnings was tremendous Workers to Jail for Striking and George Paine, candiThe Communist International openly and officially completed this week its transition dates of the Socialist Workers Party for the Bronx and Man from the democratie war camp to the liter Stalin war camp.
Last year, 23 steel companies reported a deficit of 4, 372, 000, to the Socialist Appe)
hattan, complete returns will wasn one union button among LINNEAPOLIS Three documents sketch the ideology of the new line: a lengthy article by Dimitrov, Nov. the 95 prospective jurors.
be carried in Saturday paper, This year, the same companies report a profit of 15, 732. who particl Judge Handicaps Defense Meanwhile, on the eve of the a manifesto of the Comintern and applying these to America. a speech by Browder 00. pated in the nationwide WPA balloting, Max Shachtman reThe attorneys had only e uefense (Daily Worker, Nov. 6. Every class conscious worker should study these documents, strike last summer went on trial ten challenges and quickly exiterate his confidence in an Last year, aircraft companies reported a profit of 2, 425. here Monday morning in the third pended them on the most obvious encouraging vote in the in order to understand to the full the latest infamy of the Stalinist bureaucracy.
of the series in which the Fed labor haters in the panel. Then Bronx.
The Stalinists made the transition from the popular front to the camp of Hitler eral government is attempting to the government had a field day am confident that our an This year, they report a profit of 5, 854, 000.
ti war program, which has been railroal to jail a total of 150 picking the jury.
in three jumps. workers indicted, with stil other Judge Joyce, who also presided widely made known during the And the prospects are getting better every day!
SPEAKS FOR STALIN Aug. 23 Sept. 17 Violent denials from the Stalinists indictments pending.
in the two previous trials, began course of this campaign, will The bigger the war, the bigger the profits.
that the Hit er Sta in alliance would in any way change the The specific incident for which by rejecting one after another, be endorsed by many workers.
The vote which we receive they are being tried was the one, three motions of the defense: to popular front line. The British and French Stalinist parties The more men they can get killed, the bigger the rake in.
at the WPA sewing project, permit a delay of 72 hours in orwill be a source of great satir.
ssued declarations supporting their imperia ist governments The more steel used in the war, the bigger the profits. where police fired on the picket der that the defense might invesfaction to us, he stated, adding that it will serve us with in the war against Hitler.
The more bombers, and bombs, the bigger the dividends. line, kill ng a rellef worker and tigate the 75 talesmen: to limit a measure for our next step in Here are some typical items from the Stalinist press of wounding a score of others. The the number of defendants to 10 The Merchants of Death are looking forward to a great killers are the accusers and wit nstead of 25: to permit the dethe fight against the war.
those weeks. Maurice Thorez, general secretary of the great season. The blood and bones of the war dead will ferti nesses: the victims are on trial fense to question each prospecThe e. ection campaign for Shachtman wound up Monday French party, has presented himself for mi. itary service with soil until it blooms with profit, and more profit and still more that the system of justice untive juror. The government isn night with a series of three the army of France der capitalism Thorez offers his life to defend the taking any chances that its workprofit.
Hand Plesed Jury er victims escape.
mass rallies at which the national security of France. The Communist Party of England Let labor, which has nothin, to gain by the imperialist war The Jury of eleven men and on Meanwhile the AFL WPA DeW. candidate was the prinvigorously proclaimed that it continues to work more actively that cipal speaker. Accompanled by Ever to help win the war against fascist aggression. America and everything to lose, demand the Expropriation of the woman picked from the entire tense Committee, set up by the a loud speaker and a number the Stalinists demanded repeal of the false. Neutrality Act which Death profiteers, the munitions makers, the bomb an: bomber five out of state farmers, a filing appeal the convictions registered cars filled with comrades now stands exposed as being the opposite of a true neutrality. It is obviously not in America interest, not in the interest of true makers!
station owner, an accountant, a against eight workers in the first road grader operator, a non un. two trials.
Shachtman toured the chief neutrality, that America shut off its trade with Poland, England, Demand the Expropriation of the Sixty Families, the rulers en carpenter, a salesman, and a working class areas of the France, Canada, and Australia. On Sept. the American of America, the war mongers!
garage owner. The lone woman is Bronx, addressing large rallies issued the following slogans of action. a housewife. Another farmer an at Townsend Avenue and 170 Full moral, diplomatic and economic help for the Polish people a relail merchant serve as alterStreet, Prospect Avenue an In: those who help Poland defend its nat onal independence.
