AnarchismCommunismCommunist PartyFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarNazismPrivate PropertySocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeURSSWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

Official Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International Issued Twice Weekly VOL. III, NO. 84 NEW YORK, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1939 167 THREE (3) CENTS EMBARGO REPEAL IS STEP TOWARDS WAR! Calls for an Anti War Vote. Bill Turns Into Armory for SOCIALIST SOCIALIST Cast Number One Ballot for Shachtman In Bronx Write In Paine in Manhattan WORKERS PARTY Piles Sort PARTY Young Peoples Socialisi Loygun (S INTERMITION)
Bront Headquart. us MAX SHACHTMAN AGAINST WAI Worker stand at all times for the unity of the working class in defense MINNEAPOLIS PUTS ANOTHER origins. We do not, however, confine courselves to the purely TWENTY FIVE STRIKERS ON TRIAL IN FEDERAL COURT MEXICAN STALINISTS PUBLISH REVOLUTION STILL FILTHY ANTI SEMITIC ATTACK ON THE TROTSKYIST MOVEMENT Put ANTE WRR PARTYS CANDIDATE BALLOT Roosevelt, Having Pushed Immediate Plans Through the Senate, with the House Sure JU To Follow, Will Now Adjourn Congress TOT Drones Will Aw 134 Wilkins Are The Administration steam roller, rejuvenated by a slash Entering the last weeks of the New York election caming to victory over the collapsing isolationists in the Senpaign, Max Shachtman and George Lyman Paine, Council atc, this week cut debate on Roosevelt war promoting Neumanic candidates of the Socialist Workers Party for the trality Act down to twelve hours maximum, and was all set Bronx and Manhattan, called upon the workers of both borto have the bill on the White House desk and the session adoughs to cast their number one ballots for the anti war party journed before Saturday.
as an endorsement of its struggle against the war and Ameri During its passage through the Senate, the pretense that can involvement in it.
the Roosevelt measure was designed to safeguard United We ask the voters of the Bronx to cast their number one States neutrality was gradballot for Shachtman and in Manhattan to write in the name ually dropped. Defenders strict clauses even of the bill of George Lyman Paine as a vote symbolic of the desire to opponents alike admitted quite ministration forces were chopped as originally presented by the adplace in the City Council representatives of the party which is frankly that the object of the away.
really fighting against war, both candidates declared today.
bill is to line up the United Legal Formula Writing to the South Bronx Committee for Tolerance on States on the side of the An ships from entering any beiligThe bill originaly pronibited the fascist issue, Candidate Shachtman stated, My position glo French war machine. erent ports. Now only the belligon the question of intolerance and of such movements as are On the streets and in the Every amendment that erent ports in the north of Eurrepresented by the so called Christian Mobilizers and the Scenes in the Campaign for halls of Manhattan and might have slowed down the plan that belligerents must pay ope, are on the closed list. The Christian Front is the position uncompromisingly held by my Max Shachtsan and George Workers Party carries march toward war was quick cash for and take title to all Party, the Socialist Workers Party. We condemn all such Candidates of the Socialist on its anti war campaign. ly thrown out by huge majori goods before they leave this counmovements which are aimed at dividing the working class in workers Party, Local New ties. It took about ten minutes to try is got around by another amof their real enemies along the artificial lines of race York.
dispone of a watered version of endment which makes this prothe Ludlow Amendment offered vision apply only to belligerent and religion.
Socialist Appeal Staff Photo by Senator LaFollette. The governments and not private citizens or firms within the war.
The letter, which was read at a public mass meeting sponring countries.
sored by the South Bronx Committee, declares further, We The bill, as it is coming out of Congress, amounts simply to this: THE FLAME OF a legal formula for turning the of its interests regardless of racial or religious opinions or into the chief armory for Anglo French imperialism and a literary condemnation of fascism, fascist groups and their BURNS IN GERMANY the same time building armament industries upto peak proactivities. Our Party calls for the organization of Workers duction in preparation for the Defense Guards to protect the labor movement and all national Under Copenhagen dateday when Roosevelt decides to or religious minorities from the assaults of the fascists.
line of Sept. 24, the Berlin cordeclare war as master of the Although George Lyman Paine has been ruled off the respondent of the Paris Temps democratie bloc. a journalist who spent years Counci. manic ballot by the Board of Elections on a flimsy Appa) form an unlawful act against the Special to the Soct. 30 government, whether they acted treated the Polish problem; hav Bombers On Their Way By DIEGO MONTANEZ MINNEAPOLIS, in Germany before the present The Oct. 18 issue of La Voz de ing protested energetically, the technicality, the Campaign Committee reiterated its plan for a Twenty five men and women separately or together.
On the day of the final Senate war reports the following in Mexico, organ of the Communist dissenters were insulted and, an vote, the newspapers of Paris (Continued on Page 3)
on trial today in Judge Joyce teresting item concerning unFederal court for their partici The conspiracy charge was a derground activity in German cwing headline on page 2: Trot the room being violently resiste lines announcing the great vid pation in the nation wide WPA notorious weapon used by bossstrike this summer.
dominated courts against trade nightly as a precaution against Skyist Jews Support Almazan. by them, the meeting broke up tory which they had won in The fact that no Trotskyists, in blows.
