AnarchismBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismFranceGermanyGuerrillaIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarLeninMarxismRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismSubversiveTrotskyURSSUnited FrontVictor SergeWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

SOCIALIST APPEAL WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1939 THEIR BIT FARMER LABOR JUST DOING In the PARTY SILENT Labor ON WAR THREAT Unions Chinese Fourth Internationalists Mourn Loss of Comrade Lo Han. Loyal Soldier of the Revolution APPEAL ARMY. 12 2 1 Chicago 2 San Diego Deal.
TROTSKY ON THE NEGRO QUESTION WASHINGTON, Impatient with the slow prog ress the militarists are making in hog tying the AmeriThe thriving Lynn, Mass. 10 Several cities sent in one or can labor movement to the cal of the proceeding two additional subscriptions for war machine, the Stalinist quietly, but efficiently and en a total of 34 new subscribers in leadership of the Federation Old Style Minnesota ergetically with various activi the past week. New York City of Architects, Engineers.
ties, made another sharp ad Nikewise obtained five renewals, Signs Its Chemists and Technicians, By WANG Stalinist party. This society la Peking Normal University, who Sanice in the circulation of the and the total number of renew got a bright idea.
SHANGHAI, Aug Own Obituary President Lewis Alan Berne By WIDICK Communist League of China, branch of the Chinese Commu dollars for his release. This week increased its regular bun. To date, since the inception of and other union leaders held Chinese Section of the Fourth nist Party, was made possible by the cha dle quota from 50 to 100 copies the War Referendum campaiga a conference with Navy deInternational, is mourning the Sent to Moscow os which had descended on Pek and thus went several times ov. a total of 189 new subscriptions Another indication of the MINNEAPOLIS The Social partment officials on persondepth of the break between ist Workers Party has mainnel problems.
loss of one of its best and most Upon his return to China, ing. General Yen Hsi shan had er is quota of an increase of 20 and 55 renewals have been John Lewis, CIO chairman, tained since last November The maximum efficiency devoted comrades. valiant comrade Lo was sent by the fled from the city with his in the War Referendum Cam turned in. The figures to date are as follows: and President Roosevelt over election that the Farmer Labor of the Navy emergency loyal soldier of the proletarian Communist party to work in the troops and Marshal Chang paign.
Rochester, New York, ikeReboth domestic and foreign pol movement in Minnesota, in its program be reached onKuomintang army in Canton Hsueh liang had not yet taken revolution comrade Lo Han. and was head of one of the po over.
wise more than exceeded its Branch New newal icy was furnished last week at old form, could never be re ly if workers operate under word of whose untimely death utical Los Angeles the United Rubber Workers of vived. Between the Stalinists departments.
progressive personnel poliAfter when relased. comrade Lo quota of 15 by increasing its has just reached Shanghat.
San Francisco America convention.
Chiang Kal shek coup etat departed for Shanghai. That regular bundle order to 50 copand the right wingers the old cies, Berne explained.
Comrade Lo met his death in of March 20. 1926. he was ex. was in 1930. The movement of les, and besides has on several New Haven It was revealed in the speech Farmer Labor movement was Wash.
Chungking, the provisional cap, pelled from Canton and the the Chinese Left Opposition was occasions ordered extra quanmeaningless statement that ital, during a Japanese air raid palted sent himento Moscow the sust beginning to take definite cities for special sales.
12 president of Labor Noo Parti The Minneapolis municipal No American has the moral on June Kansas St. Paul, Minnesota, which an League, and Lewis hench election of 1939 could in no right to profiteer at the expense study the lessons of the Russian form. Four separate groupings Detroit man, on the 1940 elections. sense be termed a contest be of his fellow citizens.
