BourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismMarxismNazismSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStrikeURSSWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

SOI 17. 11. ויזיז FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1939 SOCIALIST APPEAL Vol. II, No. 84 Friday, November 3, 1939 Published Tsolee Weekly by the SOCIALIST APPEAL PUBLISHING ASSN.
nt 116 University Place, New York, NY.
Telephone: Alconquin 8547 Let Fight Russia!
British Workers, Upon Whom War California SWP Misery Has Fallen, Are Rallying Stand on Ham por el nostre entreprise per To the Defense of their Interests and Eggs Plan lign: 00 per year. 50 for six months Bundle orders Subscriptions: 00 per year: 00 for six months. For ents per copy in the United States. scents per copy in Ril foreign countries. Single copies: cents.
Bronx and Manhattan subscriptions are 50 for six Recitered As second class matter September 29, 1989, at the post office at New York, under the Act of March 1879.
Editor: MAX SHACHTMAN Associate Editor MANUEL GARRETT FELIX MORROW General Manager Assistant Mandeer MARTIN ABERN SHERMAN STANLEY FIGHT WITH THE SOCIALIST WORKERS PARTY FOR: job and a decent living for every worker. Open the idle factories operate them under workers control. Twenty Billion dollar Federal public works and housing program. Thirty thirty! 30 weekly minimum wage30 hour weekly maximum for all workers on all Jobs. Thirty dollar weekly old age and disability pension. Expropriate the Sixty Families. All war funds to the unemployed.
All war people referendum on any and all wars. No secret diplomacy.
10. An independent Labor Party 11. Workers Defense Guards against vigilante and Fascist attacks.
12. Full social, political and economic equality for the Negro people.
Thirty Thirty Belated Indignation The Chamberlain government has just issued an official White Paper which, based on pre war reports of British diplomats in Germany on conditions in German concentration camps, accuses the Nazis of inventing tortures almost beyond imagination.
Interesting, eh? The Nazi regime has been in power for more than six and a half years. From the day it took command of the country, its persecutions, arrests, imprisonments, assassinations, frame ups, and in general its barbaric hounding of workers, revolutionists and Jews, have not only been common knowledge but aroused the almost universal indignation of the people of the world.
But never of the British Imperial Government! Never. At no time did it even take official cognizance of Nazi horrors. The distinguished democrats who rule the Empire had not a singie word of comment, much less of criticism, to make concerning the Nazi regime and all it stood for. On the contrary, their whole policy was aimed to coming to a pleasant and amicable agreement with Hitler on the basis of having him direct his expansionist program to the East that is, towards reducing the Soviet Union to an imperialist colony.
For a series of reasons, the British scheme could not be realized. Again, for a series of reasons, Stalin made the alliance with Hitler that Chamberlain wanted to make. To prevent German imperialist expansion at the cost of British imperialist power, the present war was declared.
Washington is all het up about the way the Soviet Union disposed of the American steamer, City of Flint. Ambassador Steinhardt has the plexy, and every upstanding patriotic editor is foaming at the mouth.
Now we think they re all right as far as they go, only they don go far enough. Why confine By BRITANNICUS Ployment has occurred in the con that such a policy will be met by ourse ves so cravenly to editorial diatribes? Why One most significant difference stributive trades, and has na the worke:s, and calls upon the Pumption industries and retail determined action on the part of confine ourselves to more or less polite diplomat. which we have often noted in urally affected the London dis. Labour Party to bring pressure The Ham and Eggs Plan defeated in the last ic notes? Why not declare war upon the Soviet these columns between the pres: iict, where these trades are cen te bear on the Government. Lon California election by the small margin of 200, 000 ent world war and the last is ered, to a greater extent than on Times, Sept. 27. Union, send some of our bully boy Marines or that the masses have entered it any other. The Economist sees no votes in a total vote of several million is again before Army lads to Siberia or Murmansk, and clean without enthusiasm, without eason to believe that any signl IMPOSING CONDITIONS the voiers of Ca. ifornia. In the statement which we publish below, the Los Angeles Section Committee of up the damned Roosians once and for all teach lusions of glory and honor.
icant proportion of these unem OF SERFDOM the Sorial st Workers Party advises the voters to em a lesson?
without the Jingo. stic spirit which ployed workers can be reabsorbed vote YES on the Ham and Egg Plan (Amendment marked the opening phases of the Sther into Industry or into the In a former article we mention 1) while severely iticizing its inadequacy.
