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SOCIALIST APPEAL FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1939 Confidential Bulletin Exposes Bosses War Schemes ances.
By JOSEPH HANSEN Article II The most important task now facing the capitalist class, according to the confidential report issued by the Tax Research Institute, is the completion of preparations for the war into which Roosevelt will plunge the United States in the immediate future.
The inside information, according to this bulletin issued by the top circle of Big Business for the benefit of the capitalist class, is that American participation in the second world war is imminent, and every capitalist must hasten his preparations in order to reap the enormous profits that will drain from the blood soaked battlefields.
Roosevelt Role Important An important part of these preparations is thorough understanding of the new role that will be played by Roosevelt and his regime.
In language clear enough to penetrate the iron skulls of even the most reactionary members of the capitalist class, the bulletin explains that Roosevelt will act solely in the interests of capitalism when he clamps down the military dictatorship in America which has already been prepared for the day when the dough boys start sailing for their graves in Europe Primarily, says the bulletin, business must understand two facts. i) the plan is NOT new: it is not a New Deal accomplishment. 2) the plan is the product of the joint efforts of the War and Navy Departments applied to the business problem since the close of the World War.
This declaration concerning the Industrial Mobilization Plan is true in that the Republican regimes have fostered it as much as the Democratic, but it fails to give Roosevelt the credit that is conspicuously due him for his indefatigable efforts to push the plan throughout his term of office and to see to it that it got funds diverted from relief allowWant to End Boss Factionalism This slight omission of the credit line in the bulletin is clearly designed to appeal to those old fashioned die hards who look at the world through the door of their office safe and who have been particularly exercised over the pink New Deal paint Roosevelt sprayed over his administration.
Big Business is anxious to end factionalism in the capitalist class in the interests of unity in the face of war and the dangerous operation of wringing maximum profits from a blood bath that will inevitably deal the coup de grace to more than one capitalist state in its death agony.
Army officers are back of this plan, the bulletin therefore explains soothingly, the same men who run the National Guard, men who see eye to eye with you about profits, bayonets, and labor problems.
But the bulletin does not stop with this explanation. Big Business, stream lining itself for the super profits of modern warfare, wishes to assure that no capitalist not even those with the antiquated mentality of the flint pistol crosses the interests of his class because of past factional differences as to just how the executive arm in Washington should have conducted its tactics before the war broke out.
War Board Represents 60 Families The Industrial Mobilization Plan, continues the bulletin. is the work of the Army and Navy Munitions Board, the coordinating agency which cts for both departments of War and Navy in the problems of war planning and procurement. The War Resources Board which has just been appointed will act as the civilian advisory committee to the Army and Navy Munitions Board. This civilian board will review the policies already prepared pertaining to the mobilization of industry and the nation economic resources. That this civilian War Resources Board is not simply a reviewing stand of flag wavers for Army parade day but in reality an executive committee directly representing the interests of Big Business is explained in the following paragraph. As soon as the President declares that an emergency exists, however, the War Resources Board will become THE important executive agency of the Government with the broad powers exercised by the old War Industries Board. The bility ortly after war breaks the European continent, the President WILL find that an emergency exists in the United States and that war is imminent, makes the War Resources Board of paramount importance to business. The Board will then be in a position to exercise its full fledged role in the preparation of American business for its part in the war.
One would think that such a paragraph explaining the complete wiping out not only of the entire New Deal but every one of the democratic institutions that might possibly boomerang against the interests of the capitalist class could not be misunderstood by any one capable of clipping a coupon. But the confidential bulletin goes still further and even fills in the names and addresses: War Deal Replaces New Deal Observation: It is important to note that despite the New Deal Administration, if the War Resources Board plays its emergency roll, its effect upon American Business will be that of a conservative agency. Note the names of the Board: The chairman is Edward Stettinius, Jr.
Steel Corp. Board Chairman. The other five members of the Board are: Karl Compton, President, Walter Gifford, President, Amer. Tel. Tel. Harold Moulton, President, Brookings Institution; John Lee Pratt, Director, General Motors; and General Robert Wood, Chairman, Sears Roebuck Co. The Board Secretary, Col. Harry Rutherford, is particularly equipped for the analysis of the military industrial problem. wax museum wis!
the murderous seers hired by the Sixty Families Morgan, Rockefeller, Mellon, DuPont, Girdler, etc. could not have chosen a list of names more gory than these.
In brief, the political tip of this confidential bulletin to the capitalist class is this: The New Deal is wiped out. The War Deal now reigns. Big Business runs the War Deal.
