AnarchismBolshevismCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismInvasionItalyLeninMarxMarxismMussoliniNazismSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

The Socialist Party and Its Lorestone Allies Continue to Cover Up the ALP War Position QUESTION Hitler Pact RANK AND FILE LOGGERS REVOLT AGAINST STALINIST MISRULE by Leon Trotsky Living Thoughts of Marx he does declares editorially: By FELIX MORROW By JOHNSON It has become necessary to appeal again to every worker to Yet these principles are already being violated, in practice, by the acquaint himself with the actual text of the special resolution on avowed Internationalists of Norman Thomas Socialist party and Franklin Roosevelt jailed Earl Browder and it has nothing to the European conflict, adopted by the American Labor Party state the Lovestoneltes.
do with pasports. It is a political act. Soon there will be others, executive committee on Oct. and endorsed that same evening by a Who are the chauvinists in the American labor movement? The including perhaps the arrest of James Ford, the black Commissar.
conference of New York City delegates. The text was published in CIO and AFL bureaucracies, who imposed upon their respective Ford may be arrested for sedition, or for riding on the wrong side the Times, Oct 5, in the New Leader, Oct. 14, and is available conventions endorsements of Roosevelt war program, proposals for of the road. But whatever the charge that also would be a political at the offices, 151 West 40 St. New York.
labor representation on war boards, etc. The American Labor Party act, and must be judged as such. Negroes must watch their step It has become necessary, because a concerted effort is being leaders, whose Oct. resolution is the most brazen pro war docuand not jump to early conclusions.
made to conceal and distort the meaning of the resolution. The capi ment so far issued by any section of the labor movement. These are The stooges of American capitalism, the democracy trumpet talist press contributed powerfully to the confusion, labelling it the chauvinists in the labor movement with power and widespread ers, will rejoice that America has been saved; and the stooges or merely as an anti red resolution. In the branches, where influence. Their influence appears even more powerful than it actual the Moscow bureaucracy, the Stalinists, will wall that America has the members are now voting on the resolution, the speeches sup ky is because their war program is identical with that of the capitalbeen lost. Both lie. We have here a very complicated situation, and porting it are almost entirely limited to denunciations of the Stalin 1st class and its government; more exactyl, they are the labor lleu.
the Negroes must be well prepared against the barrage of propaganda that the Stalinists, in particular, will let loose upon them.
Hitler pact. The left wing supporters of the resolution, the Nor tenants of the American capitalist class, carrying out the war man Thomas socialists and the Lovestoneites, are conniving at this program of that clasa First of all, no class conscious workers anywhere, and least of description of the resolution all the revolutionary socialists, the Trotskyists, want to see Frank Along the Social Patriotic Current In a series of articles, we have described the actual content of In Roosevelt jailing any members of a working class organization, the resolution, and quoted its main sections. We have demonstrated There are other chauvinists in the labor movement; the StalinThe Communist Party is a working class organization. The Stalinists have thousands of good workers in their ranks, honest, sincere, that the main section of the resolution, constituting its fundamentalists. As long as the Stalinista were preaching a war program similar motivation, is a declaration in favor of Anglo French imperialism to that of Roosevelt the democratic front against fascism they devoted. They still have some Negroes who think that by working in in its war against the Hitler Stali camp. From this pro Ally orient were accepted as junior partners by the CIO and the ALP leader the Communist Party they are working for the down trodden Ne.
groes and all oppressed humanity. We respect their devotion. We ation, the resolution proceeds to draw two immediate conclusions: ship. However, as 800 to lift the embargo, and to denounce Hitler, the apparent strength of the Stalinists began to evaporate respect also their stomach. If after all Browder and Ford taught the stalinists for their callous disregard of the rate of the In their two strongholds in the labor movement the CIO and ALP talinthem during the last five years they can now swallow democracies. We ask every worker to compare our analysis and. war of extermination is now being carried out against them.
ct and the invasion of Poland, then they may swallow any.
quotations of the resolution with the full text of the resolution. the Stalinists, Its persecution of Browder being only the first step.
The Department of Justice is now supplementing this war against thing. Yet our dispute with them remains a comradely one. But with Max Shachtman Candidate in the Bronx There is no middle ground on this important question of fact.
