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2 SOCIALIST APPEAL TUESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1939 War Is the Issue. Says Call to Writers and Professionals WIDE INTEREST League for Cultural Freedom DEFENSE WILL In the SHOWN IN And Socialism Condemns War APPEAL MPLS APPEAL ARMY Labor CANDIDATES CONVICTIONS Plans of American Profiteers Unions 2 2 organized the pression servicethe intellectuals out to all untons throughout the et holds medier ester. New York and Lynn issue.
LEWIS CRUSADE SPELLS END OF CP INFLUENCE IN CIO Bú MARITIME WORKERS to utilize their forum person DO THE BEST JOB for increased sales and subA couple of maritime work scriptions both of the socialist ers, and carried on the Appeal and The New Interna Page Campaign IsAFL Convention Pro most effective work recently tional.
on behalf of the Press. They In the matter of subscriptions sue of Appeal Gives Signed by 59 radical writers, a statement The Duty of Artists and Writers tested Anti Labor proceed to contact sympathetic in the past week Chloago, Los issued last week by the League for Cultural longshoremen and teamsters in Angeles and Plenty wood, Mon By WIDICK Full Party Program The war issue most intimately concerns Freedom and Socialism pointed to the war as Indictments American intellectuals. Parrington summarthe great issue of the day, and called upon San Francisco and collected a tada obtained the best results sum of 24. 00 for the anti war chicago sent in four new wub conference on war prices writers and professional workers to join with izes the effects of the last war on our culture: Press, the Socialist Appeal and scriptions and four renewals: was initiated by Labor NonContinued from Page 1)
them in opposing the war and the war makers. With the entry of America into the war came (Continued from Page 1)
The New International. That is Los Angeles, five new subscrip sharp change in literary development. ReglThe statement, which speaks for itself as an Setes for the coming week end Library Staff Association, the outspoken declaration against the imperialist Citizens Union of the city of war now raging in Europe as well as against the movement of social criticism. Theo yes the direction of Attorney Gen and the two comrades are here The record for the past week at Boston.
is 28 new subscriptions and 13 No doubt, this is the begin, New York, the Joint Committee the Roosevelt Wall Street. War Deal which is eral movement in economics and politics came eral Murphy, it is revived ag publicly thanked.
ning of a national move on thilof Teachers Organizations and seeking to drag the people into the war, is It can be said, too, that local renewals as follows: to an abrupt end. Nor can we have any illu ain by the Federal governmen San Francisco is now among sions about the effect on our cultural life of Itsell!
Re problem by affiliates of the the New York City League of those in the forefront when it New Rewal American entry into this war. It mean cor Prepare Appeal CIO and by certain forces with Women Voters, the Campaign here printed in full: Committee announced today.
comes to systematic distribu Chicago in the union movement, and ruption for those who accept it, spiritual if not Requesting that Candidate The WPA Defense Commit tion and sale of the Socialist Los Angeles considerable atten. Shacht man express himself on deserves physical imprisonment for those who refuse to tee, set up by the Central Labor Appeal. Under the very able di Minneapolis tion.
conform. Every branch of our culture will be Union, central body of all AFL rection of Eloise Booth, the Several months ago the League for Cultural the issue of fascism, the South set back for decades.
Plentywood The official call for the con Bronx Committee For Toler. Freedom and Socialism addressed its found unions bere, e, is appealing the Literature Committee and the St. Paul What can American artists and writers do convictions to the next higher comrades generally are taking ference states: New York City arce, 403 138 St. writes. De ing statement to all artists and writers con One week after the begin sirous of ascertaining your cerned about the present drift of the United at this time?
court, the Federal circuit court. seriously the task of circulating Boston In a practical, immediate sense, they can ning of war, wholesale prices stand with regard to the organ States to reaction and war.
The defense committee will our Press. Also several subat ns. foods Thad Jumped 17 per izations known as the Christian wrote then, care now capitulating to the spirit Rochester.
help make articulate the strong opposition hold a joint meeing today with Iscriptions have come in lately which the great majority of the American peo the defense committee set up from there.
