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SOCIALIST APPEAL FRIDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1939 There withoongering in the most itera Once Before Red Army Marched The resensent of Representaronges in prison Into Poland. But It Was Different Their Government Editor ALP Cliques Promote War Propaganda gression of Hitlerism.
SOCIALIST APPEAL Vol. III, No. 78 Friday, October 13, 1939 sense of the term. From it logically follows the By James Burnham endorsement of Roosevelt proposals for lifting Published Twice Weekly by the SOCIALIST APPEAL, PURLISHING ASSN.
at 116 University Place. New York, From it logically follows any and all other steps Telephone: Algonquin 8547 to aid Anglo French imperialism, including Under the Command of Tukhachevsky the Red Army of American entry into the war. The resolution Subscriptions: 00 per year: 00 for six months. For hypocritically refrains from going the whole hog Lenin Day Marched to Spread the World Revolution ion: 00 per year. 50 for six nionths. Bundle orders ents pur cowy in the United States: cents per copy foreign countries. Single copies: cents.
only because the anti war sentiments of the Unlike Today When Stalin Marches to the aid of Reaction Hrons and Manhattan subscriitions are: 50 for alx masses are too well known to the ALP bureau. 00 for one YART (Continued from Page 1) Grodno on the 19th. Brest Lit was a defense attempted. Of Not the least remarkable phase of the just con Roentered as second class matter September 29, 1939. at crats. They follow, instead, the Roosevelt tactic through the cancerous growth Pilsudski gave a graphic de scapegoat. He had participated which issued out of it is the minor attention which ovsk was taken on August 1st: course Trotsky was made the cluded Panama conference and the Declaration vt office at New York, NX. under the Act of March of taking, step by step, actions which will, in the end, lead America into the war.
of the world proletariat today. scription of the advance of their drawing up the campaign the whole matter has received in the general press.
MAX SHACHTMAN We need mention here only in passing how de Socialist movement, which the One day they were only about whole conception was errone. main headline to the Declaration Indeed, very few Associate Editor: liberately false is the rose colored picture of the rearch on Warsaw constwested: saw and its environs, e. only the Moscow frame ups!
Edit EMANUEL GARRETT even put the news from Panama on the front page.
Why such modesty?
FELIX MORROW democracies painted in the ALP resolution.
General Manager SHERSIAK STANLEY That Britain and France are the greatest slave This was the question posed by a normal day march. This un STALIN ADDS NEW MARTIN ABERN The explanation is simple enough: The publicists Tukhachevsky, plarning the ceasing, wormlike advance of a CHAPTER TO HIS CRIMES for United States imperialism which means all of holding empires in the world, subjecting the strategy of the Red Army for huge enemy hoard, which went Eric Wollenberg, his book, the bourgeois and most of the labor press have FIGHT WITH THE SOCIALIST got to keep the attention of the people focussed on masses of Africa and Asia to an even lower liv its coming victories. Trotsky on for weeks, with spasmodic The Red Army. summarized alone of the Central Committee Interruptions here and there, the Polish campaign as follows. the crimes of foreign bullies, and off the doings of WORKERS PARTY FOR: ing standard than bestial fascism has been able of the Bolshevik Party had gave us the impression of some. The march on Warsaw was the bully at home. Otherwise the people might be.
to impose at home upon the German and Italian Crave doubts. His knowledge of thing irresistible rolling up like unable to bring about a revolu gin to understand the real aims of the war into job and a decent living for every worker, workers; that only in the mother countries is Poland and its long tortuous somer terrible thunderclouds tion in Central Europe because which Roosevelt is so democratically herding us. Open the idle factories operate them under Editorial hands are raised in horror when Gerof the fact that centuries of opthere even a semblance of democracy; that An history of domination from the that brooked no opposition.
Perhaps the Red Army would pression at the hands of the many and the Soviet Union conquer by arms or workers control glo French imperialism facilitated the victory of political consciousness of the make the perhevolution from Great Russians had left the Po subjugate by diplomacy a few fifth and tenth rate Twenty Billion dollar Federal public works and housing program.
