FascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalLeninMarxRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismTrotskyTrotskyismWorkers PartyWorking Class

SPARKS IN THE NEWS Judíos Trotskistas Apoyan a Almazán?
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nude MELT NEW YORK CALLS FOR AN TWENTY FIVE STRIKERS Bureaucrats Skirt Real GO ON TRIAL Demands of Maritime Workers By JOHNSON Business Looks at the War to be that the first quarter of 1940 will be down (Continued from Page 1)
STALINIST ANTI SEMITISM from the current quarter. Drop of 10 points, or Without steel modern war would be impossible The Negroes in Industry ment of scabs used du, ing the remore, is believed to be likely. Airplanes, tanks, artillery, armor plate, battle War ifa make qualifications, of course.
The future of the Negro is bound by unbreakable chains of. alists and their native allies. In ships, shells, torpedoes, barbed wire are all prin If early full peace, then six to nine months of iron and steel to the industrial system of this country. We, as a che last few weeks Latin Amer.
cipally made of steel.
party, must therefore has a very clear conception of ica startled eyes saw the same The machines of war are being continually If continued war a dragging war, conservthe of Negroes to this system, and the Negroes 100talinists, ever obed. ent to their dest. oyed and replacements use up tremendous ing war materials then probably further pick up must see the position as it is. Ninety nine Negross out of every master newest wish, swing ove.
additional quantities of steel.
here after the first quarter of 1940.
hundred, to be more accurate, 999 out of every 1000, firmly believe tc justification of the alliance Steel companies, during the last war, were If fast furious war, fuil tilt, then a boom that Negroes are discriminated against in industry because they are with the fascist beast. And jus.
swamped with business which proved highly prof year in 1940.
black. We could get such and such jobs. Only one thing prevents as formerly they spoke the lan itable to them and to their stockho. ders. The Kiplinger Washington Letter, Washingus. As soon as they see our black skins they turn us away. Obviously stage of their democratic capi. Steel stocks have always been among the first ton, It is because we are black.
Calist a lies, so now they are beto respond to the stimulus of war buying.
The reasoning seems unanswerable. But it is false. In fact itinning to use the language o We believe that sound steel stocks, purchased WE ARE NOT NEUTRAL. The present is not the least exaggeration to say that the Negro skin has noth litlerism. down to and ining at all to do with the fundamentals of this question. Let me ro cluding the anti Semitic note!
around current levels, will prove very profitable so called neutrality law will not of itself keep us out of direct involvement in war. Revision of the peat that. The color of the Negro skin has nothing at all to do Peddling Lles repeating, in many instances, the spectacular performance of the last war.
law, as asked by the President and favored by with the fundamentals of the question.
Naturally the Stalinista join We have prepared reports on three very atmajority public opinion, will not of itself draw An: now for the proof of this apparently bewildering statement.
tractive steel stocks.
us into war. In the final analysis we will go to In India, Hindus and Moslems are quite often, the same color to this scandalous anti Semitic note Market Letter Issued by Bonner Bonner war lf and when our vital interests are threatenthe last shade. They, however, are divided by their religious differ with their usual slanderous antiome time, both members of Stock Exchange.
ed. Otherwise not. Whether our vital interests ences. Therefore one of the chief strategies of the British govern In Mexico and in the United Statwil or will not be threatened at some later stage ment in India is to push fire between Hindus and Moslems in the Stalinists have been peddustry, in politics, and in every sphere of life. By this means they at ng the lie that the Trotskyists 100 loss of first line combat planes in the of this war is entirely unpredictable and will not be determined by the kind of law that Senator divide the Indians, particularly the masses, and make their own are suppo. ting the candidacy of first months of fighting is expected by the Borah wants or the kind that Mr. Roosevelt Air Corps if ever its new armada flies to war.
position more secure.
the reactionary General Almawants. What are our vital interests? To cite two Northern Ireland. There the population to white zan. Time and again to the Mexican. Time, Sept. 25, 1939.
of the most obvious, the survival of the British navy is a vital interest to us and even more so is And it in the different religions, one group Catholic and the other tonal, the Partido Obrero Inter We conceive it to be necessary, without sound maintenance of the status quo in our entire hemigroup Protestant.
nacionalista (Internationalist ing any note of alarm, to bring vital information The technique employed is simple as daylight. The Prime Workers Party. has denouncel to fathers of sons approaching young manhood.
sphere, including islands as far distant as Bermuda.
