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SOCIALIST APPEAL FRIDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1939 inted States of the source is content The Socialist Party Meets the te worden de Det giver en Problem of the ALP WarMongering by Saying Nothing Their Government Billings Free wards Stalinism than he would if he were a SOCIALIST APPEAL Vol. III, No. 80 Friday, October 20, 1039 There again, what is decisive is what is said.
By James Burnham For example: In its day, the Communist InPushed Twice Weekly by the SOCIALIST ANT. L BLISHING ASSN.
et 116 Chiversity lue, New York, NY that its leader, William Haywood, Telephone Lutyuit 14 had actually engaged in revolutionary political action when he made use of the platform offered Subscriptions: 00 per year 00 for six months. For vign 00 per year. 50 for six months in. lle unter him by the Industrial Relations Committee of PARIS per cwymile Unite Sunescente purwy it.
Il Corvign countries. single coples: Cnt.
Congress to testify on the labor situation and the months in fur Bronx und Manhattan Meription IW 20 for a po. ition of the and when he demanded Since the beginning of the war, the isolationist Reentered as second class matter September 29, 1939, at By FELIX MORROW a Congresssional Committee to investigate conSeger received a uremendous obey discipline. Congressmen, especially the group of Senators un ce st New In the act of March The Oct. issue of The Call. ovation. The Call does not THESE GENTLEMEN 1159 ditions in Lawrence, Mass.
headed by Borah, LaFollette. Nye and Vandenofficial organ of the Thomas So say, nor does it accurately de DO NOT DENOUNCE berg, have attempted to pose before the country as Victor Berger, however, who was a Socialist cialists, proudly announced that scribe who he is. Gerhart se The Call, issue after issue.
the peace bloc, the aim of which is to keep the Etiler: Party member of the House of Representatives. Levey aidier and Frank Cross German labor delegation in len, national executive commit MAX SILIITMAN Socialists, ger may speak on behalf of the prints reams from Devere Alcountry out of war. Several weeks of the Special Associate EEMANUEL GARRETT Session provide us with new evidence upon which spo e quite often on the floor of Congress, also waith, had been nominated as America, but that means speak tee member, now in Brussels, PELIX MORROW to judge their claim.
General Bager AMRIRANI speaking on labor problems and his attitude to New York City councilmanc ing on behalf of those who, hav who cannot find warm enough MARTIN ANERN SHERMAX STANLEY The isolationists continue their opposition to rewards them.
candidates by the American ing capitulated to Hitler with words with which to praise the Labor Party.
out a struggle, now are making Catholic Socialist coalition govpeal of the arms embargo. On this particular point Haywood, the anti political reOn Ocu. 4, the state execu as much propaganda as they ernment of Belgium (and the the Socialist Workers Party agrees with them.
mained a revolutionist before, during and after tive committee of the ALP ad can for their present program Congo) which is operating. he Nevertheless, agreement here or on any other FIGHT WITH THE SOCIALIST single point does not in the least imply his testimony before the Committee.
cpted a special resolution on which is their return to Ger says, with a spirit of potse and slightest behind British and sincerity which must evoke the similarity in general policy toward the war. We WORKERS PARTY FOR: Berger, the political Socialist, remained an he European conflict which many put the ALP on the side of An French and American bayo admiration of the world. As. must always ask what motivates the position taken incurable opportunist and social patriot througli Slo French imperialism and on nets. Seger is one of that des for example, Mr. Allen doesn on any given point that boils down to a yes or no job and a decent living for every worker.
out his career, especially in his later years.
question; and ask how this position is related to the the basis of this fundamental picable group of war mongers mention it the Belgian govern2. Open the idle factories operate them under whole policy pursued by any group or party.
