Bolshevik PartyBolshevismBourgeoisieCivil WarCommunismDemocracyFascismGermanyHitlerImperialismImperialist WarInvasionLeninMarxMarxismNazismPopular FrontsRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismTrotskyURSSVoroshílovWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

SOCIALIST APPEAL TUESDAY, ATORER 1724939 Poor Little Finland Every Worker Opposed to the War The patriots do not uses a single trick on the Must Take a Position Against Both War Mongering Camps in the ALP IN THIS CORNER General Manager 10. Matter of Taste be o many of SOCIALIST APPEAL Vol. III, No. 79 Tuesday, October 17, 1939 Published Twice Weckly by the campaign to whip up the war fever among the SOCIALIST APPEAL. PUISLISHING ASS 1 116 University Pine. New York, masses. One day it is poor little Poland whose Telephone Alagonquin 8567 independence and democratic regime ought to be saved by a world war. Another day it is poor Subscriptions: 00 per year: 00 for six months. For little Latvia or Lithuania, with their no less nosign: 00 per year. 60 for six months. Bundle orders cents per copy in the United States: cents per copy in toriously democratic regimes that ought to be (Continuerl from Page 1) ternational policy.
ialist patriots. Isn it obvious. By Max Shachtman al foreign countries. Single copies: centa rescued by imperialism. This week it is poor from either camp must be It is, therefore, as democrat Coughlin attacks the Stalinists.
Bronx And Alanhattan subscriptions are: 50 for six onth 00 for one ye Reentered as second class matter September 29, 1989. At (but honest) little Finland over which the patri carefully analysed to squeeze ic imperialist patriots, and not but we don vote for his at The Lovestoneites and Thomasites, who so pain from it Its real meaning. as working class international tacks. The Pope denounces the the office at New Yoru. nii the act of March otic scribblers are spilling their ink.
ists, that the ALP leaders at. Sialinists, but no Marxist can stakingly restrained their opposition to war when Our views on Stalin course in the World. The same patriotic stand nunciations, nor with those of Alex Rose and Luigi Antonini, with their support.
LOVESTONITES COME TO associate himself with those derammed the pro war resolution down the throat of Editor: MAX SHACHTSAN War have been stated often in these columns. It the ALP. are bravely giving their opposition free Associate Edit EMANUEL GARRETT play in a concerted attack upon us is reactionary through and through. The pre latest left wing attempt to resolution support of Roose associate himself with the atFELIX MORROW confuse the issue: the Love velt proposal to lift the em tacks on the Pact of any agent They, you see, really oppose the entry of the texts for the subjugation of Finland are just as Assistant Manager stone. Independent Labor bargo in order to aid Anglo of imperialism, even if that imUnited States into the war and they believe that MARTIN ABIRN SHERMAN STANLEY foul and fraudulent and hypocritical as they League. explanation of why French imperialism. This is the perialist agent is an ALP burtheir objective can be accomplished if they can were in the case of Poland.
its meinbers voted for the pro real and logical motivation for eaucrat.
find enough men and women of good will to asso But no less foul, fraudulent and hypocritical the explanation, because it is however, not to embarass MARXIST CRITICISM Ally resolution. Let us analyse lifting the embargo. In order. FAR FROM BEING ciate with them. On the other hand, we, benighted Trotskyists, are paralyzing the struggle against FIGHT WITH THE SOCIALIST are the tears and lamentations of the patriots. a particularly clever defense Roosevelt, the ALP resolution war because we say that American participation WORKERS PARTY FOR: How, we ask, can anyone who To hear read them, you would think that of the ALP resolution in and supports the Roosevelt propos, calls himself a Marxist, interin the World War is inevitable.
Finland is just a quiet little mouse that wants all the better to see the full im terms, as a neutrality meas for the democratic. Imperialist Leon Trotsky hate of Stalin rather than any job and a decent living for every worker.
nothing better than to live and let live. That the polications of the ALP resolu ure, although its asse logte makes him insist that the United States must get into this war. Inevitability is born of his per Open the Idle factories operate them under people of the country enjoy as close to a paraneutrality at that point is in tained in the ALP resolution?
workers control.
