BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEngelsEnglandFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarLeninLeninismMarxMarxismMolotov-Ribbentrop PactSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSWorkers PartyWorking Class

THE NEGRO PA Prisoners Morale. THE MINNEAPOLIS WAY Splendidas Minneapolis THEY NEED NOT QUESTION Frame Up Trial Opens WPA PERSECUTION WAR DEAL WAINTAINS AMPLOYER UNEMPLOI STARVE IN SILENCE Shachtman and Paine Charge Boss Candidates Evade the Main Issue Latin American Notes for the Hundreds of unThe LABOR WITH WHITE SKIN CAN.
ion. women and NOT EMANCIPATE ITSELF WHERE girls wore this GAVE SO LABOR WITH BLACK SKIN 18 tas on Satur.
day, October 7, when they went out collecting SOLIDARITY OF funds for the defense of the Minneapolis By DWIGHT MACDONALD By JOHNSON prisoners, those now on There is something phoney about this war, remarked Sen Hundreds of thousands of Negro soldiers face the danger of (Continued from Page 1) defendants (the conspiracy trial and those ator Borah the other day. He was referring to the fact that having to shed their blood for the greater glory, the greater cians Union, able chairman of case de luxe. With yet more yet to be tried France and England declared war six weeks ago and have not for their activi yet begun to fight. But he might also have noted something imperialist war, the purpose of which is to tighten the yoke of mittee, was chosen a delegate obvious that the Minneapolis TAG DAY, OCT. 1939 ties in the phoney about the war issue as it has been presented in Congress AFof WPA DEFENSE COMMITTEE strike. We recently. The much advertised and long awaited debate on neuThis is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. to the convention of the Amer. WPA defense case will dragout haven yet reWhere does it come from? The readers of this column and of the recent meeting of the Minneap and Roosevelt dare to carry trality legislation, in which Borah himself is a leading particiDEFEND THE RIGHT TO ceived a report pant, has turned out to be pretty much of a flop. Here, too, the Socialist Appeal might think comes from our new pamphlet olis Central Labor Union. Murk through the frame up to the on how much battle has not yet been seriously joined. The Administration WHY NEGROES SHOULD OPPOSE THE WAR. by is now in Cincinnati. He has al bitter end. And with the Minwas collected, Johnson, 32 pages, cents. But that extract is not from our ready met with Green and the neapolis frame up becoming a forces have said nothing of their real aims and interests, which but we hope the center about bringing as much help as possible to the Allies.
party literature at all. It comes from an interview siven by executive council, and it is cer national issue in the American fund was big And their opponents, the isolationists, have strangely acquiJames Ford, the Stalinist Commissar of Harlem, enough to enab esced in this conspiracy of silence. It is clear that neither side Worker, October 9, 1939. The same issue carries another inter lense case will come up on the headed protest of the workers. AND le the Defense has much stomach for a real fight. view given by Dr. Max Yergan, executive secretary of the in: floor of the Cincinnati conven may yet tear the hands of the Committee to smash the RooseFriendly Enemies war this committee worked in close collaboration with the Staltion. It is understood the AFL War Deal from the throats of Stal council is preparing a resolu the militant local union movevelt strike break The truth seems to be that there is still a certain amount of inist organization, the League for Spanish Democracy. On behalf tion on the Minneapolis case to ment.
ing machine in division among the big bourgeoisie as to just how much of a of Harlem Negroes, the committee presented an ambulance to be presented to convention delMinneapolis. forward policy in respect to the war is right now advisable.
the Spanish people.
The great bulk of Wall Street opinion is without much question Dr. Yergan also says that the war in Europe is an imperialist Tag Day Plans Fixed already behind the President policy although with the caution war. Like James Ford, he regarded the Soviet German nonOver four hundred union wo and reservations one might expect considering the big property aggression pact and the subsequent action the Soviet Union men and girls have volunteered interests at stake. But there still remain certain powerful secas the one great contribution to world peace and democracy to to sell Labor Defense Tags tions of big business inclining more, for the present, to an isolacome out of the conflict thus far. Thus Dr. Yergan, a mission throughout Minnepolis tonight tionist line. In this category, Weir of National Steel, Henry ary, a YMCA official, widely known in America, in Europe, and and tomorrow, to raise funds Ford, and the DuPonts are outstanding. This explains why such in Africa, by his observation of the international situation and for the defense. The Tag Day is Republican stalwarts as Senator Vandenberg of Michigan are the grace of God, advocates a 100 per cent stalinist position. The sponsored by the AFL defense leading the fight against raising the arms embargo. In Vandenwar is an imperialist war; the Negroes will be sacrificed for committee, and hundreds of berg own state, for instance, the split is clearly defined, with profits; Negroes, help keep America out of war dollars are expected to be rais. Continued from Page 1) perialist peace of Hitler. notionary anti war party and its General Motors for raising the embargo and Ford against it.
ed by this means.
when it was founded twenty one except Stalin.
candidates. Voting for the canThe politeness and gentility with which the neutrality fight Sounds Good But Is It?
