CapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismImperialist WarItalyLeninMarxMussoliniNazismPopular FrontsRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyWorkers PartyWorking Class

Union Busters Return 50 New Indictments Against WPA Strikers which Boss Parties Skirt War Issue in Election as Denouncing Stalin Nazi Pact, Group Quits Communist Party By JOHN WRIGHT By JOHNSON The ratification of the Stalin press, that is not the reason for vocation of the Supreme Coun tions in labor supply. Further.
The Negro and the War Hitler pact at the fourth session Stalin law. He has relied most cil, on August 22nd, Pravda more, the few production indu. Continued from Page 1) Among the actions of the jury of the Supreme Council in Mos heavily in recent years on the stated editorially, Despite the ces that are still made public The Northwest Organizer, of this week was the grilling for VII cow was accompanied by the well to do peasant.
colossal assistance rendered by show that a sharp decline is ficial organ of the Teamsters hours of officials of the Central passage of two laws, one ex But the peasants, both in the the party and the Government again beginning to evince itself Joint Council, points out that, Labor Union and the Federal No, it is not Negroes alone who recognize that a war tending the the conscription stere collectives and outside, have to the All Union coal bin the in industry. Now that the war it becomes clearer than ever Workers Section on the Minnefor democracy is a fraud, a deception, and a trap for the tax on collective and individual and the flow of commodities they still function unsatisfactor the developments and placed an is seizing upon the WPA strike WPA strike, and the structure workers. Many workers in England, in France, in Belgium, farmers. The connection be from the city the village has fly: the metallurgists fail sys ever increasing burden on the In Minneapolis as a pretext for of the local labor movemet.
and in America are daily becoming more clear in their ween the extension of the mil. been far from adequate to im tematically (sic) to fulfill the country productive machin. crippling the powerful local 18 minds about this war for democracy, itary term of service and the pel the peasants to disgorge plan and in the citfields the ery, the crisis in industry can bor movement in preparation for America entry into war.
Negroes can hear many a white worker say: What is ident. But it does seem at first been periodic shortages in the been lowered. Such is the conTOM GADDIS It today the output in coal and had already obtained the reThe WPA Defense Committee this democracy that must shed my blood for? It is true sight surprising that Stalin and cities, but these have been aition in coal, oll and metaloil is dropping, how will Stalin lease of 85 of the 92 victims so ARRESTED FOR have a vote. And clect representatives to Congress. But his clique should have chosen winked at from above. Now the key industries!
the moment when they are fac Stalin must have foodstuffs not yet faced with this critical be able to supply Hitler with far arrested, 34 of whom were STRIKE ROLE what control have really got over this country? When the ed with their first major histor only for the cities but also to situation, the bureaucracy for these items? He can do so on released on their owho recogni. of in tion. Only seven strikers remain in fail, all of them members of sentative Ludlow brings in an amendment to the Constitue Severest legislation in recent den squeeze on the peasantry, apply the measures which were ternal economic life.
years against that section of Otherwise the Kremlin would enacted only a few months ago the Workers Alliance who re An outstanding example of tion which would give me the right to say a word on going the population to whom they be unable to live up to the terms and which were designed to ov Finally, the transport system. jected the defense services of the vindictiveness of the fedto war. Let the people vote on war. By all means. But the have been catering the most of its agreement with Adolf ercome this very situation. In which collapsed so catastrophi the AFL committee, and chose eral government was the arrest this week of Tom Gadpresident and Congress, both of them refuse. They are not The new agricultural tax su: foodstuffs into Germany. But to old slogan of Socialist Compe that it is about to fold up again. committee which so far has going to have any consultation of the people by referendum dis, managing editor of the Farmer Labor Press of the hardly bea failed to function.
vote to decide this question of life and death. So much for 31, 1934, the primary intent of Stalin has had to deal his re mented by feeble attempts to up under the additional de These facts answered the arOmaha General Drivers Unthis fraud of democracy.
