CommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismImperialist WarJohn DeweyNazismPopular FrontsSocialismSovietStalinStalinismSubversiveURSSWorkers PartyWorld War

Brutality, Terror and Starvation perialist pirates asimilates is spois and girls The Measure of Life Under Hitler IN THIS CORNER Telephone Place, New York, inh: 00 for one yo Associate Edit EMANUEL GARRETT SHERMAN Att NASLEY 10 11 Hitler peace, like Hitler war, is imperial WPA workers on the old wage scale to say the boy y caetersen Fietsen en stens regime. an official with debte the arms from a tree te very SOCIALIST APPEAL TUESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1939 the rule of imperialism. Under that rule, no lastSOCIALIST APPEAL ing peace is possible. Under that rule, what is VOL, ILI, NO. 77 OCTOBER 10, 1939. called peace is only a breathing spell between Apple wars during which one or another gnag of imPublished Twice Weekly by the 2OCIALIST APPEAL, PUBLISHING ASS at 116 University Pla for the conquest of new loot.
Alconquin 8547 The democrats lie when they say that peace From Our Comrades Comes a Picture of Hitler Germany: will be assured if they inflict a military defeat Subscriptions. 00 per year 00 for six months. For crn: 00 per year. 00 for six months, Bundle ordera upon Hitler. They and their rule were an indis Increasing Bureaucratization in Every Sphere of Existence vents per copy in the United States: cents per copy in foreign countries. Single copies: cents.
pensable ingredient in the forces that brought As the Whip of Deeper Repression Falls Upon the Masses By Max Shachtman Brynx and Manhattan subscriptions are: 60 for Hitlerism into existence and into power. If these Reentered as recond class matter September 29, 1939, forces remained, and Adolph Hitler were deBy JEN at these camps. But here they of all prisoners and it is the offee at Nrw York, under the act of March From Frances Winwar, we have received a copy (This article, published in the are heard with emphasis! Since truth. The ss guards are told feated tomorrow, another Hitler or worse would of an open letter to the secretary of the League of July issue of Unser Wort, is the German hears nothing else to look upon everyone who American Writers signed by fifteen writers, with arise the day after, and along with him his hor especially timely though writ these slogans penetrate his comes into the camp as op the request for publication and editorial comment Editor: MIX MULACHTMAN rible wars and his worthless peace treaties. ten before the war began as speech and his general views. posed to the State and who, at in our column an inside picture of Germany So it is that on the one hand best, must be physically des After reading the letter. we are certainly glad The masses of the people long for peace and PELIX MORROW do oblige.
security. They can 110 longer stand a situation under fascist rule today. Ed. these same people curse the re troyed or at least must be so General Manager: The more the National Social gime and on the other hand, be broken that he will be unable The open letter to the Stalinist League says: MARTIN ABERN in which the sword of war hangs over them by ist regime has succeeded in lieve in German blood and to even think of opposition. Despite the world shaking events a thread, week in and week out. Life is a night consolidating itself, the more earth. So it is that most Ger. Some light is shed on these tercurred since August 21, the formerly eloquent and ubiquitous League of Americamentor that have oc.
FIGHT WITH THE SOCIALIST mare when they do not know whether they will bureaucratic has become. mans pity the Jew and at the rible conditions by the following Simultaneously with the disap same time think he is prepar example: been heard from. Nothing on the war, nothing on WORKERS PARTY FOR: wake up tomorrow to find that they are being fearance of small businesses ing world war against Ger APING THE TORTURES the Nazi Soviet pact, nothing on the partition of sent to the trenches to be slaughtered, or to live forced to participate in the naPoland. in fact, nothing. Does this organization OF THE INQUISITION job and a decent living for every worker.
Fear of war is great, but fear through a precarious peace for another day.
still exist? If so, has it anything to say to AmerOn Christmas. 1938, in Sachtional labor services. the num. of revealing such a fear is senhausen, 29 prisoners comIcan writers and intellectuals on the following Open the idle factories operate them under Peace and security these are impossible un ber of offices and officials has greater because of dread of the mitted suicide by touching the workers contro. questions? Twenty Billion dollar Federal public works der imperialism today. They can only be achieved town in unprecedented am Gestapo, Most German people electrified wire surrounding the What is the character of the present war?
