CapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismImperialist WarInvasionMarxismNazismNon-aggression PactSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeURSSViolenceWorkers PartyWorld War

SOCIALIST APPEAL WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1939 Pity the Poor Stalinist Flunky Their By James Burnham All other considerations apart, this is one hun. His Confusion Is Indeed Great, His Tasks By No Means a Simple One Government. being supMARTIN ABERN vance.
Its oficial spokesmen are out for a peace time Unions and the War war, not a war that workers can or should supSOCIALIST APPEAL port. It is a war between rival imperialisms for VOL. III, No. 72 Wednesday, September 20, 1939 world domination.
Published three times a week by the SOCIALIST APPEAL PUBLISHING ASSEN mocracies as well as to the fascist states.
Telephone: Algonquin But if that is the case(Published three times a week beginning Sept. 9)
Why did the French Communist Party memsign: 60 per year, 31. for six month cente per copy in Bubacrtptions: 12. 00 per year 00 for six months. For bers of the Chamber of Deputies vote unaniBy cents per copy in the United States concents per mously osupport the Daladier regime to suparmy lands in British Columbia, NOT ALONE Il foreign countries Single copians care: 50 for six mously to support the Daladier regime, to sup Massachusetts, one might say, taking over one Canadian prov.
The Communist Party of and begins marching eastward. IN HIS PLIGHT The Anglo French propaganda machine is daily Bronx and Manhattan If Frankfeld comparison has putting out usually under the dateline of neutral months: 00 for one year. Marcelo vote war credits?
is more to be pitied than cen ince after another, any sense at all, he would have capitais stories of mass discontent within Gerthe post office at New York, under the Act of The American Stalinists now say: Commu sured, if for no other reason plied meanwhile with food, min. to say in that case that the war many. We are told that there have been numerous 1679.
nists in all the belligerent countries are exposing aan named Philip Frankreld. by the United states, which al sides. That is what the Stalinstrikes, protest movements and desertions.
At the same time, British planes have been dropMAX WorMAN the imperialist and predatory character of the For those who know him, noth so signed a special trade pactists in this country at least have ping within Germany millions of leaflets which Associate EditorANUEL GARRETT war, they will vote against war credits.
ing need be added. Those who with Japan on the eve of the been saying (for the past few blame Hitler for the war and call upon the German FELIX MORROW do not will learn all they need war Why didn they do this in France?
days) about the war in Europe. people to get rid of Hitler and Hitlerism.
General Assistant Manager: to know from the statement in a couple of weeks, the Jap. Thus, Frankfeld is saying that Chamberlain efforts in this direction have been SHERMAN STANLEY Why did the British Communist Party mem which he issued for the Massa anese army has taken over the Soviet Union has been car notably supplemented by the British labor leaders.
ber of the House of Commons, William Gal chusetts Stalinists in explana. most of Canada. Thereupon, the rying on an imperialist war in who have been addressing messages and radio lagher, vote to support the Chamberlain governtion and justification of the United States mobilizes its or against Poland broadcasts, along similar lines, to the German FIGHT WITH THE SOCIALIST ment, the British declaration of war against Ger Stalin entered Poland, explains Roosevelt delivers a speech too much about Frankfeld. He. We people.
It is, of course, impossible to judge whether WORKERS PARTY FOR: many, and the war credits. Frankfeld, to guarantee the pointing out that there is no is not alone in his pitiable there is any truth in these stories of German inA job and a decent living for every worker.
Why did the Communist Party spokesman in security of the Soviet Union and longer a government of Canada plight. The fact is that the enternal dissension. We know that there are in Ger2. Open the idle factories operate them under the Aldermanic chamber of the city of Toronto, a people on ainst any threaten worthy of the name and that in tire stalinist leadership in this many many millions of workers and peasants who workers control.
nada, Stewart Smith, issue a leaflet a few What would we any case it always was a fascist country is in a state of transi have never been reconciled to Nazism.
