BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarLeninLeninismMarxMarxismSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSViolenceWorkers PartyWorking Class

THE NEGRO BLACK SHACHTMAN SEES HOUSING PROGRAM FLEECING THE POOR QUESTION WHILE REALTORS LINE POCKETS An Answer to the Latest Hue and Cry Against the Marxist Position on the War By FELIX MORROW its policy. muddled and impractical, is not to be lightly dis year for five years, in order to volved. not removal of slum cowardly capitulation to the trade union bureaucrats on this government when it enters the war.
answer violence on large scale alone will suffice to break colonial wipe out these areas of blight cwellings to make way for the important question, the Thomasites and Lovestoneites have now war (our critics concede that this already is the program of the for By JOHNSON, By RUTH JEFFREY Again, the United States It is very hard to find a conscientious opponent of the revolu: ly enough, these dissidents did not include the real fighters The Negro petty bourgeoisie as represented for instance in 2, 500, 000 New Yorkers, or Housing Authority ceiling of donary movement, remarked Lenin, and especially hard to against war. Lenin, Liebknecht, Luxemburg. Trotsky. For the Pittsburg Courier of April 29, can make clear analysis of such a fundamental conflict as Imperialist war. It can point out che third of the city residents, 50 per square foot on the cost find one among the centrists those who stand between the some reason which we should like our critics to explain, the in Max see, 15, 000 for every little 100 in remark may appear self righteous, but all experience tes poisoned by the fatalistic theory to which they adhered, that of the world, victory for the democracies or victory for the Shachtman, Socialist Workers 100 parcel of land involved uifies that it is a simple truth.
their fight against the war put an end to it by revolution, dictatorships would make precious little difference. True the Party councilmanic candidate, aiready gives tacit approval to current example is the pro Anglo French resolution adopted Russia and Germany. No, to be blunt, those who opposed the Courier drew the false conclusion that Negro and colonial eman in launching his campaign for cold blooded fleecing of the Oct. by the American Labor Party leadership. Those who theory of inevitability as fatalistic determinism. the Fabians right wing of the Social Democracy in Gerther. The Courier saw that the majority of white people, e. the city masses. There are 17 terests. To ask, as Rheinstein cratic Federation on the whole make no bones about the mean many and France, etc. were precisely those who first secepted workers and farmers have little enough democracy. not nearly square miles of crime and di does, for an even higher celling ing of the resolution. The real purveyors of confusion among the war, who became chauvinists.
enough to die for at any rate. But it failed to show that it white sease ridden slum in the city, on land cost is to countenance the resolution proponents are the left wing. the Norman Our Theories Are a Guide to ACTION!
Are we saying that the Thomasites and Lovestoneites will be colonials in Africa, India and the West Indies all have nothing mates of the city Housing Au: nothing that Chambers of Com resolution being in flagrant contradiction to their official anti: chauvinists when America enters the war?
We can only say, la against both types of imperialisms, whether fascist or demoty five giant housing projects of resignation. Was it not Rhein and dishonestly, whereas the brazen war mongers of the Social to the pressure of the ALP bureaucrats, will be able to with cratic.
Red Hook proportions would stein who arranged that neat Democratic Federation can defend it for what it really is, still the courier is not a revolutionary Marxist journals and have to rise in the city each little deal in Queens which in Instead of attempting sharp criticism of thetr stand the far more powerful pressure of the American capitalist For us, the theory of American imperialist particiaption in the missed. It has the great advantage of recognizing the fact that and misery Queensbridge project, but the raised a hue and cry against the Trotskyist position on the American capitalist class and its government is not a dogma.