Is it an imperialist war or a war of the democand housing program.
lwy crushing the monster that rules the world. wentelin estate masines ss tunge so in die hen who was teert bayr bad camp. Leapings are the wires. racies against Fascism? Thirty thirty! 30 weekly minimum wageThey can only be achieved by establishing a new, cial office is created for almost the German concentration any more, the usual u What is the role of the Stalin regime in this in the 30 hour weekly maximum for all workers on sane and orderly society, the classless order of anything, which fold appear camp. The treatment of prison concentration camps so as to war? Did the Stlain Hitler pact advance the cause all jobs.
socialism. Only then will the nightmare of Hitance sake, is opened with alers in the regular Jails is rel put an end to the daily misery.
of world peace or did it promote Fascist aggreslot of ceremony.
still as it used to be Thirty dollar weekly old age and disabllity sion? Does the League approve of the partition of ler and Chamberlain and Roosevelt war and New office buildings are be, but in the labor camp Jalls and ery, primarily, but the fact that The reason is not the daily mis.
Poland between Germany and Russia?
peace be removed from the life of mankind and ing erected in all German local correction homes, in the labor they must endure it for a long states should cooperate with the Soviet Union in Does the League still hold that the United Expropriate the Sixty Families.
ities all in the one style per. camps for swamp drainage. time. Also, many prisoners who relegated to an irrevocable past.
mitted simple sternness. but road building and construction can count on being freed short.
order to stop the onward rush of Fascism? All war funds to the unemployed.
actually expressing only a so of the Westwall, conditions are ly as loafers and many of Does the League still maintain that the people referendum on any and all wars.
ber. frigid hardness. Every terrible. Such excesses as oc whom do not remain in camps United States should adopt a collective security head makes himself and his curred at the Esterwege camp. for even a year, commit sulNo secret diplomacy.
policy? If so, what countries should be included bureau as important as possi where prisoners were forced to cide.
New WPA Cuts An independent Labor Party in such a common front?
ble. Thus the bureaucratic can bite off the heads of live mice cer constantly eats deeper and and had to sit on privy seatstration camps work 12 hours peace, democracy, and socialism?
The occupants of the concen Does the League of American Writers still Workers Defense Guards against vigilante consider the Communist Party to be a force for Quietly, somewhere on an obscure inside page, deeper.
and Fascist attacks.
for hours, are rarer.
daily, including Sunday, with 12. Full social, political and economic equality the newspapers reported this Thursday that LOCKED IN THE VISE ATROCITIES ARE THE insufficient food. After work If the League of American Writers can recover Lieut. Col. Brehon Somervell, WPA Admin OF FASCIST ECONOMY for the Negro people.
REGULAR PRACTICE its voice, we shall be glad to hear its replies.
they must exercise. Last winter istrator in New York, announced cuts in the The bureaucratic Nazi state The open letter is signed by John Dewey. Fred Beatings are the rule in all in Sachsenhausen those who Dupee, James Farrell, Grebanter, Louis wages of 13, 000 WPA clerks, typists and guards are general tends to make depen camps not only where the 88 collapsed during the exercises Hacker, Sidney Hook, Suzanne La Follette, FerdinHitler Peace of from 20 to 20. 80 per month.
nomic units as is possible. This functionaries are in control. The guards beat, kick and and Lundberg, Eugene Lyons, Max Nomad, WilUnlike the September wage cuts on WPA, is shown especially in housing. The number of self mutilations shove with their rifle butts at liam Phillips, Phillip Rahv, Meyer Schapiro, Ben Stolberg and Frances Winwar. And what makes The great German military scientist of the which were carried out on the pretext that they the many state supervisedecor and attempts at flight are very all times. The sick and old the open letter Interesting is not so much the adNineteenth century, Clausewitz, made the prowere required to conform with the new Federal management of highways. Feu high, higher than is generally must work and exercise like dress to which it is sent, but the signatories who found and often repeated statement that War Very few report sent it. And it is with them that we ask permission Relief Act that pay scales in various parts of dal National Socialist ideology in mind that only the smallest sick because it only means a is a continuation of politics by other means.
to concern ourselves in the requested editorial the country be equalized (a fancy word for low salaries and restrictions up. portion of the prisoners are real beating or being deprived of comment.
