DemocracyEnglandGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismMarxRussian RevolutionSocialismSovietStalinStalinismStrikeURSSWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1939 SOCIALIST APPEAL LABOR WITH WHITENKINER On the Ballot in the Bronx Men Frame Teamsters Union Leaders THE NEGRO QUESTION MAX SHACHTMAN socialist Workers As part of Preparation for War LABOR WITII BLACK SKIN 18 BRANDED KARL MARX.
FortheWrite In in Manhattan cuminates anizational potere storie GEORGE PAINE counsel GROWING PROTEST MOVEMENT CHALLENGES WATSON ARREST CAN THE WORKERS ACCEPT MOLOTOFF EXPLANATION. Continued from Page 1) penalty of 29 By JOHNSON Write number before name in the voting square to strike was something of a turn of 40, 000, or us in jail, a finej ery obstacle in the way of the operators of the destruction of a both.
arrested union officials when the bakery truck (a charge which ing point in union organizatioa The combined penalty facing latter sought to exercise their has all the aspects of an act by Industry and the Negro the left of his name as indicated above.
among Middle West drivers. the eight drivers union officials elementary legal rights. agents provocateurs. FOR FIFSome four months later the In amount to 232 years in the peniTEEN MONTHS the men have The first, the absolute indispensable necessity for Negroes who FEI Hounded Unlonlsts ternational Brotherhood of Team tentiary, a fine of 320, 000, or want to struggle for their emancipation, is to understand that After marking your ballot as above kindly give your second sters signed a one year contract both. Certainly one would have the FBI behaviour: We furnish you examples of painstakingly built up a case in discrimination against them volving not only officials of the difference of color is not the cause and third choices to the American Labor Party with the majority of the motor to agree that this was a dispro. When Walter Stultz and Louis Aicials of drivers unions in Des in industry. The intelligent capitalist knows this. The Negroes must Freight operators know it too. Not that the race question is unimportant. Not at all.
candidates by marking the numbers and dule Western states, a contract he officials had been guilty of the Omaha General Drivers Un Moines, Iowa, and Omaha, NeIt has acquired a tremendous importance. But it is a subordinat. next to their names.
embracing over 200. 000 drivers damaging truck, which, of son, Local 554, two of those.
question and helpers. During the past year course, none of them was.
charged, were arrested on SepPerhaps it would still be deemIn our pamphlet on the war. Why Negroes Should Oppose the organization in the driving indusWar: Johnson, cents) we wrote the following. 23)
Take this with you to the Polls as a reminder on tember 23 and jailed, ed unnecessary to call this case FBI Instigated Case 10, 000 ry in this area had made im Whenever a problem faces us we should examine it in all ite mense strides in scores of cities, However, it is not the extreme bond was immediately secured to the attention of the American aspects, then examine similar situations in foreign countries, look rom two local businessmen, who labor movement were it not for Election Day, Nov. 7th.
in Sioux City, Omaha and other penalty on which we wish to foc thus indicated their faith in the the fact that the victims are back into our own history, see where the circumstances are alike Nebraska towns, in Des Moines, us attention, it is the entire con integrity and innocence of these leaders of a section of the organ.
and where they differ, and then attempt a conclusion.
ized labor movement that has had To that something more can be added. We must see where the que, Kansas City in every town which causes us such concern, Fort Dodge, Mason City, Dubu duct of the FBI in this case unionists. at first allowed and phenomenal success in the past Bond problem is today, then where it was yesterday, then see where it of importance in the industry. and brings us to the heart of the both men freed. Then Miller was year; and were it not for the fur is likely to be tomorrow. In other words we see it from all sides and particularly we see in what direction it is moving, what is culminated early in October Since the arrest, drivers union re jailed, and the court explained ther fact that in recent months likely to happen tomorrow. This is known as the dialectic, and the 1939, with the signing of a new officials have made a diligent in chat the 10, 000 property bond the FBI has been used against method of investigation is called the dialectical method.
working agreement between the quiry into all circumstances sur was invalid because the property organized labor in a number of cities; in Minneapolis in July, The very opposite of the dialectical method is the kind of arguInternational Brotherhood of rounding the case and have una second bond was secured. 1939, during the widely publicized ment that runs as follows: Teamsters and more than 2, 000 covered some startling facts WPA strike; in Washington, went for a job yesterday. As soon as they saw my black motor carriers, covering 350, 000 Passing over the fact that the Mliler was freed.
face they turned me back. But the fellow who followed me was The above is the correct spelling of the Councllmanle states and bringing wage in. elementary courtestes ordinarily Sioux city and again jailed them. many other cities, against builddrivers and helpers in thirteen union officials were dented such removed Stultz and Muller to union officials; in Cleveland and On October 17, Federal agents Co Just a few days ago against white and they gave him the job at once. Therefore the Negro problem is a race problem.
