Bank RobberyBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGPUGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarItalyLeninMarxismNazismSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismTrotskyWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

SOCIALIST APPEAL g: 1 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1939 Their SPARKS IN THE NEWS Government Editor: General Manager world 10.
Stalin in Estonia Now, slum clearance and decent housing are SOCIALIST APPEAL undoubtedly an acute problem in New York.
The Socialist Workers Party has taken a bold By Dwight Macdonald By James Burnham Vol. III, No. 82 Friday, October 27, 1930 position on the question and proposed a drastic PubMehed Thoice Weekly by the solution for it. But what meaning could housing SOCIALIST APPEAL PUBLISHING ASS at 116 University Place, New York, NY.
have to millions who would die on the battleTelephone. Algonquin 8547 field if the United States entered the war and to the millions for whom the same United States eign: 60 per year. So for cento per copy in Subscriptions. 00 per year: 00 for six months. For would become a huge concentration camp under Footnote on International Law tution in Basel, Switzerland, whose resources are cents per copyrinsangre coplescents.
all military dictatorship?
In a recent issue of Time, John Clarke, of owned jointly by the central banks of the world.
Bronx and Manhattan subscriptions are 60 for six County reorganization, the smashing of the Beverley Hills, California, says more in two senWriting in the NY Times of October 22, During the past year and a half, in the Socialist month 00 forecand class matter September 29, 1939, at bureaucratic corruption that eats at the vitals Fetridge describes this international bank sticktences than has been said to date in the entire the poort entice nt New York, under the act of March Appeal and the New International we have been pub Post Neutrality Law debate in Congress. Mr. Clarke up. Every time the Reichswehr takes over alishing considerable material dealing with India of the city that is an issue, without doubt. The sentences: The President message on Neutralcountry, the Reichsbank takes over its gold de Many of our readers were unable to understand this government machine is an Augean stable that ity evidenced a desire to return to International posits in the The Czechoslovak job netted preoccupation; some even complained, and insisted 25, 000, 000 in gold, Danzig and Poland have that we should get down to more practical matters.
MAX SHACHTMAN Law The interesting thing about International must be cleaned out by the workers. But if war yielded an undisclosed additional sum. Despite The first seven weeks of the second world war alAsoetate EditorEMANUEL GARRETT Law is that the only way to enforce it is by war.
were imposed on the country, the present buangry protests from Great Britain, writes Mr.
ready make clear that nothing could be more practiFELIX MORROW Fetridge, no way has been found to prevent the cal than the Indian question.
reaucratism and corruption in New York would The Swag Assistant Manager: MARTIN ABERN SHERMAN STANLEY look like a colonial town meeting democracy in transfers of these gold deposits. The Bank of We know little enough, it is true, of what is actualThe old fashioned nineteenth century type of London was able to prevent Hitler getting holdly going on now in India. But let us review what we comparison with the regime that would be cs imperialist conquest was, in essence, straight rob of the Czech gold on deposit in London, but the can plece together from the heavily censored distablished.
bery. But it was veiled by the fact it was indi 18 in neutral Switzerland.
patches. And let us do so against the background of FIGHT WITH THE SOCIALIST An increased school budget, a vast change rect a matter of spheres of influence, of opIndia relation to the last war.
ening up new markets and bringing civilizaWORKERS PARTY FOR: to improve the educational set up in the cityThe Hitler Mob Takes Over tion to backward peoples. Take up the white India Fights for Democracy Job and a decent living for every worker. these are issues. But what would happen to eduFurthermore, the Nazis now have working conman burden! exhorted Kipling in 1899, preIndia, with its 350, 000 inhabitants, is the richest senting imperialism as a Salvation Army move trol of the When the bank was founded, cation in the city if war came and every teacher of all Britain possesions, the key and crux of the Open the idle factories operate them under each of the chief nations participating had 19. Empire. No shred of independence or democracy has ment to uplift the darker skinned peoples of the workers control.
were compelled to become a lying agent of the 000 shares England, France, Germany, the Un ever been allowed to disturb London steady exploitited States, Italy, Japan, and Belgium. But nat3. Twenty Billion dollar Federal public works American war machine, poisoning the minds of The Nazis have stripped away these preten.
urally every fresh Nazi conquest has added tion of its great human and material resources and housing program.
