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SOCIALIST APPEAL TUESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1939 British Social Patriots Veil Imperialist War Aims With Anti Hitler Battle Cries IN THIS CORNER ne post office Liberation. 12 But Mr. Roosevelt is mistaken. He doesn yet SOCIALIST APPEAL have labor in this country under his heel like Hitler in Germany. Labor can and will fight the VOL. III, No. 81 Tuesday, October 24, 1939 Jailor in the White House. It must fight him. It Published Twice Weekly by the must force him to release his prisoners, who are SOCIALIST APPEAL PUBLISHING ASSN.
at 116 University Tlace. New York, NY flesh and blood of the working class.
Telephone: Algonquin 8547 So rally, all men and women of labor, to the defense of your brothers in Minneapolis! Do not Subscriptions: 00 per year 00 for Sunare harder six months. For elgon: 00 per year United let them rot in prison, as we have done so often By Max Shachtman. conta per copy in single copiesos: cents per copy in in the past with labor warriors. The united.
Bronx and Manhattan subscriptions are 50 for six arms of labor are strong enough to tear down months 00 for one ye matter September 29. 1939. at Among the many other points in which the wars the Reen torno a New York, under the Act of March any prison wall.
of old differed from modern imperialist wars is Unite to free Roosevelt Minneapolis prisBy BRITANNICUS sary the moment there is a abroad.
Nothing is more demonstra German Government with It is pleasant to chatter about that our ancestors were not subjected to the inoners!
tive of the utter political and which rational negotiations can the lovely world which we are fluence of the vast and well oiled propaganda maEditor: chine for mobilizing the minds of the masses in MAX SHACHTMAN moral bankruptcy of British be undertaken. We shall fight to see when the carnage is endorder that their bodies might be all the more easAssociate Editor EMANUEL GARRETT reformism, which twice in a against either annexations or ed. Laski Co. will prevent FELIX MORROW generation has harnessed the punitive indemnities. We shall new Versailles, at least in ily mobilized.
General Manager Nothing nowadays escapes the war propaganda Assistant Manager: British workers to the war ma use our power and the method. what a preposterous MARTIN ABERN SHERMAN STANLEY chine of their imperialist mas power of the British Labor qualification! Laski will abro machine. If there are no incidents to magnify and ters, than the sterile and hypo movement is no negligible thing gate the evil principle of state distort, they are simply invented. The enemy camp is ruthless; our camp is merciful. The en critical discussion which is now to prevent any effort to re sovereignty.
FIGHT WITH THE SOCIALIST Writing on Sept. 25 on the probable course of leverishly raging on the subject peat the errors, especially in These stale platitudes are an amy wages war upon Innocent women and chi)
dren; our chivalrous camp spares them and is method, of Versailles. We shall loutrage on the intelligence. The WORKERS PARTY FOR: events in the territories occupied by the Soviet The war aims of British im hope to make the conclusion of loose and flabby talk about a noble even towards opposing troops.
Take the case of the sinking of the Athenis. For Union, Leon Trotsky said: perialism are clear. Strip away hostilities the basis upon which, Federal Union of Europe afdays it held the headlines of the American press. job and a decent living for every worker. The Moscow government will carry the persiflage of hollow and tat through the abrogation of the ter hostilities have satisfactorThe barbarie Germans had sunk the ship in the tered slogans, which in them evil principle of State sover ily ended to the advantage of Open the idle factories operate them under through the expropriation of the large land own selves are mocking echo of eignty, we can reorganize the British and French imperial dead of night, without warning, and without the workers control.
ers and statify the means of production. This the lies of 1914 18, and naked life of Europe politically and ism, is of the same rehashed slightest show of concern for the innocent pas Twenty Billion dollar Federal public works unbeautiful the truth economically.
character. The last war prosengers. men, women and children. who were variant is most probable, not because the bureau and and housing program.
emerges. This war is to ensure WHILE LASKI WAITS duced the League of Nations. sailing for home.
