BolshevismCominternCommunismDemocracyFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalInvasionMoscow TrialsSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSVoroshílovWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorld War

1 Stalin. The Temporary Holder Of the Ukraine By Leon Trotsky (The following is a translation of a statement by Leon Trotsky Official Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International Issued Twice Weekly Cast Your Anti War Vote for Shachtman and Paine!
Defense to Appeal Mpls. Trial Convictions Socialist Appeal Strikes First Blow by Removing CP Clique From Strategic Posts VOTE FOR THE ONLY ANTI WAR CANDIDATES IN ELECTION The Social Worken Party has e interese parate world is on the brink of war, the Social Workers Party The water ware La Pueba in Ceme the top tende wir wiede பட inal he de die arastin Marted the New WIDE INTEREST Communist influence in the SHOWN IN sade which he set in motion at CANDIDATES oled appropriation will lashed the badden WASP These De Dereh LAGUNA Belle MORH ma Portret of war 1. Only a fent workers becoming taon Peland. We reprint it from the organ of the Mexican section of the Fourth International. Ed. VOL. III, NO. 81 NEW YORK, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1939 3c a Copy War, like revolution, is distinguished by the fact that at a blow it destroys idiotic formulas and reveals the naked reality underneath. Defense of democracy is an empty formula. The invasion of Poland is a bloody reality.
Today it is clear that in the very same years in which the Comintern was bringing to a head its clamorous campaign for an alliance of the democracies against Fascism, the Kremlin was preparing a military understanding with Hitler against the so called democracies. Even complete idiots will have to understand now that the Moscow Trials, with the aid of which the Bolshevik Old Guard was destroyed under the accusation of collaboration with the Nazis, were nothing but camouflage for the Stalinist alliance with Hitler. The secret is out. While the British and French missions were discussing with Voroshilov the problem of the most effective defense of Poland, the same Voroshilov, together with the representatives of the German General Staff, was discussing the best manner in which to smash and divide Poland. The Kremlin not only deceived Chamberlain, Daladier and Beck, but also, and systematically, the working classes of the Soviet Union and the entire world.
By the Terms of the Pact Official Orgon Social Workers Party, New York Compaign Edition Some fatuous people and snobs accuse me of being imSOCIALIST WORREES PARTY, TH versity Press, New York pelled to make horrible predictions out of hatred of Stalin.
As if serious people allow themselves to be swayed by their Lewis Crusade Spells End of the Stalinist personal feelings in questions of historical importance! The inexorable facts prove that reality is more horrible than all Time Worn ConspirUnion Wreckers in CIO Conflict Breaks On the predictions that made. In entering Polish territory, the acy Formula Used to Choice of Allied or Hitler Stalin War Camp Soviet armies knew beforehand at what point they would meet and as allies, not as enemies with the armies of HitFrame WPA Prisoners ler. The operation was determined in its main points by the Max Schachtman, Candidate By GEORGE CLARKE This Is YOUR Program! secret clauses of the Germano Soviet pact; the general staffs For Council for the Bronx Fight War John Lewis announcement that the CIO will clean house Special to the Socialist Appeal)
MINNEAPOLIS, Oct. 20 Platform of the of both countries were to be found in constant collaboration; of Communists means in simple English the beginning of SOCIALIST Plans In Socialist Workers Party the Stalinist invasion is nothing but a symmetrical supplement The Roosevelt administraWORKERS the end of Stalinist power in the American union movement.