Our deceased comrade was Revolution. In Moscow he en were preparing to unite in a has done splendid work in obSt. Paul 16 Oliver spoke of the need for tween the and the ReAnd that is what the Minne one of the forerunners of the rolled as a student in the Far single organization. Comrade taining new subscribers, has alLo took an active part in the so made another increase in its Baltimore a progressive president but publicans. Rather it was a sota Farmer Labor movement Chinese Communist Party and Eastern University St. Louis very pointedly did not mention struggle between the trade unhas to tell the people about the letarian revolutionist to the struggle in the communist par be was in poor health after At that time the internal unification movement although bundle order from 75 to 100 cop ies, representing a St. Louis Roosevelt name, although just lons acting concertedly as a la second World War!
crease of 50 per issue. The st.
Boston 1940 Deal before he talked the convention bor party, and a coalition of ReMinneapolis had endorsed Roosevelt for a publicans and Democrats.
Paul comrades are not sure reaching its climax. On the baThe leading story on the front earliest participants in the Bol of the Soviet Union was prison experiences, On May 1increase will be Newark third term!
Two Timid References. Fresno This incident exposed com Striking proof of our obituary lican Victory in 1940 Woutal which grew into the Chinese comrade Lo quickly discovered tion was born and Lo Han wased upon to make every effort Section of the Fourth Interna Toledo pletely the utter stupidity of on the Farmer Labor move. Mean Is Now Clear.
Cleveland Lewis realistic politics, Lew ment is provided by the Sep The recent relief bill need 45 years old when Japan air repository of revolutionary tra Central Committee. In the en NEW MEMBERS MEAN New York City is spent so much time placing tember Minnesota Leader tell you was the result of Akron the CIO behind Roosevelt in the (fittingly enough it is called the Tory victory in Congress. Pres raiders dropped the bomb which dition and action. He joined the suing years, the committee was MORE APPEAL SALES Opposition ranks nad conducted several times wrecked by poIn Newcastle, Pa. additions propaganda among the Chinese lice arrests and comrade Lo last six years that Lewis is now August Issue. ident Roosevelt, Heaven forbid, mangled his body to a pulp.
New Castle Of Peasant Family unable to shift the position of The ONLY reference to the was no place around. Indeed. native of Hunan province. writer of this article was one a fresh prison term. To help in a spurt in Socialist Appeal Communists in Moscow. The had many narrow escapes from to our movement have resulted Lynn be CIO easily. Even Phillip war is contained in two brief the session of Congress just Murray and Sidney Hillman editorials which are way to the ended was the result of a Tory comrade Lo was born into a of the many Chinese comrades maintain the organization and sales.
Texas Philadelphia. promising.
didn like his labor day right of editorials that can be Coalition staging revolt peasant family. His political ac who were inflenced by him. his own livelihood, he accepted the small, but Evansville speech. read in most of the boss papers against Roosevelt and the New tivity dates back to the years Heartily disliked by the stala Job in a porcelain factory as San Diego, Cal. Branch has in.
Calais immediately Besides. the con in the Middle West.
after the first inist bureaucrats, comrade Lo an engineer. By Chinese stand creased its bundle once again, Youngstown. Roosevelt vention endorsed The first editorial merely Just that crudely the tattered World War, when together with was sent back to China in 1927. ards this brought him a high this time from to 12 copies Pittsburgh mainly because of a rabble suggest to its readers that they bankrupts of the old Farmer many other poor but ambitious He carried onunderground most of it to finance the revolu Reading. Pa. reflecting insalary, and comrade Lo used regularly.
Hartford rousing speech by Michael Look before they leap to con Labor machine are making chinese youths he managed to work in Peking for one year Worcester Quill, Stalinist president of the clusions when reading their their deal with the Democrats travel to France.
was then arrested by order of tionary movement and to assist creased activity in that terriMiscellaneous Transport Workers Union, a papers. Becoming even more for the 1940 election.
In France, where he spent General Yen si shan, the comrades less fortunately situ tory, has increased its regular bundle order from to 10 and well in the distribution and sale Several cities have responded guest speaker at the sessions. militant and subversive, the Workers and farmers can three years, comrade Lo stu Shansi warlord who then ruled sted.
