BourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismImperialist WarInvasionItalyLeninMarxMarxismNazismSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers PartyWorld War

TUESDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1939 SOCIALIST APPEAI. Special Committee Aids Economic Consequences of the Stalin Hitler Pact THE Shachtman, Paine Anti Soviet Economy Cracking Under War Strain NEGRO QUESTION War Election Campaign LABOR WITH WHITE SKIN CAN NOT EMANCIPATE ITSELF WHER LABOR WITH BLACK SKIN. BRANDED KARL MARX. Summary of the War Steps Taken By the Roosevelt Administration (6)
By JOHN WRIGHT duction, in some instances be workers but have dismissed 14. has carried a great deal of this By JOHNSON II low 1936 levels. The decline 144. Among those who leave are hypocritical indignation over Since September 11. one since then has apparently as not infrequently members of the shortcomings in the organThere is no evil without good. What the Negro means to the (Continued from Page 1)
Shachtman campaign rallies in week prior to the issuance of sumed catastrophic propor. the engineering and technical ization of labor and wages and American revolution and the world revolution is being demon: dacy within six days, the chalthe Bronx, George Clarke, orders to the Red Army to tions.
staff. The turnover is to a large the living conditions of workers.
strated with unmistakable clarity by the actions of the Stalinists lenge to be held before an open speaking at Elsemere Hall, 170 march into Poland, the omelal LABOR SHORTAGE measure due the impossibil But to remedy this, the bureauin Harlem, in Chicago and on the West Coast. With their new session of the Board of Elec Street and Morris Avenue, Moscow press has ceased pub DEEPENS CRISIS ity of providing living quarters crats must clamp down on their line of down with the imperialist war, they feel they can once tions.
The Campaign Commit Wednesday night, Oct. 11, de lishing all data relating to the One of the primary reasons for all.
own privileges. And since this Malyshev, People Com is out of the question they have For years they have been discredited among thinking Ne tee issued the following state clared. The present Council daily production in key indus for the current crisis, as the soof Heavy Machine sought to solve the crisis by ingroes everywhere. They lived entirely on the remnants of their ment late today on the chal manic campaign, although it is tries: iron, steel, rolled steel, cialist Appeal has already remissar siven scant attention in the freight car loadings, and the ported, is an acute shortage of Building, is also quite outspok tensifying the speed up. Since past reputation. In their press they concentrated on Negro sing In view of the fact that the press, is of tremendous nation automotive industry. Never be labor, accompanied by enor en about the crisis in his de June, the workers have been ers, Negro athletes, Negro parsons. But politics, particularly candidates of the Socialist al importance. For the first fore has the publication of these mous labor turnover and aspartment. He writes: At the forced to run two, ten, and as revolutionary politics, occupied a distinctly minor part of their workers Party in the present time since the war started in figures been suspended for so gravated by the mobilization of present time only 84 of the many as 30 lathes in the ma propaganda and agitation.
the beginning of the war. In Harlem for Instance, they prac Committed to an uncompromis an opportunity to declare them mation whatsoever is now ther inroads into the already are working in the enterprises ber 15. All this under the sloThey reached their lowest ebb during the weeks that followed Councilmanic Campaign stand Europe, the workers will have long period. No oficial infor the army which has made fur workers scheduled by the plan chine shops (Pravda, Septeming struggle against war and selves on it. For the first time available relating to the prog linadequate labor force. of our Commissariat, 10 less gan of Extend Stakhanovtically disappeared. You could not walk along Lenox Avenue or American participation in 16. since that war began they will ress of the Third Five Year The situation is so grave that than the total employed in the ism! Stakhanov, together with Seventh without running into groups of Negroes discussing the certain war and the role of the Negroes. There were West Indians de forces in this city have tried themselves with the THIRD tion of all other data was sus unequivocal confirmation of it. program has grown 20 leading reactionary have the chance to solidarize plan inasmuch as the publica the official press has carried same period last year. Yet our other figureheads, has toured as the USSR in a rabid campaign nouncing Britain, Garveyites denouncing all whites and praising to deny them a place on the against the war, against its in possible interpretation for this depleted in great detail in (Pravda, September 16.