FBI agents are now continu years ago. Once a working Referring to the resolution aidates of the Socialist Work has been conducted is explained by the fact that the politicians ing their stool pigeonry. this class revolutionary party, it is adopted by the American Labor ers Party is not a matter of in Washington understand well enough that this difference of It looks good, like the red of an apple rotten at the heart. It uime in St. Paul, gathering evi today an appendage of the so Party on the war and on the counting noses but of counting Opinion is by no means indicative of any disagreement as to the sounds good, like the words a prostitute whispers in the ear of alum cence to present to the federal viet foreign office.
Stalin Hitler pact, Shachtman fists: of counting the fists of necessity of America final entry into the war, but is merely a traveler, while robbers creep behind to stab him in the back.
grand jury when it reconvenes That the communist Party is declared. After a few years of workers whose antagonism to friendly disagreement as to ways and means and, above all.
Por proof, let us take one great tragedy for Africans and the October 23 to continuie its in nothing more than a propagan. public pleading for nothing the war is so great, so pro timing. Both sides in Congress insist that nothing is further from friends of Africa the case of Spanish Morocco. The Moors are not Negroesbut dragging this fair had won their freedom, mighty blow would have been struck The St. Paul union movement amplified by Shachtman when ernment, not to mention its pri imperialist war makers will nation into the war. There are certain accusations, after all, that the an. he illustrated how the Commu vate horse trades with the Dem stop a moment and ponder on at imperialism. The victory of the Moors could have acted as a bracing its feet Clarion call to revolutionaries in Europe and to all oppressed ticipated attack, and the WPA nist Party follows closely in the ocratic and Republican parties, their rotten schemes for annihi, come too close to home to be bandied about in public, Defense Committee set up by wake of Soviet diplomacy. the American Labor Party sud lating the working class in an 1917 and 1939 and groaning Africa.
denly discovered the rest of the other world slaughter for super.
Now you gain your freedom when your enemy is weak and the Trades Labor Assembly As pointed out last week, the relationship between the govis already raising property and Discussing the close collaboworld.
profits. hundred votes for the ernment and big business has become much more intimate in your enemy is weakest when he is fighting for his Mre. When the ration of Stalin with Hitler. The ALP leadership, with a candidates of the Socialist the two decades of development that American monopoly capiSpanish revolution broke out, it was the chance of the Moors. funds to be used as bail.
Shachtman stated, It is inter remarkable suddeness The correct policy for the Moors was to say to the Spanish The present trial is expected esting to note in connection without recourse to ordinary tion against American partici: in one way and harder in another to expose to the masses the workers and peasants: You want to break the necks of the ruling class. We want our independence, but this we can get to last for several weeks. There with the peace terms submitted democratic procedure, adopted pation in the war is worth more imperialist nature of the War Deal.
will be at least nine more trials, by Hitler that no one would a resolution which brazenly de than a 1000 votes for any other It is easier to expose Roosevelt Administration war only by breaking the neck of the same ruling class. We support involving from two to ninety cive active backing to the im clares for a democratic war party, Vote as you strike. Vote drive than it was to expose that of the Wilson Administration beyou, you support us. You declare that you support the indeagainst Germany.
pendence of Spanish Morocco. We shall fight against Franco Similarly, the speaker war candidates of the Socialist the governmental apparatus, so that the War Deal acts in a and be your loyal comrades and allies.
went on, with a remarkable Workers Party. Shachtman much more aggressive and whole heartedly belligerent way than That was the policy for the Moors. But it was still more the suddeness, Rose, Antonini and concluded.
