BolshevismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarItalySocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyWorkers PartyWorld War

Official Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International Issued Twice Weekly Labor and The Second World War The First Installment Of a New Pamphlet By Johnson VOL. III, NO. 82 NEW YORK, OCTOBER 27, 1939 3c a Copy BOSS POLITICIANS DROP CHALLENGE More WPA Strikers Socialism In One Country Goes International Decide On Convicted in Second Write In Mpls. Frame Up Trial Drive for Paine HITLER EARL BROWDER ARRESTED ON FLIMSY CHARGE STALIN Major Struggle Ahead in India, British Reject Freedom Demand challenge glance destroys the fiction of the interne ocKong, one soyee to appear beroende els now at he comes Germany and the democracies, Great Britain and France, are once more locked in murderous conflict. President Roosevelt, like Woodrow Wilson, has declared America neutrality. But moving even faster than Wilson, Roosevelt, in his first broadcast after the beginning of hostilities, incited the American people to participation on the side of the democracies. Even a neutral has a right to take account of facts. Even a neutral cannot be asked to close his mind or close his conscience.
Hitler and the German imperialists bear their full share of responsibility for the competition in murder now raging in Europe. We work and wait for the day when the European workers will sweep away fascism. But to work toward the destruction of fascism does not in any way mean to support the democracies. What are these democracies. Today Great Britain rules by force of arms nearly Convicted Face Two Years Imprisonment 400 million people in India; and in 1935, while the British And Fines Up to 10, 000 No Workers on representative at the League of Nations was protesting against the Italian bombing of Ethiopia, British airplanes Juries Trying Indicted Strikers were bombing civilians on the northwest frontier of India.
New York SWP Girds British Democracy in India and Africa (Special to the Socialist Appeal)
All Its Forces For FiMINNEAPOLIS, Oct. 21 Yesterday at 9:45 a. the jury In Forty million Indian peasants do not get one square the second of the Minneapolls WPA trials filed into Judge Joyce meal in two days. The 1931 census showed that 321 out court and announced its verdict: three of the four defendants were nal Campaign Sprint of 350 million people were illiterate. Over 40 of the found guilty of conspiracy and overt acts in connection with the Indian revenue is used for the upkeep of the military for neapolis. Found guilty were Milton McLean, Charles Conners and ces that hold the people in chains. So powerful is the spir Willanı Riley. Charles Moore was judged not guilty. Jurors took After having successfully it of revolt against this 300 year old exploitation and tyrthree ballots to reach the guilty verdict, six ballots before they desmashed the attempts to have cided Moore was innocent.
anny that in ten years the Indian National Congress, on its Bronx candidate for CounOn Tuesday morning the jury in the first trial had found five or a program of complete independence from Britain, has the eight defendants guilty of cilman, Max Shachtman, regrown from 400, 000 to 6, 000, 000 conspiracy and intimidation.
moved from the ballot, the The score in the campaign of In Africa Britain holds sixty million Africans in a conNew York district of the Sothe federal government against dition of semi slavery. In Kenya and Rhodesia natives the Minneapolis unemployed now cialist Workers Party comwork for ten and fifteen cents a day. All through South stands as follows: pleted its plans for swinging and East Africa they live in locations, which they are for Indicted 161 men and women into concerted action for the bidden to leave after curfew without special personal per and youth last two weeks of the municiArrested 138 mission. Representatives in the governing council they Found Guilty pal campaign.
have none.
Found Not Guilty Next Trial in Series 25 men At the hearings before the To crush a revolution among the Burmese peasants in New York Board of Elecand women, charged with con1929 cost ten thousand lives. Sixteen rebels were de spiracy, to start October 30. Real Motive Is Stalintions, before which the thoucapitated and their heads exhibited in a row by the repre jury starts Monday, October 23, sands of signatures to the pe ist Shift to Nazisentatives of British democracy.
to investigate St. Paul aspects of tition for placing Shachtman In Palestine the British set Arab against Jew, in Can WPA strike.
