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Pile Up an Anti War Vote, By Voting for SWP Candidates!
LET THE PEOPLE VOTE ON WAR Official Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International Issued Twice Weekly NEW YORK, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1939 VOL. III, NO. 80 3c a Copy BEGIN DRIVE FOR CANADA ANTI WAR MILITANT The Unforgotten Man Auto Workers Gird for Action Against Inhuman Speed up and Lockout Attack on Unionization American Labor Aid Calls for Funds to Help Watson Defense WALL ST.
Stalinists Break With To Aid Stalin Hitler Alliance FLINT, Mich. Oct. 14. General warfare in the auto industry threatened this week end as the big corporations, leading off with the Chrysler speed up and lockout, began a Cannon Hails Creation of Watson Defense smashing attack against organized labor.
Fund as Demonstration of International In Detroit the Chrysler Corporation locked out about 55, 000 workers, who had refused to be made the victims of an inhuman speed up that was taking its terrible toll in workers Labor Solidarity Against the War sweat and blood.
In anticipation of pre war military orders, the auto moguls are trying to clear the plants NEW YORK In a statement issued today, Mary Green, of organization, smash wages, and initiate a speed up never before seen in the auto area.
National Secretary of the American Labor Aid, announced The Chrysler lock out was as brazen a union smashing maneuver as the auto industry the creation of a Watson Defense Fund to obtain full moral ever has attempted. The company first herded into the plants scores of young inexperienced workers who in most cases and material support in the United States for Frank Watson, Toronto anti war mi itant convicted under the War Measures ARMS Act for speaking at a public meeting of the Socialist Workers PROFITS League, Canadian Section of the Fourth International.
Watson was arrested on they wanted to keep their jobs September 15 after a speech Then the whole line was speedin which he denounced British ed up to keep up with the young imperialist policy in the colfellows who were green and did not realize the fink role they onies and possessions. Workwere playing.
ers, when they tell you to fight However, union men in the for democracy in Europe, he plants saw through this ruse Flash!
immediately and refused to step up production. They stuck by fighting for it here.
to a rmal speed. Imm liately MINNEAPOLIS, Oct. 17 The first trial of WPA strikthe company charged a slowers ended today, with five convicted and three acquitted. When the Canadian milAnti War Candidates lionaires felt that their wealth down strike, yelled bloody murby a jury carefully chosen to include no working class eleder about the co taking con.
The five convicted Carl Pemble, Myron Phillips, 703 IPE trol of the plants, and follow Protest High handed was safe, Watson concluded.
ing a big publicity campaign, Richard Connell, Ben Palmer and Leslie Wachter were they turned the unempoyed Procedure of Board locked out 55, 000 workers.
members of the Federal Workers Section of General Driv.
single workers on the streets The Chrysler division of the ers Local 544.
to starve without a cent of reArnold Mullen was acquitted by the jury, and the judge lief. Now that they feel their UAW CIO has notified the com pany of its intention to strike directed verdicts of acquittal for Gordon Smith and John Appearing before the Boardwealth is in danger, they can and Tuesday will be the deadMarshall, the latter the only Workers Alliance member on of Elections Monday morning, afford 30 and 85 cents living trial.
October 16, to protest its action allowance to these same unem line. The lockout affects Chrysler, Briggs, Dodge, Plymouth The indictment under which the strikers were tried in ruling his name off the bal ployed to fight for Canada. For and many other divisions of the was based on provision of the relief law forbidding inlot, George Lyman Paine, whose Canada? Not ours: Wo corporation.
terference with WPA workers.
Councilmanio Candidate of the own nothing. The unemployed second trial, involving four other WPA strikers, be.
By JOSEPH CARTER Socialist Workers Party for are being paid only to become Effects of Speed up gan today. total of 193 WPA strikers have been indicted.
As agents of the Stalin Hitler war alliance drive to lift the arms embargo so as to help with a high handed disregard Workers, let us first own Cana Manhattan, charged the Board cannon. fodder of imperialism.