cracy remains true to the socialist program but the continuance of British world FOR EARLY OPPORTUNITY The creature of this war is to That the courtly Aryan warriors are quite ca4. Thirty thirty! 30 weekly minimum wagebecause it neither desires nor is able to share the domination, the preservation of This high falutin balderdash be a United States of Europe. pable of conducting themselves as charged we do 30 hour weekly maximum for all workers on all Jobs.
power, and the privileges connected with it, with British colonial plunder, and is the sugar with which British This abortion has nothing in not doubt for a moment. What we are a little the old ruling classes in the occupied territory. the destruction of a dangerous reformism is again coating the common with socialist thought. Thirty dollar weekly old age and disability have to be exceptionally stupid to sink a passenpension. This measure, revolutionary in character High pressure salesmanship bitter pill of war. Word for its father is Ernest Bevin and this particular case. The Hitlerite ware state soula the expropriation of the expropriators is in ger ship like the Athenia, an act which could have can sell this kind of war to Word Laski thesis might have York. At the moment the idea the British masses under those Itual brethren the Labor trai. the disorientated intelligentsia been spoken by one of his spir. is creating quite a furor among no other result than to arouse even greater an6. Expropriate the Sixty Families.
this case realized in a military bureaucratic fash price tags. Something more at ters and social patriots of the tagonism to the Nazis in the United States than All war funds to the unemployed.
already exists.
ion. The appeal to independent activity on the tractive is needed. All accounts last imperialist war. This als of the British Isles who have part of the masses in the new territories and from abroad point to the righ demic Bourbon, who claims to this new utopia is nothing more sot into prompt action in the United States. The people referendum on any and all wars.
That is just what happened. The war machine No secret diplomacy.
without this appeal, extremely cautious as it workers towards the war. In for that strange chimera, the than a second attempt to per press opened up the same kind of campaign that 10. An independent Labor Party.
may be, it is impossible to constitute a new re less than two months of hostiwas seen in this country when the Lusitania was 11. Workers Defense Guards against vigilante British Left. which he sees the European continent and the sunk in 1916.
gime will on the morrow undoubtedly be sup ities, an appreciable war weariand Fascist attacks.
ness has set in.
pressed by ruthless police measures in order to ervations to salve his own con colonial world. Based on existOne Story That Was Not Played Up WORKERS FEEL Full social, political and economic equality assure the preponderance of the bureaucracy PINCH OF WAR science. He is, of course, oping property relationships, few days ago, however, a most important for the Negro people.
over the awakened revolutionary masses. in these early stages war. posed to imperialism, as he United States of Europe can piece of news about the Athenia appeared in the Moscow dispatch in the Oct. 19 issue of the tolerable boredom, irritation at imperialism is not worth the pa STRANGLEHOLD!
weariness is expressed by in might be opposed to chutney, have no other meaning.
press. Yet it did not get a sensational display on Laski platonic hostility to AN END TO REFORMIST the front pages of the newspapers. It was not headNew York Times reveals that already so quick the protracted blackouts, and per it is written on, if at the The British working class can Hned in big letters.
Roosevelt Prisoners ly! the ruthless police measures have been in growing dissatisfaction with the same time he becomes a party have but one answer to the The news was the afhdavit of one of the Athe nia passengers, Gustav Anderson, of EvFive workingmen of Minneapolis have been stituted against the awakened masses.
anston, II. which was filed with the State Depart2, 000, 000 British workers are al of war. This professor amiably Laski. Their Hitler is at home. Spies and agents provocateurs are being ready feeling the pinch of war believes that he and his fellow in the factory, the workshop ment at Washington. According to Mr. Anderson.
found guilty of the crime of intimidation, four found by the GPU in the Red Militia of their own homes. Miners, intellectual recruiting sergeants the war profiteer and bureauwho was aboard the ship when she went down of them also guilty of the crime of conspiracy.
