BourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismDemocracyEnglandGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarInvasionSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismTrotskyWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

Labor and The Second World War Official Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International Issued Twice Weekly VOL. 3, NO. 83 NEW YORK, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1939 3c a Copy By Johnson II The Rise of the Socialist Movement Each imperialism had to contend not only with rival imperialisms abroad, but with an even more deadly enemy the organized workers at home.
Monopoly capitalism increased the concentration of great masses of workers into large units of industry, which facilitated their organization into powerful unions. The concentration of wealth at one end of society and the resulting poverty and unemployment at the other, the reROOSEVELT USES FLINT SEIZURE TO PROMOTE WAR PLANS striction of production to serve the profits wide opties Fascist Rag Attacks 4th International Boss Press Wails Loud About Incident; War Social Justice Propaganda Gets Spurt TROTZKY GANGSTERS INVADE NEW YORK CITY New York SWP Set For Whirlwind Finish To Election Campaign Jewelry of Outlet in buch di Prof the many, worldwide competition between great monopolies controlling the economic life of whole nations, the burden of armaments in preparation for the war that loomed these and other conONAL ME nected causes sharpened the inevitable crises of capitalist production and intensified the insecurity and dissatisfaction of the masses.
Militant labor movements, both industrial and political, embracing millions of workers in each country, menaced the imperialists throughout Western Europe. These movere ments marched under the banner of socialism, the substiRoyal Oak, Michigan October 30, 1939 tution of public for private ownership. The imperialists 10 The Roosevelt administration war drive was accelerated notably this week, when the American government made demands on the Hitler Stalin camp, in the City of Flint incident, could pacify a portion of these workers by paying high wages and creating a labor aristocracy, which functioned which it has carefully refrained from making in similar cases where the Anglo French as a check on the millions of workers below. This bribery, camp is involved.
however, required still greater profits, more new sources Roosevelt neutrality speech on Thursday, denouncing as one of the worst fakes of raw materials, more new markets, still wider fields for in current history the warnings sounded in and out of oCngress on the danger of Amerinvestment. But new ones were not to be had. It was neican participation in the war, was exposed as the real fake, when at his bidding the State Department peremptorily demanded that the German and Soviet governments surrender the cessary therefore more intensively to exploit the old. But this intensive exploitation of the colonies brought new City of Flint.
dangers. The industrialization of India and China by ex Seizure and detention of a score of American vessels by British and French warported capital had created there a working class that now ships, and the confiscation of began to revolt against the increasingly inhuman condithe cargoes carried by two or See Story on Page more of them. it is known tions imposed upon them by their imperialist master Trapped between the competition of their rivals abroad PURGE OF COMMUNISTS now that the phosphate carand the pressure of the socialist moverhents at home, goes of the American freightmenaced by the growth of the labor movement in the colHITS STALINISTS, NOT ers and Saccarappa have been onies, the imperialists could see no way out but a rediconfiscated by the British FOURTH IN HERNATIONAL vision of the colonies, industrial centers, and spheres of not only were not protested by NEW YORK Yollowing the Narl Soviet smputation of influence. They fought it out between 1914 and 1918, the State Department, but the Poland, the Third Communiter in the United States at the cost of ten million dead on the battlefield, twentyscrambling Into dust like a mumtny spoond to sunlight. But no veyr facts about the seizures elewaco Fourth International under Leon Toky, five million wounded, and suffering and destruction beCity worth Lowbo, for the last four years has Reiterating that the anti war platform of the Socialist Workers did not become known until yond human calculation. That was their first great war bet dared to lift hyoice sind the Red suddenly cleaned the Party in the present municipal elections most adequately corres last Wednesday.
10 overning council of such commanhabot racker for democracy.