which was to assuage the peas gime a blow internally, by al revive the ballyhoo about sta mands of troop movements, arrogant pretensions of the soion. He was arrested there khanovism. Failure to produce my supplies, traffic to Germa called CIO. comittee for participation in the MinMany a white worker says, Most of the people of this titre; and which placed a relienating the peasantry.
is nowadays being explained as ny, etc. Waterway transport, whined that the AFL wasn do neapolis strike.
country would have been willing to allow the Spanish The new law more than doubles STALIN MOVING TOWARD COLLISIONS WITH PEAS.
due to the failure of the man especially sea routes, have being it right.
the tax hitherto paid by collect ANTS agement to introduce Stakhan come indispensable to Stalin workers and peasants to buy arms from America in their ive farmers whose income is ovist methods in the plants, above all to meet his obligafight against Franco. But the President who, like all capi 2, 000 rubles a year. Those It remains to be seen wheth plants, mills and mines. This tions to Hitler. The Baltic is talists, wanted to see.
showed that in any matter of importance it is the wish of three, four. five and even six the desired results. Whatever to sharp resistance by the work the fate of Esthonia and other times the previous amount. its effects, it can only act as a ers to the labor laws and their border countries with qutlets to the capitalists, the landlords, and the bankers which decides, Furthermore, the tax falls stop cap. More and more grain enforcement. These laws have the Baltic becomes bound up and not the wishes of the large majority of the people. most heavily on income derived will be required. The vast army not stopped the enormous turn with the inextricable web of the from privately operated hold already mobilized by Stalin over of labor.
ings bureaucracy difficulties. An the accumulated The People Commissar of assault upon Estonia is indicatWhy Die for Capitalism!
handicraft enterprises, will drain and all other income derived grain reserves and place an ad Heavy Machine Industry admited by the traffic emergency.
outside the collectives. Prav. ditional strain on agriculture. ted that his particular branch (Continued from Page 1)
More and more, white workers are beginning to say the LaGuardia fraud of paying da, August 28. Stalin has no other measures was practically crippled by It may well be asked: How and support Wall Street war, Wall Street 326, 000, 000 for subthings like this.
WHY THE LEGISLATION than administrative ones to re this turnover. From January much of a load can Stalin place they court disaster.
ways already owned by the city. On the most burning issue These capitalists keep babbling about this democracy.
ly upon for obtaining the food to May of the current year. on the shoulders of the Russian Subway Scandal AT THIS TIME They say that if war comes have to go and die for my Whereas the tax on collect stutts for the cities, for the Red States Commissar Malyshev, masses in order to fulfill his or the day war they are as party that is a working ives grades from to 13. Army and for Hitler. We can the enterprises in our commis pledges to his latest imperialist silent as if their tongues had class party would espouse any country. But have no country to die for. The only part of been glued by direct bribery cleaning up this outrageous this country that is certainly mine is the it. by it.
which of the total, all income from therefore forecast with certain sariat forster Beste acto marmiso aliy, Nazi Germany.
harsh administrative measures August 24. At the very outbreak of the from Wall Street.
will enclose me when am dead. Morgan, DuPont Roal other sources is subject to 11 ly not only that increasingly workers a month. Izvestya, 25 tax, and in some cases it will be applied but also that WAR INCREASES war, the Stalin regime finds it They have not even decided More than a month ago the is as high as 30.
self in a blind alley. From ev. to take up the cudgels against Socialist Workers Party defeller, Ford, the owners of big factories, the owners of big If am not mistaken, it is the the Stalin regime is moving to CONFLICT IN INDUSTRY ery standpoint it is the weakest one of the most scandalous nounced this subway fraud in firms, the great landlords in the South, all these people have sharpest legislation enacted ag wards a head on collision with The army mobilization is not and most unstable regime in frauds perpetrated by any po the following unequivocal lan. some of the country. They have something to die for. But ainst the peasantry since the going to improve the condi the world today.