Lwow and other cities, and a purge of the Red tives, engineers, and railroad socialism at the earliest pos class struggle in Great Britain board replied affirmatively to his questions about on Sept. the hold carried a cargo of runs which second trial of four more workingmen has Militias which arose to make the revolution, is already opened, and a third trial, involving another twenty five men on the same charge, opens the contents of the cargo. Later, Chief Omcer already in full process. The claim of the Moscow wage increases to meet rising the earliest possible opportun tional unity so studiously advoauthorities, that they are cleansing the Red Mi prices. Times, Oct. 16. lity will be after another 10, 000. cated by the reformists of the for coastal defenses at Quebec and Halifax, in Copeland told him that the arms were to be used on October 30.
litias of colonels and even generals, is mani British reformist leaders have Slaughtered for the greater thin in the face of harsh ecoThis is the moment which 000 of Europe youth have been right and the left is wearing Canada, and that on her return trip to England, The criminals are WPA workers. The prosecutor is Victor Anderson, attorney, conthe Athenia was to be fitted out as a raider. Furfestly absurd, for the Moscow press itself pre chosen for a clearer exposi glory of their tribal gods, when nomic realities.
ther, said Anderson, there was a shipboard rumor ducting the case under the direct instructions of United States Attorney General Frank Murphy, formed by the most advanced workers. Any berlain is once more being tak class, and reaction rides high strengthen the class struggle on and tragi comic figure of Cham ysis overtakes the working Great Britain is to deepen and that Germany knew of the presence of the guns If Anderson story is true (and we shall see in revolutionary body, of course, might find in its en to task for his inadequate over the ruins of a war torn the home front. But this can minute why we have no special reason to doubt appointed not so long ago by President Rooseit. then the first crime committed was by the its ranks some spies, but it is plain from the slogan of War to destroy Hit world velt.
only be done by a ceaseless The struggle against imper fight against the war on all and non belligerent passengers of the presence of British authorities who failed to warn innocent Moscow dispatch that the flood of stories in the What were the crimes of the convicted workThe Labor leaders feel that lalism is the struggle against fronts. No quarter for Laski, ers and those awaiting trial?
Kremlin press about alleged spies and agents something more colorful is nec. war. The two are inseparable. Cripps, and the whole tribe of suns in the cargo and the consequent risk tun by They were thrown out of their jobs not beMilitias within a few short weeks of their form of their misguided followers. Hitlerism of imperial Britain ysed the left wing of the British through their spies, knew of the nature of the cargo cause they would not work but because a bankation.
Chamberlain slogan is too which enslaves millions at Labor movement for the past secretly loaded aboard the Athenia, they were negative. Like a pack of adver home and hundreds of millions decade!
just as criminal in failing to make their knowlrupt and crisis stricken social order could no It is characteristic that the Moscow press re tising copywriters, each an.
longer even provide them with the means of edge public and thereby warning all civilians who xious to serve his master to the contemplated taking passage on the ship.
ports that it is being given information about making a livelihood. First crime.
best of his ability. reformist The imperialist press in the United States did The government, fearing the consequences to these spies by the former regular police. publicists are busily scribbling not play up the Anderson story for a very obAs in the Soviet Union proper, so in the occustreamlined sales copy for the vious reason. It does not fit into. quite the con the rotten system of the growing restlessness of trary their campaign of whipping up a chauvinpied territories, the bureaucracy is taking into its war against Hitlerism.
the masses, put some of these unemployed workistic spirit, of rallying the people behind the service the former officials of the capitalist order. EXPENSE OF MASSES By JOSEPH CARTER Roosevelt War Deal. It wouldn do for a minute, ers on relief or gave them work on WPA at This, then, is the liberation which Stalin has In a wordy letter to the New you understand, to give too much publicity to the wages way below the scale to which they had QUESTION: What are the aims of President Roosevelt in the York Times of Oct. 3, Profesides that our democratic British cousins are given to the occupied territories!
been accustomed. Second crime.
sor Harold Laski, member present war?