duty of all who were friends of African independence to proCompany discovered, after all Petitions Flled did the Wilson regime. Thus the War Deal is forced to go ahead in a claim that policy and agitate for it among the Spanish workers and peasants. The Independence of Spanish Morocco. Moors, NO. of Boletin de Informa Uruguay and from our Mexican the Alp contained communist Local New York of the swe, Wall Street coloration than was necessary for Wilson in the take up arms and fight for your own country. These are the cion, bulletin of the Pan Am comrades of the Partido Obrero Party members. The expulsion announced today that the nom. his War Resources Board headed by Stettinius of Steel be slogans that should have been on the lips of every true revo erican and Oriental Bureau, Internacionalista. Our Mexi of the Stalinists from the ALP inating petitions for Shachtman fore our entry, while Wilson called on Baruch to set up the war lutionary, of every genuine fighter for African independence in sub secretariat the Fourth can comrades, being rid of the is bureaucratic from beginning and George Lyman Paine. Industries Board only after the declaration of war in 1917. the days when every class, every group in Spain, was fighting International, has recently sectarian group of and the to end. Shachtman charged, Councilmanie candidate By the same token, however, the task of exposure is harder for its own interests, on one side or the other.
been issued and No. is about tempestuous Rivera, have also because the manner of that Manhattan, had been filed with What did James Ford and his Communist Party say in those to be published. No. of the begun the publication of a fort expulsion drive is borrowed the Board of Elections. More because this time Wall Street is not making the mistake of com days? What did Max Yergan say? You will search columns of Boletin contains the Bureau nightly paper, Lucha Obrera, in from the book of Stalinism it than 6, 000 signatures of regis ing out in the open and acting as the business agents and ardent the Stalinist press and not find one clear call. Moors, use Manifesto on the War and its addition to their excellent the sell.
tered Bronx voters have been IP Roosevelt Administration seems to be quite detached from of the Allied powers. The pro war propaganda of your arms for your independence. They sent men to fight. Application to the Latin Am oretical monthly, Clave.
Quill Stand secured for the nomination of they sent ambulances. Yergan agitated for Spanish democracy, erican and colonial countries.
But the independence of Spanish Morocco. Not a word. And No. will contain articles on From Brazil comes news of edremove toti por Michael punten: ic ballot, Frank announced. sovernment body while in the last war such propaganda was Commenting on the threaten Shachtman on the Councilman sovetinancial interests, to be the free will act of an independent wax Because they did not want to parenterar o temperney, impreh recent developments to state the launching of the Partido So the official ALP Councilmante while over 3, 000 signatures crudely and openly conducted by finance capital itself.
alism they wanted to maintain Spanish democracy. with ment of resignation from the cialista Revolucionario, section candidate for the Bronx, were secured for the nomina Casting out the Devil Africa is a colony of British democracy and the Belgian Con one of its leading members, founding congress of the Pana in exchange for the work done pressed their gratitude to the ernment in this war crisis is demonstrated by the recent liquida The complexity of relations between big business and govMorocco? Under no circumstances, said Stalln: want an als some documents from Brazil. brought together into one or aistrict clubs of the ALP, Rose thousands of workers who sign. tion of the War Resources Board. When the WRB was set up last liance with Britain and France against Germany. socialist Anyone interested in Latin Am. canization the old Trotsky. and Antonini gave the staliniste ed the nominating petitions and summer, headed by Stettinius of the Steel Corporation and comfought for such a polley, would never get my alliance with of these bulletins or other it. Leninista andma large from election slate That is how of the Party for putting the As the debate on neutrality opened in Congress, the WRB threat Spain? An Independent Morocco? If or my Communist Party erican problems can get coples ists of the Partido Operario a representative or two on its expressed their praise of the posed mostly of DuPont and Morgan executives, there was Chamberlain and Daladier. They would say was a Red. erature in Spanish by writing dissident old militants from the Michael Quill happened to get nominating drive over the top ened to become a really serious talking point for the isolation The Trotskyists in Spain fought against Franco, but they in for them.
urged that the only way to beat Franco was for the workers leadership of the Sao Paulo Represent differences between Register Now and peasants to struggle for socialism and for the Moors to fight From Peru comes an inter clonal Committee of the Rose and Antonini on the one Voters are urged to register y announced that the WRB would meet once more. draw up a for their independence, in other words capitalism had to be broken at home and abroad. For saying this they were calledesting story about the Stalinist The congress consolidated the hand and Quill on the other this week, October to 14, with report, and then commit hari kari. He also went out of his way communists. According to organization and adopted a res hand. Shachtman explained the Board of Elections in order to publicly humiliate and repudiate Assistant Secretary of War traitors by the stalinists, persecuted and murdered as agents the August 15 issue of the Bu olution of greetings to comrade is that the former support the to be able to vote for the ants. Johnson, author of the WRB plan and the man of big business Loud were the outeries of victory among the liberals and the of Franco. The Moors, setting promises from Franco and not enos Aires daily. Vanguardia, Trotsky, as well as several res: war aims of Wall Street while war candidates of the Socialist in the War Department.
even a promise from the Spanish Loyalists, fought with Franco the leader of the Communis: olutions on the international Quill supports Stalin Soint Workers Party on November At home and abroad the Spanish revolution was beaten.