Hitler and preferred it to a socialist revolution Polish masses was not yet de without. Perhaps the German lish proletariat not yet suffi countries. But the editors are most discreetly silent while United States imperialism utilizes the Thirty thirty! 30 weekly minimum wagein Germany, etc. of all this there is not a hint degree to participate in a rev. Bolsheviks would Join hands in coincided with the military in the idyllic picture of the democracies olution from without!
first weeks of the war to cinch up control over two a Soviet Poland, and the ban blunders associated with the entire continents.
30 hour weekly maximum for all workers on all jobs.
painted by the cynical bureaucrats of the ALP.
ner of world revolution spread name of Stalin, Voroshilov and SAW MASSES RALLYING like wild fire over the plains Yegorvo What Washington Wants Thirty dollar weekly old age and disability TO THE REVOLUTION and cities of Europe. Revolu Viewed in historical perspecpension.
The ardor of Tukhachevsky, tionists throughout the world tive, one can well understand states imperialism is domination of the Americas.
The first of the minimum war aims of United «Left Wing. Cover Expropriate the Sixty Families.
however, Events say Yes. he replied vance of the Red Army. Rest has become the task of the PoSuch domination involves control over trade, capi7. All war funds to the unemployed.
At the October city conference at which the to his own question. The Ger less workers impatiently await. lish and world proletariat to tal Investments and raw materials in the Amer8. people referendum on any and all wars. fight was precipitated, a left wing cover for man workers manifested open ed the signal for the greater make the revolution when the ican nations to an extent that will reduce the share opposition to the Entente. They class struggles ahead. The Red same Stalin orders the Red Ar.
of other powers to a negligible fraction, and will No secret diplomacy. the ALP bureaucrats was provided by the Norassure that this residue does not interfere with the 10. An Independent Labor Party.
man Thomas Socialists and Lovestoneites pres sent back railway wagons filled Army of Lenin and Trotsky was my to march again into po land, not to spread the doctrine subordination of American economy as a whole to Workers Defense Guards against vigilante ent. Two or three of them took the floor to make 11.
France had sent to Poland ALLIES RUSH TO of world revolution, but to as.
the needs of the metropolis.
Such economic domination demands, in turn, and Fascist attacks.
a point or two in differentiating themselves from aid: they refused to unload the PILSUDSKI DEFENSE sure domination for the coun12. Full social, political and economic equality control over the foreign policy of all the American the more flagrantly war mongering aspects of British and French ships sent Alarmed at the Red Army ter revolutionary Stalinist buto Danzig with arms and muni advances, the Allies rushed reaucracy. Stalin must add to nations. But control over foreign policy necessi for the Negro people.
the official resolution, but not one of them extions; they caused accidents on French artillery in decisive his long list of crimes, includ.
tates, also. a decisive measure of control over in posed the dishonest strategy of the ALP bureau railways, etc.
quantities with French officers ing his first treachery in Po ternal policy. At the very least, the United States crats and they voted for the resolution. Sub From East Prussia came to the aid of Warsaw. Mean land, the present invasion of must be sure that the various governments are friendly to itself, oriented toward Washington.
scribing to and reaffirming the war mongering hundreds and thousands of vol while. Pilsudski had planned a Poland.
This means that the United States must prevent resolution has been put as an ultimatum to all rifle brigade under the banner He deliberately withdrew vital these governments from being, as many have been in the past, tools of one of the rival powers (noALP candidates. Two members of the Socialist of the Red Army. In England, divisions from the southwestern AF. CONVENTION tably Great Britain. and prevent even more strin(Continued from Page 1)
Party, Harry Laidler and Frank Crosswaith, in the grip of a very active rev. forces against Tukhachevsky. BALKS AT THIRD gently the rise of popular, anti imperialist revoluor of any political party is the place for a bitter are ALP candidates. The press reports that olutionary movement. This was partiy foreseen by the TERM FOR tionary movements. Either dependence on another The spectre of world revolu Red commander and was power or revolutionary mass struggle strikes at attack on Germany and Russia, both nations Crosswaith expressed unqualified approval for tion haunted Europe. the resolution. Neither the Socialist Partý nor Field guarded against by a plan for domination with which the United States is still at peace.
ex the Red Armtes in the south CINCINNATI, Ohio. The AF.