every pupil and student?
shares to the original 19, 000. Poland alone has During the course of the last war, it was not, then, other tendencies of capitalism to their blunt, naso entirely simple to persuade India to line up active4. Thirty thirty! 30 weekly minimum wage radical reorganization of the transit system ked logical conclusion. Hitler imperialism is reyielded 4, 000 BIS shares. Germany now holds ly on the side of her democratice dictator. But vague the imposing total of 31, 700 shares. The English promises of independence or at least dominion status 30 hour weekly maximum for all workers on in the city is an issue. We demand the confisca duced to its simplest terms: as direct a matter all jobs.
tion of the subways and their management by of banditry as any bank robbery. When the and French members of the bank board refuse to follow the war, Reichswehr moves into a new country, its first to attend meetings any more. They would like to treachery of the native bourthe workers. But what can any talk of improv concern is The Swag. Banks, insurance compa5. Thirty dollar weekly old age and disability geoisie and of its spokesman, Gandhi, together with liquidate the bank, but there is a provision in the the inexperience of the masses, put the fraud across pension.
ing the transit situation in New York mean if nies, fraternal and trade union funds all posby laws that this can be done only by a threeIndia sent approximately 1, 400, 000 soldiers to Britfourths vote of the shareholders, a majority im6. Expropriate the Sixty Families.
the transit facilities in prospect for the work sible reservoirs of cash and credit, are picked ain battlefields to fight Britain war all of them, clean, their assets being immediately transferred possible to get without Germany and her friends All war funds to the unemployed.
ers are the troop ships that Roosevelt and Co.
by a crowning Irony, equipped and paid by India to Berlin. The Reichswehr functions as a strongThe board meetings of the BIS these days (just as the civil servants, retired to England, have are planning to send into the war? people referendum on any and all wars.
arm crew for the Reichsbank.
must be comic affairs, with the Nazi bandits soltheir pensions paid by grateful India. Besides these This is And so it is with all the other strictly munifactor which has a real effect on Hit emnly insisting on everything being done ac9. No secret diplomacy.
soldiers, Indir poured material goods and wealth into ler economic staying power in the war. Every cording to full legal forms. They have not only cipal issues. They are all subordinated to the the British war machine.
An independent Labor Party, new conquest is, in the most concrete financial stuck up the bank, but have at the same time inThe war was won, and Britain phrases about deparamount issue of the day: the war question. terms, a loss to the Allies and a gain to Hitler. stalled themselves as its chief stockholders. And 11. Workers Defense Guards against vigilante mocracy and independence were put in mothballs to add spice to the joke, the new president of the The German Institute for Bank Research and SciIn this election, there is but one party that and Fascist attacks.
against the next rainy day. Bombers strating the nabank is an American McKittrick, of the reence recently issued a report on Polish industries.
12. Full social, political and economic equality takes an uncompromising and unalterable stand tive villages took the place of promises.
This showed that 43 of the total shares in Po spectable old banking firm of Higginson Co.
for the Negro people.
in opposition to the imperialist war and to both lish corporations are held by foreign capital an Thus ends another of the attempts made in the Another Day, Another Way camps in it.
index to the backward nature of Polish economy twenties to bring some law and order into world But these matters, alas for London, were not altoand one explanation for the so dramatically ex capitalism. The BIS was one of those experiThe capitalist politicians and candidates, and gether forgotten. Came a new war. The papers joyposed hollowness and rottenness of the Polish ments in international cooperation like the Kelously announced that India had promptly followed the official candidates of the American Labor ruling class. Of these shares, some 60, 610, 000 loge Anti War Declaration, the World Court, and the British parliament in declaring war against GerParty, are already committed to one of the im worth were owned by French interests, some the League of Nations. Its purpose was to promany. But it was Lord Linlithgow, the King viceOtto Tolischus, the Times Berlin perialist camps the Anglo French. They are 52, 600, 000 by American interests, and so on. vide an orderly way for adjusting international roy, not India, that had spoken.