PARTY Campaign The authoritative story of Louis Stark in the Times of the Hitlerite operations. Such are the facts.
tion won the first round in its depart from the of labor. Today, when the whole Until very recently the Kremlin, trying to gain the friend persecution of the WPA (Oct. 17. reporting the coup of John Lewis in the Execis the ONLY party that fight against capitalist Max and Genres utive Board tersely states the plan: ship of Warsaw (in the given case, to deceive it. declared strikers here.
warto redivide the world markets and prote. It is in the forefront derais Parcere fight that the slogan of self determination for Western Ukrainia Five out of cight defend John Lewis is determined to rid the Congress of Industhe selected. Eastern Galicia) was criminal. The purges and executions ants in the first WPA trial for the office of Councils New Yor trial Organizations of all Max Shahman is the barcogh e Bren PIO pe Lyman Pite in the borough of Masha in the Soviet Ukraine were provoked mainly by the fact that were found guilty in Judge the Ukrainian revolutionists, against the will of Moscow, Joyce Federal court TuesVer for the code of the serialin Werte Party der way, it today besta next year, according to reports aspired to the liberation of Galicia from Polish oppression day morning, They are pledged to fight for the following program: Put on End to Capitalist Worl Yua pendid Now the Kremlin covers its intervention in Poland with a second trial, of four de.
Rovel and the Democrats have supped the penitent concern for the liberation and unification of the fendants, is now under way. Porul gelation they promised the Forgotten Man in the meeting of the Executive heping Wook heel andere den the Ukrainian and White Russian peoples. In reality, the Soviet third trial, involving 25 committee which followed the Roosevda promised. NEW DEAL Me handed cont George Lyman Paine, SWP Candidates Impre questa Ukraine, more than any other part of the Soviet Union, is other defendants, begins Occlose of the CIO convention in bound by the ferocious chains of the Muscovite bureaucracy. tober 30. total of 193 strikNow Rowvel and all is supporters are working cover For Council for Manhattan San Francisco.
time to convert the Forgotten Man into the Unknown Sol The aspirations of various sections of the Ukrainian nation ers have been indicted so far.
Under capitalom the youth has more that of Stark goes on to report the Shachtman and Paine replacing of the Executive for their liberation and independence are completely legiti Under Woodrum Law Roosevelt is dumping four Wition dollars year into mate and have a very intense character. But these aspirations provision of the Roosevelt All are being tried under.
the most contly war machine in history Parti Answer Many Queries Committee of forty two as the The fir World War com more than o Milion dollars policy making power within the are directed also against the Kremlin. If the invasion gains Woodrum Relief Law, making though my to provide an income of 000 a year MIRR PARTYS concedida Sent to Them CIO by a board of eight. The CANDIDATE for 12 years to imálion temployed The Second World its end, the Ukrainian people will find itself unified, not in it a crime to interfere with Executive Committee of forty.
Laber has no more pain from the war that is now or intimidate WPA project national liberty, but in bureaucratic enslavement two members was heavy with raging them from the last one. The last World War com We all the chart workers.
more than 15 milion lives. You and you may be among Stalinist supporters, half or The five convicted Tuesday Flooded with correspondence more of whom being members saw cawowered Facilitating Hitler Objectives from widely diverse sections of or fellow travellers of the Comwere Carl Pemble, Myron Philthose who do come back from Over There the city voters requesting munist Party. The new board The Hitlerite press gives absolute approval to the unifica lips, Richard Connell, Ben Palshocked, and wieder her well Why not use the ww funds to end unenment and public statements on numerous of eight is composed of individtion and liberation of the Ukrainians under the claws of mer and Leslie Wachter. They municipal issues, Max Sbacht uals openly known to be antithe Kremlin. With this Hitler is accomplishing two tasks: were found gulity of intimidaman and George Lyman Paine, Stalinists. Harry Bridges s of the people to vore whether or not this country shall first, drawing the Soviet Union into his military orbit; sec project, although unrefuted tesCouncilmanic candidates of the left off the board and his powSocialist Workers Party, today Jer as Regional Director of the ond, taking a further preparatory step on the road towards timony established that a fascist on the job, Philip Slaughdeclared that These inquiries, West Coast curtailed to include (Continued on Page 3)
ter, had attacked the strikers and store barones accompanied in many cases by only the state of California.
de voucher. fr to decide whether invitations to speak, attest to Just an entree to the main with a knife ALL WAR FUNDS TO THE UNEMPLOYED Danger to Labor TAKE THE WAR MAKING POWER AWAY the wide scope of interest discourse still to be served.
