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The Soviet Union in the War By Leon Trotsky THE NEGRO QUESTION (Continued from Page 1)
Our Course Remains unchanged workers will strive to enter into the closest possible comoccupied territories. Here an analogy literally offers itself The statification of the means of production is, as we radely relations with the rank and file fighters of the Red By JOHNSON The first Bonaparte halted the revolution by means of a military dictatorship. However, when the French troops said, a progressive measure. But its progressiveness is relaArmy. While arms in hand they deal blows to Hitler, the tive; its specific weight depends on the sum total of all the Bolshevik Leninists will at the same time conduct revoluDr. Charles Petioni is a Negro of West Indian origin who is invaded Poland, Napoleon signed a decree: Serfdom is an enemy of British imperialism. Many years ago, in the island abolished. This measure was dictated not by Napoleon other factors. Thus, we must first and foremost establish tionary propaganda against Stalin preparing his overthrow that the extension of the territory dominated by bureauat the next and perhaps very near stage.
the island. Today in Harlem he is president of the Caribbean sympathies for the peasants, nor by democratic principles cratic autocracy and parasitism, cloaked by socialist This kind of defense of the USSR will naturally differ, Union and is still opposed to Britain. In an interview published but rather by the fact that the Bonapartist dictatorship measures, can augment the prestige of the Kremlin, engen as heaven does from earth, from the official defense which in the Daily Worker of Oct. 5, 1939, he says: based itself not on feudal, but on bourgeois property relader illusions concerning the possibility of replacing the is now being conducted under the slogan: For the Father India, Africa, and the West Indies have no sympathy for tions. Inasmuch as Stalin Bonapartist dictatorship bases Chamberlain. They will fight on the side of Britain only when proletarian revolution by bureaucratic maneuvers and so land! For Stalin! Our defense of the USSR is carried on forced to do so.
itself not on private but on state property, the invasion of on. This evil by far outweighs the progressive content of under the slogan: For Socialism! For the world revoluSo far, so good. Dr. Petioni statement represents what we Poland by the Red Army should, in the nature of the case, Stalinist reforms in Poland. In order that nationalized tion! Against Stalin! In order that these two varieties of stinct of the Negro masses. But in politics instinct is not enough result in the abolition of private capitalist property, so as property in the occupied areas, as well as in the USSR, be Defense of the USSR do not become confused in the You must have political clarity. And the need for it is alarm. thus to bring the regime of the occupied territories into come a basis for genuinely progressive, that is to say so consciousness of the masses it is necessary to know clearly ingly, illustrated by Dr. Petioni further statement. accord with the regime of the USSR.
cialist development, it is necessary to overthrow the Mos and precisely how to formulate slogans which correspond The imperialist countries are on the run. Russia is doing the only logical thing that could be done. When the little buffer This measure, revolutionary in character. the expro cow bureaucracy. Our program retains, consequently, all the concrete situation. But above all it is necessary to were set up in the Balkans during the last war, they were priation of the expropriators. is in this case achieved in a Shtended for future powder kegs to be set off the moment the big military bureaucratic fashion. The appeal to independent its validity. The events did not catch us unaware. It is necestablish clearly just what are defending, just how we essary only to interpret them correctly. It is necessary to are defending it, against whom we are defending it. Our that Russia has removed these explosive the situation is much activity on the part of the masses in the new territories understand clearly that sharp contradictions are contained slogans will create confusion among the masses only if we clearer.