ANSWER: As the representative of the common interests of capable of endangering the lives of civilians by of the Labor Party Executive, The government, in order to have more and loading passenger ships with munitions of war justifies his support for the new American big business, he seeks: from one belligerent, England, to another, more its funds allotted to war and murder imperialist war on the ground! To establish monopoly control of the Latin American goods Canada.
preparations, cut one billion dollars off the unthat Hitler and his Weltordnung and investment market by replacing German and English trade are the principal enemy of the inte har sountries to imite sebeth ater en el muswhen the latter powers Such Things Have Happend Before British working class. After the are unable to continue their normal business. In this way the Why Congress, a budget already below the elementary we quite prepared to accept Ander son story as worthy of credence? Because such requirements of the people. The government Our renowned democracy does not appear to Chamberlain, who has become ich are to be made completely dependent upon Wall Street things have happened before, and most notoriously in the case of the British transatlantic passenger commanded the unemployed to accept a vicious be holding up very well in the New York elec a ritual whipping boy for 50 and Washington.
The recent Panama Conference (for which see Socialst Appeal, cialists with guilty consciship. Lusitania, The Lusitania was sun tion campaign.
wage slash without protest. The workers did in 1916 and many passengers, including neutral Ameriences, Laski disclaims any sym Oct. 10. 1939) was a big step in this direction.
protest. In Minneapolis, as elsewhere, they went The four Councilmanic candidates of the Stal pathy for British imperialism; To prepare for a military struggle against Japan in order cans, lost their lives. To this day, it has never out on strike against the employer government. inist party have been ruled off the ballot on the and declines to become its in. to open up the markets of China to American capital and trade been clearly Germans, Qublished that she was sunk by the That is why Roosevelt has concentrated the American Navy strument. In a sudden regretthat is of course quite posThird crime.
most obviously flimsy grounds. There isn a table indiscretion he even goes in the Pacific Ocean.
sible. For years it was argued by more than one You can strike against the government, single serious person in the city who doubts that so far as to say that he and his To give material and moral aid to Anglo French imperialperson that the responsibility for the sinking of says Hitler, says Mussolini.
the Lusitania rested on the shoulders of the Brit the Stalinists have more than enough signatures companions of the British sm against Germany so as to defeat Hitler and thereby reopen You can strike against the government, ish Admiralty, which hoped to exploit the resultto comply with the legal requirements for plac Licht will seek the transforma chechoskets of Poland and southeastern Europe (what was once ing sensation and indignation to bring the United said Roosevelt.
ing candidates on the ballot.
est possible opportunity. My That is the reason for Roosevelt drive to lift the arms emStates into direct and active support to the Allied The government can insult the workers to its At the same time, the two Councilmanic can italics bargo; his protest to Russia the ally of Germany for its gangsters.
didates of the Socialist Workers Party, Lyman Laskt expatiates that there is of the Baltic countries and the clear cut general pro Allied We say with emphasis, attitude towards Finland; his support of the recent conference heart content. It can devote more money to Only recently, Walter Mills, in his The Road to War, not only reiterates this theory, but makes preparing for the slaughter of the workers than Paine in Manhattan and Max Shachtman in the no room in the world for our policy of the Administration.
out a powerful circumstantial case for it. The it does to keeping them alive. It can cut their Bronx, have also been challenged and the Board principles destruction of the one years of the New Deal failed to accomplish a serious upturn at that time, Winston Churchill, occupies that post To utilize the present war situation to achieve what six same pirate who was First Lord of the Admiralty already low wages to the bone, regardless of the effect on men, women and children. It can refuse the ballot. In this case too thousands of signa the necessary prelude to the industry and business and a decrease in unemployment by supplying the Allies with arms, airplanes, and other goods. What is important for the moment, however, 18 to meet with the delegated representatives of the tures, over and above the number legally re It is of course possible that This is another reason for Roosevelt campaign to lift the the fact that four days before the Lusitania salled.
workers. It can act like the most reactionary, la quired, were secured and properly filed with the comiy belleve this deind not do productive capacity of American industry for war materials cording to the late Senator LaFollette, warned some reformist leaders may ac embargo. In addition he wants by this way to increase the Secretary of State William Jennings Bryan, acbor hating boss authorities.