But your petty bourgeois of whatever race, however To revolutionary he may sound, must have a powerful revolutionary need, 2, 500, 000, 000 would have vacant industrial land?
fill this crying local purchase instead of exp In their indignant protests they are careful to leave unsaid but a guide to action. Our strategy and tactics flow from this fundamental perspective.
party, based on the working class, or he will capitulate before to be expended. Comrade We must have done with what our complete position is that American participation is a Just a few examples: light of these facts, the total of both the Strauss and the government to remảin in power. But that is only part of what as many workers as possible in a spirit of utterly irreconcilable Courier Begins to Move Backward New Deal allotment of 800, 000. Rheinstein varieties. The slums they leave out.
opposition to the war, not only before the war when it is easy War broke out September On September the Courier 000 slum. clearance of New York must go! The New What is the Marxist Tradition?
enough but during the war. It is with this purpose in mind that still takes a radical position The war in Europe need not detain throughout the nation is seen York City Housing Authority itSince the very beginning of our movement (and before that we fight for a popular referendum on war, against Roosevelt mediate concern should be the war in which we ourselves are is and Federal Housing Comment for 1, 500, 000, 000 in 1935. in the Communist International of Lenin and Trotsky) we have motivation for opposing Roosevelt proposal is fundamentaux engaged and have been engaged for a long time. That war is at missioner Straus, who tours the to finance the clearance and re predicted the inevitability of the present war, and the inevitability different from the motivation of the isolationist Senators. We Lone from without and against disorganization and lack of con clearance and rehousing, and miles of New York slum. But first time that the Lovestoneltes can speak for the Thomas fight it because they consider that particular stepenicah fidence within.
calls on the workers to demon. Roosevelt turned down this pro ites, who never troubled much about theorediteobjects to this the interests of American capitalism today simultaneously.
The war of the Negro in this country is to acquire education strate their thankfulness with nosal.
al facilities for children, more jobs, greater progress in busl national unity. is seen for the The people of New York de herents of the communist International, then an den opposition tion to defend one of the belligerent nations, Canada, in his ness, social equality in America, and above all self respect, dis: fraudulent War Deal stooge mand the elimination of all 17. faction, then as an independente Communistry tendencia hostility to the war referendum, etc. Their opposition to the cipline and intelligent leadership among Negroes. Our war that he is.
concludes this editorial is no contest between dictatorship and for all. The easily raised sun abandon it? Not anywhere explicitly, until they began to attack ating of the embargo serves, therefore, merely as the cover there the war preparations of American imperialism which they supStrauss Aim democracy. our war is a contest between survival and deof 2, 500, 000, 000 is needed with To establish by documentation that the theory in question was of the people. To build them up as anti war fighters is to atd port. They are demagogic exploiters of the anti war sentiments When Strauss calls upon which to do it.
struction. When this is fully realized by all of us our progress will be much more rapid.
New York Housing Commission We further demand that the a fundamental tenet of Leninism would not, however, impress There are still some of the brave words of the April springer Rheinstein, Shachtman ex sium areas be expropriated by the Thomasites, who were never Leninists, nor the Lovestone and abet war preparations, to help them delude and mislead the táme. Neither democracy nor dictatorship. But sone is the pinneden discuss to the much the city, with nota cent in pay ites, who have abandoned the fundamentals of Leninism. It is stoneftes But this is precisely what the Thomasites and Lovegroes earning full equality. The courier thinks that when Netlon, not to over line the pock. lords. These harpies have at of the inevitability of war under capitalism does not begin with They Capitulated on First Major Test groes see things more clearly then progress will be much more of the big real estate boys ready received many times Bolshevism. Before the revolutionary years of the Third Inter. War is the continuation of politics. Those who serve cap Pio can you in April see hope only when the imperialists looking out for the public in the rentals they have extore Socialist) International. One has but to recall the resolutions reaucracy, inextricably linked to the fortunes of capitalism, wil destroy each other and in September be sure as soon as you realize things more fully. You realized them to stretch the ridiculously smalled from generations of sweated adopted by its various congresses. The Stuttgart (1907) resolu support the war. That is why we do not give moment credrapid progress sood. Strauss is merely trying slum dwellers. They have cost tion, for example, says, after describing the imperialist char ence to the hypocritical pacifist remarks of a William Green fully enough six months ago federal housing crant, so that the people of New York, for so acter of modern capitalism Wars, therefore, are part of the or John Lewis, and excoriate every move they make in sup In the following issue, September 16, the Courier takes a the flimsy smokescreen of New cial work in these areas, many very nature of capitalism: they will cease only when the capport of war preparations. But the Thomasites and Lovestone great step backward. It notes, in an editorial article, that Roose Deal public works may not times what they have remitted italist system is abolished.