Ameri regime which exploited and option, of shifting from an old and They have bowed down to it only because of terror and the Twenty Bullion dollar Federal publio works days ago, saying: At this grave hour, and my cans do an invading army of pressed the French, the Ukrain untenable position to a new but threat of terror, and because their means of oppo and housing program.
party, the Communist Party, stand for Poland Nezistor Capanese were smash lans, the Finns, the Jews and no less untenable position. It 15 sition their parties and independent unions have been smashed. At the same time, there are even Thirty thirty! 30 weekly minimum wageand for the implementing of pledges to that safeguard the security of the the United States Army enters being made and the new line more millions of peasants and many workers who 30 hour weekly maximum for all workers on country by France and Britain. say, for my all Jobs.
have, for a while at least, accepted Nazism, as a duty to enter Canada to protect Toronto to Montreal to Glace a lot of inane babbling, which last resort, with a kind of mystic and despairing Thirty dollar weekly old age and disability party, that the people of Canada owe it as a it from the invaders and to pro. Bay and plants the American simply doesn make any sense hope.
sacred duty to assist in stopping Hitler ad tect our frontiers flag up as far north as Baffin at all, should emanate from It is certain that the first group, in whose hearts Exprepriate the Sixty Familles. Any one who would be op Bay. The American Army Com Stalin lickspittles in the still live the traditions of Marxism, and a large An war funds to the unemployed, By the latest statement of the American Stalposed to such a policy would be mand cordially encounters the United States.
section of the second will one day break into open inists, the Communist Parties of England, Benedict Arnold. In fact, Prest ilton, and a joint statement is opposition and finally revolt against the Naul re2. people referendum on any and all wars.
gime. But the experiences of history make it unFrance and Canada at the very least stand dent Roosevelt has already tak issued by the two military No secret diplomacy.
likely that this is commencing to any extent so condemned as RECRUITING AGENTS OF en the necessary precautions to starts announcing that the Can10. An Independent Labor Party.
guarantee the national security adian government no longer ex soon. It will need to be stimulated by the everincreasing war hardships, growing casualty Lists IMPERIALIST BANDITS!
of the United States by extend ists, has no basis for existence, 11. Workers Defense Guards against vigilante ing the Monroe Doctrine to Can. and that the United States and military setbacks, and, above all, by signs of inand Fascist attacks.
ada. Times, Sept. 18. Japan are cooperating in the ternational support for a movement against the war 12. Poll social, politioal and economic equality IF THE COMPARISON joint enterprise of restoring law for the Negro people.
National Commander Van Antwerp of the Veterd order and normal economic HAD ANY VALIDITY The Effects of Treachery life in Canada.
ans of Foreign Wars, declares that we might as Now we do not put the United well accept the fact America will inevitably be What is most necessary of all to understand is States and the Soviet Union on IMPLIES CONDEMNATION By MARTIN HARVEY forced to take part when another world war gets that the effect of Chamberlain and particularly the same plane. But that is not OF SOVIET UNION WASHINGTON, DC. The under way. We know that force is our only deof the British labor leaders anti Hitler egite the point we want to argue here extent to which democracy and tion, far from hastening the process of revolt with fense against an invasion of our rights as a world or now. Let us for the moment. Such a development would liberty exist in the Democratic in Germany, is to strengthen Hitler. There is no Bernard Baruch, Wall Street spokesman, in power. Funny, but neither we nor any of our accept Frankfeld assumption, make it possible to compare the south was once again revealed paradox here: it could not be otherwise.
dustrial manager of the United States in the friends are aware of any rights as a world false though it is, and on its ba situation in Poland with the sit recently by the arrest of five power.
