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For an Anti War Vote, Put the SWP on the New York Ballot!
Socialist Appeal LET THE PEOPLE VOTE ON WAR Official Organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Section of the Fourth International TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1939 VOL. III, No. 73 3e a Copy ROOSEVELT MESSAGE SPEEDS WAR ENTRY The American Way PROFITS Secret Bulletin Proves Sixty Families Await War Declaration HATE WAR Road to War Decided Behind Locked Doors FD. U. MOBILIZES the economic conflict. a twentieth century type of MINNEAPOLIS INDICTMENTS Behind the Lines Stalin Invasion of Polish Ukraine (A Warning to Revolutionary Workers from other sources most revealing picture of the state of Roosevelt government is going to do to LaU. People Must Answer War Plans mind of Big Business towards the war probbor in the course of the War?
These and related questions will be dealt lem in the United States is contained in the Of Boss Politicians by Wresting Warwith in a series of articles on the Tax Respecial and confidential bulletin of the Tax search Institute confidential report, writMaking Power from Congress Research Institute of America, Inc. copy ten by Joseph Hansen, beginning in this isof which was obtained by the office of the sue of the Appeal.
Socialist Appeal.
The articles will quote extensively from What does Big Business think of the the thoroughgoing Institute bulletin. All emMasking his war aims and war actions beneath a cloak of Roosevelt pro war machine? What does Big phasis in quotations from the bulletin are pious demagogy, Roosevelt demanded from the Special SesBusiness think of its prospects in the com in the original unless otherwise indicated.
ing war? What does Big Business think the Ed.
sion of Congress immediate repeal of the Arms Embargo, in NEUTRALITY order to permit unrestricted flow of munitions from this counFREE TRADE try to the Anglo French coalition. The Roosevelt intervention Within a very short time the Roosevelt government will drop its mantle of benevolent in the war, already begun openly by the detention of the neutrality and plunge the United States into the World War now raging in Europe.
Bremen and the declaration that the United States will defend This is the inside tip that the top leaders of Big Business have sent out to all members of Canada, will thus be driven deeper, according to Roosevelt the Tax Research Institute of America, Inc. a confidential bulletin service set up by Wall plans, by the transformation of United States industry into Street to supply the overlords of American industry with straight information on subjects the armory of British and French imperialism.
of vital interest to the capitalist class.
In spite of the lengthy debates which may be expected in Dated August 30, a few days before the second World War started, the latest bulletin Congress, Roosevelt had taken care to sew up the decision in calls on all members of Big Business to make immediate preparations for the ENTRY OF THE UNITED STATES into the conflict and then proceeds to analyze the exact steps the advance. On the day preceding Roosevelt government will take in regimenting labor and in gearing American industry for BOSS PARTIES the Special Session, he had met in the White House with war production fourteen leaders of the na: FIFTY NEW SKIRT WAR IN Lion twelve of them the the bulletin, the world will remain at war (Big Business unchiefs of the Republican and that ELECTION Democratic parties in the Senwar frequently bloodless, always undeclared, but resulting in ate and House of Representathe same periodic face lifting of the world map as did the tives, plus Alfred Landon and old fashioned hostilities.
INCIDENT Frank Knox, who headed the 70328CE WAR FOR DEMOCRACY SWP Candidates Run Republican ticket in the 1936 The bulletin then continues this cold blooded analysis of the real nature of the war with a point by point explanation of On Clear Cut Stand campaign.
what the present war means to the capitalist class. Not a war Union Busting Jury Against War Behind Locked Doors (Continued on Page 3)
For two and a half hours Indicts Another 50 these fifteen political servants WPA Strikers NEW YORK CITY, Sept. 20 of the Sixty Families conferred Both the Republican and Demo behind locked doors. In keeping cratic parties are experiencing with the ideals of this demo (Special to the Socialist Appeal)
from the voting population to is leading the country, all presBy GEORGE STERN MINNEAPOLIS Fifty more their candidates, early returns ent were sworn to absolute secindictments against WPA workAN EDITORIAL in the New York election pri recy, and not one single word The Far Eastern front is now sion. Is Chow going to be in.
maries for the office of Council of the discussions was revealed a definitely active sector of the formed that the thin trickle of ers and union leaders were reman indicated yesterday.