ites, with the servility which characterises them, play up every velt has declared the United States neutral. But it sees and says blow away entirely before that Roosevelt and American business are not really neutral. Roosevelt leads us into the war in taxes. They have grown fath The indignation of Messrs. Thomas, Bertram Wolfe and Love pacifist remark of Lewis and Green, and play down conceal on the lifeblood of New York stone should, therefore, directed against the entire Marxist the whole course of the AFL and CIO bureaucracy in support They want to help France and Britain by sending supplies and Strauss may also be ear mark: poor. Not less important. rex tradition on war. All their terms of reproach false in fact, of Roosevelt war plans. Read the last few issues of the Work will do so as soon as convenient. Where, argues the courier, de Housing a commissione pork choy propriation of this land would deadly polson to any job appreciably lower the rental featism. etc. should be directed against the delegates from conventions on the war question and contrast them to the made great progress in the last war. If America does not export for himself for the approaching cost, to prospective tenants, of all countries in the Stuttgart congress, who voted for this reports in the Socialist Appeals munitions there will be a job slump (there is one a now, since day when the USHA folds up apartments in the new housing movement who, even then, disagreed with the doctrine. Strange movement that is absolutely indispensable in the real fight Irreconcilable opposition to the war mongers in the labor 1929) and Negroes will suffer. So Negroes should support Amer for lack of funds.
ican sales to Britain and France and so assure jobs for them However, said the Socialselves, Oh, what a fall was there, my countrymen! The great 1st Workers Party candidate, RUSH FUNDS Ing. Judas goat brothers in the Second International, and the SWEET LAND OF LIBERTY extermination of imperialism by which Negroes were to enter to take up cudgels for RheinLovestoneites whitewash their brothers, such as the impotent, into the promised land has now shrunk into a war to help get stein would be merely to excowardly Independent Labor Party of England. The first major jobs for Negroes. You never know where you are with a petty change one anti labor housing test in this country came on the ALP resolution; the Thomasites bourgeois.
commissioner for another. It is FOR DEFENSE and Lovestoneltes capitulated.
true that Rheinstein is an exThere Is a Real Difference See Democracy for What It Is perienced builder and has di. From our conviction that American participation in the war You never know where you are with them indeed. For in the rected most of whatever reNew York has seen.
next issue, September 23, the Courler takes a step forward. It But in the process he has leancan only be prevented by a socialist revolution, we draw the same conclusion as we draw from our conviction that in this denounces war for democracy.
epoch of capitalist decline only irreconcilable class struggle Before any of our people get unduly excited about SAVING ed over backwards to play ball can win any concessions for the workers: we try to be the hard(Continued from Page 1)
DEMOCRACY In Europe, it should be called to their attention with the bankers and the real estate interests to the extent of est fighters every step of the war. Only those can call our theory that we have NOT YET ACHIEVED DEMOCRACY HERE.
GARY, Ind. In a pathetic burst of benevolence, the flaunting two of the relatively let us own Canada before we poison or paralyzing, who have themselves We cannot save what DOES NOT EXIST.
graying City Fathers of Gary took what they believed to reality given fight for it.
up (If they ever held it) the perspective of a socialist revolution.
be a long step towards solving the annoying problem of the None of the hundreds of millions of COLORED PEOPLE good provisions of the Federal Funds Needed This is enough to indicate what the real issue is between us ill fed, ill housed, and ill clothed.
under the Union Jack have ANY VOICE in the British Parlia Housing Act. The USHA 1399 ceiling on annual incomes of Swinging into the campaign and the Thomas Lovestone camp. We are separated from them From now on, it was announced from City Hall, it will They are ALL AT WAR with Germany, but they had NO Ccts gives a handful of relief eligible tenants to housing proj. be entirely legal for the underfed citizens here to search to raise money for the struggle by an entirely different conception of the struggle against war.
to obtain Watson freedom, the We are more than anxious to make this crystal clear.