Hitler Reichstag proposals for a settlement lowered. the new cuts represent, according on freedom of moving about criminals most of them are food. Flogging, from to 75 of the present European conflict makes it posMost, if not all the signers of the open letter political oppositionists, homo strokes, is the official camp sible to add to Clausewitz maxim that Peace istration in Washington.
to Somervell, an independent act of the admin An entire army of skilled work. sexuals, religious fanatics, etc. punishment. Unofficial punishare members not of the League of American Writers today travels throughout People who haven committed ments are unlimited in number ers, but of the recently formed Committee for Cultural Freedom, whose purpose is implied in its is a continuation of war by other means, or.
The government can afford to keep the forcibly re educated and sent or other got in dutch with the stretching and being hung by name. Now it seems to us that any writer who has.
advanced beyond the stage of the student who his torturer can give his particular aspires to have his jokes and jingles published in that he should now propose peace, which suits living has risen and continues to rise higher tions wherever armament farm, young people who be sadistic impulses free reign.
istic through and through. It is quite natural nothing of raising it. It is true that the cost of endns veathe Plan Administra a peasant whici amigused the high school paper, ought to understand that the works make them needed.
maintaining of cultural freedom, to which the fifevery day, but just the same the government came peddlers instead of work. The days when only well known Lately. National Socialism before teen writers are dedicated, is inseparably conhim for two reasons.
nected with the problems raised by the present First, if his peace terms are accepted by can afford it. It hasn too much money and has tried to make its way more ing in a factory. drunkards, people were torme and more into everyone pri icomedians who were too fun the others are over. Today, no ny. people whose moral con one escapes cruel mistreatwar. For example, what thinking person can be vate life. Here Ley and Himmception of life does not conform ments. While the State wishes lieve thta even the limited cultural freedom existFrance and England, which is most unlikely, the what little it has available it must expend fruler complement one another to the accepted, workers who to keep public German life ing in the United States would be allowed to remain result would not only be a great moral victory gally and only for the most urgent necessities And since when is the life of an unemployed quite well. one holds out the did not accept the work allotted morally clean, a terrible wave if and when this country entered the war? What for Germany, but would give Hitler an opporbait of joyful relaxation. The to them by the Labor Omee.
worker an urgent necessity?
of moral corruption is actually thinking person can believe that any cultural freeother threatens everyone who dom, or any colture, would be left in Europe if the tunity to digest the gains he has made thus far Billions for arms and munitions those are desires to lead his life accord. ket characterization of loaf victims are those in opposition Under the demagogic blan sweeping over Germany. Its war which threatens the total destruction of civil.
and strengthen himself for the next advance ization is not brought to an end by a socialist re.
urgent necessities.
against his imperialist rivals.
organization of society?
Millions for a bigger and better airfleet to the concentration camp. Teishausen. concentration camp best part of the nation.
Second, if his peace terms are rejected, he will impossible for anyone in Ger near Berlin several thousand The sterner the re educa In light of this, isn it proper to ask that the rain down death upon the people that is an in the fifteen writers, who really represent the League seek to pose as the unwilling combattant who, In some way or other the most prisoners, most of whom falition for Cultural Freedom, show a little more modesty though a lover of peace, was forced to continue urgent necessity.