Browder, Foster, Amter, and Ford it is different. We believe and The chauvinism of the Stalinists is on behalf of the Hitler Stalin have proved that they are double dyed scoundrels, deceivers of the Breaks Silence But Not Completely camp: it is alien. e. it is not the chauvinism which the Amerworking class.
ican government desires and fosters; its extinction, the exterminaWe stand for the principle that all workers leaders, right of The Oct. 28 Call finally breaks silence, and gives us the first tion of the Stalinista, is absolutely certain.
wrong, honest or corrupt, are responsible to the workers alone. And official explanation of the Socialist Party support of the resolution. No one outside the Stalinist camp proposes to support the Stalwe call upon the workers to oppose Roosevelt and his capitalist It does not print the text of the resolution, and with good reason! inist chauvinists. Those, however, who denounce the Stalinists and gang, in any interference with the working class, even though they!
of the resolution is utterly dishonest. Of the fact do not denounce the chauvinists of the opposing camp: those who try to disguise it with a smoke screen about false passports.
that the Call says not a word of the fact that the resolution denounces apologise for it, are floating with the dominant current toward the We Will Do Our Own Work Stalin and the Stalinists from a democratic imperialist standpoint, war camp of the democratic Imperialists. That is the crime of and from no other standpoint, The Call breathes not a hint.
Yet we of the Fourth International are no friends of Browder, the Thomas Lovestone groups. Continued from Page 1)
agent of Stalin, that murderer of revolutionary workers. The demExcluding the dangerous anti of the fact that the Socialist party member, Frank Crosswaith, ocracy specialists will denounce Browder and the Staliniata for be tradition the Sailors Union of communist resolution which candidate, expressed unqualified approval for the resoluing agents of Stalin as they will denounce Fritz Kuhn for being an the Pacific got its bellyfull of can eventually be directed at all tion as a whole, including the sections supporting Roosevelt proMarxism In Our Times us it is a question of class. If Roosevelt put Fritz Kuhn in jail for ard Line beef in San Francisco. its vigorously healthy aspects. pily informs us that Crosswaith chances for electoin are very Its reactionary features were the good.
twenty years, that is none of our business Kuhn is a Fascist, Figures Falsified excrescence of Stalinist misleadmember of a reactionary political organization dedicated to the In addition to its general story. The Call publishes an explanaby Bu res dont ask Roosevelt to deal with Browder and we condemn it found its natural counterpart in cies, to strengthen the progress ticket. This too, fails to quote the main sections of the when he does.
falsified statistics by Stalinistives and isolate the reactionaries resolution. The gist of Laidter alibi is given in this paragraph: AN INTRODUCTION TO: We don ask Roosevelt to deal with Kuhn either. But we don Pritchett, whom he came to de is the duty of class conscious mil think that it was unfortunate that the neutrality care if he does. Let Roosevelt jall Kuhn and then let Hitter jail the fend against the lumberjacks. itants.
It was probably because of this resolution was incorporated in the resolution on the part, on head of the American embassy in Berlin. Twenty years a piece, or Instead of the fantastic figure of dictatorship and on Communist control, but the general forty for that matter. That is thelr capitalist business, not ours. 100, 000 boasted by Pritchett at vigorous intervention of the rank purport of the entire resolution was known to all.
delegate and file that Lewis representaThis shameful alibi should deceive no one. The general purport 200 page abridgement of the first volume of Karl was taughlin and his gangs off the streets whenever they show from Forest Grove was able to director for Dekrymple, new mo of the entire resolution is for support of the Anglo French imper Marx CAPITAL, including a brilliant exposition of their faces there to preach Fascism. We besieged the Bundists at demonstrate that there were no director for Oregon, took an im inflats.
the fundamental principles of Marxism in the light of their meeting in Madison Square Garden last year. We swept them more than 25, 000 actual dues partial view of the dispute. LewThe Oct. 21 Workers Age (Lovestoneltes) is equally brazen. It modern day events. An entire section is devoted to the off the streets Los Angeles. We frightened them off it in San paying members in the IWA. is wants the purge Francisco. Is it because Kuhn is an agent of a foreign power? Rub Padded figures always substituto not want the rank and file to newer reformist movements, especially the Roosevelt However, it appears obvious to us that, in the resolubish. It is because he is an agent of Fascism the enemy of the for solid union achievement in sweep the house clean of the bureaucrats. That is a dangerous tion as it stands, the arms embargo section is no more than New Deal. Also examines the perspectives of the workers. In the same way we are against Browder, not because he Stalinist ridden unions.