Shachtman will speak Wed left isolationists. Actually, no more had happened than that the Party of Peru. Eudocio Ravi and national situation and the The Stalinist Line Changes actionary dictatorship of Pregle against the Vargas dictatorences are the differences of hesday night, October 11, at El President, for sound reasons of immediate political strategy, had nez, who is forced by the re tasks of the In the strug war with Hitler. These differ Avenue. Maxwell maturely. He therefore quietly withdrew from this too advanced Today, however, Stalin no longer wants any alliance with sident Benavides to live in ex ship and its Yankee imperialist two sets of agents in the serv semere Hall, 170 Street and decided that the WRB had been sprung on the public little preice of two different bands of Morris oppressors, Shachtman de Burt, Organizer of the Bronx position, incidentally stealing a good deal of the thunder his isoBritain and France. He is tied up with Hitler. Hitler has no ile, issued a pamphlet in Chile masters and for civil liberties Branch, announced a mass lationist opponents were preparing for him in Congress. As Time clared.
colonies. But Britain and France have. Stalin wants to embar giving support to Benavides and economic betterment. campaign rally this Saturday (Oct. 9) put it: About all they had left to hit him with then was rass the British and French governments in their conduct of candidate in the coming presi Counting Fists night at Fordham Road and the reasonable supposition that Big Steel Stettinius will be the war. He wants to prevent America from assisting Hitler dential elections! Ravinez calls In Manhattan and the Valentine Avenue, scene of back on the pre war scene in Washington at some more politic enemy, Britain. So Ford and Yergan, Browder and Patterson this candidate the leader of ANNOUNCEMENTS Bronx the workers have the op. many clashes in the past with time.
take the field. The war is an imperialist war. Down with the democratic Benavidism. Reasonable is a classic understatement.
to help Hitler peace: they shout for peace. But peace means the line so soon: the Stalinists BOOKS BOUGHT in lots or in portunity to vote for a revolu the Coughlinites.
single volumes. Estimates Hitler peace, with Stalin keeping his piece of Poland. That is groveling at the feet of the given on request. Write or why they say this is an imperialist war, which is true, and the various dictatorial agents of democratic imperialism was visit Labor Bookshop. 116 FUN and GAIETY add Russia the right thing, which is false.
University Place, The Fourth International, denounces these servile corrupters fas tdeveloping into an interof the Negro people. We do not support the capitalist war: we esting study for psychopatho:An attractive poster has NIGHT in HARLEM do not support the capitalist peace. We say: Negroes, war or ogists. Benavides, who keeps been prepared to advertise peace, fight against all the imperialists, today by a mass dem over 5, 000 political prisoners onstration, tomorrow by strike, and when enough have rifles in his jails, who outlaws the Appeal by Johnson on Sat. Oct. 14, p.
Communist party and forces The Negro Question. The THE IN WAR. by ed. by Trotsky in this brilliant fight with rifles too.
13. The Soviet Union and its at the But what does Yergan say today? In the interview in the its leaders into exile, is reuse of these posters on news Leon Trotsky, will be featured analysis are the following: Relation to the World Prostands and at meetings will in the forthcoming November Mimo Club Daily Worker he says that it is necessary for the democratic warded with theirloyal sup1. The German Soviet Pact letarian Revolution help to increase the sale of issue of The New International, labor forces of Europe and America to press for the reopening port! He joins the list with and the Character of the The above outline of the con the paper to the Negro workof the whole colonial question in the interest of a secure world Dictator Vargas in Brazil. Dic2237 Seventh Avenue which will be out in a few days.
tents of Leon Trotsky peneers. The posters are on sale In his most penetrating manner peace. There you see the naked reaction of Yergan. What tator Batista in Cuba, ex. but The Nature of the Soviet depth and scope of Trotsky trating article indicates the does be mean by reopening the whole colonial question. Who still aspiring. Dictator Generfor five cents by the NationTickets: 50c Trotsky discusses in detail the State closed it? Does he want a conference to talk over things? With al Ibanez in Chile and now of al Negro Dept. 116 Univer.
