BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismInvasionMarxMarxismMussoliniNazismRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeURSSWorkers MovementWorking ClassWorld War

FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1939 SOCIALIST APPEAL National Labor Defense for WPA The New Turn in Policy THE Strikers Planned as Government NEGRO QUESTION Holds Men on Conspiracy Charge of American Stalinism LABOR WITH WHITE SKIN CAN.
Of California Masses Show Opposition to War Entry By JOHNSON By JAMES CANNON The Negro and the War (Continued from Page 1) St. Paul labor movement into Please tell us, somebody, ments are Walter Frank, head the fight against the frame ups. why it is wrong for business Polish Ukraine and White Russia and now of (Continued from Page 1) revolutionary policy in the struggle against war, as on every other question, proVIII of the Lathers Union and a on Thursday a committee rep: men tom furnish three times as large sections of Poland proper which Hitler ceeds from the class independence of the proletariat and its irreconcilable struggle against We have now established that Negroes in America, par Committee which directed the Labor Assembly met with the to the WPA for less money than army had conquered.
The partition of Poland Minneapolis strike, and Myrtle Minneapolis WPA Defense they formerly received for one has been carried out before our eyes by the the capitalist exploiters of all camps and all countries, in the first place against the capitalticularly the great mass of the workers and farmers, have Harris, an official of the Min Committee. And on Friday, at third as much material and ma amicable collaboration of Hitler and Stalin.
ist exploiters at home. It is against imperialist no reason whatever to support any sort of war for democrapal member of the city in a resolution carried to set up workers to be compelled to the pact of Stalin and Hitler is in fact a mill war because it is against capitalism. It conducts this struggle independently of the transiracy. We have established also that in the great crisis rary Board. It is further rumor permanent defense committee three times as much work on tary alliance, that Stalin has linked his fate in ed that an indictment has been organized on the same lines as WPA for less pay than they the world war now unfolding with that of tory opposition of certain sections of the capithrough which humanity is now passing, in the great up issued against Peter Murck, the Minneapolis WPA Defense formerly got for one third as Hitler?
talist class to entry into a given war at a given Oppression, Not Liberation moment. The latest pseudo radical anti war heavals which will soon be taking place, the American Ne head of the Minneapolis Build committee two each from the much work?
ing Trades Council.
policy of the Amercian Stalinists has nothing WHAT IS THIS THAT IS Is this a turn to the Left, as the Stalinist groes have as their allies the millions of colonials in every Teamsters Joint Council, the HAPPENING ON WPA? IS IT press, with monstrous cynicism, tries to reprein common with this fundamental class postAmong the unemployed lead. Allied Printing Trades Council THE NEW DEAL OR THE sent it? Is Stalin, with the cooperation of Hittion.
country, those. The revolutionary phrase mongering of the pressed peoples who form the majority of men and women cf indictments are Roy Orgon and to launch campaign for ANSWER FOR YOURSELF. in other countries? What fantastic perversion Stalinist bureaucrats is only a new deception, and Louis White of the Federal a transitional mechanism designed to bridge now living. And, most important, we have seen that many Workers Section of Local 544, contributions from the various What Is Leach Up To? of reality! The innumerable inhabitants in the the abrupt change from a pro democratic to a Considerable interest has concentration camps of Hitler and Stalin could white workers in all parts of the world, although they do and Rosenthal, head of the st: St. Paul local unions.
pro axis policy and carry the workers along.
