CapitalismCommunismDemocracyEnglandFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarItalyMussoliniNazismPopular FrontsSocialismStalinStalinismStrikeUnited FrontWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

SOCIALIST APPEAL FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1939 New Anti War Pamphlet EARL BROWDER In the ARRESTED Labor and the Second World War FLIMSY CHARGE Labor Unions By Johnson Stalinists Reap Re(Continged from Page about these worldwide collisions is the nature of capitalist into vigorous life by the need of self defence. In the sults of Allegiance By WIDICK Trish emigration and hoped thåt an Irishman would soon economy, which drives the imperialists unceasingly to war. twenty five years between 1889 and 1914, at the very to Roosevelt Pressure on John Lewis to be as rare on the banks of the Liffey as a red man on the The Nature of Capitalist Economy time when finance capitalists were accumulating greater purge the Stalinists came direct: banks of the Hudson. In the first election after the war wealth than ever before, such were the working conditions To understand one great imperialist country is to underContinued from Page and fluctuations of wages in British industry that the ment, the Stalinists are to be through Sidney Hillman, presi of 1914 1918, the Irish people elected, out of a hundred dent of the Augenated Cloth constituencies, seventy six candidates who stood for Irish stand all. And Great Britain, the classic example of capi British workers doubled the size of their trade unions persecuted. They are being perlng Workers of America. independence. British democracy recognized this exprestalist development and imperialist expansion, offers the Hillman was so determined to Sion of Irish democracy by murder, terror, and destruction.
and, beginning in 1900, created a labor party that had secuted only in part because they finest example for tracing the undeviating road of capi nearly 150 members in Parliament before fifteen years in camp. Even more important, itself that it created a conflict be. And when in 1921 the Irish had won a partial freedom by talist profits to imperialist war.
had passed.
they are being persecuted by the tween himself and Lewis before revolutionary struggle and sacrifice, British democracy Up to 1851 Britain was the workshop of the world, Roosevelt government in order to exploiting the British market and its great colony of InThe Conflict of Imperialisms provide a precedent against the We have been informed that forced them to submit to a partition, creating the British But that very half century, 1851 1901, saw the emer which are being raised against genuine revolutionary voices Hillman was so anxious to begin colony of Northern Ireland. From 1921 to this day the dia, the brightest jewel in the British crown and the red. baiting drive that he British controlled government there has had the power blackist page in British history. British industry was at gence of new imperialisms. Japan was drawn into the American participation in the threatened to take the issue on to arrest without warrant and keep in jail without trial.
its zenith. The wealth of the British ruling class came pri circle of modern nations by Commodore Perry in 1854. Wathe universal hatred of the the floor directly Such is the democracy of Great Britain, a tyranny Forces Hillman Hand Tsarist Russia made half a step forward by her semi maases against Stalin alliance inarily from industrial production, and in 1851 25 of Besides, Hillman was quite and oppression on which the sun has never set for over the British population was engaged in the basic industries. emancipation of the serfs in 1861. By the destruction of with Hitler makes the stalinists outspoken in his demand that two hundred years.
Investments abroad were less than three billion dollars. the slave power in 1865 America became a nation fully or particularly vulnerable, and that Lewis make peace with RooseFifty years afterwards the portion of the population in ganized for capitalist development. Bismarck united the is why the Roosevelt government velt, and the Cioconvention French Democracy No Better Than British basic industries was 15 instead of 25. But invest scattered States of Germany in the war of 1870 against serve Roosevelt, however, merely on record in full support of Roosevelt The history of one modern imperialism is the history of ments abroad, three billion dollars in 1862, were fifty bil France. Italy completed her struggle for national unity as a starting point against all Lewis became disgusted with them all. Second only to British democracy, and that lions in 1901. This, in our period, is the curse of capital in 1870 militant workers.
Browder himself, Mike Thorez ist production from which it cannot escape: mounting in Except America, which still had the vast territories of in France, etc. is reaping what force his hand in advance of the only for lack of opportunity, is French democracy. To convention. Lewis calmly told the day forty millions of Negroes, Algerians, Tunisians, and vestments abroad and a declining economy at home. the West to exploit, every imperialist nation began a mad he sowed. He and the other stalCIO executive council and lead Moors in Africa suffer for the power and profits of French Between 1778, the beginning of the industrial revolu scramble for territory all over the globe, in the perpetual sist bureaucrats did thetr ut: tion, and 1851, the characteristic capitalist owned and quest for new markets, sources of raw materials, and War Deal. Until this week, one that he was going to resign the democracy. Between 1911 and 1926 the population in French equatorial Africa declined by six million. The peo managed his factory and competed freely with his fellows.
chairmanship fields for investment. In twenty short years, 1880 1900, could not find a word of crit!