Minister and the chief spokesmen always preach about the necessity that slander and pointed out that. We do not suggest acquiring life insurance Meanwhile we engage in bitter debate on neuof unity, how the gove. nment duty is to keep the peace, protect since there is no independent through unreasonab. e fear. We do recommend trality although, in the strict sense of the term the rights of all citizens, etc. So much in words. In action, however, working class candidate the POI weighing its present purchase in the light of we a. e not neutral. We are not neutral in sentithe Government drives wedge after wedge between Catholics and supports no candidate but utilizes complete knowledge and past experience. No adProtestants, and keeps the antagon sm at fever pitch, ment, for we favor victory for the Allies. We are the occasion of the campaign to vice can foretell whether a youngster motivated not neutral in fact, for present law permits the In Germany Hitier found another source of dividing the work spread its program. One of the ers, the peasants, and the lower middle class: he foamed at the POI statements to that effect was velop an uncontrollable lean. ng towards avia. types of materials essential to prosecution of war, British and French to buy from us most of the mouth whenever he mentioned the Jews and persecuted them when reprinted in English in the Socialtion.
while circumstances prevent such materials gohe came to power.
ist Appeal of Oct. 10. But a little (Continued from Page 1) 353 West 57 Street, at p.
Sales Letter sent out by the John Mcing to Germany.
thing like the truth doesn de write in vote for the Manhattan The Campaign Committee an Namara Organization, life insurance brokers, 17 Tho Trend of Events section, Magazine of Divide in order to Rule ter the pen prostitutes of La Voz candidate of the SWP. Referring rounced today that an additional John Street, New York City.
Wall Street.
de Mexico and the Dally Work to the provisions of the City 50, 000 issues of the special camIt is perfectly clear that your capitalists, your representative er from repeating their slanders. Charter governing write in paign edition of the Socialist Ap The most important fact about the probable If America becomes involved, as some observof the ruling class, seeks above all to divide in order to rule. In Yesterday the Stalinista fabri vote, the Campaign Committee peal of the week for distribution they are likely to be meager unless and until the ers prematurely are predicting, Congress would not hesitate to make any President virtually a and of the same religion your capitalist is in difficulty as to how supporting the reactionary Alma Decial instructions. According to in the Bronx and Manhattan, nature of the warfare changes. Stalemated trench Britain where so much of the population is of the same racial typecated stories about Trotskyista ausks all workers to follow the and will be off the press by the effects of the war on American business is that dictator.
best to divide the workers. He does it by paying higher wages to an and about Almazan support the City Charter. To vote for More than 150, 000 anti war elec Aghting would produce large orders, and so would But it is well realized that, after seven years some and creating a body, relatively small, of privileged workers are being Trotskyists, calling a person whose name is not print on leaflets are also being pre open field operations, but economic blockades are of expanding powers, the central government is These, being quite satisfied, then become conservative and act as them all fascists and allies of ed on this ballot, write his name pared for distribution.
now so strong that its further growth into a war check on the millions whose dissatisfaction with their lot would Hitler. Today the same Stalinn a blank line under the names. Cleveland Trust Company Business Bulletin, machine would end our democratic system and it be a constant threat to the system if it were not suppressed by ists are still at their dirty work, of the candidates and put a October 15, 1939.
would be well nigh impossible to return to it.
this privileged section within their own ranks.
but now that they themselves are number in the square opposite to Article by Kendall Hoyt in a recent Issue Your capitalist must divide the workers in order to weaken allied to Hitler they talk instead show which choice you wish to Future of Business: Prevailing opinion seems of The Annalsit.
them. In India he fans the flame between Hindus and Moslems. In of Jewish elements. cap. talist give him.
brelonen sewe and Gentile. But the Negro has a black skin. This Gone is the cry of fascist. the class districts of the Bronx with Covering the populous working makes him easily distinguishable from others. Your American cap word isn even mentioned in the anti war election leaflets and Italist, therefore, at his perpetual game of dividing the workers, article heavily engaged in staging nuallies, Negro black. It is so easy to say: There, don you see his black It is clear by now that the peo merous outdoor election skin? White workers, my good friends, let us keep that black man ple referred to in the article are the Bronx Branch of the Party has not Trotskyists at a:l; but that won the praise of the campaign In his place.