The heading of the Lovestone flagrant contradiction tools What is the crime of Stalin and Thus Norman Thomas in the Call (formerly the sonal desire. That nd of inevitability is para dise as sinful humanity can ever hope to attain.
lyzing, to any social determination of destiny.
explanation. Workers Age. lengthy declaration in favor of Twenty Billion dollar Federal public works That the government is composed of such nice October 14) is. ALP brands the Allies.
and housing program.
the Communist parties, accordSocialist Call. people, as democratic as the dickens, and very stalinists as enemies of labor ing to those sections of the res4. Thirty thirty! 30 weekly minimum wageolution (we have already quot denounces CP for backing COVERING UP THE In his column in the Lovestoneite Workers Age, meticulous about paying their debts.
30 hour weekly maximum for all workers on Bertram Wolfe takes up the cry against us. He Hitler pact. Neither in the ALP POSITION ed the relevant parts above. all jobs.
Therefore, long live Finland brave little ar head nor anywhere in the story We are now in a position to the crime adduced is that the reproaches the Trotskyites for the pseudo Marxist theory of inevitability and fatalism. We as5. Thirty dollar weekly old age and disability my, and its heroic Field Marshal, Baron Karl is there a single hint that the contrast the actual content of Stalinists have a callous disALP resolution declares for the the ALP resolution with the regard for the fate of the Ansumed we were dealing with sincere opponents of pension.
Gustav Emil Mannerheim!
Anglo French camp! There is Lovestone description of it. The glo French camp. To vote for our entrance into war and we limited ourselves to warning that the doctrine of inevitbale involve Expropriate the Sixty Families.
But Finland, after having been granted its not a single quotation from the Lovestone description conceals these sections of the resolution resolution!
the pro Ally motivation of the could only mean, logically, the ment was theoretically false, refuted by history; All war funds to the unemployed.
independence from Russia by a quick stroke of On the resolution, all that the document. The Lovestone de opposite of the Stalinist cal that involvement or non involvement would depend people referendum on any and all wars. Lenin pen, has been a hearth of reaction for upon a living struggle which would be paralyzed Lovestone story gives is this seription conceals the fact that ilous disregard namely, to very brief (and untrue) de the resolution attack on Stal express a warm regard for the by the wide acceptance of the fatalistic doctrine No secret diplomacy.
years. How can any informed person forget the scription in flows solely from this demo te of the Anglo French camp.
of inevitability.
unspeakable Mannerheim, Finland master toAn independent Labor Party.
This resolution was an 11 cratic. imperialist standpoint. It means to be a partisan of day or at least its master tomorrow? Of all 11. Workers Defense Guards against vigilante logical combination of two The Lovestone description re: the Anglo French camp. That Exposing a Fraud and Fascist attacks.
the butchers of the post war White Terror Although things look pretty black for us, we shall 12. Full social, political and economic equality dorsement of the Administra critical alibi of the ALP bureau tion meant it to be! No Marxist nevertheless try to explain our position on the against working class of Europe, Mannertion policy of repeal of the crats that, though supporting could vote for that. But the question our real position, of course. It will then for the Nerro people.
heim was perhaps the most infamous. After the arms embargo, tho strongly the lifting of the embargo, they Lovestoneites did. And the be easy to understand what a deliberate fraud is Russian revolution, the Finnish workers and stressing the necessity of stressed that with them too. Thomasites dia.
peasants tried to take power in Finland. They keeping America out of war: keeping America out of war The condemnation of the Pact being practised by Messrs. Thomas and Wolfe.
Let us consider Thomas and his first. He and a condemnation of the was uppermost in their minds. for which a Marxist would vote doesn believe America is bound to enter the had to pay for this crime with the lives of their Russo German pact and Stal. In all these ways the Lovestone would be one which no Antoni war: it is not inevitable; it must be stopped: it best sons. The Marshal of the White Terror inism in America. The dis description is a deliberate falni, Rose, Hochman, or other can be stopped. Good. But if that is the case, why cussion was largely centered sification, designed to cover up ALP bureaucrat could vote for does Travers Clement, National Secretary of The war of the Soviet Union against fas was the same Mannerheim who today heads Finaround the latter point, which the war mongering ALP bu For that criticism would stig: Thomas Socialist Party, send out a National or cism will be the most just and most legitimate land army. In a country of little more than was obviously uppermost in reaucrats.
matize as the root cause of all tice Bulletin over his signature, dated October 1, the hearts and minds of the The Lovestoneites voted for the other crimes of Stalinism 1939, and addressed To All State, Local and of all wars that humanity has known. It will be 3, 000, 000 people, he slaughtered 30, 000 workBranch Secretaries which contains the following a war for the liberation of the oppressed nationsers about one out of every hundred in the pop assembled delegates. The that war mongering resolution, the Stalinist abandonment of som The only explanation they offer ternational revolution and the paralyzing and pessimistic paragraph: ulation slaughtered them like cattle in a packreduced to slavery. It will be for the defense of ing house.