Candidato in Manhattan. To count, the name must be spelled exactly creases amounting to millions of extended to labor oficials as that Defense courfsel immediately pre ing trades unlo nofficials in conWhat Makes for Slavery?
as hore given. According to the election law, you must write in development at some length be ties asking voluntary appearance cente refused the Federal and Justice investigation of monopoly It sounds good, but is it? Let us see.
First take the question of slavery. To too many Negroes, slay. George Paine on a blank line under the names of the candidates cause it has an important bear at police headquarters, or arrest Miller. This time they said there in the construction industry, etc.
ing on the arrests occurring Sept. at reasonable hour of the day, was a technical error in the ery is the badge of the Negro and his black skin. Error Number listed and put the number in the square opposite to show that you 25 of this year.
the union investigation has reFBI is Boss Weapon bond. When defense Leading officials in the world of One. For white men were slaves for thousands of years in the the union officials leaders of FBI agents, led by a man waes, Federal officials refused have been calling attention to Upon arraignment on Sept. 23, vealed: sought to discover what the error labor with increasing frequency greatest empires of antiquity, particularly the empires of Greece are voting for him first choice.
Drivers Unions in Sloux City, in named Coombs, have worked on point blank to allow the bond at and condemning, the increasing and Rome. White men enslaved white men by the millions. In fact white men have been slaves in Europe for far more centuries than Carry this with you to the polling booth to help you in voting Des Moines, and in Omaha the case of the alleged damaged 411, stating that a new bond had use of the FBI against the organlearned that the charges levelled truck for well over a year, at an to be raised for the Omaha unionized labor movement, and have white men have been free. Similarly, black men in Africa enslaved black men, and yellow men in China enslaved yellow men.
Wherever accurately.
against them had to do with the expenditure of time and govern ists in the Sioux City area.
alleged destruction of the bakery ment funds which can only be expressed concern lest this might economic conditions and political power enabled one class of men truck fourteen months earlier. guessed at.
Legal counsel have pointed out encourage a wide assault on or to enslave another class, there slavery existed, until the economic that the best bond raised in ganized labor by all anti union and political conditions changed and slavery was abolished. Color Each union official was charged Out to Get Unionists the district where the defendants forces. few days ago in Washhas nothing to do with it at all. So that a Negro who goes for a job with five things: At least one FBI agent is live and are known, and that ington, Joseph Padway, and is refused because he is black, must stop and consider if there Violation of the Dyer Act reported as boasting before wit courts have as a common prac legal counsel for the American isn more to this question than appears at first sight. transporting stolen car across nesses that he had spent all his tice allowed such bond Federation of Labor, declared Let us now look at slavery in America. The Europeans who came state line. Penalty: years in time on the case and was out to jail, 5, 000 fine, or both.
Put Pressure on Bondamen that the Department of Justice Lo America in the early days tried to make the Indians slaves. get the drivers union officials. Union officials and defense prosecution of the Teamsters But the Indians could not do the work. They died in millions. In Interference with interstate While the government was counsel then made an effort to Union is a desperate attempt to the smaller islands of the West Indies they were wiped out almost commerce: 10 years, 10, 000 fine, expending large sums of money raise the bond in Sloux City. It wreck labor unions and deny entirely. On the American continent which was large they could (Continued from Page 1) have already been threatened or both to get union ofhcials, trucking very quickly became evident that them the right to organize.
tight and retreat before the invader. When they were caught they Conspiracy to do both the operators in this very area were in the background enormous fought back for their brothers and friends were carrying on the inex recruiting sergeant. lied with prosecution under the saine above: years, 10, 000 fine, or flouting Interstate Commerce pressure was being exerted on lo dictments returned against drivReferring specifically to the instruggle elsewhere.
when they inferred that the large act which was used to convict both.
Commission regulations of inter cal bondsmen by Federal men ers union officials in the nation crowd which listened to Watson Watson.