a rider, of entirely secondary importance, while the antiAmerican and International labor and revolutionary is an agent of a foreign power, which he is) but because he is an Now after a two year bureau procedure for Lewis. But it is talinis tangle is of paramount significance. Therefore, movement.
agent of Stalin who is an enemy of the workers, though in a differ cratic rule in which 30, 000 was procedure for trade unionists where the resolution cannot be divided and we are grati.
ent way than Hitler.
field to learn that it is being divided in a number of In the days of Lenin and Trotsky for instance, the Communist the top clique is trying to en plagued with an epidemic of StalThis book, PRICED AT 00 by the publishers, branches we urge all members of the to vote in Longmans Green Co. Party got financial assistance and advice from Moscow. It was the force its mismanagement by Inism.
five It is significant that the log favor of it, taking the opportunity to make clear their posiduty of every worker to support that. Lenin and Trotsky, the Mos draining another twenty TOGETHER WITH ONE YEAR SUBSCRIPTION tion on the question of neutrality and the arms embargo.
cow government, were revolutionists. They considered themselvescents in addition to the present sera convention could see a peace either to The deliberate falsification of which the Thomas Lovestone and Russia as being merely one detachment of the international per capita tax. To maintain its patched up between Lewis and working class. Whatever they did in Russia, in China, in America or hold upon the union, to crush the Stalinists. That unity is, of apologists are guilty will be apparent to any worker who reads the THE NEW INTERNATIONAL in Africa, they always did it from this point of view. They always its opposition, the stalinist re course, quite precarious. It was text of the resolution. So much for the question of fact.
or asked: How does this help the workers in their struggle? Only a gime had recourse to its usual cemented against the militants SOCIALIST APPEAL being an agent of a foreign power. As a matter of fact he was net. mick, one of the leaders of the the original collaboration. To They Abandoned Fundamental Principles morrow the wound will open agt, of Opposition. Subscription rate, 00 per year)
Why have we dweſt on this question over many articles. BeHe was an agent of the international working class movement. he (Bridges) demanded ain but only at the top. We re cause the shameful conduct of the Thomas Lovestone camp demonwhich revolutionary Russia was the head.
that join the Communist Party, pent that the rank and file can strates how fatal it is to abandon the fundamental principles of the for 25 Browder and Ford Are Traitors to Labor If refused said he would run not trust Lewis to purge the revolutionary struggle against war.
me out of the industry. They can Stalinists. It can rely only upon In the fight against war, Lenin taught us, our first duty is to ORDER NOW!
But today Browder is the agent of the Moscow bureaucracy.
Stalin and his bureaucrats are concerned only with their own skin call it Red balting, but if people do nown forces. Otherwise it ex attack the war mongers in our own country. Liebknecht concem.
Address: and their own bellies. They deceive the workers in every country they ll run me out, rught other from the frying pan into Since they believed that only the working class can really fight and try to use them for their own selfs haims. So while Roosevelt back.
The New International and the lovers of democracy denounce Browder for being an To purge the loggers organiz tervention of the rank and Ale, struggle against chauvinism in the labor movements of their own 116 University Place agent of a foreign power, we denounce him and James Ford as beation of this wrecking, disorganLewis will replace a Stalinist dic countries. For only a labor movement united against chauvinism ing agents of a traitor of the workers and for being traitors them izinug clique, the workers from tator with one of his own. With could fight against war. These fundamental principles, carefully New York, selves.
And why are they traitors. Ford is golg to be running all (Note: For Socialist Appeal subscription in Manhattan and over the country (he had better drive on the right side of the road. Portland, Tacoma, Aberdeen and mocracy will eradicate all bur during the First World War, are equally applicable to the Second eaucracy and class collaboration. World War.