Paul Workers Benefit Associa New Deal or New Slavery? revolutionary anti war policy cannot be not suffer from the special discriminations imposed upon Lion. idman and Palmquist Indicative of the bitter re been aroused by a news item tell a tale about this liberation if only their turned on and off like a faucet. It can be the the Negro, yet see no reason why they must their of the FWs were among those sentment against the Roosevelt in this morning paper that voices could be heard! new and terrible opadministration because of its Mayor Leach of Minneapolis sides of the dividing line drawn by the swords expression only of a consistent, principled class struggle activity carried on systematic blood for capitalism, whether it is democratic or fascist. indicted in the first batch of the sixty indicted two days outrageous treatment of the has just conferred with Presl of Hitler and Stalin, an oppression from which Minneapolis unemployed is the dent Roosevelt on, among oth they will be finally liberated only when the ally under all conditions. It must be animated These white workers believe that the working class and the ago, twenty five are to be reby a clear and comprehensive revolutionary farmers in every country have their chief enemy at home. leased on RPR Released on ber 22 issue of the Minneapolis ss. No doubt the White House new conquerors are overthrown by the work theory: its execution requires moral qualities of disinterestness, courage and devotion to the They believe that the war the workers and farmers must ten, the ball is fixed at 3, 000 Labor Review. Like most union asked how its campaign of reers revolution.
Stalin invasion of Poland, in agreement cause of the proletariat. On all these grounds fight is the war of all the oppressed against all the oppress euch: for twelve. 2, 000 each: papers in the country, the La pression against the Minneapo unprincipled hirelings of the Stalinist apors, the war to put an end to the capitalist system with its and for thirteen 1, 000 each bor Review has hitherto been lis labor movement was go with Hitler, simply means that the Soviet Un ion has been drawn into the imperialistic ad paratus are disqualified. In order to go forThe total bail asked for this more than friendly to the Newing over and if Leach thought ventures of Hitler and made responsible for continual wars, its crises, and its fascist dictatorships.
they could get away with it.
ward to a revolutinoary fight against war the group amounts to 67, 000.
militant workers must sweep this human rubThe question now is how can the American Negroes best Entitled New Deal or New Leach told Roosevelt the them. The journalists of the Daily Worker are The AFL WPA Defense Slavery? the Labor Review truth, he would have to relate carried along in the military train to sanctify bish from their path.
carry on the fight against being driven into the war. It is committee is redoubling its el editorial states. When that the persecution of the Min the liberation with Marxist formulas as Charlatans Add to Confusion capitalism that drives us into war. So that the way to fight forts to secure contributions to law was passed to turn this na neapolis labor movement un conquerors of backward nations once carried Stalin invasion of Poland in union with Hitagainst war is to fight against capitalism. Who is it who purcharisoners bonds mom lite tion into a Nazi concentration employed was a flop, that it has priests to sprinkle holy water over the bloody ler has not only caused consternation and dewill lead this country into war. None other than Franklin has issued a call for women real Americans protested as close its ranks in a solid front hanging the Line moralization in wide circles, it has also created Roosevelt. True, he says that he will do his best to keep and girl Volunteers to partici: ainst this devilish outrage and against Mr. Hypocrits, that the a certain demand for simple and ready anThe task of the American Stalinists, as agswers to each and every new turn of events.
America out of war. But Woodrow Wilson was elected in pate in the city wadentes day to they were supported in their Minnesota Federation of LaCharlatans ready to supply these simplified 1916 on the slogan that he kept America out of war. And be held by the Committee on protest by organized labor and bor is backing the Minneapolis ents of the Soviet foreign office, is to switch Saturday, October every citizen who is opposed to defense, and that if Mr. Hypo around from pro ally to pro axis agitation. The explanations are not lacking. But the situation the next year he was leading America into war in the name No End in Sight slow death by starvation. crite really intends to go whole apparatus has adjusted itself automaticis one of unprecedented complexity. Light can be thrown on new incidents as they occur onof democracy. Roosevelt has made every preparation and is Continuing to spit out in through with his frame up he ally to the new assignment. The peace lov.
sixty Just indicted, only if one keeps certain fundamental considerajust waiting his chance to drag America in. How to stop twenty five have been ar junctions is not frightening or will find himself confronting an ers of yesterday those who favored a war on tions in mind and thinks every thought through him? There is only one way. By distrusting every word he rested to date, and the identity reply nevinnybody.
