DemocracyGermanyHitlerImperialismImperialist WarLeninNazismSocialismSocialist PartyStalinStalinismStrikeWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorld War

SOCIALIST APPEAL TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1939 War Entry Big Business Knows Roosevelt Prepares (Continued from Page What happens to business even in part dependent upon The Business Man Must Not Keep His Eyes Closed Until whole that its executive arm in Washington, was pre to save democracy from the madman Hitler, not a war for foreign export?
the Declares War.
pared and that now it was merely a question of time.
any kind of ideal just a merciless butchery for profit. And it What happens to business using imported materials: That is, don be deluded by any statements issued for prop. Cold Logic of Business hammers home to every member of the capitalist class that the What happens to security values on exchanges which aganda purposes that the Roosevelt government wants or in Next point in the explanation about the unfortunate and entrance of the United States in the war is close at hand. are shaken by crises as well as by dumped, frightened funds. tends to remain neutral. ostrich like error of not realizing what is happening, is What business adjustments will be made necessary by Among the most unfortunate business misconceptions is declared by the bulletin itself as most important of all that Expect only Short Interval the Neutrality Act when it is for the first time widely applied that the executive can remain oblivious of the need to adjust is, the juicy and delectable question of WAR ORDERS. 1) This war of nerves results in the same political and fe. What happens to every day prices when warring pow. his business to war until the United States is IN. 3) Command performance. Most important of all is the economie alliances as does the battlefield. Real neutrality, in ers really begin feeding civilian and military needs with Mobilization Already on Way presence of Section 120 of the National Defense Act, under face of this conflict, becomes less possible the longer it con American merchandise?
which the President in time of war or when war is imminent, tinues. Which means if war breaks abroad, a shorter interval Even the most humble house wife already knows the answer With the utmost clarity the analysis then underscores this and he is the one to decide when war is imminent, is empowof time will elapse until the drops its mantle of benevo to that last question. On the day Hitler marched into Poland warning to members of the capitalist class with a very con: ered, through the head of any Government department, to lent neutrality and replaces il by actual participation. prices immediately began to skyrocket at the expense of the crete explanation of the effect of today events and the place an order with any form for any product or material that There in cold italicised print is the declaration of Big Busi family pocketbook and to the high advantage of the vaults in ostrich like error of not understanding that war conditions may be necessary.
are about to envelope American industry: How different is this analysis presented by the leaders of ness BEFORE WAR BROKE OUT IN EUROPE, that Wall Street when it «lid break (regardless of who was labelled the aggres All Emphasis on War Preparation 1) The Plan for the MOBILIZATION OF AMERI the capitalist class to their membership from the propaganda sor. it would not be long until dough boys from the farms CAN INDUSTRY has not only been completed by the War they foist on the public through the daily press! None of the and factories of America began crossing the Atlantic in the Without pausing to answer the questions it has raised, ap and Navy Departments for years, but several phases of this fevered war slogans here! None of the clarion calls to battle for God and Country! Just the hot inside tip: Roosevelt will old fashioned way to fight for the profits of Wall Street, the main business at hand. What is the immediate perspective Despite the delicacy in phrasing what could be more clea: soon plunge the United States into wor, therefore PREPARE The second point announces the imminence of the then un for which the capitalist class must prepare and organize itself? than that emphasized declaration. MOBILIZATION. al FOR PROFITS.
European hostilities and raises questions which will immediately confront the individual capitalist when the shedThat is the message sent out confidentially by the Sixty. 3) Most important of all among the problems imposed ready in operation. ding of blood begins: by today headlines is the program for preparing American (2) The recent appointment of the WAR RESOURCES Families the Morgans, DuPonts, Mellons, Rockefellers, business and economic life for the possibility that America BOARD is the most dramatic hint to business that the coordi Girdlers to the class they head. 2)So long as the bloodless war rages, only the slightest will be drawn in.
nation of the nation economic resources is NOT merely aca(The second installment in this series of articles unexpected spark may be required to set off the fuse. And The bulletin then emphasizes with a pithy slogan the point demic study.
exposing the preparations among the capitalists once the fuse starts abroad, even with domestic neutrality. a which must be driven into the mind of every individual be In brief, before Hitler began bombing Poland, the top leadfor war will appear in the next issue of the host of business problems immediately arise. longing to the capitalist class. ers of Big Business were notifying the capitalist class as a Socialist Appeal. be worthwhile to repeat certain other elementary strategy for unionists in this period.