Soviet War Camp on the ballot were being contested by one of the local reactionary ada English against French. In Egypt they gave a share Will Be Sentenced November politicians, the objector taited to of the pickings to the Egyptian aristocracy in return for Defendants found guilty in the appear and thereby tacitly acThe Roosevelt governmental knowledged that he did not even their aid in suppressing the millions of peasants. In Cey Srst two of the ten trials so far scheduled were ordered by Judge drive against the Communist have the flimsiest basis for a Indies, Malta and Hong vember for sentence. They face week, when Earl Browder, head number of other candidates, penalties of up to two years im of the Communist Party, was in all the boroughs of the city, British Democracy, Strangler of Ireland prisonment, and fines up to 10. speedily indicted, arrested and released on 7, 500 bail. He is were, however, disqualified by the It is not only colored people or backward nations over 500 Board of Elections, acting for the which British democracy stands as jailer for the sake day, District Attorney Victor An court Directly after the verdict Fri now awaiting trial by a Federal under the indictment, most part under the direction of By SHERMAN STANLEY Tammany politicians who apparof power and profits. The millions of Irish in American derson moved for trial of no less which charges him with twice cities are there because of British democracy. In 1847, than 90 defendants in one huge using a passport originally ob The Indian Nationalist Congress representing 5, 000, 000 organized members and tens ently not only insist on choosing conspiracy indictment. The detained on the basis of a false of millions of Indian nationalists this week ordered its ministries in the eight leading but also the candidates running at the time of the potato famine, the London Times, then tense moved for separate trial statement.
provinces of British India to resign in protest against British imperialist policy.
as now the organ of British imperialism, rejoiced at the and Joyce agreed to try 25 of against them.
Only Protext Continued on Page 2)
them October 30. The third trial These resignations precipitate the first serious political crisis of the present world war.
Write In Drive for Paine will be one of the most important enough by itsele to reveal that Although the war is a bare two months old, all the conditions for a major revolutionary In Manhattan, however, the po tition of the candidate, Minneapolis unemployed. Includ erime consisted of failing to it is merely a pretext. Browder situation exist in India!
Last week British imperialist rulers again gave a true indication of one of their the Board on the basis of a nummany active members and lead tion that he had secured previous reasons for participating in the present imperialist war.
ber of cheap technicalities with By GEORGE STERN tion and the Youth Section of statute of limitations against with leaders of various politic For weeks since the war began, the British appointed Viceroy of India had consulted the result that his name will not Local 541. Ea Palmquist, Oscar prosecution for securing the pre al and communal organizaappear on the official ballot. This The papers here have failed to from Italy, procedure, which it was more diftake notice so far of an extremeficult for the Board to apply in Signature of the Ankara pact and Margaret Schoenfeld, Maxvious passports under assumed ly significant interview given to has been followed by the opening Geldman, Eddie Albert, etc.
Tom Davis, defense counsel, was limited to the Shachtman can because of the the London News Chronicle by of new diplomatic drives rest tech forts to over (buy many thousands of signatures over and above the number legalal without presenting any witEven more to the point, it is ly required for placing a candiexplorer who called on Hitler a the Russians, both of which are nesses.
week ago under conditions that seeking to form blocs of the clear that this information was of India Nationalist Condate on the ballot, will necessiseemed to suggest he might be southeastern European states Victim of Circumstance in the hands of the government gress.
tate the continuation of the called upon to play the role of which they could manipulate as While waiting in the courtroom last April, when the passportThe Premier of the Bihar Paine unofficial bearer of peace pro the further course of the war dic for the jury to bring in its ver ring trial took place. At that in Manhattan are basis. Want dacy on write in First Effects of CI. Stalinist Purge Felt dict, Charles Connors, Negro de time, the Socialist Appeal and Congress Ministry stated the posals from Hitler to the western tates.
being asked to vote for Paine by powers.
In Moscow, Izvestia, the gov fendant, mused about his case. other labor papers pointed out position of the right wing writing in his name.
Hedin indirectly quoted Hitler ernment paper, blustered that a At Lumberjacks Convention An increasing number of inas saying that Anglo German co fresh Anglo French attempt to vy a victim of circumstances. hill was obviously not producing leaders and followers of Madoor and outdoor meetings under Connors, who served 15 years in court all the evidence he had, hatma Gandhi in a resolution the auspices of the Socialist advance of Bolshevisme. e, of failed, that the Russians had no in the US Army, is now a truck and was going to considerable he introduced in the National First reverberations of the not a purge move directly int. Workers Party Campaign ComSoald we Western Cvilization of the parleys with the Turks So help me, he said, nevshow that the defendants were England must clearly state its Executive Committee meeting, loggers who could see no differ where it is running candidates, lengths not to have the record Assembly to the effect that purge of Stalinists from the Chotiated by Lewis and Co. It was a mittee are already arranged, es Hitler dream.
embarked upon a Balkan fence. never went around trying to why has Cahill now moved ag war aims with regard to In were heard at the International ence between Stalinist mislead with larger crowds than ever exern bloc strong enough to dictate a benevolent eye. And the reopen project, in the blacksmith shop series of Indictments? What bas iate cause of the present crisis. Our predictions in the last is tionary tendencies was an indin e Hitler Wound join a west. Germany can look with scarcely was working on the Robbinsdate that this is only the first of And then the answer immed een cluding ite sessions at Klam. Bicial. com, Thiate the oppositione cat Concentrate on War Issue reorganization of Europe. Jing of Russian talks with Turkey Riley was there, too. They came changed since April?
came in the form of a White sue of the Socialist Appeal and evitable product of Stalinist mis concentrate on the All efforts are beingue in Germany would undoubtedly is confidently predicted in Lon along and pulled us of the job do so. Hedin replied.
first. We were the first job to be What Has Changed the election the war issue, which The answer was a fat refusal swift confirmation in the events rule.