In answer to a full page newsand peace proposals the Communist Party Anglo French imperialism paper blast by the Chrysler has begun an open attack on Roosevelt and the corporation the UAW CIO 18Even after the outbreak of the war in Eur for the unmistakable mandate da before we fight for it.
ope, the Daily Worker greeted Roosevelt of thousands (Special to the Socialist Appeal) dled the lies of the cops, proj New Dealers as spokesmen of American imworkers, the sued the following statement: Year Sentence The fact that the Chrysler MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. ect supervisors and scabs who perialism who seek to drag the US into the as good coin. In the trade unions, at the confake promises to keep America out of the war Campaign Committee disclosed for these remarks Watson was convicted on September 21 Corporation is attempting a Brilliant testimony of defense were paraded on the stand last present war. Pressed by the imperialist bourgeoisie.
ventions of the Rubber Workers Union, the nicality to disqualify the only to prejudice recruiting of His Acting on the flimsiest tech of making statements likely speed up in several depart witnesses shattered the feder week by Federal Attorney Vicdeclares the latest resolution of the Political ments cannot be disputed. In al government frame up actor Anderson, Nation Wide Action Committee of the Communist Party. the Dodge crankshaft department cusations against the WPA congress the stalinists supported resolutions tan, the Board of Elections rul ber 28 he was sentenced to six men are lifting almost three strikers on trial here, for con In his testimony, Pemble Roosevelt government despite its avowed in which endorsed Roosevelt peace policy.
ed that Paine nominating pe months imprisonment plus an tons a day. The management spiracy, intimidation, etc.
showed that the WPA protesttention of keeping out of war, more and more Talk Militant But Why?
akes a course which threatens to involve the titions were improperly not other six months or 300 fine.
has refused to install hoists. As Star defendant on the stand in Minneapolis was part of a Now the Communist Party has thrown over arized and marked by eras. Since the defendant is practic a result several workers have was Carl Pemble, steward of nation wide protest movement, the USA in the imperialist war. Daily Workboard these polices. Has it suddenly discover ures.
ally destitute the sentence is been ruptured.
he Federal Workers Section, against the relief cuts, and that er, Oct. 15, 1939.
ed that Roosevelt, the New Dealers and the Flimsy Pretext actually a one year term of Continued on Page 2) Local 544. His testimony rid reports of the protest through In the present situation, we are told the Old Dealers are class enemies of the toilers, Pointing out that there were imprisonment.
out the nation were published in slogans of anti fascism no longer give the main imperialist spokesmen irrespective of the sec a sufficient number of signed The American Labor Aid the daily press.
direction of the struggle of the working class ondary differences among them? Hardly! petitions to cover any irregu received an appeal for help As for the ridiculous charge and its allies as they formerly did in the perHowever, yesterday Roosevelt was a potential larities, Paine charged that the from many individuals, memof conspiracy. Pemble show iod of the struggle for the anti fascist peace a of ed that he did not know any of front and pepole front. Under such condithe seven other defendants save tions the difference between the New Deal ally of Chamberlain and Daladier who are pretext to deny thousands of wealth Federation, the Social By GEORGE STERN Wachter until the strike began, and anti New Deal camps is losing its former partner of Stalin. Roosevelt has already lined tunity to register their anti war labor organizations constituted up against Stalin by his letter to the Kremlin vote with the regularly nomin as the Watson Defense CommitJapan is meeting with a good their capacity to penetrate the and that he had not discussed significance. Both are parties of the bourgeoisthe strike with Wachter. Con le and seek in various ways to realize and on Finland.
ated candidate of the Socialist tee who have rallied to Wat deal of trouble in its effort to Chinese hinterland.
bring the war in China to In the political domain the nell and Phillips, two other de promote the predatory interests of American These unscrupulous henchmen of the Krem Workers Party. In the face of son defense in the Dominion, lin autocrat now use the phrases of militant the incontrovertible evidence at and are now engaged in obtain rapid close WÁP Howing the outbreak of the wise been something less than then takene wundine all the other des policies which threaten to involve the us in working class struggle against capitalism and hand that there is no ground to ing a review of the case in the members of the CP to read the present res Paine declared, the action of appeal, the ALA has created ments acy charge of the government olution of their political Committee. Their this Board is an outrageous dis the Watson Defense Pund.
As foretold by the Socialist Appeal, the ab leaders have drilled into their minds that the grace.
a policy of hastening termina new central puppet regime and will make tough headway agrupt turn about face of the Communist Party In the speech for which he democratic sections of the capitalist class must The Campaign Committee an. was convicted, Miss Green tion of the China campaign in the continued probing for points ainst such testimony.