This announcement created ple of French Indo China are in a state of continuous reBut as capitalism expands and profits accumulate, there is the vast continent of Africa was divided. Britain had cism of Roosevelt or Attorney an inevitable tendency to combination of the larger firms long since established herself in China. She seized Burma. responsible for the present perent at that meeting for it ap. volt. At the last elections. Ta thu Thau and Tran vanand elimination of the smaller. Any American city can France seized Indo China. Germany seized Kiaochow and secution. As much as the Stalinpeared that Lewis was in dead Trach, the revolutionary candidates of the Fourth Inter earnest about resigning.
national, were elected to the legislative council, one of them give a dozen examples of this during the last twenty years. Wei hai wei. She seized Samoa and half of New Guinea: 1st could, they tied the working Hillman jumped up and strong.
The bigger the combine, the greater the amount of capGreat Britain seized the other half. Britain and France ship. They are builders of the ly urged Lewis to reconsider bis from the prison in which French democracy held him, decision. He said he rather have a convincing testimony of the people hatred for their ital needed to finance its gigantic operations. Thus arises almost fought over the control of the head waters of the prisons in which they are now Lewis as president even if he rulers. Such is the political repression that local Indothe financial capitalist, who has little or no connection with Nile, but France decided that it would be better to play to be Incarcerated.
thought Lewis was wrong on Chinese editors were jailed for reprinting articles appearthe management of industry or the application of capital second fiddle to Britain in return for an alliance against some policies, especially with reto production.
Germany. Japan and Russia, both raiding China, fought 1939 Bound Volumes spect to Roosevelt, than to have ing in the paper Leon Bluin, the head of the Popular correct policies adopted. anFront government in Paris. In the same way, Ramsay it out in the Russo Japanese war.
The Effects of Finance Capital of It was Hillman way of say. McDonald, when Socialist Prime Minister of Great BriThe wealth of the country is controlled by a few thouThe German Challenge to British Imperialism SOCIALIST APPEAL ing that he was willing to retain, banned copies of his own book on socialism from from a drastic onslaught on circulation in India.
sand people whose only labor is to clip coupons and draw Germany, centrally situated in the heart of Europe benow ready!
the Stalinists at the convention.
returns from investment. The old type of capitalist sold came the most dangerous rival of Great Britain and with Lewis also retreated from his goods at home and abroad. The modern finance capitalist the most highly developed industrial technique in the refusal to support the Roosevelt War for Profit, Not for Democracy exports capital, first to rising imperialisms like America, world. Cheap German goods challenged Britain in every bound together.
Have a first52 issues of this year neatly neutrality bill and whatever hesThese are the democracies. In the six years that the itation he had on purging the as Britain did in the years before and after the Civil corner of the globe. Germany planned a railway from Ber hand survey of the historic Stalinists was removed. Nazis have ruled Germany, they did not have the oppor War, and then to more backward countries, where capi lin to Bagdad along which fast trains would carry German events of this year right at your However, he was much smart tunity to commit a fraction of the aggression, the tyranny, tal is scarce and labor, land, and raw materials are cheap. goods into England precious Eastern markets. German elbow.
er in his strategy than Hillman. the destruction of human liberty and democratic rights, Thus in his constant search for more profitable fields of in capitalists clamored for more colonies and larger spheres. 00 Including postage)
purge at the convention combin that France and Britain have perpetrated since their last vestment, he creates industries abroad whose production of influence, and more ominous than their words was ed with a stirring rally to line war for democracy.
ORDER NOW FROM: competes with and undermines the industries at home. the clang of the shipyards building the German fleet. But up the CIO openly behind RooseDemocracy has nothing to do with this war. Does anyvelt pro war policies.
These industries, thus challenged, have to seek more and long before 1914 all available territory had been seized. Socialist. Appeal Lewis bided his time watu the one in his senses believe that if Britain were a fascist better markets for their goods and new sources of raw Germany could acquire new colonies only by taking them 116 UNIVERSITY PLACE convention was over. Then he state tomorrow it would fight less desperately for the pro materials.
from other empires, particularly those of Britain and New York City, walked into the executive board fits of its Empire? When Chamberlain was being attacked Against the competition it had itself helped to create, France.
everyone knew he had on his for appeasing the fascist governments, he said in the British industry could not hold its own. While the in All this time the imperialists were fighting each other SEE SPLENDID FRENCH mind.
