BourgeoisieCommunismDemocracyFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarInvasionMarxismSocialismSocialist PartyStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

SOCIALIST APPEAL TUESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1939 Roosevelt Drives to War COMMITS FATAL ERROR IN WAR STAND In the Labor Vinions The Declaration of Panama ÅPPEAL, ARMY 2 1 State Workers Convention Produces Little of Value ALP ADOPTS PRO WAR LINE COUNCIL ELECTION sastrugeren eines by SOCIALIST APPEAL NEW INTERNATIONA (er CHICAGD, NEW YORK SELLING APPEALS AT DO WEEK BEST JOB OPEN AIR MEETINGS Chicago, Newark and New San Francisco has been Py JAMES, BURNHAM York did the best job in a com stressing in the recent period (Continued from Page 1)
Putting the declaration into effect will not be so simple as paratively weak week in the open air meetings as the best Fall in with PresiBut it is of the greatest importance to understand that, though Sumner Welles perhaps imagined. The belligerent powers must matter of new and renewal medium for sale of the Social.
subscriptions. 25 new subscrip ist Appeal. Meetings have been the declaration, like so many other of Roosevelt acts, is pri: first accept lt; and, when they do in words (as they doubtless dent Plan to Get tions and 15 renewals were ob held five times a week. at By WIDICK against Britain. We cannot repeat too often that the war aim of necessities as belligerents, they do so in fact. And what will hapUnited States imperialism is not to bail out the declining British pen to warships which, when pursued by the enemy, cross the People into the War Hained. Local Chicago sent in which speakers plug the Press new subscriptions, New York and supporting comrades sell.
An inspiration for the Ameri Empire nor to bring aid and succor to the democracies. but line into the zone where belligerent acts are prohibited? And and Newark of renewals The St. Louis area continues (Special to the Socialist Appeal)
New York obtained and De. to do a very able job of distribcan union movement is the to gain decisive world dominance for United States finance. what about the many German ships now in American harbors?
struggle that the progressives capital against all rivals. This is openly indicated by the Pana. Will they be free to carry on coastal trade among American CINCINNATI Ohio. The troit The record for the past ution of the Press, as well as in the Australian labor move ma Declaration, ports, guaranteed against molestation by the British? American Federation of Labor week is as follows: in following through all subment recently put up against Re Washington Holds Whip Hand convention here repeated its scription prospects.
national registration of man. Policeman of the Americas New newal tragic mistake of 1917 by going Such difficulties, by the nature of the case, are unavoidable. on record to support the Roose Newark Local Detroit has increased power as a prelude to conscrip Washington has not let the grass grow under its feet. It has they will be settled not by legalisms or logic but in subordina velt administration in its protion.
Flint its bundle order to 100 and has been stressing house to house New Hampshire At the beginning of this year announce, through the Panama Declaration, that all of Latin tion is designed to carry out, crudely and brutally, one essential the Australian federal govern America is its province. It proposes to monopolize economic step in this policy: to establish unchallenged dominion over ation of the AFL behind Roose distribution in the workers In lining up the vast organizLynn area ment began active preparations social, and, indirectly at least, political control of the two con Latin America.
San Francisco Chicago for taking a national register of tinents of the New World velt drive to involve America Los Angeles has started back The conference in its concluding session set up an executive in the second world war, PrestDetroit on the road to increases by addman power for war purposes. who is going to enforce the declaration? Not Ecuador or committee to continue the task of coordinating the efforts of dent William Green helped be. New York City ing 50 copies to its regular buncompulsory, but otherwise sim. Bolivia or Columbia or Nicaragua, naturally, but the United the American nations. In the old days, the United States might tray the American workers as Minneapolis ilar to that recently taken in States fleet and air forces. Already bombers are patrolling have indulged the hypocritical luxury of allowing this committee Samuel Gompers, his predecesdle order, or a total now of 150.
Ithaca Great Britain, which was a the Caribbean, along with the Atlantic squadron of the fleet. Re to have its headquarters at Lima or Rid or even Panama, to sor, did during the first world It still has to regain its previ.
Quakertown ous quota of 200 per issue.
forerunner to conscription in serve destroyers are being re conditioned by the scores to go on show, that everyone was equal in the new world. But you have war.
that country Houston Several locals owe unusually The National Register Act active duty.
to act fast in war time. So the committee will be located where Catering to St. Louis large bills both to the Socialist was one of the four measures United States imperialism will be the policeman of the it belongs in Washington. Then it won be necessary to tele.