Another ALP candidate, for municipal court the Independent Labor League (Lovestoneites) pressed the views of the Ger. west to strike on Lublin and convention refused to endorse policy during the past quarter of a century, and comes to the forefront in the war. The Panama judge, Allan Goodwin, deplores a controversial has yet expressed itself officially; we await their man General Staff when he prevent the Polish offensive.
wrote a preface to the German Tukhachevsky finally had ob term or give a blanket endorse conference brings it a mighty leap toward reall foreign issue which has no place in the party official statements and will comment on them.
Their strategy is, however, made clear by their The Russo Polish war is not Revolutionary Council of War down a minority resolution pre edition of Pilsudski memoirs. tained an agreement from the ment of his policies. It turned zation.
In a word, both of the contending camps in shameful conduct at the city conference. what merely a matter of interest of to subordinat in sented by the connecticut State Who are the Rivals?
the ALP are conducting themselves in thorever their perfunctory reservations, they are go soldiers. Its result has a uni the southwest to his command. Federation of Labor on this isIn spite of the Monroe Doctrine, the United versal historical significance. His orders were intended to sue.
States was a minor factor in Latin America before oughly unprincipled fashion, blurring the issues. ing along with the ALP bureaucrats, as they Its importance for Germany bring a concentration of the The resolubons corr. mittee in the last war. England had been by far the principal can hardly be overestimated, Red troops against Pilsudski non concurring with the Coninfluence, with Germany moving up during the hiding the facts. Neither one wants to conduct voted with them on October Can one conceivably justify this course on the than Polish national liberty, prompted by Stalin, refused to pointed out that the resolution Yegorov. necticut delegates proposals decade preceeding 1914. The war and the reconthe fight on the ground on which it really stands.
struction years which followed gave the Why? Because neither one dares admit the ground of opposition to Stalinism? To attempt and the continued existence of bbey orders and Budenny cav does not distinguish between first big chance; and money, goods, warships and truth. The truth is that each side is a war monmarines, were pumped south. England rapidly regained an important position while Germany was gering partisan of one of the contending imper. Stalinists are aided, not crushed. It enables the stake. In its final aspect it was al kept going towards Lwow, ive action. neither does it dis Stalinists to pose as fighters against war ina question whether the Bolshe instead of northward. Exactly tinguish between actions of the frozen out. In the last few years, however, Gerialist camps. Each side attempts to pose as a vik Revolution should penetrate what Pilsudski had hoped administration and of the bumany went ahead again, and overtook England in citement. Quill is able to appeal to the Irish further into Europe and thus would happen. Day after day reaus, boards and commislover of peace, but each side is actually for the volume of trade though both together have had victory of one of the contending imperialist American workers, Ford to the Negro workers, impose its rule on Germany as of critical fighting in the west sions.
less than the United States 36. In amount of capt.
well as other countries. In the ern front brought no action Among other legislation who know what their brothers endure under tal Investment, England and the United States are camps. The ALP leaders are partisans of Anglocohorts. sponsored by the New Deal probably now about even with no other nation apFrench imperialism and of Roosevelt proposals British imperialism. The Stalinists are every preliminary conditions essen. BLUNDERS ARE which the AFL opposed was the tial law to destroy prevailing wages proaching. Indeed, from all points of view, the powers other than England and Germany hardly to begin aligning America with that camp. The where losing ground because, with a sure instinct Burning with ambition for a which Congress passed, and the count.
ADVANCES TO THE VERY military victory to offset first reorganization bill.
