CapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEngelsEnglandFascismFranceHitlerImperialismImperialist WarLeninMarxRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

SOCIALIST APPEAL TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1939 WORKERS FORUM Statement of the Ohio Labor and In the On the Bigelow Pension Plan Labor The Second Unions World War NO JOB IS TOO DIRTY FOR THE STALINIST PARTY HALT COASTAL SHIPPING AN EXCELLENT ANSWER Saturday or Sunday morning TO THE FASCISTS and give away the Appeal. At Dear friend: every home we explain it is an friend brought me the cur anti war paper that workers The Socialist Workers Party but simply as a sound reform in the fact that taxes based on rent copy of Coughlin rag fea gain nothing from a war. Then endorses the Bigelow Pension based on the needs of the most land valuations over a certain turing a lying attack on the we ask for a contribution. We Plan which is before the voters of dependent section of the masses minimum value can be evaded by Ohio in the form of an amend and not adding additional bur the simple procedure of taxing Trotskyists. Of this tirade re average cents paper, and tain only one feature: the Amer in this way collect for about 200 ment to the Ohio Constitution dens upon the wage earners but agencies, which set the valuaican fascists turn their hate on papers (every week, 100 of each for a popular referendum on No upon those whose idle wealth tions, arbitrarily fixing the valuthe SWP as their authentic, and issue. Our Appeal bill used to By WIDICK vember should be put to some productive ations below the taxable value. By Johnson dangerous class enemy. The Stal be about 100. 00. Now it is about In general, this plan is progress or socially beneficial use.
The blast of the Navy Depart sive in character, particularly be Many Weaknesses citizens from the benefits of the Inists for them are no longer a 30. 00.
IV But in order to use this methment against the CIO this week cause, unlike the demagogic and We recognize certain weak plan, is an unwarranted discrimThere is only one possible an od, the paper has got to carry Murder Day swer to this. Enclosed find 00 articles against the war in a way Jeopardizing national defense iske Dr. Townsend, it is based up ed, however, particularly in the who for valid reasons have not through its struggle for decent on providing for the needy aged method of taxation based on land secured citizenship, but whose la The people, particularly the workers, need to be warned!
for a year subscription to the that appeals to the workers.
New International and to the None of them knows or cares to wages and conditions was a dead through forms of taxation which ownership. big loop hole is left bor helped to build this country. Roosevelt talks about democracy but he is preparing, as warning of days to come. will bear directly upon those most for evasion in this form of taxa Need, and need alone, should be Appeal. Credit the reverend read very much about the ALP, soon as war breaks out, to fasten an iron dictatorship upon father with an assist.
about Ireland and the fight for It was in line with the recent able to pay, the big property own ton, first in the fact that the the criterion for who shall rethe workers of this country. The plans for it are called MRevolutionary greetings charge of the Chrysler Corp. that ers and those with large incomes. greatest source of taxable wealth ceived the benefits.
freedora, about Shachtman in Commend Principle KARL the auto workers union was sa his campaign in New York, InDay. The stands for mobilization, and mobilization this It is a plan worthy of support, does not lie in land values but in dia, etc. But they do care about also, because it is not proposed as corporation and bank surpluses. But these defects are easily rebotaging production.
the number of unemployed, Both claims are one hundred an economic and social cure all, and large incomes; and secondly, mediable, the most important time includes not only soldiers but every worker in town about how you can be a good per cent frame ups against the consideration being the general and country. The drait registration blanks are ready, lists WELL TAKEN labor movement.
union man and be for war, about principle adequate care of the draft boards are on file, the draft bill has been written, a SUGGESTION the conditions of those relief The auto workers through needy which this plan is directed They don ever finish reading Thomas, president of the cre Out of Their Own Mouths toward, and the method of financ skeleton draft administration is already in operation. This Dear Comrade: undersigned committee the is the way that Roosevelt strives to keep America out of was recently selected by our my union when the Appeal is long articles (I notice this in the rich and not the poor. In this war.
fakery of the Chrysler slanders Branch Executive Committee to against labor. Similarly, the CIO sense, this plan is the most honMoreover, the Day plan provides for a dozen differconfer with your office and the passed out at a meeting. They was able to prove that the Navy like articles that deal directly proposed, and should set the ex ent ways of crushing the labor movement and prohibiting of developing a Workers Open are short) per with the rise in National Center on the question with their personal life (if they Dept. was really trying to smash union conditions and the labor ample for similar proposals in strikes. Only labor unions that accept the labor conditions Forum column or section, in the prices. They all ask questions movement.