The Roosevelt administraOlivia, Minn Appeal and the New Internapassed during the last session Americas; and, by the terms of the declaration, no one else will phone or cable to give orders. The boss can call the boys into tion pro war policies were en tional. This is official warning the office, and no time wasted.
25 Total dorsed in a nation wide address 15 of the federal parliament for be allowed to operate within its precinct.
that, unless substantial paythe purposes of codifying the that Green made from the conIn Rochester, New York add ments are forthcoming on these steps necessary to enable Australia to be used as an arsenal vention, and by the passage of ed efforts are now being made bills within the next days, the WAR IS KEY a resolution to that effect. to place the papers on news paper and magazine will be and reservoir for man. power The bureaucratic AFL exec. stands.
sent to them for British imperialism in the ISSUE IN utive council hoped to improve southern Pacific.
its relations with Roosevelt in Boycott Slogan this betrayal. Progressive unionists imThis settled the main ques Can be obtained at the Following Newsstands mediately coined the slogan (Continued from Page 1)
tion before the convention.
Boycott the National Register! Civil Service Union Treated to Heavy Dose (Continued from Page 1)
SIDE Roosevelt plea for labor uno catherine Slip Rand Stationery. TON HISONTS UPPER WEST SIDE WASHINGThe whole tradition and expePresident Roosevelt. Shacht people have looked It well the rience of the union movement Of Praise for New York Little Flower continent would pointed to such a slogan as befind the structive lesson to organized la convention partly because it can Downstairs Truck No Belun way. Ara arabas strength to resist the brazen bor in this city, as well as was felt that Roosevelt is now clinton Sew First, and Aveway 1991 Asistendur Ave ing most suitable. Back in 1916 aggression of Hitlerism. throughout the country. becoming pro AF and because and stand Ave NE: 1h School is the Bway. similar register. called the Shachtman warned, when this the organizational gains of the Between 30 AVA BASTION Nicholas Aves War Census Act, was boycotted NEW YORK The delegates sire for American neutrality in Follow Roosevelt by 200. 000 despite heavy penal. at the first national convention the war. Milton Levine, a In line with this pro Ally con self avowed friend of labor as AFL unions in the last year put NE! Ad Ave and and SWAST, BRONX SE ties. There was also a similar of the State County and Munic delegate from Local 45. exception of the war, the resolusumes post in a national war them in a better position on the End Mand Sw2nd Ave BW Candyatore clairement cabinet that is entrusted with unity question.
the National Insurance swindle, aged between speeches, to ad den transformation in the om tion endorses Roosevelt pro the task of implementing the experience fairly recently with ipal Workers of America man pressed skepticism at the sud In view of the better relation Rookshop 116 University PL Candystore NW 161 st Prose which was boycotted by hun opt a constitution and vote a cial peace policy of the union the embargo and supplying An Industrial Mobilization Plan ship between the Roosevelt ad. ASSIM Browse by Tremont. swati dreds of thousands, and conse 5, 000 salary to National Presi. leaders. Levine urged the glo French imperialism with whose execution means an end ministration and the AFL, the UNES SEWA WEST BRONX convention to demonstrate its quently had to be shelved by dent Flaxer.
munitions. Following Roosevelt, convention modulated its pre Ace 1st stand; SE Hath St. 167th St. River Mt. Eden Shachtman will address a vious attacks on the Wagner de 17th St Mave. Ave. Candystore 176th St Jer Speakers during four long sincerity to work for peace by too, this pro war move is hypo public election rally this Mon Act, and now is concentrating Si: 11th St. opp. Jetterson Theatre we remont Davidson the Thesiogan of boycott was days of banal oratory, were ev opposing Roosevelt war critically characterized as an 2nd Ave 12th avere taken up very widely, and it enly divided between apologists schemes, the Day plans, the effort directed toward keep day evening. October 9, at Pub. more on a change in its per aver Modern Second Bumaller anderem ser became clear that if the cam for the LaGuardia machine and War Resources Board, the arm. Ing America out of war. lic School 67, 179th Street and sonnel.
The Building Trades unions Waverior way. W: Un Kingsbridge Rocabride Ra.
