Bolshevik PartyBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarDemocracyEngelsFascismFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismImperialist WarItalyLeninMarxMarxismMussoliniPrivate PropertyRussian RevolutionSocialismSovietSpainStalinTrotskyURSSViolenceWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

SOCIALIST APPEAL TUESDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1939 New Anti. War Pamphlet Labor and the Second World War APREAL. ARMY By Johnson гасу.
Re 3 1 2 1 11 bill ever since. Let the people vote against the war! Let the India Masses Want Action, Not Stop Gap Compromises (Continued from Page 1)
The writer ended his analysis with a program of action. Transform the present imperialist war into civil war is the only correct proletarian slogan. However difficult such a transformation may appear at any given time Socialists will never relinquish systematic, persistent, undeviating, preparatory work in this direction, since war has become a fact. Long live the international fraternity of the workers against the chauvinism and patriotism of the bourgeoisie of all countries!
This was Lenin, the great follower of Marx and Engels.
the founders of scientific socialism.
Imperialist War and Proletarian Revolution But the war of 1914 1918 settled nothing. It could settle nothing. It could re divide but it could not increase. Only the discovery of a continent with a few hundred million natives could save imperialism from a crisis that was now permament.
And, as in the colonial sphere, so in Europe.
The Treaty of Versailles reshuffled boundaries, but national states remained. Even under capitalism the productive forces had attained a high degree of internationalism.
The war had shown that what was now needed was the reorganization of world economy by an international cooperative plan instead of on a national competitive basis. What else could prevent the periodical explosions of rival national economies into devastating imperialist war? But private ownership of the means of production was the basis of the national state. The abolition of private ownership was a political task, and could be accomplished only by the socialist revolution of the working class. It was for these reasons that Lenin characterized the period in which we live as the period of imperialist wars and proletarian revolutions.
In one great country, Russia, the workers and peasants, under the leadership of the Bolshevik Party, well educated and prepared by Lenin, overthrew the capitalist system.
They transformed the basic industries from private into collectivised property, and boldly set out upon the road to socialism. The workers in Germany, Austria, and Czechoslovakia swept away their monarchical governments and established democratic republics but they failed to abolish the capitalist system of property. The new Russian economy was thereby left isolated. In the rest of the world, the national state, private property and the oppressed colonial countries, in other words all the pre war dynamite, remained. The imperialists were thus faced with the same problem as before the accumulation of profit, the need for investment, and a world that obstinately remained the same size as it had been in 1914. Their post war plight was now more desperate than ever, for the example of the Russian Revolution stimulated the militancy of the workers in Europe and unleashed revolutionary movements in India, China, Palestine, Egypt and other colonial countries.
The Imperialists Try Fascism method of temporarily solving one phase of the difficulty was discovered by the Italjan capitalists. They subsidized Mussolini, who attacked the workers movements with armed bands. The leaders of the labor aristocracy, flourishing as members of parliament and trade union bureaucrats, would not lead the workers to the only way outthe revolutionary struggle for socialism. The workers were defeated and terrorized. Deprived of their trade unions and thei democratic rights, they were powerless resist wage cuts, and increased hours. Thus for a time fascism stifled the pressure of the working class on the capitalist system.
But for a time only. The powers maintained an unstable equilibrium until 1929, when the world crisis once more showed the bankruptcy of the capitalist system. Britain.
France, Belgium and Holland could maintain democracy at home only by squeezing their colonies still more. The colonials replied with fierce uprisings, which though unsuccessful, weakened still more the unstable system. Germany and Austria had no colonials to squeeze. The German capitalists followed Mussolini example and subsidized Hitler and his fascist bands. The German workers failed to resist, their movement was destroyed, here also, as in Italy, with the connivance of the democratic government. With the workers crushed, Hitler was free to begin the rearmament of Germany.
In 1931 Japanese capitalists were seeking to solve their crisis by the absorption of China. In 1935 Mussolini launched his attack on Ethiopia. Another great war for democracy was on the order of the day Once More Imperialist War Britain and France, leading lights of the eLague of Nations, took no serious steps against either Japan or Italy The League was only a means of protecting their own possessions and organizing support for their own defense. By 1938 Hitler began to expand over Eastern Europe, first into Austria, next in Czechoslovakia. Hitler and Mussolini helpe destablish fascism in Spain. Britain and France.
with their workers hostile at home and their colonies on the verge of revolution, could only retreat, offer appeasement, and try to bargain with Hitler for what they called a general settlement. Britain had helped in the rearmament of Germany, hoping to push Hitler into an attack on the Soviet Union. But the plan miscarried. Instead, Hitler accepted for the moment an alliance with Stalin.