The Socialist Workers Party imposed by the war dictatorship will be tolerated. The Socialist Appeal.
about what we should do it HitWe think that our paper needs ler comes over here. Won we On Guard!
By JOSEPH CARTER calls on its members and sympa draft law makes it possible to break a strike by drafting clear from Cannes own analysis thizers in Ohio to give all pos into the trenches the strike leaders or, better, all the militant ruch column or department have to go to war to stop HitSure. y. It is obvious that if the Additional proof of the Stalin. would be that at that particular sible ald in forwarding the Bige workers involved. Or they can be drafted into the army and We think that a persistent and ler? Won war give us jobs, big corporations and the Ameri ist support of Hitler in the pres moment they would not be attack low Pension movement and in continuous effort should be made etc. The headlines have been y our editorial staff to develop very bad in the past few editions.
can military machine are willing ent war is supplied by a recent ing Russia. Their war would still rallying the forces of organized made to work in the factory under martial law. Or workers to go in for strike breaking be article of Harry Gannes. Daily be reactionary, imperialist. For labor andthe wage. earners in in uniform can be called from the training camps to act as from the viewpoint of the class general behind this plan.
his workers forum. proper They don appeal to the work ing except ruthless suppression in his zealous defense of the conscious workers these governWe further commend the prinscabs.
pear over this column and prefers. The content doesn appeal during war unless a terrific Communist Party policies of ments can conduct only a reacciple involved in the amendment, Already compiled is a list of labor and soctal legislation tably nine the same part of the and theoretical and don appeal struggle doesn take place again. yesterday and today. Gannes suc tionary war which can have noth which is also on the ballot, call to be abolished by the President decree. Minimum wage to workers.
it this danger.
ceeds in showing how at eaching in common with genuine dem ing for the democratization of that workers, who as yet have One AFL union man told me The strategy of the bosses and stage his party course is deter ocratic and working class inter the requirements for initiative and hour laws will be scrapped. Laws limiting, child and 30 interest in long theoretical he knew it was scab paper the military machine is quite sim ped by the reactionary needs sts and alms.
articles, may easily find this col when he saw the article about ple: National Defense is only an the Kremlin bureaucracy.
and referendum, which it passed woman labor will be scrapped. Trade union contracts will mn. As new worker readers the AFL convention. We ve got Pure Hypocrisy will be a valuable aid to labor be subject to cancelation by Roosevelt board. The excuse. In the name of national Before the outbreak of the therefore is unions and working class politi will give way to Roosevelt war board. tight cennote. the various contributions to defense, strikes must be suppresent war, the apologist ex h epresent the open forum they will gradu ers conditions, that we re for to show we re interested in work pressed. Wake cuts accepted, in plains, the task was the establish the growing movement for In nopoly of big business over the sorship of the press and radio will be imposed, and a propully develop an interest in other the unions (we re the best unhuman working conditions per ment of a peace front of Eng dian liberation! If Stalin were legislation of the state and enablmitted. Otherwise the workers and, France and the Soviet Un united with Chamberlain in the ing the workers to have a more aganda department for the dissemination of lies set up: matters appearing in the Appeal. ionists. and that we re against We also feel that this work a war for the millionaires. The are Jeopardizing national de son against fascist aggression. It war, the Communist would be in direct voice in the securing of The first fatality in a war for democracy is democracy.
ers forum department will grad. union men care about them ſense.
war had resulted from this alll he forefront of the suppression pro labor legislation.
inly become a valuable medium selves and their conditions, and Under this slogan, and by fo ance two factors would then the colonial revolt. Their strug.