The chief opponent within the paragraph points out that hope for no progressive leader died engineering. The stirring the northern capital. For two When the Sino Japanese war now to 20 coples per issue: and of the tri weekly Socialist Ab co of a break with the Roose. American taxpayers are stay ship from the Minesota Lander events of the post war, years years to was confined in the broke out in August, 1937 al Anentowe cedvesyn Another peal, but the financial problema velt administration will be the paying a million dollars a day and the spineless opportunists drew him into politics. At first all of the City Garrison, Tor the Stalinsits and many Trot as each issueelves a bundle of of our Press has been accenta ated by the increased frequenay terday become his opponents of The second editorial, another is the Socialist Workers Party. not long before he gravitated in efforts to force him to recant the Kuomintang were released. SMALL BRANCHES BEST of issue. Several locals are con today. And Lewis is really go one paragraph filter, points out that fights against the boss war toward the Marxist movement. his revolutionary views, were One member of the Communist ON NEW SUBSCRIPTIONS siderably in arrears with their ing to pay for the way he allow that the wheat traders have and you can fight themwer He founded the Society for the the dotat ecomrade hice But he League the writerer tithese Loss the field of subscriptions bundle bills, and this is publie ed within the Cio. disrupting President Roosevelt approving. One War Monger, the hypocrite with chou En lai, Li Li san and bought out of jail by a pertained in a secret prison in Nan past week, New York, new either have their bundles eut all union after union, capturing ly in his righteous and wholly in the White House.
Tsai Hu sen, now leaders of the sonal friend, a professor at the king. Comrade Lo went to Nan subscriptions, but the small unor sent to them unless control of key unions, etc king and endeavored to secure its at Washington, and payments are forthcoming in my release. He approached Baltimore, Md. did the best by two or three days. These locals The expected removal of Elmer Andrews as Wages and General Yeh Chien ying of the mailing in four new subscrip: are being advised by private Hours Administrator to be re8th Route (former Red) Army. tions each.
placed by an army officer who was his personal friend for another blow at the CIO by many years. General Yeh at Rooseveit. It means enforce that time took a somewhat lib. SOCIALIST APPEAL NEW INTERNATIONA ment of the wages and hours In the Socialist Appeal of Sep pean capital, especially British Negroes, however small their fisht against this policy must skyists, and although he failed can be obtained at the Following Newsstands provisions.
John Lewis understands tember 15, we published an ar. and French capital, to raise number, filled with enthusiasm be taken up from various sides, to set me free a secured my too well that the New Deal hasticle by Johnson on the armed forces outside of Europe for the raising of the material and on various lines. One of the freedom some time later) he433 Clinton Sl: 257 Clinton St ROCHESTER, Meriam Building, Room 214 role of Negro soldiers in the ar so that capitalism may have and moral level of the great most important branches of proposed to comrade Lo that he become the War Deal. That is mies of the allied democra mobilized, armed and disciplinnass of Negroes, and at the this conflict consists in enlight should take the initiative in Cor. Cumberland Clinton Sta. Schroeders Book Shop Publie sa Cor. East Ave. Chestnut St. cor. Main Clinton Sts.
the way for a public break with cies. As a continuation of that ed African and Asiatic trcops same time mentally capable of ening the proletarian. conscious bringing about a united front cor. Muin South Ave.
Nick Wick st. and Counterce Roosevelt at the coming CIO article, we publish below let at its disposal, against the rev. crasping the identity of inter ness by awakening the feeling between the Communist party Main Street Ernst Clinton Ave.
SAN FRANCISCO ter written by Leon Trotsky to olutionary masses of Europe. ests and the destiny of the Ne of human dignity, and of rev. and the Communist League of Main Street Esthfront of Church st, bet. Chapel Center South Side of Market St.