Bronx, ada 00 for year postage)
telling Negroes that the Stalinists are being persecuted because Raymond formed their qucus There is no third road.
with the main aim of driving the Is this denied by anyone who calls himself an internationalist. they are opposing the war. They will hold up Browder and them: Stalinists from office. In the two selves as martyrs for democracy, and as anti war fighters. It main contests on the floor, the looks well on the surface but when Ford and the Stalinists start opposition came within a hair forgave his friend Stalin the latthis bleat, Negroes should ask James Ford a few questions like of defeating the administration First Published ter hopes in the democratic these.
and Powers typical Stalinist unity prothe People Why did you fight so hard for Spanish democracy, Ford? Why posal to squelch the opposition Russian Opposition Fronts. In the last analysis, he pact with Hitler, telling us that we must make a democratic was carried by the slim vote of could excuse it because he never front against Fascist aggression? You wrote a book, Ford, calied 123 for and 107 agains. prosuffered from it. For is it not Bulletin Now on Sale the Negro and the Democratic Front. In it you told us Negroes to posal to bar Communists from Stalin policy that we have to The first issue of the Russian join up with this same Attorney General Murphy and this same membership was defeated 129 to for the fact that the Nazis Opposition Bulletin to be pubFranklin Roosevelt, who have jailed Browder. You told us Negros By OSCAR FISCHER LIQUIDATION OF sian people in the war of 1914 were able to take power in Ger shed in the United States is of to do that to save American democracy. Why the devil did you The German National Social BOLSHEVISM IS BASE 1918, from which both emerged many?
the press. Its 32 pages contain do that, Ford? You are not a You know better. You used to Two fold Development ists, who pretended to the role of Everybody. knows that mortally wounded. Later on, Another foundation of the twelve articles by Leon Trotsky.
spend much time telling us that democracy wasn worth fighting The revolt in the loggers orga the international vanguard ag. National Socialism and Bolshev the politicians of catastrophe of new friendship is the collapse of including: The USSR and War; for, that the only thing to fight for was Socialism. Look at what nization represents a two. fold ainst the world Bolshevist danism can be united as little as fire the Weimar Republic found the comintern. The Nazi journal The Enigma of the USSR skor American democracy is doing to you now. Why did you corrupt development. On the one hand it ger are now faced with the need, and water, that there can never themselves in a state of com gives us an example of it the in. Agent of Hitler; etc.
us all these recent years?
lis undeniable that the anti polit following the signing of the Hit be any conciliation between Na plete dependence upon England formation that Manuilsky gave The Bulletin is available at the did you and Browder and Stalin and all your people in Spain murder as reflected in their resolution their new attitude towards Rus and that this treaty must there into power in 1933, inherited sian Party on the comintern. Labor Book Shop, 116 University overthrow capitalism in Spain? What made you love democracy ead directly from Lewis. But. at is use are sufficiently interesting namely, that the leading states. This circumstance, says the eign sections of the Comintern St. and Ave. Foreign News Deso much in Spain, Ford, that you a man of African descent never the same time, this opposition and instructive to deserve quot men of the Soviet Union have fin. Nazi Journal, was utilized by have a total of 1, 200, 000 mem pot, Times Bidg: Marselo Book once raised your voice the independence of the Moors in the poncentrates all the anger of ing.
ally given up their world revolu certain Soviet Russian politicians bers. But, say the Nazis, even Store, 278 Grand St. BiederSpanish Morocco? When Mussolini attacked Ethiopia why did your militant workers against malad The Deutsche Zeitung von Mex tionary aims. That is indeed the who continuously demanded an this total of 1, 200, 000 members man Book Store, 2nd Ave. at master Stalin sell oil to Italy? And why did you not mobilize Ne ministration ico German Journal Mexico case in actuality. But it would be nggressive policy against Ger is only on paper, for included in 12th St. 3rd Ave. and 14th St groes and white workers everywhere to denounce the League of is one of the periodicals of the a gross political mistake were we many. In the field of diplo it are still the 300, 000 members (N. Nations as sure trap and point out that only the organized work Germans Abroad directed by to assume that that occurred ov macy, these circles had as their in Red Spain, which long ago ers could help Ethiopia. Why didn you do these things, Ford, you and your party!
