BolshevismCapitalismDemocracyEngelsEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismInvasionItalyLeninMarxMarxismMussoliniSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeURSSWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

The WF Slashers Open a Pious Drive to Let the Masses Give IN THIS CORNER VOTE FOR MAX SHACHTMAN AND iny and all wars same level.
TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1939 ground that the ousted Blackshirts were proCHARITY SWEET CHARITY SOCIALIST APPEAL German, whereas the newly constituted cabinet VOL. III, NO. 85 Tuesday, November 7, 1939 will be increasingly friendly to France and England.
Published Twice Weekly by the Which way Mussolini will jump, or even the SOCIALIST APPEAL PUBLISHING ASSN.
at 116 University Place. New York, question of whether he will enter the war in the Telephone. Algonquin 8547 near future, cannot be answered conclusively at this time. In all likelihood, this third rate power Subscriptions: 12. 00 per year: 00 for six months. Por with first class pretensions, will repeat the per Another terrible winter is themselves to be fooled by the quences. It is the capitalists per copy in the United States: cents per copy in foreign countries. Single coples: cents, formance it enacted in the first World War. It descending on the unemployed. hypocritical phrases of the char therefore who must be made to By Max Shachtman Bronx and Manhattan subscriptions are 50 for six will wait, first, to see which of the two imperial homes, of inadequate clothing. Ble against the compulsory con of their swollen profits. The provide for the unemployed out Reentered as second class matter September 29, 1939, at ist camps will promise it the greater amount of the post office at New York, NY. under the Act of March slow starvation and dull hope tributions to the Community money spent by the Community The recent invasion of Poland has been contrasted 13:19 booty, and, second, to see which of the two less misery. This winter will bund. They must do this not be Fund will be like a drop in the in these pages with the situation that prevailed dur, camps is most likely to win the war.
bring the unemployed more suf cause they are indifferent to the bucket so far as the needs of the ing the Russo Polish war in 1920. At that time, the Red Army, exhausted and 11 equipped as it was not Editor: fering than the years gone by. suffering of the unemployed, but unemployed are concerned. The MAX SHACHTMAN Mussolini never was and is not now pro Rellet budgets have been bru because the Community Fund is unemployed must organize and only succeeded in repulsing the invading Pilsudski Associate Editor MANUEL GARRETT German any more than he was or is pro Eng tally slashed. Tens of thousands just another vicious scheme to struggle for decent relief standforces backed by Western imperialism. but pursued FELIX MORROW them on Polish soll. With the Red Army marched the General Manager: Assistant Manager: lish, and any attempt to judge his course by Revolutionary Polish Committee. Supporting it was MARTIN ABERN SHERMAN STANLEY such designations is absurd. He was and is: pro Weakened by years of semi the unemployed on to the backs the war funds to the unemployed. for jobs on a huge public the revolutionary vanguard of the Polish workers Italian. Like his contemporaries, he makes and susceptible to the ravages of the workers are not respon works program at union wages.
and peasants. Militants everywhere, unconcerned re makes his alliances in the interests of the Ital disease. The war boom together sible for unemployment. It is the workers don want charity.
then as they are now with the frontiers arbitrarily FIGHT WITH THE SOCIALIST established by imperialism, looked hopefully for the ian Empire, and if it suits him better at the mo with the seasonal pick up have capitalism which creates unem They want jobs and a decent WORKERS PARTY FOR: only absorbed an insignificant ployment and its terrible conse living!
triumph of the Red Army and the extension of the ment to hook up with France and England, or number of workers.
socialist revolution throughout Poland. Job a decent living for every worker. with any other power, he will not hesitate to Against this background the The Russian masses, armed and unarmed, were giv. Open the tale factoriet operate them under make the choice dictated not by his views on de yearly Community Fund caming a living demonstration of the vitality of international solidarity of their overwhelming concern with workers control.
mocracy vs. fascism but by his views on what paign has been launched once more in every city of the United the world socialist revolution. If the march on Wars Twenty Billion dollar deral pub works serves the Italian ruling class.
States. From all sides direct and saw did not succeed then, it was only because Lenin. and hou vng program.