The crisis in oil production is compared with last year. to put this speed up over. It has obviously failed. It has obviously met with resistance on these and other groups were well represented. But you could cially those made by Tammany Stigators, against its apologists, vell of secrecy is that produc Pravda for September 8, where HUGE TURNOVER IN is on the verge of break we find the following significant LABOR CRITICIZED the part of the workers.
of the mental effort of unravelling the new line. Militant Harlem paign, are find a Stalinist. They stayed at home, and not only because Hall at the opening of the cam. for the Socialist Revolution.
violation of the The Campaign Committee al down, if it has not already col statement: Eloquent as these admissions LIVING CONDITIONS Negroes showed an inclination to beat them up, in other words, democratic right of minority so announced today that can lapsed. In Azneft (one of Baku are, they pale in comparison BECOMING WORSE to apply to them that kind of liberation from Stalinism that Stal parties to a place on the ballot. didate Shachtman will address. The figures previously pub. biggest oil fields, JGW) the la with a statement printed in Instead of improving, the livinsim had just applied to the Poles in western Ukraine. James The thousands of workers in an election rally at Hollywood lished for August and the first bor turnover has been enorm Pravda in connection with a re city who have already Gardens, 896 Prospect Avenue, week in September unmistak ous. In the past seven months view of a book just issued by ing conditions of the workers News did not publish it for weeks, and then only when Ford was signed the petitions nominating on Wednesday, October 18. ably denoted a decline in pro the trusts have hired 12, 960 the Institute of Economics and are worsening. While food attacked by someone who had read Ford in the Daily Worker Max Shachtman for the city entitled: Labor in Socialist shortages are being vigorously and denounced him in a letter to the News.
Council must meet the reactionSociety. In a review of this denied as slanders, the pabook, the author is criticized pers carry reports of trials of Stalinist Name Is Mud ary offensive begun against its anti war candidate by protest.
sharply for slurring over self speculators, food hoarders and All this was not due entirely to the Hitler Stalin pact and the ing to the Board of Elections criticism and analysis of the disorganizers of trade. All shortcomings in the organiza. such cases must be investigatinvasion of Poland. The Stalinists name had been mud in Har any step to remove his name tion of labor in recent years. ed and brought to trial within lem for a long, long time. The Negroes had watched them boost from the ballot. Moreover, ev The causes of these short. three days (Pravda, September the League of Nations as a means of saving Ethiopia, and had ery worker must see in this recomings, thunders the review 14. In his historic radio seen the deflation and collapse of that balloon. The Negroes had actionary maneuver an attempt been able to compare the relative values of Litvinov speeches to remove the only candidate er, are reduced by the author speech announcing the invasion on the side of Ethiopia and the oil Stalin sold to Italy. They had for whom an anti war vote may By SHERMAN STANLEY tions of American officials and Words WAR and EARLY EN sequences of the wrecking ac pelled to devote time to warn been ignorant and backward enough to believe that to make be registered. Rally behind the brief survey of the steps diplomats abroad (Kennedy. TRY.
speeches on behalf of an attacked colonial country and to sell anti war candidates! Support, already taken or in process of Bullitt, Drexel, etc. which More than any other of the ite and other agents of capital assure the populace that there oil to the attacking imperialist country might be very good Stal vote and fight with the anti war being taken by the Roosevelt have openly aided the Allies in imperialist powers, American Ism. But it is a mistake to was no shortage of necessities inism but was no more than a base betrayal of the Negro people, party, the Socialist Workers government shows how far the their practical and propaganda capitalism the most powerful reduce all our fallings and laps, and that rationing was not be The Stalinists said that to denounce such a two faced policy Party.
American government has gone war. a) delaying of the Ger in the world today stands to es solely to wrecking. For in. ing envisaged.
was Trotskyism. But without caring what the Stalinists called ALP Rote in its war aims.
man liner, the Bremen, gain by the war and its contin stance, on the very important Since the invasion of Poland.
it the Negroes left the Communist party.
Comenting on the American We list some of the highlights Canada: Roosevelt, in uation, question of the labor turnover, the press has carried only triPolitical dishonesty leads inevitably to personal and organ. Labor Party role in the pres in the plans of FDR to drag us speech after speech, has blunt. Hitler really would like a the author gives a very detailed umphant and patriotic articles, izational corruption. In order to meet the pressure of Negroes ent elections Shachtman and into the World War on the side by declared his intentions of temporary peace to consoli and interesting analysis of the and glowing accounts of mass Allied imperialist Lighting for Canada if it is date his Polish holdings and to causes of turnover in the per meetings in factories where tional measures inside the party as drove from them even those leadership of the ALP is in for powers.
in any way threatened. Canada make more secure his pact lod of intervention and civil resolutions are passed acclaim (1) Proposed repeal of the is listed as a special prize in with Stalin.
war. But in illuminating this ing the progress of the Red Arset out on their crusade to make America fightea action. They apparently expect scheduled are bec completed under no circumstances can ers, who are mortally afraid cent years, he confines himself in production.