Mohegan Avenue in the Bronx.
paign remained solid, over 1; interpreters of the whirling amontina propriatione, favor boy in committing the ALP to declaring yourselves in favor of this brazenly pro war stand. Admission is free.
sre urging the convention to 5th W: 42nd Stoppar. 9889 Sedgewick Ave. 204th su However, the cowardly labor The delegates were subjected a people referendum on war.
the ALP bureaucrats pursued help them prevent Federal in St. Save As Statystorene side: 150 17th vestigation of indSt. 7th Candystore Ry 38th St.
Brond why glib of Borough President Isaacs, Civil and to allow John Lewis to Communist all opposition to any more than they are taken! Justice announced it would also trd te th AVS Greenwich Havemeyer South (th, NE: Stuyspecific proposals NE: 131 ponse of the rank and file Forgan Smith, labor prem Service Commissioner Paul work out the actual steps for such stand. They were im in by the Stalin Hitler apolo go into certain odious practices Ave, near 11th St. 575 Hudson Stresant Halsey, NE: Utica Bastmeasurably aided in this strat gies.
by some of the building trades Pher sl. We sth st. 6th Ave, SES WIKINN Rock near Bank St. 7th Ave. Christo en Pkway. SW Sutter 38th ier of Queenland, said that Kern, and Welfare Commis maintaining peace.
egy by the universal indigna. The ALP resolution deliber union leaders.
mass law breaking would lead sioner Hodson, who chanted the The delegates accepted a contion against Stalin cynical alately lies when it pretends that to fascism! Under the pressure giories of living under and worstitution providing for initiation liance with Hitler and the Com there are only two camps in AFL nationally soon record SAS on konivona hear from.
The question of having the Era st Edway Butter vor. Det Watsiderika SME of the burauerats the Austral king for the LaGuardia labor fees, high dues, high salaries munist party attempts to jus. this war. the democratic supporting the Minneapolis Ave Nest Sten Ave VA BORO PARK lan Council of Trade Unions reform government. The Unfor officers and which stants tify the Stalin Hitler invasion and the totalitarian. There is workers against the frame up w: 28th St Skue srecht Ave. Candy store finally lifted the boycott which ion was extolled for having re, unlimited authority to the Pres of Poland. city conference of a third camp the anti war organized by Attorney General HARLEM Kings Highway 6th St BAY they had voted to support.
ALP functionaries Wednesday workers in this and every other Frank Murphy and the men NW. Levine ith silnox Avec McDonalds New President Flaxer, who was night adopted the resolution af country who stand with neither has not yet come up for considWide St the St LADOX Utrecht Ave: 100Winth Ave.
Labor Council refused to accept the interests of this great city. unanimously reelected presi ter a series of speeches which of the warring camps, who operation.
But the powerful Melbourne and for considering at all times Green. 27. 190th St. near Lenox CONEY ISLAND their advice. The rank and file, Chief Code Laguardia, speak ed to prove he was worth the Stalinists and non Stalinists, by there is a third alternative: the of WPA and the drastic wage ASECO Sandy store herders of course, was thrown into conAction on the whole problem Aves Inc. 195. Lenox Brighton Beach Ave Beach oth fusion by the shifting position of the union leaders of the ing to the delegates at the generous income voted to him a vote of 605 to 94.
fight against both warring cuts ordered last summer by Ave. SE The New York capitalist camps, the fight for a workers Roosevelt is expected at the Nicholas Howard, 145th St. Sandystore: Sheepsherd Bay Station World Fair, almost upset the by his faithful adherents, ruled Ave. ww Ocean Pkwy. NE Council of Trades Unions.
Brighton Beach Ave applesauce cart by his undue the convention with an iron un press is giving effective aid to world.
Stalinist Stand frankness. His Honor, the May democratic hand. On the ques this strategy of the ALP lead The Stalinists then came out or castigated the Union for ev. tion of dues he refused to al ers, praising their action and with a statement that in order en the pretense of a fight for low even one delegate favoring calling their resolution an anti red resolution.
to avoid isolation and to pre. the wage increases of city em lower dues to take the floor.
serve unity (t. e, unity with ployees. The Mayor, you see Only paid officials and organMany Affected reformist fakers) there hasn any money he can tax ixers were granted permission Much is being made of the must be no individual opposi anyone; since the union was to speak during the discussion fact that Michael Quill, head tion to the boycott.
most unreasonable in expecting on per capita taxes.