All of this loot now goes into the Reich coffers financial relationships in the chaotic post war Again the promises: as soon as the war is over, the correspondent, sends his paper a cable from Tal committed to support of American imperialism except, of course, for Comrade Stalin cut. riod. But its ch. ef effect has been to aid the power problem of India independence will be taken up.
finn, the capital of Estonia, which contains plans and ambitions.
which above all others refuses to abide by any But, course, not now; now there is business to be of the rules of the game, and aggressively threatthings that are more than merely interesting The Stalinist candidates, with their belated The Great International done, and all talk of independence must be dropped ens the order and stability which the BIS was while hostilities last.
they are important and significant.
and pretended opposition to imperialist war, Bank Robbery founded to establish. Just as the League of Na The promises no longer have power to charm. Dry When one Baltic Foreign Minister was es are in actuality supporting the Kremlin bureau The sums just mentioned are invested in plant tions was used as an instrument of power politics after day we read of the negotiations between the and equipment, and are not readily convertible by the then strongest European imperialist group Viceroy and the leaders of the great Congress Party.
pecially hard pressed by Premier Foreign Com cracy in its alliance with the Hitlerites, who repinto cash, the most pressing need of the Nazi England and France, so the BIS is now being Gandhi and his associates have tried hard enough to missar Vyacheslaff Molotoff and his aides resent the second of the two imperialist camps state in this war. No doubt the Reichswehr has manipulated by the Nazis. Such is the inevitable for concessions than Russia finally at war.
be loyal servants of British Imperialism, but it is too been also sending back to Berlin large amounts fate of all such schemes to estatush order, of cold cash from Poland just as it did from took, Joseph Stalin walked into the conference The Socialist Workers Party says with com justice. and cooperation in a system which pecially anti Hitlerite, they want the democracles Czechoslovakia. But these conquests have also more and more reverts to the brute law of the to win the war against fascism, they proclaim; but beaming benignly, and, putting his arms around plete impartiality: plague on both your hous opened up to the Reich another reservoir of gold: jungle for its real, as against its officially prothe visitor shoulder, remarked. es! Down with both imperialist gangs! the Bank for International Settlements, an instithey are gravely disappointed over the white paper.
claimed, code of conduct.
If the war is for democracy, they find thems. Ives Never mind, ll protect you from these We do not choose between the two camps, asking, then why not democracy for India? They can great Russians.
Hitler or Roosevelt, Hitler or Chamberlain, benot actively support the war on the basis which Britain proposes. Repeating the same method in a similar con cause that is not the choice before the workers. few days ago they took the first decisive step: ference with another Foreign Minister, he is There is a third camp, the camp of the workThey called upon the local governments of eight of supposed to have varied the remark as follows: ers, of the peasants and of the colonial slaves the provinces, controlled by the Congress Party, to re You know, these militarists want every throughout the world. That is our camp. That sign. These resignations will be an open act of nonBy Paul Stevens confidence in the war.
thing, but am a politician and can compro one we will fight for, as we have consistently mise.
Istically entitled No Jingolsm for Socialists. What is Behind These Events?
fought for it in the past.
Truth Is Beginning to Being in closer contact with the working class, Is it too much to believe that the resignations of. None of these (Baltic) countries is he knows that the wilder variety of social paThat camp has the opportunity to express it Clear a Path for itself afraid of its own Communists; there are few self demonstratively in the current election in With the beginning of the war and the clamp triotism just will not go over in the ranks. But the provincial governments will turn out to be the far more significant is a growing breach between first preliminary act distorted, timorous, unsure as it is in what will broaden into the Indian revolution. of them and the native authoritarian govern New York, and to express itself on the issue ing down of a rigid censorship by the belligere the parliamentary social patriots and the second The call for the resignations was, from what of it ments are fully capable of handling these as that overshadows all others: the war issue.
way into the press. What had become of the revrank functionaries of the trade unions.
has been reported, a most cowardly document. It For example, in a special edition of the bulletin well as any other pro Russian elements. How By rolling up the biggest possible vote for olutionary working class movements in Germany warned against any civil disobedience any active op of the No Conscription League an organization and in Great Britain, in France and in the rest of ever, according to current anecdotes, Mr. Stalin the Socialist Workers Party candidates, the sponsored by the Independent Labor Party and position to the war. But in spite of all limitations, it Europe to all these questions the blackout of has reassured the Baltic statesmen on this point workers of New York can give the war monvarious pacifist groups Rowland Hill, Chairman was a heavy blow against the war and the Empire the various propaganda machines barred an whose life is now staked on the war.