Franklin Roosevelt, Tool of American Capital for our left wing in the trade not about menting and utilizing a patriotic have existed which do not and le against imperialism is obthe Hitler Stalin unions as clearing house for pact, Ireland, the British Em eeling, the bosses hope to hog. cannot exist in the present war. viously motivated exclusively by And for whose benefit? Let the facts speak. On August 9, progressive ideas which cannot tie the labor movement.
First, the alliance would have the fact that Stalin is on the othThe military machine an had a genuine defense program er side of the struggle. That is news in the paper so that any inion journals due to the bureau union man knows we re for him, ope, Roosevelt appointed the members of the war board ratic censorship.
nounces in advance that it will do against aggression. and sec why they condemn the military more than its share to help in a ond, The whole character of the enemies of Stalin and Hitler, and that will take over America and exercise dictatorial power we re against price rises, we re We recommend that this de for higher wages. We ve got to union busting campaign war by virtue of the action of defend the Stalinazi war alliance upon America entry.
partment, together with proper show the possibilities of decent the Land of Socialism would have and peace ples.
Here are the men who will rule the country: Stetheading, appear regularly in the incomes for every person able to Lesson from France changed the character of such a Gannes makes this crystal Appeal. That it appear, as far work in this country. The people tinius, Jr. chairman of the Steel Corporation; Wal 19 possitle, in the same part of that talk to like our demands How this campaign will cul war, limited the objectives of the clear when, after stating that minate in the complete suppres Anglo French imperialists and both sides es in the present war ter Gifford, president of American Telephone and Tele he paper.
That an editor note (those on the editorial page)
sion of the labor movement dur worked against their domination are responsible for its outbreak, graph Company: Pratt, director of General Motors ppear regularly underneath the but why doesn each article carneading of this column inviting ry propaganda for these de ing war, if the bosses have their of the world.
England and France alone are (Continued from Page 1)
Corporation; General Wood, head of Sear, Roebuck; way, was revealed in another In other words, if Russia were responsible for its continuation.
che workers to write articles for mands. All we do is write about democracy, France, this week. allied with Anglo French imper. The Soviet Union (and thereby Joe Ryan, president of the Karl Compton, president of Massachusetts Institute of this column, and telling them theory or denounce the stal All laboris requisitioned ialism in the present war it would the Communist Party. he writes, longshoremen, has already been Technology; Harold Moulton, head of Brookings Inhat here is a space set aside for ists, etc. We don show what them in their daily experiences we re for not enough. and He becomes a soldier in the fac in all countries, according to Ganism of bearing the responsibility ployers, it appears, have turned stitute.
at their place of work, on the that what appeals to a worker tory, subject to military discl nes, to support their respective for continuing the war. Hitler them down on the theory that Steel, which during the last war made millions of streets, or in their unions. The The last issue we just receivpline. He can not quit his job or reactionary governments in the is exonerated from responsibility they will get a good deal more dollars in war profits, is controlled by Morgan and heading can be changed from man in New York. m glad to fcave it without oficial permis war. And therefore if tomorrow for the continuation of the war and the union a good deal less. Company. American Tel and Tel is another subsidiary ditor note underneath the ed has a headline about Shachtcime to time to keep in step with hear this news. But nobody else sion. worker may not refuse to ac placed by a Stalin alliance with a shameful defense of Hitler!
The Ryan called the strike unfortu of Morgan. General Motors is controlled by the du new developments and new ex: around Detroit in the unions cept any post to which he is or the democracles the Commu whole world knows that Hitler nate and is offering to take half Pont interests, and these are a sector of the financial emperiences in connection with this cares anything about it. How dered. He must work on holidays, nist Party will once again be sured for peace because he had of the wage increase originally pire of Morgan. The Massachusetts Institute of TechJepartment.
can we go house to house with The committee is conscious of this edition? We can and we ernment wees fit.