161 Street and Simpson and Embargo Japan and Germany for the defeat of fascist aggresThe jury panel, it was brought 163 Streets.
sion and for estabaishing a democratic peace. Daily Worker, Sept.
out in the courtroom by derense Rallies for George Paine 7. attorneys, was drawn from the were held throughout the week following sources: 22 of the 75 in the Yorkville section of Stalinists Used Same Trick in 1935 Manhattan, where Sarah Rice, names were submities by county By GEORGE STERN MOLOTUPE former leading member of the Unimpressed by all these vio ent assertions along the old pop attorneys: 12 were submitted When the October revolution that we ssek to drive home into clerks of state district courts: 22 Communist Party and present lar front line, we predicted in the Socialist Appeal at the time that all this eyewash would soon be discarded in favor of a line support transformed Russia 22 years ago, he consciousness of every Amer. were submitted by probate court organizer of the the Yorkville NOTE vic. ory of the word workers rev. ican worker: ing Hitler war program.
Branch of the reports The next issus of the Socialist judges: one taken from a list For we had seen this same phenomenon before. In May, 1935 the that the response to the antiolution seemed near. As the Bol The Russian revolution showed submitted by the labor hating Sympathy for StrikAppeal will be devoted to the Stalin Laval communique sealing the Franco Soviet pact had been sheviks saw it, their conquest of the way out of a world of war Minneapolis Junior Chamber of war candidacy of Paine was 2nd Anniversary of the Russian issued: the Stalin:sts hotly dened that it would change their att power advanced them only to the and poverty. It was checked and Commerce: two were suggested warmly received.
Revolution Longshoremen Seen ude toward the French bourgeoisie, and as late as the Seventh first ramparts of the citadel of tur. ed off the road because it was by the postmaster at Albert Lea: Comintern Congress that Fall, Dimitrov was swearing that the capitalist reaction. They openert left isolated in a hostile boss. fifteen came from rural telephons Among all Seamen French Communists would cont nue to vote against the military the first gates to a new future, le: world to cope with the gl directories. Needless to say, there budget of the French government. Two months later, of course, the the glimpse of which dazze! gantic pro. Io. of raconstructing French Stalinists were voting for the military budget, for military masses all over the world, sick cne of the largest and ons of the The strike of 10, 000 longshoreloans to reactionary Poland, etc.
ended by the years of slaughter most backward countries in the men continues to crippe all New As in 1935, so in the recent months, the continuance of the and suffering to which their rulo world, popular front line for a little while after the Hitler Stalin pact was ers subjected them.
York harbor coastwise shipping.
It was the enormity and im a deliberate device to keep the duped members of the Stalinist parBut the revolution fell short of possibility of this task that creNo attempts have been made to load cargo or run scabs through ties on the old course until they could be presumably prepared to the greater victories that were ated the premises for the man the picket lines, so that the unswing to the new course.
on has not found it necessary in the workers held the power in Stalin Workers Ready for Action Militancy Is Sept. 18 Oct. 31 The second stage of the transition Support of the democracies was dropped, and with it all the previous stor guard the docks with more than their grasp. Had they retained it, But that does not mean, Amer ndividual watchers.
the tides of history would have Ican workers, that we must fall Only Guarantee of Good Settlement gans. The British, French and Canadian parties withdrew their Operators have threatened to previous pro war man festoes, Thorez deserted the French army, washed quite other shoros. But for the cagy propaganda of our the American party withdrew its support of Roosevelt revision of the Social Democrats beca. ne bosses that Russia proves the divert cargoes from coastwise stewards for the capitalists and falsehood of the Communist proships to rail and freight transneutrality legislation, the atrocity pict res of the effects of Germ.
to the u the power was finally ro gram!
