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Our Line Been Changed Again!
THE NEGRO QUESTION STALIN mm VI STOP THE PRESSES TB PAL THE LINE BROWDER BROWDEF NEW TURNS COMMUNIST HORTS Moscow please BANGI DAILY WORKERS YESTERDAYS EDITION STALINIS MURRAY Bosses Get Inside Tip on Labor Control GOROY By JOHNSON The place of the Negro is in the very vanguard of the revolufor socialism. That is the major theoretical tionary movemeh the Fourth International and the Socialisti contribution Workers Party have made towards a clear and precise understanding of the role of the Negro in the solution of the difficulties now facing humanity.
Whereas even the Communist Party in its revolutionary days saw the Negroes essentially as an appendage, however valuable.
to the revolutionary movement, we on the other hand, see the Negroes as foremost among those who will struggle against the crimes and barbarities of the capitalist system. The reason for this lies in the very nature of the Negro position in capitalist society. The most exploited, the most oppressed, the most discriminated against, Negroes are the ones who experience most acutely and most unbearably the overwhelming burdens which capitalism places upon the masses in every country. Negroes haven to read in books about the fraud of capitalist democracy.
Karl Marx and Lenin have little to teach them about the fact Prejudices Must Be Overcome This conception of the role of the Negro has hitherto been obscured by the racial prejudices instilled into the different sections DON BLAME THE RIDER, of the working class by American capitalism. The revolutionary THE PARTY LINE THESE DAYS HE DOING HIS BEST party therefore is faced with the tremendous difficulty of over THE MODEL MEMBER coming this division. Yet difficult as this task is, it is a difficulty of tactics and not of strategy. The important question is not so Carlo much that of winning the Negroes for the revolution, but of instilling the Negro masses with the conviction that they can place their trust and confidence in revolutionary party composed largely of white workers, as is inevitable in American society That task successfully accomplished, the Fourth International is confident that the large masses of the Negroes will fight against imperialism of all kinds with a bravery and endurance that will be by no other section of the population.
Such generon. of such profound importance for the American revolution, and the world revolution as a whole, is best ested by the reaction of Negroes to great events such as for DAILY WORKER instarice the present war. Anyone who has contacts of any kind LATEST EDITION with Negroes will know that they have been profoundly stirred by the outbreak of war in Europe. In a series of articles in this column, we shall examine the attitude to the war taken by various groups of Negroes. This attitude is in many respects con fused and in some dangerous. What has been most striking, however been the least bamboozled by the thesis that the imis that of all political and social groups in America, they perialist war is a war for democracy against fascism. From the harsh experiences of their own lives and their knowledge of the exploitation and indignities endured by their brothers in Africa, they see the realities of the imperialist conflict much more clearly than many other sections of the American workers who are better organized and have more education and experience in the day to day politics America. What is true of the American Negro is also true of Negroes everywhere. general mass sentiment of this kind inevitably produces at one stage or another some political organization, some political IF UNION SQUARE WERE MOSCOW NIGHTMARE OF BUREAUCRAT expression which points the road by which the confused but rev.
793 te THE MERRY GO ROUND BROKE DOWN olutionary Instincts of great masses can be transformed into effective political reality. Such an organization already exists in the Fourth International and its sections in America, Great Britain, Africa, etc. The Fourth International, in its call for the revolutionary struggle against imperialism, expresses the aspirations and shows the future road for all the workers, white, Negroe, Indian, whatever color, whatever race, whatever creed.
Int African Service Bureau But there are Negroes, not affiliated to the Fourth Internaposition which places By JOSEPH HANSEN (2) Administrator of Labor appointed. Like Fas. 2) single unified employment service for preventional, who have arrived at porternational on the war ques them side by side with the Fourth ARTICLE IV cist Italy and Nazi Germany, the trade unions must become tion of competition for labor: Competition for labor would tion. They are conscious that nothing but the revolutionary overThe greatest worry confronting the individual capitalist government controlled, regimented in order not to disrupt tend to raise wages.
throw of capitalism can give any final solution to the permanent burdens, and additional sufferings placed upon Negroes at the brink of American participation in the second World the steady flow of profits into Wall Street vaults. 3) The development of public opinion. That is, everywhere by the imperialist war. In Great Britain, an organ War is the lack of certainty about the most powerful factor (3) Minimizing of excessive migrations of labor.