Chamberlain, Daladier, Roosevelt aim, the conquest of Poland) For some reason, unexplained nology is a Morgan subsidized university. Of the whole the fact that workers These are just the highlights and the pro democratic war and also because he wanted to by union officials, strike action board only Sears, Roebuck, run by another of the Sixty Fa Separtment cannot be developed won The papers will not more show the German people that he against the United Fruit Line ts milies who own America, and Brookings Institute, the ofover night in our paper with its even look like an anti war paper.
government. In practice they In such a war however, would was being forced to fight against being Jimited to him and many oficial statistician for all of them, are outside the Morgan keep relentlessly ate it and we look like the last edition (espe small circulation. The idea is to And if the paper continues to mean no shop comthitteo negoti these robber ations, no strikes, no sit downs.
predatory re Ready for Any Job affect Caribbean servie Nor will colossus.
Labor is completely conscripted simies? Gannes contends that Gannes adds that the Anglo the strike involve services of The workers will be delivered bound and gagged to their not only be attractive for work down paper can be bullt up which will to cut our bundle order way and all life, in the factory or out, their imperialist aims would be French warmakers hoped by war Moore McCormack which opin determined by the military ma limited by the Soviet Union. reshuffle the German ruling re crates to South America as well most merciless exploiters and notorious enemies. Roosevelt ers to read but also to write for chine. This is what French im How? Would they liberate the actionary cliques in order to as Scandinavian countries.
Comradely, however had acted too brazenly. Even some of his New Comradely yours, perialist apologists still call hundreds of millions of colonial bring about another more de Ryan Motives Unclear HEDLUND Deal supporters protested against this early exposure of the Detroit.
democracy peoples they now oppress? Would pendable anti Soviet set up. With the Maritime Labor fact that the war is an imperialist war run for and by the Minneapolis.
OSCAR COOVER America will get into the Would America in event of war England for example, sive na Isn this a good basis for a Board rushing its men to New Imperialist war pretty soon. We be any different? Would labor be tional independence to the Indian united front with Hitler against York to buttress the mediators of imperialists. Roosevelt temporarily dismissed the board. The staff of the Appeal is in haven much time to become zuaranteed Its democratic people? Would Roosevelt end his charaberlain and the more de: the State Labor Board, it is not But he will bring them or their friends back again, with complete agreement with the known as the anti war party Navy department gives clear Puerto Rico? Would Stalin force clique Tomorrow we may be told steazy compromise proposals that perhaps a labor leader or two to placate public opinion. Loronare la commedies Weathers. The paper is important for this The next time the censorship and the will see to it ute letters to the Workers For ionist who gets it right between cate that a course similar to that bring national freedom to the oping a defensive war against the strange aspect of the strike that there is no opposition. And all this has been prepared um. their experiences in the the eyes we re anti war. proAmerican labor.
poppycock! Look at how Stalin should be supported by the work men quit work to the exect that and polished and made ready for immediate use by Frank sonder on the criticisms, thelr sug unionists, were for militancy In making its present struggle ally. Hitler, is liberating the ers of the world. The unscrupu the strike might destroy the in lin Roosevelt, who for years has passed himself off as a tion way up. We want to inagainst the plans of the bosses Polish people!
lous henchmen of Stalin are ready duatry. Just why the union lead friend of the people.
crease our bundle order if. If Russia were allied to Eng. to corral the masses for any dirty er should be placing the onus of poe IN CRITICISM OF sible. It all depends on all of us.
CIO must learn soon that a really land and France the only limita: job assigned to them by thor responsibility on the workers do What Is This Democracy. THE APPEAL effective fight can ensue only ittion on their war aims. is master.
it is elevated to a higher plane: try is not clear from press re One indisputable truth emerges. If the people were anxDear comrade editor: Note to Readers am a worker in a Detroit au struggle against imperialist ports.
war is the only guarantee that As the strike stands today, the ious to go to war for democracy, then war preparations, tomobile plant. am also a com in Minneapolis: labor will not be hogtied in the Phenomenal Sale. One week only The regular Sunday Forum of ators behind the well known cage of Day, would not be necessary. Why is it that the rades go house to house every 919 Marquette.