What is interesting, however, is the reacțion indirect pressure is being apmisjudged the revolutionary maturity of the Polish masses and overrated the Red Army powers of ep4. Thirty thirty 30 weekly minimun. wageJollar from the workers.
durance after years of difficult fighting. Lenin and 30 hour week. maximum all workers on Paris, and Washington.
Pious Appeal the Bolsheviks were, however, animated exclusively by internationalist and socialist considerations.
all Jobs.
Chamberlain is determined that Hitlerism First came the indorsement of (Continued from Page 1) City Charter, To vote for a per3. Tiety dollar weekly old te and disability must go because it wiped out Poland by brutal this campaign by men prominent plate their efforts at buring the son whose name is not printed Stalin? His clique 18 animated, at home and abroad, exclusively by what it believes will preserve pen ron.
military methods. But as soon as there is the in the public eye. No less a per American workers into it. on this ballot, write his name. sonage than the President who Meanwhile, plans are going blank line under the names o the precarious rule of the anti Soviet bureaucracy Our press has made that clear for years. But there is Expropriate the SX Fimle.
prospect of an imperialist alliance with Italy, he recently discharged tens of thou ahead on all fronts of the elec the other) candidates and put undoubtedly more than this involved. Stalin and his All war funds to ten nploy doesn hesitate at the idea of recognizing Musso sands from the WPA has made tion campaign.
number in the square opposite bureaucracy are Alled with Messianic delusions. The heart rending plea on behalf of lini conquest of Albania, which stands on the Friday, Nov. 4, candidate to show which choice you wish peuple referim Great Russian attitude of Stalin was observed and the needy. He was followed by Shachtman will address a big to give him.
condemned by Lenin as far back as 1921 and 1922. In No secret diplom.
til sorts of plous business men, campaign rally at Herman Rid Final arrangements for th recent years, Soviet life has been poisoned by Stalin 10. An Independent Lawr Forty.
Chamberlain recently issued a White Paper Ligh minded clubwomen, sancti dre Junior High School, Boston distribution of election litera with the glorification of the old Czars and their re11. Workers Defense ture showed that 150, 000 leaf that is against vigilante expressing horror and indignation at the treat monous sky pilots, and profes Road and 173rd Street talners, with eulogies to Peter the Great and other Saturday evening, at the cor lets are being printed instruc.
ional humanitarians. Forgetting ment of political prisoners under Hitler. That, and Faselst attacks.
autocrats of the old regime. Stalin is depleted as his political differences they have is ner of Tremont and Prospecting workers on how vote fo great heir and the executor of his ambitions. We may 12. Full social, political and conomio equality you see, is supposed to justify the sacred and sued a unanimous appeal: Avenues, scene of many of the Shachtman in the Bronx. The be sure that Stalin has devoted more than one spare for the Negro people.
democratic war against Germany. But now that Give! Give until it hurts! most successful election rallies, leaflets will be ready for distrib hour to a study of the old Czars, their methods and Mussolini is supposed to be flirting with an alli Even if your earnings are mea candidate Shachtman, George ution near the polls all day Tues their aspirations, and has increasingly identified himance with England, it can be said with absolute yer give in order to help your Clarke, Steve Parker and others day.
self with them in his mind. What they aimed to acmore unfortunate neighbor will address a mass meeting First Choice complish by cunning and: brutality, can be not accertainty that Chamberlain will issue no White Give for the sacred cause of which will be the culmination of Dwight Macdonald, Secretary complish with his even greater cunning and brutality?
or any other Paper dealing with the treatment of Charity Sweet Charity. torchlight parade.
of the Campaign Committee, re Monday, evening, Nov. 6, the minded workers today that a The Socialist Workers Party is running canFrom the Archives of Marxism.
After this general appeal will night before the polls open, votes for Shacbtman should po. itical prisoners under Italian Fascism.