Harry Bridge and John Brophy. Meanwhile, the American Labor ponds to real needs and desires of the workers in New York, Max After days of clamor about the Putty formerly bonded wasted Meta Shachtman and George Lyman Paine, Councilmanic candidates for German seizure of the City of ry to drive to carvery Stabiliterin the Binxund Manhattah, preparou today for a whirlwind two week Flint, Senator Clark and other Dat bet. com ungest rewrting to The Way Out singapuntry will be bene o trade naman eh gols wind up to their respective election campaigns.
congressmen finally were success At Chronity or tia the real de United As early as October, 1914, a profound student of poli We are confident, both candidates stated today, that the ful in getting the State Departnew Stered the The dhe State tics, undeceived by all the propaganda. wrote as follows: 30 workers of this city will rally to the Socialist Workers Party candi ment to release a list of the uredite ale Amalgrated dates in a manner that will sur a Intel the Third ternational American ships seized by the The European war, which the governments and the bourgeois Che World in the Fourth (or Twiite prise everyone. From our contact Anglo French warships parties of all countries have been preparing for decades, has Emerah peneto with the workers of the Bronx While the State Department the liberal and Leis The men haben broken out. The growth of armaments, the extreme sharpening of mut the healter. End of fook and Manhattan during this eleefelt no need to inform the Amerthe struggle for markets in the epoch of the latest, the imperialLe Perre AM City De Thundy And Mild her the third tion campaign, we are prepared ican people that many of these ist, stage in the development of capitalism in the foremost counradil Jees, with Troy abat Perth Intly to say that our anti war program ships were and are for weeks in tries, and the dynastie interests of the most backward East Eurciplan karl Mar.
der Bark ww is being received with the greatAnglo French hands, much less win the detection opean monarchies were inevitably bound to bring about, and have of Christianity and the trim est interest and sympathy. In the to protest their seizure, it didn brought about, the present war. To seize land and to conquer bave in wythang these forca in the wait same way that our Party answers even wait to establish the facts foreign nations, to ruin a competing nation and to pillage her wa The 10 lat bethave the display Marcin American daty am Dinle Salle the needs of the workers, in the before it demanded of the Soviet wealth, to divert the attention of the toiling masses from the inwith the low down we same way the workers will reStalin having trily drop government immediate release of ternal political crises of Russia, Germany, England and other Aarti spond to us on election day.
interest in for all FITON TROTZKY the City of Flint.
countries, to disunite the workers and fool them with nationalism, Amante thereby alienating we the Bean with thin the wind Pennies Financed Campaign Fakes Excuse to exterminate their vanguard in order to weaken the revolutionthe armonie The ostensible justification for ary movement of the proletariat such is the only real content.
Her velepth Red Live the State Department demand the significance and the meaning of the present war.
their campaign financial state.
on the Soviet government is, that (Continued on Page 2)
Above is a facsimile of Fr. Coughlin fascist to squeal.
ments with the Board of Elec.
gutter rag, Social Justice. The big scare about As for the rest of the trash, it hardly detions. James Burnham, Treasurer in the Anglo French cases the seizures conformed to internathe Fourth International taking oven New York serves even contemptuous comment. We are of the campaign Committee, NEW YORK, Oct. 26 James tional law, but that the City of has a basis in fact for the future if not for the loath to accept credit for the purge of Stalinists commented Farrell, the noted novelist, to Flint case did not conform to inpresent when the workers of New York take from the American Labor Party. Alex Rose and The financial cost of the cam day added his voice to those who ternational law.
command their own lives and destiny in a David Dubinsky, whom Coughlin vile scribblers paign to elect Max Shachtman have spoken out in condemnaover socialist society, Under the Hague Convention of make the target for an anti semitic attack, will and George Lyman Paine to the tion of the arrest of Frank Wat 1907, to which the United States By GEORGE STERN We are proud to be the butt of attack of this be the first to deny the charge of Trotskyism. City Council will show the lowest son, Canadian militant, who was government is a signatory, Ar More than two million men are for trying to cast discord into the fascist fiend who is enemy No. of American They are the trade union agents of Anglo French expenditures of any candidate in arrested and sentenced to one ticle 21 provides that a prize ship immobilized along a muddy went tentative. Moscow Tokyo. harm workers. Revolutionary workers, under Socialist imperialism. But Coughlin cannot discredit the the field. From beginning to end, year imprisonment for deliver may be brought into a neutral ern front that will soon be win ony!