The black skin business is only an excuse, as Hindu Moslem, is just a little detail. The poor Committee. Marvelling at the Cathollo Protestant, Jew Gentile is only an excuse. Now you can tellows are obviously Jews (such schedule of work assumed by the Defense Committee (Continuerl from Page 1) drastic revision of the ing of a militant membership belook at a man and say whether he is Catholic or Protestant, Hindu names. Abrahams, Rubinstein, Bronx militants, Shachtman and or Moslem. But a Negro is seen to be different to the white man at etc. and vociferously anti Frank called upon members demands that essentially concern shipping articles in connection hind them. Such absolutely reaso! the party in the other borTo Appeal Verdicts the mass of the maritime work with the amount of what consti onable concessions must be ob first glance. Hence the viciousness and the obviousness of the dis Stalin Jews at that.
oughs to assist in the election AC Of First Two Trials tutes a ship crew and thus in tained by the maritime workers ers in this present crimination against Negroes. But the root of it is in the system tivities. general wage increase of ployed seamen on criminally un. and Maritime Commission before o cluded many hundreds of unem from the Shipowners Association which gives the capital. st the need and the power to divide. And UNSER WORT.
the cure is the abolition of the system which breeds this necessity Bronx Rally (Continued from Page 1)
Federal court to continue the long overdue the maritime work dermanned vessels. This is one of we can consider that any real to divide.
The new Issue of UNSER Responding to an earlier call present grand jury for another 1s. This wage increase given by the worst features of the Ameri: progress has been made towards WORT, containing articles by Comrade Frank, City Organiz six months, the Maritime Commission shortly can merchant ships. An end must the goal of decent working condion the war situation will ap er of the Party, scores of party Appealing Verdiet after a brief The Wherefore of Race Prejudice pear shortly. Order it from members were on hand Saturday The AFL WPA Defense Com port of New York on in thel be put to one man in two jobs! tions and safety plus sanitation In that way safety at sea can be at sea. But this is not the forceas a war bo night, October 28, for a series mittee, set up by the Central La nus should actually today become a reality Both Negroes and white workers who are advanced politically Dale Edwards Box No.
also sanitation Cul manner in which the present beyond their fellows must understand this. must have it in their 178. Sta. D, New York, of outdoor mass meetings in the bor Union, announced that it was the basis of any new agreement. at sea along with it.
leadership of the NMU has rebones. That is the truth and nothing but the truth. Naturally, there (12 copies 60 meetings for Michael Quill and two trials, determined to pre ty but at the same time let them agreement of a bona fide and rig: On the contrary, they have an The inclusion in the new sponded to the trade union probare other aspects of the question. Your capitalist does not say this openly. That would, ruin everything. He builds up great theories Isadore Begun, Stallnist candi vent the establishment of legal cut down on their fat salaries id system of seniority promotion, swered each new boss offensive dates, folded Negro inferiority, Negro incapability, etc. These are taught in the face of cold weather, the outs precedents which would endanger and subsidies. Labor fair re The abolition of the majority of with a whole lot of editorial incompletely in schools from generation to generation, and millions of unsuspecting floor rallies for Shachtman drew The Minnesota State Federa shipping industry.
organized labor everywhere. turn is by no means true of the the phoney key position privipeople learn this and never think that it is in reality nothing else 1939 Bound Volumes leges of the shipowners that stm dignation but with no real prac but capitalist rationalisation for the benefit of capitalist pockets.
of cical and militant trade union acMapes Avenues and Vyse Avenue circular letter to all unlons in less than 50 for a single cross interfere in the daily life of the lips of many NMU ers is: Well, genuine war bonus of not allows their stooges and sples to tion. common question on the and seeing Negroes living in dirt and slums, most white workers SOCIALIST APPEAL and 174 Street.
think what they hear all around them is quite true. And when now ready! This Friday evening, Nov. tions be made to the defense of dangeres. Xergenuine war tority promotion would be placed. What our union doing about white workers find that being white means the possibility of workCandidate speak at Herman Ridder Juning in any factory and being black means exclusion from half of risk insurance of not less than squarely in the hands of the duly The Defense Committee has 10, 000 per man, including a res elected Ship Committees with that our main demand is that In the face of this, to declare them, that being white means 70 cents an hour and being black for High School, Boston Road appealed 52 issues of this year neatly 45 cents an hour for the same type of work, then these capitalist and 173 Street, under the aus to donate generously to the de personal possessions in the event ting in an advisory capacity only. Sed so as to expedite the mechan.
pices of the Campaign Commit fense fund. Checks and resolu of a sinking.
idens receive a powerful material enforcement in the working class bound together. Have a first The continuance of the closics of interpretation, means that tee.
tions should be mailed to Clair This is the reason for race prejudice among the white workers, hand survey of the historie Tuesday Oct. 31, Candidate Johnson, secretary. treasurer, ed shop and the free and rotary the present misleaders have no What the white worker does not see is that by combining with events of this year right at your Paine will address a meeting of Minneapolis AFL WPA Defense hiring hall.
intention of seeking any concesthe Negro both can get 90 cents, or overthrow the system altogether elbow. 00 including postage) the American Women Club, Committee, care of Central Labor Let the People These five basic economic de sion whatever for the maritime Your capitalist sees that quite clearly however.
hite and black, 18 How to clarify the minds of workers, bot SPECIAL!