In that connection, the by no means dusty docudidates in two cities of the east New York ments of Marxism offer an interesting sidelight on As a matter of fact, the unashamed imperial anda. Thousands oma posterio Shachtmab will speak at a mass a first choice vote, bearing th the recent events.
ists of England, France and the United States and circulars will shout Give rally on Walton Avenue and 170 numeral one (1) opposite his Series and Newark, will we freely predict this. jump to the front name on the ballot. Second ani Max Shachtman is the Party Councilmanic he radio, the press the pulpit, Street. So well had this game succeeded, reads one of these documents, and so long had it been played, in defense of Mussolini the Democrat, IF Italy the screen will all shriek Give, gaged for the saturday and men should be cast arate the chcia that, when Poland at last was annihilated, there was candidate in the Bronx.
is lined up in their war camp. At first it will candidates of the American La no outery at all George Paine is the Party Councilmanic Europe, and, indeed, people were Then, the actual collection of day mas rallies.
funds will begin. Altruistic busWatchers Needed astonished at this only, that Russia should have the probably be explained that Musso ini is not as bor Party. Rubinstein and Ninf candidate in Manhattan.
Charles Rubinstein and Salva in the Bronx.
generosity of giving such a large slice of the terribad as he is painted; in fact, that he is a much iness men who have stopped at Alfred Lowenthal is the Party Assembly The Campaign Committee al tory to Austria and Prussia.
nothing to fight their workers tore Ninfo, candidates of the misunderstood friend of the people.
cautioned workers to write ir candidate in Newark The way in which this partition was brough Then it will be said that Mussolini is, at all demands for higher wages will American Labor Party in the about, is particularly interesting. There was, at that The main slogan of our Party in the elections make contributions and will have Bronx, esatblished contact with the name of candidate Pain time, already an enlightened public opinion in Eur comrade Shachtman in order to clearly and legibly. The officia events, not so much of an anti Semite as Hitler their pictures printed in the may be sumed up in one sentence: Cast your vote ope. Although the London Times newspaper had is; in fact, he has rid himself of the real anti newspapers. These same news petition Jointly the Board of same to be written in the cam Committee stated, against the war and the war mongers!
not yet begun to manufacture that artiêle, there was papers will uphold them as shin: watchers at the polls. Under the George Paine, which is the Semites who were insidiously supported and inAll the other parties are committed to the supthat kind of public opinion which had been created ng examples of the pure spirit New York election law, it is nec way his name appears on thi by the immense influence of Diderot, Voltaire, Rous port of one or the other of the two imperialist Auenced by Goebbels. Besides all this, the Italian of charity essary for three candidates to nominating petitions.
seau and the other French writers of the eighteenth Shaking Down the Masses people are very quaint, they like Mussolini in camps now in conflict in Europe. The Socia ist century. Russia always knew that it is important to submit a joint petition requestFinally will come the real ing watchers, and the petition of their own quaint way, and they like above all the Workers Party is committed irrevocably to the have public opinion on one side, if possible, and squeeze. Every worker will be the three candidates is now beRussia took care to have it, too. The court of Cathersupport of the world wide THIRD CAMP the way he keeps the trains running on schedule.
UNSER WORT approached in his shop or fac. fore the Board of Elections ine II was made the headquarters of the enlightened camp of the workers who have everything to lose After all, in the last Great War to Make the tory. While the worker will be Max Burt and George Clarke, The new issue of UNSER men of the day, especially Frenchmen; the most World Safe for Democracy, the Czar of all the told that his contribution 18 a who are in charge of the camarticles in the war and nothing but poverty or coffins to WORT, containing lightened principles were professed by the Empress voluntary one, he will be impaign headquarters in the Bronx, Russias and the autocratic Son of Heaven who on the war situation will apand her Court, and so well did she succeed in degain.
pressed with the idea that he appealed today for members pear shortly. Order it from ceiving them that Voltaire and many others sang the Voting for the candidates of the SWP affords ruled the destiny of Japan were in the forefront had better give or else.
praise of the Semiramis of the North, and proclaim and sympathizers of the Social Dale Edwards Box No.
Thus millions of dollars will ist Workers Party to be in atof the struggle.