In the first place, this agitation, accompanying sis to examine the comparison uation in Canada as set forth Negro boys in Alexandria, Va. the military attacks on the German mass armies last world slaughter, and bosom companion of he makes between the present in Frankfeld hypothesis al across the Potomac from the assuming that President Roosevelt, thinks the United States situation in Poland and the byways and the economic blockade, enables Hitler to say Frank nation capital, for daring to to the German workers: You see, everyone is is seriously unprepared.
pothetical situation in Canada. feld original premises are val use the facilities of the only 11To make the comparison accu: cannot and do not accept.
an assumption which we brary in Alexandria.
against Germany and against you. This agitation.
rate and meaningful, this is The young men entered the is merely a trick whereby your enemies supplement their guns and their economic strangulation what the case would be Unwittingly. Frankfeld im library and asked to be given You have only me to rely upon, me and our tanited strength of 1, 000, 000 men for the Army. And The struggle against Roosevelt war plans is For some time the Japanese plies a condemnation of the So library cards. After being rewould be threatening to attack viet Union and in particular of fused by the librarian and askGerman strength. He says this, and under the circumstances it must appear to the German workers all that will be needed for this little item is a the fight for the defense of the very existence of Canada, claiming that they re the Staiinist regime which ed to leave, they removed to be the case.
special appropriation of 400, 000, 000 at the reg the trade unions.
quire more living space for would mean his everlasting dis books from the open shelves But when to the voice of Chamberlain is added ular session of Congress in January, if not soonIf the President succeeds in dragging the their population. The Stalinists grace in the if be made it and proceeded to read them at that of the British and French labor leaders, the Is this country and in Canada explicit. For the comparison he the tables in the building. This er. That is, 400, 000, 000 above the usual aninto the European conflict, the trade unions as German worker. even without prompting from would conduct a tremendous seeks to made would appear in threat to the peace of the Goebbels is compelled to reason to himself as folnuat appropriation of about 450, 000, 000 or free, democratic organizations of the workers campaign against the Japanese reality as follows: community was answered by lows: a little less than a billion dollars.
will be smashed.
If Japan. keen imperialist calling the police. When the Not only are the imperialist governments of Another billion dollars for war preparations!
All the steps for this dastardly purpose have of the defense of Poor Little rival of the United States, were boys still refused to leave they Britain and France united to crush Germany. am And like the billion for armaments passed at the been fully worked out in Washington. The In insist on Canada making a mil States would undoubtedly de disorderly conduct.
deserted also by my brothers and fellow workers in France and England. Instead last Congressional session, it will most surely dustrial Mobilization Plan will set up a dictator itary alliance with the United clare war against Japan and Assert Rights to overthrow the whole imperialist war system, my of joining with me States for her own protection march Canada against the be taken out of the hides of the workers and es ship the moment the enters the war. Under from Japan.
Nipponese fellow workers are willingly and eagerly fighting armies.
United Investigation of the case by for their own imperialist governments in order to pecially the unemployed in the country. And this scheme the democratic rights of the people, Suddenly, in the midst of ne States forces would cooperate the Emancipators, militant Negdefend the colonies and possessions of Britain and by the united effort of Rooseveltites and the Op bargaining and the right to strike, won through velt announces that the Ottawa Japanese, but with the Canadi. there was no organized senti again, like last time, it will be carried through and above allthe workers right of collective sotiations with Canada, Roose in the closest way not with the organization of Washington France. What hypocrisy when they tell me, by leaf let and radio, to overthrow Hitler but at the same diplomatic mission has been an army against the Japanese enly reactionary bloc of Republicans and Demo decades of militant actions and now legally rec sent back from Washington and and with the aim of restoring ment for use of the library by time support their own robber masters. Hitler is Negroes, there was a case bad enough, but sball give him up merely to be crats.
Now we have no objection whatsoever to par Ognized in the National Labor Relations Act. that a non aggression pact Canadian territorial sovereigo pending in the circuit court on has been signed between the ty (under Washington dom this very question. small come the slave of British and French plunderers?
will be smashed.