VOTE in the matter.
through garbage cans for surplus foods. According to the The latest issue of the Workers Age is not content families a chance to savor halfNone of the black people who live in the French Empire decent housing. Rheinstein and American Labor Ald has alnotice released by the City Fathers, all scavengers will be ready dispatched appeals to its with falsifying our position on war once more; it adds a new have ANY VOICE in the Chamber of Deputies except those from his banker friends are, of supplied with licenses. Applicants, however, must show branches all over the country. difference, on the Russian question, blandly putting into my that they are in real need. Those fortunates who receive Senegal and Guadeloupe. Yet they are ALL AT WAR with Germany and must supply acceptance of relief as a percourse, opposed to this frank the licenses must live up to the code governing the garbage James Cannon, National mouth remarks which only a stalinist could make. brand nunt. They must keep their search on a neat and sanitary Secretary of the Socialist Work Bertram Wolfe who heard my own, actual remarks at a symMEN and RESOURCES. If democracy means taxation and conscription WITHOUT ment set up and want this ceilers Party, hailing the formation posium in which he participated as a deliberate llar. In the manent factor in the governlevel of the Defense Fund, called up next issue shall deal with his falsification of our position on REPRESENTATION, then these British and French colonials ing raised. They do not want to In a good days search, it is believed here, an enteron all members of the party the Soviet Union.
ARE living in democracies.
prising scavanger may be able to felieve both the garbage There are really NO DEMOCRACIES where black people ing the dole supported unemrecognize the need for rehousand the Young Peoples Social can and his hunger with any number of delectable items.
ist League to contribute to the are concerned, and therefore any talk about black people fight ployed, who live in the very Scraps of top steak, slightly chewed tea biscuits, slightly fund.
ing for democracy when they are fighting for France and Eng. worst slums.
burned filet and cork tipped cigarette butts are considered The Socialist Appeal, in a land is POPPYCOCK.
only an idle day search.
leading ditorial on the Watson The City Fathers were so elated with their new found Black people may have a SMALL MEASURE of democracy Defense Fund, stated, He is a in the United States, but a VERY small measure, Join the Socialist plan that they posed for photographers in the act of hero in the eyes of the working The article exposes the tricks of American capitalism in its issuing licenses to their less fortunate neighbors.
Workers Party class, a fighter captured by the plans on the Negro and ends: He (the Negro) would have to enemy. This fighter must be have some AT HOME before fighting for any ABROAD.
freed and no stone must be left Our petty bourgeois is again uttering radical sentiments, unturned to effect his liberaThere is only one point omitted. Suppose the Negro does not get tion. Continued from Page 1)
democracy at home. What then? Fight against the withholders Friends are urged to rush all the solution of his program of a Greater Ukraine. Hitler of democracy here? The Courier says nothing. Take a guess now contributions to the American policy is the following: the establishment of a definite Order at what will appear in the next issue. Step forward or backLabor Ald, Watson Defense for his conquests, one after the other, and the creation by each ward? Backward you say? Absolutely correct.
Fund, 125 West 33 St. Room 201. New York City. new conquest of a new system of friendships. At the presProsperity Through What?
ent stage Hitler concedes the Greater Ukraine to his friend The Courier editorial column is once more urging American Stalin as a temporary deposit. In the following stage he will capitalism to use the war as a means of prosperity. Raise the (Continued from Page Profits High by the National Labor Relaembargo, create jobs and give some to Negroes. But about the bered, was created on the in To Weckler ridiculous assertions Board, the State Relations LARGE AUDIENCE pose the question of who is the owner of this Ukraine. Stalin destruction of American imperialism? You don destroy some sistence of the stooges of the tion that the corporation has Board and a thousand others TURNS OUT FOR or he, Hitler.
There are people who dare to compare the Stalin Hitler Into when you have not a clear revolutionary program, opposed legislature.
of slow down strikes, becomes clear after the UAW GOLDMAN FORUM alliance with the treaty of Brest Litovsk. What a mockery!
to imperialism, everywhere, at all times. What the Courier will The Chrysler Corporation de Thomas, UAW President, re met them step by step, that the do tomorrow or the day after we do not know but we can guess. clares it is willing to negotiate joined that in the first six corporation had determined to The Brest Litovsk negotiations were carried out openly be And if the But behind this smiling front, months of 1939, Chrysler earn. smash the union by fair means CLEVELAND, Ohio. Albert fore all humanity. The Soviet revolution, at the end of 1917 workers and farmers do not prevent Roosevelt dragging this the blunt refusal to negotiate ese amprerithan 25, 000, 000 in Galliano emers to fougher Your inter Goldman spoke to crowded and beginning of 1918, didn even have a single battalion nd that a tougher job than hall on Sunday night, October capable of carrying on the fight. Hohenzollern Germany ating to call on Negroes everywhere to fight for democracy :flict speed of production and To Weckler mud and slime issuing defamatory statements 15.
the democracy American capitalism has withheld from the the uniqn shop.
with regard irresponsible against the UAW.
