BourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarFascismFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismItalyMarxMarxismMussoliniNazismPrivate PropertySocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismTrotskyWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

Hitler Stalin Complete THE Partitioning of Poland, INSTRUMENT NEGRO QUESTION Japanese in New Drive WALL STREET ENGINEERS PRICE RISE WAR DEAL WORKERS FORUM MEN GO AFTER WAR OPPONENTS Troop shelters, not houses!
That the new slogan of Roosevelt PWA!
By DWIGHT MACDONALD By JOHNSON It launched by John II (Continued from Page 1)
Masses Not Informed Carmody, federal boss of The Negro and the War Councilmanic CandiWA, WPA, and the other Throughout eastern Europe, Social Consciousness in Steel It is not accidental that the works administrations, and VI in the Baltic and Balkan states, Soviet masses learned of the dates of SWP Pledge now an unofficial member of When Europe went to war in 1914, the American steel inthere was shivering apprehen troop movements hours after the Cabinet.
dustry lost no time in squeezing the last drop of profit from its Nevertheless, if even we are agreed on the necessity of sion over the application of the they had actually begun. These Fight on Profiteers On a visit to New York strategic situation. As Allied orders poured in, prices soared, Kremlin peace policy to actions have nothing in common Carmody said that Ameriprofits rose to unheard of figures. Even after the United States uniting the Negro masses against the war many American them. In Rome the wavering with the interests of the Rus can participation in the Eurentered the war, steel prices were maintained at prices high Negroes will say: agree with the Socļalist Workers Mussolini was obviously im sian people. They are concern opean war might revolution(Continued from Page 11 enough to ylold huge profits. After vainly appealing to the steel Party that the 15, 000, 000 Negroes in America have as pressed by the Nazi Soviet demed solely with the interests of ize the character of public bundreds of millions of dollars. nasters patriotism, the Wilson Administration was driven to their natural allies the 150, 000, 000 Negroes in the world onstration and by the seeming the oligarchy that rules the spending on capital projthey reaped in profits in the threaten nationalization.
This bluff, which every one knew the and the millions of Indians, Burmese, Ceylonese, etc. If western front. He still, however, ects.
last World War and they hope government had no intention of backing up, failed to move the But Carmody isn waiting to plunge the country into this steel industry. As Judge Gary, Its spokesman, coldly remarked Despite his act of war, Stalin an immense force acting made no move to burn any has proclaimed his continued for participation.
we all join together, that would new blood bath in order to re in March of 1918. Just as the Germans were getting their last Mr. Carmody said that peat that experience so lucra and most nearly successful break through under way: The on a world scale. It is true also that the imperialists are so bridges in any direction.
tive to their bank vaults.
hard pressed for men and forces that they are arming and the developments in Poland so tight on his new Polish domain cantonments for the shelter Warehouses Full ucurers must have reasonable profits in order to do their training these millions of colonials. But nevertheless we far, taken together with the so until Hitler hordes tear off an of troops would have to be built imemdiately. He point But Wall Street overlooks no uty. Profits first, then patriotism.
In the opening weeks of this war, we find an amazing reremain only 15, 000, 000 out of a population of some 130. vet: Japanese a truce, care pre rope of which he can claim a cranny from which to wringersal of this policy. Overnight, as German guns roared in Poled out that the government would have to widen highprofits no matter how flimsy and and German torpedoes sent British ships to the bottom, a 000, 000 people. The Africans in Africa, the Indians, in plan. But the partners to this share.
ways between procurement the pretext. That is why the buyers market in American steel changed into a sellers India will be concerned with their own struggles. We wish plan trust each other about as In both the military and diplo centers. cities like New prices of foodstuffs have taken market. Orders from Europe began to pour in for rails, for them well. But how can we here struggle against the vast much as crooked gamblers, matic sense, the Allied camp is York, Philadelphia and Bosa spectacular jump. This arti: pipe, for scrap fron, light steel, and a hundred other types of Stalin march into Poland is at the moment stymied and will tonto facilitate the transnumbers and the great power that are opposed to us.
