CapitalismCommunismDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismImperialist WarSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismURSSWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

SOCIALIST APPEAL FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1939 the world, and 100 per cent behind Wall Stret Seamen All Over World Tell Bosses They Refuse to Shoulder War Their Burden; Prepares Real Fight Government mands.
Assistant MOUSLEY See Victory in SWP Drive fight at all unless it is carried on in deadly earn To Get on New York Ballot Spy Scares SOCIALIST APPEAL drive for profits by any means and at any cost Vol. III, No. 74 Friday, September 29, 1939 in working class lives and suffering.
By James Burnham Any party which succeeds in getting on the Published Twice Weekly by the ballot with a clarion call all workers to unite SOCIALIST APPEAL, PUBLISHING ASSN.
at 116 University Place, New York, in relentless struggle against Wall Street war Telephone. Algonquin 8547 will gather behind it millions of New York voters.
Subscriptions: 32. 00 per year: 00 for six months. For eign: 00 per year. 50 for six months. Bundle orders. The ominous silence of American Labor Party (Continued from Page 1) cents per copy in the United States: cents per copy in will fall on the Sailors Union of Is it a wonder that governIl foreign countries. Single coplea: cents.
leaders as to their stand on war makes still more up to 150 for possessions lost the Pacific.
ment officials are taking the Bronx and Manhattan subscriptions are: 50 for six In a major naval engagement, the strategic months: 00 for one year.
imperative that the Socialist Workers Party get if the ship sinks, continuation of The SUP enters this battle SUP demands for bonuses and plans of the general staff of the United States NathReentered as second class matter February 16, 1989. its candidates on the ballot.
pay in event of internment in a with its militant banner waving Insurance ten times more se.
vy provide that the airplanes on the aircraft carforeign country, and a promise Ligh over the victory it achiev. riously than all the speeches of Into your neighborhood with nominating pe to negotiate on the main de ed against the Maritime Com Curran and company?
riers shall be expended. This little word, under the circumstances, is not without interest.
titions! Canvass your friends for signatures!
The SUP demands, voted by mission and its fink halls.
Editor. coastwise What is meant is the following: The planes will MAX SHACHTMAN Vake the battle to get on the ballot the first stalled for over a month on ment threats and maneuvers scale, include: 100 per cent After the ship owners had Despite all federal govern the membership on leave the carriers in order to fulfill their various FELIX MORROW functions in the battle. While the planes are busy.
Associate EditONELANUEL GARRETT resounding success in the fight to end imperial these demands, and the ships Maritime Commission ships for crews on ships sailing to increase in wages and overtime to the carriers, which General Manager: not equipped for serious MARTIN ABERN combat, will retire far from the scene just as rapist war forever!
expect them to suddenly capitu out of the SUP hall! You and from ports in war zones; late to the NMU demands, es can fight the government. on those vessels carrying mu idly as possible. Those planes which are not shot pecially since Curran did not Curran, and his stalinist hench wages shall be the standard and contraband, the down will, when their gas is exhausted, have no FIGHT WITH THE SOCIALIST obtain an agreement that the men told the seamen of Amer.
place to go to but the cold grave of the open sea.
The reason for the tactic is simple enough: WORKERS PARTY FOR: Pilate Socialist terms of any setlement would ica when the fink hall issue West Coast scale, plus 200 per be retroactive.
planes and pilots are far cheaper and quicker to cent increase; a 10. 000 life inarose. We ll protect our hirbuild than the 50, 000, 000 aircraft carriers. job and a decent living for every worker.