The European Invaders then tried to enslave whites. They im4. Conspiracy to steal bread state trucking. When this laxity and employers to cause the capitol, Mr. Padway stated: In Winnipeg, members of the ported poor white people from Europe and worked them in the resented his anti war statements.
felda side by side with the Negroes. In other words, the color ques. On the contrary, the crowd lis have declared their sup and bakery goods: years, 10. was called to the attention of the bondsmen to refuse bond. One the If this indictment is to become tened with great sympathy to port of the Watson Defense government. It invariably gave ter another, the Sloux City bondstion did not trouble them at all. Possession of stolen bakery the excuse that there was not men stated frankly that the he But white slaves did not stand the climate well. Enough of his address. They murmured ap. Committee while in Saskatcheweting any establishment in the sevmion, both.
them could not be got from Europe to do all the work that was to proval when Watson pointed out an, prairie center of Dominion 500ds: 10 years, 5, 000 fine, or enough money to enforce regula is too strong on us. When Meat aw then no union is safe in picktions.
eral bondsmen were Anally found District of Columbia, or any embe done. So that the employers of those days, looking round for the slight differences existing be prominent ers have also Each arrested union official is thus eligible to receive a total an extreme concern to place ev. rudely rejected by Federal offi asserted the indictments violated The FBI agents have shown to make bond, their bonds were ployer anywhere, if Interstate labor, decided to use the Africans from Africa because they were ween fascist rule la Germany rallied to his support.
The Canadian section of the the most suitable. There were many more Africans in Africa than and the military dictatorship Fourth International has been cials on one technicality or an the principles of the Railway LAthere were Indians in America. The weapons the Europeans used England.
were technically so much advanced and deadly that they had the Fateful evening, it was counter the Defense Fund and has purother.
When the arrest came on that active in collecting money for The trade union committee Relations Act, and virtually turn bor Act and the National Labor from Omaha that went to Sloux the clock back a century to the Africans at their mercy The Africans were strong and could stand the hard work as to the wishes of the assembled sued independent action by the city to raise bond for the two days when merely formation of a slaves. Once brought to America, they had no hope, no society, no workers. The police tried in vain issuance of leaflets and stickers drivers union officials were ahad labor union was considered a con common language, no common tradition to bind them together and persuade the workers to ap The stickers continue to appear owed day and night while inspiracy.
stiften their resistance as the native Indians were stiffened. They pear in court on the side of the in public places despite police Sioux City. At times their shadhad no perspective for freedom. So that they could only make peri prosecution. Having failed to con efforts to destroy them.
In the interests of the union owers would The War Measures Act, under tive bondsmen, with an official movement of the United States, speak with prospec.
odical revolts one after another, which falled and left them often Vince any of the workers at that more miserable than before. In the same way the millions of slaves meeting to appear against Wat whose provisions Watson was (Continued from Page 1)
air, insisting it was not a good we submit the record of FBI op.
in the ancient Greek and Roman Empires made their periodicalson, the authorities fell back on convicted, has become the main the testimony of the soldier and weapon in the enforcement of The Kremlin lled when it made these promises. It did nothing idea to go bond.
erations against the drivers revolts and then submitted.
to strengthen the struggle of Poland against Germany. The Stalin. General Drivers Union, then in with the hope that trade union6. The secretary of the Omaha movement in the Middle West, Indians, tried whites, and then finally settled on Negroes 28 slaves. of whom had put in the call to sh. Repressions continue at Hitler pact, far from encouraging Polish resistance, undermined It Sioux City, finally offered a bond. ists everywhere will give those What we must note is that in America the slave owners tried the ex recruiting sergeant, both the Canadian military dictatorsuch pace that it is difficult. The Polish people got uncompromising support for their freedom obviously not because they were black but because they were the the police for the arrest.
More than seven hundred because of the press censorship and independence in the form of a Red Army invading Poland in ing company 600 to get stultz facts serious thought and with most suitable from an economic point of view.
Here again, therefore, a Negro who is refused a job because he workers gathered about Watson to determine the number al collaboration with Hitler army. Forgetting what had been said on and Miller out of fall for three the further hope that even now the question of color was in the history of slavery and how it was forcements to clinch the arrest. that at least thirty workers have in his Oct. 31 speech: One swift blow to Poland, first by the German prepare their defense against the cause the FBI to withdraw from charges. The bonding company its present road, a road which is the economic factor, the question of highest proat, which predom Members of the Socialist Work been jailed in Ontarlo alone, the Army and then by the Red Army, and nothing was left.
Thus did the Kremlin fulfill the promises it had made and refused! Walter Stultz and Louis surely leading to the development inated. This is the dialectical approach. We watch the subject in prs League in the milling crowd istest victims being four Anar which it had asked the world working class to underwrite!
