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LET THE PEOPLE VOTE ON WAR Vote for Shachtman and Paine Is a Vote Against War. The Socialist Appeal In the War BIG BUSINESS SEES NATION HERDED INTO WORLD SLAUGHTER BY SPRING Official Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International 16 By Leon Trotsky VOL. III, NO. 77 TUESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1939 3c a Copy The following is a section of a long article by Comrade Trotsky on the in War. The article in full will be published in the November number of the New International. The conclusions of Comrade Trotsky have been endorsed by the plenum of the National Committee and his article is published as an elucidation and evaluation of the new events on the basis of the fundamental position of the party.
War Stand Key Issue, Says Candidate Bosses Get Inside Stuff on Strategy Of War Deal TANTI WAR PARTYS CANDIDATE Behind the Lines STALIN ORDERS tives and corporations who NEW RUSSIAN PARTY PURGE On the Question of Occupied Territories As am writing these lines the question of the territories occupied by the Red Army still remains obscure. The cable dispatches contradict each other, since both sides lie a great deal; but the actual relationships on the scene are no doubt still extremely unsettled. Most of the occupied territories will doubtlessly become part of the USSR. In what Denounces Roosevelt War Plans form?
Let us for a moment conceive that in accordance with the treaty with Hitler, the Moscow government leaves untouched the rights of private property in the occupied areas and limits itself to control after the Fascist pattern. Such a concession would have a deep going principled character and might become a starting point for a new chapter in the history of the Soviet regime; and consequently a starting point for a new appraisal on our part of the nature of the Glimpses Behind the Scenes in Washington Soviet state.
It is more likely, however, that in the territories schedIn Special Service for Business Men Show uled to become a part of the USSR, the Moscow governShachtman Points to Extent of War Spirit in Washington ment will carry through the expropriation of the large land owners and statification of the means of production. This Anti War Stand Takvariant is most probable not because the bureaucracy reIf any reader of the Appeal still has any last lingering en By Several Unions mains true to the socialist program but because it is neither doubts as to the definiteness of the plans of the War Deal for desirous nor capable of sharing the power, and the privAutofon swinging the nation into the imperialist slaughter abroad, he ileges the latter entails, with the old ruling classes in the Pointing to the action of the should get hold of the Kiplinger Washington Letter for the (Continued on Page 3)
Rochester Central Trades and last few weeks, and in particular those for September. 16 Labor Council in adopting a res.
and 23 olution in support of a popular referendum on war and comThe Kiplinger Letter is a well known compilation of inmenting on a similar resolution side stuff on governmental activities in Washington. It is passed at the recent Duluth written weekly by a staff who have excellent contacts with the By GEORGE STERN convention of the Minnesota highest government circles. CIRCULATED PRIVATELY Ever since the consummation relentless pressure of fresh rev. Shachtman, Councilmanic CanState Federation of Labor, Max of the Stalin Hitler pact, the re olutionary forces, these parties didate of the Socialist Workers TO BUSINESS MEN reads its letterhead. Kiplinger aims maining Communist Parties would have been swept under Party for the Bronx, declared to provide irank and realistic information which can be dehave been threshing about like foot by the forward marching today that, It is encouraging penden on as a guide to business policy. The Letter goes out headless snakes. Even in the legions of workers everywhere to tens of thousands of execuagony of their passing, howev. in open struggle for the over. Ito note that certain sections of organized American labor are er, they continue to serve not throw of capitalism.
becoming increasingly aware the interests of the workers of But thanks largely to the Stal of the dangers resident in perpay well for the service. Its the world but the vilest ends of Inists themselves, the workers mitting Congress and the Pres.
data can be relied on to be accapitalist reaction.
were abandoned in one country ident to retain their present More, almost, than any other after another to the talons of war making powers.
curate and objective. When single factor in the history of Fascist reaction and finally to No candidate who is up for hard cash is at stake, business the past 15 years, Stalin Com the carnage of a new world election to the City Council this 701 men want cold facts, not propintern has been responsible for war. Stalin bent the Interna November can evade a forththe disorientation and dispers. tional of Lenin into pliable right statement on this para George Lyman Paine, Manhattan candidate of the Socialist Workers Party for City Council.
aganda used without mount issue of the popular war man, addressing a campaign meeting at the headquarters of the Upper West Side Branch.