House of Commons that he finds it difficult to become envestments were mounting from three to fifty billions, the by tariffs, quotas, trade agreements, boycotts, and other FILM, End of a Day. TheStrong Language thusiastic over forms of government. Today Chamberlain, number of workers in the textile industry declined from peaceful means. But they knew that this was a prepaatre party, Oct. 23 thru 27 Tickets: Downtown Labor The decision of the convention as for years past; is trying to win over his ally, Mussolini, 94 to 74 per 1000 of the population. Once well started, ration for a more sanguinary battle. Both sides multiplied Center, 51 St. or Nato have an eight man directing board consisting of the officers the very founder of fascist barbarism. No, fascist or dem this process moves at breakneck speed. Between 1901 and armaments, consolidated alliances and prepared the peotional Omce (Caldwell. 65c.
and six new vice presidents was ocratic, the imperialists are fighting because only by fight1914 British investments abroad jumped from fifty to one ple for the coming struggle by incessant nationalistic prohundred billion dollars, while textile workers declined from Subscribe to the that they were going to be Jeft ing can they prevent their immediate extinction. They 74 to 62 per 1000. The British working class was stirred (To be continued)
out in the cold insofar as top have no alternative, and the first thing to understand SOCIALIST APPEAL leadership was concerned.
But the tough talk of Lewis to the board members was stronger than the Stalinists had expected. Every known Communist Par.
ty member on the payroll as organizer or other appointed position is to be fired. If there is any doubt about an individual, give him the benefit generously to the defense fund, over his bench like so many rotThese apokesmen for the naproviding he devotes his full time tive, Indian capitalist class have to building the CIO.
lutions to clair Johnson, secre over one million dollars in bribes led Popular Front ministries in We re not going to have a tary treasurer, Minneapolis AFL Crom his wealthy clients. Yet the provinces for 24 years red baiting campaign but we are WPA Defense Committee, 18 bail for Manton was set at only now. In that time they have congoing to get rid of these people.
North 8th Street, Minneapolis. 10, 000, the same figure originducted themselves as administraSome Angles to the Trials ally asked by the government in tors of the British rule, bringing words he used in his talk.
the case of 60. 50 month WPA upon themse. ves the deep hatred The class nature of the perse workers. Manton is a dirty erook; While the CIO top leaders are of India workers and posants.
cution of the Minneapolis unem the WPA workers are guilty only calculating that the Stalinists will accept this and keep quiet.
ployed in the present trials ts of striking against the oppressMasses Want to Fight Harry Bridges, California direcindicated by several circumstane ive provisions of the relief law. Continued from Page 1) tory of British rule in India for If they act now it is only bees: tor of the CIO appeared at the Manton on y faces a sentence is made of a distant Dominion 150 years we can expect full en cause (1) the British spit in their secution, the Defense Committee On October 2, the federal (Continued from Page 1)
woodworkers convention to help defeat a resolution condemning But never spoke to a soul at the is working with the AFL WPA government moved for a dismis or two years in prison and a fine status to be reached by gradual forcement of the military dicta faces before the entire world constitutional stages (lasting torship if the Congress leaders do they were forced to act due to beaches, though visited them Defense Committee of St. Paul sal of conspiracy charges against The defendants in the WPA few centuries. not come to heel shortly.
Nazism, communism, etc.
the explosive power created by and operators trials face exactly the same sen Even in the last war the BrlThis furnishes the first real the next day. Boy. am a and officials of the State Feder 152 coal county where bloody lence as Manton two years and is made more concrete prom in such a state of affairs that it te fight now for their freedom The tottering British Empire is the population of In in what test on the question of the Stal victim of circumstances. ation of Labor to circulate all of Harlan unions in Minnesota, appealing terror against the miners has 10, 000.
inists in the CIO.
Trial Lights to Dato for financial and moral support reigned for years. The federal ises for independence upon com cannot even offer a crumb to its These traitors act only user Lule What action will Lewis take The story of the first two tri to the defense. It so happened that at the pletion of the war. This time loyal servant, Gandhi, and his sharpest compulsion of the workafter convention delegates pro als is the story of hand picked The WPA Defense Committee, miss the conspiracy charges ago WPA trial was on, 47 year old on which the reactionary Gandhi has nothing for its colorimers and peasants, and then only government doesn move to dis same time the first Minneapolis there was not even a promise up followers! British test about the interference of juries made up of wealthy farm headed but in a limited way.