also gering masters of this country serious and un answer.
of the Bradford Trades Council, writes. The official Labour leadership is the medium The Indian revolution begins, es have all colonial What you do with your own communists, digestible food for thought. They will say to Only slowly the real truth is beginning to under the leadership of through which the capitalist class is today at trickle through. In the past few issues of the sothe native bourgeoisie, he is quoted as having said, is your own busi themselves: In New York, there are thousands revolutions up to the prepresented outstandingly he tempting to allay that suspicion (that this is a cialist Appeal we published the first dispatches Gandhi From this follows the shamefaced, whining ness. They are Trotskyists anyhow. If you of workers who, in spite of all efforts to pre from the countries at war indicating that the war of imperialist conquest. It exploits Labour character of this first stage. The native bourgeoisie vent them from taking a position on the quesmust, shoot them, and if you can handle them, forces of the Fourth International are carrying hatred and fear of Fascism for its own imperialin reality wants only a larger share for itself of the ist ends. And he proposes: The Trades Counon in Germa. in France, in England and evtion, decided to vote for the most revolutionary ll help you.
profits sweated from the Indian workers and peasants erywhere where the imperialist conflict has un cils, as in the war years, in 1920 and 1926, take According to one report, he is supposed to and intransigent opponents of the war. There folded, as the international army for peace, under on a greater importance. They must accept the that is the concrete meaning of independence or dominion status in its mind.
leadership that has been abdicated by the Labour have gone so far as to admit: You know, comis a threat to our dirty work that must be taken But at its back the native bourgeoisie hears the statesmen. The importance of this view, which rope and the World Federation of Socialist Remunism has not worked here so well either.
awakening thunder of the masses. Its recent moves in itself is not new, can be realized only when publics. Small in number, but compact and disare its vacillating attempts to keep at the head of As a matter of fact, attempts of Baltic comone remembers that this is an official of a trade ciplined, bound together solidly by a system of the coming movement of the masses, in order not to ideas wrought and perfected in sixteen years of union speaking, in just that capacity munists to tovarisch Soviet Russian commiThe stir in the Labour ranks is not confined to be overwhelmed. What have the masses been doing sions that come to the Baltic capitals to arrange common struggle for the world revolution and this stratum alone, however. Even the political preparing, or are there already great strikes and dem since the war started? Are they only half consciously against the most hideous betrayals of Stalinism people, particularly the usually timid centrists in onstrations. The censorship does not let us know, the party are beginning to raise their voices.
Vilna self ap The Second Anniversary of His Death International already constitute, as these disThus, the Scottish Socialist Party, an official albut the comparatively drastic nature of the call for pointed Soviets who started to shoot bourgeois filiate and quite a resignations seems to indicate broad and open aca power in the Labour Party, has tivities.
leaders before the Russian troops arrived are taken the following action in a resolution passed by Leon Trotsky Marxist vanguard of a working class for which carly last month reported to have been executed by these troops ing amidst capitalist crisis and catastrophe. If The Shoals Ahead More than two years ago, Ignace Reiss, an old The National Council of the Scottish Socialist there is any distinct difference in the situation The Indian revolution has a stormy course to steer, or taken to Moscow.
Bolshevik, a devoted and outstanding revolution today from that of 1914. It surely lies in the fact Party condemns the action of the Parliamentary but if it drives through it can set the world on fire.
Labour Party in failing to oppose the passing of The outcome will depend upon the ability of the prothe Emergency Powers Bill and declares that socialist world revolution already has at its disletariat to organize itself independently, and, draw his important post in the GPU, returned his Orthis failure has allowed the ruling class of this posal an instrument that is standing up under real proof that Stalin actually said what he is ing the peasantry with it, to assume undisputed leadder of Lenin. It is below my dignity to wear it durens country to impose a Fascist dictatorship on the ership in the struggle. This means an end to the domquoted as saying. We are perfectly ready to ack together with the executioners of the best repre Tendencies Toward a Breakdown people. The lack of opposition by the Labour Par inance of Gandhi and those for whom he speaks.