second world war. Coming de Soviet aid to China will now turned this week by the federal Stalin invasion of the Polish Ukraine he who permits himself to forget this is no to the people. The schemes of The capitalist press inter the boss politicians will not velopments there will proceed cease? Is he going to receive stand jury in the latest union has let loose a flood of deceptive propaganda longer a revolutionist but a helpless tool and prets this apathy as due to the bear the light of day!
in closest relation to events on new orders for the Eighth Route busting move of the Roosevelt of different kinds from different camps.
the fronts of Europe, Army which will in effect retire administration.
victim of the class enemy.
blackening shadow of war, One indirect result of this From its seeming isolation it The cynical hirelings of the Kremlin hail The enlightened revolutionary worker Workerse Party. Max Shacht deduced from a sudden shift in the Socialist conference, however, may be after the signature of the Nazi. against the Japanese invasion! This development brought reSoviet pact, Japan has returned will the Chinese Communist doubled efforts on the part of the the invasion as an act of socialist liberaburns with hatred for Stalinism and all its man and George Lyman Paine. Roosevelt proposals. It had to partial and tentative collabo Party. already half strangled AFL WPA Defense Committee tion of the oppressed minorities of the inworks. But this attitude of the revolutionist declared today in a joint state been his intention to call not ration with the newly extended by the tortuous twists in its pol viet more donations from invaded regions. The equally cynical propahas nothing in common with the counterfeit ment. In part this is true. The merely for repcal of the empact meant that Russia would support to the peace party in freedom for the latest victims gandists of the democratic imperialists utiland to adequately defend all ize this military incident as the occasion for moral indignation currently directed against capitalist class of Wall Street trality legislation, in favor of be free to deal with a single. Chungking?
Stalin by the press of the democratic imper program of plunging the United a return to the traditional those arrested.
handed enemy the Far East All of these are now strong new sermons on the identity of the Soviet ialists and their liberal and social democratic driven away millions of workars This would have meants an end Word of the new Indictments have been entirely dispelled. possibilities, even though the came Wednesday along with Union with fascist Germany and for new satellites. The revolutionary attitude is in from their platform.
Russia has instead arranged a transition to such moves is like persistent and ominous reports incitements for a holy war of democracy truce quite satisfactory to Jap ly to go through a careful peri that there is a grouping within versus totalitarianism. Both these arguspired by entirely different considerations. An unequivocal and fighting trade and commercial relations We are against Stalin, not because he be war, at this time, however, an and has become directly in od of tentative reconnoitering. the jury that is out to get ments are hypocritical and fraudulent to the pets with the belligerent powers.
The conference evidently Consequently Stalin peace is just as tentative as the Stalin erai Drivers Union and the Min core. Both arguments are baited traps for the trayed the imperialist democracies their in would arouse the keenest in made clear to Roosevelt that, terests are of no concern to the workers but terest among the voters and in the face of the popular resispolicy has in quick succession Hitler bargain.
neapolis Building Trades Coun unwary, given the so ahead signals for because his entire course, including all his swing millions of voters sicken tance to involvement in the war in Poland and renewed war generally have created new and In any case, the developments cil, in China. The Japanese have serious difficulties for the chi(Continued on Page 3)
It behooves the revolutionary workers to diplomatic maneuvers with the imperialisted beltethe new blood bath into war, he would not be able to gº naturally taken up the cue. nese national cause. The road keep their heads and avoid both these traps, powers, the so called democratic no less than would sweep these rotten parent time. He therefore modi They have announced the open to Burma is still open and so Belgian Militarists especially the second. We say, especially the the fascist, is a systematic betrayal of the ties out of office in an unprece led his original purpose, and suggested that Congress substisecond, because in this country the chauvin Soviet Union and the workers and oppressed dented landslide.
ALP Silent on War tute for the embargo the 80ling Britain and France. Most China, but there is little chance Arrest Walt. Dauge ist pressure for entry into the war on the peoples of the world. It is important not to So far the leaders of the Am under which belligerent nations called cash and carry plan, significantly of all, the Japan and supplies will be flowing side of the allied imperialists of the so called mix these things up, not to be overwhelmed erican Labor Party, largest will for the time being be re ese army inspired press has be over them in any significant Walter Dauge, secretary of democratic camp is the real pressure, the by the noise of the democratic patriots and working class party in the field, quired to pay cash for munigun to assume a truculent tone quantities.
the Revolutionary Socialist real danger that must be consciously resisted join in their ballyhoo, so as not to turn up, have not yet seen fit to clarify tions, and to transport them in toward the United States, in up, their stand concerning the war. their own ships.
