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A Vote for Shachtman and Paine Is a Vote Against War!
Official Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International Issued Twice Weekly VOL. III, NO. 85 NEW YORK, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1939 107 THREE (3) CENTS MEN FRAME UP TEAMSTERS UNION LEADERS The Enemy Is At Home!
Workers of Manhattan and Bronx, Your First Choice Vote Must Go To Labor Anti War Candidates!
With last minute preparations completed for a whirlwind SUPPORT OF KUOMINTANG SEEN AT END Agents Engineer Anti Union Cases In Preparation for War PITALISM WAR Behind the Lines LONGSHOREMEN Drivers Local 554 of Omaha, Cards HALT COASTAL SHIPPING Growing Protest Movement Challenges Watson Arrest Of American Watson Defense Fund a True a today when 8, 500 longshore lebore vero venent en parte per il be Five Union Leaders Face Unusually Severe finish to the New York Councilmanic campaign, Max Shachtman and George Paine, candidates for the Bronx and Sentence and Fine for Allegedly Damaging Manhattan respectively, their final statements on the eve Bakery Truck During 1938 Strike of the elections, declared, We are confident that many work ers of both boroughs will underscore the anti war program of the Socialist Workers Party by casting their first choice Eight union officials, representing the teamsters union lo votes this Tuesday for the only candidates who have publicly cals in Sioux City, Des Moines and Omaha, were placed on demonstrated their irreconcilable opposition to the second Leading Chinese Staltrial this week in Sioux City, in the latest of a series of world war and the efforts or in the Bronx and Manhattan inist Indicates New PROFITS prosecutions engineered by the men Attorney Genthe Roosevelt administration have shown their interest in the eral Murphy Federal Bureau of Investigation on orders to fling the American workers campaign, conducted at tremen Line in Statement direct from Washington.
into it.
dous odds. It gives them the opMeanwhile the third trial of WPA strikers was proceeding portunity of casting a protest Assured that their vote will vote against the war and against By SAXE in Minneapolis, where over 150 workers who participated in equal in size the enthusiasm its instigators and its apologists. The Chinese Communist Party the nationwide WPA strike have been indicted on evidence shown at election rallies for Let the workers of both bor reacting swiftly to the coordinat cooked up by the FBI. Eight were found guilty and four acoughs rally to the candidates of ed change of Comintern and Sothe anti war program of the the Socialist Workers Party in a viet foreign policy, is preparing quitted in the first two trials.
Socialist Workers Party, can manner that will make the Insti to withdraw its support from Other trials instigated by the FBI against unions are didates Shachtman and Paine gators of war seriously contem Chiang Kai Shek and the Kuoshortly to take place in Washington, Cleveland, and mintang.
stated, Thousands of workers (Continued on Page 4)
other cities.
In an interview with Edgar os Snow, author of Red Star Over Thomas Smith secre China, published in the London Daily Herald of Oct. 21, and tary. treasurer of General marked, delayed by the censor, Mao Tse tung, leading Chinese which bore the brunt of the By GEORGE STERN Stalinist, recently returned from bosses blows in the successful a visit to Moscow for purposes of Like Italy Japan stands today they announced the opening of information, denied flatly that struggle of the teamsters between the warring camps, un concurrent negotiatious with the Chinese Communist Party movement which finally cul.
able as yet to decide where its Britain and the United States on had ever submitted to the Kuo nfinated in a contract covermaximum advantage lies as an the China issue. But a few days mintang.
ally and its minimum disadvan: before these talks were to begin Mao claimed that the CPC proing 350, 000 drivers and help tage as an enemy.
there was another sudden shift.
ers in the North Central Area, Realizing full well that it win The intent to negotiate was de sram was completely independent of the Kuomintang s, and aimed Bosses Refuse Demands comprising over be compelled to make a decision, nied. It became plain that the ultimately at social revolution.
a dozen Japan is making desperate of Japanese generals had forced Asked whether Soviet troops!
Of Men Despite Boom states, has issued to the labot forts to relleve the frustration it postponement because they saw would enter Inner Mongolia an press a detailed account of the in its unconsummated the renewed possibility of an axis, Manchukuo, the Stallnist chief In the Industry suffers latest FBI frameup.
conquest of China. But the grind stretching this time from Tokyo answered: Such action is quite It is clear from his account ing pressure of Russia to the east through Moscow to Berlin and within the possibility of Leninand the proceedings in the MinONE DACHCHUND Canadian Defense Committee Calls Creation of it and the US to the west of it possibly still to Rome. They ism.