80 was defended by Julius for their vote is this sentence: ALP bureaucrats stand with In a few months, despite our efforts and those Since it proved impossible to Stalin on this basic suestion. As the international proletariat and the culture of. the Who financed the Finnish counter revolution, of the Dressmakers Joint divide the resolution, it was for the crimes which flowed United States may be plunged into this war. Il that day comes, we shall hounded the whole of progressive humanity against fas who helped to consolidate it? The German retary of the ALP and other red 605 to 94, the latter figure policy and the consequent con fore in our history.
cist barbarism.
Kaiser, the Anglo French imperialists, and the When Norman Thomas doesn let his right hand with them too, keeping Amer od by the Stalinists and their ties into agents of his reactionknow what his left hand is doing. isn that just a In these resounding words did Pravda, Stal United States! The debt which Finland ruling ica out of war was uppermost sympathizers.
ary foreign policy, so little bit of duplicity?
class has been paying back to the United States in organ, express itself a few weeks ago, Aug. with such singular regularity. is dyed with the THE RESOLUTION SPEAKS in their minds.
That explanation is as spurs these crimes were heartily apous as the Lovestone descrip proved by these ALP bureauThe case of Wolfe is even more deplorable, if only because he knows better than Thomas. He ust 14, 1939.
blood of crats! The Franco Soviet pact country martyred thousands. OUT CLEARLY FOR ALLIES or of the resolution.
never believed it, in his old Stalinist days, when At the October city confer and the consequent subordinaBy October 9, however, svestia, the Stalia So again, long live General Baron Karl ManNow let us compare this de ence of the ALP, to which the tion of the French working he bracketed Trotsky with the bourgeoisie and the government organ, could declare: counter revolution. He doesn believe it now, when nerheim and poor little Finland! Long live the whnt the resolution really says: manded a vote to divide the Popular Front, in the midst of scription of the resolution with sentence refers, NOBODY de class to their bosses via the he brackets us in his column with Roosevelt and One may respect or hate Hitlerism, just as sacred, progressive, democratic war to save and The fundamental motiva resolution. Neither the Love the revolutionary strikes of Browder.
any other system of political views. This is a Wolfe knows perfectly well he taught it long protect Roosevelt pal the Finnish butcher!
tion of the resolution is given stoneites nor the Norman June, 1936; the Stalinist Socialin these paragraphs: enough that so long as capitalist imperialism matter of taste. But to undertake war for anThomas Socialists attempted to ist votes for the French mill. we herewith give ex employ the many parliamenta tary budgets and the military lives, war is just as inevitable as crises and other nihilation of Hitlerism means to commit crimpression to our views on the ry methods available division loan to Poland; the crushing of manifestations of the inherent contradictions of inal folly in politics.
present conflict abroad.
of the resolution, separation of the Spanish revolution in favor modern class society. He knows also that in the The great majority What is Stalin taste in this matter? Not to the questions, amendment, sub of bourgeois democracy (which present World War, the inevitability of involveAmerican people have looked stitute motion, etc. etc. to sep meant in reality in favor of ment applies to a far greater number of countries make war on Hitlerism, that is clear enough.
forward to the day when the arate the pro Ally and pro Franco. the subordination of than were affected in the last war. glance at But to make war on behalf of Hitlerism? If we The Deutsche Zeitung von Mexico, a Nazi remaining democracies on the Roosevelt sections from that the American trade unions to the Scandinavian countries and Finland will help illusnewspaper accounts of developments in the are to believe the plain meaning of words, Stal organ directed and financed by Goebbels, pub European continent would dealing with the Hitler Stalin Roosevelt. none of this could find the strength to resist the pact. So much for the question be left out in characterizing trate this point. in is prepared now, not merely to solidarize him lished a long article of admiration for Marshal brazen aggression of Hitler or fact.
