BourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismDemocracyFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismImperialist WarLeninMarxMarxismSocialismSovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSWorking Class

Democratic Feudalists and the Independence of the Ukraine the emis higher historical By LEON TROTSKY By JOHNSON In Kerensky periodical. No independence cannot fail to of the Ukraine to the interests of vaya Rossia for July 12, 1939, arouse the ire of feudalists. The the international proletariat it (Continued from Last Issue)
Workers Stand Ready my article on the independence of question of how this revolution they came into conflict with one (Special to the Poolalist Appeal) spend a few dollars on leaflets o: Negroes! On Guard against FLINT, Mich. Oct. 24 Indica other means of publicity, are now the Ukraine (printed in Socialist (the national Ukrainian revolu another. But there is no sign evtions of a brewing battle between rushing ahead without any conTo Fight Company Appeal, May 9, 1989) is subjected tion) will be utilized by Hitler en of such a conflict. The Ukraine The New Stalinist Line Stalinist forces in the United Au cern whatever for the manifest to a criticism of its own kind. for the realization of his plans is being strangled by the very If James Ford is asked why he and Browder spent five years tomobile Workers Union and the confusion that has swept the By Strike Action From the standpointof socialist, is not touched by Trotsky. The same Bonapartist reaction that scientific, literary, etc. criteria, gentlemen of Novaya Rossia strangles the whole of the persuading the American workers that their future lay with Roose Lewis machine became evident in plants.
velt and the New Deal, he will lie like a trooper in reply. No people Flint this week, as the issue of a Vigilance Necessary Novaya Rossia is of course of consider that the separation of and undermines its capacity in history ever led like the Stalinists. But the real reason for Ford Chevrolet strike uncovered grow strike under these conditions. Continued from Page 1)
no interest at all. But it possess the Ukraine will lead to the mili for self defense. The Ukrainian democratie front is this.
ing animosity between the opposed by Thomas and in feeder plants and in the rubber es this merit, that it enables one tary weakening of the revolutionary movement aimed Whereas Lenin and Trotsky always said, How can we beat help groupe.
Lewis, led by Stalinist flunkeys and glass industries.
The Stalinist forces, typically and other incompetents, pulled as Top Officials of the the workers Russia and all over the world, for we are all one, union Russian middle and petty bour. conclusion that Trotsky politics racynist the Breep artist bureau Stalin, Ford master today says, How can use the workers to inconsiderate of the needs of the a political maneuver, will not suc agreed to modify their original geols democrats. Scratch any of serve Hitler. The same opinion is ternational revolutionary prolehelp me and my burocrats preserve our wealth and power? rank and file workers, and with ceed in settling the host of seri demand for a union shop. The them hard enough and you will held also by the Kremlin. Great tariat.
minds run in the same gutter, The far sighted democratic In 1935, he was trying to get an alliance with Britain and France out adequately preparing the ous problems now confronting the union shop requires only that find a feudalist.
The periodical fumes over the reads a French proverb.
feudalists are very much concernBut the reactionary imperialisms didn want to make an alliance action in Flint Chevrolet plants. Once however they are in acquired to join the union within a fact that wholeheartedly and Let us grant that the separa ea lest Hitler utilize some time in over the world. Stop being revolutionary. Be good lovers of de Thomas and other Lewis men file of the union will sweep ahead, corporation Matly rejected this ot the Ukrainian people in their weaken the What to do revolution. They close their eyes Ford started on their democratic career. How their paper and Board of the UAW CIO, and Bonsible leaders, and they sheer The original demand of the un. Independence. The separation of ciple of the self determination of today is utilizing the suppression their speeches used to stink! They fawned all over the boots of without adequate preparation of weight of their numbers and milion for the setting Franklin Roosevelt, the same Roosevelt who now jails Browder the ranks of the union itancy, manage to hold together standards by joint committees doesn embarass Trotsky at ibly retains within its boundaries Ukrainian nation.
and who may well jail Ford tomorrow. Every other column in the Growing Discontent In contrast to Messrs. Demothe union and force concessions has been whittled down by the all. Absolutely so! As regards some other nationality considers Discontent has been brewing from the cere must be aware of place an Stalinist papers whooped it up for DR. Ali who were for corporation. In its stead they Messrs. Democrats, they are not that the separation of the latter crats of the Menshevik and Nar: were ea re he Na her and the Urban League. Suddenly these Negro as the Stalinist leadership, to the new political turn of the lined with yards of red tape: pro separation of the emergine the her annexed the Czechs and seminare there come beast more poor ambiguous proposal only embarassed but deeply would weaken the state in eco odnik variety, we do not at all of.