Progressives Make Important Gains at Form Picket Line Around State Conventon of Minnesota Pennsylvania Cigar Plant In the Labor Unions ANTI WAR RESOLUTION NEWARK SWP PRESSES ANTIWAR ACTIVITY DON MISS NIGHT IN HARLEM problems for old ones in the un ion movement. It adds new ones and intensifies the present problems. The rising price lev(Special to the Socialist Appeal) national, and the result was a el makes the wage question ALLENTOWN, Pa. Sept. 19 paper which stated that the more acute. The government Picket lines were again es. boss was willing to negotiate demands for war production will intensify the struggle over Large Votes Polled by Militants on Various tablished in front of the General some time in the future.
Cigar Co. when the 735 workers meeting was called and the hours of work, conditions of work and the speed up.
Issues Indicate Growing Strength who have been out on strike workers voted to accept the since August 18, voted on Satur bosses offer to negotiate and Of Progressive Forces in Labor Unions What to Do WHEREAS war brings death, suffering and misery to milday morning to remain out un return to work. After the vote By WIDICK lions of working people and profits to the employers, and til a contract is signed. was taken it was learned that Every present headache of a This action was a reversal of the boss had not even signed WHEREAS the present, war crisis has raised the prices of shop committeeman increases.
their previous vote, taken last the paper or stated when he Here is a choice bit of infor Before actual declaration of (Special to the Socialist Appeal) their own personal interests and mation that Attorney General war, the bosses will give in to delegates from AFL unions as movement of Minnesota. This DULUTH, Minn. Nearly 900 not in the interests of the labor WHEREAS William Green, President of the American Fed Thursday to return to work was going to carry on negotia (I Break Strikes) Frank Mur: serious pressure because the sembled in Duluth last week to cverwhelming vote to repeal eration of Labor, in his Labor Day address, expressed the while negotiations were being tions with the union.
conducted between the factory phy let slip a few days ago in prospect of additional profits is take part in the 57th state con was a thorough and unquestionsentiments of the workers of this country by taking a owner and the union, Local 91, the strikers took up the entire Last Saturday meeting of Washington too tempting to permit big vention of the Minnesota Federable victory for the militants stand against war, and Detective organizations set shutdowns.
WHEREAS the Railway Executives of the 21 railroad craft AFL, of the International Cigar question again. By an over.
whelming vote they decided to up by Industrial concerns to However, the bosses hope to ation of Labor, the largest ever whose attitude towards Stassen unlons have gone on record for a referendum of the people makers Union The union membership voted go back on the picket line until prevent sabotage would work end all the business of making number of victories were remains uncompromising.
BE IT RESOLVED that we, the Minnesota State Federation they felt that the bosses promto continue the strike because a written contract is signed.
Disc Polit of Labor, reaffirm the stand of the labor movement ises to negotiate their differ Union Demands of Investigatioa Mr. Murphy by the use of the federal machalked up by the left wing bloc The other high spot of the explained to a New York Times chinery to hogtie labor Among the demands of the against war, and ences in the near future union are closed shop contract, reporter.
The impartial labor boards resolutions adopted unanimous Executive Council of the state outstanding gains made were convention was the fight over the resolution introduced by the BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that we demand the adoption might mean sometime next grievance committees operatconsisting mainly of of a constitutional amendment that would take the waryear.
Employ Spies making power out of the hands of Congress and refer it ing in the plant, and one conal and business people are sup war: in support of the WP Federation, recommending an to a vote of the people.
Resent Expert tract to cover all the workers What does it mean? The fed. posed to settle all labor dis Strike Defense committees in amendment to the constitution Organization started in the in the shop.
Adopted by the Minnesota State Federation of eral government is enlisting the putes, backed by the US Army. Minneapolis and St. Paul; and banning endorsements of politifactory about three months ago. Today, with the picket line reservices of stool pigeons, com What new for the labor move a resolution passed by an over cal candidates by the state Labor in convention assembled at Duluth, Minwhen, workers who had been sumed, the determination to nesota, on September 13, 1939.
with the company from 10 to 15 hold out for victory is greater ganizations, to fight sabot boards. Direct negotiations bepeal of the stassen siave act. ed, but not until blow after blow years were fired to make room than ever. About 50 scabs who And what is sabotage to a the general slogan around which WPA strikers came towards the representative of the Electrical pealed from the decision of the tween unions and employers is the resolution supporting the had been struck at it for loyal scabs that were are working in the plant were Henry Schultz, International fused the request. Boscoe apwithout work when the General educated about 11 this mornPinkerton? Or a Tom Girdler this struggle can be carried close of the convention and was Cigar Co. closed its Detroit ing amid a shower of tomatoes, plant rather than pay union flour bags, and other missles.
union? Workers have had not a lists is always the sameGet the reported on by George Murk, Workers, made the outstanding chair. Onu un rising voter the alpe wages.