208 Clinton North ar cumbrland MacDonald Is Booktorgreth St Emburendero newsstand dress of Lewis showed that he Negro poet who represented the use of colonial reserves for im masses of the whole wrold, and the black slaves of American On his own responsibility the hostrategy of revolutionary Negroes at the perialist armies is closely re in the first place with the des. capital. As stated above, this understood Roosevelt war deal. Yet Lew World Congress of the Commu lated to the question of Euro tiny of the European working work can only be carried out by comrade Lo accepted the pro Cart Brothers, 133 clinton Avo Golden Suster News on St CHICAGO, ILL is is caught in a terrible dilem nist International (1922. Mc pean revolution, that is, to the class self sacrificing and politically posal and travelled to Sian to Fitzgerald News Agency: 35 University of Chicago Bookstore.
negotiate with Mao Tse tung.
NeRay smoke shop, 1203 Butter The education of black prop educated revolutionary na for a labor bureaucrat from Kay had requested comrade fate of the European working This naive move naturally Harry Less Weddion St Room 11. 512 Valencia St. SWP)
Towrotksy to answer a few ques class.
which there is no escape, ex agandists is an exceedingly groes.
urgent and important revolu Needless to say, the work is used to discuss a united front.
Bookstore, 602 Haight (nr. miliore)
cept turning sharply to the left, tions regarding the struggle for emancipation of the Negro race. Cedar Cale Cigar Stand, 544. Larkin Educating the Cadres Cor. 67th Blackstone the present not to be carried on in a spirit The Communist Party had only and this is most improbable.
tionary task at Cor. 12th Kedgie LOS ANGELES, CALIH After spending 30 years as a Comrade Trotsky reply ap! There is no doubt whatev. juncture. New, 37 Monroe Ceshinsky Bookstore, 333 Broadway. Hoon 312 Labor bureaucrat, after support peared in the International er that the employment of the would then merely form a coun recently capitulated to Chiang 2730 Division st.
DIEGO, CALIP ing the first world war to make Press Correspondence, official backward colonial masses for Black and White Solldarity Univers News Co. 212 Broadway terpart of white chauvinism. Kal shek and Mao demanded BALTIMORE, MD, 1166 13 St.
the world safe for democracy, organ of the Communist Intereconomically and culturally e In North America the mat but in spirit of solidarity of that the Trotskyists capitulate Frigate Book Shop. 516 AKRON, OHIO after living the luxurious life of national, March 13, 1923 the world conflicts of imperial Iter is further complicated by all exploited without considera. to the Communist Party. Disil um Weisberg, 1113 Baltimore St North Howard St.
News Exchange, 61 Main St.
lusioned, comrade Lo returned ism, and still more in the class the abominable obtuseness and tion of color.
a Washington gentleman, and conflicts of Europe, is an ex caste presumption of the privilWhat forms of organization to Shanghai where he was sev Robert Zettlemeyer Hamiton St Next cor. Bartgoa Main St.
after preaching the glories of Paul Sherr, 7th Hamilton St.
American democracy to his Dear comrade McKay: ceedingly risky experiment. leged upper strata of the work are most suitable for the move. erely censured for engaging in 7th and Washington followers, Lewis can hardly be 12th, bet. way and Washington What are the practical from the standpoint of the bouring class itself, who refuse toinent among the American Ne. political negotiations without PFILADELPHIA, PA.
1806 North Franklin Andrew Williams Market expected suddenly to become a the authority of the League, France from employing black indeed the natives of all the col fighting comrades in the Ne say, as am insufficiently in Cor.
Stand, 14th and Fruitvale Ave 8th St. und Arch St.