proceed from the embraced by the Stalinists, and transformed over night into leaders who sold the offices, have allowed their attempts to provoke pre by the corporation; in case of democratic use of an oppressed annexed his love andis precisely mheerful than the cat. Hitler of the American Negro workers the company to pile up moun mature strikes, or other irrespon complaint they are investigated nationality to gain its completely strengthening of Germany. tion to the Ukraine in particular, strength in general, and in relaThe Workers Alliance, led by David Lasser and controlled by tain of unsettled grievances, init sible actions, without adequate by Stalinists, became one of the most reactionary organizations in the late speed up and discriminate preparation committee; if satisfaction is not voted overwhelmingly for strike. Where does the criterion of our lies not in himself but in the country. It stifled the militancy of the workers and reached its final against union men.
Who win Lead: degeneration when it made Eleanor Roosevelt an honorary member. While the Stalinists were folLewis, Thomas and his aides the dispute is to be thrown into ed the Dodge plant. This is a ion of Hitler? As regards the na worthlewness and rottenness of How in the name of God could a workers organization, designed to lowing their proRoosevelt line, are not to be depended upon eith the regular grievance machinery, strike the corporation cannottion or the Ukrainians, the demo democracy, in the decomposition lead the starving unemployed against a chiseling capitalist govern. and Stalin, the Big Boss, was er to lead the battles of the auto There is undoubtedly a conces: break once it gets under way. crats of Novaya Rossin follow fonts. Stond and Third interna illusiondecline member? Strikers may as well ask the boss wife to come and be branded every attempt at mill agents of Hitler Stalin, Lewis is ation officials previously labelled ficialdom of the union under preserat Millukov are perhaps ready among the masses. The triumph an honorary member of the picket line.
cists and as a maneuver design mongering Roosevelt and the Al voice in production schedules. and even the war department will the Ukrainians are by and ant revolutionary movement in Acted against the Class Struggle ed to embarrass Roosevelt. lied camp. Neither of these lead vietization.
yield what it should gain before lihood a nation, but after all tionary Ukrainian movement is general in 11 like any country will sound the knelt for Hitler. The national revoluThe Stalinists were simply killing the class struggle, as they had Now, however, that Stalin has ers will lead the workers in And now the corporation is the strike ever gets in motion there are limits. In other words, killed it in France and in Spain, and for the same reason to help waved his magic wand, and has vigorous fight against speed up, holding out on the demand that if they are a nation, it is a sec. an integral part of the mighty ond class one inasmuch as the being molecularly prepared un Stalin get his alliance with Britain, France, and America. For the ordered his funkeys revolutionary wave which is now American workers, and for the American Negroes, the staliniste Roosevelt and lend aid to the Hit the crucial fight to maintain un signed instead of separate agree TRIES TO ENTER ler Stalin camp, these self same loniam conflicts with American ments for each plant. They use as fate of the Ukraine must be de derneath the crust of triumphant didn care a damn.
Stalinist robots, with a little participation in the war. a pretext a technicality in the TROTSKY HOME termined by the Naturally, to be able to influence the workers at all, the Stalin concern for the workers needs, The automobile manufacturers ruling. This after the Russia, e. the Great Russian reaction. That is why we say: majority. And this is precisely Ukraine. Continued from Page 1)
Long Live Independent Soviet ing this show, their main business in life was to act in such a way action, and daunting defiance is to smash the auto wnions and per strated in the elections, point the police arrested Barre tie nie point the chauvinistic August 5, 1939 as to give the capitalists the following impression: the face of the International Ex paration for war production. called on company insistence, chena. We are not real reds any more. See how we restrain the workecutive Board of the UAW CIO. Greedy for the profits that will that In the sad and sorry days of had the allegiance of 80 Barrechena attempts to pass as erg. See how we praise DR. Make the alliance with Stalin and you. That action is needed to settle come with orders for war mater percent of the workers.
a Spaniard from Malaga, but the February revolution, the Procan depend upon us to keep the workers quiet. If war comes we the pile of grievances, and stop lals, these manufacturers want In the yielding attitude of fails to conceal his Central Amer vislonal Government brazenly re 1939 Bound Volumes shall get them into it much more quickly and efficiently than you the speed up in the Flint plants nothing more than to smash un Thomas, Frankensteen and the ican pronunciation. He had no fused to extend to the Ukrainof can.