The radicals who have testified before the orientation drew two immedi who are providing German ment recent arrest of Walter workers control.
ate corollaries: support of testimonials to the purity of the Dauge, leader of the Revolu The Nazi Bund and, today, the Stalinists also op3. Twenty Billion dollar Federal public works Dies Committee are, with perhaps one or two Roosevelt proposals to aid war aims of Anglo French im tionary Socialist Party (Fourth pose repeal of the arms embargo. They do so for a receives and housing program.
exceptions, ex radicals, avowed turncoats. They Anglo French imperialism by perialism. That nternational) issuing a ma clear and simple reason: because they favor the victory of Hitler, and, under the immediate cir4. Thirty thirty! 30 weekly minimum wage do not testify as revolutionists. They testify as lifting the embargo on muni tremendous ovation from the nifesto calling for struggle agtions; and denunciation of stalAFL convention is an encour ainst the war.
cumstances, opposition to repeal happens to favor 30 hour weekly maximum for all workers on good Americans, good patriats. What else can in and the Stalinists for shift aging note, says The Call. En It is not for us to denounce all Jobs.
Hitler as against the Anglo French coalition.
anyone gather from the testimony of such peo ing from Anglo French imperi. couraging to whom? the immediate choices of our More things of the same kid European comrades in their Why the Opposes Repeal Thirty dollar weekly old age and disability pe as uit. ow, Dubrowsky, Malkin? Disregard alism to Hitler. The next day pension.
ing for the moment our known poiitial diiier that LP state executive com ney find room in the issues of present terrible dilemma.
The Socialist Workers Party stands for the de Expropriate the Sixty Families.
ences with Zack, we are ready to acknowledge and reaffirming this pro war out the ALP resolution. The Declaration Against the War feat of both sides in the war, of Hitler and of Bri All war funds to the unemployed.
that so far as the printed excerpts from his tes resolution mandatory upon all Call had printed message (The Call, September 23. tain France. The is opposed to repeal of the people referendum on any and all wars. timony are concerned, he did not act the Gitlow ALP. candidates, and an acta from the German Independ. It is in the same strain, no arms embargo because the SWP is against the ent Labor Party. ostensibly as doubt, that The Call feels that test of ALP membership.
war, and because Roosevelt proposal to lift the ian penitent ex revolutionist, and we were un9. No secret diplomacy.
The resolution was submitted an anti war document. Not be it is not for it to denounce the embargo is a war act. This can be most obviously 10. An independent Labor Party.
seen in the following two ways: doubtedly wrong a few weeks ago in bracketing to a city conference of ALP del ing anti war, Alfred Baker immediate choice of its Amerihim with Git. ow. The Git. ows and Ma. kins, gates on the night of Oct. Lewis state secretary of the can comrades in their present (1) Repeal of the embargo is a unilateral inter 11. Workers Defense Guards against vigilante however, only proved that they remained the sering Louis Woodevens and on the call. October 14, To vote against the pro war vention by United States imperialism in the war.
and Fascist attacks.
on the side of one of the belligerents. This is un12. Full social, political and economic equality same patriotic renegades during their testimony sorted poros Roosevans and as: thwrites communication can Labor Party skates, the Norman Thomas so think it is only fair to your resolution. why that would derstood by everyone, and has been brought into for the Negro people.
that they were before it.
cialists, led by Jack Altman, madere to state that the mes mean a break with the Dubin. the open during the Senate debates. Repeal will voted for the pro war resolu. sage from the German Inde. skys and Hillmans and all the turn part of US industry into an armory for Brit tion. Shor. ly afterward the pendent Labor Party. also cther bureaucrats in the needle ain France. This intervention is necessarily a step.