longahoremen can put the oper this many sided, devious, incessant propaganda, this iron rade (member of the SWP. In Detroit, three or four of us com the meets at 8: at Euture.
ly prosecute their action. Ship people have to be dragooned into fighting for democping is 1939 Bound Volumes is experiencing a little boom racy. Simply because the great masses of the people də 20 off on all books in the Labor Bookshop as a result of the upturn of in not see anything in democracy to fight for.
crease in the population with still more people demanding of dustry and the war in Europe. There are today in America some ten to twelve million work and food and shelter. At intervals between his warHere is partial list of the buys: SOCIALIST APPEAL The operators can hardly afford LEON TROTSKY to have their ships tied up for unemployed, who with their dependents constitute in all mongering, he raises his voice to the empty air: We must now ready!
any length of time.
some twenty five to thirty million people, a fifth of the get the idle men and idle capital together. But God has History of the Russian Revolution (8. 00) 39 LEON TROTSKY population of the richest country the world. Capitalist said no word, and as nobody else knows how to do this in (1. 50)
Third International after Lenin. 75 peace, Roosevelt prepares to go to war 52 Issues of this year neatly WAR BULLETIN democracy condemns them to starvation.
LEON TROTSKY bound together. Have firstThose that do get work are remorselessly speeded up. If According to the French MinThe Negro and Democracy (2. 50)
hand survey Stalin School of Falsification 00 of the historie istry of Information, the War Of we set the 1932 output per man hour in the manufacturing events of this year right at your DANIEL GUERIN fice has mobilized 100, 000 pigeons industries of the country as 100, we find that in 1938 it The great warriors in defense of democracy raise elbow.
Fascism and Big Business (1. 00) 00 for immediate transport to the their voices in horror at Hitler treatment of the Jews.
was 115. But the 1936 labor cost per unit, on the same. 00 including postage)
LEON TROTSKY Maginot Line Protest is stilled and cynicism itself struck dumb at the Whither England (2. 00)
SPECIAL! 60 Did they volunteer or were basis, was only 106. Speed up for the workers plus níore sound of such words from such mouths. For three hundred LEON TROTSKY they drafted. profits for the capitalists equals still greater concentration 1938 Bound Volume In Defense of Terrorismu (1. 50) 20 of wealth into the hands of the few.
years the rulers of America have persecuted the Negroes NOW ONLY 00 LENIN Slavery was abolished only when it had become a dragon Collected Works (8 Vol. 95) 50 An attractive poster has The percentage of the wages paid in 1937 was 82. of capitalist ction. And sin 863, the year of manumisReduction in pamphlets of Modern Age, Penguin, Fact, been prepared to advertise those paid in 1929. But the percentage of dividends was ORDER NOW FROM: the column in the Socialist 83. 8, and of interest 89. Always it works out to stiil sion, American capitalism has Jim Crowed and lynched and others.
Negroes, has deprived them of opportunities to raise thenSocialist Appeal Special reduction in Marx Engels Library and other books, The Negro Question. The greater wealth in the hands of still fewer people.
selves from debasement, and, worst of all, has succeeded in 116 UNIVERSITY PLACE Payment must accompany all orders.
use of these posters on news.
And goods for use? Industrial production, for the first poisoning the minds of their brother workers against them.
New York City, Add 3e per book for postage. stands and at meetings will five months of each year, was 122 in 1929, 67 in 1932, 119 in order to keep the working class divided and therefore of the Socialist Appeal. in 1937, 79 in 1938. This is capitalist democracy, with weak. If American democracy had nothing to its disLabor Bookshop ANNOUNCEMENT millions never knowing where they are from one day to credit but its treatment of the Negro, that would still be ANTI WAR HIKEYoung Peo116 University Place ples Socialist League, Novemanother. The production index has crawled slowly upward sufficient to blast its pretensions as a defender of civilizaNew York City Let the People since 1938, but Roosevelt knows it will never in peace time ber 12: Alley Pond State Park.
tion Watch for further notice.
Vote on War! reach the 1929 level again, though every year sees an in.
Continued in Next Issue being imperialovernments cease Lise Wien