played in our anti war election Four of them were also found platform.
guilty of conspiracy to interStalinists Done For The crusade will now befere with WPA workers. In his That the anti war election 705By GEORGE STERN charge to the jury, Judge campaign of the Socialist gin in earnest. Lewis long exWorkers Party candidates perience in slugging his oppo In speculating over the pre er in the deck. It is agreed that surymen to find the defendants of the Socialist Appeal which was this week published by the New York Local of the Socialist tion of workers throughout the Walted Mine Workers can very Joyce practically ordered the The above is a reproduction of the front page of the special four page New York Election issue has aroused the special atten sition out of business in the cise significance of the new in no circumstances will Turgulity on this count by his Workers Party. The Election Issue contains the New York election program, statements by city is exemplified by the high well serve as a preview of the Franco British pact with Turkey go to war with Russia. broad definition of conspiracy. Shachtman and Paine as well as other material.
key it is well to remember once This leaves pretty much as The use of this conspiracy more that these days are before a big question mark next charge by the Federal governthe Campaign Committee from every International Union, city the Young Citizens Committee and state CIO Council, in every not everything they seemFew to Turkey name in the war ment is seen here as the grav.
For Progressive City Coun officials will feel the mailed fist local union the stalinist union cil.
lomatic history have been more pact will tell what Turkey will bor. It represents a revival, at of the generalissimo of the thoroughly befogged than the actually do when the Hitler this late date, of a juridical Amplifies Position CIO. They will either renounce negotiations which have now Stain partnership goes to work formula long discredited as a The letter, requesting Candi their former afiliations and resulted in an apparent break in its own peculiar way in deliberate device employed agdate Shachtman to amplify his scurry like rats for cover as down of Russo Turkish talks southeastern Europe. ainst the labor movement when anti war position, states, Most most of them will or find and the conclusion of an Angio. There is another version also judges and employers could not important of all, we are seri themselves on the outside lookassistance. Not even the news of these same events. Stalin is prove law. any cnspiracy Franco Turkish pact of mutual overt acts. In English lously concerned with the possi ing in. Where they make any depicted as having been virtuNOTICE!
bility of our country being in attempt at organized resispapers, which have a glib ex ally ready to join Turkey and, was per se illegal. This formula (Special to the Socialist Appeal)
volved in the war. You may be tance, their charters will speedplanation for everything, seem indirectly, Britain and France, was dug up and applied to or DETROIT, Oct. 20 The Chrysler Corporation is covering its There will be an import able to speak for New York ily find themselves in the ant membership meeting of Local New York this Sun this issue is being debated in and City millions at a time when wastebasket, or the officials and who lost in this rather im in the Balkans. At the last min and enabled prosecutors and Weckler (corporation vice president) spouting can hide the day, October 22. All membureaucrats placed on portant skirmish on the diploute Hitler is said to have served judges to prosecute unions even facts: the workers have been locked out of the factories because our Congress. What measures war time rations without benebers of the SWP and YPSL do you support to keep the fit of the fat CIO subsidies.
matic front.
peremptory demands on his though the authorities could they couldn stand speed of production that broke their backs are instructed to be at Beet United States out of war.
Out of the many obscurities Kremlin ally, with the result point to no acts committed by and shattered their nerves. Weckler straw bosses fired men The calamity is upon the hoven Hall, 5th Street be Candidates Shachtman and Stalinists. There is neither retween 2nd and 3rd Ave. at few salient facts emerge quite claims upon Turkey in the con nization of a union, for exam with the pace. And now Weck as can be seen from their rePaine have already replied to treat or escape for them. They clearly. Stalin was trying to use versations with ler charges slowdowns. fusal to mediate the dispute be3 sharp.