The audience listened atten tacked Russia, taking Soviet provinces and military supplies.
Negro for 75 years and which will be promised after the new Vote for Strike actions of the union, Thomas tively as he analyzed the atti The young government had no other physical possibility than war is over.
The United Automobile Work slashed back with a citation of World in Flames under at the War openent workers to sign the peace treaty. This peace was openly defined by us How grand the beginning was in April! Let the imperialistsers (CIO) is backing an aggres the corporation record in emdestroy each other. Today question of jobs. In our pam. sive publicity campaign an ploying stool pigeons and an Speaker: enthusiasm and hatred of it. as a capitulation of a disarmed revolution before a powerful phlet Why Negroes Should Oppose War by Johnson (32 swering each lie of the corpora army of labor spies.
ALBERT GOLDMAN His closing words, which point enemy. We did not worship the Hohenzollerns but, rather, In simple terms, Thomas de pages, cents) we outline our policy on Negroes and war. But tion with pointed truths that the Courier has no policy. It vacillates from the extreme of cannot be denied or assailed. clares, the refusal of the ChrysSt. Paul SWP Headquarters from war and fascism in the robbery. We did not deceive the workers and peasants. The ed to the road of liberation enounced the Brest Litovsk peace publicly as extortion and 147 West 5th bloodthirstiness to using the war for jobs. There you have your Meanwhile the workers in the ler corporation to negotiate is OCTOBER 25th P.
petty bourgeois complete, always grouping between the imper. Chrysler plants, Dodge main. a plain case of welching. The ist States of Europe, received present Stalin Hitler pact was concluded despite the existence ialist and the revolutionary workers. Are they lost? Not by any Dodge Truck, De Soto, Kerche Chrysler corporation demanded a volley of applause.
means. Quite a few can be won today and though some are born val Jefferson, Chrysler High a labor board election holding of an army of several millions, and the immediate task of the An extended question period, traitors, many can be won for the revolution tomorrow. land Park are casting over negotiations for Note to Readers during which the audience sat pact was to facilitate Hitler smashing of Poland and its But there is only one way. Build a powerful revolutionary whelming votes for a strike. As months on the pretext of deIn Minneapolis: tight, indicated the deep inter division between Berlin and Moscow. Where is the analogy?
party. Let it look as if it means business. Let it act as if it does. in the Briggs strike of last cisive strength by Martin est which the program and The words of Molotov to the effect that the Red Army And when it leads the masses into action on a grand scale, we spring the powerful Uaw rump AFL outfit. The elections The Forum ideas of the Fourth Internationhave a chance to tear the petty bourgeoisie away from the im Chrysler organization will pour were held and the GIO received al as expressed by Comrade would cover itself with glory in Poland, are to the ineradic perialists. It is power and power alone that keeps these waver onto the picket lines and come well over 80 percent of the Meets Every Sunday Goldman held for the soup be able shame of the Kremlin. The Red Army received the order ing elements from wavering so much. They rush to the imper pel the corporation to characThis was the first of the to defeat in Poland those who had been defeated by Hitler.
ialists today. But an equal power can pull them away in time, terize demands for a union shop Tough Job at o clock at the revolutionary power of the masses. It is up to us to build in slightly different terms than Successively utilizing as preforums which the Cleveland This is the shameful and criminal task that the Red Army that power. sovietization texts, stalling devices provided 919 Marquette branch is holding.
was assigned by the jackals of the Kremlin.
Garbage Is Yours For the Asking OF WATSON. ment.
Stalin. Temporary Holder of Ukraine.
Uuion Puts the Lie to Phoney Charges Made by. Auto Moguls 1s votes