What, then, does the Kiptransformed the world into a scruple not to serve the inter referendum and at the same Comrade Paine spoke on the main issue in the muntelpal campaign the fight against imper. Pravda Announcement about the current policies of linger agency have to say workers comonwealth instead national interests of the work. time represent himself as a se falist war.
of the foul charnel house that it ers but the national interests of rious opponent of war, Shachthas become.
his own ruling clique. Now he man stated.
Orders Elections on the War Deal? First of all, Stalin pact with Hitler, the has cast it aside to lean for Others Silent what of the general attitude brazen rapacity of the Polish a while on the stronger arm of Of all the candidates put Three Day Notice of the Administration towards invasion, the cynical yoking of Hitler. The Communist Parties, American entry into the war the Baltic states to the Krem split, discredited, hated, and forward by the various poiltlin chariot, are only the most deserted by the masses every cal parties for election to the on the side of the Allies? Kiprecently forged links in the where, are falling easy prey to City Council, Shachtman deBy JOHN WRIGHT ligner answers chain that Stalin has been fash wartime police reaction direct clared, not one has to this date Moscow official orders to The war spirit in Washioning for years and with which ed by the bosses they served so expressed himself publicly for the popular referendum on tained in an editorial of Pravda purge the party again are con ench within EXECUTIVE he has shackled and tortured well.
the international revolutionary of govt. is greater In France the most powerful war. Indeed, Somervell Announces for September 12, which an than throughout the country, these section of the Comintern was individuals Move Against Discredited Stalinists is in movement.
nounces the sudden decision of crushed into the dust. There have merely accepted the leads especially the interior. By What a contemptible figure is was no one to defend it, no one given by their national fig Reality a Blow at Genuine Anti War Forces the Central Committee to hold this is meant the possibility New Wage Cut in the period between Septemthat may get into the ber 15 to October 15 the regular war. There are complex ifsor so called intellectual fellow even to raise his voice in pro ures. Shachtman pointed out. President Roosevelt and for Who Rely on Labor Own Might For WPA Clerks elections for the party organs traveler who accepted without more than a brief year ago mer Secretary of State Henry in all the primary regional and from clear. but. ands. prospects are far blinking the strangling of the owned the allegiance of mill. Stimson, speaking for the Dem NEW YORK CITY In its Three days notice!
revolution in China, Germany, ions of militant workers has ocratic and Republican parties city party organizations. The point is this: Within Austria, France, and Spain been snuffed out by order of its when the Ludlow Amendment By FELIX MORROW mad drive to turn all WPA Pravda admits that the last tation, there VERY MUCH our officialdom, not for quo.
who supported without flinchine erstwhile hero, Daladier, amid Congresso last year. save the labor group in this country was adopted by the state executive The most flagrantly pro war stand taken by any important funds into war funds, the Roosevelt administration elections to these lower bodthe murderous purge and the witchcraft trials of the old Bol the cheers and applause of its lead to their respective organi committee of the American Labor Party last Thursday, Oc this week again cut WPA ies took place more than a year MAY be drawn into the war more opinion that the ago, whereas according to the than appears in formal offisheviks and now finds himself erstwhile ally. Leon Blum. Onsations by stating their irrec tober suddenly betrayed by the ly his elevation to power by the oncilable opposition to the pop. Putting teeth into the decision, the state body the next day wages in this area.
recently adopted party statutes cial utterances as published.
The wages of 13, 000 clerks these elections are supposed to pact with Hitler!
decided to require every ALP candidate to re affirm and to have been cut 20 to 20. 80 In VERY HIGH official cir That nothing of public subscribe to the pro war les conflict would be made the occur annually. why then the cles (not the slightest doubt The break up of Stalin par and the effective dispersal of ular war referendum.
the revolutionary forces by the a month on direct orders emergency decision of the Cenfrom Washington, Lieut. Colalte least six years been one of people Front has made this the various Councilmanc Can that hanya party candidate who acid test of membership in tral Committee? Stalin prom the possibiilty of in of it) there is solemn talk of onel Somervell, local WPA ised at the Eighteenth Party war by January the prime requisites for the furStalin betrayal lies not in didates on this all. important fails, refuses or neglects to act the Labor party administrator announced. Congress, held only six months ther successful development of his pact with Hitler but in the issue was further indicated in accordance with this decl Characterizing Anglo French ago, that no more wide scale larly at the TOP, is acting on Our government, partioupurges would be perpetrated. the theory that the ment in the working class. Had Street ble he enlayed in de tien life in this city came to ston of the state executive com imperialism as the cause of The elections scheduled at that break up come under the class movement that could have timonials of agreement with ination and support of the La are fightingfor the preserva NOTICE short notice are obviously con may be at war sooner tion of those democrtaic values than the general publie suscrushed Hitlerism before it Roosevelt pronouncement bor party.
and liberties which we in this nected with (1) the mobilizapects. That not precise. Acid Test seized power and that almost placing an embargo on all country treasure so dearly An important meeting of tion orders to the army. 2)
Test Case Taken but that the way it is put.