of the Transport Workers The labor militants, howev. the increases. Mr. LaGuardia Can Strike Union, must adhere to the res. Special to the Socialist Appeal bureaucracy. Another was disSAN DIEGO. Calit. Sept 22. solved for not buying leaflets onalista Internationalist Work of General Francisco MuglThe Partido Obrero Internaci which supported the candidacy er stood firmly. Besides issu. would have to fire a sufficient clause inserted at the be olution, if he is to run for re The Workers Alliance of Es offered for sale by the National ers Party. Mexican Section of ca, Rivera left the ranks of the ing thousands of leaflets advo number of workers to compencott, they publicly burnt a heap Boss LaGuardia also informed himself forbids locals of the But the resolution applies also condido (San Diego County. office. One for extreme left the Fourth International. has Fourth International and passcating a continuance of the boy. sate for the loss in the treasury, hest of the great John Lewis election for the City Council.
of forms in the Domain. Burn the delegates that no organiza SCMWA to engage in strikes to the Norman Thomas Social. Calif. having withdrawn from ism. Generally the plan fol published the following state ed into the camp of the radical ists.
Frank Crosswaith and the National Workers Alliance: lowed was the old squeeze play. ment with respect to the ac petty bourgeoisie and the left ing forms to show hostility is a tion would save an incompe. Sam Sarkin, business manager are set up an independent Unem: isolating one member after antivities of Diego Rivera, who bourgeoisie. The Mexican Seetraditional form of protest in tent worker. and just to im of Local joined the craven Harry Laidler, who was formerly connected with it: tion declared him to be Australia, dating back to the press the delegates that he was chorus of the voices of the Car ALP candidates. The Socialist ployed Workers of Escondido other until nothing beras tert.
Resentment against the high In the past few days Diego its ranks, and this decision was e outside Eureka Stockade struggle in a real workingman mayor, eysHodsons, etc. who deplore Party officially is recorded as in the face of every attempt of 1854. urged them to save the city strikes against the government. opposing the wa ras on both the San Diego Stalinists to sab handed methods grew unti, Rivera has made public. tatby the Pan Americas when four locals remained in through the newspapers, sever. For the first time the rank money and time by not present. Sarkin drooled, You cannot sides an imperialist war. If otage the move.
strike against the government. Laidler and Crosswaith adhere! Up to this time the Stalinists July, the county president was a declarations which in prac ternational Boro of the Fourth In and file of the Communist Par. ing all their trivial grie for you then strike against the to the resolution, they should bad succeeded in building brought to trial for dictatorial tice place him in support of the ty seemed to be at variance ces.
be thrown out of the Socialist the San Diego Workers Alliance actions. However the trial was presidential candidacy of Gen Step to the Right with the leadership.
Phony Peace Stand Now Diego Rivera makes While even labor leaders have admitted that the boycott the CIO and Michael Quill, nounced this strike. breaking capitulating to the war mon militant local at Escondido, and ins with CP members. Many of been considered both nationally which brings him to offer his James Carey. Secretary of Progressive delegatesde. Party. or that party is branded from ten militant locals to one successfully handled by pack. eral Almazan. Since Rivera has another political pirouette as one Stalinist local in San DI these CPers books had been as and internationally up until support to the candidacy of gers.
was supports by between 75, 000 Transport Workers President, clause, pointing out that its adLikewise the to 100, 000, we consider the fig. brazeniy, as if nothing has hap ention meantenendo reaction of cannot straddle on this issue. viously been destroyed over a and were suddenly paid up and sy months ago Ssc Trotsky General Juan Andreu Almazan Fourth International information comes from a very nounced imperialist war, excor. Roosevelt, Murphy, and Hod resolution or their anti war pro struggle but apparently due to board. Result: whitewash.
Disowned Marxism reliable correspondent from iated the alleged defocracies, son.
fessions are exposed as utterly this local being 40 miles from one of the remaining locals San Diego and not so readily was dissolved by ballot the fol Rivera has had no relations tion holds its own position on For several months, Diego degeneration. The Mexican Secfar down the road political Sydney, Australia, in a letter called on the workers (of Eng. In order to forewarn any in worthless.
dated in August.
land, France and Germany) to dependent member in the union Attempts to condone the ALP accessible to the lowing week and another the with the electoral campaign.
ed this is against American policies of the leadersa provi. Stalinists are today possible seemed near. Not one single 10 ally. The afore mentioned ex existing candidacies and we sue to the end. While there is participation in the war. Mr. sion was injected into the con hopelessly discredited in the The Stalin Plan any considerable body among Quill, at a rather late date, restitution to expel anyone who labor movement, their forces About two years the Stal. The urtemployed were almost bership in the Fourth Interna olutionary Workers Party which the working class prepared to membered Pia that if in a dual movement within the this was the miserable showing clamped on the Workers Allicolonial foments, leads or participates dwindling. The best proof of in plan of disorganizaton was completely disorganized.