The Hedin interview offers a This, taken together with the closed down. Riley and went al What has changed is that, in to grant the 375, 000, 000 people of further glimmer of light into the obvious coolness developing be long with the rest of the strikers April, Browder boss, Stalin, India their freedom and indepen. Vous sera convention pre. The opposition represented the the other parties and candidates under Stalinist misrule. Columbia District best are making a cowardly attempt shadows in which the present tween Rome and Berlin, has giv to the belt line project and the was in the democratic camp, powerful opposition touched organized section of the union. to evade, out of fear of putting war of arms, nerves, power di en the British diplomats a some gravel pit. walked into the and Browder party was doing dence, coupled with several ex off its artillery fire, which was to it opened fire Pritchett and forward openly the unpopular plomacy has enshrouded itselt. what easier breathing space and travel pit to talk with Martoccio. its utmost to defend the Rooseceptionally were promises. ce boom throughout the convention, Bridges for selling out the Carna pro war position which they take Season it is now generally as tinuing with the waiting game to my race. Then did take a workers. Now Stalin has shifted answered three specific questions Lewis in your statement of no 1937. Bridges had refused to sup Imetadation to the meeting will continue on their extremely staffs have evidently decided up lick, just like he told the jury. drive of the Roosevelt govern tives of the British governmente a aspiring to control the Congress prevent the company forehead: pices of the socialist Workers (1) What are the war objection condemning communista port a picket line designed to scheduled directly under the aus limited scale while the more im on. Continued on Page 2)
Continued on Page 2)
that Cham of Industrial Organizations. ing hot lumber. He had threat. portant battles are fought out Just what they are waiting for berlain had already given the anin the chancelleries and diplo is the prime problem of the war.
The resolution had carried un walk through the picket line it to appear at various meetings ormatie back alleys To guess that they hope for the swer that is, of destroying Hit.
CORRECTION TO TROTSKY ARTICLE lerism. His Lordship does not animously. The pressure of the Portland dockers would not. This ganized under the auspices of op On the diplomatic front the replacement of Hitler by a Gerwestern Allies have been winning man militar dictatorship which The following three sentences were inadvertently ommitted feel it necessary to go beyond opposition had already drawn is part of the infamous Bridges en forums, non party groups and (Continued on Page 3) fraternal organizations.
the victories so notably absent in will fall in with plans for a joint from comrade Trotsky article (Stalin The Temporary Holder of this evasive and hypocritical disclaimer from Harold Pritch.
Plans are also under way for a the military sphere during the war against Russia is probably the Ukraine) in the last issue of the Socialist Appeal. They come at statement.
ous Stalinist, that he was not whirlwind conclusion to the cam See About Future last few weeks. The pact with not very far from the mark. It the end of the fourth paragraph of the article and had never been a member of NOTICE (2) What is to be the future the Communist Party. Pritchett paign on the eve of the elections Furthermore, no honest person can approve the liberation of Turkey has at least for the time may very well be the pressure of There will be an important themselves, in which every force ance in the eastern end of the ing Hitler to go easy on the west enslavement of 23 million Poles! Even in the case that the Kremlin The Viceroy reply was equiva indicates in advance the rout that membership meeting of all at the disposal of the party will belng established a pro Ally bal the military leaders that is forc million Ukrainians and White Russians at the price of the national of India after the war is over? hasty apology at the first blow New York SWP and YPSL be utilized to reach the maximum Mediterranean and has severely ern fronts and to send out feel organizes a members this Sunday, Oct. 29. number of workers in Manhattan weakened the slim chances thaters, such as that carried by He ner, that was the occupied Galicia in the Goebbels man. llent to the statement. Well, will characterize other Stalinist no one. This is not a question of the liberation we ll see about that when the leaders not as deeply entrenched.
at Webster Hall, 119 11th and the Bronx with the platform remained that Germany would be din, for possible understanding of an oppressed people, but rather of the territorial expansion of the time comes. True, some mention The attack against the StalinSt. Time: 2:30 and views of the Socialist World able to count on any cooperation with his present enemies. bureaucratic oppression and parasitism. Continued on Page 2)
lists at the IWA convention was lers Party.
Behind the Lines en een grote government tions. He had bent special et RANK AND FILE LOGGERS REVOLT made to at the