what have got for which must shed my blood? days of enforced collectiviza Will Stalin perhaps be able to tion Legislation of this nature lean on the proletariat? It is On top of food profiteering by the Wall Street war mongers. am a working man. During the last ten years somewill hardly meet with the ap noteworthy that in recent days these same sharks have now times ten million, sometimes 20 million of us have been proval of the peasants, and there has been no mention in concocted a gigantic fraud by unemployed. When you add our dependents to this number, Stalin knows it. Why then the the official press of the strinlaw?
gent labor laws passed last De which they hope to raise the five cent subway fare to the it means that thirty or forty million people have been living Is it because the kulak dan cember. The Pravda no longer profit of Wall Street and at the in misery and starvation for ten years. When will this crisis ger is abroad again? It is un speaks of the need of enforcing questionable that this danger them in order to bolster up in expense of the people.
stop? This continuous crisis, this poverty, is not necessary. LaGuardia has agreed to exists. But even though the dustrial production, as was the pay Wall Street 326, 000, 000 for There is food enough for everyone. And the factories, if term kulak and speculator case a few months ago. Early the subways which are already Disgusted with the reaction New Masses for reasonable ex those Goddamn they worked, could supply clothes enough for everyone. has reappeared in the Soviet this year, the lag in production was explained above all by the ary role of Stalinism, a group of planations. But the unjustifiable traitors. When asked if he Trotskyite city owned property!
And the building trade could build enough houses for ev.
laxity of Communist Party members in cannot be justified. All the so had ever read Trotsky, he said Against Wall Street the laws.
in enforcing these eryone to live decently. But, no. This system under which The Socialist Workers ParFulton County, New York, last phisms. for refuse to call No! Another rock ribbed Stalwe live cannot employ the people and cannot use the great ty demands that the IRT and proved. Just the contrary. If in We print below a statement to Co. appeared to us very shallow by name and remarked that he lines be turned over to the city Not that production has im. week resigned from the Party. them arguments of Browder inist even mentioned a comrade the subway and elevated factories, the mines, and all the means of production which 1938 the output lagged some us by a spokesman for the and funny.
ed with 1937, the production for We wish to utilize the Socialist Questions Not Answered the time comes as he had been without paying one more cent viously bankrupt. If it were not bankrupt, if it could work the first months in the cur. Appeal with the hope that we cuss the pact. An important two Trotskyites in Spain. meeting was called to dis. responsible for the shooting of to the Wall Street sharks who have already bled HUNDREDS anymore, you would not have these millions of idle men on rent year has lagged almost as may reach some Communist leader from New York happen Understand Trials OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS the one hand, and on the other this vast amount of idle capmuch behind the plan. Party members with our mes en to be in Gloversville toen. From that moment we were ed systems. Only in this way out of these subway and elevatital. What the devil is the use of this democracy if it has The failure to accomplish the sage.
plan for 1939 is openly admitalways a quarter and sometimes one third of the population ted. One week prior to the con sioned me to write this letter little democracy left in the Par it must be destroyed. Special to the Socialist Appeal)
Among those who commis Believing that there was still a diately it dawned upon us that can the five cent fare be guarTOLEDO In the face of constarving are the Educational Director ty we asked embarrassing ques We had not been working to EXPROPRIATE THE SUBtinuing WPA cuts, Toledo un Before die for my country, must have a country to employed face the prospect of and the Membership Director of tions, which were never an bring about such fascist philos. WAYS! KEEP THE FIVE the Communist Party Branch of swered instead we were told to ophy of ignorant hatred, which CENT FARE!
live for. am not a coward. am prepared to fight for my being cut off from all relief.