The very practical gentlemen who rule Britain and France care nothing for poor little Poland, for democracy (which was destroyed in Spain with their tacit assist ance. for the JJews whom Hitler murdered for anything they talk so much about. But if Germany, allied to the Soviet Union, conquered Poland and was allowed to digest its conquests, then British imperialism, its markets, RECORD OF BRANCH The new branch in Streator, APPEAL SALES I11. hopes to be able to continue On the whole the branches conto dispose of 15 copies regularly, tinued to dispose of their regular though advising us that not havquotas of the Socialist Appeal, ing a regular place to meet creand in several instances have ates certain difficulties.
Likewise the comrades in Houscolonies and profits were in mortal danger. Chamberlain and Roosevelt, like every other capitalist statesman, knew extra quantities on special occa ton, Texas and other localities put aside his umbrella, picked up his rifle, and marched for onlyone way out imperialist war.
sions, such as mass meetings, continue quietly dispose effectFor an immediate issue he didn have to look far. Japan, meetings, etc.
drives, ward as the leader in the second great war for democstreetively of both the paper and the magazine.
long a rival of American imperialism for the great Chinese Several cities do quite well with An order has been placed for American Capitalism and the First World War market, began a large scale war in China and served notice subscriptions, but by and large scoples regularly by in on all other capitalists to keep out. In close cooperation weak spot, due to a variety of in New Haven Lyons has While the European imperialisms scrambled in Asia and with Japan, Germany and Italy, using cheap goods wrung circumstances, some controllable taken over the work of literature Africa, American capitalism prospered. The elasticity of a out of their defeated workers at home, were pushing into and some not agent and writes they are confiyoun gand vigorous capitalism, the extent and wealth of that special preserve of American imperialism, Latin Amer subscriptions have been entered bundle orders, as well as obtainSince our last record, 27 new dent shortly of increasing the the United States, gave American capitalists the illusion ica. Listen then to Franklin Roosevelt at Chicago in Octo. and 11 renewals. New York City ing new subscriptions for both that this was God own country, immune from Europe her, 1937, speaking to the startled people of America: with six new subscriptions and publications.
troubles. But they, too, felt the need for colonies, and took three renewals and Lynn, Mass. As reported before, the Oaksome away fro mSpain, before the Twentieth Century be Let the People Vote Against the War with four new subscriptions turn land comrades have been very gan. And they began their struggle to dominate Latin Am Innocent peoples and nations are being cruelly sacried in the best week job in this successful in selling the paper at field.
meetings. Recently Comrade erica, shouldering aside here Britain and Germany, and ficed. The peace loving nations. Those who cherish The record of the cities since M, Literature Agent, together their freedom. the sanctity of international treaties.
week is as follows: with another comrade sold 50 encountered Japan and other rivals in the Far East, international morality. moral consciousness.
copies at single Ham and During the 1914 1918 war, American capitalists made When a democratic statesman shouts hosannahs to Branch New newal Egga meeting.
billions selling supplies and munitions, chiefly to the de peace and international law, then the imperialist war is not New York City Lennie Saunders has become Lynn, Mass.
the new literature agent in Phil mocracies, who controlled the seas. When the democrafar off.
St. Paul. adelphia and is taking steps for cies could no longer pay cash, American capitalists inSan Francisco. In our time peace is merely a period of preparation for increased sales.
vested vast fortunes in credits to them. But by 1917 the Chicago The Newark, organization war. The moment was drawing near, the preparations had Oakland to be accelerated on all fronts. democracie swere in danger of being defeated, imperilling continues to dispose regularly of Cleveland its large quantity.
American investments. Furthermore, the whole of AmeriLos Angeles Roosevelt set out on his war mongering career.
In Allentown, Pa. Comrade can economy was no wgeared to the production of war maOmaha disposes of several copies regterial for the democracies. German victory would Late in 1937 Congressman Louis Ludlow managed to Toledo uiarly at the unemployed gathSeattle erings mean immense losses abroad and a desperate crisis at home.
get his proposed amendment to the Constitution discharged Connecticut from the Judiciary Committee where it had been collecting Newark The America ncapitalists gave their orders to Woodrow One of our comrades speaking al a high school in Reading, Pa Wilson, and he, elected but five months before as the man dust for almost three years to the floor of the House. This Phila.
acquainted many persons there called for a referendum vote among all the people before Peekskilt who kept us out of war, led America into the trenches.