Stand. 14th and Broadway The powerful pressure of the troops on the European contin onles, retain their conservatism groes, Gomper policy is found formed regarding the concrete Lo was in Hankow. There GenSOAKERTOWN, PA Stand: 20th and Washington Stand, 10th and Clay CIO rank and file which wants ent. this is your first question and mental rigidity only in so ed on the exploitation of such conditions and possibilities. But eral Yeh Ting, newly appointed no part of a foreign war. and The blacks themselves must far as they continue to live un despicable prejudices, and is at the forms of organization will commander of the New Fourth Front West Broad sta DETROIT, MICIL BOSTON, MASS, Socialist Appeal Cimb, 8513 Woodward Ave. Rooms the dangers to Lewis own posi offer resistance against being der their accustomed economic the present time the most er be found as soon as there is suf Army. controlled semi oto Tremont St. opp. Hotel tion in war time caused the La so employed. Their eyes must conditions. But when the hand fective guarantee for the suc ficient will to action.
guerrilla force, invited him to Cass Book Mart SEATTLE, WASHINGTON bor Day speech against med be opened so that they realize of capital. or even sooner, the cessful subjugation of white and With Communist greetings, conduct political work in the CAMBRIDGE, MASS.
Rymer Book Store, 905 3rd Ave.
that when they help French hand of militarism, tears them colored workers alike. The Trotsky army ranks. If not for the viodling in Europe.
Felix s, Massachusetts Ave. at Roth Cigar Store, 1407 First Ave lent opposition of Chou En lai, Harvard sa 4033 University Way But what does Lewis pro Imperialism to subjugate Eu mechanically from their accuscomrade Lo would have taken LYNN, MASS pose? break with Roosevelt? rope, they are helping to subjutomed environment, and forces NEWARK, Fine. But where will the CIO Fate themselves, in that they them to stake their lives for the or: this work.
Sam Corner, Olympia Square Chuck Bronton markets go?
are supporting the domination sake of new and complicated ROXBURY, MASS, Already Lewis has sent out of French capital in the African questions and conflicts (conOn Hunan Front Friendly Variety, Warren St. Grove Hall)
feeler to the effect that he and other colonies.
flicts between the bourgeoisie, conflicts between the classes of Foster Book Co. 110 Wash gton Blvd Since last summer, he was MINNEAPOLIS, MINN, was going to support Senator Laborinder Sixth Harguette The Book Nook, 21a Merumet.
with the Kuomintang army on Book Store, 919 Clayton Wheeler for president in 1940.
The Time for Action one and the same nation. then the Hunan front, working as an Kroman Fourth Nicollet deal with the Republicans. PATERSON, The working class of Europe their spiritual conservatism Gunbello Stationery Store engineer, constructing military 410 Washington Blvd.
317 Straight St.
What will that solve? How and particularly of France and gives way abruptly, and revolu(Continued froen Page 1)
British Fear Revolt fortifications. He proceeded to The Rock No. Serama Eckhart News Areney.
will war be stopped by that ma Germany, must realize that onary ideas find rapid access CLEVELAND, OHIO 104 Washington St.
Chungking on army business their own most vital interests to a consciousness thrown off before the British authorities. Opposition to Britain imper only a few days prior to the Rubin Drug Store NEW HAVEN, Conn.
neuver? Utterly futile!
1012 10505 Street (1) What were the war aims of inlist war will take on increas June air raid in which he lost Nodelman Newtand are involved in this work of en its balance.
It is up to the ranks of the lightening the colored race. The Therefore, it is of the ut the British government. 2) ingly bitter forms before long. his life.
ing Hamlet. The coming con the right of self determination diately, to have a number of en do about granting India its free eration scheme has already Hwa Jih Pao, Stalinist organ in CIO to force Lewis to quit play. day of general resloutions on most importance, today, imme What did the British intend to Imposition of the Indian Fed About a year ago, the Hsin vention can do a tremendous of the colonial peoples, on the lightened, young self sacrificing dom once the war had been been prevented, despite its ap Hankow, launched a violent at job towards slowing down the equality of all human beings reconcluded? Gandhi, in a speech proval by the British Parlia: tack on our comrades Chen Tu.