New Haven cent.
ple still feel to our entry into the war. The by the St. Paul AFL central San Francisco has three Allentown No one knows how soon stil bilizers. Your reply will be of fascism while ostensibly combatting its letmasses, who have nothing to gain and every body to plan the next steps in squads of three each, which roCleveland Illinois higher prices, speculative or publicly read at a mass meet ter. To the war drive of the fascist powers.
thing to lose from another war, far from defending the Twin City labortate over three districts, North Missouri real, may seriously confront ing which we will hold on Octo they reply with a war drive of their own.
endorsing the President foreign policy. But movement against the govern Beach, Mission and Fillmore. Total 2:8 one and one half million in ber 25, 1939, at 65, 141 st. Inspired by Stalinist and social reformist prop this sentiment can again be cheated, deceived, ment prosecutions. An appeal Two meetings are held per Massachusetts.
and Cypress Avenue, in the aganda, they advocate a new war for democ propagandized out of existence as it was in the for financial and moral support week in each district.
Among the cities that are do The time to begin to organ. Borough of the Bronx. The racy. Yet this war must give birth to military last war, unless it is made conscious and given of the WPA defendants will go crowds are big and sympathet tribution of the Press are Roch The ing very well in systematis dis ize for action is NOW answer by Candidate Shacht iictatorship and to forms of intellectual repres Labor, consumer, coopera man appears elsewhere in this sion far more violent than those evoked by the last war.
can be of service.
each Friday with speaker tive, farmer and social groups Since this was written, the Stalinist regime In a more general sense, American writers from San Francisco. On occaMeetings Scheduled are cooperating to make this and artists must put themselves on record AFL Protests Action Boston expects to be able to sions as many as 60 papers conference an effective step to Accepting their invitation, has joined hands with Hitler, and Poland has against the war as a symbol of their acceptprotect standards of living.
The possibility of a national have been sold at a single utilize various forums for sale candidate shachtman will been partitioned between Nazi Germany and speak at a public mass meeting Stalinist Russia. The thunder of the second ance of the responsibilities of their profession. trade union appeal on behalf meeting and the average is able the Press, baving had some In the last war, a whole generation of writers of the victims was indicated, out 35.
Price Councils of the New York League of Wo historical events have shattered old alignworld war is now shaking Europe. These great committed spiritual suicide by taking part in when the AFL national execu. OTHER BRANCHES spect.
the orgy. If only for the sake of their own in tive council sent the following INCREASE ORDERS South Bend now has a new We urge you to take part in October 23, at Bronx Highments over here and are creating new group tegrity, American intellectuals must now sig. wire to George Murk, chairman new order of five coples Dart is the new agent in Phnt.
its program, which includes the School of Science. 184 Street ings. Less than a week before the Berlin Mosagent, Luther and Frank nalize their opposition not only to war in the of the Minneapolis defense has been placed from Ithaca, Michigan.
following definite objectives: and Creston Ave. the Camcow pact was announced, for example, four To create permanent Warpaign Committee announced and intellectuals signed their names to a stateabstract but specifically to American entry committee. The wire said: New York.
hundred American writers, artists, educators into this war. It would be a betrayal of the Executive council passed The Harvard Socialist League achieving more success in Jack Glover in Los Angeles is Price Councils, on a state, city The Campaign Committee al ment of faith in the Soviet Union as a bulwark human spirit for them to keep silent at this resolution protesting against Cambridge, Massachusetts building a systematic creninand neighborhood basis. so announced today that can of democracy. Clearly worried by the formtime.
activities of federal courts for has placed an order for 30 coption of the paper.
War is the great issue today. We call upon proceeding in several instances les of each issue.
existing federal, state and mu will appear at a meeting of the ation of the LCFS and similar groups the four nicipal safeguards against un Womens City Club of New York ism as friends of fascism. This document has all American artists, writers and professional against labor unions or mem Minneapolis has taken steps TAYMENTS MUST workers to join us in this statement of implacbers in efforts to discipline recently to improve the sales BE MADE PROMPTLY justified price increases. 20 West 51 Street, on Wednes now become a historical curiosity.
able opposition to this dance of war in which them for union activity which and distribution of the Socialist The attention of agents and To supplement legislation day. November defen living andards. To Legal Action tration (ect to exercise as mem tematically the largest and imperative necessity for pay create neighborhood buying Removed from the ballot on Roosevelt Joins Allied Cause groups, able to deal directly mere technicality by the But this is no time for crying, We told you (Signed) Lionel Abel, Kay Boyle, James bers of organized labor. will most important newsstands in ments to be made promptly and with farmers marketing coop Board of Elections, George Ly: So! The actual outbreak of war in Europe James Peter Cooney. James Decker, David Joseph Webber. AFL vice of these renewed efforts merit have been a little lax in recent The telegram was signed by Johnson reports that the results counts. few important cities eratives.
man Paine was conferring with has reduced even the Stalin Hitler pact to a The quick response of the legal counsel on the ntxt move second rate question.