Is making itself increasingly felt Inow such a bloc is the ugly Mao declared that he supported NEW YORK, Nov. Coast napolis trials, that the FBI specter that haunts London and Soviet policy in Europe as a logEQUALS ONE In Tokyo.
wise shipping came to a stand systematically persecuting the Whether the Japanese militar Washington like a malignant de cal part of world liberation, and Roosevelt government preparaHUNGRY WORKER men hit the picket line inations for dragging America into ists like it or not, the deve op mon. Molotov friendly referenc the revolutionary movement Act of International Labor Solidarity strike called by the International the war. Roosevelt wants first to ment of their adventure in China, exactly help exorcise the ghost. depends on the continuance of es to Japan last Tuesday did not Soviet help to China, he said, ongshoremen Association in crush the labor movement, es as we have long foreseen, will be According to the latest news the Port of New York.
pecially its most successful and tied up closely with the course o: The Japanese army mouthpiece the war against Japan, and clos(Special to the socialist Appeal)
More than 70 ships are affect progressive sections.
the general war, the development in Tokyo, the Kokumin Shimbun er association with the USSR. from Nazi Germany, all dachs.
hunds over sixteen inces high TORONTO, Nov. The Canadian Frank Watson Defense Com by the ILA strike to compel Brother Smith concludes that of the war alignments, and the came out bluntly with the state China cannot be unified until the new contract from nine steam the FBI is pursuing a road nal choice of the main battle ment that Japan was subject to Kuomintang dictatorship is abol must have ration carde entitiwittee greets the American Watson Defense Fund!
ing them to meat scraps from The formation of the Watson Defense Fund in the United States ship companies. The strike was which is surely leading to the fields.
Russian and American pressure ished and replaced by democracy food shops.
Its a striking testimony to the International solidarity of the work called after the operators had development on American sofl of Japan was tied up in the anti fand had to come to terms with which the communists are repAs reported in the Socialisting class movement!
jountered demands of the long the same sort of anti labor poComintern group with Germany one in order to deal with the resented. Reuters dispatch from To Appeal last week, hungry men The arrest and conviction of Frank Watson, young English shore union for a wage increase litical police which is the instrubefore the present European war other.
naturally because it seemed to And the army organ no less of the Herald, but not yet officialkyo, published in the same issue and women in the democratic Canadian werker apprehended by the Dominion police for having. 10 cents an hour and reduc ment of the ferocious dietatortion of the work week to 40 ships in Europe and Asia. Evpromise the prospect of forcing violent in its day against Russia ly confirmed, declares that the Russia into a war on two fronts. than Hitler papers pronounce must be equipped with licenses indist war and Canadian partiel mocracy is the first casualty of hours by a proposal merely to ery worker who reade his detallSoviet Union has presented de before they can hunt through nation in it, on the streets of the war.
xtend the old contract now ex ed statement will agree with him.
Simultaneously the anti British in favor of making a rapproche. mands to Chiang Kai shek, which garbage cans for scraps of Coronto, represents the first Lying Testimony pired for an additional 90 days.
basis of the Hitler drive fully sat ment with Russia cardinal nelude the entry of Soviet troops food.
We publish it in u below: abridgement of civil rights on That the imperialist rulers of Despite sharp increase in isfied the Japanese who regarded point of Japanese policy! into Slanklang and Inner Mongor The moral is interesting. In the Amerlcan continent as a re Canada could not abide this shipping, the companies have adBy THOMAS SMITH Britain as the main obstacle to The tug of war that shall now, and the sovietization of North the United States a needy per sult of the outbreak of the new brave opponent of thier war is amant! y refused to make any their expansion in China proper. Secretary Treasurer, son rates as high as a German world war.
demonstrated by the lying testi concessions in working condiLocal 514, Omaha)
The Hitler Stalin pact seemed ensue is of far greater import to west China.
dachsund. But in the Germany FBI agents, operating accordThe imprisonment of Watson mony introduced by the prosecutions. They alibi their refusal momentarily to knock all there he war in general and to this of the hated Hitler, a dachs by the Canadian government has tion in order to justify the vicious with the comment that coastwise ing to a prearranged pian, at calculations into Hirohito cock country in particular than any.
Join the Socialist hund rates as high as free. demonstrated to the hilt his sentence imposed on Watson freight rates have not gone up a. Saturday morning, Sept 23, ed hat. The govern nont respons thing that happens in the Baldom loving American.
statement at the now célebrated The witnesses, a soldier and as have ocean going rates.
descended upon the homes of Workers Party tble for axis policy was re kans.
street corner meeting that De(Continued on Page 3)
Continued on Page 2)
sleeping union officials in the moved and its a nbassadors rewidely separated towns of Sioux called, Japan retracted visibly City, Des Moines and Omaha, arfrom all its previously estab ishrested six union officers and took ed policies with respect to tha them to jail. Later, two more undifferent powers in order to leave ion officials were arrested. They the field clear for a fresh orientawere held on five separate indicttion. It signed the truce with By FELIX MORROW What is the record of Stalin Policy?
ments for 40, 000 cash bail that Finland independence will in no way be impaired.