Stalinism, and none of this Does this mean that the United States is bound self with Hitler on peace terms. as he did in Voroshilov on Sept. 30, 1939. The author of ism. The present war in Euto enter this war and enter it now? The question Far more important, howev. could the ALP bureaucrats rope the direct result of the is concrete the svestia editorial quoted above, but to back the article is a Nazi diplomat, who has also er, is the question whether to vote for, since they and their specific and Wolfe knows the anNazi invasion of Poland has divide the resolution would European brothers were with swer to it as well as we do. And he knows also Hitler in the prosecution of the war.
worked in the Soviet Union. He says: myself finally brought to a decisive have made any difference. If Stalin in all these crimes.
that when a Marxist declares that America en struggle the conflict between it could have been divided, the So we are informed, if we understand Eng. met Voroshilov only a few times at official reUnder no circumstances, we try into the Second World War is inevitbale, he the European democracies Lovestoneites are saying, then conclude, means: could internationallish, by Mr. Harry Gannes, foreign editor of ceptions in the years of my activity in the Soviet and the Hitler regime. In this a proletarian internationalist ists and democratic. ImperialSo long as the Roosevelt pro war regime, authenStalin American organ, the Daily Worker. In Union; but know many of his friends includstruggle the fate of Europe would have been flawlessly cor ists vote for a common denun.
tic representative of American imperialism and the October 10 issue, Mr. Gannes says: If Lon ing those who were in constant political and hangs in the balance. vic rect in voting for the sections ciation of the war position of its interests, is in power in the country, participatory for Hitlerism will inev dealing with the Hitler Stalin Stalinism. In that very phrase.
tion in the war is inevitable. point of fact, the don and Paris are counting on their blockade military contact with him.
itably mean further territori. pact. to divide the resolution, the United States already has at least one leg in the and talk of raw material shortage in Germany The Nazi diplomat narrates in his article al aggression, the spread of Absolutely false! The proleta. Lovestoneites reveal their comwar. What else does Roosevelt declaration on as a means of continuing the imperialist war, the some heroic anecdotes about Voroshilov, and intolerance, the ruthless suprian internationalist criticism plete inability or unwilling the defense of Canada mean? What else is the pression of civil liberties and of the Stalin regime has nothness) to understand the differmeaning of the Panama Declaration brought home then reports about the rise of the present MarSoviet Union will soon remedy that.
personal freedom and per. ing whatsoever in common with ence between proletarian and by Sumner Welles?
And, along the same line, the Stalinists have shal after the Russian civil war: haps the final destruction of the anti Stalin attacks of imper bourgeois criticism of Stalin.
civilized ne as we know it Truth Must Be Known dropped all references to both imperialist camps As early as 1924, he was summoned by Stalin on the European continent.
Do pessimistic conclusions follow from this?
being equally guilty. This radical formulation to Moscow as the commander of the Moscow Military District. Lenin had died meanwhile and Stal The American Labor parDoes this mean paralyzing the struggle against (used for but a few weeks) is now dropped; in in became his successor. One of his first measures ty has consistently and emwar? Not at all. In general, the workers cannot its place one finds only the Anglo French camp was to overturn Trotsky as War Commissar; and phatically opposed dictatorcarry on any effective struggle without knowing ship everywhere, in any form described as war mongers.
now it was necessary for Stalin to create a firm the truth. At bottom, Thomas and Wolfe are really and reliable prop against Trotsky supporters in both from the right and the Pressure of War Dealers This new line more exactly, this latest unsaying that the workers will oppose war more the Moscow garrison, and Voroshilov was the instrongly if they are kidded about the realities of foldment of the pro Htiler line, was ushered in dicated man. Only a few months later. In 1925, In another paragraph the resolution says: the situation. The truth, the realities, are that unDaily Worker with a tremendous iront Voroshilov became Soviet Russian Minister of War der a capitalist government in this country, the The great majority of the Tas at the AFL conventionare page editorial on October 10. That Hitler has and Supreme Commander of the Red Army, a post entrance of the United States into the war is dead American people have The United States Depart. opposed to war. They thought war aims is not even implied. Indeed, the only and during this period he proved to be a sincere watched the developments of ment of Labor headed by Mad they were voting for resolutions out of power and put in its place a genuine gov certain. Conclusion. Drive the present government the last few weeks in Europe ame Perkins also came in for which would help keep amert. ernment of peace. And that can only mean reference to Hitler is this sentence: German friend of Stalin and a splendid organizer of the wtih deep sympathy for the its share of criticism because can workers from being drag.
imperialism, with Hitler at its head, has been Soviet Russian army.
cause of the Western democ of its attitude towards the labor ged into war. The blunt truth ers government. Whoever tells the workers loss than this is at best miserable pacifist phraseforced to propose peace. Peace? Forced? By But more interesting and important is what racies that are fighting for movement.