No, Russia proves its Constitution Suspend merely a threat. Sympathy, how. workers remain locked out of high and this will undoubtedly be portation. Thus far this remains bombinga disappeared from the stalinist press, etc. Declaray DETROIT. Hahat Acharyater rache mortaisen od the workers is hombing the saintets diectarea other the masses rose and were gram holds that Soc alism must ed Masses Ripe for could be easily aroused among ficials are stilling and hedging on corporaticn malces to operate the The outbreak of the Second Imperialist War, which for years has been developing as a one sided war, fundamentally wave receded and left Russia an flour. sh. It cannot survive in one Revolutionary Action einer caderie made, according to the just demands of the auto plants icon other medium conditions.
changes the situation hitherto existing. All issues and alignisolated rock in the Llack sea of corner of the earth surface, evments are being re examined and re evaluated in the light of werd reaction.
en so large corner as Russia.
current reports.
Sufficient concessions have al tiations is not completely a matthese changes. The previous alignment into democratic and This was the circumstance that Stalinism was created out of fascist camps loses its former meaning. Daily Worker, While Joe Ryan, president of ready been made by the corporater of public record and it is dirThe 375, 000, 000 people of Brl the longshoremen, has turned tion to prove the justified basis ficult to say what progress has Sept. 19. bureaucracy he symbolizes and Russia. But the American revolu tish and Native India are now own offers of cooperation from of the workers grievances. The been made.
Violating All that Lenin Taught dlationary Russin for 15 of these positions of the most highly in. crudest one man dictatorships ev. widespread interest and sym: and voice in set:ing of production come or the strike comes with the How the character of the war could change upon its actual out22 years. He and his minions have dustrialized country in the world, er known in history.
pathy for the cause of the strik standards are still the object of announcement that union of break and become different from that of the war which had been the workers power but have not real world leadership. Bist who ignation of out of the minis all seamen, both and baggling by the corporation over cials may bring Lewis and Mur preparing for years this strange transmutation the stalinists cia ray in frorn Washington to take not and could not explain. This theory if one could dignify this altered the substance. They re will wield it? If we let that lead. tries that were organized by the SI. and any attempt to sail No Trading over the negctations. Previous scoundrelly alibi as a theory was of course in direct violation of main the usurpers of the power ership be assumed by Watt Strat Indian Natonalist Congress, the the struck vessels will meet with created by the Russian workers Co. It wil mean more wars. Viceroy of India has announced active opposition from the sea Despite the loud voiced pub participation of these heads of Marxist principes. War is the continuation of politics by other licity of the Corporation about the heads of the CIO in the strike (1. forcible) means. this was the fundamental tenet of Leniniat in their great revolution. In the more destruction, resi cnses that henceforth Article 92 of the men.
upheavals to come they shal be and the establishment of Fascisin Government of India Act is in Considerable concern was ex. slow down strikes, sovietization at General Motors resulted in a analysis of war. Imperialist countries could not but prepare for imswept away along with all the in this land and everywhere. But effect.
pressed among longshoremen and similar buncombe, they have settlement far inferior to what perialist war. But the Stalinists had been halling it as a democratic other instruments of reaction If we grasp it ourselves we will Suspend Constitution here that coastwise shipping agreed to rehire some 70 odd men could have been gained by the war against fascism. Their theory of transmutation had to de irvented for the occasion to justify the flip flop. In this period all that hold the masses of the world break across all war fronts with Under the provisions of this might be diverted to other At of the original 105 discharged on workers militancy.
the belligerents were characterized as equa:ly guilty for this war.
In chains a new revolutionary October article the British appointed antic ports. Thus far no orders the alleged charges indicated That formula tasted just six weeks, until the present documents It is firmly with that confidence which this time will not be Viceroy of India, and the Vice have been sent out from the In above. The union has refused to Join the Socialist provided the comple:e, finished line.
that we celebrate this anniver. heamed in. It is looking forward roy appointed Governor Generals ternational office instructing oth trade the jobs of any of the work3. The line as now completed is an exact replica of the line as Bary of the greatest historical to this struggle that we salute er locals to tie up ships working ers fired. They are remaining Arin Continued on Page 2)
event of our century. It is this this anniversary.
on coastwise traffic on the demand that all of those Workers Party Continued on Page 3)
Whither Soviet Russia? Hear a leer by James Cannon Wednesday Evening, November 15th, at oclock IRVING PLAZA, IRVING PLACE The Meaning of Stalin Role in the European War National Secretary, IV.
Socialist Workers Party 4th Int Admission: 25c