Russia. It eased off the anti BritThe Soviet press, echoed by the Stalinist press throughout the Can the Finnish workers, or the revolutionary workers of the which should cause the gravest Behind the arrests is a story leh campaign and the Tientsin Stalinist foreign policy is like all foreign policy, a continuation blockade. It appolnted a foreign world is complaining bitterly that the Anglo french American cap value minister who wny boomed as the italists and press are attempting to poison relations between the of its internal politics. We have characterized both its internal and world, accept Molotoff vers. on of the Finn. sh situation at its face concern to every union man and external policy over many years as a policy serving the interests woman in America.
great and good friend of the Un Soviet Union and Finland and the other Baltic countries. Moscow of the Stalinist bureaucracy and not the interests of the Soviet of the workers. We need not recapitulate its reactionary course of! 1938, nfteen months ago. At that They cannot. The Kremlin has forfeited the right to the trust radio broadcast of Nov. went further: it accused certain powers masses and the world working class.
This story begins back in July, Ited States.
the For a time it began to look as obviously the democratie bloc. of egging Finland into a war When the Stalinists say they are defending the cradle of It is certainly true that the American press is being inspired by Socialist revolution, the blood of those who made the revolution the test fifteen years to demonstrate that. We have only to refer time the bakery drivers in Sioux the most recent event the invasion of Western Poland.
though the Hitler.
Stalin pact against the Soviet Union.
and What did the Kremlin ask the workers to do in connection with Drivers Union, Local 383, AFL city, organized in the General might have as one of its results the temporary patching up of the Roosevelt government to beat the drums for war against the were herdered by Stalin cries out in protest. When the stalinists Polandat say they are. were conducting a strike against in Molotoff Promises Second Chapter glo American differences in the speech, the retort of the White House, etc. it is clear that Washing. Spain, the French working class which they shackled to its own the local bakeries for higher On Aug. 23, the day the Stalin Hitler pact was signed the ing the course of that strike, the wages and better conditions. Dur.
Interest of a new anti. Soviet ton is deliberately inciting a hostile attitude toward the Soviet bourgeoisie in the Peoples Front, the Chinese masses whom they! stalinists promised support of Poland against Hitler and called upon emloyers claimed that bakery Union, and Washington is, of course, acting in concert with the delivered tw. ce! to Chiang Kai Shek, the alignment.
American workers the workers to do likewise; American pressure worked on British and French empires.
The democratic incitement against Soviet Union is a fact whom they taught to swear by Roosevelt, etc. etc. The entire record truck had been damaged near the The people of Poland, whose national Independence is in Iowa Minnesota state line.
Roosevelt had already abrogated and a fact which should cause us to treat with the greatest skept of the Stalinist bureaucracy confounds their belated claim that imminent danger from the threats of fascist aggression, and The union questioned the claim the 1911 trade treaty and sent his is all comment in the American press on the relations of the they are acting in the interests of the world tollers!
Chamberlain appeasement schemes, now as before realize the The Stalinist bureaucracy comes before the court of proletarian of the employers that a truck ambassador back to Tokyo there Soviet Union with Finland. But th fact coes not exhaust the firm position of the Soviet Union in uncompromising support for their freedom and independence. And as they gather their had been damaged, emphatically to deliver a resounding blast as question. We have at hand, not only democratie comment, but public opinion with unclean hands. Never mind what the democratic that scarcely explains why millions of denied that the unlon had anystrength to resist the fascist threats and to defend their naainst Japanese military actions in 80 Soviet statements, notably Molotoft speech of Oct. 31, review imper alists are saying workers throughout the world, who are irreconcllably hostile to their thing to do with the incident, and China. Simultaneously. Sighting ing foreign affars before the Supreme Soviet.
tional Independence, this support will be continued and further charged that if a truck had been The Stalinist regime today asserts it claim to the support of own bourgeoisie, do not accept the Stalinist version of the annexa strengthened.
damaged, in all likelihood it had force began taking up battle sta the masses of the world in all questions, including the Finnish, un tion of Western Poland, and view with the greatest suspicion the It is also clear that by entering into these negotiations for been done with the knowledge the conclusion of a pact of non aggression with Germany, the tions in the Pacific. Great bomb the ground that it defends the interests of the tollers of the world. Stalinist moves in the Baltic.
and consent of the employers as ers were sent in formation to the The Soviet press suddenly reminds us that the demands on Finland Molotoff speech motivated the demands on Finland on the Soviet Union is seriously weakening Hitler hold upon the Ger a means of influencing publle Philippines. The major fighting are motivated by the need for defending Leningrad, the cradle of need for increasing the security of Leningrad. He denied any claims man people.
opinion against the striking bakagainst Sweden and Norway, emphasized how modest the claims divisions were posted at Pearl the Socialist revolution. The Polish people will be further encouraged to resist ery drivers Harbor, Hawaii.
Today as always, we are prepared to defend the cradle of the against Finland are, that compensation is provided for in the way both the threats of fascist aggression and the underhanded conspiracies of the Municheers. Da ly Worker, Aug. 23, 1939. The strike was eventually won.
By last week the Japanese had socialist revolution. But is that the motivation of Stalinist foreign of land cessions, disarming the SovietFinnish frontier on the KareThis Sioux City bakery drivers. been so deeply impressed that policy?
lan isthmus, improved economic relations, etc. and an assurance (Continued on Page Continued on Page 3)