and without such an appeal. even if worded with extreme in the character of the USSR and in her international posi ourselves do not have a clear conception of our tasks. Trap to Be Guarde inst caution it is impossible to constitute a new regime will on tion. It is impossible to free oneself from those contra CONCLUSIONS: Thus from his healthy opposition to seeing colonials fight in the morrow undoubtedly be suppressed by ruthless police dictions with the help of terminological sleight of hand We have no reasons whatsoever at the present time for a war which is not theirs, Dr. Petioni takes a further step and measures in order to assure the preponderance of the bu. Workers State. Not Workers State. We mụst take changing our principled position in relation to the USSR. Oct. 6: we have to mark the date because nobody, not even reaucracy over the awakened revolutionary masses. This is the facts as they are. We must build our policy by taking as War accelerates the various political processes. It may they know what they will be saying tomorrow) that the war one side of the matter. But there is another. In order to our starting point the real relations and contradictions accelerate the process of the revolutionary regeneration of is an imperialist war. Dr. Petioni says that the war is an im gain the possibility of occupying Poland through a military We do not entrust the Kremlin with any historic mis the USSR. But it may also accelerate the process of its us work together against the war and for the emancipation of alliance with Hitler, the Kremlin for a long time deceived sion. We were and remain against seizures of new terri final degeneration. For this reason it is indispensable that the colonial peoples, etc.
and continues to deceive the masses in the USSR and in tories by the Kremlin. We are for the independence of So we follow painstakingly and without prejudice these modA lie that is half a truth is ever the blackest of lies. The the whole world, and has thereby brought about the com viet Ukraine, and if the Byelo Russians themselves wishstalinist policy is in reality a trap to catch the Neroes and plete disorganization of the ranks of its own Communist ifications which war introduces into the internal life of the of Soviet Byelo Russia. At the same time in the sections USSR so that we may give ourselves a timely accounting When the Hitler Stalin pact was signed, the Stalinists were at International. The primary political criterion for us is not of Poland occupied by the Red Army, partisans of the of them.
the peak of the five year campaign for a war of the democ the transformation property relations in this or another Fourth International must play the most decisive part in Our tasks in the occupied territories remain basically book The Negro and the Democratic Front. My earnest area, however important these may be in themselves, but expropriating the landlords and capitalists, in dividing the the same as in the USSR itself; but inasmuch as they are opinion is that we would make a tragle error in giving our sup rather the change in the consciousness and organization of land among the peasants, in creating Soviets and Workers posed by events in an extremely sharp form, they enable poter the pact was signed, Ford continued to agitate for Amer fending former conquests and accomplishing new ones.
port to any member of the Berlin Rome Tokyo alliance. Even the world proletariat, the raising of their capacity for deCommittees, etc. While so doing, they must preserve their us all the better to clarify our general tasks in relation to In of. poltical independence, they must fight during elections to the USSR.
appears a letter by Ford dated Aug. 31. In it he says: the Soviets and factory committees for the complete inde We must formulate our slogans in such a way that the The Soviet Union pursues the policy of peaceful intercourse of Moscow, taken as a whole, wholly retain their reactionpendence of the latter from the bureaucracy, and they must workers see clearly just what we are defending in the conduct revloutionary propaganda in the spirit of distrust to enter into such alliances with the democratic powers to assure ary character and remain the chief obstacle on the road to USSR. state property and planned economy. and against the world revolution.
towards the Kremlin and its local agencies.
world peace.
whom we are conducting a ruthless struggle (the parasitic We see it as our duty as Americans to support this policy Our general appraisal of the Kremlin and Comintern But let us suppose that Hitler turns his weapons against with all our power, to enlist the support of our government for does not, however, alter the particular fact that the statifibureaucracy and their Comintern. We must not lose sight the East and invades territories occupied by the Red Army. for a single moment of the fact that the question of overcooperative action against acts of rights of the people cation of property in the occupied territories is in itself a Under these conditions, partisans of the Fourth Interna throwing the Soviet bureaucracy is for us subordinate to this policy by strengthening the democratic and to implement in this hour of crisis.
progressive measure. We must recognize this openly. Were tional, without changing in any way their attitude toward the question of preserving state property in the means of Swallowing a Bitter Pill the Kremlin oligarchy, will advance to the forefront as the production of the USSR; that the question of preserving The strengthening of democratic rights is the sugar. The pin Hitler on the morrow to throw his armies against the East.
