CominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismInvasionNazismSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismURSSWorkers Party

The New Poliey Socialist Appeal LET THE PEOPLE VOTE ON WAR Of Stalinism In America Official Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International VOL. III, NO. 74 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1939 167 3c a Copy By JAMES CANNON Once again American Stalinism has apparently changed its color. The bright yellow of recent years, which reflected the alliance, or attempted alliance, of Stalin and the imperialist democracies, has been suddenly transformed, like the color of a chameleon on an autumn leaf, into the reddishbrown of the Stalin Hitler pact.
Overnight the raucous demand for American participation in a holy war against German fascism in the name of democracy has given way to fervent appeals to Keep America out of war against Germany. For good measure and for the benefit of dupes the Kremlin agents have even begun to mutter something about socialism and to threaten to vote against war credits in all the belligerent countries, including, it is to be assumed, Hitler Germany if and when the Communist party deputies are summoned from their concentration camps or resurrected ROOSEVELT WAR DEAL HITS SNAG IN MASS RESISTANCE TO WAR Smoke Screen Refuse to Shoulder from their sem er to ease the in the opening contact Burden of Boss War Boss Politicians Seek con To Trick People Into War by Lies and Scares DAY PLANS WAR PREPARATIONS trilling SWP DRIVE TO reading war mongering ruGET ON BALLOT No sooner had the Special NEARS SUCCESS Carlo Hold WPA Strikers on Conspiracy Charge; Labor Defense Widened LA Behind the Lines What is the real meaning of their new policy, which so sharply contradicts their pronouncements of yesterday, and whom do they expect to deceive by this obscene horseplay with revolutionary slogans?
Mounting Mass Opposition to War Makers The answer to that double question must be divided into two parts. The new policy is designed to serve a definite Compels Administration to Shift Tactics purpose in the service of the Stalin Hitler alliance. At the Seamen Insist on ExIn Drive to Get into the War same time, by giving the pro Axis agitation a superficial tra War Pay; radical coloration, they hope to make it acceptable to the workers whose interests and sentiments have been so rudely Plans Real Fight Under the pressure of mounting public alarm at the war violated. The new policy spells as sharp a turn of the moves of the Administration, and increased popular determinAmerican Stalinists in American politics as Stalin alliance ation to resist entry of this country into the war, Roosevelt By WIDICK with Hitler represents in the foreign policy of the Soviet hope that he could railroad his repeal of the arms embargo The general flare up of sea Union and reflects the latter like an image in a mirror.
men throughout the world ag through Congress in double quick time is, for the moment, Agents of the Kremlin ainst sailing in war zones un confronting unexpected obstacles.
The President has been compelled to shift his tactics. on The Communist Party of the United States is a direct lere given bonuses and special insurance marks a new stage and immediate agency of the Stalinist bureaucracy of the the one hand, making certain concessions to isolationist sentiSoviet Union. All the otherwise incredible twists and turns in labor struggle to prevent nent; and on the other all war burdens from falling on and overnight reversals of policy are understandable only Its shoulders.
in the light of this relationship. The fraternal association of mors reminiscent of the the various national Communist Parties in an international a matter of course the anRecently, ship owners took as Spring of 1917 organization for the promotion of the common aim of nouncements of underwriters world revolution. the original design of the Comintern. that all insurance rates would Session opened than Roosevelt announced to the press has long since been replaced by the arbitrary rule of Stalin be boosted tremendously for all craft shipping in danger zones.
over staffs of functionaries in the various countries, se Property must be protected.
that two submarines of unlected for their readiness to execute any order, no matter similar demand for adeknown nationality had been how infamous, without hesitation. This mercenary staff in quate protection of human besighted off the coasts of North the United States is now beating the drums for the joint 19 disregarded by the operatShachtman, Paine America. This story, even if true, which is at the least 703 TELUL policy of Stalin and his axis partner, Hitler.
ors. Crews of Irish, British, Condemn Silence of doubtful, has in itself not the The Stalin Hitler pact, first explained as an innocent de Dutch and American ships were slightest significance. But ALP on War Issue Roosevelt purpose was servvice to secure the neutrality of the Soviet Union, actually forced to tle up the vessels in ed. The headlines played it up gave the signal for Hitler invasion of Poland. This has ation of their demands.
as if the mainland of the United already been followed by the Red Army invasion, first of Refuse to Sail NEW YORK CITY, Sept. 25 States were being threatened (Continued on Page 3)
by immediate attack.