United States and Japan.
ticipation in war. Quite the contrary. But we are The President would be able to do this under few hours later, a Japanese by crushing the Yellow Perit. group of Negroes, growing im Stalin Does His Bit patient with the slowness of cavery particular about the war we support. In various powers. For example, he would have pitalist courts, determined up Such a reaction is deepened a hundred told by stead of billions of dollars spent to prepare the complete control over the allocation of the labor on a bold assertion of their the infamy of Stalin. The effect of the Stalin Hitler massacre of American workers and farmers so alliance on the consciousness of the German workforce of the country. All men between 18 and rights.
ers is the most terrible of all its consequences.
that Wall Street may be boss of the world at the 45 years of age will be registered for the armed statement on the case was submitted by Mrs. Albert In spite of everything, the Soviet Union had apend of the war, we are heartily in favor of. forces, subject to call for active service when peared to the German workers as their hope and Smoot, president of the Library war to smash poverty in the United States, needed.
Board which noted that after their great ally which would when the day came be at their side to aid in throwing Nazism from here and now.
If a strike breaks out, the President could take the present Ubrary was opened their backs.
in 1937 discussions were held war to smash unemployment in the United the leading militants out of industry and send with a number of prominent proofs that it is a broad alliance, they see Stalin With the signing of the pact and the subsequent States.
them into the army thus smashing the backbone (Continued from Page 1) Crews tied up the United colored citizens of Alexandria war against fascism and all fascist bands, of the strike. His power to draft any worker also lined up not with them against their tyrant but as the chief aid of that tyrant.
right here in this country.
engaged in production for direct military service seamen. The men are from the er, a freighter: the Iriquois. mnendation that the drive for a Jim Crow Bour will be a constant threat over the heads of the crew the United State war against slave dr inter which was taken over by the coloreda library obe temporary How to Help the German Workers American Trader.
bons in the North and the South, against open masses. And this is only one of the many weaDemands of the NMU mem Europe: the American Scantic acquire a colored boys club We see here the full measure of the crime of so shoppers, vigilantes, company gunmen and all pons he can use to break strikes, that is, destroy bers include a war risk insur Lines Scantates; the American and community center. cial patriotism. The soical patriots in England.
Interested mainly in forcing France and the United States are, in actuality, the other vermin.
the unions and the right of collective bargaining ance of 25, 000, bonuses of 250 Export Linies Excambion, and a month and a 40 per cent in the Black Diamond Lines down the educational standards main bulwarks of Hitler. war against the Sixty Families, the upper For what, after all, is left of a union and its crease in ships personnel Black Gull Board and the government did There is only one way in which we can help the crust multi millionaires who rule the social, eco right of collective bargaining if the workers Owners Stall Under the pressure of this of the Negroes, the Library German workers to overthrow Hitler and Hiuternomic and political life of 130, 000, 000 people.
ism: by refusing to support our own governments cannot strike to enforce their demands?
Continued ship owner stalling strike action, members of the not even consider the possibiliand their war, by carrying on our struggle against war against bankrupt capitalism and all its What are the unions doing to fight these in negotiations and finally a American Merchant Marine Inty of use of the library by Negthe enemy in our own country.
nat refusal to meet with an stitute decided to meet with a roes, a reasonable answer to an If we do this, then the German workers will modern horrors, including the warmongers and union busting schemes of Roosevelt?
MU committee brought direct union negotiating committee urgent need.
know that they have allies who are neither hypotheir wars.