Saracoglu ple, was called a conspiracy.
questionnaires submitted by the are finished in the CIO.
the negotiations with Turkey as Refuse to Mediate fore the State Labor Mediation Citizens Non Partisan Commitwhich Turkey, under Anglo strenuous struggles by orgaUnion Wreckers tee, The City Affairs Commita form of insurance against for French pressure, refused to ac nized labor over many decades That the Chrysler Corporation Board at Lansing. This media Let the People finally tee of New York, the New York What has brought them to cept.
all wanted to be sure that (Continued on Page 2) now becomes clear as daylight (Continued on Page 8)
this sorry pass? Why has Lewis Vote on War. Continued on Page 2)
suddenly brought his longthrough the closing of the Dar in London a good deal of efdanelles his Black Sea trade fort is being extended to put standing alliance with the union wreckers to with Germany would not be at this face on things, to make it an abrupt termination?
fected. He also and this was appear for Hitler benefit that Ever since the inception of even more important wanted Stalin has actually been trying the CIO revolutionists, radicals to make sure of immobilizing to put over a back door doubleTurkey when the time comes cross on his German ally and Rallying to the aid of one of from members of Canadian la active in the Watson Defense to arms in the defense of civilpasses in order to move about, and progressives have warned for carving up the Balkans may still do so. This is not be the first victims of war time bor organizations assist them Committee.
rights during the difficult peri a democracy which confiscates day in, day out of the disasA Call to Arms again especially Rumania. In cause the British desire to win persecution, American mill in the struggle for Watson libod ahead.
the land of Kenya farmers and trous effects Stalinism would these aims he has apparently Stalin over to their side against tants, in a living demonstration eration. Despite the war time Mary Green, National Secre Arrested one week after Can forces them into wage labor at have on the most promising unfailed for the time being. In Hitler. It is because they are of international solidarity, dictatorship that exists in the tary of the American Labor ada declaration of war uponstarvation rates. The British ion movement to arise in this this respect the outcome of the hoping still to win Hitler over formed this week the Watson Dominion, making extremely Aid, commenting on the arrest Germany, Watson, speaking in Empire, Watson continued, is country for decades. These preTurkish talks must be taken to against Stalin by breaking the Defense Fund in behalf of difficult the distribution of of the Canadian militant, stat Toronto from the platform ofno democracy but a ragbag of dictions and these warnings sether with the obvious toning Moscow Berlin axis.
Frank Watson, English Canadi propaganda calling upon Cana ed, The Watson case is the the Socialist Workers League, territories stolen from other were confirmed every inch of down. But either eventuality still is an worker arrested on the dian workers to support the first example on our continent declared, We are being askedpeoples during the last 200 the way. Stalinist infiltration inon Finland as a check on the a ways off, for both with re streets of Toronto Sept. 15 by struggle for Watson freedom of the effects of the present war to fight for a democracy whichyears.
to the Swoc helped weaken the forces women to work at nine Calling upon the workers of eventually lost Little Steel But this is by no means the the Balkans, both Germany and spoken denunciation of the im of the Canadian Common the people on whose behalf it cents a day in the coal mines of Canada to resist and oppose a strike. Stalinist operatives alfinal turkey with Britain and gain by working together to The American Labor Aid, in Internationalist Socialist Work danger signal to the workers gro workers of South Africa toto gain and everything to lose workers union by a debilitating France there is a little clause sacrifice it by beginning, pre itiator of the Defense Fund, had ers League and other labor or and genuine fighters for liberty live in a pestilential ghetto andWatson exclaimed, Workers, faction struggle. Stalinist burthat may turn out to be the jok maturely, to pull apart. been approached with appeals ganizations have already been throughout America. It is a call to carry as many as eleven (Continued on Page Continued on Page 2)
War will cost many that gering amount fint the rights candidate titor TM Americas Laber Por.
ied to LA ier rartere ம. ய AS labor party Why Bet Roosevel and his friends pourven the right enter the war Together with Congr. Roosevelt is so as for wat de renses to permita de vone of the people on the life to face bayones antes de the in Holand La Cat Belair with the end of aber die Sower.
They are som for Reler Bacing the New YW THE GARSAS the younge Behind the Lines ed Union Puts the Lie to Phoney Charges Made by Auto Moguls FUNDS URGENTLY NEEDED FOR WATSON DEFENSE!