In America, seven liners were Victory in the struggle to place tied up by members of the Nathe candid tes of the Socialist Smearing War Opponents tional Martimie Union who reWorkers Party on the ballot for dangerous maneuver followed far more despicable, and fused to sail for Europe unless the Councilmante elections in twenty four hours later. The their demands were met.
The sympathetic strike of Canada Convicts AFL National Convention May Discuss Case Manhattan and the Bronx ap White House and members of British sailors and the complete Watson, AntiBy GEORGE STERN tie up of all ships involved gave As Federal Agents Press Frame up against canvassers entered the final by hundreds of thousands of lap of their drive for the neces country be kept out of the war.
Japanese peace rumors to be ceed to a further stage and the attempts of intimidation ag It hasn taken long for Sino But the war will have to promiseu despreal victory for War Militant Indicted Minneapolis WPA Strikers sary number of nominating sig. An overwhelming majority of natures. Special to the Socialist Appeal)
quel to the Soviet Japanese bring the into it will have ainst strikers through false arthese letters insist that the (Special to the Socialist Appeal)
TORONTO, Ontario MINNEAPOLIS, Sept. 22 With the federal government now Mobilized throughout the en arms embargo be retained.
truce. These rumors may be to be measured before the Kuorests.
However, the NMU officials openly pressing conspiracy charges against over half of the tare city, every member of the tain percentage of these letters There is no doubt that a cernothing Frank Watson, anti war mil.
more than a smoke mintang chieftains would care itant, was the first person sixty workers listed in the second batch of indictments handed Socialist Workers Party old en are inspired by the pressure screen barrage accompanying to take any such decisive step are dominated by the Stalinist the resumption of large scale For the time being, however, agreement resulted which has fakers, and a poor compromise convicted under the stringhostilities by the Japanese on they are confronted with the intensified rank and file dissatUnion WPA Defense Committee is getting in touch with leader was combing his neighbor en the Nazi Bund. However, the ent War Measures Act, fol. ing national trade union figures to bring the Minneapolis defense hood for the final signatures reports from congressmen Kiangsi, Honan, and Shansi fact that they face a Japan un inte lowing his arrest last week.
He was found guilty by case before the coming annual convention of the American Fed. that would not only put the make clear that most of them fronts. Nevertheless, such ru trammeled by any serious de isfaction and resentment, mors seldom arise out of a vac terrents. Japan is freed cven so strong is the feeling of the Magistrate Browne who if only temporarily of the need NMU ranks that Curran and remanded him until Sept. 28 Resentment against the vile precisely here is where the campaign over the top but lay are genuine and spontaneous The fact is that the proclama for counting on a clash with company are finding it difficult for sentence.
gang of union smashers, from danger lies. In order to save its a strong base for a huge return expressions of the opinions of Watson was charged with Roosevelt and Murphy down, face, Murphy and his FBI ag when the workers begin regis the ordinary people of the coun tering their disapproval of La try.
tion of the new central puppet Russia. of this the Tokyo mil. to get crews for the ships. The conducting Chinese government to be head itarists are determined to take men just won sign up under an anti war reached a new pitch in this city ents may well prepare a frame Guardia war policy at the Determined to ride roughed by Wang Ching wei has been the fullest possible advantage ran. This boycott is what the meeting during which he yesterday when it was learned up against leading Minneapolis again postpc This latest bit by hastening conclusion of their was quoted as saying, Why that some of the latest indict militants. Workers of the na voting machines.
shod over any and all opposiGreet Canvassers join the army if you are go ments name more than 30 per tion will do well to watch the tion, the administration releasof Japanese midwifery was grab in China. Reading the newspapers have been calling supposed to be scheduled for news from Poland, the Tokyo a shortage of labor.
ing to be used for cannon In the Bronx, the voting pop ed a confidential report that sons, charging conspiracy to fingers of Murphy in the MinOct. 10, the anniversary of the generals doubtless figure they Original demands of the NM fodder.
vippte phe a emergencetTehes pared to smash any frame up the Socialist Workers Party for from Berlin and Moscow which relief neapolis situation and be pre ulation had met the appeal of messages had been intercepted establishment of the Chinese had better take while the tak. included 250 a month bonus, Another piece of evi.