The British and French rul very same question for the re my and pledging new records up from red to stars and stripes, and began their seduction of er belated and fraudulent shortly and then the Allies will this semi colony of the Ameri of losing their colonial Em to data relating to a decline in But the admissions as well as the intellectuals and all the petty bourgeois democrats.
But in these new circles they found the Negroes to be an ents in this country the com tions, implements of war, etc. Day Conference in a robbers imperialist under 1932. Meanwhile, in 1938 and cences of the official press be encumbrance. All these New Dealers, singers of the Star Span munist party to corral votes Germany, of course, can pur Washington: This very week standing with Hitler if a work 1939 we have witnessed a con speak a situation that is diagled Banner, and believers in Americanism, whose paths into in support of Roosevelt polt chase nothing.
the Communist party were strewn with roses by Browder, Hath cles to drag the United States The debate of America meeting in closed Conference ing agreement could be reach siderable increase of labor metrically opposite to the one turnover in a number of the Stalin seeks to depict. In our away, and Amter all these people brought with them, as an into war by easy stages, much doddering, old Senators has de to discuss the most intimate, But not FDR and the Ameri most impertant branches of in opinion it is by no means exgro. Between the rival claims of American democrats and the Stalinism for what it is the lationists fold up, or reduce will be asked is a simple one. 1) Huge war orders with this turnover has been one of strikes was early in January gulsed prejudices of the American democrat against the Ne sands of workers who recognize already. One by one, the 1500 war plans. The question that can ruling class! They want dustry, especially in coal min. cluded that strikes are once agwar and more of it. It means inc, iron ore production, heavy ain taking place in factories an metallurgy, etc. Furthermore, The last time there were American Negro masses, the Communist party did not hesitate. mortal enemy of labor the their opposition to pathetic If your department ready for Negro sympathizers into the Negro Congress and they invited by this latest maneuver. These debate are cut and dried They were out to get the democrats. so they shoved their world over will not be duped Squawking. The results of the instant action? Have you accompanying boom in Ameri the vital reasons for the failure imediately after the passage of can business. 80, 000, 000 in aira body of Negro parsons and bishops, newspaper editors, and workers will vote for the cenu. CREDIT AND CARRY ization of the nation men, in filled and await only the repeai fulfill the plans. The labor turn primary, intent of which was small business men into the Congress in order to be sure to ine anti war and anti fascist THE OLD MORGAN GAME dustries and supplies?
stirle Negro militancy. They discovered a basis for Negro eman candidates of the Socialist (2) Proposed 90 day credit ference has placed was as pois coming war orders. 2) In labor and of wages, lack of at ceased for a few days to pubThis Washington Day Con. This is but a taste of the forthcomings in the organization of over. In January, too Pravda of the Embargo for shipment. over is due primarily to short precisely to halt the labor turncipation in Father Divine. Altogether, between 1935 and 1939, Workers Party.
they disrupted and corrupted the Negro revolutionary movement National Campaign clause in the Title and carry one on its agenda. It will put volvement in the war opens up tention to new workers, las in lish the key data for producas thoroughly as they ruined the revolution in Spain and the revAt another in the series of This gives the Allies needed military dictatorship planned the possibility for America to light mechanization and so on. tion. Stalin latest victories olution in France. The Negroes retaliated by leaving them in are proving to be the most disthousands. During the last two years they lost some 1, 600 Negro ownership of the goods remains lies when the war opens credit, plus the fact that actual by America 60 Ruling Famiwin by means of crushing blows Pravda, September 14. delivered by the powerful war In the recent weeks the press astrous for his regime.
members in New York State, about 80 per cent of their Negro with the American capitalists PROPAGANDA COMING machine it can create and thus membership. The Hitler Stalin pact and the Stalinist invasion during the danger period of emerging of Poland were merely climax to a series of events which had ing as supreme arbiter transit.
of the world the dictator of a THICK AND FAST thoroughly exposed Stalinism among the Negro people.
This 90 day credit provision. 8) General War and Pro Ally World Versailles Treaty.
Venture into Public Again calculated to assure an early Propaganda: Many American These are the main reasons entry into the war, is the 1939 workers are conscious of the why the capitalist United States Then a few weeks ago came the change in the Stalinist polequivalent of Morgan fact that they are daily deluged of America is not merely a icy. Stalin tied the Soviet regime to Hitler, and in the present long term credits of 1914. with pro war and pro Ally prop driving force in making the stage, a victory for Hitler is an essential part of Stalin policy.