We ve done that before in Haiti, in San Do war in 1914.
ed the iniquitous Control of Em. THE SOCIALIST WORKERS PARTY, Los Angemingo, in Puerto Rico, in Nicaragua, in Mexico According to all reports, the ployment Act which introduces a les section, advises all its members and sympathizers species of serfdom by prohibiting and elsewhere. If we can civilize the Roosians workers both in the armed forces WORKERS RALLY to vote YES on Proposition No. Ham and Egga)
the offering or accepting of jobs We do this in spite of the serious criticisms we have with the outdated Krag, as we did the Filipinos, and grim not, as the bourgeois These facts, together with the under penalties up to 500 and 35 of the plan itself and the method by which it prowe can do it with the modern Army automatic apologists have it, with determin rapidly rising cost of living and for each day on which an em poses to secure pensions for the aged. Although the rifle. Our Honor is involved, by the eternal! And ation, but rather with disillusion the obvious and shameful betray ployee works, George Hicks, a an claims it will finance the pension by taxing no. so is our contraband carrying Fint, with the finement of their own leaders, have Labour MP who supported the one, the end result will be higher prices. More money will be printed, resulting in inflation and a rise in The betrayal of the socialist, brought home to the advanced BiH, described it as follows: The wages it pays its seamen and the splendid food BU object of to prevent the cost of living. Moreover, the added weekly two and conditions it gives them.
leaders is complete, as it was in defense of their interests into poaching men to prevent the gen: cents per dollar warrant will be made up by the capAnd if we lick the Roosians, why, at the same 1914; but unlike 1914 when, right their own hands. And they have evaporeover entice menuing higher italist who will place higher prices upon the necessi time we can starve the country to bits, take over the social democratic leaders September the railway companies wages. Another Labour a section of the workers can hope to get. The plan its raw materials and put its labor to work for made demagogic speeches again nreatened a drastic reduction in who abstained from voting on the will be financed by a higher cost of living for the poor, and will amount to the poor paying for the poor the greater glory (plus minimum) of Amer time has not caused such confu to as much as a week. Instant. the Bill is to stop a workman st the war, their betrayal this wages, amounting in some cases Bil, remarked: The theory of ican business.
sion and disorientation in the y the workers responded with a from dening one place and going Protest Against Insecurity We urge our followers to vote YES, however, as So let cut out this diplomatic pidding ranks of the workers, for the very determined threat to strike: the to another in order that his earn protest against the insecurity under our present social around and give them a war with both barrels. serted to the bourgeoisie not on way, since the transport of troops legislation has long been on the systdm of the aged, broken by decades of speed up the outbreak of war but months and war materials could not be statute books of the Totalitarian and often years of unemployment with its resultant and years before. nterfered with (New Leader. States; since September 15 it has hardships. We urge a YES vote show the capitalist Sept. 15)
been on the statute book of dem class of this state and their politicians of the Republi. MASSES PAY ocratic Britain. Although the In October the Economist re Executive Committee of the Le can and Democratic parties that the people of the FOR THE WAR state demand security for the aged. We urge a YES ports that the seamen unions de bour Party officially supported vote without taking responsibility for the plan itself.
Two things have brought home manded compensation for war the Bill, it could only get 44 of We vote YES, despite our opinion that the plan canIn our last issue, we published an excellent cir the meaning of the present war risik; the shipyard workers de its 167 members to vote for it. not work, in order not to stand in the way of the cular issued by Local of the International Bro the working class in the most manded an increase of 27 a week the rest abstained. The movement which strives to obtain economic security.
therhood of Electrical Workers, calling for the brutal manner: its cost and the and percent for piece work; the alone voted against the Bin.
We stand with the aged and the workers against the bankers, industrialists and the boss politicians. Our six hour day, thirty hour week in industry. In which it has immediately led. Ac a week; and the coal miners an The workers, however, have not solidarity with our class must not be broken. We must present our criticism within the class movement campaign which Local is conducting on behalf already costing the British and pence for youths under 18. abstained from showing their deand not from outside its ranks. It is clear that the Government million. 35 mil. In all these cases the demands of termined opposition to this sertvast majority of our class favors the plan. This is of this progressive demand.
evidenced by the vote in the trade unions which have Inadvertently, we placed an inaccurate head which the cost of the last war determination not to take no for union took the lead against it by the support for the plan found in the working class ing on the latest story: Thirty dollars thirty role in 2018. And the Economist an answer on the part of the samediately setting up a strong given almost unanimous support to the movement, wie fight the provisions of the Act.
areas and precincts of the state. Our task is to exhours is slogan of electrical workers manifesto will cost Britain a minimum of the companies involved.