Millions from the Export Import Bank to indifferent collide with National into the following typical cat camps became the worse bein submitting questionnaires to the Stalinist League the war by the bellicose and bloodthirsty rulers Socialism and must therefore egory: painter living in Dues came the Gestapo investigation seldorf whose art didn earn methods. Nevertheless, the of American Writers? Or more accurately, that before they quiz the Stalinists about their war posiof the opposing nations. In this event, his hand Latin American countries to facilitate trade and recoil. The result depends en him enough bread went to the German courts, aided by the tion, they themselves make clear their own postwill undoubtedly be strengthened at least among profit of American employers that is an urgent tirely on how far one permits Labor Office to ask for work. Gestapo, try to deceive world necessity.
himself to go. After all, these They wanted him to do road opinion. section of the Gertion? For it is entirely possible and fitting to paraphrase the open letter and address it to the fifteen certain sections of the German people. In addiBut money for the unemployed? Sorry, none is frantically applaud the Fuehrer constitution he begged for light baloo at the end of April, 1939, writers: tion, his direct agents and friends in the available.
called democracies. and they run from the By the eternal, it things like this that make and then tell one another Hitler arrested by the ss and brought bers of the legal international occurred since August 21, the formerly hetoquent Fritz Kuhns to sections of the British and us proud of the government we live under, and If a young soldier suffers have worked their entire lives who were, incidentally, con to Sachsenhausen. Many who Socialist Fighters Organization League for Cultural Freedom has not been heard from. Nothing on the war, nothing on the Nazl So.
French ruling classes will have a better basis make us determined to fight to the last drop of from harsh service, then his at now wear the green arm band demned an average of viet pact, nothing on the partition of Poland, in for arguing that a settlement of the war on Hitour blood to maintain that government in the titude towards the regime be fact nothing. Does this organization still exist? If ler present terms, with the possibility of turn comes negative. But if he is because they failed to contrib years each. In bold faced type at collections. these rags reported that the so, has it anything to say to American writers, innext war.
prongoted to a petty officer, it green arm band is worn by Judge, after pointing to forecen the following questions: tellectuals and protagonists of cultural freedom on ing Germany expansionist lust against Russia, becomes positive. The capital. by loafers, a red one by po press reports, asked the defenis far preferable to protracted war which will Any other suckers?
ist is angry about bureaucratic liticals, homosexuals wear dants whether they had been What is the character of the present war? Is it an imperialist war or a war of the democracies menace the older empires with dissolution and horror of horrors! with revolutionay upris4 Year Plan negative attitude. pink one, professional criminals mistreated in the preliminary But then, business is better un. The German people know that this was not the case. It is perinvestigation. All declared that against Fascism? If it is an indinand Ben war, why do League members Dorothy ings der Hitler after all positive at things are not so good in the fectly clear that they could do Stolberg call for support of one of the two imperYet, attractive as Hitler peace may seem to titude. If a clerk must work for concentration camps, but few nothing but deny mistreatment, ialist gangs in the war? If it is a democratic war certain people, among them those who think that It seems to us that there are a lot of disgrunon the part of one camp, why doesn the League robably eign will be negative because he has bleve any idea what unbelieva. but how terrible the prelimin come out in support of it in the even the worst peace is better than best war, tled and subversive elem cultural freedom labor must reject it out of hand.
spies or good for nothing agitators, who are try his attitude will change if his against the prisoners because shown by the fact that in a cen What is the role of the Stalin regime in this war? And what is the role of the Chamberlain DalReject it in order to support the war of the ing to make a lot of hullabaloo about the miseries post brings him advantages and once they leave that hell. They trial against the ISFO also took privileges. The professional say they want to re educate us place, out of approximately 20 adier regimes in this war, especially with regard democracies. NO! Not for a minute and not of war. Some of them even go so far as to say with a career before him for in reality, they want to fin defendants are already in in the slightest degree. Their peace and their that while the rich get richer in the war, the poor sets the petty, eacryday annoyish us off. This is the opinion lunatic asylum.
to the League pet concern. cultural freedom?
above all, since it is this country we live in, what ances and travels the prescribwar do not differ from Hitler in any important get nothing but grief. s the role of the Roosevelt regime in this war; does the League support the Roosevelt war line or sense. For years following the last World War, In announcement in the press, however, led line with the prescribed en thusiasm he is the prototype oppose it, or is it completely indifferent towards England and France were for peace THEIR shows that at least in the present war the masses of the National Socialist of to.