But Monday Sept. 18, the Es, of a series of opportunist devi didates of the various bourge tional as the direct consequence will be able to confront the cantake a militant stand against empire and war, despite the threat of three Chamberlain crying so union.
they made at the ALP city con ance of San Diego. At that time condido charter was received ations which led him to the ois factions with revolutionmonths in gaol and a fifty much for democracy, let him man, Irving Potash of the fur vertised they were organized nization was being established. ary Marxism, that is, so called case of the danger of a military pound fine, the progressives first free the colonies, let him FUN and GAIETY feel they must stand at the free India.
riers union, made his main ar to fight and were winning their at a Hurl Slander head of them, our correspondTrotskyism, and converting or native fascist dictatorship resolution was passed emgument on the fact that the rights. Their little bi monthly The bureaucrats appeared at himself into the leader of the four organization is for the unient adds.
bodying the Quill Stalinist de NIGHT in HARLEM ALP had never taken a position mimeographed paper enjoyed on international events before, national fame and was feared the Escondido meeting Sept. 22 Revolutionary. ts of action of the proletariat JUST OUT. Sat. Oct. 14, pm and therefore should not do so by every baby starver in the and began the usual charges of Workers and Peasants Party against that danger and will now! Precisely because of the locality. disruptor, liar. misleadknow how to occupy its post in at the impotence of the Stalinists, the Then the Stalin plan was er. They claimed a mortgage the vanguard of the struggle. Why Negroes Should Oppose the War ALP bureaucrats skilfully util launched. An obedient stooge on the loyalty and dues pay workers explained this but the Membership in the Fourth By Johnson Mimo Club ized them as the peg on which was put in as editor of the pa Meyes because scriedach cenama stalinists attempted to seize the International is incompatible 2237 Seventh Avenue message that affects the life of every Negro!
wthout the Stalinists as scape bers. The paper was soon a been handled with the assist, books by force. fist fight was with support of General Almagoats, it is doubtful if the ALP urow away supporting which encept the bureaucracy. Te narrowly averted by someone dangers of military dictatorship Tickets: 50c officials would have been as ever politician the Stalinites de soon became obvious that the pulling the light switch. The au in Mexico. In offering his con ORDER NOW!
Brazins in their stand this cided upon, and the issues de Stalinists were not making any diting committee will release aitional support to General Al On Sale At: stage of war preparations. 116 University Pl.
epart. The bl monthly is now is were simply trying to discredit the books as soon as they have mazan. can Rivera be so blind as to even think that Price 5c per copy. Bundle rates 10 to 50 30 per copy.
Third wo or three the workers who they thought finished with them.
Almazan will accept the min 50 or more 270 per copy Auspices: The ALP resolution is not di months and has almost no val were leading the rebellion. The Unemployed Workers of imum program that he offers National Negro Department, rected primarily against the ue.
However, not one member of Escondido have asked some ex him, or that he would ever fulSPECIAL RATES TO ORGANIZATIONS Socialist Workers Party Stalinists. It is directed against with approval from the Na the new organization wavered. Workers Alliance members to fill it if he got to the presidenthe anti war forces. It is di tional and State office, the lo The meeting was finally ad support them by joining in a cy. Rivera has put himself rected against the tens of thou cals were dissolved one by one. journed and the Stalinists de drive to be launched soon to es up the plane of treason to rePIONEER PUBLISHERS Join the Socialist sands of class conscious work One local was dissolved for manded the books which had olutionary Marxism and to the 116 University Place, Workers Party ers in New York who are not voting to support a political is not been released by the audit tablish a new county wide or interests of the exploited mage taken in by the democratic im sue not first approved by the ing committee. The Escondido ganization in San Diego. es of Mexico.
Alliance Local Balks Stalin STATEMENT BY MEXICAN FOURTH Clique, Refuses to Disband INTERNATIONALISTS ON RIVERA the people.
Labor militants have plederevost, and pledged to meet can whiclegi soha nesen dere, St provst standst the steelses and rected was not possibicemeal process serhed Met. Som ble invece either in Mexico or internation preselectoral campaiera At the is