Our proud claim to be the only genuine anti As usual the real fight for ing hall rights. Harry Lunde surance policy: 25, 000 cash for Open the idle factories operate them under war party in the United States is sometimes maintaining the union condi. bers, secretary treasures of the loss of clothing: wages if inpermanent disability: 250 for Little Lessons in Neutrality tions and protecting the inter SUP replied, backed by this terned: transportation expensworkers control challenged by a reference to the alleged antiwar Britain and France declared war against Gerests of the American seamen militant union. Twenty Billion dollar Federal public works many on Sunday, September 3rd. The President stand of the Thomasite Party. The es if occasion demands; and an and housing program, increase in personnel.
was thereupon required, by the law of the land, to challenge is most easily disposed of by a direct The state department was proclaim immediately an embargo against ship4. Thirty thirty! 30 weekly minimum wageexamination of the position of the asked to give its interpretation ments of munitions to these two countries. He did 30 hour weekly maximum for all workers on of war zones, and negotiations not do so, however. The proclamation of the emall jobs.
The fight against the imperialist war is not a with the Matson line, which bargo was delayed until the next day. Thirty dollar weekly old age and disability sends ships to Australia, have Perhaps this was because the President, as a pension.
religious man, considered Sunday a day of rest.
est and with militancy and consistency. It is not begun.
While the SUP begins negotiPerhaps, also, he had more material concerns in Expropriate the Sixty Families.
a fight at all unless it is carried on primarily ating with the usual handicap mind All war funds to the unemployed.
against the war mongers operating right inside (Continued from Page 1) Workers Party was again em of combatting the lower stand On Monday morning, three ships loaded to capa8. people referendum on any and all wars. the labor movement itself. For if the labor move assure the appearance of a can phasized by the two candidates, ard agreements that Curran city with airplanes, cleared from Pacific ports for England and France. An interruption of the Pres9. No secret diplomacy.
ment does not take an independent and hostile didate on the ballot.
ident Sunday would have held those ships at the attitude towards the big shot war mongers, Canvassers reported that in and George Lyman Paine of whole tradition and superior 10. An independent Labor Party.
conditions of the West Coast dock.
Not one of the airplane factories in the United 11. Workers Defense Guards against vigilante unless it relentlessly purges its system of the home after home their appear Manhattan.
In a statement issued today Sailors are a good indication British and French orders has and Fascist attacks.
poison represented by the social patriots, there people and hat they were greet they underlined the fact that that once again the SUP will states working stopped or even slowed down production since the 12. Full social, political and economic equality can be no talk of a serious struggle against the ed with warm sympathy. In the Socialist Workers Party is come through with a victory for the American seamen embargo went into effect. On the contrary, all of for the Negro people.
other homes canvassers were the only political party in the them have speeded up their lines.
asked immediately what party entire field which stands on a Manhattan Candidate The Socialist Party National Executive they represented; for if it was platform of 100 per cent oppostNo orders previously given by Britain and France have been cancelled on the contrary, a Committee has issued a Declaration against the Democratic Party, the Re tion to war and fascism.
number of new orders have been placed and acWar (Socialist Call, Sept. 23. We quote two nist Party they would refuse to the part of the leaders of the publican Party, or the Commu The treacherous silence on cepted during the past two weeks.
Evidently the airplane companies are not alarm sentences from it which, as we see it, are more sign the petition. Upon being American Labor Party toward ed by Senator Borah.
Watch out for the spy scares!
important and more revealing than all the rest assured that the canvassers the war now raging in Europe.
Since last Spring, the War and Navy Departrepresented the Socialist Work they declared, and the open ments have been flooding veterans of the last war The Roosevelt Administration, Edgar Hoov of the statement ers Party, they were invited in preparations of Roosevelt to Failures and mistakes such as these contrib and asked to take a seat while plunge America into the blood er, Attorney General Murphy and, following uted to the present situation in which many Eu all them available relameu rose in babber movement with a military and reserve officers with requests to return to act.
ive service. The response has not been up to hopes.