As soon as the war began, Germany trade was Stalinists are partisans of the Hitler Stalin bloc. however inarticulate, the masses consider the ed, for such a revolution exist. COSTLY AND FATAL The antagonisms of the two warring camps in Hitler Stalin alliance a betrayal of the world Tukhachevsky successes, the virtually eliminated. In spite her Navy, EngEurope are reflected in this fight the ALP; working class. Precisely at this point the ALP GATES OF WARSAW land must be seriously curtailed, both because of each side serves one of the camps. In the face provides the Stalinists with a rallying point. Tensive whex 86. 000 soldaters and ern front instead marched AVAILABLE the difficulties of convoy and because of the scarcity of export goods which will be available from of the widespread anti war sentiment, however. Saying as little as possible about their support a reserve of 68, 000 for whom towards Lwow. For five days British industry.
neither dares admit its real aim. Hence the de of the Hitler axis and as much as possible about there was inadequate equip the cavalry of Budenny hurled There are still some copies The United States proposes that this withdrawal liberately spread confusion.
the ALP leaders support of the Anglo French ment. The Red Armies on the itselt against the strongly en of UNSER WORT, No. 97 98, of her chief rivals shall be permanent. The Declar.
axis, the Stalinists are able to hold part of their ed by Yegorov, with Stalin as Lwow while Pilsudski was makavailable. Featured is ation of Panama was Roosevelt way of making polemic by Walter Held with this proposal known The Real Facts shattered ranks together on this issue. The ALP the representative of the Reving headway in his offensive leaders have done for the Stalinists what they Tukhachevsky plea for olutionary Council of War. against Tukhachevsky. When it was too late and his forces were the Institute for Social Research, entitled: Critical Some Problems Ahead However, no smoke screen can conceal the could not do for themselves. provided them with. united command had been weakened, Budenny and VoroTheory Without Revolution The Declaration was adopted unanimously by real facts. No amount of shouting against the a good issue. Once again we are taught an imturned down by the Council be. shilov turned towards Lublin.
ary Practice? There is an the conference. There was as much chance of an deservedly hated Stalinists can conceal the real portant lesson: the struggle against Stalinism ing between the two commands. order a retreat, under the blows cause of the antagonism exist Tukhachevsky was forced to excellent commentary open negative vote as of Estonia rejecting Moloof meaning of the ALP resolution of October cannot be conducted by the equally corrupt ref Voroshilov, incidentally.
Pilsudski concentrated The Pact of the Three. by torf proposals. Sumner Welles was there to dicL. which is of particular in tate, and the others to sign. But the sorrows that Its criticism of the Hitler Stalin pact is a demo ormist labor bureaucracy, and their Social Dem commissar of Budenny caval. Seces sodobe treachery obtober terest at this time in view of were hidden under the unanimous vote stretched cratic imperialist criticism and has nothing in ocratic, Socialist or Lovestoneite servitors.
all the way to Berlin and, above all, to London.
he predictions made which and the Red Army fell back to western forces.
have since been confirmed. Argentina and Bolivia, for example, have for common with a working class critique of the The Red Army hurled for a point which marked the boun The series of documents on long been closely tied to London. They tried to obreactionary role of the Stalinist bureaucracy ward with invincible force un dary between Poland and Sothe Spanish Revolution is ject, but Welles granted them only a face saving As long as Stalin adhered to the democratic. There is a Third Camp der the leadership of Tukha viet Russia until a few weeks continued. The new issue, clause or two. And London must meditate bitterly chevsky. Vilna fell on July 14. ago.
dealing with the outbreak of about its plans for a Brazilian regime less wholly imperialist camp, the ALP leaders slept check The war mongering position of the ALP leadFor years Stalin and his cohorts did not even make an at wa. will appear shortly. Or at Wall Street orders.
by jowl with the Stalinists in the ALP and the ers is NOT a lesser evil than the war mongering tempt to defend themselves ter at once in writing from: And then there is this: Britain and France have unions; none of Stalin crimes of his demo position of the Stalinists. Just as we refuse to KLYN ANTI WAR from the open charges that many possessions in the Americas. These are most LABOR BOOK SHOP cratic period the Moscow trials, the purges make any basic distinctions between the camp RALLY SUCCESSFUL Tukhachevsky hurled at them.
valuable in war, not merely as sources of supplies 116 University Place but especially as bases for warships. The language and massacres, the betrayal of the Spanish rev of Chamberlain and that of Hitler, so we refuse Only when Russian history was New York, being rewritten to suit the of the Declaration can be interpreted to mean that (12 copies 20)
olution, the smashing of the great movement of to make any distinction between the war camp Last Friday night in Browns needs of the Stalin bureaucrucy these possessions cannot be used as such bases.