most urgent task of the hour, the military resistance against state property in the means of production in the USSR is is to enlist the support of our government for cooperative action to restore law and order in Eastern Poland, the advanced Hitler. The workers will say, We cannot cede to Hitler subordinate for us to the question of the world proletarian the overthrowing of Stalin; that is our own task. During revolution ist policy for the previous tive years was an incitement to war workers would defend against Hitler these new property by the democracies and the Soviet Union to stop Hitler. forms established by the Bonapartist Soviet bureaucracy. the military struggle against Hitler, the revolutionary September 25, 1939 After Ford letter, however, the International situation de veloped rapidly. Russia invaded Poland and shared in its par tition. As time went on, it became clear that Stalin was tying ON THE INSIDE the future of Russia to the victory of Hitler. If America went in to the war to fight for democracy it meant that a very power ful country would now be allied to the enemies of Hitler, Stalin ally. The victory of Hitler, or if not his victory, at least the saving of Hitler from defeat, has become at the present stage, a vital necessity for Stalin and Stalinist policies. Immediately the Stalinists discover that the war is an imperialist war they begin to shed tears for the sufferings of the colonials. They raise the slogan of opposition to the war.
Expulsions on Grand Scale Begin as MemIt sounds allright until you realize that what they want is to save Hitler, Stalin ally, from defeat. Continued from Page bers Question Wisdom of Stalinist Line Is Dr. Petioni prepared to endorse this cynical use of the (Continued from Page 1) Draft plans are nearing tions to the local Soviets: and Negro revolutionary masses as a mere pawn in Stalinist for of intention talk about staying completion: Aim is complete last but not least (5) the de eign policy? Or is he merely caught by the superficial resemselective service, with volunveloping crisis in economy. Special to the Socialist Appeal)
blance of the Stalinist policy to his own hatred of British im. out of the war, but is actually or the foreign policy of the sopreparing to go into it.
teers discouraged. Objective Stalin preparing for the lat CHICAGO, III. Despite the viet Union which at times did perialism?
Sorry this shocks you, but is, Every man in his most est emergency.
And if he has been trapped, what is the reason for it? It is campaign of silence in the offi not correspond with the interbecause he has not taken his own opposition to British Imperial it seems to us to be the fact. useful place, civil or miliCentral Committee directives the attitude of members of the ing class. He had hoped that reThe only passage from the cial Stalinist press regarding ests of the international workism to its logical conclusion. Opposition to British imperialism What will Day do to our tary.
Register all men 18 10 15, relating to the new elections Communist Party during the form of the Communist Intercan not stay isolated. You must be opposed to French imper present democratic form of ialism also to German Imperialism, and to American. You government? Kiplinger answers make them subject to mili.
printed by Pravda in bold type recent zig zags in policy, it has national would solve the probtary orders.
is as follows: come to the attention of the lem, but he was now convinced must maintain an undeviating opposition to all of them. You in one blunt sentence: If we get into war, it means Take those from 21 10 30 for THE PARAMOUNT TASK Chicago office of the Socialist that reform was impossible and must call on Negroes everywhere at all times, to use all their complete dictatorship.
ACTIVE military service.
OF ALL THE PARTY ORGAN. Workers Party that there are that he was leaving the organiefforts to fight against imperialism in war as well as in peace.
IZATIONS IN THE COMING serious repercussions among zation to become once more a Once you grasp this, you are in a position where you will not course.
How will repeal of the em WPA workers of proper ELECTIONS IS TO ASSURE the rank and file. That there is revolutionary socialist. When allow yourself to be used by one imperialism against the other affect business? Kip ages are candidates for the THE ELECTION TO THE serious resistance by many the motion to expel was finally And you are in a position also to see the true significance of the bargo military, but this is a subject Morgan LEADING PARTY ORGANS members of the CP and YCL to carried, a large number ofYCLStalinist change from war for democracy in August to opposi linger answers. Business effect of cash. which officials discuss gingerOF THOROUGHLY TESTED the recent polices of Stalinism ers and sympathizers walked tion to war for democracy in September. To this very moment carry is bound to be stimulatthe Stalinists do not call on all the workers, Negroes and all, ANNOUNCEMENTS BOLSHEVIKS WHO ARE is evident from the wave of ex out in sympathy with the exWage hour law would BOUNDLESSLY LOYAL TO pulsions which has just started. pelled member. Some of these wherever they are, to prepare for the revolutionary overthrow ing. It means orders and jobs.
