Bolshevik PartyBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyEngelsEnglandFascismGPUGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismInvasionLeninMarxNazismRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeTerrorismTrotskyURSSWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

SOCIALIST APPEAL TUESDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1939 State Planning in the SOCIALIST APPEAL VOL. III, NO. 88 Tuesday, October 31, 1989 Published Twoice Weekly by the SOCIALIST APPEAL PUBLISHING ASSN.
at 116 University Place, New York, Telephone! Algonquin 8547 ALP. The Stalinists have few unions; the neighborhood clubs they control mean nothing in the basic structure of a Labor Party.
Programmatically, we fight equally, against both war camps: against the democratic as much as against the Hitler Stalin camp. We ask the workers to support our program in this election by giving first preference on their ballots to our candidates. But we also ask them to vote for the official candidates of the American Labor Party in order to speed the day when the workers will break away from the capitalist parties.
Within the ALP we ask the workers, in the voting on the ALP pro war resolution, to vote neither with the Stalinists nor with their opponents. vote for either side is a vote for a camp of war mongers. Within the ALP, as everywhere in the working class, we work for the formation of a third camp: the camp of revolutionary struggle against both warring camps.
Will Stalinist Regime Add to Its Conquests?
Subscriptions: 00 per year: 00 for six months.
For cents per copy in the United States: cents per cony in all foreign countries. Single copies: cents.
Bronx and Manhattan subscriptions are 50 for six months: 90 for one years matter September 29, 1939, at the Roentered and sew York, y. under the act of March Editor MAX SHACHTMAN Associate Edit EMANUEL GARRETT FELIX MORROW General Manager Assistant Manager MARTIN ABERN SHERMAN STANLEY GRU.
STALIN Courting Stalin FIGHT WITH THE SOCIALIST WORKERS PARTY FOR: job and a decent living for every worker. Open the idle factories operate them under workers control. Twenty Billion dollar Federal public works and housing program. Thirty thirty! 30 weekly minimum wage30 hour weekly maximum for all workers on all jobs. Thirty dollar weekly old age and disability pension. Expropriate the Sixty Families. All war funds to the unemployed. people referendum on any and all wars. No secret diplomacy.
10. An Independent Labor Party.
11. Workers Defense Guards against vigilante and Fascist attacks.
12 Full social, political and economic equality for the Negro people.
HITLER PACT POLISH BETRAYAL RED INVASION As Winston Churchill statement on Oct. that Stalin invasion of Poland was clearly necessary for the safety of Russia received the guarded approval of Prime Minister Chamberlain on Oct. 26; the same day Viscount Halifax, British Foreign Secretary, stated It is worth recalling that the action of the Soviet Government has been to advance the Russian boundary substantially to that recommended at the time of the Versailles conference by Lord Curzon.
In short, after a month of great moral indig nation, the Anglo French camp has decided to put a good face on Stalin annexations.
All that this new development tells us is that the Anglo French camp has not given up hope of wooing Stalin away from Hitler. It tells us nothing new about Stalin invasion.
We did not join the Anglo French imperialists PURGES WE PEOPLE FRONT BETRAYAL SPANISH BETRAYAL 703 DEU Carlo What the Nazi Press Says About in their self righteous and hypocritical denuncia The Stalin Hitler War Alliance Trotsky In Danger Russia Bosporus. age prepre By SHERMAN STANLEY The uppermost question in the minds of imperialist diplomats today is, What next from Stalin and his regime. Is it possible for Stalin already deeply enmeshed in his alliance with Hitlerism to with draw? Or must he continue along the path of con quest and enslavement upon which he has set out?
Stalin and his bureaucratic cohorts have raised to their lips the bottle containing the heady wine of conquest and expansion, pressed from fruits gathered by their plunderers. The first drops have tasted sweet and have gone down smoothly. Wil Stalin now give an additional tilt to the bottle so as to increase the flow?
Let us summarize what has been done by the ruling Kremlin powers to date. They have conquered Eastern Poland (Byelo Russia and the Polish Ukraine)
and established their undisputed rule over this large area. Estonia has been made a military protectorate. with such conditions that its whole national structure is, in effect, ruled by Russia. With this ar rangement there has come sea control over the North Baltic (Gulf of Finland) and military positions that make the capitulation of Finland inevitable before the threats of the Kremlin rulers.
Latvia and Lithuania are meekly following behind Estonia and are likewise foredoomed to become Baltic Bordic Sea over to Stalin, Bessarabia a totally undefended section of the tottering Rumanian state can be plucked by the Kremlin hand at a moment notice.