not a march of liberation for consequently do as little as pos port of troops and the shipcriminal in view of the fact that non military steel products. The Neutrality Act forbids sale of It is a very good question, and the answer to it brings us the Ukrainians but a march for sible to aggravate their postmunitions, but every ton of rails exported to a belligerent counment of war materials.
there are enough reserves in try releases that much of its own productive capacity for munito the very heart of the matter. We shall have to examine the self protection of Stalin. tion. The next move, as usual. To what extent military the warehouses from Maine to on making. The reaction to this flood of export orders was Stalin dominated buffer state is Hitler and all signs point to would divert expenditures California to feed and clothe unexpected. On September 16, the Steel Corporation chief this very carefully. Whenever a problem like that faces us will fulfill the conditions of the the Rumanian frontier as the money from the present prothe entire nation for a long time subsidiary, Carnegie Illinois, announced that prices on light steel we should examine it in all its aspects, then examine similar Naz. Soviet understanding so next locale for the further de gram of highway construc to come even if all the factories for the last quarter of the year would be the same as they had situations in foreign countries, look back into our own his succinctly defined by Trotsky velopment of the Hitler Stalin tion, low ost housing projwere closed down and not an been in the third quarter. This policy of no price increases so tory, see where the circumstances are alike and where they when he had this combination peace offensive in Eastern ects, rural electrification and Europe.
other public enterprises Mr. But prices will not come far has been followed by the other major companies in publishdiffer, and then attempt a conclusion.
Carmody did not say.
down one cent so long as the ing their last quarter prices. And this is in spite not only of a Herald Tribune, Sept. 12)
working class does not organize rush of new business but also of a rapid rise in the prices of Lesson from History We can guess.
to bring them down. Housewives such raw materials as pig iron, spiegeleisen, and ferromangenmust The best example that we can start with is what happengroups in order to exercise Industrial Statesmanship organize neighborhood ese.
ed in America some 75 years ago, when the Negroes gained their power of boycott and to demonstrate at the grocery The Times, announcing this seven days wonder, com their freedom. If all the American whites were agreed upon ORIENT NOT SUFFICIENTLYpdictatorial methods at home to stores through which Wailments that while this policy reflects the known desires of the the fact that the Negroes should continue to be slaves, then DISCUSSED IN APPEAL crush opposition to greater exStreet puts its squeeze on the Administration in Washington and takes into account the nationploitation and conscription. If a worker dinner table.
wide fear of high prices, it is by no means popular with many the 4, 000, 000 Negroes of that time and their descendants Editor: The question of the Orient in military dictatorship were chosSignatures Needed steel men, particularly those of senior rank. It is not customwould have continued to be slaves until they died, for they relation to United States imper en, what better course could be Every worker must intensi ary in the steel business for the known desires of the Adminiswould never have been able to free themselves against the talist aims is an aspect of the followed than that already in(Speelal to the Soolallet Appeal)
fy his efforts to put the candi trations to be deferred to, nor have the steel barons in the past enormous odds that were arrayed against them. But all the current world war crisis which dicated by Roosevelt in declarMINNEAPOLIS Two Minne dates of the socialist Workers shown any concern over high prices quite the contrary. Why on the ballot. Only this excess of social consciousness?
whites were not united. There was a great division between total silence which the Socialist sencs of even seeing to it that out anti war literature in st. through militant political action tue unes explanation is as puzzling as the fact itself: The trialists, and the bankers of the North on the one hand, and the beginning of the German gency, that we were at war. ed by the police and closely paign powerful enough to bring tonal wage and price structure an. Was held to be a more in Polish crisis. We have repeated But this war would not be de questioned by Frank Murphy prices finally down to a level ortant arguments against an immediate price advance than the the slave owners of the South on the other. That was fierce quarrel that had been going on for many years, and dream must be one of world stake in Europe by aiding empies. The cops and the men lectur class family can afford. Only ortnight, allowing prospects for handsome profits after a long at last it reached a stage where it could only be settled by domination; this means (1) the tarily the bloc we have helped ed them, warning them against the Socialist Workers Party so erlod of lean earnings. The steel industry has given evireduction of our European riv economically, no, its main pur. rabble rousing.