is true without a doubt. There is ionism.
other negotiators of the union, papers of any kind or personal sans not only independence the the rank The Stalinist rank and filler didn know that this was the real considerable stirring The Stalinist irresponsible poll there is a great danger for the belongings. He had a Pan Amer Ukrainians did not demand this soCIALIST APPEAL meaning of the policy. Ford and Browder knew all right. and file, and demand for a fight. cies will only lead workers into Chrysler workers. There is now a ican Airways schedule on him, at that time as yet but also But thinks didn go well in Europe from Stalin point of velw. That a strike is necessary is be the trap set by the corporations, move on foot, initiated by gov and a scribbled note listing the mere autonomy. Messrs. Demo now ready!
Britain and France wouldn agree to his territorial expansion in without preparing the ground, have picked a moment when the ey, to return Dodge workers to is believed here that he was the nights of the theraine like bort 52 (for the time being. The two made their bargain, and Stalin, as without acquainting the men with unions are none too well prepar the plant and resume work durHitler ally, dropped all his talk about Russia and the democ calling a mass meeting to inspire The speed up can be ended only tions, it is conservatively said. Trotsky, assigned to make a pre parture the interests of the old hand survey of the historic ing negotiations. These negotia organize the assassination of rect and immediate point of de: bound together.
Have a first racles fighting against fascist aggression.
the workers in the plants, have by struggle.
Here was a fine mess for the Stalinists to be in. All they could pushed through a strike vote that must have. But to struggle you can drag out for at least three liminary survey of the possibi. Great Russian masters of the events of this year right at your landlord, bourgeois and demo elbow.
do was to double back, put a good brass face on it, and start sup has little real meaning, except pare your army. Mobilize the un ing this time the corporation will weapons! First pre weeks. and probably more. Durities.
In a similar incident recently. cratic type. Today they are tran( 00 including postage)
porting the Hitler Stalin Pact. They had to or they would have been as a mechanical device to launch ion. Inspire the ranks. Once this stall the union negotiators until a man with a package attempted slating the very same great and called Trotskyists. They would have been abused, expelled and cal. an adventuristic and badly organ is done, no force on earth can they are green around the gills to enter Trotsky house, saying storious tradition into the langumniated. But though they now have to support Hitler, who at ized action.
stop the advance of the auto And meanwhile they will speed that he had been sent by General Masrom the muchas ORDER NOW FROM: present is doing most of the fighting in the Hitler Stalin combinaThe fighting forces in Fint can workers. To try to give battle be hell out of the workers in the Mugica with fertilizer for the tion, they are supporting him in a very clever way. They are prais easily be routed. Their back fore you have a well knit army pants to complete their 1940 pro garden. While the secretary standpoint, namely from the Socialist Appeal ing Stalin of course. That they have to do, or out they go on their ground of militancy has proved on the field will mean defeat. gram. Then the union can whis checked over the telephone, Gen standpoint of the socialist revo116 UNIVERSITY PLACE heads into the street. It would be difficult, however, actually to sup that the auto workers will rise What is needed is genuine ac tle for its agreement. eral Mugica denying any knowl. Jution, it would be quite possible New York City, port Hitler openly. So what they do is to carry on a vicious cam in a short time, when given the tion, not an adventure. wary There is no reason in the world edge of the man, the suspect fled to subordinate for a certain perpaign against Hitler enemies, the democracles. The more they slightest chance to learn the is eye should be kept on the gen for the UAW CIO to be euchred before police could apprehend iod of time the national interests embarrass the democracies. the more they help Hitler, and, as sues involved, and when they feel erals who order an advance pre out of its just demands, Chrysler him.
they see it, the more they help Hitler, the stronger is Hitler ally, they have an organization behind maturely. They are probably in must meet competition with Gen. There are numerous other india Stalin.
service of the enemy.
eral Motors and Ford, It must cations that the various camps Hence, this strange spectacle of Ford in Harlem bellowing But the conservative bureauplace cars in the hands of its hostile to Trotsky are seeking against the war, calling it war of two imperialist groups (which crats and the Stalinist leaders, dealers, who are already howling ways and means of putting him it undoubtedly is. and saying that his purpose and the purpose of who have spent the past several under squeeze of the competition out of the way. The need for conhis party is Let the People save the Negroes from westing their blood and live months trying to insure their own On the other hand, Chrysler stant guard precautions within in a quarrel not their own (which is certainly not Ford purpose. salaries, who have hesitated to Vote on War!
workers are more than ready to the household has been reinforced This two faced scoundrel was no more thinking of Negroes welfare fight. Every Chrysler local has by this latest incident.
than in the days when he was trying to shepherd them into the democratic front and send them fighting against Hitler on behalf NEW YORK PARTY of the Moscow bureaucrats.