Rumania is eventually to be parcelled between Fascist Germany and the Soviet Union. Thus, a transportation route running from Georgia and the Caucasus, via the Black Sea and Rumania, has been cleared Over this route will flow a part of the raw materials bound for Hitler troops.
As to the fate of Turkey and the Balkan nations, while this question has been postponed for the time being by the signing of the Anglo French Turkish Pact, it is nevertheless more likely that the German Russian alliance will be more potent. The door has been left open for this eventuality by an escape clause in the Pact which categorically states that under no circumstances will Turkey fight against The great strategic value and importance sented by the Dardanelles and proven by the great campaign waged for control of the Straits and the Gallipoli penninsula in the last world war make it vitally necessary for Stalit to attempt to hold Turkey in line. This fact, combined with the traditional policy of German imperialism the drive to th the East will tend to dominate the fate of the Balkans.
Not a March for Liberation Already there are reports that indicate the rapid approach of events in the Near and Far East which will have the utmost significance for the oppressed colonial peoples of Asia. These reports indicate the intention of the Stalinist bureaucratic gang to embark on a program of expansion southward and eastward.
Fulfilling his current role as a supporter and agent of German imperialism, Stalin may at the command of his present master be instructed to strike vital blows at British Imperialism in its territories that extend from Iraq on the West to distant Burma on the East, These lands are now the prize possessions of the badly shaken British Empire. They include Iraq, Iran (Persia. Afghanistan, British and Native India, Nepal. Tibet, and Burma. Within its vast confines live hundreds of millions of colonial slaves workers and peasants who have suffered long years under the harsh rule of democratic British imperialism. These people. representing almost one fourth of humanity (500, 000, 000. have been swept by tidal waves of rev.
olutionary nationalist sentiment for liberation from imperialist rule.
The people of these British colonies desire above all their national independence. Right now their lives are spent as colonial slaves working in the interests of the hated British slave masters. The oil fields of Iran, the produce of the Fertile Crescent of Mesopotamia (Iraq. the mineral and industrial wealth of India all of these are exploited by the British imperialists.
But Stalin would not come down among these people as a liberator or a revolutionary enemy of British rule. If Stalin should march south into the Persian oil fields; if he should attempt to overrun Afghanistan as a route into the Punjab, the most fertile and developed agricultural area of India; if he should conceive of a double invasion of India by way of Afghanistan from the West, Sinkiang and Tibet from the East; then we must openly state that he comes as an enslaver of the colonial peoples not as their emancipator.
Colonials Will Reject Stalinism The key answer to this complex problem lies in the overwhelming desire of these colonial people for their real, genuine freedom and national independence. Although the forms and methods of conquest and oppression of Stalin may vary greatly from those of British colonial revolutionary movement will instinctively reimperialism, nevertheless the entire nationalist and ject and oppose any moves of Stalinism in their direction.
If reports continue to come through of the massing of Red Army in Sinkiang, of border violations in northern Afon, of Nazi and Stalinist agents at work among the colonial peoples in attempts to deceive them and misuse their more than justified hatred of democratie British enslavement, then we become a burning question For the masses of the countries involved in these events there is only one slogan that strikes to the root of their desires: Neither British imperialism, nor enslavement by the Stalinist bureaucracy. National independence and the right to work out their own revolutionary and socialist destiny!
It took the Stalin regime three months to intervene in the Spanish revolutionary events, with results that everyone is acquainted with.
Now, with the beginning of activity on the part of the 375, 000, 000 people of India in a drive to gain their independence from British tyranny, the Kremlin masters are already casting an anxious eye in the direction of India. They are already laying the basis for their counter revolutionary intervention through the pseudo revolutionary activities of the Indian Stalinists and GPU agents! Stalin stands in unholy fear of a colonial revolution in India. Such a revolution would knock at the very doors of the Kremlin and threaten the ruling caste with immediate overthrow.
in their whitewash of the invasion.
month ago and today, our judgment of the invasion remains (Concluded from Last Issue) program of the Bolshevik Party many rests in the main upon a Elsewhere in this issue we report the details the same The significance of the collapse. not a single plank has been convulsive terror.
of the latest attempt against Trotsky. The vigil We criticised the invasion from the standpoint of the Comintern is summarized fulfilled in the Soviet Union and Hitler and his retainers are to.
of the international working class. That standas follows by the Nazis. an there can be no question of Bot day engaged ance of those guarding Trotsky in his household exploiting the quotes are from the Deutsche shevism in the Soviet Union.
succeeded in thwarting the attempt as soon as point has nothing in common with that of either Zeitung von Mexico, Sept. 12, 19 HAVE NO ILLUSIONS pact with Stalin in the face of the dissatisfied German masses it began.