It takes dictatorial conscription to get men into the democratic war.
nothing of the social democratic rags. are work ropean Socialists felt that they have no choice the family were rounded up: In Manhattan, where the in dictatorship. can be regarded Early last summer, the War Department rewith might and main to work up a spy hysteria. except the lesser of two evils. It is not for us to fluence of Tammany Hall is as nothing less than betrayal of organized its operations on the basis of the followdenounce the immediate choices of our Eu stronger and where the orders the basic interests of the workWhy? Because a spy hysteria is a necessary ing perspective: war in Europe in September: of Tammany ward heelers to ing class.
troops fighting abroad by Spring of 1940.
part of the campaign to work up a war hysteria ropean comrades in their present dilemma. It is not for us to denounce, say Thomas signing of Socialist Workers their supporters to block the War Hysteria Growing Why? Because a spy hysteria is aimed par The importance of the camThe Big Arms of the Big Brother and along with them the rrrrevolu Party petitions have had a paign of the Socialist Workers It was not prominently noticed that shortly after ticularly at all those who refuse to be hornswog tionary Clarityites Zam and Tyler, greater influence than in the Party in this election grows his declaration that the United States would defend gled into another war, who oppose American And why not? The Call is filled with denunci Bronx, similar successes, al more important hourly as the though not on such a wide war hysteria whipped up by Canada against its declared enemy, Roosevelt addparticipation in the imperialist slaughter and ations of the Stalinist bureaucracy in the Soviet scale, are reported.
ed that the United States would also defend all of Roosevelt and LaGuardia conwho expose the war mongers.
Union. It attacks the Stalinist war mongers in Well above the legal number tinues to gain in proportions.
the possessions of Great Britain, France and Holland in the Americas. These include the three We haven forgotten for a minute what hap the capitalist countries, and it doesn spare inate a candidate have been se the SWP campaign now. It is of signatures necessary to nom Every worker must support Guianas in South America and more than a hunpened in the United States during the last World words or mince them. By what right does it re cured and every indication a most important way of exdred islands scattered chiefly in the Caribbean and extending to the gulf of the St. Lawrence War. The spy scare machine worked overtime. frain from whitewashing the Stalinist patriots points to a strong victory in pressing opposition to RooseEvery union that tried to resist wage cuts, or by saying of them, too, that they feel that they Manhattan.
velt and LaGuardia preparSomehow the isolationists don seem to have noticed that these declarations are, in effect, acts The importance of the elections to slaughter Americans that tried to get higher wages and better condi have no choice except the lesser of two evils. tion campaign of the Socialist on the battlefields of Europe of war, authorized in the best totalitarian manner GEORGE LYMAN PAINE tions for its members, was denounced as in The arrant hypocrisy of these Pontius Pilate by executive decree. No doubt the isolationists are so busy forgetting the Ludlow Bill that they didn spired by the Kaiser secret agents. Every so Socialists is still clearer when one bears in even hear about these declarations.
By them, the United States Navy and Army are committed, in advance and without any declarawar, who pointed out that it was not a war for they speak are none other than the official affilition of war by constitutional process much less democracy but a war for imperialist plunder, ran ates of their world fraternity, the Second Interany expression of opinion from the people to the risk of being mobbed or arrested as a Ger national. Thomas, Zam and Tyler are brothersopen up hostilities against Germany if Germany.
in pursuit of her war aims, undertakes any actions man spy. For every real German secret agent in arms in that International of the British against Canada or any of the British and French who was nabbed, literally hundreds of working. Labor Party and the French Socialist Party, possessions in the Americas.
men and revolutionists were hounded and per whose leaders are the indispensable assistants of By SHERMAN STANLEY WHAT WRONG WITH and speculation on the Market, The armed forces of the United States are thus secuted.