Workers Party leadership, have given Coughlin trade unions either by anti semitism or by ref our campaign has been financed ing an anti war speech in Toron port on account of unseaworthiratnests of Christian Mobiliers cause enough for erence to their pro war position.
And most important of all: it with the contributions and pen to. In an interview with the So ness, stress of weather, or want ter bound. Except for an isolated air raid and the occasional deadly is from Russia that the next war worryin the past six months. We promise to dup The Fourth International is an anti war party nies of the workers themselves. cialist Appeal, Farrell said: of fuel or provisions. but that swish of a torpedo through the move in southeastern Europe is licate our performances in double doses in the it will save the trade unions from the war Let the other candidates, who say agree with the statement it must leave as soon as the cir.
open sea, the war bas not yet be now generally expected. In Berlin future. The stuck pig, Coughlin, has only begun mongers and from Coughlin.
they are independent. divulge that democracy is the first casu cumstances which justified its en the sources financing them. These alty of war. The information on try are at an end.
gun, The French sacrificed thou they are looking for it and Bersands of men to advance into lin has the inside track right now. independents would have to ad the Watson case which has been mit that in no sense are they in supplied me by the American LaSovlet Followed Law German soil at the outset, mere Shrewd observers recognize that dependent of the subsidies of the bor Ad is a clear cut illustration government adhered to these Formally, at least, the Soviet ly to give the appearance of do despite the new pact of the Aling something to help the beleag lies with Turkey. Rumania large capitalist interests.
of this. On this basis support provisions. The Germans brought ured Poles. At the first sign of likely to get the same kind of Speak to Youth the appeal for funds to defend the ship into Murmansk on a German counter. pressure they support that Poland got. ApAnswering the questionnaire Watson. hope others will realize claim that is covered by the term fell back, at the price of an un parently the general sense is that submitted by the Young Citizens that this is an important defense unseaworthiness. and it was disclosed nutrber of lives and it Stalin wants Bessarabia he Committee For a Progressive case and join me in adopting this the port only a few days. Maybe the status quo ante. Sept. has can probably have it without unCity Council, Shachtman and position.
due difficulty.
the Germans were lying, and the been re established, Paine gave their program for the Funds Vital Peace offensives have had From Hitler, certainly, the vast army of youth: Soviet government was helping In doubling its efforts on be them they are scarcely above a their hour and between London, Kremlin dictator is certainly get The youth of America, like half of Watson, the American little deceit! But the gov.
Paris and Berlin the air is filled ting every encouragement to Additional Precautionary Measures for the youth of the countries at war Labor Aid which has organized alernment could not possibly know with reciprocal imprecations and move. Hitler is proceeding, ap.
threats that somehow continue parently, on the theory that it The Defense of Trotsky Necessary the present war. It is a war be Farrell reiteration of the old made any investigation to speak their persistent failure to mater will be comparatively easy to retween two imperialist camps to truth which is amply evidenced in of, the State Department issued ialize. Is it because on both sides capture ground lost to Stalin if of this so far sham battle eyes Stalin can be brought to overcpecial to the Socialist Appeal)
which side wins, totalitarian die the first casualty of war. Thus, ment for the release of the ship, MEXICO CITY Precautionary measures to protect are fixed on Moscow. Is it pot reach himself Leon tatorship will triumph, small na in rallying to the defense of Wat and similar representations certainly, because no one is sure, From the Allies he can at the Trotsky against assassins were increased this week, after a suseven now, who is friend and who same time count upon a certain picious character attempted, with a fake story, to make his way tions win still be enslaved and son, in itself the elementary duty Berlin Special to the degree of forbearance because he in to see Trotsky. The suspect, Manuel Fernandes Barrechena, was peace will be restored in the of every anti war worker, the Press Openly Partisan is foe?