The great question now Farrell, Charles Henri Ford, Philip Gray, president, for the executive very close and sustained atten days, but they report that this Jr. Clement Greenberg, William Gruen, Es council.
CIO unions to the pressure of in the fight to restore his name is: what is the attitude of American intellecincreased cost of living this fall to the voting lists, the Cam tuals, regardless of past flusions, towards tion. Also they expect to be able will be remedied quickly.
ther Hamill, Robert Hivnor, Melvin Las indicates that such an appeal paign Committee declared. American participation in the war? War has ky. James Laughlin IV, Dwight Macdonald, John McDonald, Sherry Mangan, Ralph Man minds of the Staliniat crowd al. Many cio unions have de Board of Elections to deny the It took almost three years to swing the heim, Alan Mather, Clark Mills, Norman Mini from Bridges, Curran, Quil manded a revision of contracts voters of Manhattan an oppor. United States into the last war. Already the George Morris, Culbertson Myers, Gildown to the lowllest business to allow for negotiations on im tunity to solidarize themselves Roosevelt administration has served notice bert Neiman, Helen Neville, George Novack, agent.
mediate wage increases, as we with the only anti war candi. that it will attempt to do in months what the Lyman Paine, Kenneth Patchen, Carl PeterLewis gave them a little word recently discussed in this col date now up for election in that wilson administration took years to achieve. son, William Phillips, Arthur Pincus, Fairfield of advice, says Stark: He is umn.
Porter, Philip Rahv, Kenneth Rexroth, said to have bluntly told those stated the wide interest al. Already it is devoting its chlef energies not to Robinson, James Rorty, Harold Rosenberg. Continued from Page 1) question of war. Not, to be sure, in the room (the executive com Action Is Real Key ready displayed in the Manhat: domestic reform but to foreign policy. So far tan candidate of the Socialist ican blood and treasure will be lavishly exas it lies in the power of the New Deal, Amer Harry Roskolenko, Meyer Shapiro, Delmore eaucracy, high handed and ar between a pro war and an anti mittee meeting) that there was Direct action by the clo un Workers Party speaks well for pended to help France and England crush Schwartz, Winfield Scott, Gordon Sylander, bitrary action drove from the war policy. Far, far from that. no room for promotion in the lons is still the main job in the the vote he will roll up on elec once more their ancient imperialist rival.
John Wheelwright, William Carlos Williams, CIO the Southern Tenant Farm it is a conflict between two CIO for any one who was affiinext period. However, there is tion day.
Bertram Wolfe.
ers Union, and the office work camps of war mongers: Lewis ated with or tried to carry out nothing wrong in supplement. In an edition of thousands of chief enemy of all culture, all real democracy, We loathe and abominate fascism as the. for the LEAGUE FOR CULTURAL ers in New York and San Fran supporting the camp of Roose the Communist party policies.
ary action provided it takes a copies, the Campaign Commit: all social progress. But the last war showed FREEDOM AND SOCIALISM cisco. They plunged the West velt and his democratic al Any one hoping for a labor ca proper course. Neither, it must tee issued the first of its special only too clearly that we can have no faith in Coast labor movement into bit lies and the Stalinists backing reer, he said, should not be be added, can take the place of tabloid supplements of the so imperialist crusades to bring freedom to any The following non members of the League ter internecine warfare. They the Hitler Stalin combination, come a member of the Com a serious struggle against war. cialist Appeal Wednesday, con people. Our entry into the war, under the slo: have also signed the above statement: walked through picket lines, both of them in hostile opposi munist party.