British and French imperialism. Chamberlain The ruling capitalist clique THE ARGUMENT They will roll up huge surplus already intervening, and are altering the military We haven the slightest doubt that there is a and Daladier couldn carry on their war for termined drive to repeal the point? What can be wrong with invest in the Allied countries or Why must we insist upon this profits which they will seek to balance.
substantial number of German spies operating five minutes without the active and zealous sup Embargo Act within the short selling War supplies to cash their dominions Canada. The New Boundaries for Old in the United States as elsewhere. But neither port of Atlee, Greenwood, Blum and Faure, the est possible time. The entire only and which will be carried entire banking system of Amer In the old days, the territorial boundaries of a do we doubt that there are at least as many Brit Judas goats of the working class.
prostitute press and its paid in other than American botica, now stuffed with idle mon nation were accepted as extending three miles hirelings are frantically at work toms? How can that put us in ey and credits, will become beyond its sea coast. The nation exercised sovish spies and agents in this country. For that Thomas knows that. Zam knows that. They attempting to din into the ears to the war?
geared to this boom and expan ereignty within this three mile limit.
matter, every power, the United States included, know that our European comrades are guilty of the American people the as (1) It commits the ag sion all of which is dependent During the last war, this three mile Imit was exhas its spies at work tended to twelve miles, and international law every other country of of infamous treachery against the working class. tounding lie that repeal of the ain (we say again because in turn, upon the successes of Embargo Act will keep us out has already done so in the Allied powers.
tended to recognize the validity of the twelve mile any importance. And a plague on all your But. It is not for us to denounce. of war!
numerous speeches and actions. 4) How long would it be behouses is our attitude to the whole gang of For our par we do not have the hesi The sale and shipment of war such as holding up the remen) fore any Cash and Carry sysWithout any fanfare, naturally without any them.
supplies to one set of the bel on the side of the Allied powers. tem is replaced by a purely tancy. The struggle against war is much too serilegislation, Roosevelt two weeks ago added im But American Labor would be making a tragic ous a matter. We do denounce. And for their mense territories to the United States. When asked knows that only England and mean British and French cash. Credit system? Already, the where the limits of jurisdiction extended, he anmistake if it allowed itself to be buffaloed by the polite silence about the criminal socialist imper France can make use of the carried by British and French Senate Committee in charge of swered quite simply: wherever United States cunning spy scare that is being worked up now ialists in their Second International, we de Cash and Carry plan for the merchant ships. read Sixty Families. interests lay. Acting on for the double purpose of stampeding the counthis doctrine, he instructed the Navy and the Coast nounce them as tacit accomplices of the Green effectively blocked off from so called system of Internasion to a 90 day credit provi: simple reason that Germany is (2) It returns the to the of changing the cash provi Guard to get to work protecting this vast new tertry into the war on the side of the Allied imper woods and Blums who have dragooned the BritAmerica is paraded before us tional Law. But it was precise find a thousand and one loop ritory.
ialist pirates and of bulldozing the labor move ish and French working class into the trenches in an actyhet the pureserable by this system that existed when holes in their own act as their It is authoritatively reported that Philip Fleming ment into docile acceptance of every dirty dish of war.
will soon replace Elmer Andrews as Wage Hour fraud this is! Franklin ful in dragging America into needs require it. As profits Administrator. Fleming, like WPA Administrator served up to it by the employers and their warRoosevelt career has always the First World War. Far bet mount, and orders pour in, the Harrington, is an army Colonel attached to the mongering government.
been marked by the depths of ter would it be to call this the cash and carry policy will War Department.
its deceit and hypocrisy, but system of incidents and prov change to the same Credit All governmental agencies having to do with even he outdoes himself when ocations. For example, under policy as existed during the last workers are, you see, being put into the firm hands he attempts to pose as a neu the International Law system, war.
of the army.
The current issue of the Young Communist tral while acting in complete the authority of each nation ex America will become the sup In the chief agency of all, the War Resources The First Battle Review, official organ of the Stalinist youth orconsort with the Allied imper tends to a point miles beyond ply base, the life breath, of the Board, the army representation is headed by Mar ialist powers.
gan of the Stalinist youth organization in this STATES THE CASE its coasts. All that is needed, British and French. Whether shal, the Chief of Staff. But there the true and full then, is for German Boats to the business is transacted in relationship made clear: for General Marshall The apathy of New York voters towards the country, went to press before the Stalin Hitler FOR REPEAL venture within this mile limit cash or credit makes is subordinate to Chairman Stettinius, of candidates of the Democratic and Republican pact was actually signed. Also, evidently, it went Walter Lippman, familiar and sink a British freighter car slight difference.