press reported that the well included a statement from the trades would mean that the and a very important step toward further involve known socialist. Frank Cross Society of Sudeten Germans Jack Altmans would no longer ment which must lead in the end to military entry For Frank Watson waith, had expressed unquall which reads: Hitler defeat be welcome in the corridors of (2) Even more important, however, is the fact died approval for the resolu is an aim common to all those the union officialdom; it would that repeal of the embargo is a key part of the The Socialist Appeal endorses enthusiastically Just as the welcome news appeared that War tion. The terms in which his loving peace, liberty and hu mean to put their much touted direct war preparations of the US military mathe call of the American Labor Aid for a solidar ren Billings, together with Tom Mooney the accepted the resolution have the British and French peoples of the Crosswaiths and other rechine. The orders from Britain France will enable the US armament industry to increase its plant ity fund for Frank Watson, that model working most famous class war prisoner in the United not been published, but it was when he stand up for the freedom tajners of the upton bureanera: and facilities and raise its capacity to war levels class militant who so fearlessly spoke in Toronto States, had been freed by action of California evidently satisfactory to the of the world. It would be a mis cy. As for the very thought of before formal declaration of war. From this point against the imperialist murderers of labor. Crim. Gov. Olson, the trial of eight WPA workers hip. All this was, of course, in that our courageous German war mongers in the party uke of view, opposition to repeal follows in exactly the same way as opposition to any and all military inal as he properly is in the eyes of the cynical framed up on a conspiracy charge by the Gov plain violation of the official comrades regard the outcome Crosswaith, Jack Aliman, Alwar mongers, he is a hero in the eyes of the ernment in Minneapo. is, entered into its third stand of the Socialist party of the war with indifference on fred Baker Lewis et. al. exworking class, a fighter captured by the enemy. week.
governt by the US or any other imperialist THE CALL APPLIES the ground that it is only a pulsions and such weapons are GOBS OF WHITEWASH clash between rival imperial for the Altmans to employ ag At the same time, the SWP does not regard the This fighter must be reed and no stone must For our professional democrats the One awaited with interest. isms. Mr. Lewis writes in ainst the left wingers in the embargo issue as decisive for war or peace. It never against such refuses to delude itsell or the workers. Retention left unturned to effect his liberation.
events have no connection. For one who looks therefore, the following issues the same pro Ally vein in the party, of the embargo would prove only a minor bump in Support the American Labor Aid special below the veil and sees the hideous class reaities of the Can. Would the Socialist Nation and elsewhere, but that leaders. For that the sothe path of the war machine.
fund! Demonstrate your international solidarity in America, the two are inseparably connected.
Party adhere to its official an. is all right in the Socialist Par cialist Party of Norman Thomti war position and consequent ty where only left wingers mustlas.
Demonstrate your hatred of the imperia. ist war! great victory for democracy, we are told, ly condemn Jack Altman, Why do the Isolationists Send your contribution to the at 125 in connection with Bil ings release, as we were Frank Crosswaith and Harry Laidler, and place the Socialist West 32nd Street, New Yok, told when Mooney was freed.
Farty in unequivocal opposlA murderous condemnation of your fake dem tion to the war mongering resA study of the conduct of the isolationists not.
ocracy, we reply ſolution? Or would it, like the of course, from the point of view of their psychoBilings, like Mooney, was innocent of the tify voting for the resolution?
logical motives or moral ideals, but of the political Lovestoneite Workers Age, jusmorning ard function of their acts proves that Dies Committee crime charged against him, as virtually every These were the two horns of their opposition to repeal of the embargo has (Continued from Page 1) world. wide action to safe no. ning in common with that of the SWP and of The letter written to the editor by Joseph boly now admits. He was framed up framed he dilemma which the national the militant anti war fighters in general. On the Zack, printed elsewhere in this issue, affords us by the merchants and manufacturers, by the aced. How would they meet It is a call to arms in the de guard the rights of those genuhe problem?
fense of civil rights during the ine anti war fighters whose rev. contrary, their opposition can be correctly under olutionary action alone can put stood only as a demagogic exploitation of the antian opportunity to clarify our position towards bankers and traction interests, by the courts and They have met the problem dimcult period ahead.
an end to the frightful holocaust the Des Committee and those who have testified the prosecutor, by the press and all the other pilwar sentiments of the people, and as a pacifist cov.
30 far, in the two weeks since Every worker, every sym which has been unleashed.
lars of society. He went to prison at the age of er for the war preparations of US imperialism. Far before it.