Stop all factionalism. Prepare yuor business operations for the PROFITS OF WAR to Progressives in Hotel Union Unite to Combat Domination APPEAL ARMY In the Labor Unions 11 6 1 PREVIEW OF WAR TIME SUPPRESSION ANNOUNCEMENTS MORE BRONX NEWSSTANDS CARRY APPEAL CIO in recent months, William Green and the AFL executive council will be more receptive to support of Roosevelt war program Obstacles But they face an obstacle that will be very difficult to overCHICAGO LEADS this time to 125 copies per iscome. The Minnesota FederaTHE PARADE sue, and while temporary, tion of Labor convention went Chicago led the parade in the hopes to keep the figure far be(Continued from Page 1)
You Can Aid the Fight Against on record for a people refer.
periods the right to strike; and past week with new subscrip yond its original order of 75.
andum on war. Passage of a lution on policy to be sent to which contract is similar in tions, sending in a total of 11, In Evansville Henry Schnautz similar resolution at the national local unions and officers of many respects to a company.
War by Signing Nominating besides renewal subscrip systematically reaches a large ai convention would constitute the International, enumerating union contract. Complete lack of organizations.
number of readers with the So.
a heavy blow to Roosevelt the crimes of the Communist Party machine committed ag. tion of the catering establish Petitions for SWP Candidates Rochester, New York, also cialist Appeal and the New InBy WIDICK war aims.
did very nicely, sending in ternational and is confident of Let the People vote on war! ainst the membership during ments at the World Fair and while new subscriptions were obtaining several regular subentered from New York, scribers.
and the cho called for early in and cio conventions would They defended the racket lected for work permits from All citizens resident in New York who sympathize with St. Paul sent in an additional Now that Sam Richter, ChiOctober assume historie signi gather whirlwind speed and cers against the Dewey prose non union workers. Vicious and dictatorial rule the campaign of the Socialist Workers Party to place a Boston 3, Fitchburg, Massa cago literature director, who candidate in the Bronx and one in Manhattan on the ballot ficance because Congress will support throughout the country. cution: for the Councilmanic Elections are asked to sign a nomincrusetts 2, and several scatter has been ill, is back on the job be in session on the war ques. It would put a serious crimp in. Criminal incompetence in over 30, 000 culinary workers by the conduct of the Horn and. threats, terrorism, suped subscriptions totaling as fol Chicago will again be in the Roosevelt style.
tion at the same time.
ating petition immediately.
Hardart strike of 1937 1938; In pression of free speech, suspenlows: forefront as is indicated by the Many a Washington politic Unity Prospects Drop in at headquarters, 116 University Place, efficiency incompetence in sions and expulsions without Chicago subscriptions sent in from there or at the headquarters of the nearest branch to place your ian is not going to cast his vote Prospects for labor unity of the handling of the current fair trial.
Rochester in the past week.
name on a petition. If you have friends who are registered for or against Roosevelt war any kind are less than they Brass Rail strike; The convention pledged itself New York bundle order for copies policies until voters too and who will sign the petition, bring them with Commissar Jay Rubin, Presto defend any member victim sees what the were a year ago. The AFL leadSt. Paul has been placed by a new agyou or give us their names and we will have a canvasser labor movement has to say.
Boston ers think the CIO is rapidly dis ident of the Hotel Trades Coun ized because of his participaent in Lincoln, Nebraska.
call upon them.
integrating. Let time solve the cil, conceived and consummat tion in the work of the Inter loFitchburg In Allentown sales of the SoMany Issues The circulation of a petition for signatures among your Evansville ed an agreement with the Hotel cal Progressives. It established cialist Appeal and the New InWar! That is the burning is problem.
John Lewis hasn even Association in New York City a permanent organization with shopmates, if you are in a position to do so, will give the Gloversville, ternational have spurted ahead campaign a big boost.
sue before the delegates to the made a gesture towards reop which provides for: split shifts, representation for the progressAllentown, Pa.
again, thanks to the spirited two conventions. For or against ening unity negotiations which complete control of hiring and ive groups in all the local un Absolutely no obligation is entailed in signing. Without Newark and energetic efforts of Comany commitment on your part, by signing a petition, you the Roosevelt war program. were postponed at his sugges. firing by the employer. ions. Plans are being drafted Minneapolis rade Ruth Querio and others.
For or against a people ref tion during the coal strike last Czar in the industry to de for the publication of a newsgive the only anti war party in the United States a chance Albany Cleveland has reorganized its erendum on war.
to fight against the second world war from the vantage Los Angeles cide all other vital union dis paper, and the beginning of a literature system with the addiLabor unity! Will it take the Roosevelt is pushing for a re putes, a four year contract drive which will end in smash point of the ballot.