JUDAS GOAT Fulton County, was the have faith in the leadership of is Stalinism, the very antithesis Does the silence of the leadcountry, but it is not Hitler or Muusolini who have this on Friday, September 15, ordi Of course, there Organizer of the Branch and the our wise Stalin, Molotov of socialist freedom ers of the American Labor Parcountry in which live. know well enough the people who ed. No orders have been filled.
those who counsel us to sit Literature Agent. These are Co. and be satisfied with the So we began to see things in ty indicate that they are in faidly in the stupefying sun of have it and who mismanage it in such a way that one small The only food available for 16. our complacency while the acknowledged as being the some of us, too sincere for our realize what cruel frame ups people who only yesterday were past record of our leaders. a different light. We began to vor of raising subway fares. One thing is absolutely clear, section of the population is rolling in wealth while most of 487 persons is flour, corn meal and navy beans supplied by the Nazi armies, fed by Russian backbone of the movement here, own good, would not be satis must have been those infamous and that is the necessity of asthe others can barely live on what they carn and still anUS surplus commodities. In adresources, overrun London people who gave most of their fied with that. Immediately the trials, in which the majority of suring the appearance on the other section earns nothing at all, and has to spend many dition 1, 200 families face the and Paris. Those who de spare time to the Party, expos scene changed. We were told the leaders who brought about ballot of a 100 per cent antinounce America possible led themselves and built patient Ithat we had become the victims the Russian Revolution were war party, a party that will hours hanging around relief bureaus begging for a few danger of eviction.
y of. cents. If anybody is prepared to fight, to put an end to this Meeting in special session, the City Council voted to approEarl Browder, Frits Kuhn reactionaries had to acknowl fascist enemies of the workers, fors, Trotskylte vipers, snakes, ery attempt of the Wall Street edge and deal with.
the Trotskyites.
sharks to gouge the public.
state of affairs, am ready to go along with them and shed priate state funds for current and the Trotskyists. grant that the problem which The Chairman who had told The defeat of the heroic Span. We are pledged to fight war my blood for that. But why the devil should go to fight so cases. But this money will last faces the American people is Then the Soviet German non me, the Organizer, time and ish workers, the miserable fail and fascism without quarter.
that Roosevelt and the capitalists should dominate Latin at most weeks. And despite not an easy one. siin the aggression pact was signed. time again that would some ure of the Front Populaire In We intend to launch that fight This pact came as a thunder day become another Lenin or France, had always worrie if elected with a struggle to lop America or China and make still more money for themers no new cases will be added question may almost be reduced to a formula: While bolt to some of us, as a revela Stalin and that he would trust now we see the reason off the siphon with which Wall selves? That is their capitalist war. This is not my war. to the rolls.
The city fathers hope against the things we are asked to tion and confirmation of doubts me even with his life, looked at Studying Trotskyism Street has been draining the me in such a way shall not In the next meeting, Sept 13, profits from the subway sysFor a Workers War hope that the war will relleve defend are far from perfect, to others of us.
them of their responsibility. But that which we are called up: As the awful meaning of the forget, then looked at the other we, a sizeable minority, handed em since 1894.
It is white workers today, not Negroes, who say all this. whatever new employment is on to attack is well worth at pact began to seep into our questioners and said significant in our books and resigned. We An end to imperialist war!
minds and hearts, we became ly that he was waiting eagerly were told we cannot resign, that Break Wall Street stranglegained by the shedding of the For instance, the Socialist Workers Party members, most Harrison, in the New Leader, confused. Eagerly we read and for the day of the Revolution we must be expelled. We left hold on public utilities!
blood of European workers, it of whom are white, for years have said as follows: The cannot begin to solve the probSept. 9, 1939.
re read the Daily Worker, the when he could himself shoot and the meeting continued. As soon as we left immediate precapitalists talk about democracy. In Germany there was this lem.
cautions were decided on to SEAMEN TIE UP same democracy, and as soon as the capitalists found that protect the headquarters from SHIPS IN PARTS the workers were mobilizing to put an end to the injustices and misery, and leads the workers every few years into the skyltes! The Chairman declared ALL OVER WORLD and crimes of capitalism, they subsidized Hitler, that gangself destruction of imperialist war.