The analysis of the Soviet Union, role of Stalin and the sity Place. New York City. Is the Soviet State a Can the war, the future of the labor On Sale At: in the imperialist war and also cerous Growth or a New movement and the Internationthis the peace that the Stalinists are shouting for?
Will one one good note in the story 116 University Pl.
takes up the perspectives and Organ?
al socialist revolution.
single colonial be freed by this peace? Peace, by all means. We the report in Vanguardia that denounce their murderous war. But do the workers want cham. Arequipa and Cuzco (cities of the organizations in Minimum Guaranteed prospects in the next period of The Early Degeneration Negro Articles National Negro Department, the international labor and rev.
of the Bureaucracy.
berlain and Daladier to reopen the colonial question?
Because of the timeliness and Earnings. Socialist Workers Party It is Hitler who wants to reopen it, in other words, bargain Peru) have revolted against the olutionary movement. The Conditions for the great significance of Trotsky WANTED Men, Women Omnipotence and Fall of article, a change is being made, for Africa. For revolutionary Negroes, that question is al line of collaboration with tyran and Students Among the questions discuss the Soviet Oligarchy. in part, in the contents of the ways open. No peace with imperialism, whether fascist or dem ny put forward by Senor Ravto sell the Socialist Appeal as What if the Socialist Rev İNovember issue, which was orocratic. Tomorrow, according to how Stalin moves, Ford and Inez in his recent pamphlet.
Yergan will shout again, War for democracy. Traitors yesArgentina a part time job. Socialist Ap.
olution is Not Accomplishiginally slated to be largely a From Argentina comes a new peal now selling very fast on terday and traitors tomorrow, they are traitors today, however IMPORTANT BOOKS ed?
Negro number. Important arrevolutionary they my sound. The Negroes must not be blinded pamphlet La Revolucion the streets. One dollar a day The Present War and the ticles on the Negro question guaranteed. Possible to make 75 by them, but should mercilessly expose this unscrupulous de Mundial y la Traicion StalinV. LENIN Theory of the Agrarian Question ista. and the news that that much more. Apply all day Future of Modern Society. will appear in the November ception of an oppressed people. great American democracy from 12 o clock on at 116 LENIN Theoretical Principles of Marxism New Conceptions of the issue but also in subsequent has just issued an order bar University Pl. Abe Miller. BORIS SOUVARINE Stalin. 75 State: The Theory of Bu numbers of the magazine.
To be sure that everyone inring from the mails a pamphlet EUGENE LYONS Assignment in Utopia. 50) 69 reaucratic Collectivism.
Socialist Appeal Totalitarian Dictatorship obtains a copy of the Novemterested in Trotsky analysis 116 University Place published previously. Por el MARX and ENGELS German Ideology Bound Volume of. 50 Socialismo Revolucionario y New York City. Condition of Acute ber issue, the ARTHUR ROSENBERG Democracy and Socialism Management Crisis and Not a stable urges that extra orders be imI would like to get better acquainted with your paper, por la 4d Internacional. Wel SOCIALIST APPEAL have also received printed LEON TROTSKY History of the Russian Regime.
the Socialist Appeal. Please send me sample copies for NOW AVAILABLE. 00) 60 Revolution mediately placed in advance.
manifesto distributed by the 10. The Orientation Toward The subscription rate remains the next few weeks.
First months of 1939 Grupo Obrero Revolucionario, FERDINAND LUNDBERG Sixty Families. 50) 89 World Revolution and the at 00 per year and single (52 issues)
4th Internationalist, dealing Name (Add cents per book for postage. 00, including postage Regeneration of the copies may be purchased at with the war and the StalinS.
20 cents.
Order now from: Address Hitler pact.
LABOR BOOKSHOP 11. Defense of the SOCIALIST APPEAL Address: Uruguay and the class Struggle.
116 University Pl.
THE NEW INTERNATIONAL City Similar leaflets have arrived 116 UNIVERSITY PL.
New York City 12. The Question of the Occu 116 University Place from the Bolshevik Leninists of pied Territories.
New York City, Trotsky Analysis of in War Highlights November New International Auspices: 75 50