This is the third trial so far unions for many decades. It vioAllied air raids: Jewish or otherwise, are support. Among the Trotskyist Jews According to reliable reports, As in the first two, in which eight lated, among other things, the BERLIN AT NIGHT. ing Almazan (a reactionary Pres who distinguished themselves by the flow of airplanes will not ev By GEORGE STERN WPA workers were found guilty fundamental tenet of law that According to information idential candidate) is here com their attacks on the Soviet Un en wait for boats to ship them.
and four were acquitted, the de men should not be punished ex received from various sources, paratively unimportant. What is ion, the Communist Party, the Hundreds of bombers, it is said, By GEORGE STERN and private, to prepare the fendants are being tried formally cept for overt acts. If the object the German police are increas. important is the anti. Semitic PRM and President Cardenas will, beginning next week, be The fuss being kicked up over ground for American participa under a provision of the Roose of a conspiracy need not be ac ing their vigilance against nu note in the propaganda of the were the music critic Khan, the flown first to the great airport the City of Flint incident is part son in the war against Russia velt Woodrum Relief Law which complished to make it a conspirmerous outrages and acts of Stalinist wing of the Stalin Hitler Cry goods merchant, Zaharias, al Botwood, Nova Scotia. From and two of the editors of La Voz there they will take off for Eng.
of many sided campaign con hat most of the Allied states. makes it a crime to interfere acy, any strike action defined as sabotage. In Berlin and other bloc.
sciously designed to whip up men still count on as the ulti with WPA workers. Actually, a conspiracy is punishable. Orgalarge cities, night patrols have The article reads as follows: Israelita named Rubinstein and land and France.
anti Soviet sentiment this nate outcome of the present however, they are being tried un nized labor was successful iu been organized of ss men and group of Trotskyists that Abrahams.
The Botwood base has, during der the Roosevelt. made law: fercing the courts to abandon country.
volunteers in order to sup meets at No. 15 Tacuba Street, These individuals, openly in the past several years, been reThat is the meaning of the You can strike against the this form of frameup to a concomposed in its majority of Jew tervening in national political constructed with exactly this Roosevelt State Department City of Flint hullabaloo. It is government.
press disorders committed unish and capitalist elements, has questions (What, comrades. plan in mind. Flying the planes Is using the kind of language in Businessmen Jury 19 is revived by the Roosevelt adder protection of the darkness.
dedicated itself to attacking the, Aren Jews a legitimate part of over will save time and in all this affair that is used only also the meaning of the diploA few nights ago in the old It is expected that, as in the ministration!
matic game going on across the regime of President Cardenas and the nation. also attacked, probability be accompanied against an enemy, actual or pother side of the world in Tokyo first two trials, the jury will be United States Attorney Andermunist section of Berlin, a patrol discovered a number meeting of the afore mentioned calling him an agent of Stalin, were shipped since one ship tor supporting Almazan. The last General Manuel Avila Camacho, fewer losses than if the planes tential. In the very midst of all where Roosevelt, in collaboration drawn from rural sections of this son, who has so far secured in.
of placards on walls, bearing individuals, on the to do over the City of Flint, with the British, is testing the Federal district, to make sure dictments against 150 men, woa red border and these words: the Polish situa and declaring that the candidate pedosd means from 20 to 50 had at least five vessels de ground for a deal with Japan that no workers or friends of la men and youth, announced this tion, produced a scandalous affair. who should be supported is Gen planes gone. Naturally, a falr week that he has petitioned the Down with Hitler and Stalin! Not everyone present agreed wth eral Juan Andreu Almazan. percentage the planes from tained for weeks by the British that will ensure the Japanese por are on the jury.
role in the projected anti Soviet Where facts cannot be twisted (Continued on Page 3)
the way the leaders of the group Usual Demagogy Botwood will fail to finish the navy have been unable to get war. Chamberlain hoped to get to arouse the prejudices of a busThe article then ends, in the trip, which will be hard on the pl.
Franklin man Cordell to say typical style of the Nazi dema lots concerned. But, Chamberlain even boo to the British. But Hitler to fight Russia instead of ineasmen jury, the Federal prosgogue with whom their master and Roosevelt Sgure, there are when the city of Flint matter having to fight Hitler himself ecutor proceeding under orders Stalin has now allied himself, plenty of young men to make plcame up, the Roosevelt war deal arst. In the same way, the Wall from Washington. adds to the charges a conspiracy indictwith an attack on the capital cts out of.
cang went to work ful blast Street Roosevelt cabal hopes to ment. and the judge defines conist Jews. The last paragraph with the lifting of the embargo, and naturally, the whol3 press without first having to eliminate convictions can be voted by the Roosevelt will have got everyis glezfu ly joining in ganging Japanese power itself. The Mexican people must thing out of Congress that he up on Russia.
jury without bothering about eviAs this drive gets underway. dence.