Union, 18 North Street, mands are actually to be consid workers. Its finneapverbal olis, Minnesota.
Vote on War! ered as a minimum. These are the means that the misleaders are garbage the revolutionary problem. Propaganda and agitation to break down demands that should be presented content with the status quo ab the capitalist propaganda; but above all joint action. As the eco 1938 Bound Volume Vote for NOW ONLY 00 to the Administration. shipown a time when nobody else is.
nomic crisis deepens, the white workers are driven to revise their CHICAGO CELEBRATION ers alliance with the solid back(To be Concluded)
previous conceptions. The crisis drove some 400, 000 Negroes into MAX SHACHTMAN the CIO. Thus millions of white workers have begun to think dilof the ORDER NOW FROM ferently about Negroes. Another sharpening of the crisis, another Socialist Appeal Choice No. stride forward of the organized workers, will bring thousands upon 22nd ANNIVERSARY MASS MEETING of the thousands of Negroes into the ranks of organized labor. But we 116 UNIVERSITY PLACE For Councilman on the cannot wait for these developments. We must work in preparation New York City, 22nd ANNIVERSARY for them.
For the Bronx The first thing therefore is to know something about the of the RUSSIAN REVOLUTION Negro position in industry, not to know in the abstract, but to be on familiar with it. How did the Negro enter into certain industries, what was his status there yesterday, what is it to day? It is by this study, that we can get some real living conception of the role of the Negro in the working class movement. Fow white workers with an introduction by THE MEANING OF STALIN ROLE IN THE have any conception of the history of this development. Still more 2:30 Sha EUROPEAN WAR.
tragie, fewer Negroes know anything about it.
MIDLAND HOTEL Periodically this column will examine the Negro role in indus172 WEST ADAMS STREET What does the future hold in store for Stalin?
try, the understanding of which is an indispensable preliminary to new 200 page condensation of Karl Marx CAPIcorrect revolutionary action. In the next issue we shall have a gea Adams Room Have the irresistible forces that erupted in October 1917 eral survey of the Negro in Industry during the last hundred TAL, Vol. Trotsky introduction restates the Marxreally been quelled? Or does a new and vaster revoluyears, after which we shall examine his situation in steel, meat ian fundamentals in his own brilliant style, and in a ALBERT GOLDMAN tionary explosion impend?
packing, etc. There we shall see how in the South, the employer large measure deals with their application to the AmeriWill mankind emerge from this war enslaved and be used Negros to one white in skilled industry before slavery was. leading Chicago Trotskyist just returned from can scene. By special arrangement with the publisher plunged into barbarism? Or will it march emancipated tholished, how after emancipation be used five whites to one Negro, how he started to use more Negroes to break the fighting power Longmans, Green Co. we can offer this 00 book France speaks on into Socialism?
of the whites. In other words we shan see concretely how little at the following prices: LENIN 1917 STALIN 1939 the color question means to the employer where his pocket is conHear the Answer by Single copy. 00 less 10 cash discount cerned and Bundles of or more. less 25 cash discount TEN. DAYS THAT SHOOK THE WORLD. the world greatest film epic portraying the Socialist Appeal National Secretary, 116 University Place seizure of power by the Russian masses. Sergei EisenSPECIAL OFFER at the New York City stein greatest production. would like to get better acquainted with your paper, on (NOTE: In view of the constant suppressions and purges, this IRVING PLAZA the Socialist Appeal. Please send me sample copies for Guerin FASCISM AND BIG BUSINESS the next few weeks.
may be your last opportunity to see this masterpiece in its IRVING PLACE at 15th St.
Single copy (cloth cover. 00 original form. Name Single copy (paper cover) 09 ADMISSION 40c Wednesday November 15th Bundles of or more (paper). 50 Address Auspices: AT P.
LIVING THOUGHTS OF MARX LEON TROTSKY Sunday, Nov. 5th 1939 James Cannon