far has clearly taken a positive lence of industrial statesmanship which is quite at variance with force of arms.
als to impotency and (2) an ex pose would be the creation of The boys, Hugh Reichard, It was this terrific quarrel that led to the Civil War. And tensive program for an even home conditions favorable for and Herbert Gardner, har 21, stand 100 per cent against the the traditions and experience of former periods of prosperity.
con war and the greed for profits It is clear that something much more potent than Industrial larger navy and a huge con the launching of long range ceived the idea of printing and which is back of the war.
Lincoln and the North found that they could not win their statesmanship must have induced the steel companies to tem script army for occupation program for the conquest of the distributing posters and stick Our liminary ampaign orarily forego handsome profits. This new policy is a parbattle against the South except by bringing the Negroes in.
Orient as a step to world domLincoln never intended at the beginning to free the Neg. George Stern, in his article in ination. The war in Europe are with the glosan. War is no naim the necessary number of ticularly dramatic illustration of the institutional nature of both roes. Yet all men who fight a battle and wish to win it seek the Appeal, September 9, said, would be merely a precondition Hedin Why not mind our own nominating signatures is going war and capitalism in the year 1989 The pressure on Britain in to such conquest for it would their allies where they can find them. So he enrolled the The pair said they did this cles placed into our path by Towards State Capitalism Negroes in the Northern army, and finally declared their the only comment on Japan ap would be fine pecasion for our opinton against the war in Eur street sucres Dected nye 11: and economic enterprise, requiring such staggerins capital in China has ceased. His was result in the utter exhaustion with the idea of arousing public sources connected with Wall War in our time seems to have become such a gigantic social emancipation from slavery. That is one of the great lessons of the Civil War. The division among the whites, and the United Press dispatches which own armaments expansion.
both prove the incorrectness of this perspective could mean and could see no reason for immediately launch a militant the grasp of even the most powerful private capitalist group or necessity for Lincoln to seek assistance from Negroes.
attention to the question in our United States much sooner than raid this country might be drag this criminal and completely acting, of course, as the agent, trustee, and executive committee this statement and justify more a declaration of War by the this country entrance into the campaign from the Vintage corporation. The problems raised by modern war, in neutral as European conflict, and were at point of the City Council against well as in belligerent countries, can only be met by the statoClass Stands Against Class press: World Telegram, September we are at present committed. sed in if we didn succeed in un warranted hoisting of of the bourgeoisie. Hence the lead taken by the Administration, rousing public opinion against prices.
Let us now look at what is happening in Europe at the. The Japanese government e. a development similar to it not Wall Street in arranging war credits for the Allies in this has asked Britain and France that of the last war entering country. And hence this renunciation on the part of the steel present day and during the last twenty five years. EveryThe New Deal FBI doesn to withdraw their army and to save our stake. Our stake is industry of its sacred right to charge all the traffic will bear one knows that a very bitter civil war has just taken place a renunciation of immediate, individual profits for the sake of naval forces from China fon much larger this time and be like the youth to oppose the in Spain. The Spanish workers and peasants were on one their own volition.
the greater security of the entire economic system.
side. The Spanish capitalists, the bankers, the great landThe Administration was the better able to persuade the steel Daily News, September considered as another possibili cast to the nation cops to stop This move might intensity ty, though not yet a probability, which he means anything that industry to follow its lead because the present head of the lords, and their followers were on the other side. It is true tension between Japan and the Walter Rourke tells the people about the war Steel Corporation is a very different sort of industrialist from that some Moors from Africa took part on the side of United States if it should rethe stubborn and individualistic Judge Gary. When the House of sult in attempts by Japan to FEW SUGGESTIONS FOR he is preparing and opposes the Morgan two years ago put at the head of the Steel Corporation Franco. But that has nothing to do with the fundamentals war.