Shop Stewards Committees are tend the movement for the demand for old age secur.
petition. Local is campaigning only on the 56 milion a day. This is 6o per cost of living the cotton opera trades and factories, and there is In direct reply to the rising already springing up in many ity into the channels of a correct method. We are thirty hour week. Our copy writer was thinking cont of the total estimated na tives demanded a twelve and no doubt whatever that the move confident that in the course of their experience the many workers supporting the measure will learn to of our slogan, No. of our slogans carried below tobal income in previous are hat percent increase in pay and ment will spread rapidly. This too fight with the Socialist Workers Party for old age the masthead: Licle we reported what this means the companies were unable to re is an advance over the last war security under the slogan of Tax the Rich for Old in the drastic curtallment of the fuse because of the impossibility when the Shop Stewards moveAge Pensions. Thirty thirty! 30 weekly minimum wage. social services, bousing and the of holding up production at this ment did not gain strength or im Labor Must Be Prepared 30 hour weekly maximum for all workers on all working class 1917 million workers have demanded The major question that faces us is: After Novemjobs.
ber 7, what? If the plan wins, we urge that labor be The British Government is do and received wage increases. The BALK AT SACRED We demand a thirty dollar minimum wage, as ing its best to conceal the full ex Executive Council of the Trans UNION WITH BOSS prepared to resist the inevitable rise in the prices by well as a thirty hour maximum week because we demanding a corresponding raise in wages. If the tent of unemployment caused by port and General Workers UnIt is clear from these examples plan wins and the employers attempt to close down the war. The Ministry of Labour in, although headed by that prowant not only jobs, but a decent living for ev Gazette no longer publishes its fessional strike breaker and lack and others that might be cited inetr factories, the workers must be prepared for energetic action in defense of their jobs and living ery worker. We are sure that Local also stands statistics for employment but ey of the bourgeoisie, Ernest Bev. that the British workers are not standards.
for that; but its slogan, issued by a union which merely a round figure of those in, was forced by the pressure of prepared to make a sacred ununemployed. Thus it is impossible its rank and file to issue a strong ion with the bourgeoisie at the If the plan loses, the pension movement must start building trades where the hourly rate is rela Iment has decreased and the resi ment on the rising cost of living of living. Economic opposition to be based on the the proposal to tax the rich to secure particular, the resolution the effects of the war has al pensions for the aged poor. The workers produce the tively high, only deals with the question of due been absorbed into the arm. In wealth of this society. When they are too old, the hours.
ed forces. The figures it dous pub states: The Council takes note ready begun on a determine1 lish, however, reveal that during of the fact that, in every price and gain strength as these effects scale, and it is certain to spread capitalista turn them out, free of any responsibility for them; or at best, with only a miserable pittance We believe that the general slogan of Ameri the first week of the war nearly the Government has fixed to date, are increasingly felt.
in the form of the State pension. It is the wealthy can labor in favor of the six hour day, five day of work, excluding those who the cost of the commodity has But what of political opposition let them give way to a class which can organize sowho must pay for the pension. If they cannot do so, week, will have the broadest support if that slo were recruited for the army. The been increased to the apparent to the war? In our next article gan has added to it the demand for a weekly Economist asserts that since Sep advantage of the trader, and it we shall deal with the Clarkman ciety so as to secure plenty and security for all: Let them give way to the socialist reorganization of so.
thirty dollar minimum. Without that addition, it Sember 11 (the last date for appears to the Council as if a non by election the first con.
ciety by the workers and producers.
is impossible to secure the support of the lowest has published statistics) unem deliberate policy is being carried and with the various political or Program For Labor paid workers and that means the support of ployment has greatly increased out to lower the real value of sanizations which are carrying FIGHT WITH THE SOCIALIST WORKERS PARTY The largest proportion of unem wages. It warns the Government on a struggle against the war.
most of America workers.
FOR: job and a decent living for every worker. Open the idle factories operate them under workers control.
THE MARXIST SCHOOL Twenty Bullion dollar Federal public works and housing program.
announces its FALL TERM COURSES Thirty thirty! 30 weekly minimum wage 30to be held at the Cultural Center, Room 201, 125 West 33rd St. hour weekly maximum for all workers on all jobs. Thirty dollar weekly old age and disability penA dispatch from Prague to the New York Classes Begin Monday, November 20th sion.
Times, Oct. 28, states: HOW CAPITALISM OPERATES TODAY Frank Demby Expropriate the Sixty Families. All war funds to the unemployed. Labor agitation in Prague, particularly in Mondays 7:15 8:40 Sessions, 00 people referendum on any and all wars.
regard to the threat of a strike, has been course in Applied Marxian economics, dealing with such matters as the basic No secret diplomacy.
causes of the breakdown of the automatic processes of the business cycle, war 10. An independent Labor Party.
branded officially as the work of Trotskyite and indation, economics under a fascist system, the economics of the farm 11. Workers Defense Guards against vigilante and Communists.
problem, etc. etc.
Fascist attacks.