Miller, the Omaha union leaders op American soll of the same sort different periods of history, in different countries in our own coun heard sympathetic comment on chist workers who were arrestraid on the home of one But this is not the whole story.
try, see where it was yesterday, where it is today and where it is all sides. One worker resentfully ed in When the Red Army began to march into Poland, repudiating bela before being released. They were which is the instrument of the going tomorrow. That is the most important thing for us. Where is pointed out that Oswald Mosley of them. Also among the latest it golng tomorrow? When we know that, we know how to act whes batedet Bed tish Sites cost leader arrests are a preacher of the all the previous promises made by the Kremlin, Molotor made new held on the dimstest of technical ferocious dictatorships in Europe his radio speech to the Russian people explaining the ities, in what is an apparent ef. and Asia.
today, and how to prepare action for tomorrow reasons for the occupation of the Ukrainian and Byelo Russian to prepare their legal defense.
ogs on the streets of London Member of his congregation.
while the anti fascist Watson Public attention, however, provinces, Molotoff said, as a concluding point to justify the Red Slave Drivers Disguise Truth SPECIAL!
faced arrest and conviction for continues to focus on the case Army march: Trial Now On Now there is another very noticeable táct about history which daring to voice honest working of Watson. Although the terms At the same time, the Soviet government intends to The Labor Bookshop has on Early in November, the trial of hand about 1500 coples of we must always bear in mind. In the same way as a man tries class opinion.
of the Act under which Watson deliver the Polish people from the disastrous into which the eight union officials will begin to cover his naked body with pleasin clothes, so men like to cover. Wide Resentnient America Permanent Dewas convicted had not been they have been plunged by their unwise leaders and to give before the Federal court in Sioux naked economic facts with pleasing moral ideas. Roosevelt wants pression by Art Prels. The The brazen arrest and convic made public at the time of his them the opportunity to live a life of peace. Daily Worker, City. What the outcome will be to go to war for the sake of American investments? But he does tion of Watson has already had trial, he was the first person arSept. 18, 1939. pamphlets sell at cents per no one knows.
hot say that. He talks about war for democracy. Does Hitler wide repercussions throughout rested under its provisions and This promise, solemnly made to the Polish people by Molotor What we do know is that the copy. Offers for the lot or any part of the lot should be made want to go to war to seize territory? He does not say that to the che Dominion. Every day brings has suffered the most severe was obviously meant to assure them that the Red army was not Federal Bureau of Investigation immediately by any branch German workers. He says the Aryan blood the Nordic race more news of the growing forces sentence. The Wataon case, marching in collaboration with the German Army. It was meant to popularly known as the men) Interested in the pamphlet.
and much tripe of the same sort. The reason for this constant blue that are rallying to the defense which first drew wide publicity assure the Polish soldiers in the westera provinces that, if they has played a startling role in this Write to the Labor Bookshop.
ing is plain. These men of privilege and power must fool the com of this young anti war Aghter. In the Toronto press and which yielded to the Red Army and surrendered their arms, it would not prosecution. Building on the basis 116 University Place mon people. If they spoke plainly War for colonies and for profits public meeting called by has already received comment in mean that the Polish people would be delivered up to Hitler. Press of a minor charge by trucking the masses, who never get any proved truth must be disguised. Social Democrats) to discussolic monthly, has been given the thought the Red Army was marching against Hitler, and that Red would reply Go and fight the University of Toronto the Commonweal, liberal Cath dispatches in those days reported that surrendering Polish soldiers yourselves for your profits. The It is in accordance with this historical law that the slave driv. the preservation of civil rights greatest publicity by the Social Army soldiers also thought so MASS MEETING ora, when people began to challenge the system of slavery, did not adopted a unanimous resolution ist Appeal, American organ of More Broken Promises Jare to say we tried Indians, we tried whites and now we use protesting the conviction of the Fourth International. The on the Ngeroes because they are the most suitable. No. They said This Watson.
collection of funds by the Amer stand Molotoft wbrda? He was promising that the Soviet Union How were his listeners and the Polish people supposed to under 22nd ANNIVERSARY black man is a barbarian. He lives like a wild beast Africa. He. Provis an infertor creature. God intended him to be a slave. Thus, to incial Secretary of the ing of the greatest service in intends to take every measure to give the Polish people the of the RUSSIAN REVOLUTION justify economic exploitation, they elevated the race question into and a prominent trade unionist. the fight for Watson liberation. ernment of the Workers Fatherland mean anything but what the a position of importance which it had never had before. has publicly stated that social. Watson appeal will be heard words indicated. Certainly he could not have meant to define the It wasn an easy thing to do this, even in the South. hundred ists would not give up the strug ometime in November.
opportunity to live a life of peace as life under Hitler boot!
and twenty years ago, there were many white people who denounced gle until Watson is released.