Traffic was tied up along Highlittle experience with this in the best possible union conditions chairman of the defense com speech in opposition, pointing peal was lost 395 to 186.
mittee, who held the complete action can the unions safeguard out that only through political Large Progressive Vote last few years. Sabotage con under any circumstances.
An efficiency expert by the way 22 where the plant is loAn undercurrent of sentiment name of Walton was brought in cated and about 2, 000 spectasists of being a good union man, attention of every delegate with fighting for rights and good conto the plant. He made the wo tors and sympathizers cheered his account of the work the de what they have won through ecmen blood boil by trying to the pickets on.
ditions within the plant.
fense committee had done. The onomic action. He called to against Olson and Lawson was mind the experiences of organ apparent among the delegates make a showgirl palace out of The federal government can the factory. Stout women were just jail every good union man that sent a thrill through every and warned that these things tent in the nomination of Robtold that they have to wear gir SPECIAL 95 who feels that, war or no war, one that all the defendants would be repeated if the workert Fitzsimmons for president.
NEWARK, Sept. 18. week dles. All women were told to FOR ONE WEEK ONLY workers have a right to fight very afternoon.
for just demands. That would had been released on bond that ers relaxed their political vigFitzsimmons represented un of anti war activity in which the use lipstick, powder, and rouge ilance.
Collected Works of LENIN be too crude. It would expose Vote on Stassen Act Lawson was the most vocitlon only two and one half years program of the party was car and orders went out to the tac(8 Volumes)
the war dictatorship too much.
The vote for repealing the erous defender of this proposal, old, the Minneapolis Gas Work red into every workingclass tory superintendent that he was Stassen act as against amend and for good reasons. Opposed ers, and although his nomina district of the city culminated not to hire any one who wears Frameups Ahead The Iskra Period (2 Vol. So the government must now nority report from the legislat Minnesota, Wishing to free him sanization beforehand, he still which over 200 workers heard Walton got under everyone Materialism and Empirioprepare the ground work for a Night in Harlem with ive committee was made by self from any restrictions that was able to poll 205 votes ag Comrade Max Shachtman at skin, and one young worker.
Louis Segati, called a meeting Criticism frameup. Sabotage by spies dancing and entertainment, ar Gene Larson of the Minneapolis might be placed on him by the ainst 518 cast for Olson. Lawson Kreuger Auditorium.
The anti war program of the of the factory workers. About becomes the theme song of the ranged for Saturday October 7iMilk Drivers. The minority po state Federation as a body, and was re elected with no opposte party won enthusiastic approv 250 came to the meeting and The Imperialist War BI. Once that is accepted, any at the Mimo Club, under the au sítion was upheld by speaker seizing upon the opportunity to ton al from the hundreds who were discussed ways and means The Revolution of 1917 (2 Vol. worker in the plant who respices of the National Negro after speaker, including Miles administer a severe blow to the the therverward steps taken as reached during the week by organizing.
mains a union militant is brand. Department, will be an affair Dunne and Ole Ogg, both from progressives in the Minnesota the convention were resolutions party propaganda. During the Fire Organizer Towards the Seizure of Power (2 Tol. ed a saboteur. He disrupts the committee in charge reports Minneapolis drivers unions, labor movement Lawson spoke adopted for a continuance of week three street rallies were The national defense. Company stool that no one will want to miss. The resounding vote to reject out with great heat against po public works programs and for held, attended by hundreds of his dismissal notice from the pigeons will hurl the charge. Special entertainment to be an the majority report and accept litical endorsements.
The FBI is going to work nounced later is being arranged the minority report left no doubt Following the discussion, a demnation of the WPA cut in workers in each case. Thous boss. One half hour later the LABOR BOOKSHOP 116 University Place Yet the United Rubber Work Wities use the National Negro act.
The proceeds from the affair as to the sentiment of the dele motion was made to refer the wages and lengthening of hours ands of anti war leaflets were entire plant walked out as one on the ac gates present on the Stassen resolution to the 1940 conven and for theorepeal of all obec the Soclalist Appeal and other solidarity with Segati. The 735 New York City ers of tion. In a rising vote. Add 25c for postage)
mention the latest union con Department, the printing and Significant in this vote was was lost. Following me motion tionable provisions in the 1940 literature were sold and distrib workers set up their picket a de public relief act: for a 30 hour uted.
lines. Nothing moved in or out vention held, went on record to distribution of an anti war man the fact that the majority re mand was made by ten or more work week with no reduction in novel feature of the party of the factory.
support the Roosevelt adminis. ifesto to the Negro people and port expressed the position of unions for a roll call vote and pay and for a ten billion dollar activities was the appearance The picket lines held firm Join the Socialist tration in its war moves! to aid in the publication and Robert Olson, president, and the motion was declared lost public works and housing pro of a horse drawn wagon carry throughout. Last week the boss distribution of the pamphlet George Lawson, secretary of 342 to 223.