It is just aroused labor movement on a the side of England are now designated as to the end that is, to its political consequences. Superficial and simplified explanasays and opposing him in every move that he makes now. ret. Labor anticipates that not seem to be any end to how the trial of the 163 so far in new peace front of all those who, for one more union leaders have been outrageous and unjust the WPA dicated will begin October in consideration of bourgeois interest or another, tions only add to the general confusion and serve reactionary ends. Usually they are so Roosevelt Cut Relief indicted and will be arrested administration can be in the federal court. Just let Mr. Hyp want to give no aid to the Allies, including the within the next few days. An persecution of innocent work ocrite try to imprison these isolationists who until yesterday were des designed.
When he and Congress cut down relief, it is no use lis those arrested have been bailea ers.
cribed as fascist agents.
Such a malicious simplification is that which Roosevelt, who was lauded to the skies and arbitrarily classifies the Soviet Union as a tastening to the Workers Alliance when it says that Roosevelt out by the Defense Committee.
supported uncritically in everything, as long cist state and explains the Stalin Hitler pact has cut relief less than the reactionary Congress and there. It is almost impossible to folas an alliance of the Soviet Union and the imas a natural union of brown bolshevism and fore Roosevelt must be supported. Not at all. Fight against were and her to Riniche lurchesedilong perialist democracies appeared in prospect, 18 red fascism. That formula leads to the conboth. If you support Roosevelt you strengthen his hand for from one monstrosity to anothnow looked upon with a jaundiced eye. Tomorclusion that there is nothing left of the Soviet row, it is safe to predict, the Daily Worker revoluton worth defending, and then as a rule his war policy. Note that although Congress and Roosevelt er. It is fairly certain that will begin to criticize and oppose him, for to a recruiting speech for the war of democwill disagree about relief, they always agree about the Attorney Victor Anderson, the Roosevelt has a firm allegiance to the demoracy (imperialist) against fascism. Revoluyoung prosecuting attorney, oramount that should be spent on armaments. On that, they iginally undertook the case with cratic imperialist camp. He wants a war tionary workers cannot accept this apparently against Germany and there is chance to simple formule which leads to such reaction have no disagreement. They may quarrel about when exact the view of making a name for ary conclusions. Special to the Socialist Appeal)
ly America should go into the war. But as to the prepara himself as a law and order favored granting immediate change his policy by new explanations of the LOS ANGELES, Sept. 20 military We do not identify the Stalinist bureaucracy with the Soviet Union any more than we identions for going in, on that they are both agreed.
Roosevelt proposes it is doubtful if even Anderson At the very moment when Pres. France. Fourteen hundred (56 were the most vociferous advocates of a third the tify a labor union with a gang of corrupt officials who have usurped leadership in it and government. Negroes who are working on government has gone. Under pressure from the machinery for repeal of the the neutrality law, and declar to meet Hitler forces at the new line of parbetray its interests. We are for the Russian revolution and the economic system created.
and national help ease United States inlosing by it. And precisely because of that the revothis fascist decision. The stronger the opposition of the tion, the federal grand jury has to the European war. ckwoorsie would stil oppose sending the to the fractions in the trade unions. The lutionary workers, who are the only genuine workers on all fronts, the more the capitalists are impeded certainly gotten out of Ander nificant sections of California Allies arms and munitions and loyal defenders of the Soviet Union, conin their drive to Roosevelt proposes to lift the emson hands and is running hog citizens expressed their grim still more significant were Transport Workers Union, the first organizaduct an irreconcilable struggle against the buwild. The end is by no means abhorrence of sending Ameri the answers to the question tion under stalinist control to hold a convenreaucracy which, by its criminal policy. unbargo. What he is doing is trying to link up America more in sight. Anderson has announc Ican youth to die on foreign bat What would you do if the Un tion since the Stalin Hitler pact, passed a reso dermines the Soviet Union and leads it toward closely with Britain and France. As far as we can, we op ed the jury will reconvene Octlefields.
ited States is drawn into the lution in favor of New Deal candidates in complete destruction tober 23 and continue its inves Mothers, whose sons will do war. Eight hundred young 1940, but forgot to mention the chief New pose this move to bring us closer towards the war.