PREPARES BANG UP Judas Re Born Leading the fight for the six hour day and the thirty hour THE MARXIST SCHOOL take advantage of the machine EFFICIENCY which has been deThere have been many Judases in the world, since the first and CLIMAX TO DRIVE veloped today. Continued from Page 1)
most famous one. Negroes have produced their fair share. But of all announces its FALL TERM COURSES million signatures to evidence wide support for the thirty thirty the criminal specimens on that dirty list, you will have to search must fight side by side with the to be held at the Cultural Center, Room 201, 125 West 33rd St. plan.
far before you meet one like Ford, a Negro, brought up in the South, Young Peoples Socialist League The Manifesto declares: knowing what his people suffer. And yet in August 1939, this traitor for: Classes Begin Monday, November 2011 is telling Negroes to fight for democracy and in September he peoples vote before war can HOW CAPITALISM OPERATES TODAY telling them to keep America out of war. And all the time he using be declared.
Frank Demby WHEN. them to serve the interests of the Moscow murderers of revolution lowering of the voting age to Mondays 7:15 8:40 Public and Private INDUSTRIAL Policy has entirely failed to Sessions, 00 18 years to permit the youth, who aries and organizers of frame up trials.
take advantage advantage of the machi NCY has course in Applied Marxian economics, dealing with such matters as the basic been developed today.
But as the Stalinists so lovingly used to call him, and will be called upon to fight in causes of the breakdown of the automatic processes of the business cycle, war Murphy allowed Ford and Browder plenty of democracy so long war, to vote on war.
and Intiation, economies under a fascist system, the economics of the farm The Farm Control Policy of with holding the full FECUNDITY of NATURE has the same inherent WEAKNESS.
problem, etc. etc.
talking about imperialist war on both sides and impeding transference of the two billion as the supported American imperialism. But the moment they start stead of NYA handouts, and the THIS COMMON FAULT IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE RIDICmobilization for America imperialist war against Hitler, then they dollar war budget to provide SOCIALISM AND WAR Max Shachiman ULOUS ECONOMIC SITUATION WHERE IN WE HAVE PEOget a real test of the democracy which for the last five years they youth with jobs and a chance to PLE STARVING IN THE MIDST OF PLENTY; OF PEOPLE GOMondays 8:50 10:15 Sessions, 00 so powerfully supported, Franklin jails his old friend Earl.
ING THREAD BARE AND RAGGED IN THE MIDST OF THE live, instead of guns and death.
Beginning with the great wars and revolutions of the last century this course Negroes! Put not your trust in princes, melther in nor in will proceed to a consideration of the theoretic and practical problems of today.
GREATEST INDUSTRIAL SURPLUS EVER KNOWN. democracy. nor in anything else except the organized Support Teachers Demands What are just wars? How can the social conquests of the Soviet Union be de Over production, it is called, but it is not over production at all, force of the working class movement, black and white. And the or the Joint Committee of Teachfended? Why do Marxists condemn pacifism? How should we act in the present but UNDER CONSUMPTION.
Negroes should feed with a very long spoon a political party that ers Organizations, comprising between 1936 and 1939 spent its time telling them to trust in 40, 000 New York school teach war situation UNDER CONSUMPTION, because the greatest market in the World, the Consuming American Public, is in need of Money. democracy.
ers, Shachtman and Paine de3. THE DESTINY OF THE NEGRO Johnson The Negroes must beware the Stalinists when they come nounced all attempts to cut the The Generosity of Nature could be developed to its fullest ex6 Sessions, 00 tent, and the Machines in all of the MILLS and FACTORIES could whining that Browder has been made a martyr on account of his school budget and called upon This course will trace the history of the Negro peoples from their enslavement to struggle against imperialist war. If Browder is a martyr, he a the teachers to rally against any be working twenty four hours every day, creating National Basic their present struggle for emancipation and equality. The chief solutions for the Wealth, and the American People could have money to buy EVmartyr to his own crooked support of Roosevelt democracy dur attempt to cut their salaries.