American Labor Ald Those who listened and heeded his words did not believe that that slavery. Wherever a man had a small farm, or where mines were At a meeting of the FellowTHE MEANING OF STALIN ROLE IN THE worked, wherever in fact Negroes were not required for large scale ship for a Christian Social Or 125 West 88 Street is what his words means. If that is what he meant, he could!
have said it.
cotton plantations, the whites as a rule opposed slavery. There der funds were raised from its New York City Dear Friend: That promise was, however, not repeated after the occupation were scores of abolitionist societies in the South in the period members, many of whom are out.
of the Western provinces. It is not repeated, or even hinted at, in What does the future hold in store for Stalin?
around 1800. Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, Thomas Jef standing ministers of this city. PLEDGE MYSELF to Molotoff speech of Oct. 31. On the contrary, the speech is a proHave the irresistible forces that erupted in October 1917 ferson, the great men of those days had no love for slavery, and for the Watson Defense. Speakcontribute. to the de German speech, calling upon the workers of the world to take us really been quelled? Or does a new and vaster revoluhoped that it would soo be abolished. And it would probably have ers at this meeting linked the fense of Frank Watson, imbeen abolished long before 1863, if Eli Whitney had not discovered fight for Watson with the degood coin Hitler offer of peace, saying not a word about the tionary explosion impend?
fense of the seventy Ave Canadithe cotton gin in 1793.
prisoned by Canada govern imperialist alms of the Hitler regime but, on the contrary, laying Will mankind emerge from this war enslaved and be This invention could do the work of a dozen slaves. Straightway an clergymen, ministers of the the entire blame for continuation of the war on the democratic imment for the crime of speakperialists. Hitler is whitewashed, including his annexation of Poland. plunged into barbarism? Or will it march emancipated cotton production began to jump. In 1791 it had been two million United Church of Canada, who ing out as a worker against After this string of broken promises in connection with Poland, pounds. Ten years after, in 1801, it was forty million pounds. Ten have published an open manifesto into Socialism?
the war of imperialism.
years after that, in 1811, it was eighty million pounds and still ten against the war. The ministers Molotoff calls upon the workers of the world to accept his version of the Finnish situation. Can the workers accept it? They cannot.
Hear the Answer by years later, in 1821, it was 177 million pounds.
Huge cotton farms employing hundreds of slaves, spread over Stalinism Cannot Defend the Soviet Union the country. The small farmers were driven off the land. So strong ture required for the plantation. It was cheaper to have them made We, the Fourth Internationalists, today as before, stand ready had been the abolition movement previous to Whitney inver slaves than by free whites. So that by 1861, the number of to defend the cradle of the Socialist revolution. We stand that ap to 1826 there were still 103 emancipation societies in the Negro skilled workers in the South was five times as large as the defend the economic conquests of the October Revolution, the naNational Secretary, South. But, as fast as the production of cotton and the profts number of whites.
tionalized property wrested from the capitalist world.
doubled, equally as fast the propaganda against the Negroes dou When a Negro in the South is kept out of a skilled job because We defend it, however, not at the bidding of Stalin Molotoff, bled. The more the slave owners exploited Negroes the more they he is black he should meditate upon the strate true he was a They seek only to preserve their rule. We, on the contrary, seek the fact that eighty nor on their pretexts, nor by their methods, nor for their reasons proved that he was a being created by God to be a slave. In other years ago he had nearly all the skilted jobs.
IRVING PLAZA words, to disguise the naked economic exploitation they had to save. But the white mechanic starved. The white employer, making destruction of their rule, for if they continue for long to dominate IRVING PLACE at 15th St.
say that in reality they only did it because he was black and his profit wherever he could and however he could, simply ignored the Soviet Union, the first workers state is doomed. Only the proinferior.
he fact that by his own argument the slave was a barbarian, and letarian revolution in the West can save the Soviet Union. And in But even while they proved by the word of God and the laws of certainly he did not care what happened to the white skilied laborer. the proletarian revolutèn, the Stalinists stand on the other side of Wednesday November 15th AT P.
man fit.
need nade his politics in strict accordance with his pocket. He didn let Complete political and organizational independence of the world tying propaganda. They found that slaves could become highly he race question interfere with his profits. Every Negro and every proletariat from the Soviet bureaucracy that is the first step in Aus. Local 4th Int ADM. 250 skilled mechanics and could make the implements, tools and rura. white worker should learn this great lesson from the capitalists. the defense of the Soviet Union and the proletarian revolution WHITHER SOVIET RUSSIA?
James Cannon to at the