for the first time with our literaDenver ture.
to make the world safe for democracy and the investwar could be declared by the United States government Sacramento In Pittsburg Comrade has ments of American capital, against another country. The Ludlow amendment is not been doing well in obtaining new revolutionary measure; even if passed it cannot by itself Total. 27 readers The Economic Crisis of 1929 stop war. But it does give the people an opportunity to. few branches made cuts in PROMPT PAYMENTS The exhaustion of European imperialism and the vast express at least an opinion on whether millions should he the regular bundle orders, but ON BUNDLES VITAL Again it must be emphasized profits made from the war enormously increased America cut short in their prime. vote against the war might be quickly made up these losses that prompt bundle payments financial power. This wealth had to find a field for invest a preliminary to more effective means of stopping it.
Local Cleveland decided to cut and liquidation of large outstandits order for the time being to 40 ing bills is imperative, in order ment the perpetual preoccupation of capitalism. Because Franklin Roosevelt, war monger, opposed the amend copies, since outdoor meetings to avoid an extremely criticat altthey had to invest somewhere, American capitalists invested ment. Under heavy pressure by the President, the House cannot now be held, and this was uation for our Press. Several in Europe, bankrupt as it was, as well as in Latin America refused, by a vote of 209 to 188, even to discuss it. The the means for selling the paper branches are now taking up with and the Far East. For a time imperialism on a world scale close vote shows that the congressmen were aware of the In Portland, Ore. our comrade for paying up their back bills.
seemed to prosper as never before. But it was an artificial strong sentiment among the people in its favor. In the very continues to do very well in sell. But special emphasis must be prosperity: prosperity under capitalism means accumula week the vote was taken, a Gallup poll showed 75 of the ing a bundle of the Socialist Appleaed on the task of getting aftion of rofits and accumulation of profits means a necessity people in favor of the amendment. That was why many among his trade union contacts. expired.
pal and The New International ter the subscriptions which have for further expansion. Expansion where? In 1929 the sys dared not vote against it.
tem crashed again, and this time as never before.
Franklin Roosevelt, war monger, has bitterly fought the In no country was the crisis worse than in America. By 1932 the unemployed numbered at least seventeen million people decide! No, says Franklin Roosevelt, war monger, Whereas Britain underwent a slow decline over more than half a century, American capitalism plunged downward Fight at the Drop of a Hat hal fthe distance in one year and, today, after nine years, On February 4, 1938, through Admiral Leahy, chief of gives no sign of recovery. Such is the violence of capitalist naval operations, Franklin Roosevelt, war monger, outdisintegration in our time.
lined before the House Committee, and to the world, his Whatever the Desire of Gandhi, the Masses blueprint for war. note was sent to Japan heralding the New Deal Into War Deal Have No Faith in Parliamentary Debate naval race.
Roosevelt was elected in 1932 as the man to solve the On Februar 17, 1938, Franklin Roosevelt, war monger, crisis. Vain hope! By an adroit combination of relief, gov called a secret meeting of the great financial, industrial, BULLETIN chief done is very real. The ernment expenditures, and demagogy, he impressed the and newspaper lords, the heads of the army and navy The Madras Congress Ministry. Working (executive) Committee people. Profiting by the slight alleviation of the world cri the real rulers of this country. At Chicago it was all peace with a 152 to 23 vote of approval has passed a mild resolution. It on the part of the Madras Legissti affords scope for repairing sis, he was reelected in 1936 by the enthusiastic vote of a and international morality, but now, when these high up lative Assembly, resigned today the blunder.
hopeful but deluded people. But one year later another gangsters were speaking not to the public, but to one an. Oct. 27. in accordance with in Will the British public realize catostrophic convulsion, the sharpest drop in American his other, you could have closed your eyes and imagined your ist Congress. This is the first of persist in the hypnotic belief that tory, demonstrated finally to those who still needed proof self in Rome or Berlin. Said Roosevelt, This nation used others to come.
the India Office can never err: that American capitalism was, like the rest of the world, in to be ready to fight at the drop of a hat and we must get it speaking in the British Parlia their milk cow? can only say permanent crisis.
that way again.
ment, added an enormous amount that the Congress will not rest Four million workers organized into the CIO; for the On February 24, Franklin Roosevelt, war monger, asked or fuel to the fire of revolt now and will give no rest until the first time hundreds of thousands of Negroes entered the the New York up state WPA for lists of unmarried men spreading throughout India, by a goal is won. Its very existence organized labor movement; sit down strikes followed one on home or work relief. He did not hide why he wanted tary and police terror against In suit of this goal which is no less another in quick succession the American workers were the lists. It was to get the men into the army.
dian nationalists.
than the complete independence learning from their brothers in Europe. Here was danger, On March 5, Franklin Roosevelt, war. monger, anof India.