Negro problem will be examined.
ERYTHING PRODUCED, If that WEALTH were more equitably ing the last five years. If Browder is a martyr, he a martyr to In reply to the City Affairs distributed amongst the men and women WHO ACTUALLY PROHitler war, which he trying to win for the sake of Hitler ally. Committee and the League of ELEMENTS OF SOCIALIST THEORY AND PRACTICE DUCE WEALTH.
Stalin. If Browder is a martyr, he a martyr for the sake of Stalin Women Voters, both candidates bloated bureaucracy. But that slick double crosser is certainly no sdated their support of the plan Tuesdays 8:50 10:15 Sessions, 00 There are to day approximately 12, 700, 000 Workers employed at a course designed to suit the needs of young people and those in the labor move44 hours per week, and 10, 600, 000 Workers unemployed.
cialism step toward ridding the city of meent who seek an understanding of basic principles.
There is expended every week 1, 878, 800, 000 work hours.
So when Ford comes around putting across his sorrowful tale petty grafters and corrupt sine5. ORGANIZING AMERICAN LABOR about Browder suffering for democratic rights and as an anti war cures, many of whom thrive on Frank By working every body but THIRTY HOURS PER WEEK, there would be 62, 600, 000 jobs available, which would put everyone Highter, the Negroes will tell him to go and tell that tale in Moscow, what they extort from the poor. Wednesdays 7:15 8:40 Sessions, 00 to work and leave several MILLION JOBS open for our SCHOOL All workers will oppose Roosevelt interfering with the working Shachtman and Paine endorsed First hand accounts of the great strike struggles in the recent past, close ups AND COLLEGE GRADUATES each year.
class movement on any pretext whatever. But that does not in any the fight against the Lyons ResiWHEN the American Public forsakes its tolerance and DEway mean that we shall cease to expose Ford, Browder, Stalin and dence Bill, of leading trade union personalities, analyses of current trade union events by which, they stated, one who personally participated in many of the great organiing drives of MANDS that the THIRTY HOUR WEEK be made mandatory under all their works.
discriminates against many the last few years.
the LAW, and says so at the Polls and to the LAW MAKERS, then And at the same time also let us, as vigilant revolutionary work workers of long service in the va. we will have adopted the PRACTICAL SOLUTION FOR UNEM ers, not be taken in by the democracy fakers, with their ballynot rious city departments. THE WAR DEAL IN ACTION James Burnham Dwight Macdonald PLOYMENT about agents of a foreign power. Negroes and white workers will Initiating the windup to the not lose two winks of sleep about foreign powers, except in so far campaign will be two outdoor Wednesdays 8:50 10:15 Sessions, 00 DO YOUR BIT. SIGN THIS PLEDGE SHEET AND INDUCE as we can help the workers in a foreign country to overthrow that mass rallies this Saturday eveLectures on the week by week developments in American politics. Consideration OTHERS TO SIGN IT ALSO.
foreign power. We know only two powers the imperialists on the ning at which both candidates will be given to such matters as Congressional legislation, Day plans, developThere is no TIME LIMIT short of our goal, which is ONE ments in the business world in relation to the war, etc.
one hand, and the workers, farmers and oppressed colonials on the will speak MILLION SIGNATURES IN NEW YORK CITY, AND FORTY other.
Franklin, who jails his old friend Earl, belongs to one camp.
In the Bronx, candidate Max MILLION SIGNATURES IN THE ENTIRE UNITED STATES Many of Earl followers belong to our camp, and that is why we Shachtman, George Clarke and Registrations now being taken at the Labor Bookshop, 116 University Place, Yours for a SIX HOUR DAY, THIRTY HOUR WEEK.
protest when Franklin jails his old pal, Earl. But we have to make others will feature the mass ralN. from p. to p. on. Registration can also be made by mail to the IKE WOODWARD, Chairman it very clear that our protest on behalf of Browder is in reality on ly at Tremont and Prospect Ave school office, 116 University Placc. Prospective students are urged to register Educational Committee, behalf of his misguided followers and the rights of the workers as nues.
early, Local Union No. 3, a whole. That protest doesn in any way make us mitigate, but In Manhattan, candidate Paine International Brotherhood leads us rather to intensify our denunciation of his corrupt and will speak between Lexington of Electrical Workers.
poisonous politics.
and Third Avenues on 86th St.
130 25th St.