ty to the rearmament program of the National But there are other very dangerous lines now cast Government, their participation in National Ser. in these troubled waters. The German and Russian accept the story as veracious for the very good Party on July 17, 1937. and he openly joined vice schemes, their failure to adequately oppose agents, now working as a team under the Hitlernevertheless beg to insist that we incline to Central Committee of the Ukrainian Communist of National Unity in Great Britain The struggle of the Fourth International ag cobscription and the final tragedy of the Labour Stalin alliance are not idle. They are, for thetr own reason dat it corresponds faithfully to every the ranks of the Fourth International in order ainst social patriotism and for the revolutionary Party appealing to the workers to unite with ends, making their efforts to guide the developing thing we know about Stalin his policies, his to begin all over again, in order to save social selves. National unity is far more of a farce now solution to war is naturally aided by events themBritish imperialism to fight Fascism on the construggle into their own channels. They will be comtinent convinces the National Council of the Scot pelled to increase their intervention. An India dicharacter, his methods and his course.
than in the last war even as a fiction for the tish Socialist Party that the Labour Party Exec vorced from London muat mean, for them, an India Demonstrate, therefore, your opposition to To Reiss letter Stalin answered with the bulmoment it is becoming more and more untenable. utive is utterly incompetent to lead the workers attached to the camp of Berlin Moscow: they fear a imperialist war and to the plans to drag this lets of his hired assassins. The riddled body of Take the example of Great Britain. To be sure In this crisis which threatens to embroil the peo free and socialist India no less than London.
the official Labour leaders are the same war ples of the world in a war of capitalist domina Their intervention, propagandistic now, will therecountry into it. Roll up a powerful vote for the Reiss was found on the outskirts of Lausanne mongering scoundrels that they have always tion and we, therefore, demand the immediate reis. fore have to be translated into arm when the time candidates of the Socialist Workers Party!
ignation of the Labour Party Executive en bloc: comes: which, because of the strategic situation, on the night of Sept. But the assassins, been. Hugh Dalton still disports himself of a jingoistic gem like the following: the summoning of a special conference to deal means Stalin regiments in India.
spurred by Stalin, did their work carelessly, in The war would end when above the war with the emergency situation and the redrafting But the future has ample promise that against eva hurry, and failed to cover up their tracks. The zones of Europe, with her allies Britannia of the policy of the Labour Party insofar as in ery force of reaction the workers and peasants of ruled the waves.
ternational affairs are concerned.
Swiss police, without any special difficulty, sucIndia will conquer.
But even a conservative social patriot like the Inconsistent and muddled as the conclusions ceeded in establishing that the murder was per Lord Provost of Glasgow, Dollan, finds this themselves are, the tenor of the attacks on the What are the issues in the present election petrated by the GPU.
too much to stomach. In the same issue of the social patriots is in itself impressive, because it Socialist Appeal reflects the growing grumble among the rank and campaign in New York. In breaking with Stalin, Reiss knew very well Forward, published there, which carries Dalton 116 University Place great thought he publishes an article character file.
According to the capitalist candidates, the is. better than anyone else what awaited him, New York City.
sues are municipal, the issues of good govern but Stalin could not terrorize him. Together with would like to get better acquainted with Corner: Moshulu station YOU ARE INVITED to join the your paper, the Socialist Appeal. Please send ment. The American Labor Party spokesmen other genuine revolutionists, Reiss found his THE BRONX BRANCH of the Socialist Workers Party re East; 3889 Sedgwick Ave. Labor Bookshop Circulating me sample copies for the next few weeks.
stand on the same ground. Michael Quill, the way to the Fourth International. It was precisely quests all sympathizers and Fordham Road and Jerome Library. Hundreds of titles.
Name Stalinist independent candidate, takes the same for this, for the world revolution, that he gave friends who live in the West 188th and Concourse Latest novels, Marxian class vic. He even goes so far as to condemn those his life: In him the younger generation will ever Bronx to purchase the Appeal Address at the following newsstands: Join the Socialist ics, books on Economics, His who emphasize other, non municipal issues remember their comrade in arms, their martyr 204 st. and Valentine Ave.
tory, etc. Lowest rates in the City in the election.
and unwavering fighter.
Kingsbridge Station Armory Workers Party city! 15c per week. Join now!
In the World of Labor in account.
the details of garrisoning are curtly waved aside Ignace Reiss It may be argued that Tolischus story is based ist. broke openly with the Stalin regime. He left that the alternative to the disastrous awaits the Election Issues