take over foreign concessions OPEN AIR MEETINGS young Stettinius, son of former Morgan partner, it of the question. What we must note is that in Spain, where Editor: served notice that a new era was beginning. For Stettinius has no Negroes live, the workers and the peasants on the one In The Navy ordered the air. submit this suggestion for future, but let tthis comrade American masses for concur NRA days, and he has continued this cooperation. He was the class struggle present and (Continued from Page 1) worked closely with the Roosevelt Administration ever since hand, all the poor, fought very fiercely against the rich fia, Estensibly to held in the en At a regular hour, regular stick to his subject. confine rence in his war mongering inevitably chosen to head the War Resources Board recently owners of the country. Unfortunately the workers and forcement of Philippine neu street corner, regular night, himself within his time limit, plans.
up by the War Deal. In Stettinius, the Morgan man, the head peasants lost. Yet we see that in a country where all the trality. Unofficial observers have one comrade give a fif and be ready at his regular hour Will Act Quickly of the nation biggest industrial corporation, the White House population is of the same color the various classes can believed this step. coupied teen minute to half hour talk on (say 10 o clock when a crowd One of the main purposes of intimate, one aspect of the War Deal and right now the most fight desperately to decide which class shall be master. with the fact that the main the News of the Week, seen has been gathered. sales talk body of the American fleet ro from the viewpoint of the work for the Appeal could immedi the White House Conference is obvious aspect is symbolized.
to arrive at ways and means to But Stettinius is also symbolic of the changing nature of Let us take another example. The whole world has heard mained concentrated in Pacters. He would have to be well ately follow of how brutally the German fascists treat the German fic waters, was an indication prepared, be able to give a good Revolutionary greetings. Jamming through the war mak. American big business. As stock ownership has become more Chris Andrews ing legislation without too much and more widely scattered, the conception of ownership has workers. The fascists murder the workers leaders, throw that the United States stood Marxist interpretation of that discussion by opponents of it become increasingly vague. What Walter Rathenau wrote in ady to protect its traditional week news, and would have to and above all with such speed 1918 of the then more advanced German capitalist system, them into concentration camps, beat up the workers in the interests and policies in the stick to his subject the news of STRANGER THAN FICTION that the American masses shall now applicable to our own: The claims to ownership are substreets, cut their wages down, and treat them in the most Far East.
the week.
To the Socialist Appeal: have as little time as possible divided in such a fashion, and are so mobile, that the enterprise The Daily News followed this The great success of bour. One of the old San Francisco for making their vigorous pro assumes an independent life, as if it belonged to no one. It takes brutal manner. But no Negroes live in Germany. This is a up with an editorial on Septem geois news weeklies, newspaper Reds called up the Stalinist in tests heard. The carefully word an objective existence, such as in earlier days was embodied matter between whites and whites. The white capitalist class ber 11 demanding a naval and radio commentators, indi. ternational Bookshope the other ed Washington dispatches are only in church and state, in a municipal corporation, in the life is in mortal conflict with the white workers. Jews have blockade of Japan by Britain cates that such a regular feat day and asked: Have you peo themselves compelled to of a guild or religious order. The depersonalization of ownernothing to do with this at all. If there was not a single Jew in Germany, the leaders of the German workers would still to last until. Japan could attract many workers to Fascism, the Hope of the some indecision among the 534 from the possessor, leads to a point where the enterprise bebe in concentration camps, and the working class movement The perspective of a war with course, it would flop it it were man at the phone said. Way. constituencies which, all agree, character. Quoted in Berle and Means The Modern Corstamped upon.