warring camp, or their Social Democratic or and 28. who were opposed to ABOUT STALINISM Stalinist agents. We repudiated with contempt organizational disintegration of This complete ideological and But let us not delude ourselves: Trotsky is in The Nazis are also acquainted sia itself, they plead stands on grave personal danger. Not only is he in danger the Social Democratic call for defense in dem the Comintern has not failed to with the arguments which have our side, then do we not fight for from the Stalinist GPU assassins, but also from ocratic uniforms) of poor little Poland. We affect in turn the inner political lately been brought forth by the just cause? Thus the pact with Stalin allies, the Nazi gangsters; and from the repudiated with contempt the Stalinist alibi that developments in the Soviet Un servicerec Stadipists and people pians of German imperialism and democrats who, as the war deepens and is Stalin was liberating the occupied territories; found out that it had the value is only a bluff on the part of so to infuse in the German masses prolonged, fear more and more the spectre of the we said that the nationalization of industry and tionary support in the other viet Russia. in order ending of the war by revolution. To both the the land by the Soviet bureaucracy in the occu countries, the responsible states tate the organization of the Bolmongers. In reality, however, the camps of Hitler Stalin and Chamberlain Roose pied territories was being carried out, for one men in the Soviet Union were shevik revolution in Germany. support which the Hitler dictaleft with no other alternative in Germany there is a different torship finds in Stalin is of very velt, Trotsky represents the revolution which reason only, that the Soviet bureaucracy did not than that of liquidating Bolsheve conception such an interpreta questionable value. Just as the they would destroy.
desire to share the power with the Polish capitalism in their own country too. tion. is based only upon dis. German masses have come to un Trotsky comrades and friends are taking all ists and landlords. We called upon the workers The Nazi organ has no doubt trust as to the inner political sta derstand the genuine essence of the precautions that are humanly possible within in the occupied territories to take advantage of ism inside Russia has been con be explained by the fact that the they will also lose their illusions their means. Particularly, guard precautions the new situation, by taking the lead in destroy cluded for some time: Bolshevism sponsors of such views leave out regarding Stalin National Bolhave been increased within the household. ing the old regime, organizing factory and peas order of society, Socialism, how political and economic changes MASSES DO NOT TRUST The Fourth International does not intend that ant committees and preparing to carry through, ever, means the removal, e. the which have taken place in the EITHER OF ITS FRIENDS Trotsky, who represents the direct line of Marx jointly with the workers of the Soviet Union, withering away of the State. The Soviet Union in the last few By ordering his scriveners to of which they are now a part, the overthrow of Nazis are not deceived by the years.
ism, shall suffer the fate harided out to the old describe Stalin as a trustworthy The Nazis on the other hand, partner who has liquidated BolBolsheviks by Stalin. the Stalinist bureaucracy, Stalinist bureaucracy have past who take completely into account shevism and Socialism, Hitler at We still stand on that position, Messrs. Cham ed on; they prefer to stick to the the tremendous political and eco the same time discredits Stalin berlain and Halifax and Stalin to the contrary, nomic changes which have come in the eyes of the German mass. The State and all its institu about in the Soviet Union in the les who up to recently have looked tions such as the standing army, last few years, finally come out with hope to Moscow and secretly police, etc. had not been destroy with the following contention: listened in to the Moscow broad ed; on the contrary the Soviet Even National Socialist casts. Hitler intends to cure the Russian Army and Police are two Germany can live in undisturbed masses of their socialist hopes, very important factors in the friendship with a National Bol but he will only free them of we are asking the workers in the Bronx and power of the State. And in order shevik Russia which has given up their last illusion about Stalin Manhattan to give first place on their ballots to In the early spring of this year, we now know, that no llusion shall remain on the ideas of world revolution, has ism. The Pact may have caused Max Shachtman (Bronx) and George Lyman Hitler prepared his anti Polish military cam long ago ceased to be an instru and which fights together with sion in Germany but Hitler will Paine (Manhattan. the candidates of the anti paign; the first negotiations between Hitler and ment of the Comintern and the Germany for the destruction of not gain new confidence even war party, the Socialist Workers Party. For all Stalin in this connection began then.
banner bearer of the world revo the Versailles Diktat.
with Stalin help. In turning ag lution the following words have other councilmanic and other posts, we ask the In the early spring of this year, the Stalinist been deleted from the oath of the Sion about the true substance of are now turning at the same If the Hitler press has no illu ainst Hitler, the German masses workers of New York to vote for the candidates dominated Negrin government was still in power Red Army at the beginning of the Stalinism, it does have very time against Stalin and his clique, of the American Labor Party.