Republic. Postponement of the ing is good before Stalin com 25, 000 insurance, a 40 per cent dence against him was the charge defendants with con attempt.
blessed event is being attribut mits another of his acts of increase in personnel.
claim of governmental wit spiring to deprive the WPA of For the first time the indlict war party on the ballot with friends in the United States to When Joe Curran got through ments are starting to reach out such enthusiasm that by late put pressure on Congress to reed in Shanghal to the opening peace and liberation on the nesses that Watson had said the workers services!
negotiating for the strikers.
of secret negotiations involv Far Eastern front.
that fundamentally the dem Charges Unsubstantiated into the leadership of the local today the nominating petitions tain the embargo.
25 per cent ocracies were as bad as the Needless to say, the govern union movement. Among those had been signed by more than Here is the perfect foreshading the Japanese, the would be This leaves the Chungking they sailed with fascist states.
puppets and Kuomintang lead government suspended in a po increase in wages, payment of ment has no facts to back up named September 20 in indict twice the number necessary to owing of the future! Anyone (Continued on Page 4)
ers at Chungking, with Russia sition of uncertainty that is likeits charges of conspiracy. And (Continued on Page Continued on Page 4) who opposes any act of the government is an enemy spy!
in the role of mentor. ly to become agonizing before Landon Proposal Out of Chungking come sharp long. Judging from the news Alfred Landon, in the only denials that such negotiations dispatches there are mixed smart trick he has yet chalked are under way or even contem feelings in the Chinese capitol plated. At the same time Chin on the effects of the Soviet Japup as a politician, added to NEW YORK Denouncing the livered by Louis Rifkin, chair ganize the unorganized, the of work to the unemployed; for industries.
Roosevelt discomfiture by reing the effect upon them of the anese war. Certainly by no cancerous growth of Commu man of the Provisional Com declaration of principles pleds a genuine, rotating open work For the governing of fin minding Roosevelt that he Europe. Should a Moscow Ber they believe the Chinese posi ist Party domination and de tion, to the adoption of the fi. the following points as part of For the democratic elec budget system based solely up tical atmosphere by announc of ing lin Tokyo axis become a real tion to be improved by that manding the re establishment nal resolution, the several their program: ity and it is far from that as truce as Harry Gannes of the of inner union democracy. score delegates voiced their de For the fullest inner Union ions.
and not upon the requirements run for a third term. For the organization of the of any political party or fracRoosevelt naturally had no yet we may be sure that Daily Worker would like his representatives of progressive termination to emulate the pro democracy and freedom of exThe thin groups in the Greater New gressive painters who had repression and opinion for all unorganized on the basis of tion thereof.
comment Chiang Kai shek will ponder readers to believe.
make on Landon 10. For the fullest freedom of suggestion. Roosevelt recogniz.
deeply the ultimate value of trickle of arms from Russia has York Locals of the Hotel and cently united their forces and members of our International achieving real union conditions defendshipe withimBritain before not been much help to the Chin Restaurant Workers Interna Colwerudist Party incomination For the re establishment of workers.
and wages for the unorganized expression, without discrimina es that the war is the one facttion, of any member, regard or that can save him, persondecisively rejecting any peaceese, but if this trickle ceasestional Union and Bartenders Industrial Unionism less of political faith and that ally, from political oblivion. He overtures that come from Jap and along with it the supplies International League of Ameri of their District Council in the closed shop and real job an. For Chiang Kai shek yields secured from the Western pow. ca met in a twelve hour con New York.
security in our local unions. For the application of the we fight political domination looks forward to riding straight Progressive Program to no one, not even to Stalin, in ers, the resultant disadvantage vention last Monday and unit3. For the ratification of all principle of industrial unionism of any local union by any po into a third term as war presiof agreements and the adoption of in our industry, wherever feas litical party.
dent, and this is not the least his capacity to make 180 degree may outweigh the geographical ed their groups into a joint, in Declaring the necessity Stalinist Crimes the reasons why he plans entry turns in policy and his ability factors which for the present ter local organization to carry full trade union democracy, uniform wage standards by aible.
to make such turns effective constitute their principal mill on their fight on a city wide amalgamation of craft locals, membership vote of the local For AFL CIO unity with The convention thoroughly into the war in the shortest posby ruthlessly crushing all who tary asset against the new Jap. scale.
and reliance only upon our union.
Jout sacrificing the principle of discussed and adopted a reso sible number of months.
anese drives. Continued on Page 2) For the equal distribution vertical organization in mass oppose it.
From the opening address de lown efforts and actions to or(Continued on Page 3)
HOTEL UNION PROGRESSIVES FIGHT RULE War. 1914 1918 Its Causes and Consequences Cannon 8:30 Irving Plaza (Irving Pl. 15th St. ADMISSION 25c The First of a Series of Friday Night Lectures