ization of Negroes known as the International African Service involved in both prosecuting the war and in producing the flooding the public with skillful propaganda fed through Bureau, during the last few years has carried on a wide propis desired flow of profits the labor movement Again like Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany, laws will be the press, the pulpit, the radio, whispering campaigns, etc.
ganda for African independence passed preventing a working man from leaving his job to.
propaganda has not been confined to Great Britain, but has been Will each capitalist be assured of an adequate labor sup go to another one at a higher rate of pay. Mussolini and (4) Compulsory arbitration of disputes after all means spread in all parts of the world where Negroes live and suffer, ply? Of a low level of wages? Of an efficient blacklisting Hitler require a labor passport for every working man in of conciliation and mediation have been exhausted. The are allies of the Negro and contacts have been made with organ system which will permit the weeding out of all those who order to enforce this provision, the passport being held by old system of the boss sitting tight, mediators lying to izations in India and in Ceylon. The work of the bureau has been might interrupt the lucrative harvest of war profits? And the employer. Without the passport a man cannot get a job. workers, and then cracking down with National Guard. assisted by various industrial and political organizations of the above all, will the nightmare that preys upon the mind of Roosevelt may extend the use of a fink book such as the JIH.
one he attempted to foist on the seamen, or he may use the how vital to their own emancipation is the emancipation of the every capitalist working class revolution end this The methods which will be used to cope with the labor Negro people all over the world. In the crisis over Czechoslo siaughter as it did the last one?
Social Security card, the possession of which is already re problem will involve direct and indirect contact and covakia, the Bureau issued a call to the Africans and to the Brit Big Business wishes to allay the fears of the capitalist quired in order to obtain a job.
ish workers, to fight in unity against the imperialist ble of war class as it plunges the country into war any group enteroperation with other government agencies. Labor spies. 4) Prevention of unethical competition of labor. police, propaganda department, social security department, issued another manifesto, Warning to the Colonial Peoples ing a struggle without complete confidence in itself is beatIf one industry sees chance to make greater profits by a labor administration will all work together. Thus, which is published in another column. The manifesto calls upon en before the battle starts. Big Business as the leading sec sudden expansion and in order to obtain the necessary manthe colonial masses in Africa, in India, in Burma in Ceylon, to tion of the capitalist class wishes to impress every capitalist the division entrusted with the labor problem, the War Lapower offers lucrative wages, this would be considered un bor Administration, will: cratic. It appeals to the British workers to do the same against with a sense of its authority, strength, and complete aware ethicai and the military dictatorship would cancel these (a) Foresee and forestall, wherever possible, and in the common enemy imperialism.
ness that the real enemy from their point of view is the higher wages in favor of the lower level.
other cases take prompt action, to adjust labor difficulties working class here in the United States.
Blacklist Arranged for in industrial facilities producing the Army requirements.
Struggle against War Is International This manifesto is of enormous importance, and must be closely Tightening Grip on Government (5) Compilation. of lists. of individuals re (b) Maintain liaison with any interested Federal and studied and assimilated by all the workers in America, Negro In the most authoritative tones, Big Business is tighten quired for efficient operations. This is nothing less state labor agencies in order to advise them of the labor and white. The Negroes in particular must realize that it is ing its grip, as ruler and informing all factions of the capithan a blacklist. If the colonels and Wall Street henchmen needs of facilities producing Army requirements.
their duty to follow at the head of the military dictatorship decide a given in. c) Maintain close liason with the Director of Selecby a group of their brothers operating in Great Britain, the talist class that it has prepared for the labor factor with heart of the British Empire and of world imperialist reaction. detailed blue prints drawn up by the best brains that could dividual is not efficient he may be shipped to the front in tive Service and with industrial management in order to in Today the struggle against war is international and the Bureau be purchased on the market.
order to help make the world safe for democracy by dysure the deferments of such workmen as are vitally essenmanifesto has appealed not only to Negroes but to all workers tial to the munitions producing program.