Repeats Strike Speech from enthusiastic support of Roosevelt war order to free Japanese arms for of support within the Kuominbe supported against the fascist sections; that nounced today that the drive and in the statement issued.
future eventualities. To this tang regime at Chungking. The At one point in his testimony program to opposition to it, was in the cards democratic Imperialist governments could to elect Paine to the City Coun Watson warned that the first end it equipped itself with a proposed puppet sovernment: pressive device of standing in was signed. So long as Stalin sought a mili: Monday. Pemble used the im as soon as the Stalin Hitler military alliance conduct a just war deserving the support of the cil will continue unabated. casualty in the war for de brand new government and a with masses: that anyone who denied these bits Dwight Macdonald, Secretary mocracy is democracy itselfbrand new high comand on the Ching wei its leader designate, the courtroom and delivering tary alliance with the democratic imperialist of Stalinist wisdom were enemies of the work of the Committee, stated late the workers rights of free ing class, progress and socialism. Now.
today that unless the Board of speech and assembly. The viChina fronts and simultaneous. has had a sad buffeting from 10 minute speech identical to powers and believed that American imperially launched fresh military and circumstances on and off dur. the talk he delivered July 10th ism would be his ally in a war against Ger The merciless enemy of the workers al Elections reverses itself, the clous sentence imposed upon before his fellow WPA work man Fascism and Japan, the Communist political drives to settle the ing the past year.
ways has been, is and will be the capitalist fight to restore the name of our him has furnished living proof Party was ordered to support Roosevelt as the China incident, The last date set for its in ers.
class. This is so regardless of the particular candidate on the ballot will be for his contention.
So far the results have prov. augural was Oct. 10 the Chi He told of coming to work champion of the people against Wall Street political face with which the capitalist class taken into the courts.
Danger Signal appears, regardless of the political form in ed something less than neglig nese national holiday. But this and finding other workers inmonopoly, the democratic opponent of the imSend In Protests The Watson case is the first ible. The first large scale mill was put off because the Japan specting the bulletin board no perialist section of the capitalist class. Whowhich it shields its domination, regardless of The Campaign Committee to example on our continent of tary offensive in a year was be ese hoped their truce with Rustice informing them their wag. ever challenged this lying propaganda was the lying and hypocritical slogans with which day called upon the workers of the effects of the present war, it masks the imperialist aims, whether in New York to make known their conducted in the name of a gun in Central China. It was sta would make Chungking es had been cut and their hours condemned as an agent of fascism.
The Stalinists halled every pro war move of times of war or peace.
stopped in less than a month. more amenable to peace over lengthened.
protests to the Board of Elec struggle against so called Hi Columns attempting to con tures. But the Russian truce is you workers must go out the President as a blow for democracy and tions. This will be the firstlerism, upon the rights and lib.
verge on Changsha, capital of already cracking if it has not and protest this action, he against imperialist war. They supported his Drop Criticism of Fascists time in dozens of years that a erties of the people on whose Hunan province, were turned aiready been broken. The Kuo said. urge you to come to a policy of national unity for continental de What honest and intelligent worker can any Socialist candidate will not ap behalf it is supposedly waged.
back with severe losses. Mini mintang leaders are not likely meeting of WPA workers and fense, that is, imperialist domination over longer be fooled by the lying and hypocritical pear on the ballot for Manhat It is a danger signal to tary experts of other powers to hasten any settlement with vote on the question of strik the Latin American peoples, and his pledge slogans of the Stalinists who mask their own ſtan if the Board of Elections is workers and genuine fighters wonder if the Japan Japan until the further clarift ing. The papers tell us that to aid Canada in case it was attacked. They reactionary aims the victory of the Stalin permitted to stand on its rul for liberty throughout America.
ese had reached the limits orl (Continued on Page Continued on Page 3)
supported his rearmament program, and his (Continued on Page 2)
Continued on Page Continued on Page 2)
Behind the Lines sion of its own armistice with in these spheres the main ele. began chere are soveromment Alliance Dictated Turn began WAR WHAT FOR? James The World in Flames Again Friday, Oct. 20 The Real Meaning of the (Irving Pl. 15th St. Present War ADMISSION 25c 8:30 The Last of a Series of Friday Night Lectures Cannon