Workers Party increase of unemployment ben war slogans. THIS IS NOT OUR Seniority Rights! Negro and War by the state Federation and all Chairman Bureaucratic our prediction of last May Johnson, nowe appearing in the to put the state federation on President Olson who chaired ment works program for Min. AGAINST WAR. be which was their supporters. The attempt efits from 16 to not less than 25 WAR! THIS IS WAR FOR The high handed methods of weeks: for a public improve BOSSES PROFITS! FIGHT that the question of seniority Socialist Appeal.
You Can Aid the Fight Against rights during war time would become a greater issue appar At Your Service sen Act instead of repealing the meetings were idisplayed wexs neapolis; and a condemnation driven all over the city advertising the various street meetently is being borne out by vaWar by Signing Nominating It is interesting to note that a ings and the mass meeting. This rious information coming to the THE APPEAL that Lawson and his buddies taken when, in true bureaucrat office.
POSTER SHOP ing along with Stassen in on the motion to refer but did ist delegates condemning Hiters and everywhere it went it have been an dstill are play. ic fashion, he took a yea vote resolution introduced by Stalin was seen by thousands of work.
Petitions for SWP Candidates Unions everywhere are beginnot take a no vote. It was obvi lerism and Nazi Germany was won favorable comment from ning to ask for the continuation cus to everyone present that, withdrawn at the last minute. those who saw it.
of seniority rights during war had the vote been completed, service. That is, if a workers is What Your Dollar Can Do All citizens resident in New York who sympathize with the motion to refer would have Many valuable party and YPtaken fro mthe plant for army carried by a real majority. ANNOUNCEMENTS SL contacts were made as well the campaign of the Socialist Workers Party to place a service, his seniority continues dollar puts a Socialist Appeal salesman on an im But even this was not as several ne wmembers.
candidate in the Bronx and one in Manhattan on the ballot as though he remained in the portant street corner for one day.
tent of Olson contemptuous as several new members.
for the Councilmanic Elections are asked to sign a nominWANTED ating petition immediately.
Five dollars permits free distribution of two hundred disregard for democratic pro BICYCLES to help build up Liebknecht Unit at its re Drop in at headquarters, 116 University Place, What is our attitude towards Socialist Appeals.
cedure. In a rising vote, the the Socialist Appeal newsthis demand? We can only reitcently renovated headquar or at the headquarters of the nearest branch to place your Ten dollars puts a full time field organizer to work for recommendation for the amend stand routes. Anyone willing ters at 1334 Wilkins Ave. Saerate what was published then.
ment was won by a slim margin name on a petition. If you have friends who are registerech one week in the anti war campaign.
to loan or donate a bicycle Now every unionist is in faof nine votes over the required turday night, Sept. 23. No ad.
should get in touch immedi.
voters top and who will sign the petition, bring them with mission. Dues 20c.
give a vor of seniority rights under all two thirds majority. And the ately with the Labor Book call upon them.
circumstances. What is disturbclamorous demand for a rollshop. 116 University Place. Minimum Guaranteed Anti War Campaign Committee ing is the calm acceptance of The circulation of a petition for signatures among your call vote by many more than the idea of conscription in war. Socialist Workers Party shopmates, if you are in a position to do so, will give the ten unions was denied! The THE GENERAL FUND RIDES Earnings. time.
116 University Place, convention became an uproar. AGAIN. Two solid hours of WANTED Men, Wom campaign a big boost.
Workers should never give up Dear Friends: Absolutely no obligation is entailed in signing. Without Almost every delegate was on uproarious, side splitting enand Students any commitment on your part, by signing a petition, you an inch of their rights under his feet calling for a roll call tertainment. Also How the to sell the Socialist Appeal as any conditions, if it is possible.
give the only anti war party in the United States a chance enclose. as a contribution to the anti war vote. So President Olson declar People can win in 1939 and part time job. Socialist ApFight for seniority rights in evwork of the Socialist Workers Party.
ed the convention adjourned for to fight against the second world war from the vantage the new tableau Get the peal now selling very fast on point of the ballot.
ent of conscription? Sure. The Rope, among other sketch the streets. One dollar a day Name.
best way to fight against it.
We need your help now as never before in placing our On Wednesday morning John es to be presented by the guaranteed. Possible to make however, is to fight against the anti war, anti fascist candidates on the ballot for the comBoscoe, president of the Min Newcomers will be inAddress much more. Apply all day conscription of labor.
ing election.
neapolis Central Labor Union, itiated into the at this from 12 o clock on at 116 While on this subject, might asked for a recount. Olson re session. Perpetrated by the University Pl. Abe Miller.
the ex the day.