The Stalinists had disrupted and confused the revolutionary the Canadian United States bor: in America uses its pages to itary aspects, but also the rea (3) Proposed exemption of aganda. Every boss newspaper current war take on wider mil der from the Title and Carry blare forth war news heavily sons why, FDR has his way. Continued from Page movement among black and white workers by their incessant the shipowner Stalinist strate propaganda and agitation for Roosevelt and the New Deal and (Special to the socialist April provisions of the Act. This loaded from official British and an early entrance will occur was a clear case of giving the sy. By demanding either a setRoosevelt war for democracy. All this in obedience to Stal WASHINGTON, DC.
Going leaves the Canadian border French sources.
shipowners the advantage. The tlement or a strike within sevin. So now, still obedient to their Moscow master, they are striv. the whole hog on President wide open as an entry through The movie here all we shipowners wanted to negotiate en days the put the buck in mid winter when shipping is squarely on the shoulders of the ing tooth and nail to keep America from intervening on the side Roosevelt proclamation of a which Americans can carry all have to do is list some of the of the democracies, to stir up anti war agitation among the state of limited national emer forms of supplies bound for the current Hollywood productions at its lowest point. Also the bosses and their stooges. As a British and French workers and colonials in other words, to gency, the American Legion, Allies. Let it be remembered. Nurse Edith Cavell, Con shipowners recognize the boot result it won a wage increase licking policy of Bridges and and a sliding scale of wages.
help Hitler as much as possible. In this activity, as in their pre actively cooperating with a that Canada is at war already! lessions of a Nazi Spy. Four The Labor Bookshop has rehoped to make the de through overtime working rules vious period of calling all who opposed a war for the democ goyernment department has (4) The Declaration of Pan Feathers. Beau Geste. cently received a boxful of pendent and pamphlets munist party line.
upon the phoney Comracies Trotskyite fascists, they are acting merely as agents of made the nation capital the ama establishing a zone ar Boat. etc. rare bo Key Militancy the Moscow bureaucracy and not as leaders of the revolutionary center of a heretofore unheard cund the two American conti The radio news broadcasts written by Lenin, Trotsky of and energetic recruiting nents, in some places extending are heavily tainted: speakers By holding out and preparing militant action can force the The proved again that movement.
and other labor 600 miles out to sea.
to strike the Coast if necessary What is most noticeable and most revealing, however, is that drive (whether of isolationist lean Those who write or visit us On stationery supplied by the This will protect the British ings or not) are all for the Althe completely reversed bosses into line. It proved that after crawling in the grass and sneaking around in the byways immediately will receive the 60 day extension was a and alleys of the Negro areas for some years, they are now once Department of Agriculture, the and French merchant marine lied imperialists: radio plays first choice. Write now and farce a phoney demand. Furtell us of your needs. THE CHAMBERLAIN ther, the 60 day extension signNegroes have nothing to gain by this war! War for democracy urging the recruitment of 500 sessions of the Allies within the sessions, etc. all alike shom LABOR ed by the Stalinists merely University Pl. will REJECTS serves to demoralize the ranks capitalists! Day after day in the Daily Worker the Stalinists The circular, bearing the im to list hegemony over Latin Am things and you have spelled the is a fraud! The war is a war between two bloated groups of nen into a newly formed anti. Caribbean area, in actuality, for war.
however, extending US imperAdd the sum total of all these fill all orders promptly.
of the Longshoremen and other HITLER TERMS maritime unions. The memberThey distribute leaflets. They beg for money. We can expect print of both the Department of erica.
ship of these unions can now not only the continuance but the intensification of this renewed Legion, and dated October 10, COMMITTED TO see the situation clearly. The activity among the Negroes.
whole attempt of the Stalinists And why? Because they know that by the exposure of the has declared the existence of a (5) In addition, there are a states: President Roosevelt ALLIED CAUSE FOR ONE MONTH ONLY. Continued from Page 1) and shipowners to dump the united front against Russia, and Sailors Union of the Pacific conditions of Negroes in Africa, by the exposure of the fraud that limited national emergency, series of minor facts, all of African Negroes have anything to gain by fighting for British and as one of the emergency which taken together further OCT. 15 NOV. 15 the aspiration of all the bandit proved to be a boomerang and French imperialism, by exposing the imperialist character steps, he has authorized an ex. raise the sum total of commitempires to reduce the Soviet The negotiating comof the war, they have the possibility of gaining a greater re pansion of the nation military ment to the Anglo French im.