stand but OUR PARTY AND CAPABLE At the Shachtman and Goldman are now being slated for ex emphasis of capitalism, the establishment of socialism and the independ. And that an influence FOR repeal of embargo, despite would be given to military ASIS BOOKS BOUGHT in lots or in CF DEFENDING THE CAUSE mass meetings held here in pusion.
ence of the colonial peoples.
pious talk about principle needs, resulting in flexibility.
single volumes Estimates OF THE COMMUNIST PARTY Chicago groups of disillusioned Word has reached us, uncorThe Road of Revolutionary Struggle or shuddery talk about blood And this is one reason why an given on request. Write or TO THEIR LAST BREATH. communists were well in ev. roborated as yet, of several exvisit Labor Bookshop. 116 army officer, Col. Fleming money. Of course, material.
Then follows this significant dence.
pulsions in the Jack London They don because if the international position should change, as it well may, you will find the Stalinists, with that peculiar istie motives will be denied may soon replace Elmer An.
University Place, passage: During the last year In the Humboldt Park Youth Branch of the YCL as well as brazeness which distinguishes them, solemnly telling 150, 000, 000 and deplored drews hundreds of thousands of can. Club (formerly Dimitroft Br. of breaks in the CP on the South all over the world that it is their business now to fight for BritHas American business any.
have been DINNER to be held by the IN didates have been accepted as the YCL. two or three young Side. More information on the DIA ish, French, and American democracy against fascist aggres: thing to gain by prolonging the notice that it koes to WELFARE LEAGUE members of the Communist Communists have already been latter will be forthcoming in sion. These treacherous scoundrels have done it before and will war as long as possible? Kip. war, and if they don speed OF AMERICA. 49th Street Party of the Soviet Union; hun expelled and it seems very the next few days. One thing is do it again. All this the Socialist Workers Party has explained linger answers: up AT ONCE on plans for near 7th Avenue, Saturday. dreds of thousands of eminent likely that another eight or nine evident the Communist Party in a pamphlet Why the Negro Should Oppose the War which Further business gains for handling war traffic, they are will be on the market in a few days. The Caribbean Union will 1940 depend largely on the candidates for govt. operainent Indian speakers will be the party. It is from the ranks expelled were astounded at the shock in their membership fighold a mass meeting on Oct. 19 at St. James Presbyterian size of war orders, and on tion. This notice is official.
present. 00.
of these new hundreds of thou lack of democracy that was ures. When the next party regChurch (St. Nicholas Ave, and 141 st. where Harlem Negroes continuation of the war itself.
For power companies, the sands that new leaders are to supposed to exist in the YCL istration is held there will be will discuss their attitude toward the war. Negroes should get If war goes on, as is expect govt. has war plans which in An attractive poster has be elected. Pravda makes no since Joe Stalin made his so many missing. These people, 11 hold of this pamphlet and current copies of the Socialist Appeal. ed, most estimates are that volve extensive interconnecbeen prepared to advertise bones about it, citing Stalin called democratic constitution. they wish to remain in the revThere they will see not only an analysis of the war but a pro production for 1940 will tions of facilities of private the column in the Socialist directives to the Eighteenth Lack of Democracy olutionary movement and fight be the highest of any year gram of action which will show them the road of revolutionary and public plants.
Appeal by Johnson on Party Congress in relation to We have it on good authority for the emancipation of the struggle and make them immune from capitalist propaganda since 1929.
What military commitments The Negro Question. The the advancement of new cad that one of the leading com working class, have only one and Stalinist trickery.