know who are the new friends wants for the moment. He will, There is a lot of palaver about one thing has to be kept clearly and partisans of Almazan: the therefore, send them away from international law being spilled and firmly in mind by every instructing the jury on the mean In the last trial, Judge Joyce By SIDNEY MOORE the waterfronts of the Eastern House. Thus, in the same Pilot capitalist Jews, exploiters of the Washington in double quick time, In the Oct. 27 issue of the Pilot, seaboard. Within a few weeks editorial: over this affair. It so happens thinking worker who rightly ing of the conspiracy indict the leadership of the National the maritime workers can expect Mexican working men and wo so that he will be left free from that in seizing the vessel the rates Stalin and all his works. ment, made it broad cnough to Plaritime Union declared through an unprecedented boss offensive Business, which certainly includ who starve the people. Empha ing the new and rapid steps to One of the answers of Big Den richmonopolistic merchants any possible interference in takGermans were within rights as rights go under the aiming straight The war mongering bosses are cover practically every WPA and an editorial that, drawing up against their living standards and cs shipowners, was the Dies Com sis mine. ward war which are to follow in the restora unemployed worker in the coun our proposed agreement this year. organized power. It must be mittee. Its purpose was two fold: anarchy cynically labelled in tion of private property in Rustry who supported or sympathiz we based our demands upon the early understood that the Roos amear labor and the Roosevelt wekes ago, the Latin American have a chance to complete his For four years, until a few the next two months. And he will ternational law. But this inter sia. The collectivized cconomy ed with the WPA strike. He told minimum needs of the members evelt War Deal Administration, Administration. This, in face si agents of Stalin were licking the projected four billion dolar arms national law seems to consist created by the workers in their the jury a conspiracy indictment ship. And what should one of the acting through the agency of the the fact that every union busting boots of the democratic imper budget to present to the regular mainly of the prerogatives of revolution remains, despite Stal does not mean conspirators must MAIN DEMANDS be? Our Federal Maritime Commission, a campaign was always begun by (Continued on Page 3) session when it opens on Jan. what they want. Roosevelt has the main object of capitalist conception of the conspiracy. agicement be clarified so as to owners in this union smashing ection of Roosevelt right hand been doing a little one man leg hatreil.
which in plain English means expedite the mechanics of inter drive. No victory can be expected men. Proof? The opening of the islating in this field himself, as Our job is not to help the cap that a man does not have to con pretation.
by the maritime workers unless ank herding halls on the East What Your Dollar Can Do when he quite arbitrarily ruled italists restore private property spire in order to be a conspirator.
a little while ago that Amer. can in Russia but to prevent them!
Here we have the cowardly ad they are aware of this ACTUAL coast by the Maritime Commis ONE DOLLAR will distribute 150 coples of our election Circumstantial Evidence mission by a bureaucratic lead alliance, and govern their actions alon to break the power of the territorial waters extend not to trom doing it. Our job is to help platform. Those who come in, later andership that their struggle for the accordingly.
Union hiring hall. The recruitthe usual three mile limit but the Russian workers overthrow cooperate to obtain unlawful re runk and file demands means ex.
1, 000 miles out to sea and far Stalin and re assert their own sults of a conspiracy become actly nothing. Their attempt to NMU has constantly attempted balls and by Hoffman Islandi The present leadership of the cent tanker strike by these fini 350 ELECTION THROW AWAYS ther if necessary 20 ELECTION POSTERS So let no one get het up about best is to put an end to privats ty for that which went before, membership is as clear as their this score. Even worse, the Stars train new men the sea go. FIVE DOLLARS will put one unemployed comrade to work who right and who property through workers rey said the judge.
main demand. To understand ist leadership is still writing ing tradition.
stumping for the anti war message of the Socialist Work wrong. There nothing right olution here and everywhere in Proof of a conspiracy, he that peculiar and meaningles blank checks for the War Deal Basic Demands ers Party and its banner bearer, Max Shachtman in the midst of imperialist war this charnel house of a bosses went on, may be by circumstan phrase thrown out almost in Administration. They are vainiy except the fiercest, most unre world.
GIVE TO THE ANTI WAR PARTY Notwithstanding the Stalinist tial evidence. The object of a sultingly to the rank ad files attempting to separate before the white washing squad, and con GIVE TO THE ELECTION CAMPAIGN FOR MAX SHACHTlenting struggle aga nst it. That is the road to future conspiracy need not be accom main demand, we must firstMAN AND GEORGE LYMAN PAINE The main thing to get hold of peace and plenty. All other plished to make it a conspiracy. restate the ACTUAL DEyes of the membership this bespleuous by their absence in the Send your contributions to: FRANK, 116 Univeris the fact that the Roosevelt ways lead to blind alleys of it is sufficient to show that a MANDS and the REAL situa hind the scenes but nevertheless daily propaganda of the Pulot, actual alliance between Big Bus are the following basic economic sity Place, New York City.
administration is deliberately en death and destruction and per group came to a mutual under tion existing on the waterfront.
gaged in a drive, both public petuated poverty.
standing or agreement to per There is a crisis developing onliness and the boys in the White (Continued on Page 3)
Behind the Lines in Bureaucrats Skirt Real Demands of Maritime Workers reads: their ur or