in the colonies and in Europe. It is impossible to have an equivoStifling of the labor movement, suppression oi all civil ing on a bayonet, or he may be simply jailed for the dura cal position on war. One must be either with the imperialists liberties is assured this is the inside tip passed out by Big tion of the war. d) Maintain liaison with national labor organizations tinuance of their system which inevitests and against the con Business through the confidential bulletin issued by the and for the war, or against the (6) Avoidance and settlement of labor problems.
and with agencies having to do with labor welfare.
breeds war. The mani festo says clearly and simply: Colonials and white workers, Op. Tax Research Institute. Forget your fears about labor. The Wall Street will decide such questions as hours, wages, and Sixty Families Fear Labor pose the war.
road is clear for WAR PROFIT. open up the throttle! working conditions and whether or not a man may be perThis entire plan to regiment labor under the bayonet, It is of great significance that this manifesto comes into our Labor: The assurance to industry of an adequate labor that our series of aricles on the supply, both in numbers and by occupational qualification.
mitted to belong to a union. Violations of Wall Street de cisions will receive the appropriate punishment at the hands from the viewpoint of the Big Busness men sitting in luxhands just at the column of the Socialist Appeal have come Negro and War in this urious Wall Street office suites look foolproof. the very to a conclusion. That series will be republished in a few days will require the organization of a labor administration with of the Wall Street henchman who head the military dictadetailed minuteness of these blue prints shows that there is as a pamphlet of 32 pages under the title of Why Negroes an Administrator of Labor appointed by directly re torship should Oppose the War. Neeroes of all shades of political opin sponsible to the President. Among the more important a profound basis for the fears of the capitalist class. 7) Coordination of employment services. This It is one thing to draw up complicated blueprints with manifesto issued by the International African Service Bureau, problems to be considered are the minimizing of excessive means the end of union control of hiring and even the end which to straitjacket and slaughter the tens of millions who and realize how the consciousness of oppression and an insight migrations of labor; the prevention of unethical competi of separate employment agencies. All hiring, all black listinto the mechanism of modern society lead inevitably to the one tion for labor by war industries; compilation, for the ining will be done through one Wall Street controlled agenconstitute the working population of the country. But these conclusion: that all the workers, of whatever race, must unite formation of the President, of lists of industrial deferin revolutionary struggle cy. This agency will extend its tentacles across the whole prints have an entirely different color when it comes to imwhether fascist or democratic the imperialist war mongers, The pamphlet Why Negroes ments from the drait of individuals required for efficient posing them successfully.
nation and strangle the labor movement in its grasp.
Should Oppose the War and the manifesto Warning to the operations of war industries; the avoidance and settlement One thing is absolutely certain. when the working popuMethods of Controlling Labor lation of the United States understands as a whole that the crystallization of the Negro instinct for revolutionary struggle of labor problems; and the coordination of employment The confidential bulletin describes the concrete methods Wall Street dictatorship is composed of only a handful of that will be used against labor in the following section. men whose numbers are in inverse proportion to their Guaranteeing War Time Profits The Labor Controls to Be Used wealth and greed, and when the working population underSocialist Appeal This paragraph is one of the most important in the One of the major problems the War Labor Administra stands that this war is being conducted for nothing but the 116 University Place whole bulletin from the viewpoint of labor. It reveals ex tion must face is the one which caused greatest dissatisfac insurance of capitalist profits, they will rise in consuming New York City. would like to get better acquainted with your paper, actly what is in store for the working man upon the entry tion during the World War on all sides labor migration. wrath and wipe capitalism from the face of the earth, bluethe Socialist eal. Please send me sample copies for of the United States into the war Observation: Solution of the labor problem, par prints, greed, military dictatorship and all.
the next few weeks. 1) Assurance of. adequate labor supply. Wall ticularly that of migration, may be attempted by the use of In place of capitalist minority rule, they will construct Street cannot be assured of its profits if there are not four means. These are. Name socialism, and through socialism the working man will gain enough hands to keep up with the war expansion of its ma. 1) Control of the cost of living and the keying of the peace, decent living conditions, and a new era that will releAddress chine and factories and to turn out the necessary goods, or real wages to that of living cost for all workers. Just as gate war to the museum beside the dusty bones of the dinoCity.
if the labor supply becomes so scarce that the demand for wages in the North have been slashed to corres saur and the capitalist.
it acts to raise wages and so cut into profits.
pond to a shght raise in the South.
THE END services.