Alex Rose, state secretary, the war resolution says the all party and YPSL memthe invasion of Poland. 3) the it shows the spirit.
To Supreme Court three years ago. His betrayal ture. Shachtman continued.
lies not in his invasion of Po As for Mayor LaGuardia, he in announcing this decision great majority of the American bers will be held Sunday, new drive against the peasants.
It is our opinion that the October 15, P. at Beeth that is, enforced grain collec Executive branch of our gov.
land or his subjection of the has his eyes glued on a post in stated that while it applied spe the day when the remaining deoven Hall, 210 East 5th St. tions. 4) the impending elecBaltic States. It lies in the snuf. any war cabinet selected by cifically only to candidates, the mocracies on the European WASHINGTON, DC. ernment is putting up a front (Continued on Page 2) resolution on the European Continued on Page 2) Admission by red card only (Continued on Page Continued on Page 3)
test case based on a Worces fine out of the Spanish revolu.
tion for which he was, above all ter, Mass. anti littering ordinance which has been used else, responsible to prevent unionists from disNo, there is no cause for retributing organizing leaflets joicing in this debacle of the is being heard before the US Comintern. In its present form Supreme Court.
it heralds not only the disap The energetic young Sumner Welles, under secretary of The zone thus includes all of the Caribbean, the islands both bean. In this way it is clearly easier to spot the ships than in The case grew out of the pearance of the Stalinist par. State, is now on his way back to Washington from Panama with west and east of South America, and even Bermuda. Within the vast reaches of the open sea. But, by the terms of the decarrest of Pauline Thompson ties. It heralds also the victory a juicy present for the Sixty Families in his pocket. The Dec this area all belligerent acts are to be forbidden. This means laration, ships cannot be attacked within the neutral zone.
and Elmira Nichols, Worces of reaction. In their passing the laration of Panama. which Welles drove through the conference that within this area mo ships are to be molested by the warring War Aim of Imperialism ter unionists, för passing out Stalinists afford and and com. of the twenty one American republics. against the opposition powers, and no military acts of any kind carried out on land or Here, too, the declaration is aimed primarily at Germany, cester Industrial Union ec Roses, and all their ilk of a rumber of them headed by Chile, will go down in history at sea.
and in several senses. Ships with goods for Britain or France Let us see what is involved here as a very remarkable document indeed.
Council, CIO. protesting whose only aim is to bind the would sail with safety to the edge of the neutral zone, half way The Declaration contains many pious references to the solworkers of all countries to the idarity of the American nations, their neutrality, their resolve sessions of European powers, chiefly British and French and a The British squadrons now compelled to do duty within the area wage cuts and demanding The zone includes more than a hundred territories and pos. across the Atlantic, and would there be taken up by convoys.
more adequate relief stand war chariots of their masters to aid each other and to keep out of the war. But its key section few Dutch. All of these are therefore declared to be immune would be released for work elsewhere.
The navy would be ards.
To us they leave the ruins from is of course that which defines the neutral zone around the from attack by enemy powers that is, by Germany.
The case went through the which we must try to begin re Americas.
in effect, convoy to French and British ships to the edge of the Massachusetts courts, incluIf submarines or raiding cruisers wish to attack ships trans. zone. Ships for Germany, on the other hand, would not appreciding the Massachusetts Su der a stainless banner will re: Extent of Neutral Zone porting goods from an American port to Europe, their bestably benefit, since Germany has no large surface fleet, and preme Judicial Court which sume the march toward a wor This neutral wone extends from 300 to 600 miles into the ocean chance is to lie in wait near the port, or, in the case of the since they would still have to pass the almost insurmountable ruled against the two women kers peace, workers security, from the shores of America, from the latitude of Canada Central and Northern South American ports, in among the nar blockade of the Channel, the North Sea and the Baltic.
and a workers world. southern border to the last tip of South America, row channels through which the ships must pass in the Carib. Continued on Page 2)
ALP Takes Pro War Line Under Cover of Attack on Stalinism THE DECLARATION OF PANAMA. ROOSEVELT DRIVES TO WAR