12. Full social, political and economic equality for We are proud to be denounced by the Nazi SOCIALISM AND WAR Mar Shachtman the Negro people.
overlords of Czechoslovakia as the agitators Mondays 8:50 pm. 10:15 Sessions, 00 responsible for the struggle of the masses of Beginning with the great wars and revolutions of the last century this course Prague against Nazism. In the interests of accuwill proceed to a consideration of the theoretic and practical problems of today.
racy, however, we must record the fact that our What are just wars? How can the social conquests of the Soviet Union be defended? Why do Marxists condemn pacifism? How should we act in the present Czechos ovakian section is comparatively small, war situation. The Press and that the present workers actions in Prague THE DESTINY OF THE NEGRO By Arthur Hopkins are probably more spontaneous than systematic. Sessions, 00 ally organized.
This course will trace the history of the Negro peoples from their e islavement to Thought for the day: Well anyway, the bosses are beating their swords into shares.
But what is significant is that everywhere retheir present struggle for emancipation and equality. The chief solutions for the Negro problem will be examined.
action denounces as Trotskyist the first stirDAILY DOUBT: It is incredible, says the Minrings of revolt. Coughlin likewise last week de4. ELEMENTS OF SOCIALIST THEORY AND PRACTICE neapolis Star Journal, that any person or group of persons would through false pride or desire for voted his weekly to warning that the Fourth InTuesdays 8:50 pm. 10:15 Sessions, 00 personal gain advocate a measure involving this ternational is real menace while the Third course designed to sult the neds of young people and those in the labor movecountry in a risk of being drawn into the war.
International is crumbliny into dust. Everymeent who seek an understanding of basic principles.
where reaction understands that spontaneous and ORGANIZING AMERICAN LABOR Frank The traditional top hats of the Eton boys have been put under a wartime ban because they won unorganized struggles of the masses become it Wednesdays 7:15 8:40 Sessions, CO work with gas masks. Which is a fearful blow to danger to the capita ist system only when the First hand accounts of the great strike struggles in the recent past, cross ups cultchaw. How can the working stiffs recognize masses become linked to a leadership which is or leading trade union personalities, analyses of current trade union events by their betters without their hats?
firmly founded on a system of revolutionary theone who personally participated in many of the great organiing drives of the last few years.
Says Eerbert Hoover: Woodrow Wilson met ory and practice. And reaction understands, too, THE WAR DEAL IN ACTION that that leadership, that system of revolutionary James Burnham Dwight Macdonald with the pressures of populations and the unsolv.
able problems of European theory and practice, in this epoch, is embodied Wednesdays 8:50. 10:15 Sessions. 00 under capl.
nomic life. He means unen und ecotalism. The Socialtst United States of Europe is Lectures on the week by week developments in American politics. Consideration in the Fourth International.
will be given to such matters as Congressional legislation, Day plans, develop our solution to the unsolvable problem.
When the small gear of the revolutionary parments in the business world in relation to the war, etc.
Says war correspondent Henry Cassidy: ty is meshed into the great gear of the masses Registrations now being taken at the Labor Bookshop, 116 University Place, There is as little romance there is high enthuthat is the successful socialist revolution. Reac from p. to p. Registration can also be made by mail to the siasm in this war. The troops rarely sing. After a tion fears that moment, and incessantly seeks, by month of war they have still to find a successor to school office, 116 University Placc. Prospective students are urged to register the World War favorite La Madelon. But the preventive measures, to forestall that moment early French bosses have their song. If only the war, That is the meaning of the Nazi denunciation of this beautiful war, lasts long enough, ll make my the Trotskyists in Prague.
million, or more or more. Pray God it more.
But, you see; it was impossible to put the real Czech Trotskyism Labor Looks Through Tuesdays 7:15 pm.:3540P NEGROJ. Johnson reasons for the war so bluntly and crudely. How could you get the masses to swallow the war (and be swallowed by it) if you told them that they were fighting so that the Indian and African and Arabian and Irish masses might continue to be exploited by the noble British ruling class?
That why Mr. Chamberlain suddenly discovered, with a great shock to his sense of equity, that Hitler is not acting like a real British gentleman towards those he puts in concentration camps.
Of course, the discovery is so brazenly hypocritical that even the shame ess British lords feel they must make some apology and explana tion for their belated indignation. As the New York Times correspondent so delicately puts it. Declaring that even after the war broke out Britain was reluctant to take action which might have the effect of inspiring hatred, the government said it was forced to disclose the facts so that the public might know that under the present German regime the treatment accorded is reminiscent not of Macedonia but of the darkest ages in the history of man.
This is most touching and we do not want to deny that we are deeply moved. But we would have a little more faith in the moral indignation of Chamberlain and Co. than we now have (and we now have absolutely none) if the same White Paper, or a supplement to it, contained an account of the treatment accorded those who suffer under the lash of British imperialismthe Irish nationalists in Belfast, the workers and peasants in India, the slaves of Britain colonies in South Africa Until that appears, workers would be well adtreat Mr. Chamberlain shocked indignation with the contempt which his war mongering hypocrisy deserves.