as the main way of fighting the taining the election platform of san of Stop Hitler! would actually result in Louise Bogan, Anita Brenner, Joseph Cor broke strikes, organized a fist tlon to the real interests of the This ukase will wreak Havoc evils attending imperialist war. the Socialist Workers Party and the immediate introduction of totalitarianism nell, Robert Fitzgerald, Malcomb Greene, wel ful of paper unions, helped keep workers on the question of war. with the Stalinist forces in the Participation in this and oth the statements of the two can over here. Only the German people can free don Kees, Victor Lawson, Gorham Munson, the Crochained to a company The issue of the war makes the CIO movement. Not only will er conferences of a similar na didates. Questions requesting themselves of the fascist yoke. The American Katharine Anne Porter, union political policy. The Stal. divorce final and irrevocable. the leaders know which side ture must proceed from this further information on the cam masses can best help them by fighting at inists stymied in its tracks the will the patriots of the Stalin their bread is buttered on but (Please address all communications to further growth of the CIO after Hitler alliance resist Lewis the supporters, members and point of view if the labor move paign are flooding the offices of ment is to accomplish Its aims the committee for Shachtman home to keep their own liberties.
Dwight Macdonald, 117 East 10 St. its initial tumultuous upsurg purge? on what ground? on the rellow travelers of the in blunt warning is in order and Paine, Dwight MacDonald ence too. Grave doubt can be ex made known today. The tabloid Penetrated CIO grounds of the invasion of local chaff before the wind. All the pressed about the real nature campaign edition amplifies the Lewis was not ignorant of and International autonomy by young hopefuls, the career boys and meaning of the Massachu anti war, anti fascist platform LIFE ISN HARD their union wrecking role. His Lewis and Co. What a pitiful who hopped on the band setts conference under its pres of the declaring for information came through a song for them to chant after wagon to get a job, will hop off ent auspices.
Popular Referendum on War, FOR ALL PEOPLE they established themselves be with very indecent haste. All thousand sources and a thou. yond the slightest doubt as the the fellow travelers who want Knowing what a stranglehold and the formation of Workers presented by sand protests. The evidence IN HITLER LAND the Stalinists have had of the Defense Guards against fascist was piled mountain high. But intervention of Hillman and will become the most rabid op champions the bureaucratic ed to be on the right side LNPL in that area, this looks provocation. Full rights for the nothing could disturb the idyl. Murray in the factional strug ponents of the Communist par suspiciously like another device Negro people and an end to the Ne nuptials. The marriage was sle in the United Automobile ty. The air will reek with disround out Single copies. 00 (less 10 cash discount) According to the Reich undisturbed by differences be workers Union. They are not claimers ization to replace those colap: the election platform.
will Special rates in bundles of or more Statistical Bureau, German cause no fundamental differen Nikely to get much attention deny afiliation with the. more people sing under the stigma of Speaking before another wellThis new book is a condensation of Marx National Socialism has given ces existed. And the Stalinists from the rank and file of the stalinists than most people evstooge outfits.
attended election campaign ralCAPITAL by Otto Ruehle with a brilliant 93 to at least one portion of the brought all the relatives and CIO untons, who are quite fam. er believed belonged to them.
Every serious trade unionist Wednesday, October 18, at page introduction by Leon Trotsky, dealing in population butter as well as friends to live in the Lewis Iliar with their records, on such must fight strongly against any Hollywood Gardens, Prospect the main with the American scene.
household. Lee Pressman handThe decapitation of Stalinist attempt of the Stalinists to cap. Avenue and 162 Street, ShachtSince the Nazis seized Jed down the law to recalcit a program. The rights of minture control or maintain it over man stated, have been surpower in 1933, the small rants from the sanctum of Lew orities, the right to hold politi influence in the trade unions an organization which many rounded on all sides by quesBy special arrangement with the publisher (Long number of Germans earning is own office in Washington. unton democracy this is the on. The method of their elimin workers want.
tions requesting me to state my mans, Green Co. we are able to offer this new above 40, 000 a year has intende causa doctored the news very last program on which the ation, the issue that provoked Unless this is a preliminary Yes, am for County Reform.
position on County Reform.
book in combination with the paper cover FASCISM step of the genuine union ele m for it one hundred percent.