Moscow is most assuredly the knows they are not going to take arrested by the Mexican police, rechena be received by Trotsky, ler Corporation continues to DETROIT, Osostantine Chrys Salles.
of the robbers Treaty of LA. made it plain that it was also fighting the entire issue of and day in day out walled loud The American press took it up, principal actor in this strange any steps which would be more or who announce they are continu saying that Barrechen was to throw every obstacle in the way arrange for the gift of an auto of an agreement with the UAW of this city to support the anti Canada, which is already at war; in camp. But when, under presCalling upon the young people war time suppression: today in and long against the Hitler Stalbody seems to be sure just what an ally at Germany side in actomorrow in the United States, sure, the State Department finalOn Oct. 20 Barrechena pre mobile to Trotsky. Trotsky secrole it is playing! Scan one day tual hostilities. Not until they news: Russia makes new de give up all hope of bringing sented himself at Trotsky home fetaries were certain now that CIO. Its chiselling tactics are de war campaign of the Socialist when it goes to war.
Party candidates, Funds, said the committee, are ly released its list of American union demands for the union Shachtman mands on Finland which send the about a German Russian clash in Coyoacan, describing himself there was something foot, for signed to emasculate the basic Workers and Paine urged that, urgently needed. The expenses anips seized by the Anglo French latter negotiators back to Hel will the Allies risk extending the to Trotsky secretary as a Span Minja WAS Scarcely likely to seek shop. joint union management Unless the youth of the nation involved in conducting the de Cump, it caused scarcely a ripple singfors. Russia turns the City of war front to the southeast and, ish refugee, an aviator in Spain contact with Trotsky. The gener regulation of production sched is reconciled to becoming cannon fense of Watson are extremely This incident is a warning sign Flint over to Germany. Russia of necessity. to the Mediterran and a member of the Communist al is living here in politicarules and the reinstatement of ov fodder in an imperialist war, it high. Every nickel, dime and dol to the American people that the reparty there. He wanted see tirement. Through the police, Mitells Britain it will not recognize ean is well.
the fact that the er one hundred workers fired for (Continued on Page 3) lar is of the utmost value. Con whole apparatus of the American the blockade. Russia sends a big It is over this diplomatic no Trotsky, but gawea no particular call had not come from him. failing to keep up with the speedtributions, trade delegation to Berlin and an man land that Stalin Trotsky secretary, Van, went ed production.
large should be rushed to the government is geared to dragging NOTICE The stubborn attitude of the nounces it will furnish Hitler like a trapeze artist, high, wide, for his address, in order to inform American Labor Aid, 125 West us into war on the side of the AnThere will be an important with a million tons of grain.
Rus and handsome. But he can just him when he could see Trotsky, with police to the Hotel Mod corporation, which contrasts se 33rd Street, New York City.
glo French camp. It such a dimsy pretext as the city of Flint in sia even gets a ginger little ap keep swinging, especially with He gave his address as the Hotel erno. While the police hid. Van sharply with the excessive concil.
went to Barrechena room. Bariation of union officials, is now membership meeting of all New York SWP and YPSL cident is utilized to such an exproving pat from Chamberlain foe friends and friend foes saw. Moderno.
tent, we can imagine what will about its invasion of Poland. Rus ing away at the ropes on both The next day someone tele rechena told him that someone Iphoned the Trotsky bo enem amed Mata was providing the responsible for throwing 50. 000 members this Sunday, Oct. 29, men out of work in the Chrysler sia sends wid to China for cash sides.
at Webster Hall, 119 11th Join the Socialist happen when some real incident automobile for Trotsky. At this plants and an additional 100, 000 St. Time: 2:30 and goods on the line and de And the one thing Stalin most said he was the Spanish occur, as they will inevitably ocJose Mlaja, and urged that Bar.
Workers Party (Continued on Page Continued on Page 3)
nounces agents of Washington seriously lacks is a safety net.
cur in the course of a war.
Farrell Calls for Aid To Both candidates today ited Watson Phy who lo fuera tried to The Behind the Lines Mexican Police Arrest Man Who Tried to Enter Trotsky Home Danger of Attempt at Assassination Makes CHRYSLER CO.