the French proletariat, and in America the un of Antonini Rose and that of Quill Stalin. Nei ville, Max Shachtmen of course, proclaiming the Declaration does not put it into operation. It is not yet accepted by the dermining of the militancy of the labor move ther represents the interests of the working class dressed an overflowing audiJUST OUT. belligerent powers; and if it is accepted in words ment in the service of Roosevelt, etc. etc. all Both lead to war and the decimation and destruc workers who flocked eagerly to this will not guarantee their acceptance in deeds these crimes the ALP leaders either supported, tion of the working class.
hear the anti war message of Why Negroes Should Oppose the War.
Acceptance will be ensured only by force; and the the Socialist Workers Party.
force in question can only be United States ships condoned or passed over lightly. They lived at The genuine anti war sentiments of the mass The war about which we have By Johnson and planes. These however, are concentrated in peace and in collaboration with the Stalinists es in the New York needle trades cannot find spoken so long has finally bethe Pacific for the second of the minimum war through all these terrible events.
its expression through either the ALP bureaudeclared comrade message that affects the life of every Negro! aims of imperialism is free entry into the Far East.
Only now do they break with the Stalinists. crats or through the Stalinists. If those anti Shachtman. All of the hideous ORDER NOW!
From this, by the way, it would seem to follow antagonisms. of capitalist sociAnd why? Have the ALP leaders perhaps re war sentiments are not to be perverted to Hit ety are exposed to the naked that the principle of a two ocean navy will be adopted by the next regular session of Congress pented of their reactionary position on all the ler service by the Stalinists, to Chamberlain eye. The workers now realize Price 50 per copy. Bundle rates 10 to 50 3e per copy. It is true that the Declaration is aimed primarily great events of these years? Not at all. They service by Rose and Antonini. the anti war that bourgeois democracy gave us, from the last war, fascism, 50 or more2 per copy at Germany; and it is true that Roosevelt will en remain grooved in that reactionary course. Their forces in the unions must express themselves inunemployment, hunger and 11ter the war against Germany. But at times Eng.
sole grievance against the Stalinists is that Stal dependently of either of the two cliques. Neither nally another orgy of blood.
SPECIAL RATES TO ORGANIZATIONS land must be less than delighted as she watches her mighty ally!
in has deserted the camp of Anglo French im the left wing apologies for the ALP bureau. How will this war end? If the democracies win again they Yes, and Canada too is in the Americas. Would perialism for the camp of German imperialism. crats nor the pseudo radical phraseology now will bestow upon the world the PIONEER PUBLISHERS it be so startling if Canada declared her indeNo smoke screen can conceal from the work employed by the Stalinists should hide this basic conditions under which we have pendence from the Empire during the course of 116 University Place, the war and its aftermath? On War Departers of America the fundamental motivation of fact: neither of the warring cliques speaks for lived for the past twenty one ment maps of the war resources of the great powthe ALP resolution. It identifies itself with the peace. In every union affiliated to the ALP the years will be ascists win the ers, those of Ca are listed the column of the cause of the Western democracies that are fight workers should begin discussing, not merely the warbarved oppression system. be United States.
ing for the preservation of those democratic pro war positions now contending for control, revolutionists of the Fourth Invalues and liberties which we this country but the THIRD position: the anti war position ternational will shout, and the treasure so dearly, and goes so far as to say which represents the present and future interests No thank you! Only the lieves amateur radio can be as valuable for the that the great majority of the American people of the working class. The third camp the camp struggle of the world proletarMrs. Ted Bourke, only woman member of the purposes of war as it is in establishing friendships have looked forward to the day when the re of the genuine fighters against war, against all iat against all oppression can free us from the mass murder in time of peace. Just another instance of the truism that everything the bourgeoisie touches it would find the strength to resist the brazen ag. ing and fighting for.
of fascism!
poisons on was adsun.
Don forget to register from October 14 to vote for Max United States Army Amateur Radio Reservo, be Shachtman and George Lyman