poration and Private Property. and Russia as allies. means a advance, or not given by a well line a minute. Then he called The isolationists, so called, This development, of course, has not affected the social base The same thing has happened in Italy, where the worklong war, a considerable period informed comrade. Let the oth to a comrade in the next room precisely because they cannot of the bourgeoiste, which still remains in its control, through ers and poor peasants have had their leaders murdered and preparation. This prepara er speakers be espontaneous andey could be mature saying and do not want to set into mo ownership of the means of production. But it has had a great, more and wander all over the field of Hey, Bill, somebody on the tion the only real force that can and all too little realized, effect on the agencies through which their organizations destroyed by Mussolini and his fascists. tion would necessitate phone wants to know if we have put a decisive spoke in the im the bourgeoisie maintains its class rule. This is true above all in Let us take one final example: Russia in 1917. There the a new book entitled Fascism perialist war plans of Roosevelt the supreme crisis of war. American capitalism went into the workers and peasants fought the same civil war against the inate against them, yet we can take it as certain that the the Hope of the World, by Jo. and Co. the mass action of the last war with a laissez faire philosophy though already its econobles, the landlords, and the capitalists. Only in this case, same struggle which we have seen working itself out in the seph Stalin. The caller could American workers and farmers nomic foundations had been largely institutionalized. This war hear what other the Russian workers and peasants won. The land was various countries of Europe is taking place in America today. Sooner or later the workers and farmers of America Feplied, but the man on the effective fight against the Pres grown much closer together and the shock of war, the supreme divided among the peasants. The workers took over the phone came back and said, ident program.
crisis of any social system, bas already in the brief space of two factories and the workers government was established, who are now fighting against the landlords and capitalists Hello hello Why, nowe That can be done only by the weeks enormously hastened the process of fusion, as the overin unions, on the WPA, in struggles for better relief, will haven got that boyluyeth but united and militant action of the night replacement of the old reformist brain trusters with The Situation in America ultimately be driven to the same civil war that we have number, we will call you when organized movement of work Wall Street men in the top circles of the Administration draHere then it is clear that during the last few years, not to seen take place in country after country during the last 25 it comes in. The old Marxisters and farmers, demanding tho matically indicates.
years. Negro therefore who is looking at the political Vinced that anything can hap and an end to the secret diplo right fo a popular referendum mention other great examples in history, there have been developing terrific clashes in country after country where situation, not as it appears on the surface, but is seeing into pen these days.
EL BOOTH ment in its campaign to precipthe population is all of one color. In the case of Russia, the the realities of the struggle between the classes, can have workers and peasants won. In others they have definitely confidence in the future. He will realize that all white San Francisco itate the United States into a world slaughter aimed to lost, for the time being. In other countries, as in Great America is not solid. There is a tremendous division, a achieve control of the world by Britain and in France, this struggle, the continual struggle great split opening up. We can already see the signs of it Harlem Mass Meeting the Wall Street gang.
in a paper cover edition, at a price every reader of of the classes, goes on, although for the time being it is very clearly. And as this struggle approaches and then THE NEGRO AND WAR the Socialist Appeal can afford.
hidden by the war.
actually flares out into the inevitable civil war, REQUEST Add this valuable book to your library.
Wed. Sept. 27, p.
Now let us look at America of 1939 in the light of what can be certain that many white workers and farmers who Single copy. 00 at the All available copies of Vol.
Bundle of or more. 75 today are prejudiced will seek their assistance in the same we have just discussed. We saw that in America 75 years No. of this year Appeal SPEAKERS: Bundle of way that Lincoln did when he wanted Negro help. Negroes ago the division between sections of the white population in are needed for purposes of McKinney binding.
Cash must accompany orders. Join with your friends to America resulted in one side calling the Negroes to join and in the last Civil War made one great step forward and so Rueben Plaskett We would appreciate it in take advantage of the bargain bundle rates while this low in this coming civil war, the workers revolution, Negroes assist them in their struggle. Through this means the NegNathan Goula Appeal readers would send price limited edition lasts.
have a great chance to complete their long journey to full Stanley Jobes roes gained their emancipation. Although at the present in as many copies of this is.
ADMISSION FREE sue as they may have avail. time it may seem that all the whites, or at least most of able.
116 UNIVERSITY PLACE NEW YORK CITY them, are against the Negroes, oppress them, and discrim(Continued in Next Issue)