peace. And their peace meant the peaceful that are going to be very well taken care of by the day. The worker honored on Does the League plan to continue straddling or posters, in reality is, the unopposed) exploitation of the conquests belligerent governments.
evading these key questions to which it so impey. Series of FOUR Friday Night Lectures rights, keeps his trap shut tight iously demands an answer front the Stalinist intelthey made in the war; their peace meant the Take France, for example. Nobody going to also as prescribed.
lectuals? Will it continue, as it has done from continued subjection of their former and poten go hungry if the Great French Democracy can SILENCE OF THE its inception, to ignore these questions out of fear CONCENTRATION CAMP 1) of commtiting itself and (2) of establishing tial imperialist competitor, Germany, to the rank help it. The press announcement says that the french government has suspended all import cannot keep his trap shut wen Germany of a third class power. Their war has the same the fact that on the most vital issue of the day most vital also with reference to cultural freedom objective.
duties on fresh and refrigerated horse meat until enough will surely land in the FRIDAY, OCTOBER 20 8:30 there is no possibility of harmony among the It would, however, be idle to deny that the December 31.
concentration camp. The art of disharmonious elements who compose its committee?
The World in Flames Again democratic imperialist statesmen have very Now that what we call a thoughtful provi silence must be mastered and The Real Meaning of the Present War The open letter says derisively that if the cunningly exploited for their own base aims the sion of an adequate and cheap supply of a good concentration camp is a school League of American Writers can recover its voice, we shall be glad to hear its replies. We para sound feelings of the European masses. The Democratic staple. Putting aside all false senti which teaches its subjects in FRIDAY, OCTOBER 8:30 phrase again: If the League for Cultural Freepeople everywhere hate Hitlerism. The people ntentalism, the French Popular Front govern concentrated form there are number of preparatory schools, dom can find its voice (or voices. we shall be everywhere feel that so long as Hitlerism is in ment says: Horses be damned, so long as the The Aftermath The Versailles Treaty with easier requirements.
glad to hear its replies.
power, there is no possibility of peace, no secur people get enough to eat!
Training camps, re education The Peace Which Prepared the New War ity against war. This truth is cleverly played For breakfast, the average Frenchman can camps, camps for teaching comradeship. Camps for stuupon by the war mongers who repeat it in their have a dish of braised horse kidneys. spot of dents, teachers. merchants, IRVING PLAZA, Irving Place at 15th Street With England at war and its people therefore unable to do their part propaganda every day so as to make available lunch might be limited to breast of horse en castechnicians. poets, truck driv Subscription for series: 750 Individual lectures: 25c spreading the new testaa steady supply of cannon fodder.
serole. For dinner, some horse rump roast or, for ers, prize fighters and members ment gospel throughout the world, America must assume the burden, says Dr. Roland Leavell, of singing societies. EveryBut this truth is only a part of the whole truth. variety, a couple of horse chops, not too rare.
where, always, there are camps superintendent of evangelism of the Southern BapHitlerism means war and the constant threat of That, at least, tists. Pardon our crassness, Doctor, but to our poor limited intelligence, it would seem that durwar only the sense that so long as the empires cratic Diet until December 31. Beginning with ship is taught, as the mistrusting the war would be the very best time to pusi of the world are in the hands of the British and the new year, the rigors of war may compel the ing and icy behavior of these Mount.
French and American ruling classes, just so long government to provide simpler and more frugal time in them, is called. Every will the poor powers seek to take them over fare. And if anybody should be so infernally un German at one time or other Beg Pardon? Secretary of Interior Harold for their own exploitation, either by war or by patriotic as to protest against the change, Dalad gets into one of these camps.
Nothing but the official slogans Ickes said the government will oppose vigorously peaceful means.
jer may well reply in paraphrase of Marie Antoin a rape of our natural resources by war time The threat of war, war itself, is inherent in ette: If they can get horses, let em eat rats. are given in the instruction profiteers.
Democratic Diet War What For?
without JAMES CANNON. make up the French Demo which waysidebare comrade Don forget to register from October 16 to vote for Max your programom especially the sermon the Shachtman and George Lyman as heard over radio and press for Councilman.