173, Sta. D, New York, ed Russia the most progressive country in the world, an opportunity of making a decisive demonstrabe squeezed out of the workers. tendance at the campaign office, If Nicho. as Romanov the Bloody could be a (12 coples 60 the home of liberal principles, the champion of retion against the war. Thousands of votes for the It will come out of the pockets 1334 Wilkins Avenue, all day ligious toleration.
anti war party in the elections will mean to the champion of the Crusade for Democracy, why of workers whose wages are not Tuseday. Religious toleration that was the word wanted not Benito Mussolini?
always sufficient to provide for to put down Poland. Poland had always been extreme war mongers that there are that many people How to Vote NOTE the bare necessities of life. And The Campaign Committee ly liberal in religious matters; witness the asylum The article on the situation in who are supporting the most radical and deterthen this money will be doled again reininded all workers in National Maritime Union, which Jews found there while they were persecuted in all mined oposition a revolutionary opposition to cut to deserving families. Manhattan on the methods gov was to have been continued in other parts of Europe. The greater portion of the the war.
Vicious Scheme erning the write in vote for can this issue, has been held over for people in the Eastern provinces belonged to the Greek faith, while the Poles proper were Roman Catholics.
The workers must not allow didate Paine. According to the the next issue. considerable portion of these Greek Catholics had American involvement that are the main issues in Joseph Baskin, secretary of the labor fraterbeen induced, during the sixteenth century, to ac knowledge the supremacy of the Pope, and were callthe resent election. All other issues are subordinal order in this country, the Workmen Circle, ed United Greeks; but a great many continued true nated to them, dependent upon them.
has made public a report of the arrest and im THE MARXIST SCHOOL to thear old Greek religion in all respects. They were What can a housing program, so urgently prisonment of a number of prominent leaders announces its FALL TERM COURSES principally the serts, their noble masters being almost all Roman Catholics, they were little Russians (UKneeded, signify in the coming elections if a mil of the Polish and Polish Jewish labor and socialto be held at the Cultural Center, Room 201, 125 West 33rd St. rainians) by nationality. Now, this Russian Governlion coffins await the American dead in the war?
ist movements. Most prominent among them, What can an improved transit system mean if ment, which did not tolerate at home any other reand perhaps better known to many in the AmerClasses Begin Monday, November 20th ligion but the Greek, and punished apostacy as a millions are scheduled for a one way ride to the ican movement, are such men as Heinrich EhrHOW CAPITALISM OPERATES TODAY Frank Demby crime; which was conquering foreign nations and anbattlefields?
lich and Viktor Alter, the former especialy well Mondays 7:15 8:40 nexing foreign provinces right and left; and which Sessions, 00 was at that time engaged in riveting still firmer the What can democratic county reorganization known in what was the left wing of the SecA course in Applied Marxian economics, dealing with such matters as the basic fetters of the Russian ser this same Russian Gov.
mean if war breaks out and a military, totalitar ond International.
causes of the breakdown of the automatic processes of the business cycle, war ernment came soon upon Poland in the name of reand Intation, economics under a fascist system, the economics of the farm ligious toleration, because Poland was said to opian dictatorship is imposed upon the country? What is particularly important about Basproblem, etc. etc.
press the Greek Catholics; in the name of the prin What will democratic rights mean if the generals kin report is that the socialist leaders were SOCIALISM AND WAR Max Shacht man ciple of nationalities, because the inhabitants of these rule and critics of war face prison walls or firing seized in Warsaw when the city fell to the Nazis Eastern provinces were Little Russians, and ought, Mondays 8:50 10:15 and then turned over to the Stalinist authorities, Sessions, 00 therefore, to be annexed to Great Russla; and in the Beginning with the great wars a revolutions of the last century this course name of the right of revolution arming the serfs Demonstrate in the elections against the im who spirited away the prisoners to the Soviet will proceed to a consideration of the theoretic and practical oblems of today.
agains: their masters. Russia is not at all scrupulous perialist war! Vote for the candidates of the mil Union.