The situation leaves the prob Party of Belgium, section of sharp contrast at the critical moment, in the the previous at every turn. The slightest concession to the Fourth International, was wrong camp. If they defer making such a effort to smear milk and honey lem primarily in the hands of last week arrested by the the bourgeois democratic ideology would National Unity on the profoundly antagonistic the Roosevelt War Deal. For Belgian militarists for dis spell the collapse of revolutionary opposition To be sure, there is something utterly statement much longer, whethThe conference ended with a relations between the two coun American imperialism the main tributing anti war propaganmonstrous in the spectacle of the Red Army cause they intend to make a pledge from all hands Roose issues of the war still remain tries.
to the war and the doom of the party making da. Comrade Dauge is ambeing sent to liberate the Polish Ukrain. Continued on Page Continued on Page 1)
There are several straws in in the Pacific, cradle of the ong the best known and best such a concession ians and White Russians in collaboration the wind to attest to further great expansionist dreams of loved revolutionists in Belcoming changes in the set up. tomorrow. Wall Street has a with the military forces of Hitler. It is rehe The grotesque agitation of the American Gen. Juichi Terauchi, a former definite stake in the destruction elected Mayor by the work agents of Stalin, twisting and turning every Japanese war minister, was on of German imperialism and in ers of his village in the Bor.
day in accordance with the diplomatic and speak in the manner and tone of Goebbels his way to Germany on a spe the weakening of Anglo French inage district, which is noted After several weeks during which our party, youth organizaabout liberating the oppressed minorities tion and their sympathizers made the noblest and most for its many militant strike military maneuvers of Stalin, is a mere puff cial mission generally assumed imperialism. But its ultimate to be strengthening of Japanese war aims are also premised up.
and protecting blood brothers. They who generous efforts to maintain the Socialist Appeal three timescontact with the axis. When the on the establishment of undis. battles in the mines. His ex of wind in comparison with the veritable treme popularity among the hurricane of chauvinist incitement that is have massacred the flower of the revolution a week, we are returning to our regular publication frequency Stalin Hitler pact was signed puted American domination of Terauchi mission was cancell the Pacific. These aims will workers of the entire Borin being unloosed by the real masters of Amer in Russia; they who have sold the workers of twice a week.
age prompted his interned and he arrived in Italy as a bring it into collision with JapWe issued the three times a weekly with the aim of arousing ment. The Belgian war gov ica. He who forgets these proportions is lost.
and colonial peoples on the auction block to the minds of the widest labor circles we could reach with the plain tourist who announced he an and possibly even with Rus.
ernment, which fears the He who, in justified rage and hatred at the the highest bidder among the imperialists: Gravity of the world situation. We are proud of the revolutionwould not go to Germany. But sia if Russia remains part of revolutionary policy of the perfidies of Stalin, forgets that our main Terauchi has now gone on to the axis.
they who have robbed the national minorities ary spirit which accomplished it while others dragged along Fourth Internationalists and their routine vegetable existence.
That is why the fleet reBerlin. to meet German leaders.
of the Soviet Union of every right and, the spokesmen for that policy enemy is at home, that it is not the pitiful The financial difficulties created by the super effort to get Some equally significant jour mains based in the Pacific and hopes to crush the anti war American agents of Stalin and Hitler, but trampled them down in the blood and mud the Appeal out three times a week, are not removed now, as neying is being done by Chow that is why tiny dispatches re.
sentiment of the masses by the real masters of the country, the industrial they cannot liberate anybody and have no we return to the twice weekly. We look forward to the same En lai, one of Stalin principal porting the regular ferrying of repressive measures. They generous aid in maintaining the Socialist Appeal in the future acolytes in China. Chow left great American navy bombers and financial overlords, who are beating the such intentions.
as we received in the past.
Changking for Moscow last to the Philippines are filled with will be proved to be wrong.
drums ever louder for a democratic war(Continued on Page 4)
week on an unannounced mis such fateful significance.
volting to hear the butchers of the Kremlin Back to the Twice Weekly