Miscellaneous tion of a couple of live wires, form of a united front against actionary unity behind the war which fails to provide for pering the traitorous Communist We need your help now as never before in placing our The total number of new sub who are transfering their acanti war, anti fascist candidates on the ballot for the com scriptions in the past week was tivities from other work into ized Labor or will it be a unity both camps want unity but its ing and deprives labor of its tablishment of a militant, deming election.
42. This is among the best the literature field.
with the Army and Navy to voice has not been powerful strongest weapon during such ocratic union.
weeks for new subscriptions. Minneapolis is now driving hogtie the unions to the mili enough yet to force progresRESULTS SHOW particularly for new and renewtary machine?
sive unity.
al subscriptions for both the paRoosevelt? Will the man who Unity in action against MGREAT POSSIBILITIES duration of the European war.
turned the New Deal into the day: against emasculation of This reactionary measure is St. Paul again did splendidly per an dthe magazine.
War Deal be repudiated or is the unions against the de facto already in effect on all swP WANTED in obtaining renewals, sending NEWSSTAND SALES labor going to put its stamp of repeal of the wages and hours street meetings. All meetings BICYCLES to help build up in 8, and local Philadelphia al GOING UP are attended by a number of approval via a third term en law and the Wagner act; againso did well with From Los The Newark organization, the Socialist Appeal newsdorsement on its chief oppon st war profiteering: this kind of detectives, who write down the stand routes. Anyone willing Angeles and New York came George Breitman, literature dinames and addresses of the to loan or donate a bicycle each, two from Minneapolis and rector, is now going full speed ent?
speakers as well as a gist of should get in touch immedione each from Newark, Ches in the sale of the Socialist ApWhile both conventions face unity must emerge from the conventions. It will come only many other important prob from rank and file pressure.
what they said.
ter, Pa. Allentown, Detroit, st. peal on the streets and elseately with the Labor BookRecognizing that this measLouis, scattered for a total of where.
lems, these three questions are all the ballyhoo in the world shop. 116 University Place.
the decisive issues. Recent can not keep the terrible tragure is intended to bulldoze and 31 renewals, or a combined sub Denver, Colorado, notes slow, events give a fairly accurate edy of unemployment from deintimidate the anti war workers Minimum Guaranteed So popular has the Socialist scription total of 75 for new and but steady improvement, as inforecast of how labor will give manding attention at the con(Special to the Socialist Appeal) in the city, the SWP is going Appeal become in the vicinity renewal subscriptions. dicated by the increase of its Earnings. PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 19 ahead with their work, refusing its answers.
of the West Bronx that the The results of the past week regular bundle order, and Los ventions. Will the unemploy.
Stalinist Turn WANTED Men, Women branch in the neighbor show the possibility for a large Angeles sales on the streets and ment problem be solved by preview of police suppression to be cowed, and using this opand Students hood has decided to add a num number of subscriptions if sys newsstands are now more sysThe new turn of the Stalin sending millions to European and intimidation during war portunity to show the workers to sell the Socialist Appeal as ber of newsstands to its pres ematic efforts are employed. tematically handled under the ists. Keep America Out of trenches, or wildlayewar funds nouncement made by Superin. to contend with when this coun: a part time job. Socialist Ap ent route in order to make it Oakland, Cali placed a able charge of Baker, peal now selling very fast on easier for interested readers to new bundle order for 10 copies. despite a temporary decrease been felt in the labor move Job for Delegates stated that all subversive fascism. Making use of this op the streets. One dollar a day secure their copies of the paper. fine literature director in San In New York City, Abe Miller, Eloise Booth, the unusually in the regular bundle order.
The sniveling attitude of Lew meetings hereafter would be portunity to show that fascism guaranteed. Possible to make the struggle against war. Francisco, writes that the col city literature agent reports Labor Union adopted the new is and company in begging for required to be held under a po will be introduced in a legal much more. Apply all day the Socialist Appeal is a mighty umn on the Nergoes by Com there has been a big increase line which includes ducking the neutrality issue as presented to war Board shows that any ser lance of plain clothes detect to war, the SWP is planning a University Pl. Abe Miller. er. The Bronx comrades cal interest of the young Negroes. Ty in the Bronx.
ious action will not come from ives.
vigorous campaign of anti war The American Federation of them It a job for the deleRead The Heading his message a pre activity to expose the reactionfriends to push the sales of Am ain increased its bundle order, Hosiery Workers, CIO, rejected gates.
erica only anti war newspa resolution endorsing RooseSPECIAL 95 cautionary measure to prevent ary activities of both the nation third term for Roosevelt mob violence Hubbs said it al and city administrations.
New International velt peace policy, and ad was the usual stand of many would be a comparatively simper the Socialist Appeal.
FOR ONE WEEK ONLY opted the new Pline labor conventions, both CIO and ple matter to place the blame You can do your part in the ST. PAUL ANTI WAR fight against war by telling Collected Works of LENIN Keep Out of Imperialist War.