march war by demanding a gardless of color is over. The more timely than ever is the literature of the Socialist popular referendum on war. time has come for direct and OUT OCTOBER 15 alone in opposing this resolu India. The British fear more comrade Lo of being a spy for Workers Party for those who have left the Communist and by announcing its determin practical action. Every ten stion to run a labor candidate Negroes who gather around the tion. He wanted to give uncon than ever a mass revolt on the the Japanese, from whom they Party and for those who desire to understand the nature of (in Russian) ditional support to the British part of the Indian people. We said he received a monthly paythe present imperialist conflict.
for president in 1940.
flag of revolution, and unite to Lewis is incapable of solving form a group for practical work and ask for nothing. shall shortly see whether or not ment of 300. By his work in The following books and pamphlets should be obtained they intend to reveal their war even his own dilemnas.
as soon as possible from the among the Negroes, are worth Seek Bargain There is no doubt as to the and already they have been comrade aims. The war is two weeks old the army, by his entire life.
a hundred times more than dozLo disproved the LABOR BOOKSHOP ens of the resolutions establishNIGHT in HARLEM Jing principles, so generously BOOK ON aims of these nationalist lead placed on the spot by the peo shameless slanders of the Stalers. They are in a position to ple of their Empire.
116 University Place passed by the Second Internadrive a bargain which will benBy the death of comrade Lo, NEW YORK CITY Dancing tional. Communist Party conefit the small native. Indian the Chinese proletariat has lost Entertainment ANNOUNCEMENTS 250 fining itself to mere platonic Founding Conference of the Fourth International capitalist class whom they repa valiant fellow fighter, a stainRefreshments resolutions in this matter, withFascism and the American Scene resent. This is what they are less revolutionary warrior. His 100 out exerting its utmost energies This offer until Oct. Ist only seeking when they place their SWING YOUR GAL at the untimely death has made a gap By Dwight Macdonald Sat. Oct. 7, p.
10c towards winning the largest PRE PUBLICATION demands before the British Declaration of Principles of the Downtown Barn Dance, 51 in our ranks which it will be 100 Stalinism and Bolshevism by Leon Trotsky at the But at the same time these 7th st. Saturday, Sept. 23. hard to fill. In the hard battles 350 Negroes for its ideas, within PRICE for vol 00 men must bend every effort to Folk dancing. Rames Cos ahead we shall remember him. Whither France by Leon Trotsky Mimo Club 350 (POST PUBLICATION appease the angry discontent of His dauntless spirit will march Lessons of October by Leon Trotsky the shortest possible time, tumes optional.
100 In Defense of the Soviet Union by Leon Trotsky would not be worthy of the the Indian workers and peas.
with us to the great revolutionPRICE 00 Tickets: 50c Let the People Vote on War by James Burnham name of Communist Party.
ants whose last desire is to YOU ARE INVITED to join the ary victory.
On Sale At: There is no doubt whatevSend check or o. to: America Permanent Depression by Art Preis fight for their oppressors, the Labor Bookshop Circulating 150 British. This resolution is a diPeople Front by James Burnham er that the use of colored Library. Hundreds of titles. 116 University PI.
RUSSIAN OPPOSITION troops for imperialist war, and rect reflection of the opposition Latest novels, Marxian classFather Coughlin Fascist Demagogue BULLETIN and hostility to the war on the At Your Service Auspices: 050 By Joseph Hansen at the present time for the oclcs, books on Economics, His116 University Place 356 National Nerro Department, cupation of German territory, part of India 375, 000, 000 coloFrom Lenin to Stalin by Victor Serge.
tory, etc. Lowest rates in the POSTER SHOP Socialist Workers Party New York, nial slaves. And the last word is a well thought out and care.
SPECIAL War and the Fourth International oity! 15c per week. Join now. 050 fully executed attempt of Eurohas by no means been said. 116 University Place.