is that the Roosevelt policies monger who is doing his own bit towards dragging the preservation those Considerable significance can which the conventions endorsed whom? Why? These key questions are not an the Nazis think today about this sincere friend the workers into war by distracting them with utodemocratic values and liber also be attached to the fact that mean an acceleration of the pias and drugging them with illusions. Whoever swered by Gannes or by Stalin, for the good and of Stalin. ties which we in this country Harry Bridges, Stalinist direct drive towards war, as the so tells them less than this is failing to lay the basis sufficient reason that they are conniving with The path that Voroshilov has trod, from shep treasure so dearly.
or of the West Coast CIO, was cialist Appeal has often exHitler in his war demagogy.
today for the only serious struggle that can be herd boy to first Marshal of the Soviet Russian Such is the political position chosen by the cio executive plained.
conducted against the war after it has broken out.
army is undoubtedly most exceptional one, even on the war laid down in the board to act as chairman and In the bitter speeches against If the Stalinists are silent about Hitler war for Russian conditions. It is a course achieved only ALP resolution of October 4: introduce Lewis when he made the various Roosevelt govern aims, they are eloquent on the subject of his op by those geniuses who are born only once a cen unequivocal alignment on the his main report to the convenment agencies, the CIO leaders Correction ponents war aims, which are the only war aims tury. But perhaps the military career of Klim Vor side of the Anglo French Imper. tion. It was a symbol of the have proved that the New Deal one of his life.
continued alliance between the has been turned into the war Our attention has been called to the need of cor.
oshilov is not the most importe the ideological they mention. Here is the characterisation of more extraordinary is It is from this pro Ally Lewis bureaucracy and the Deal, and labor is getting the issue. we did not mean to imply that all the recting a wrong impression created in last week the war in that big Daily Worker editorial: reversal he went through. The little mechanic of standpoint that the resolution Stalinists. And Whose war is it? as Earl Browder Lugansk, one of the oldest Bolsheviks. who was condemns the Stalinists and the Thus far Lewis has been suc the meaning of the attacks on signers of the open letter to the League of Ameran outspoken opponent of all state order, is now Stalin alliance with Hitler. It cessful in patching up the dif the NLRB, the labor departasks. It is an imperialist war, a slaughter for ican Writers were members of the League for Culone of the first statesmen of the Soviet Union, the says: ferences within the cro and ment and the administration of tural Freedom. Some of them, like James Farconquest and domination of the world, in which supreme commander of the army which has the They (the Stalinists) know putting up a solid front for the the wages and hour law.
rell, Philip Rahv, William Phillips and a few the Anglo French imperialists propose to kill off task not only of defending the Soviet Russian fron that the democratic institu entire Industrial union moveothers, are not. Nor did we mean to imply, tiers but also takes care of maintaining order at tions in all the democracies The vacillation of the CIO some readers seem to have concluded, that we millions of people to achieve the aims of Chamhome. Its needle tempered sword strikes every of Europe, as well as the fate But this one fact stands out, leaders on a program for the were ignorant of the position on the war question convention is explained by this berlain, Churchill, Daladier and Bonnet. one who dares to undermine the state order, de of millions of workers are at Lewis has already capitulated contradiction. However, in the taken by this or that individual. We were and are Hitler name used to be the only one men stroys every one who still dares today to propastake. Their callous disregard before the pressure of the final analysis, the bureaucrats interested in the position on the war question of gate revolutionary ideas of class struggle, of frationed. Then it led all the rest. Then it was menthe League for Cultural Freedom as an organizaanti democratic, anti human going to support America in an instead of struggle against the ternity of the peoples and of world revolution. And tion, for the signatories to the open letter include tioned equally with Chamberlain et al. Now it in this sense, the life of Klim Voroshilov is at the itarian, anti labor, and the imperialist war. In this he joins Roosevelt anti labor drive.
all the recognized spokesmen of the League. They disappears from the list. The Stalinists have same time a mirror of the history of the evolution blind servants of Russian in the AFL bureaucracy.
demand a formal statement from the League of Contradiction American Writers. And we demanded the same completed the transition from the camp of An of the Bolshevik party of Russia which, under the leadership of Stalin, developed from Bolshevik Read The There can be no question that Let the People glo French imperialism to the camp of Hitler. party with world revolutionary aims into a nakind of statement from the Hook Committee. Thus the majority of the delegates far, of course, with no results but the continued Just a matter of taste, you see.
New International at the CIO convention as well Vote on War! silence of the past.
tional Russian party.
Nazi on Voroshilov CIO Convention Yields to work Much mis