Contemptible are those fakers who say that tigation. FBI agents are now the fighting, and male univer men declared categorically that Dealer himself. An oversight? Not on your Stalin has established socialism in the SoviRoosevelt Spends Billions for War said to be working on the st. sity students, who will be the should such an eventuality ar life. Mike Quill, the Stalinist boss of the union, Union and is now liberating the Poles and Paul angle of the strike.
Ukrainians. But no less contemptible are the Roosevelt proposes so many billlions for armaments. We AFL to Consider Strike Defense their lives, both signified clear serve the government war Roosevelt went out as soon as Hitler came in. literary hirelings of the democratic imperialprotest against it. We want no billions or millions for arm The Central Labor Union ly their hatred of this country machine. They stated they This single incident throws a searchlight on want to liberate the Russian workers from the Stalinist yoke at the point of British aments. Not one red cent. In return we demand that all war WPA Defense Committee has involvement in the useless ov would choose prison in prefer the new course of Stalinist policy in the unions.
ence to being drafted into the Pseudo Radical Twist and French bayonets, as the Indian and Morfunds be given to the unemployed. The unemployed want state federations in the East, sotten in touch with leaders of erseas slaughter.
Mothers Meet army. This number represents What about the radical trimming of the new roccan masses, for example, have been liberated.
money to live. They do want to support Congress in including New York and New group called the American nearly a third (32 per cent) of Stalinist policy?
voting money to kill people. We show our protest by meet Jersey, and it is certain that Mothers met in Los Angeles on the entire group polled. Twenty ings, demonstrations and joining with all those who carry be brought upon the floor of the obtain 20, 000, 000 signatures on this country were involved in WAR DEAL RUNS on the same anti war activities. That is the way to oppose AFL convention in Cincinnatti. petitions to the president urg war: the remainder (1100)
Roosevelt plan to drag America into war. The International Lathers Un ing that, whatever the cost, this would wait until drafted.
INTO SNAG OF These two expressions of opinion illustrate again what has But the struggle can be carried on in a more immediate in which just met in conven country be kept out of the Eurand regular manner. In the factory, in the mine, on the in defense of the Minneapolis At Berkeley, in the north, a been shown in every recent poll farms, wherever workers struggle for better wages and bet strikers. William Green has al poll among 2500 University of that Americans do not want (Continued from Page 1)
ter conditions, when the danger of war approaches, that is ready publicly protested again California male students shows to fight on either side in the imst what he correctly termed the that the students do not want perialist butchery now sweep The Challenge of Youth be tion to oppose war and learning the time to press for your demands with the greatest ingins publication with this issue lessons on the practical aspects It would, however, be a great persecution of the Minneapolis this country to supply arms and ing Europe.
People Suffer of extracts from will Munzen of organizing anti war resist. Allusion to imagine that Roosetensity. Taking them as a whole, all the capitalists will sup WPA workers by the govern muntions to the warring pow.
ment and it is more than likely ers, do not want repeal of the Despite this fact, President berg autobiographical and his ance.
velt temporary port one another in the war. It is they who stand to gain by that the American Federation neutrality legislation, and em. Roosevelt and his congress are torical account of the Socialist Munzenbere was actively con represent any serious check to it. So that all the workers, by pressing hard on them, and of Labor nationally will get be phatically do not want to die going ahead at double juick youth movement from its foun. mete din With the youth move the march of the United States ileges for themselves, but can so threaten the capitalists, thened recently by drawing the votes out of 2500 36 per cent) in the shortest possible time. published in Germany in 1929 found him serving as the Na group is proving fully the jusThe defense has been streng ica sixty familles. Only 90 states is dragged into the war post war period. The book was land. The outbreak of the war toward the war. The isolationist that these, fighting their war against the workers at home, The specal session of congress under the title of Die Dritte tional Secretary of the Swiss Sotice of Roosevelt refusal to are so much the more prevented from fighting against the was called for this express pur Front. The Third Front. cialist Youth. He used the neupose. And this is supposed to be This very important historical trality of Switzerland and its grant them the title of peace e true democracy.