we would soon join a fascistic ster, they destroyed democracy, and installed fascism in its Series of FOUR Friday Night Lectures group town known as The place. They did the same thing in Italy. They did the same Side by Side with the White Worker Patriots. comrade told this to us. Seamen strikes for war thing in Spain. We know these fellows here well enough Now, this is what a certain number of workers are saying FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 29 8:30 Such is the result of Stalinist bonuses and insurance conto know that all the time they are talking about democracy and what still more are thinking, though they are not very The First Imperialist Slaughter. 1914 1918 education. In Fulton County, tinued to spread throughout they are thinking of all the property which they own. And clear about it. And the vast majority of Negroes in this Its Causes and Consequences thousands of miles away from the world, according to press Moscow, the same miserable reports. Three liners were as soon as ever they feel that their property is in danger country who have still less cause than these whites to love and degrading spectacle of hat tied up in Holland because they are going to subsidize their fascist bands and treat me democracy, should realize clearly that their allies are not FRIDAY, OCTOBER 8:30 red and mud slinging against operators failed to concede no better than the workers in Germany, Italy, and Spain. So only the oppressed Negroes and the oppressed colonial peo The Aftermath The Versailles Treaty idealistic young people who for these demands. American, that shall oppose this war of theirs as best can, and when Irish, British sailors already ples, but these white workers who are as fed up with capitalmerly were so much trusted by The Peace Which Prepared the New War their Party comrades.
have participated in such get the chance shall abolish this unjust bankrupt system ist democracy as any Negro is.
We knew very little of Trotswalk outs and change things. My war is a war to help the workers and The white workers joined up with the Negroes to fight in FRIDAY, OCTOBER 13 8:30 kyism. So we decided that it was about time to investigate.
farmers of this country take it over from those who have it the Some in the are still prejudiced. Prejudice The Advance of Fascism We are doing this. In the mean CANADA ARRESTS Our enemy is not in foreign countries but is here in this does not end in a day, bu Negroes in the union know how Causes Underlying the Triumphs of Hitler and Mussolini time we are calling upon all sincere comrades who are workvery country. And to my fellow workers in Germany, in much better things are for them now that the is enWAR OPPONENT ing so hard in the Communist Italy, in Britain, in Japan, in China, we say this: We have rolling both whites and Negroes without discrimination.
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 20 8:30 Party to think seriously and ask no enmity against you. You don want to shoot me and But the fight against war is a hundred times as serious as The World in Flames Again themselves this question: What (Special to the Socialist Appeal)
don want to shoot you. am going to try to change this the fight that was fought by the workers, and in this are we giving our time and enTORONTO, Sept. 21. The Real Meaning of the Present War ergy for? Is it to bring about a Frank Watson, Canadian anbankrupt system in my country and recommend to you to fight Negroes and whites will work together more closely socialist republic where all the ti war militant, was arrested do the same.
and with more real equality than ever before. That is the SPEAKER: people can live decently and earlier this week following a free, or are we actually helping street corner speech made Many years ago Karl Marx, the great leader and teacher lesson of history. In his determination not to be bamboozled JAMES CANNON, National Secy.
to bring about a fascist. like denouncing Canada partie.
of the workers, said Workers of the world, unite! That is into a war for democracy the Negro will find many true and IRVING PLAZA, Irving Place at 15th Street dictatorship of lies, hatred and ipation in the imperialist firm allies among the whites far more than he dreams of.
the only doctrine for the workers. We have to unite today ignorance?
Individual lectures: 250 war. Legal defense has been Subscription for series: 750 Fraternally yours, secured in his behall.
to destroy this system which causes so much unemployment Continued in Next Issue FRED KELLER JOBLESS IN are now available. The system, this capitalist system, is ob TOLEDO FACE STARVATION are Thunderbolt War. What For?