AFL. However, recent events sons when they occur. The your friends to buy their copy MASS MEETING (8 Volumes)
and for true neutrality.
this situation some fact sponsors of each meetof the Appeal at the following ing must obtain a permit will newsstands that have been addproblem of fighting against the what.
Roosevelt serve as a means of clamping ed to the route: The Iskra Period (2 Vol. 167 Street and River Avenue, essence of the new Stalinist The New York State Federa down on those with unfavorable Materialism and EmpirioSE corner; 170 Street and Jertreachery. It will carry much tion of Labor very deliberately records. Hubbs concluded.
Criticism ome Avenue, SE corner; East weight at the CIO convention avoided a vote on that question The metropolitan press head(candy bill to make military train the Legislature without recom Mount Eden Avenue The Imperialist War because of the strength of the as a rebuke to Roosevelt for ed this new police order as a The Revolution of 1917 Stalinists in those unions. his WPA wage cuts. There is campaign to stamp out sub ing compulsory at the Univer mendation after a 3 deadlock. store) 150 174 St. candy Speaker. Vol. Lewis Silent much sentiment of that kind in versive activities during the sity of Wisconsin. already Towards the Seizure of stream of student, labor store. 176 St. Jerome Ave.
passed by the Wisconsin State and farmer spokesmen appear. NE; Tremont Davidson Ave. Grace Carlson Power (2 Vol. The decision of the CEO con has always been divided on ers to call for an unqualified Senate and now before the As. Sed at the hearing to condemn Burnside Jerome Ave. sw; vention, however, reste primar. support of Roosevelt. Repub endorsement of Roosevelt for a sembly. struck a snag this the militarzation measure. 183 St. Jerome Ave. SE, 188 Friday Sept. 29, p.
lly on John Lewis and the lican wing headed by William week when the student body re One of the students was enthus St. Grand Concourse, Sw: 17 top bureaucracy. Outside of his Hutchinson of the Carpenters convention, Stalinist. directed, term.
The Transport Workers Union turned to school for the new iastically cheered when he told Kingsbridge Rd. Kings147 West 5th St.
LABOR BOOKSHOP 116 University Place Labor Day blast Lewis has Auspices: St. Paul Branch, he is union, has other reactionary last week passed a resolution The students jammed the guarantee opposition to the Kaplan Stationery, 3889 Sedgebeen silent. Perhaps New York City Socialist Workers Party waiting for the CIO convention (Add 25c for postage)
From every point of view, giving the new line. For a pres. meeting of the Assembly sub measure from every one of the wick Ave. 204 St. Valentine to give his view more au this is one question on which policies. No direct endorsement the measure the White bill, campus with the sole excep. East Side: 166 st. McPresent indications are that self divided. If a progressive Roosevelt! It the same line hooted the sparse defenders of tion of Young Communist Clellan, SE: Lewis will follow along Socialist Appeal wing develops at the convention that. El Oliver, executive the bill and cheered on its op League, he added.
same lines of his Labor Day capable of clearing through the vice president of Labor Non ponents, despite the strenuous in support of the White bill, 116 University Place Bound Volume of New York City.
velt for spending sleepless pudiation of Roosevelt as a vention speech. His criticism of Roose muddle headed thinking. re Partisan League, save to the gaveling of Chairman Schritz. its proponents rounded up the United Rubber Workers con The quick reaction of the stu American Legion, a Racine chi SOCIALIST APPEAL would like to get better acquainted with your paper, nights worrying about enteng war monger and anti labor pol eBut will the CIO convention mination to prevent the militar. for the Daughters of 1812, and dent body showed their deter ropractor, two women speaking NOW AVAILABLE the Socialist Appeal. Please send me sample copies for ling America in a foreign war itician can become a reality.
First months of 1939 the next few weeks.
break with all capitalist politicization of the youth, just as the a freshman ROTC student. 52 issues)
home probably will result in a Lewis Changes Tune ians. Will it call for a labor can bill reflects the government A representative of the FarmName convention decision against a John Lewis recently didate for president on a drive toward girding the coun ers Equity Union told the leg 00, including postage Order now from: change in the neutrality law. changed his tune in regard to Down with the War pro try for war. Following the stu islators that he would not send Address Since the AFL leadership Roosevelt, as we outlined in a gram! On this decision rests dents display of militancy, the his sons to the state university SOCIALIST APPEAL 116 University Pl.
City has had a more friendly ear previous column. No longer is the future of the CIO and the Assembly committee failed to military drill were made com New York City at the White House than the lit the policy of the top CIO lead lentire Labor Movement. lendorse the bill, reporting it to pulsory.