account of the Socialist Youth geographical location in the bloc. Though their opposition Those who will do the suffer movement, has, unfortunately, heart of Europe, to good advan to the lifting of the embargo Solidarity of White and Black ing and the fighting and the dy never been available in Eng tage by making the Swiss move corresponds to mass resisNegroes must organize for the abolition of Jim Crow Series of FOUR Friday Night Lectures ing have at least the element lish.
ment the organizing center tance to what is undoubtedly ary democratic right to decide The extracts which we will from which to reconstruct the definite step toward entry into ism, must organize for their full political rights, for full by vote the vital issue of war present deal with the Socialist Youth International.
the war, nevertheless, the isosocial equality. It is by mobilizing for these things against JAMES CANNON or peace. The Socialist Work Youth movement during the Munzenberg. later on, as alationists, far from using this the capitalist elass that the Negroes can help in keeping ers Party reiterates its demand World War. We are sure that leader of the German Commun as a means of developing and Roosevelt and the capitalists so busy at home that they will FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 29 8:30 that the people of this country militant anti war fighters ev. ist Party, degenerated into a extending a broad and general be given the right to vote on erywhere will find it of value typical Stalinist bureaucrat. He fight against the war and the not be able to drag the country into war.
The First Imperialist Slaughter 1914 1918 war.
in bolstering their determina has recently broken with Stal war mongers, and manipulatinism to follow the path of so ing it as a cover for their own But the workers themselves discriminate against their Its Causes and Consequences many other disillusioned Stal 100 allegiance to imperbrother Negroes. Must the Negroes cease their struggles FRIDAY, OCTOBER 8:30 inists who lump Stalinism and against discriminations in unions and other workers orBolshevism together, and seek By concentrating all eyes on ganisations? Not at all. The Negroes and their friends The Aftermath The Versailles Treaty some new righteous ethical code the embargo fight, they are The Peace Which Prepared the New War among the white workers must point out to all that the for the conduct of revolution joining hands with Roosevelt in Negroes must have their full rights as members of the materialist understanding. but get about the super armament FRIDAY, OCTOBER 13 8:30 working class and as citizens. The best way to mobilize all Meet old friends, make new one of the islands but system upon some abstract, ethereal program whose only purpose ones at Night in Harlem. atically visited the others, pen concepts.
can be war in the near future opposition against the war is to see that Negroes get the The Advance of Fascism Dancing, entertainment, fun. atrating into the more remote The revolting climax to Mun which they both support, to fullest opportunity to participate in every struggle against Causes Underlying the Triumphs of Hitler and Mussolini good time is assured all at districts and making personal zenberg career as a Marxist make them forget also the dethe capitalists. This can only be done by Negroes having.
the Mimo Club on Saturday, contact with the dancers in the does not, however, detract mand for people referenOctober feature of the va local environment.
full access to all unions. The Negroes will make no concesFRIDAY, OCTOBER 20 8:30 ried program of entertainment. The committee in charge is work during the war and his the unemployed who are being sions here. In this gigantic task of the workers there must The World in Flames Again planned is a West Indian danc planning some addtional sur historical writings on the sub so coldly sacrificed to the buildbe full solidarity in the fight against war and this means The Real Meaning of the Present War er. She will dance the Voodoo prises in the way of entertain Ject.
Jing of the war machine.
Dances of Haiti, dances from ment, a great struggle for equality among all members of the Martinique, and the Shango The affair is under the aus alarly the anti war work. Tick At Your Service working class movement and all who are fighting against IRVING PLAZA, Irving Place at 15th Street trom Trinidad where this dance pices of the National Negro Deets are fifty cents and reserythe capitalist war.
has been preserved from gener partment and the proceeds are ations must be made in ad THE APPEAL Subscription for series: 750 Individual lectures: 250 ation to generation. She has not to be used to finance the activ vance. Tickets can be secured (Concluded in Next Issue)
only lived for many years in ities of the department, partic at 116 University Place.
War. What For?
Negro Department Affair Will Feature Voodoo Dances iss, which is not based upon door make the people don