Lewis and Green have both declared their op action on the ships. Monday, Originally, they were the militant action of the five That the war we are for, the war in which position to America involvement in the war.
scheduled to confer on Sept. 30. youths and the possibility of critical nor treacherous, who are fighting on the same side of the same war. They will take courage labor has everything to gain and nothing to lose. But so has Roosevelt. In 1916, Gompers also The question of war compen further action by the Emanclfrom the example of their fellow workers in other JUDAS GOAT sation will be the major point pators may result in at least spoke for the neutrality of this country. And lands, and Hitler demagogy will prove empty of discussion, according to a the first steps toward library and sterile.
so did Wilson. But by 1917 the same Gompers The Jewish God is pacifacilities for Negroes in Alexunion fist, but he commands you to andria Every word that a labor leader in this country joined the war council set up by Wilson as a Indications that other AmerThe difference between the social democrace fight in defense of your says in support of Roosevelt war machine and ican ships just returning from and ourselves seems to be that we are against all country. Rabbi Ephraim his war plans is worth an armored regiment to Europe will also be tied up uncapitalist wars and they re against au except the representative of labor.
Hitler. Every word and deed against Roosevelt Today, the chief demand of Lewis and the Levine, of London, as quoted AVAILABLE less the union demands were one they re supporting at the given moment.
in Time, Sept. 18, 1939.
war is a nail in Hitler coffin. is labor representation on the war polsettled were given by union of Do we wish to make this in reality the war to ficials icy boards of the government! In other words, end fascism? Then, for us, the answer is clear: There are still some copies of UNSER WORT, No. 97 98, Against Roosevelt and his war; for the internathey are asking that the union leaders be given available. Featured is poltional struggle of the workers of all nations to the same recognition that the leaders reWhat Your Dollar Can Do emic by Walter Held with destroy imperialism and build a world socialist ceived in 1917 1918. The recent convention of the Institute for Social Reorder. dollar puts a Socialist Appeal salesman on an im search, entitled: Critical The Stalinist party in the United States is in the United Rubber Workers of America went portant street corner for one day.
Theory Without Revolutionthe process of making one of its typical turns even further and adopted a resolution which Etiquette Note: Emily Post is asked: Is it prop Five dollars permits free distribution of two hundred ary Practice? There is an pledged support to the government in case of about face.
er for an employe to greet an employer first? For Socialist Appeals.
commentary excellent The Pact of the Three, by instance, should wait for him to speak first?
Ten dollars puts a full time field organizer to work for After years of pounding agitation about the war. which is of particular inAnd she answers: As a rule, wait for him to Here is a policy of planned suicide! Roosevelt one week in the anti war campaign.
noble democratic character of the coming war, speak, since he has rung for you to tell you someterest at this time in view of thing. If you so far as the so called Democratic powers are deliberately acts to plunge the country into the the predictions made which ou go to his office to tell him something, have since been confirmed.
you speak first. Especially when you ask for a concerned, it now issues a declaration in the war for imperialist conquests. Roosevelt is ready Anti War Campaign Committee The series of documents on name of its National Committee (Daily Worker, to impose a dictatorship over the American peoSocialist Workers Party the Spanish Revolution is 116 University Place, continued. The new issue.
When Charlie MoCarthy is informed by Kay Sept. 19) denouncing the war as the Second ple on Day.
Francis that wood in which worms bored holes is Imperialist War a point of view denounced The union leaders pledged to support Roosedealing with the outbreak of Dear Friends: more valuable than that which is bored by man wa. will appear shortly. Orin making antique furniture, he asks increduwith the greatest violence as Trotskyite Hit velt war drive are, wittingly or unwittingly, enclose der at once in writing from. as a contribution to the anti war conniving at the destruction of the labor movelerism only a few days ago lously: Do you mean to tell me that a man will work of the Socialist Workers Party.
LABOR BOOK SHOP This war, therefore, cannot be supported by ment in this country.
116 University Place work more cheaply than a worm?
Name But besides the union leaders there are the New York, the workers. It is not a war against fascism, not Says Scissorbiu Sam: My employer says that Address (12 coples 20)
we mustn allow labor organization to come to the a war protect small nations from aggression. union members. And the last word is and must be point where it is in Minneapons.
not a war with any of the character of a just theirs.
British Seamen Join Strike for War Bonus officia Arch Hypocrites on raise.