AND BIG BUSINESS AT: by four hundred percent. sanizers whose only two vir and dictators can expect to get then militancy and democracy ments, the conferenec and sim. As a matter of fact, m for it Single Combination (1 book each. 50 Thus, while this small tues were incompetence and even the slightest hearing.
ilar ones will be sterile and so much that would like to Combination of (3 books each)
Scalinist afliation were sad group eked out a mere total dled on every CIO union and Union militants and progres for the time being, of the war serve only the interests of the see the present crowd of office Combination of (5 books each. 25 Income of 140. 800, 000 in 19Stalinists.
holders dispersed and in their RUSH YOUR ORDERS 36, their earnings have instalinist office girls in every of sives who will fight to the end mongering Lewis clique. But creased to 584, 000, 000 in 19fice that would take them against any manifestation of only for the time being. The stead have this County adminToo Vague 39. Which, as the saying in their bureaucratic and bureaucracy, can have little real struggle of the rank and istered by subway workers.
goes, is plenty of Butter, dictatorial methods, Lewis saw sympathy for the Stalinist ille will rise with greater force The vague character of the needle trades workers, longPIONEER PUBLISHERS The lone dissident note only a worthy continuation of Wreckers themselves. The stal in the days and months to three point program likewise shoremen and building trades his own methods. In their belly of the rotten seeds they have class conscious militants inlsts are reaping the harvest come.
struck by the official income doesn tend to create enthusi workers. In other words, m 116 UNIVERSITY PLACE figures reveal that fifty five crawling before Roosevelt. in been sowing in the CIO move must take care not to line up asmr for what claims to be its for County Reform to the extent New York City percent of the population the democratic front against been. conflict with Lewis with either of these imperialist purpose that the workers themselves made less than 12 a week in Fascism, Lewis could only see is in no way progressive It is camps expressed in the strug.
The first conference if it is to engage directly in running the the paper to the Negro work 1938. This evil majority, the an alliance based on common a conflict between two imper gle between the Stalinists and have value, must answer more affairs of government. ANNOUNCEMENTS ers. The posters are on sale figures disclose, embracing principles.
ialist flags specifically how the war price the Lewis bureaucracy. Their Monday, October 23, Shachtfor five cents by the Nation the lowest income brackets, Break on War councils will fight against in man will speak at Bronx Ter. SEE SPLENDID FRENCH al Negro Dept. 116 Univerduty is clearly indicated. It is earn as low as 480 a year, As Stark points out, the com Compliance Certain race. Third Ave. at Claremont creasing costs of living.
the formation of the third camp FILM, End of a Day. The sity Place, New York City. or 23 percent of the total na plaints of Murray and Hillman But this prediction may be against imperialist war and its Getting more concrete about Parkway, at another of the seratre party. Oct. 23 thru 27. YOU ARE INVITED to join the tional income. In contrast, over increasing Stalinist influ made safely. There will be recruiting sergeants in the la utilizing federal, state and mu ies of election rallies arranged Tickets: Downtown Labor Labor Bookshop Circulating the percent of the popula ence in the CIO had little effect more compliance than resis bor movement. The purge of nicipal safeguards against un by the Campaign Committee Center, 51 St. or NaLibrary. Hundreds of titles.
tion at the top receive 14 per until now. Untiltance from the Stalinist union the Stalinists by all means!
justified price increases is al. Earlier that same evening, tional Once (Caldwell. 65c.
Latest novels, Marxian classcent of the total national inShachtman will address the. the recent Hitler Stalin bureaucrats.
so highly in order.
Confronted with But class conscious workers come.
ics, books on Economics, HisNew York City League of Wopact led to the sudden abandon the choice between the flesh will organize to extend this Unless these qualifications An attractive poster has tory, etc. Lowest rates in the ment of the Communist fight pots of the Lewis machine and purge to the other camp as can be removed, one must state men voters at the Bronx High been prepared to advertise city! 15c per week. Join now!
against fascism and nazism, all the power and popularity of well, the Lewis Hillman gang categorically that the whole School of Science, 184 St. and Creston Ave.
the column in the Socialist Help Us Distribute and affected the Communist being on the right side of pow. And that purge can only be carmove is doomed in advance to Appeal by Johnson on BOOKS BOUGHT in lots or in policy in the trade unions where erful American imperialism on ried out with healthful effects mere shadow boxing with the The Negro Question. The problem of increased cost of liv Subscribe to the use of these posters on newsShivele on request. Write for The Socialist Appeal. The conflict between Lewis Calien Gru. apparatus or it is carried through by demo ing, with the additional curse stands and at meetings will visit Labor Bookshop. 116 of Stalinism tainting it.
SOCIALIST APPEAL and the Stalinists has drawn to Joe Stalin on the other there cratic means which brings help to increase the sale of University Place, The Anti War Paper the sharpest point over the will be little doubt assailing the rank and flle into action.