George Murk of the ainst the Minneapolis workers, banker named Joseph Person was could hang his hat or loin cloth. increased exploitation, conscrip Bridges who was not an official ers and small business men: of Musicians Union, has called at though, it presses the charges ev. being tried in this city for his The conservative Premier of tion into mass armies and brutal tee of the Congress in its resoluThe leading Working Commitdelegate but only a guest at the District Attorney Anderson patention to the extreme danger er more harshly.
ing by press reports, the dele and WPA oficials who told man which the conspiracy charge Not a single worker has been ther. Person, the protege of the the statement as deeply disap For the vast masses of British resign made it clear that it wants gates are determined to launch sorts of lies about the defend everywhere. As defined by Judge Juries. All jurors have been eith his old mother to death with al and Native India, Ceylon, Hong no mass struggle for freedom at a drive against the Bridges ac ants: of Judge Joyce who in his Joyce and District Attorney An er businessmen or well off farm kitchen chair.
was only a disappoint kong, Afghanistan, Tibet, Iran, this time (or ever. It is attempt.
tion. ment to those who expected Iraq, Palestine the story is the ang to wring a few parliamentary Stormy weather lies ahead in spracy in such a way that no the eyes of the government, a witnesses were able to shatter found guilty. The jury found Per aimed at deceiving the workers manpower, food products, raw from the British. Negotiations were something from the British, or same. They will supply their concessions of a minor nature the CIO movement.
be found Innocent; and of the conspire; he doesn have to know trict attorney has been able to have decided it is a greater crime something. The British imperial. be bombed, sunk and destroyed And so, their resolution wards All Out for press and the city and state of the existence of the other con play on the class prejudices and to strike against the government ists give nothing, absolutely by Britain rival Imperialists. against masa satyagraha (civil ELECTION RALLY Roosevelt and Murphy to smear ieve any results to be a conspir. tray as dangerous en ther to death.
the habit of taking to be squandered in a futile at strikes.
for the Minneapolis unemployed, and ator; he doesn have to act with emies of the state, and to secure No Concessions aid in the frame up.
tempt to keep alive a dying rul But the resolntion of the 375,(3) What plans can be made ing class and its exploiting sys 000, 000 Indian slaves reada en.
Defense Committee Accepts he doesn have to aid in the con 03. In his charges to the juries, ANNOUNCEMENTS for future co operation in the tree. com tirely different! There is a resoChallenge ception of the The AFL WPA Defense Com To the government, any man or acy as to practically order the HOW ABOUT LITTLE Haunt to brass tacks and proposes a that the endless negotiations had freedom and independence. Desconspiracy war? Here the Viceroy gets down the moment it became clear lution of determined struggle for Judge Joyce so defines conspir. Candidate for mittee in Minneapolis has accept woman seems to be a conspirator Jury to convict the defendants this SATURDAY NIGHT, Oct. united front of all Indian class been useless; the moment it be pite the will of the handful of InBronx Councilman) ed the challenge of the federal who didn like the wage cutting Both in the bail asked and 28, at the Upper West Side es in support of the common came apparent that the British dian bosse it will appeal the cases of all de the Roosevelt Woodrum bill.
government and has announced and job destroying provisions of in the penalty defined in the new Branch, 916 9th Ave. near cause. That is, Indian manpower had revealed themselves all over present action indicates the berelief law, poor unemployed work59th St. Admission 33c.
to die on the battlefields of Eur again to be nothing but slave ginning of a revolutionary strug.
at fendants to the circuit court of The AFL WPA Defense Comers who never exploited anyone ope and Asia to assure a continu masters then a storm of protest gle, for India freedom. It will TREMONT appeals and to the highest court mittee, determined to prevent the in their lives are confronted with ous flow of gold for the British broke over India.
not be hard to buy of the conin the land, if necessary. government from establishing stiffer terms than placed against CIRL TO SHARE unfurnished money baggers.
This bitter hostility was direct servative Congress leaders but and Encouraged by news from the such a dangerous precedent, has real honest to God crooks. For apartment, southern exposure, Linlithgow, while openly hint ed not only against the British, the workers and peasants can PROSPECT AVE.
executive council of the Ameri accepted the burden of appealing instance, the notorious Judge private entrance to room, 15 ing at the necessity for Indian but against its would be support never be bought off. The first pocan Federation of Labor that it the verdict in the first two trials. Manton, 10th ranking judge in a month, 28 Second St. cor. unity, has not as yet swung ers and agents the conservative tentially revolutionary crisis of had passed a resolution protest. The Defense Committee appeals the United States, was recently 2nd Ave. Write Socialist Ap widely with his imperialist police Congress leaders with Gandhi the war is at hand. Of that there SAT. OCT. 28 P. ling against the Minneapolis per Ito unlons everywhere to donate found guilty of selling justice peal, o Stanley.
club. But knowing the bloody his and Nehru at their head. can be no doubt.
Max Shachtman and the