Passivity Won Do nounced plans for a war alliance with the Latin American For the time being, the burning This statement is a combinastates.
question of India and its demand tion of cajoling and threatening.
for independence, has been shift. But the emphasis is clearly on Marxism In Our Times On March 26, 1938, the war situation sharpened in Eured to the British Parliament now the desire to capitulate before one. No European nation, no three European nations, could meeting in London, the center of the British, if only they will give by Leon Trotsky attack us, could send across the ocean three or four million the British Empire. There the the Indian bosses a few bones and soldiers and all the supplies they would need. Roosevelt point on the war agenda and is to The fact that Gandhi instead AN INTRODUCTION TO: knows this as well as anybody else, but he seized the op be discussed this week.
portunity to increase the naval budget. In 1934 it was desires of the Indian masses to ers and peasants of India behind This shift does not reflect the mobilizing the 375, 000, 000 work.
of preparing for mass action and 290, 000, 000. Early in 1938 he had it up to 1, 00, 000, 000. whom the only relevant factor is the Congress. sends Now he added an extraordiany appropriation, making a the need for launching an immessages proves this. At home, 200 page abridgement of the first volume of Kar!
total of 2, 121, 000, 000. For the army the budget was mediate, mass struggle against where the real fight is, the Gandthe bloody Imperialism that rules hists urge the Marx CAPITAL, including a brilliant exposition of 500, 000, 000 the fundamental principles of Marxism in the light of over them. But it is the direct re but to remain ople not to act.
During the next few weeks he praised the Sheppard Mayflection of the cowardly fears of But Gandhi can no longer repmodern day events. An entire section is devoted to the bill which provides for the mobilization of industry for the Indian capitalist class and its resent the relentless urge the leaders who at present guide the masses for their independence.
newer reformist movements, especially the Roosevelt war. He initiated vast naval maneuvers in the Pacific, on a Indian Nationalist Congress New Deal. Also examines the perspectives of the Even If he should temporarly suc front of five thousand miles from Alaska to Samoa. This Hot and Cold ceed in bringing about some fake American and International labor and revolutionary was a warning to Japan, whose drive in China continued sions from the war minded Bri cathalt: The need of India movement.
unabated. While the naval maneuvers were taking place, he Lish, and feeling the intense and people is for bread: only thele This book, PRICED AT 00 by the publishers, announced war games on land and in the air, to last until hostile pressure of the masses own workers and peasants gov.
Longmans Green Co. the fall who are egging them on to revoernment can give them this.
TOGETHER WITH ONE YEAR SUBSCRIPTION lutionary action, these vacillating Krishna Menon, Secre(Continued in Next Issue)
leaders would do anything to tary of the British India either to reach a compromise. This blow and a conservative follower of THE NEW INTERNATIONAL ing hot and cold is shown in a Gandhi has recognized this in a or JUST OUT. message sent by the conserva speech delivered October betive Mahatma Gandhi to the Lon fore British Labor and Liberal SOCIALIST APPEAL Why Negroes Should Oppose the War don News Chronicle: leaders. He said, cannot see wish that the British gov how a large scale conflict be(Subscription rate, 00 per year)
By Johnson erument would realize that India tween the powerful All India Nais not begging for its independtional Congress and the Viceregfor 25 message that affects the life of every Negro!
ence. The Congress (nationalist als government in India can be organization) asked Britain to avoided.
say that she would not resist in the round of Parliamentary ORDER NOW!
dependence. Hindu, Moslem and twaddle cannot last long. The Address: other difficulties are there beyond voice of Britain Imperialists Price 5c per copy. Bundle rates 10 to 50 3e per copy.
dispute. The question is whether and their Labor Party agents The New International 50 or more 270 per copy Britain will stand aside and let cannot reach across the seas to 116 University Place SPECIAL RATES TO ORGANIZATIONS, India settle her own difficulties India masses. They know what in her own way when the war is their goal is.
New York, NY over. That is why the Congress PIONEER PUBLISHERS has suggested Constituent As(Note: For Socialist Appeal subscription in Manhattan and sembly, where every community Subscribe to the 116 University Place, Bronx, add 00 for year postage)
will be fully represented, to frame a constitution for India. The mis SOCIALIST APPEAL Living Thoughts of Marx a League