in Loyalist Spain. Suddenly, its defenses in Cat Current year: pledge myself to many illusions regarding the in The undisturbed friendship of Our support of the ALP candidates, now as in alonia collapses. The chief stronghold of the and for the brotherhood of the many and the undisturbed a hard test. The collapse of the other elections, is not based on any agreement Loyalists, Barcelona, fell without a fight. Within nations. The Red Army fights on friendship with Russia. The in one will most certainly carry the with their program. It would be more correct to a few days all of Catalonia was in the hands of the battlefields of Poland not for ner political stability of Ger other along with it.
say that we support them in spite of their proFranco. When the outright capitulationists, led the German Army, to rectify an gram. The ALP program has always been an op by Miaja and Casado, moved to take control and injustice, against British and portunist one, a patchwork of petty bourgeois make peace with Franco, the Stalinist leaders of French imperialism and for a proposals, tinged here and there with a trade un fered no resistance; they flew to safety abroad, greater Russia.
ion coloration. The ALP pro war resolution of Phenomenal Sale. One week only leaving the masses to Franco mercy.
SEE NOT TRACE OF BOLSHEVISM Oct. 4, which we have analyzed and condemned Was it a coincidence that, as Stalin was com The workers, peasants and in a series of articles, merely continues the opOLD STOCK MUST GO!
ing to terms with Hitler, Stalin hirelings were soldiers councils which are supposed to form the actual ground portunist course of the ALP. Peace time oppor abandoning the fight against fascism in Spain? work of the Soviet system, have 20 off on all books in the Labor Bookshop tunism is the fountain head of war time chauv We did not then know the facts about the secret been successfully eliminated for Here is a partial list of the buys: inism.
agreement with Hitler; although we then pre 15 years and in 1937 they were finally liquidated with the re inWhy, then, do we call upon the workers to dicted a pact between them. But even then we troduction of Soviet foreign inLEON TROTSKY History of the Russian Revolution (3. 00) 30 vote for the ALP candidates. Because the ALP were able accurately to characterize Stalin role terest.
in Spain: a deliberate betrayal of the Spanish aboished in the Soviet Union. Of Nor has the officialdom been is the organized expression on the political field LEON TROTSKY Third International after Lenin (1. 50)
of a major group of trade unions. We want to working class.
ficials are not elected by the LEON TROTSKY see the trade unions and other workers organiz The Stalinists indignantly denied it then. But workers, as the Bolshevik pro Stalin School of Falsification (2. 50) 00 ations organize their own party, a Labor Party, now?
gram calls for, but appointed DANIEL GUERIN by superior bodies of the State. Fascism and Big Business 00 independent of and opposed to the capitalist parThey receive not the pay of the ties, and within the arena of the Labor Party a LEON TROTSKY Heywood Bround, columnist and president of the worker, as Socialism propagates, Whither England (2. 00) 60 but have on the contrary, the struggle of programs for the working class can American Newspaper Guild, denied he is, or ever be carried on far more concertedly than today LEON TROTSKY has been a member of the Communist party. Gad! very same and even greater privileges than the officialdom in old In Defense of Terrorism (1. 50)
Think of the dues he cheated that party out of! 20 The bigger the vote for the ALP, the more Czarist Russia LENIN would the workers be encouraged to insist that Cast distinction and cast conCollected Works (8 Vol. 95 30 their unions join in the formation of a nationSocialist Appeal flicts have not been abolished in Reduction in pamphlets of Modern Age, Penguin, Fact, 116 University Place the Soviet Union. They are perwide Labor Party and others New York City.
haps not greater, but in no case Labor Party, to have any meaning, must be smaller than in other countries.
Special reduction in Marx Engels Library and other books. would like to get better acquainted with The Nazi paper substantiates based on the trade unions. That is why, in the Payment must accompany all orders.
your paper, the Socialist Appeal. Please send this contention by taking up Add 3c per book for postage.
present fight between the pro. Ally and prome sample copies for the next few weeks. wage policy in the Soviet Union Hitler Stalin camps in the ALP, we recognize and concludes We have here Name the pro Ally camp the leadership of the needle differences in income from 3, 000 Labor Bookshop Address up to 300, 000 rubles.
116 University Place trades unions as the official representatives of And after all these facts have New York City the ALP. They have with them the overwhelm City been enumerated we get this reassuring balance sheet: of the ing majority of the trade unions affiliated to the American Labor Party In the New York City councilmanie elections Why Catalonia Fell. 75 shall return to what colonial movement. 00