Subscribe to The Goebbels and the National Social er night. Such a sudden switch most prominent representative ist Foreign Propaganda depart could inspire but little confidence the former Soviet Russian forceased to exist, and hundreds of (To be continued)
in whose real lutionary by Soviet Un stein, the diplomat in a red many and Japan, where a comi could hardly live a single day tion of Bolshevism in the Soviet ive security. who married an in the imagination of the Com, Organization for without the subsidies of the Union itsell.
glishwoman and was taken comthe encirclement intern people in Moscow.
Referendum on War The foundations of the friend pletely in tow man Embassy hard to be presentationship between Stalin and Hitler politicians of England and. The most recent prohibition of HARVARD CAMPUS The Boston Local of the Workthe Foundations of German cannot be formulated less ambig. Wanneer on the Red Alumina there the Communist Party of France men Sick and Death Benefit As TROTSKY ARTICLE ON troit, Chicago, Pittsburgh and THE UKRAINE New York.
Yours, ward Anti War Committee held a series of articles (on Sept. 12, 18, stalinism is in no wise identical sky who sought to instigate andre strengthens the Nazis in sociation, which has just celo Editor: George Bachur.
with Bolshevism; on the contra war against Germany, in alliance their contention: From this side, brated its 50th anniversary as therefore, there is no longer any the oldest and the largest local ve enjoyed reading Trotsky constitutional article on the Independence of WORD OF PRAISE Harvard, campus calling for a Take note that the National ry: Stalin is considered by the with England and France.
amendment to Socialist propagandists speak not Nazis as the victor in the strug! When Germany once more at danger; neither for Germany nor in New England, has passed a LET THE PEOPLE VOTE ON only of a commonplace diplomat sle against the Bolshevik pest Timed its position as a Great for other countries.
dleheads. There is a golden op May this card serve both as a VAR. This organization calls for ic pact but just like Herr Rilitence.
Power, and, side motion calling for a constitutioncircles in the Soviet Union who (Concluded next issue) al amendment to let the people portunity now for the Ukrainian notice of change of address and a united front of youth and labor bentrop in Moscow of a friend HISTORICAL MOTIVATION operated against a policy of Gerworkers in the US and Canada to a bit of paise for the Socialist against the war makers. The ship. At the same time, howev FOR NEW FRIENDSHIP vote on the declaration of any man Russian agreeme unite and fight stalinism. But Appeal. Only in your paper can sedners at this meeting were: er, they turn against all the la The Nazi organ also gives an overturned and liquidated, Adolf An attractive poster has war.
someone must show the way. find a true interpretation of the Albert Coolidge, Professor at bor leaders, alleged friends of historical motivation for the Hitler did not hesitate a moment been prepared to advertise Trotsky is the one who could news behind the news, or a clear Harvard University, and Liam peace and English imperialists fact that a German Russian to take up again the policy of the column in the Socialist work out a concrete Program analysis of the bewildering move Donton, CIO organizer. who have invented the fairy friendship was out of the ques German Russian agreement. Appeal by Johnson on Note to Readers for the Ukraine Independence. ments of the Communist Party tales of the alleged fraternization in the years gone by. On the read the Socialist Appeal and Your ideas have my sympathy tion of National socialism wita German side, it was due to the COMINTERN COLAPSE The Negro Question. The like it very much. It has a great and support. am a new subuse of these posters on news.
in Minneapolis: Bolshevism. The fascists destroy miserable German foreign poll IMPORTANT FACTOR deal of powerful stuff. Your pa scriber and thoroughly enjoyed Let the People these legends by summarizing. cy of the post Bismarckian era, The scapegoats are, thus, Litstands and at meetings will The regular Sunday Faum of per must somehow reach the Uk the first two issues of your paper for their own part, the genuine which, with English intrigues, in vinov, Tukhachevsky and the help to increase the sale of the meets at 8: at rainian manges in the US De that received. Vote on War! foundations of the friendship: volved the German and the Rus other liquidated people. Hitler the Socialist Appeal. 919 Marquette.
What the Nazi Press Says About The Stalin Hitler War Alliance Ger WORKERS FORUM ANTI WAR RALLY ON