How much higher will prices has the War Deal already made use of these posters on news. res, the editorial states caterades of the Humboldt Park path before them. That is the go as a result of the war? Kip to the Allied Powers? Kiplinger stands and at meetings will gorically: Youth Club (outsiders were al path of the 4th International.
answers. help to increase the sale of Friction on Top The Bureau of Labor Statis There close tie in between lowed to be present at this the paper to the Negro work. Comrade Stalin directive meeting) who was expelled last Save the Bulletin of ties wholesale price index re govts. of Britain, France, ers. The posters are on sale must be realized in the coming week was given only three min ONLY. DAYS LEFT cently was around 75. At war purchases here. for five cents by the Nation elections: it must be taken as utes express his views to the Special Pre Publication Offer present it is around 80, and Agents of these countries conal Negro Dept. 116 Univer. the starting point for advancing membership. After his plea the average is still rising. sult each other, through sity Place, New York City. candidates to the party bureas that one who had belonged to Somewhere between and State, War, Navy Depts. and regional and city party com the YCL and Pioneers for the 10 points gain in the next newly created War Resources mittees.
last fifteen years should be givMAX SHACHTMAN Apparently there is friction en adequate time to present his The Russian Opposition Bul must be heard particularly at months is expected by most Board, to prevent interfer govt. price experts. This is BOOK ON ence with our own Industrial among the tops. For there is a views he was allowed the grand letin is in grave danger! Pub this time when it can play such regarded as moderate. mobilization program.
Bronx candidate veiled warning contained in the total of five minutes. The reso lished in France for the past an important role.
And what will the War Deal Practically, materially, the for the City Council)
editorial which reminds that lution expelling him was full of few years, the war crisis and But we cannot do this alone, do about price rises. Kiplinger is already an ally in war.
speaks on the elections to the upper erroneous statements which the severe censorship there have We need your help. We ask you answers: despite the legal and technibodies will take place in six YCLer hardly had time to deny.
forced it to again seek a new to make the regular appear. Administration wants high cal neutrality.
The Issues in the months, in accordance with the He denied the accusations in PRICE for vol 00 haven. If the Bulletin is to con ance of the Bulletin possible by er farm prices, and recog.
New York Election tinue in existence, it must be making a monthly pledge or an nizes fact that many other one statement and launched inThe assumed calmness of the to an attack against the line of (POST PUBLICATION PRICE 00)
published in the United States immediate donation.
BECOME SUBSCRIBER Official press is a clear token of the League. He maintained that Campaign or cease entirely after ten Make your check or money raw materials are entitled to MODERATE price increases. TO UNSER WORT the tenseness of the situation. as a young communist it was This special offer un years of life through periods of order payable to the So the fears of higher prices The new issue with the 67 Auditorium But every action taken denotes not in his nor his class interests OCT. 15 ONLY extreme hardship.
Russian Opposition Bulletin are largely crocodile fears. manifesto on war that a storm is brewing; and to ally himself with any organiIn spite of the new obstacles 116 University Place Is the War Deal right now en MOHEGAN AVE. 179th St.
Send check or o. to: the Helmsman is to appear shortly.
is again xation which defended any of placed in its path increased New York, gaged in preparations for going Order it at once through MONDAY, OCT. 9th ciearing the decks!
to war? Kiplinger answers: the two warring imperialist RUSSIAN OPPOSITION production costs and decreased Dale Edwards, POB 173, camps.
BULLETIN European circulation we must Read The War taxes, if enters Sta. at P.
SOCIALIST APPEAL keep the Bulletin alive. The 116 University Place war: Studies are being quietMore Expulsions Ahead New International (A six months subscription Admission Free voice of the Russian Opposition New York, He maintained that the policy ly made.
is 60 cents. Subscribe to the of the league was dependent upBig Business Sees Nation Herded Into The War by Spring STALIN ORDERS Chicago CP Hit Hard by NEW RUSSIAN Rank and File Protest PARTY PURGE ly new The Russian Opposition TROTSKY STALIN