The effect is Steel and Morgan Co.
parties as revealed in primary returns should act to press before Browder got his instructions Kerald Tribune, and fair haired plies. There we have an inter becomes an integral part of the The official struggle of the government with as a spur to every worker out gathering signa from Moscow to turn over like a flapjack. For darling of the Wall Street spec national incident. We can altures on the nominating petitions for the two here is what the leading editorial has to say ulators, has stated the case for ready hear the cries of Ameri And this is called neutrality high prices is only a deception of the masses.
repeal of the Embargo Act in can industrialists, merchants, candidates of the only anti war party in the field about the pact. the Socialist Workers Party. Should Germany undertake aggression columaturday, September took shapewners an insuranceunde cuments of the 60 Ruline cap: capacity as consumers, can step into the politics This apathy is not a reflection of disinterest against Poland, the Soviet Union would de ing into the words of this im more adequate protection of the Allies lose because then of price fixing shoulder to shoulder with the perialist spokesman.
our sales. Imperialist Interna there would be a terrific indus workers. To the capitalist lamentations about edness in the sudden jacking up of the prices of source its pact.
food stuffs and other household commodities We suggest one of three things for the Stal sue, in its simplest form, is safeguard against war, is sim America. You workers must consumers answer: Show us your books; we Lippman states that the is. tional Law, far from being a trial and financial crisis in costs of production, of transport and trade, the which has been put through by Wall Street as inists to do in this embarrassing case: whether repeal or retention of ply an excuse providing system support our entry into the war demand control over the fixing of prices. The a preliminary to bigger and better profits from (1) Expose and fire the editor as a smuggler ited States into war.
the embargo will lead the Un for war.
the blood soaked fields of war; nor a reflection of Trotskyist contraband.
But Lippman is only prepar AMERICAN BUSINESS And among themselves they organs of this control should be the committees be saying, What will hapof lack of interest concerning the LaGuardia (2) Suppress the current issue of the maga problem. He carefully avoids ed to tackle one angle of this BOOM AHEAD on prices, made up of delegates from the facpen to our profits? We must act (3) Cash and Carry mean swiftly or else our structure of fraud of paying Wall Street 326, 000, 000 for zine (if they haven already done so. any discussion as to what will at least a partial business boom prorit will crumble.
tories, trade unions, cooperatives, farmers or the city owned subways; nor lack of interest in (3) Come out in the next issue with the ex be the results if the Act is re in America. Everything indi. This is the meaning of Cash ganizations, the little man of the city, houseLaGuardia intention to raise subway fares. planation that what they really meant was that pealed and P. Res plan is put cates that the Allies will make and Carry. Cash in on the war wives, etc. Program of the Fourth InternaIt is a reflection of the profound realization the Soviet Union would denounce its pact hy article and its involved ar and raw materials. This means people into the war!
among the working class people that the capital with Poland.
gument, there is not the slight that American business men, Says Burton Wheeler. Mont. It was the ist parties are 100 per cent behind Wall Street Any other helpful suggestions from our read est admission (nor denial! that sniffing the warm smell of sub. In our next article we shall Versailles treaty that made Hitler possible. that recruiting sergeant in the White House, 100 per ers will be promptly forwarded to the unfortuthe Cash and Carry policy is stantial profits after many lean take up Walter Lippman ar sowed the seeds of the present Germany. Exacta major step towards plunging depression years, will plunge guments against retention of ly, and it was capitalism that produced the Vercent behind Wall Street war for redivision of nate editor of the us into the war.
heavily into expanson, building the present Embargo Act. sailles treaty.
who told the truth about the mind that the Belgropean Socialiste welkom. Walter Lippman, Voice of Wall Street, Reveals Boss War Aims limit.
Suggestions Wanted