ble talk. Self deception has its of all types. President Wilson that the hold of the ship carried But you can fight the government! You Contrary to Messrs. Louis Waldman, James anaesthetic virtues. To dictate the terms of peace after the war so as to establish a cargo of six million rounds of ammunition, and can strike against the government! You can Oneal and other attorneys for American democ We must aid in the destruc American big business domination over the world, for which explosives to boot. He pleaded with Wilson to warn American citizens to keep off th ship, since defend yourself from attacks on your living racy, we have always contended that the closer tion of Hitlerism, cries Laski. purpose he is preparing to throw the military power of the under the circumstances, she was a war risk, subconditions, which are attacks on your life and the United States gets to participation in the us is both possible and neces. That is the most general aim of the Roosevelt program; the meaning of his tremendous armament expenditures, now to be Collector of the Port of New York, later confirmed ject to German attack. Dudley Field Malone, then the life of your family.
World War the sooner it will shed all pretense increased; the significance of the campaign for a two ocean the story about the Lusitania cargo. But WilAnd if you do, as the stout hearted workers at maintaining democratic rights. The action of in Minneapolis did, Roosevelt tries to smash you.
navy which could fight Japan in the Pacific and Germany in son, who was even then determined to swing the the Board of Elections in New York is only an1939 Bound Volumes the Atlantic.
United States into the war, refused to utter a word His Attorney General sent stool pigeons to Min other of the many demonstrations of this truth of of public warning, even though a federal statute neapolis. His Federal Bureau of Investigation which may be seen in this and other countries by SOCIALIST APPEAL JUST OUT. declared it illegal for any passengers to travel aboard a railroad or a vessel carrying explosives.
sent agents to Minneapolis to pick out the fighters anyone who is willing to see. and railroad them to prison. His prosecutor dug Like the Anderson story, the truth about the There is no reason in the world for the Board now ready! Why Negroes Should Oppose the War Lusitania cargo never made the headlines. The up one of the most discredited anti union, anti of Elections ban against us other than the fact By Johnson tragic sinking of the ship was used as a permanent source of reference to the need of a war to labor weapons in our history the conspiracy that we have an intransigent anti war position. 52 issues of this year neatly message that affects the life of every Negro! Make the World Safe for Democracy. In the Spanbound together. Have a firstcharge. And now Mr. Roosevelt can congratulate But that is precisely why the workers of Manhand survey of the historic ORDER NOW!
ish American War of 1898, it was Remember the himself on his signal victory: he got his pris hattan and the Bronx should cast their vote for Maine! In the war that almost broke out some events of this year right at your the candidates. vote for them is a vote two years ago between the Uni oners, he taking his revenge for their impuelbow.
and Ja pan, it was Remember the Panay. especially dence in wanting a decent living, he putting of militant, uncompromising opposition to the Price 50 per copy. Bundle rates 10 to 50 30 per copy. 00 including postage)
in Stalinist leaflets. In the World War, it was Rethem away where they can make any more war and the war mongers who want to get us 50 or more 270 per copy member the Lusitania! And nowadays, probably trouble for our Great Democratic Government into it in the interests of their pelf and power.
ORDER NOW FROM: SPECIAL RATES TO ORGANIZATIONS with increasing volume, the war mongers will cry. Remember the Athenia!
Maybe their fate will be a lesson to others who Protest and fight against the decision of the Socialist Appeal It would be infinitely more intelligent to rememhave the crazy idea that they have almost as Board of Elections!
116 UNIVERSITY PLACE PIONEER PUBLISHERS ber the criminal liars of the propaganda machine much right to live as Barbara Hutton, Brenda Vote for the anti war candidates of the antiwho exploit every noble sentiment of mankind for New York City, 116 University Place, the ignoble interests of a cynical Imperialist rulFrazier, Tommy Manville and their similars. war party the Socialist Workers Party!
ing class.
QUESTION BOX employed relief budget at the last session of New York Elections