Oct. 4, by a very simple meth pathizer of the workers cause In this sense we call upon from helping in the fight against the war, they are On the aims of the Dies Committee there is no 22, an innocent man. He stayed in prison for 22 od: u. ter silence. The October has a direct stake in this case. all members of the Socialist most dangerous because deceptive enemies of years, innocent all the time.
14 and 21 issues of The Call are Rally to the defense of Frank Workers Party and the Young the anti war fight, and allies of the war mongers.
need, to elaborate on what has been said here more than once: it seeks to lay the ground for Isn that a magnificent tribute to American put and they carry not a sin Watson, Rush funds at once to Peoples Socialist League and This judgment will sound harsh to sentimentalgle word on this important the Watson Defense Fund of the all sympathizers and readers of democracy?
question! Nor have any state American Labor Aid,. 125 our press to rally at once to the ists, but no other conclusion is possible. Consider: the big push that is coming to crush every Not a single isolationist in the Congressional de That same democracy is now trying to rail ments been issued to the press 33rd st. New York City.
spark of militancy in the American labor moveappeal of the American Labor Aid, and to contribute bounti.
bate has called for the peoples referendum on ment, and as such it is part and parcel of the road to the penitentiary the Minneapolis WPA other than Crosswalth un qualified approval of the resoluworkers who committed the unforgivable crime war. If the isolationists are sincere, if they really Cannon Statement fully to the Watson Defense ion.
are against the war, if they really want the will capitalist preparation for the war.
The latest issues of The Call James Cannon, National Fund that it has created.
of the people to be done, how can they possibly is Its exposures of the fascist groups in this of being surplus mouths for capitalism to feed. International solidarity fail to make the referendum central issue in country is so much misleading farce, except in Thrown out of work by a decayed system that need for materian on the crucial ers Party, greeted the creation the first task of the hour for their fight?
so far as it is seriously directed against the can no longer even feed the people, they were Not a single isolationist has had one word to say Bund on the good imperialist grounds that Fritz finally given a pittance on WPA jobs. When the line in the Oct. 14 issue of the most important act of in means every ounce of support.
Kuhn and Co. represent a spy agency for a rival government tried to cut their already low wages FL warns of war danger. a Sernational solidarity initiated every dollar that can be star against the colossal armament expenditures of the government. Quite the contrary: many of them more here since Frank to a still lower point, they fought back, as they accurate term servile white war.
Watson and the Canadian have been loudest in demanding great increases capitalist power.
Fourth Internationalists.
in armament expenditures. The only possible purIts attacks on the Communist Party however had a right and duty to fight, for themselves, for wash of the AFL bureaucracy, pose for this mighty war machine is military en Rush all funds to the Ameriare not delivered on the ground that it represents their families, for their human dignity and seli whichi, far from really fighting can Labor Aid, Comrade can against the war. railroaded non said, to undertake a cam can Labor Aid, Watson Defense try into the war.
through the convention support vaign of support in behalf of Fund, 125 33rd St. Room Not a single isolationist criticized Roosevelt a revolutionary movement, for the good and suf respect.
ficient reason that every intelligent capitalist unBut you have no right to fight your demo for what the Socialist Party has Frank Watson, persecuted Ca. 201. New York City.
declaration that the armed forces of the United States would defend Canada one of the belliger derstands that the Stalinists are about as revolucratic government. The only right you have is called the first giant step to nadian anti warmilitant, and ent nations. This declaration was itself an interventionary as the Salvation Army. But, if we leave to keep your damned trap shut and let yourself war: Roosevelt program to the Canadian section of the tion in the war.
aid Anglo French imperialism Fourth International for which he spoke, is not just an ordiSubscribe to the aside for a moment the foreign po itical interests be reduced to a coolie level without protest. And, by lifting the cembargo Not a single isolationist has even mildly critisay our democrats, who framed up Mooney and As if this were not enough, nary action in defense of civil of American imperialism that are involved in SOCIALIST APPEAL cized the Declaration of Panama which in actual Billings, who framed up the Centralia s the Oct. 21 issue of The Call rights. It is in the truest sense ity places the United States in the forefront even these attacks, it would be blindness not to see whose last prisoner, Ray Becker, was released There can be no question that whitewash: of the word a first step in a now of the world imperialist struggle for the re that the offensive against the Stalinists is merely division of the earth.