TWO SPECIAL OFFERS Union to a colony divided mittee reported progress on the sponse among the oppressed Negro people than among any other services. Leaving no doubt as perial cause. a) government among themselves, remains to Steamschooner agreement, and be seen.
section of the American workers and farmers. This is indeed the to where the administration censorship of information on Fascism and Big Business by Daniel Guerin, expects negotiations will be depth of political dishonesty and degradation for Ford and the stands with relation to private ship cargoes and sailings. b)
paper cover 00 Baltic Moves completed this week. Main Negro Stalinists in particular. They seek to use Negro militancy agencies in the drive to expand the drive against German Nazt Meanwhile, the Stalinist re questions wages, flat rate for for the sake of Hitler victory.
Living Thoughts of Marx la Longman Green gime is continuing its course of handling cargo and the six hour the nation war machine, the agents, while British propagan Publication) 00 expansion and consolidation of day are yet to be discussed.
Any Negro who understands what the Stalinists are after must American Legion circular dists are untouched: c) the acposition in and around the Bal. The strike vote on these negotimake it his duty unremittingly to expose them. The Fourth In notes, The Department of AgThis is a condensation of Marx CAPITAL the sea and lands. After having ations is still held in abeyance.
ternational, the Socialist Workers Party, have never doubted the riculture has been called to coby Otto Ruehle with a 93 page introduction imposed mutual assistance tremendous revolutionary energy that is bottled up in the Negro operate in the campaign for re streets of Washington. Stationby Leon Trotsky. Released October 11th pacts upon Estonia, Lithuania masses. We claim particularly that our special theoretical con cruiting which is now under ed before the Department of and Latvia, it is now preparing opportunity for intervening a tribution to the Marxist understanding of the Negro question, is way.
Agriculture Building is a three OFFER NO. to proceed full steam ahead little more deeply in the Eurothat the Negro place is not at the tail but in the very vanguard No Accident inch anti aircraft gun flanked The two books together against Finland. It is still too pean conflict, has made one of of the revolutionary struggle against capitalism, But it is their. Declining. perhaps out of by two huge searchlights which In single combination (1 book each). vv early to say whether or not the his customary hypocritical apvery eagerness and response to the revolutionary appeal against fear, to state the brutal rigors rake the skies at night in Finnish bourgeoisie will carry ipeals for justice in the form In combination of (3 books each) 75 the war that make the Negro masses so susceptible to this most of service with the National search of enemy invaders.
out its declaration that it will of a declaration to the Moscow recent Stalinist maneuver. The Stalinists have come most hope Guard, of which the anti air. It is no mere accident that In combination of 15 books each. 25 not surrender its sovereignty government on behalf of Finfully out of their holes and corners. They know that this new craft battery is a unit, the cir. this fancy recruiting campaign OFFER NO. without an armed struggle. In land. Ambassador Steinhardt policy gives them a chance.
cular paints a pretty picture of comes at a time when the Senany case, independence apparently conveyed the Roose FASCISM AND BIG BUSINESS by itself We therefore have to show that the last thing they are think life with the military, declaring ate is engaged in important deand sovereignty have been velt view on Finland to the So ing of is the emancipatio nof workers, white and black. We of the that the anti aircraft moves bate on the Arms Embargo.
Single copy. 75 pretty mythical since 1917 1918. viet government in his interSocialist Workers Party shall point out that the Negroes and the comparatively little and eats the recruiting campaign and Bundle of or more.
when it separated from Russia. view with Molotov.
white workers must fight against the imperialists, both gangs regularly. Unable to solve the the anti aircraft demonstraand became a mere satellite of So far as is known, Roosevelt of them, in war as in peace. But we must not for one single mo perennially agitating problem tion, as it by design, might reone or another of the big im has not protested against the PIONEER PUBLISHERS ment neglect the exposure of the new Stalinist line. We must of unemployment, the Roose mind recalcitrant Senators of perialist powers. The alterna. continuing suppression of Pueranalyze it to its roots and point out that whatever these people veit Administration urges the their patriotism in the face of 11 University Place tive for the Finnish bourgeoisie to Rican Independence and sovmay say at a given moment, however sincere may be the Stal youth to join the armed forces the European danger. It is is now to continue its function ereignty which is being carried inist rank and file, yet those who are responsible for their policy if it wants to eat regulaat is which the eagle eyes of the. the same part of that scheme in New York City of old, or to come under the out his own government and are thinking of nothing else but how best to preserve the power Accompanying the (Send for price list of other bargains)
none too gentle heel of the Stal. its armed forces. That (and aland privileges of the bloated and murderous bureaucracy of a live demonstration of the President sight Submarines inist bureaucracy.
milar things) is evidently a anti aircraft service on the off the coast of Miami.
Roosevelt, ready to seize any horse of a different color LEGION WHOOPS IT UP FOR WARRECRUITING West Coast Sailors Chalk Up New Victory Exclusive!
writers. 50. 50