What are wars? How can the social conquests of the Soviet Union be de In the selection of her means. Talk about a war of itant and uncompromising antiwar Party the class against class as something extremely revolutionWhile Baskin report is thus far not officially fended? Why do Marxists condemn pacifism? How should we act in the present war situation ary: why, Russia set such a war on foot in Poland Socialist Workers Party! Vote for the interna confirmed, we do not hesitate to say that we are nearly 100 years ago, and a fine specimen of a class3. THE DESTINY OF THE NEGRO inclined to give it credence. In any case, it is now tional solidarity of the working class and toil1. Jourson war it was, when Russian soldiers and Little Russian Tuesdays 7:15 8:40 Sessions. 00 ing peoples against the warlords and assassins clearly up to the Stalinist authorities or their serfs went in company to burn down the castles of This course will trace the history of the Negro peoples from their e islavement to Polish lords, merely to prepare Russian annexation, of the people!
spokesmen either to confirm or to deny the retheir present struggle for emancipation and equality. The chief solutions for the which te ng once accomplished the same Russian solVote this way: port. Those who have no illusions about the asNegro problem will be examined.
diers put the serfs back again under the yoke of In the Bronx. sassin in the Kremlin know, however, that he is their lords. ELEMENTS OF SOCIALIST THEORY AND PRACTICE quite capable of so abominable an act as is reAn Interesting Parallel MAX SHACHTMAN ported by Baskin. The gang that did not hesitate Tuesdays 8:50 10:15 Sessions, 00 all this was o. e in the cause of religious toleraA course designed to suit the needs of young people and those in the labor movetion, because the principle of nationalities was not to frame up and murder the best representatives meent who seek an understanding of basic principles.
han fashionable in Western Europe. But it was held of the Bolshevik revolution, would surely not up before the eyes of the Little Russ. an peasants at In Manhattan. turn a hair at hounding anti Stalinist socialists ORGANIZING AMERICAN LABOR Fran! the time, and has played an important part since in to prison, or to death, in cooperation with Hitler, Wednesdays 7:15 8:40 Polish affairs. The first and foremost ambition of Sessions. 00 tussia is the union of all Russian tribes under the GEORGE PAINE (write in)
Hitler army and Hitler Gestapo.
First hand accounts of the great strike struggles in the recent past, coups üzar who calls himself the Autocrat of all Russias of leading trade unlon personalities, analyses of current trade union eve:ets by We have our political differences with the Polone who personally participated in many of the great organiing drives of (Samoderzhets verossiisk. and among these sbe includas White and Little Russia. And in order to prove ish and Polish Jewish social democrats, and we the last few years.
In Newark: tha, her ambition went no further, she took very good have no reason either to conceal or minimize THE WAR DEAL IN ACTION James Burnham Dright Macdonald care, during the three partitions, to annex none but them. But that would not prevent us for a single White and Little Russian provinces: leaving the counALFRED LOEWENTHAL Wednesdays 8:50 10:15 Sessions. S1. 00 try inhabi. ed by Poles, and even a portion of Little moment from protesting most forcefully against Lectures on the week by week developments in American litics. Considerati 581a (Easter Galicia) to her.
the shameless procedure Stalin is now charged will be given to such matters as Congressional legislation, Day plans, develop Thus Frederic Engels, in The of Nation by Joseph Baskin rightly, in all probabil ments in the business world in relation to the war, etc.
ality Applied to Poland, the third of a series of ar ity with having followed.
les he wrote on Poland in the British periodical, Registrations now being taken at the Labor Bookshop. 116 University Place, The Commonwealth, on Saturday, May 5, 1866: It would be entirely in character for the KremN. from p. to pan. Registration can also be made by mail to the Although e alin regime is not the feudal millThe democratic press of the United States, lin butcher turnkey to work hand in glove with school office, 116 University Place. Prospective students are urged to register tary regime of Peter er or Catherine or any of the other waarist autocrats, and the situations are different in England and France is jubilant over Mussolini reaction in the arrest and imprisonment of any early.
more than one ocher respect (the attitude of Beck reorganization of his cabinet. It doesn bother labor leader who commits the crime of refusing Poland towards the Jews is but one example. the to conceal its defight over the report, on the to bow to the Soviet despots.
parallel in other respects is not uninteresting.
It is the war and the threat of full fledzed Stalin Prisoners squads?
Mussolini: Democrat