a preliminary to the very seriously meant offen only the other day after 20 horrible years in a the convention aid plan and In other words and in general: on all major sive against the genuinely revo utionary move dungeon if you do protest, if you don keep speak effectively for all labor fronts the isolationists are in the vanguard of those ment, and particularly against the actual and po your trap shut, you ll be framed up and railroad only to any involvement of the who are pushing forward the aggressive war plans ed to prison too.
United States in war but as to of US imperialism.
tential anti war forces in this country.
presented by It is with this basic fact in mind that the California prison. We feel that we have the and war boards. Proof? The We hail Warren Billings on his release from the measures preparatory to Jumping the Gun In fact, the isolationists are often well in advance must be approached. Whoever aids Dies in the right to call, in his name, in the name of every mealy mouthed AFL resolution Single copies 00 (less 10 cash discount)
great labor fighter who sacrificed for his class, which proposed, as a solution accomplishment of his ends, is striking a blow at Special rates in bundles of or more of their opponents. For example: it is on the infor an unceasing struggle to free every class war that organized labor be repreitiative of the isolationists specifically, Borah, This new book is a condensation of Marx labor.
that the present bill is now being amended to reCAPITAL by Otto Ruehle with a brilliant 93 lax the restrictions on shipping. As drawn up by The question raised by Zack about what to do prisoner in this and all other countries, and to sented on the war planning page introduction by Leon Trotsky, dealing in the administration, all shipments in US vessels to when served by such a committee with a sub prevent the imprisonment of those victims of boards! In neither issue is class rule like the Minneapolis WPA workers out or against the convention the main with the American scene.
ports of belligerents were to be prohibited. The poena, is not very difficult to answer. Revolution. who are now on trial for their freedom.
amendments will prohibit shipments only to beladherence to Roosevelt pro.
ligerent zones, which will include only Europe, ists have not only appeared in the past, either By special arrangement with the publisher (Longgram for lifting the embargo!
and will exclude the entire East Australia, New voluntarily or under compulsion, before governmans, Green Co. we are able to offer this new WHERE THE CALL Zealand, India, Hong Kong, Indo China, etc.
mental bodies, but even in capitalist courts. In Socialist Appeal FINDS ENCOURAGEMENT book in combination with the paper cover FASCISM AND BIG BUSINESS AT: But this is exactly the major strategy of Us imevery such case, what was decisive was the ca116 University Place The latest issues of The Call New York City.
Single Combination have room for many things. book each)
perialism, which, stretching out from a strangle 50 pacity in which they appeared and the attitude Combination of (3 books each) 75 hold on Latin America has as its next immediate would That of October 14 wrote: An to get bet Combinat acquainted with of they took when they spoke.
each. aim dominance of the East.
note was struck your paper, the Socialist Appeal. Please send And if one is compelled to speak, asks Zack, RUSH YOUR ORDERS And it was the isolationist Shipstead who a few me sample coples for the next few weeks.
when it gave a tremendous ovedays ago gave more of the show away by openly shall he be silent about the Stalinists, especially Name tion to Gerhart Seger, former proposing in the Senate that the United States when his position on Stalinism is known publicmember of the German Reichstake over Canada and the European possessions in PIONEER PUBLISHERS Address ly? revolutionist who appeared before the this hemisphere.
tar, who spoke to the deve Dies Committee or any other committee, would 116 UNIVERSITY PLACE on behalf of the German City Borah, let us remember, not merely voted for delegation in America. Why is New York City the declaration of war in 1917, but made the most no more refrain from giving his position toit an encouraging note that rabid of all the speeches supporting it.